nevermindirah · 2 years
Matthias and Mila on the beach, 4/27/22
Video description: Instagram story in black and white with soft guitar melody and gentle ocean waves. Matthias is shirtless on his stomach in the sand cuddling Mila, a black puppy with white spots on her chest and paws. He kisses her sweet puppy face a bunch and pauses to grin up at the camera.
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nevermindirah · 4 years
Yesterday I casually wondered, is Andy older than domesticated dogs?
47 years of internet research later, turns out dogs are more than twice as old as Andy
I see Copley's heroism wall and raise you a collage of our elderly friends with some Good Dogs
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Since antiquity humans have bred dogs for stuff like herding, hunting, guard duty, war, pulling heavy stuff, and cuddles, but it wasn't until the Victorian era that we started to breed dogs just so they would look Like That. What a trip to watch that happen!
But also, imagine Quynh's face the first time she sees a Frenchie
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nevermindirah · 5 years
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To the person in front of me on the bus tonight who spent, like, a really long time looking at today’s Buzzfeed listicle of Chris Evans and Dodger: I SEE YOU AND YOU ARE VALID
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