Resorces and action plan
Name Felice Wesley-Martinez Period 4
Directions: Complete the questions below.
Action Plan: This is where you plan the details of the project. Be Specific!
·         What will be done?
I will write a story about the corruption of justice using fictional charaters.
·         Who will do it?
I will.
·         What sort of expenses/equipment will be involved in your project and how will you cover or obtain them?
Access to the internet.
·         What do you expect to learn from this project?
I expect to learn how to better myself as a writer.
·         How will you determine if you are making successful progress?
I will determine my progress by asking people to read it and viewing their feedback
Sources: You will need to find a book on your topic to guide your learning, interview an expert, and use 6 websites to create an Annotated Works Cited page.  
·         Book and author
The Corruption of Innocence: A True Story of a Journey for Justice by Lori St John
·         Potential person to interview (This should be an Expert in your chosen topic/project)
My grandmother or my Tia for advice on the system and writing tips
·         Websites -6+- to review and use (Some of these sites may be related to your product and some may be related to your project.)
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apolloupdate-blog · 7 years
Post #1
Demonstrate reflection on the progress being made on product.
I am working on this project a lot lately, and I've completed the action plan and the proposal but I still need to finish the pitch which is what ill be doing this week. I might do my Pitch video with chase but I’m not positive.
What were your questions for this week? What was learned as the questions were answered?
My question is how do I combat writers block? I’ve got a nasty case of it right now, and I’ve got impending due dates. You see my problem.
The answer is to use sentence starters, which I’ve used. I also moved onto the portion I most want to write.
What kinds of things inspired you online this week?
I d k 
Includes a significant reflection on how the selected book is helping to guide learning. Incorporates specific details, examples, and quotations from the mentor text.
nothing. I cant find a book...
Notes, plans, and questions for the next week.
 I want to do the video pitch next week, so ill try it.
0 notes
Apollonia, Masen, and, the Subita Morte Omnium Chapter 1
Apollonia and Masen would end up being the most important witch and reaper of Delphinium History
It was a normal day in De Veneficiis et Magicae academy. Apollonia was leaving her silent spell class, to meet up with Masen. He is her Best friend since she was 13, and a reaper. Reapers are the grim reaper, the thing that collects our souls and takes them to wherever they belong. Reapers have to be rather detached in order to not be horrified or saddened by the circumstances of a person's death. So Masen could be a little emotionally distant or cold to the people around him. Witches are the opposite. Their magic comes from their ferocity and passion. She is always warm to the people who meet her, and gets along well with them. But the two of them were always joking with each other.
I wonder where he is, thought Apollonia. He isn't in our usual spot. I weaved through the messy array of outside benches and tables under the armada, filled with cliques, friends and, nasty cafeteria food. I hadn't gotten my lunch just yet, I wanted to put my books and bags down.
“Hey Apollonia! Over here!” shouted Masen.
I looked over my left shoulder to see Masen sitting at a bench under a pine tree, away from the rest of the students with our lunches sitting on the table in front of him.  I sauntered my way to the bench and sat across from him. My cat Ezra by my right side, as always.
“So, what did you do today?” I asked as I sat down
“Well, we learned how to get to a body when it's in a tricky place to get to,” He stated.
“What do you mean tricky?” I questioned
“I mean mangled in a car wreck or in a fallen building,” he stated casually.
Gee, how chipper I thought sarcastically. But, It must be hard to be a reaper, to see so many people die. I looked at his right forearm. All reapers have a tattoo of their scythe on their forearm,  no two scythes are the same, each one is tailored to the personality of the reaper. Masen’s was a obsidian scythe. When the reaper needs the scythe they grab it out of their tattoo. Even though I am a witch, that was one of the coolest things I'd seen.
“What about you? What did you learn?” I thought for a minute, hexes, curses, spells, potions, and, shape-shifting. Then it came to me.
“I learned how to put a memory in someone else's mind,”
“Really? You can do that?” Masen asked, astonished.
“Is it hard?”
“Not really, you just have to concentrate, and direct the memory into their mind, It's easy if you just get the hang of it,”
“Huh,” he monotoned. “ It seems so effortless, but the concept feels complicated.”
“ It is complicated if you're winging it without any basic knowledge, but since the procedure is based on what we've already learned, it's easy.”
“ I wish I could be that cool,” he chuckled.
“ Oh Masen,” I said jokingly, “ You're never gonna be as cool as I am,”
He rolled his eyes at me, smiling wryly.
“ Pshhhhh, Face it Apollonia, I'm unbearably cool.” Masen said “ I'm practically the king of the cool-niverse.”
This time I rolled my eyes.  
“No way, I'm better than you in every way.”
He feigned a hurt look, covering his heart with his hand and curling in on himself.
“Aw, Apollonia you're hurting my feelings,” he said coyly.
“ Your feelings are fine, you liar,” I stated while rolling my eyes to give a exasperated look at Ezra. I looked on the table for my lunch, in its generic brown paper bag.
“What grub is there today?”
“The lunch ladies call it a meatball sub, I call it a crime against cuisine.”
I giggled, Masen’s snark knew no bounds. Yet I understood the ‘crime’ he meant, he’s such a foodie, you won't see him without a snack in his hands. Chips, cookies, beef jerky, pizza. He was always eating something. I opened the paper bag, grabbing my meatball sub and taking out the provolone that had melted around the corners, but was still unmelted in the center. Gross.  I had never liked provolone, and I don't think I ever will. Grabbing the parmesan, I covered the sub with it, substituting cheese for cheese. I turned to look at Ezra, she was a Savannah cat. She looked like a large cat, and acts like a dog. She was always calm and never strayed for my right side, she never bit anyone and rarely hissed. She has two wide cerulean colored eyes, and a tiny pink nose, her fur was grey, with black spots on her body, and rings on her tail. She was a very stunning cat. I took a moment to take a bite of my meatball sub, the meatballs weren't very well seasoned, and the marinara was rather bland. Masen was right, this is a crime. But, I started this lunch, so I'll just have to finish it. As I ate my sub, I heard a loud crash, I looked to Ezra, thinking she pushed my bag off the table, as cats do, but this time she wasn't causing trouble. I then heard a shrill shriek, coming from Aurora. Masen and I stood at the same time, and looked at each other for a moment, knowing we need to help whoever was hurt. On the ground by Auroras feet, was her best friend, Marie. She looked as if she fainted, but clearly her face was peaceful. In that moment, she looked as if she fell asleep, but this was much more serious. Masen and I ran toward the girls, Masen cleared the quickly growing crowd away, claiming Marie needed air. While I checked her pulse.
Ba-bump. Ba-bump. Ba-bump. Ba-bump. It seemed normal, like she decided to nap in the middle of the ramada’s concrete ground. I pulled out my phone, turning on the flashlight to check if her pupils were dilated. I started with her left eye, and shined the LED light into it.
There was a normal change in pupil size, so what could it be? This couldn't be any normal disease, or exhaustion. No one just drops like that, usually there's some sort of lethargy beforehand. I looked up at Masen, he had cleared the crowd far enough back for us to lift her up and carry her to somewhere where she could rest.
“She needs to go the nurse, this kind of fainting isn't from exhaustion, or a normal illness-this is wrong,”
“Back up, I'll carry her, you just get her stuff and take it with us. And get Aurora, so she can tell the nurse what happened.” Masen muttered.
I turned to Aurora. Her almond shaped green eyes held fear and tension, her face was set in a look of disbelief, her hands covering her mouth. Aurora could be a cold girl, but she was a fierce friend. She cared and protected her friends, and her packmates. Marie was both so her concern was natural, but the end of this I'd bet Aurora will scold Marie for not taking care of herself.
“Come on then, grab your stuff, I'll get Marie’s bag and we’ll all head down to the nurse.”
Tearing her eyes away from her friend, she looked over to me for a moment, then snagged her bag off the table. I grabbed Marie’s. Masen was already started toward the nurse's office, with an unconscious Marie in his arms bridal-style. Aurora and I followed quietly, I kept a calm demeanor in order to keep Aurora alright, but she continued to leaked concern. Marie was a healthy person, she is an athlete, and was usually the last to get sick.
“I am not so sure what is wrong with her, Ms. Jackson appears to be in great health,” said nurse Murphy. “It makes very little sense.:
If Marie was in such great health, then she wouldn't be falling to the floor. So, maybe someone had it out for this werewolf. It could possibly be someone with a grudge. I turned to Aurora.
“ Aurora, can you think of anyone who may have not gotten along with Marie?”
“What do you mean? People like her,” Countered Aurora.
“I'm just thinking of all possibilities, Werewolves such as yourself and Marie heal very quickly, and rarely get sick. So having a perfectly healthy werewolf drop in the middle of the ramada floor, is very concerning to everyone, if it's an illness we need to take precautions,” I started.
“ If it's some sort of revenge, we need to figure out who and why they did this,” I explained.
Masen decided to join the conversation at that moment.
“And, the possibility of this being a cold or something is slim, So if someone did this out of contempt, they aren't very discreet and it's clear that they don't mind getting caught,” He continued, “ Thus, whoever we’re dealing with, is reckless and dangerous,”
“There's no need to jump to conclusions,” said nurse Murphy. “It could just be a prank,”
This woman is too kind to think of malicious people. She just wanted to see the lighter side of this, that I could understand. But that didn't make the possibility of revenge less possible. Prejudiced people with grudges do terrible things. Marie was a werewolf, and alpha of her pack, and her demise meant her beta would take her place. Maries beta was Gloria, who hadn't been there during the incident. How suspicious. I thought for a minute. Only another alpha or her entire pack would want her gone, thus forcing Gloria to get rid of her. But her pack loves her, Gloria may have acted on her own self-interest. Or. Another Alpha wants her pack. I should stop talking as if she's dead. She's going to be fine. I just wonder why this happened. Plus, it's not the first time a witch or werewolf hasn't gotten along with someone else. The administration came to the nurse's office at that time.
“ Hello Ms Edwards,” insinuated Mr Campbell in his low and gravelly voice.
“Hello” I responded.
I turned to look behind me, facing the tall frame of our school’s vice principal. His face was long, with defined cheekbones and copper coloured skin. He was a nice man, but the incident at lunch must have given him a irritated demeanor. He would eventually have to deal with calls from distressed parents and caregivers. Calls full of concern and irritation. I could imagine what kind of pressure he was under from the parents, what it could mean for his job. But it was more important to see if Aurora was even conscious, so he could question her. I'd be doing the same thing when he was done. He turned to Aurora, looking into sleepy eyes, to begin the inquisition.
“ So, Ms Jackson, Do you know why you fainted?”
“I…” she hesitated.
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apolloupdate-blog · 7 years
Project proposal
Felice Wesley Martinez
Mrs. Newman
Senior English
March 9th 2017
Pvhaspassion Proposal
1)      Why are you interested in this particular topic? I am interested in corruption because there are really good fiction books on corruption.
2)      What question(s) are you hoping to answer through your research? I am hoping to answer how is corruption in investigations, how it can be resolved, and, how it can be fixed.
Im hoping to answer how to prevent corruption in investigations
3)      What will you need to research? I will need to research how an investigation is conducted, and how it can be sabotaged
4)      Where will you find the expert and the information you need? I will look on the fbi website
5)      What will the outcome/product of your research be?
How someone could corrupt a investigation and end up with the wrong criminal
6)      Why is this a viable topic? Because  I feel that this topic is very prominent in real life
I. The Introduction
·         Begin with a creative hook—a startling statistic, a quote from a person affected by your topic, paint a scenario with your words. A young girls suffers from revenge that could land her attacker in jail. But that never happened, her attacker roams freely.
·         Give some background on your topic. The reason I am doing this topic is because I wanted to write a story I came up with a long time ago. I was daydreaming, and I
·         Why is this topic important to you?
·         What questions are you hoping to answer through your research? (This is the thesis of your proposal worded as a question.)
II. Body of your Proposal
A. What will you need to research?
·         What sort of background on your topic will you need to understand?
·         What do you already know but need more information?
·         What will you need to know in order to do something with your research?
B. Where will you find the information you need?
1.       What specific books, magazines, and other print resources can you use as guides? This is your place to mention the specific book you will use to guide your learning.
2.       What expert will you interview? Why is he or she an expert?
C. What will be the outcome of your research?
1.       What will you have to show at the end of your research?
2.       What will your product be?
III. Conclusion
A. Why is topic viable?
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