#putting my history degree to great use 💔
theotomeasexual · 5 months
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deep down, i truly believe that they did ikevamp mc dirty with her main outfit
when we could’ve had these beauties??? even if it’s not the 1880s (like i think it is) the 1890s and 70s are also great years for dresses 💔
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blkkizzat · 6 months
Indian reader is back here again AHSJDH I SWEAR THIS IS THE LAST ONE 🙏🙏🙏 honestly reading your post made me hungry send help
I am SO glad you enjoyed your trip here, I love it when people learn about each other's cultures it literally makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!!! I love how detailed your posts about the trip were and I really appreciate you sharing it with us <33
You knowing your tourist guide's whole story with the pharmacist to history lover is so real 😭 some people be having the wildest career paths especially the ones who've been at it for a long time and you somehow get to know their whole story in the span of 20 minutes
Personally I think summer in the US feels worse bc ceiling fans and all around ventilation isn't very common there from what I've seen and heard, while winters in India are worse for the most part since electrical heating and room temperature control isn't common here outside of the cities (inbuilt room temp control isn't a concept here at all currently, I've only ever seen it in hotels)
This was probably the best time for you to visit india cause peak summer temperatures haven't even started yet and you were already dying from the heat (me too dw)
And trust when I say you're not the only one struggling to cross the streets not all of us are built for this do or die type of shit 💔💔💔 (though I'll have to build up that confidence since you know. I live here. Don't exactly have a choice 🤡)
PS I'm going to be craving a restaurant thaali for the rest of the day bc of the pics
Omfg no please write me anytime!! <33
Awe thank you! I def love sharing my experiences! I love traveling and will def have to come back. I'm glad you enjoyed reading it cause i tend to ramble on about stuff! Yes! Another tour guide we had in Jaipur used to be a laywer. He was so knowledgeable too, he was with us all day and took us a few different places. It was fun learning about them. One thing I definitely took back from that and was inspired by was seeing people leaving "socially prominent" or high status jobs for something they loved. Seeing as I went as apart of my MBA program it was an unexpected but great reality check that sure we are all in this program to progress our careers but we really need to keep self-fulfillment and happiness in mind. Whats money or status if you are miserable? Like they had us eating out of the palm of their hand with how much passion they had for what they did and it really inspired me to find that in my own life!
Omfg yeah, it really depends on where you are. The sun feels a bit more intense in India because we were closer to the equator than in the US but the heat in India I experienced at 100 degrees F was a walk in the park compared to the time I stupidly went to las vegas in August and it was nearly 120 degrees F. Also where I live summers have been getting hotter and hotter so people arent equipped for heat waves. I've always had AC cause I have really furry dogs who need to stay cool though so thankfully ive been prepared. Also winters can be an issue here too, Texas been getting ice storms and blizzards in the past few years and as a hot area are completely unequipped. Even in places that are used to cold like NYC, when I lived there I moved into a new building paid a stupid high rent to live in a box that had central AC but was poorly insulated so I had to buy like the shiny foil insulating sheets to put over my window in the winter or I felt like the wind was passing right through.
Haha thankfully I was always in busy areas cause me and my friends when we werent with our guide would always just wait until we saw someone else who was clearly Indian cross the street and cross with them lmfao. We probably looked so stupid standing and waiting there lmfao but we never waited more than 5 mins thankfully LOL. Its funny cause looking back I've had friends here in the US scared to "jaywalk" with like one car coming thats practically crawling down the block and in India you have people boldly stopping speeding cars to cross LOL. I just imagine how funny we must look scared to cross with one car wayyyyyyy down the block coming, even I'm laughing at us.
I hope you get some resturant thaali soon! I'm definitely going to be craving it soon too. I know the next time I eat Indian food it ain't going to hit the same AT ALL lmfao.
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koishua · 2 years
why are you so good at writing, especially your vocabulary 😭😭 please tell me some writing tips and how to improve your vocab... and please do tell me your writing hourney tooヾ(≧▽≦*)o
watching english degreed youtubers and book channels, thesaurus, reading poems (mostly because of this one friend i have who used to be obsessed with writing poems herself haha). it’s way too flattering of you to send this ask in 😔 i wouldn’t consider myself the best with words in my works ;-; my only method really, literally, actually, genuinely, entirely relies on me going through a thesaurus and watching booktubers pfft.
my writing journey started more or less back when true beauty started airing just over a year ago and i was (still am) obsessed with han seojun and wanted him to have a happy ending with someone he deserved bc the writers screwed him over so bad in the drama <\3 so yeah, i had to take matters in my own two hands and then i started writing a series here for him and it was like 25k words oml that is still the longest thing i have ever written idk what i was on during those two weeks of speed writing, but i was grinding that’s for sure. anyhow, then i met a few kpoppies here who wrote for nct (a group i was crazy over at the time and still am smh) and the rest is history. i used to write fairly wordy fics (4k to 14k range mostly) but i guess i gradually lost that energy over time and now can only manage short bursts haha.
(sidenote, i used to have this small quotev account to write a bnha fic four years ago but i forgot about it after like three days rip 😭😭)
writing isn’t really my biggest passion though. it’s definitely something i enjoy doing, but i spend a considerably large amount of time doing other stuff i like 😔😔 i wish i had the motivation and love for it as much as some of my other writer moots do, but im not that gal unfortunately… which is a pain, because i have a ton of very juicy and great plots in my head that i just can’t put into full motion 💔
you’re very sweet, nonnie. thank you :(( im sorry i can’t be of much help, but i hope you have a great writing journey ahead of you if you plan on it!! have a beautiful day/night <3
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