#putting my keith respecter theory that ive been vaguely thinking about forever here
More listenings... a problem with this format and knowing whats ahead is I am very tempted to listen to things far up ahead...
for example I got through character intros and went straight to fero yelling in 22 brown birds... I'm thinking about fero very hard so far.
I think keith has been the mvp of palisade and like obvi everyone is a good player but keith has been great on a mechanical level also the whole time. And my pet theory is I think in-game, his characters suffer the most purely because keith is funny. And that works well for people socially irl but most in-game characters are humorless... its so sad.................. no one even wants to dance with him..................
I completely forgot about the fantasmo disappearing bit and also his fucking invisible "assistant".
The tower arc so far is so whimsical and austin is trying Really hard with the folly and everything and its very charming.
The door in the basement that hella couldn't open, did they come back to that in winter or spring. I vaguely remember her getting another chance at it
okay I just started aih03 the fact that Jack thought time.is was a bit this whole time so far is so funny
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