#q. nothing can touch you anymore; with your glass ceiling; walls; and floor.
birdcagcd · 2 years
@nekasu​ cont. from x
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"I have many things I have to do, but I've already gone many days without sleeping, so I'm taking it easy before my body literally shuts down. What concern is it to you? You didn't care about your people back then and I doubt you've started in the last few years."
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-- well that’s a baseless accusation. she’s always cared. she’s definitely cared ‘back then’. ( though, he probably didn’t mean that far back. he didn’t live to see her kind side. ) she sighs, her gaze wandering off. she’s dumb for tolerating the other. her gaze is empty regardless of her heart disliking the claim that she doesn’t care.
because he’s right, she’s subjected her people to much suffering.
-- “ I think you should know when to hold your tongue. “ that’s not what she meant to say.
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birdcagcd · 2 years
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@vigilant-shadow​ said: "Hey, Venti?" Xiao calls out as he sits down next to his lover at their table. "Up for a date today? We could go for a picnic outside or something since it's actually nice weather today?"//For modern! Venti
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unprompted | - 
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-- Venti smiles hearing Xiaos voice, it’s always nice to hear. he’s a little hunched over his plate, but he’s just generally always a little bit of a sleeping pill. especially this early in the day. just not his time of day at all, usually. but he’s feeling alright, so he got up instead of sleeping all day.
he lets out a little hum. “ mmh, I’d love to. “ he wasn’t really a fan of sitting in the sun, but they could probably find some shade to sit in. since it is pretty hot, and it’s draining all of his energy. but he’d always love to spend time with Xiao.
-- “ do I get to bring drinks? “ he giggles, c’mon. he hasn’t in a good few days, and by his opinion, it’s been far too long.
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birdcagcd · 2 years
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@diverse-hearts​ said: ❛   dressed .   help  my  muse  put  on  an  article  of  clothing . - Scara/Lyubov
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loud & deafening silence | x
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-- well isn’t he a dear! these kinds of dresses weren’t Lyubovs usual style, and they were painfully hard to get on yourself.. so she’s very glad for his help. she’s holding her hair up, as he closes the back of her dress, dropping it as he finishes, fixing herself up.
a little smile forms on her lips as she turns her head to look at Scaramouche, huffing a small laugh. “ thanks. “ she says flatly. she was going to say something more teasing, but the emotion fades as quick as it came, and her expression is quick to numb again.
-- “ I’m not used to this kind of dress.. do I look alright? “
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birdcagcd · 2 years
@vigilant-shadow cont. from x
How is it that Venti reads him so effortlessly? So easily and readily is the other able to tell he isn't doing well in the least. Frankly, Xiao feels like he's about to break down and he's not sure whether it's the thunder outside making him shiver and flinch, or just his general depression kicking in.
A hug is welcome, really, though Xiao wasn't sure how to ask for it before Venti brought it up. Physical contact usually helps, after all. He isn't going to tell Venti, though, not because he doesn't want to, but because he can't. The fear has pretty much rendered him mute at this point, so instead, he just nods slowly as a sign that he's okay with it.
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-- well, from experience, Xiao didn’t deal very well with storms. so Venti just knew that perhaps Xiao needed a hug. so, he moves closer to him when Xiao nods, arms wrapping around him, holding him close, safely. he’s safe in his arms.
-- “ don’t be scared. I’ll protect you. “ he knows he can’t actually do anything. he’s weak and useless and he probably brought Xiao more harm than good more often than not - but he’s doing his best and if it’ll comfort Xiao, it’s okay.
-- “ shh. “
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birdcagcd · 2 years
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@terminateddesires​ said: ❛  you’re only asking questions about me, why don’t you tell me a little more about yourself ?  ❜ mikoto to kotoko teehee
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stories I never finished | x
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-- “ I suppose it’s only fair. “ she sighs. she supposed she wouldn’t get a lot out of this interrogation, Mikoto never showed to be very cooperative.  ( not when he talked to Es, not when she tried to bash his head in. )
she chews on her lower lip, dragging her finger over her lips, before tapping her chin. why is she even tolerating him? he makes her blood boil. he makes her heart beat in her chest, he makes her want to skin herself. ( he’s so fake. he’s so fake that it disgusts her. ) look at her, even she knows how to control herself. she knows how to.
she knows what is right and wrong, she does. she knows.
Kotoko drops her hand, looking around, as if looking for anyone that might be listening in on them. she feels paranoid. she always does. “ what do you want to know. “ it’s barely phrased as a question.
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birdcagcd · 2 years
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@vigilant-shadow​ said: ❛   i’m so sorry i said i love you.   ❜ - for Venti?
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tickets to my downfall | x
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-- Venti tilts his head, and frowns. he does not like the tone in which Xiao tells him this. he bites his lip, kicking at the ground, fingers meeting behind his back. “ uh, Xiao? what do you mean? “ he’s.. a little confused, frankly! “ I love you too. why are you apologizing? “
he doesn’t get it. he’s so worried now.
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birdcagcd · 2 years
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@conflictheory​ said: ❛ you have to step out of this darkness and let them see you for who you are, like i have. ❜ 
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dark and angsty | x  
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-- she curls her lips, looking away from the other. she’s not sure what kind of expression she’s supposed to make, biting the inside of her cheek momentarily, before she settles for a sigh, and a frown. “ what do you think that is? “ she is a little curious what he means by this.
if he’s trying to imply that she should be less cold, then he’s being very foolish. let them see her for who she is, like he has? “ I think you think too highly of yourself, Pierro. “
it feels like he’s assuming too much to think he knows her better than herself. or than anyone else. ( he was far from her closest harbinger. though, she guesses, he’s been around with the longest. )
-- “ you know little of me. “
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birdcagcd · 2 years
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@vigilant-shadow​ said: What awaited Venti that night in front of his door was quite the unusual sight. A porcelain, ball-jointed doll, just a little shorter than him, of a boy with piercing golden eyes and dark hair with teal strands, dressed in an off-white sleeveless frilly shirt with a black ribbon tied into a bow on his neck and knee-length black pants, an outfit that almost looked like an old-timey school uniform, sitting at his porch.
Was it left there as a gift or a prank? After all, it wasn't like the doll could have wandered over on its own, right? Especially not with the cracks on the right foot and left calf that seemed to be... Bleeding? But with how muddied up it was, it certainly didn't seem like its previous owner took good care of it. 
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unprompted | -
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-- he’d wondered who was trying to reach him at this hour. because, normally, most people should know how impossible it was to find him, especially this late. and he wasn’t exactly expecting anyone. he’d just been texting Lyubov, so it can’t be her, she’s showed up often enough, worried about him.
so, when he peeks his head through the door, a doll was not what he expected. what kind of.. prank was this supposed to be? was this supposed to scare him? he’s unsure, and honestly, he’s tempted to just, close the door again, and leave it be, someone would realize their prank didn’t really work and pick it back up again. or it’d land in the trash. either way, it’s not something he wants to interest himself in.
but, it’s not like the doll could’ve rung the bell. so someone must be around? or maybe they left. he tapped his fingers along the door, then sighed. “ very funny. “ he spoke, dripping with sarcasm, out loud, in case there was anyone still nearby to hear him.
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birdcagcd · 2 years
@stxrhxir cont. from x
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"Great grandpa...hey..." Aether tries his best not to look both stoned and drunk, but is failing...horribly falling. He leans back but nearly falls off of the bar stool. Yeah, after 6 shots of vodka Aether is a tipsy mess.
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-- not the first time he’d found the other like this. bars weren’t an unusual place for the Devil (?). Nick reaches out to put a hand on Aethers back, just in case he’d start to tumble again. didn’t want him to fall over. he stems his free hand on his hip.
-- “ is that how you greet your old man ??? this young man has clearly had too much. “ he gestures at Aether as if he’s talking to Aether as if he was a third person, pressing his lips together. 
though, Satanick wasn’t foreign to the concept of just.. drinking himself well beyond comprehension. he rolls his eyes. “ you need supervision, clearly ! “
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birdcagcd · 2 years
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@jvdewinged​ said: “don’t start a fight you won’t win.”
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unprompted | -
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-- Venti giggles. “ and that’s why I don’t pick fights! I am not a fighter. “ he is aware he is not the strongest. ( he’s in no means weak, compared to most people, he was still very powerful, but amongst his kind, he is definitely considered to be weaker. )
but even with his strength, he is just not a fighter. he doesn’t like picking needless fights. at least not serious ones.
-- “ you do the fighting. “
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birdcagcd · 2 years
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@jvdewinged​ said: ❛ dark beasts lurk here . be cautious . ❜
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unprompted (?) | -
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-- Venti can’t help but giggle a little. “ well, that’s why you’re here, right? to protect me? “ no way Xiao would let him get hurt, riiiiiight? and it’s not like Venti couldn’t protect himself. he’s much weaker without his gnosis, but he’s not absolutely defenseless.
he’d be fine. but having a shining knight in armor to protect him is never something he’d say no to. 
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birdcagcd · 2 years
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@opalscave​ said: Her tail swished back and forth, back and forth, entertaining the little chao currently sitting behind her. It was easily entertained, as were the many others surrounding the princess. Blaze did not know how she ended up in this... chao garden, but she did recognize the blue blur who suddenly arrived." Oh... hello Sonic. "
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unprompted | -
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-- “ blaze!!! “ Sonic certainly didn’t expect to meet Blaze here! the Chaos that rushed to his feet were much more expected, and he can’t help but laugh as they attempt to climb up his legs, leaning down to pick one of them up into his arms.
he enjoyed spending his free-time here, as someone had to take care of these little buggers and it was quite relaxing. he doesn’t think he’s all that good at it, but he enjoys doing his best.
and they were easily satisfied.
-- “ what are ya doin’ here? “
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birdcagcd · 2 years
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@ultimatelife​ said: ❛ who cares if it bleeds. ❜ - shadow
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dark and angsty | x
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-- “ I do?? “ he doesn’t know a lot about these kinds of things, but he is sure that that does not look good. he guesses, it works a little different with Shadow, but Shadow still deserved the same amount of care! he was very sure so, anyways. he stems his hands on his hips, leaning in to the others personal space.
-- “ show me. “
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birdcagcd · 2 years
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@fatuissimus​ said: “ maybe it’s me and my blind optimism to blame ” ; pierro to bov. mayb in the wake of signora’s death…
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taylor swift | x          
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-- Lyubov sighs. it’s heavy, and it’s cold, and if you look close enough you can see her fingers trembling. the snow is engulfing them, as they look upon the mausoleum, sealed in eternal ice. it’s cold, today feels colder than many previous days. it is a day of mourning.
at the very least, she hoped, Signora was resting in peace. that this way, she would no longer have to hurt. that maybe, this was a better end for her.
-- “ I don’t think any of us could have foreseen this. “ she shakes her head. “ you are not to blame, Pierro. “ she is sure of that. 
her heavy boots keep her steady in the heavy snow, her hair flowing along with the icy air. ( rosalyne, are you at peace? is this rest what you desired? did you die in fear? )
her fingers tremble, as they raise to pull her hood into her face more. she feels so vulnerable. so much, like, if anyone pushed her, she would crack and she would crumble.
she feels like a vase. her icy skin feels like you could easily puncture it with a hammer, if you so wished. she would need to freeze back over. she feels like she is about to crack.
oh, she wants to cry. the loss of Rosalyne weighs so heavy. she’d made herself so comfortable in her majesties heart, had reclaimed the heart that had made so sure noone would ever get back in.
-- ( it’s so unfair, Lyubov thinks. for Rosalyne to allow herself into her heart, and then run into such a clear death. this was not the kind of loyalty she wanted. she would not have been mad at her, if she ran, and she gave up, for her own safety. )
her lips purse, eyes close. “ all we can do, is ensure to not let her die in vain. if we achieve our goal, I am sure she can rest in peace. the gods will pay. “
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birdcagcd · 2 years
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@risingsol​ said: ❝ it wasn’t your fault. ❞
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loss | x
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-- it wasn’t. Venti is aware of that. but he still feels like he should’ve done more. like there must’ve been more he could’ve done. like there must’ve been anything he could’ve done. like he should’ve been the one to die.
Venti sighs, and his gaze wanders off. Aether is right.
-- “ I know that. “ he mutters eventually, sad smile on his lips. he just can’t help wishing he was the one to die instead. because he does not even have a self - he is just the shadow of the bard that died that day. 
and he is a bad shadow, at that. a badly crafted copy.
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birdcagcd · 2 years
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@dilucisms​ said: ❛   indulge .   find  my  muse  drinking  to  cope .[ for venti !! ]
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loud & deafening silence | x
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-- well that’s an unusual expression on Ventis face. usually, when he was this drunk, he was cheerful, hiccupping all over the place, giggling and humming tunes. but instead, he’s sat in a hidden corner of the upper floor of the bar, dandelion wine that he definitely payed for in front of him, glass tightly gripped in his hands, ( if he gripped any harder it might just crack ) expression hazy. like he wasn’t fully present.
and he wasn’t, because when Diluc speaks up, he full-on jumps, and he spills his glass, making a mess on the table, dandelion wine dripping off the edge of it. he needs another moment to compose himself, before an awkward and forced smile forms on his lips. “ oh, c’mon Diluc, you just scared me to death! look what you did to my wine! “ ( it wasn’t his. he stole it from behind the counter. )
but maybe he could deflect this way better. because he was really not feeling alright whatsoever. which was dumb, nothing was truly wrong. he just.. wasn’t feeling today. and he didn’t want anyone else to have to deal with that.
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