qsmptweets · 1 year
Updates on Foolish : Day 11
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Text: Updates on Foolish, QSMP day 11
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Text: Foolish is working on his build!
Text: Foolish adding details to the dragon!
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Text: Foolish is working on the dragon's spines!
Text: Foolish finished adding spines to the dragon!
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qsmptweets · 1 year
Updates on Foolish : Day 6
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Text: Updates on Foolish, QSMP day 6!
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Text: Foolish jumps right back into his snake/dragon build!
Text: Foolish found the gifts Vegetta left for him!
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Text: Foolish is almost done building the body and now is planning how to make the head!
Text: Foolish is now hanging out with Fit and Maxo, explaining his dragon to them!
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Text: Foolish practiced his spanish with Fit before they parted ways!
Text: Foolish sings a song for Spreen so he can avoid him paying property taxes today!
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Text: Foolish gets a message from Maxo to help him urgently…
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Text: Foolish is trying to help Zulu, and has now adopted him with Maxo.
Text: Foolish sent Zulu to sleep 😴
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Text: Foolish and Mariana rekindled their friendship! 😊
Text: Foolish is being visited by Osito Bimbo and will stay with him for 10 minutes!
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Text: Foolish answered questions about Quackity!
Text: Foolish is now with Quackity!
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Text: Foolish is on a date with Valentina and it's going pretty well!
Text: Foolish's thoughts about the date with Valentina
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Text: Foolish was approached by Quackity and Roier offering to help with his build 😄
Text: Foolish finished the dragon’s body!
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qsmptweets · 1 year
Tweets oficiales traducidos : Día 7
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Text: Badboyhalo
-Visitó a Foolish y pidió ser roomies, F dijo que no, así que construyó al lado -Ambos visitaron a Maxo y les enseñó su nueva casa
-Bad dijo a Foolish que necesita un permiso para construir el dragón pues invade la reserva natural, y tiene un plan para moverlo
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Text: Jaiden
-Entró al server y trabajó en construir su casa.
-Al construir, deja un señalamiento que dice que no toquen y/o roben sus cosas
-Dijo que le parecen geniales las celebraciones mexicanas como el día de muertos -Mostró sus mascotas y explicó los planes para su casa
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Text: Foolish
-Entró al servidor en plan de construir la cabeza de dragón
-Juntó materiales para hacer la figura básica
-Reconstruyó la cabeza porque no le gustó cómo iba quedando
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qsmptweets · 1 year
Tweets oficiales traducidos : Día
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Text: Quackity:
- Entra al server y va con Spreen para que le enseñe su cafetería para hacer apuestas ilegales de carreras de tortugas.
- Quackity le consigue una cita a Foolish con una “latina sexy” (Maxo) la cual se llama Valentina
Text: - Foolish, Valentina y Quackity realizan su cita en un bote mientras les pregunta cosas para que se conozcan mejor.
-Quackity termina dejándolos solos ya que “es demasiado”.
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Text: Fit:
- Se une al servidor y decide ir a cazar y seguir recolectando materiales para terminar de construir su casa.
- Se encuentra un barco y lo saquea, obtiene como recompensa dos diamantes y decide guardarlos en caso de que Quackity quiera nuevamente cobrarle una tarifa.
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Text: Foolish:
- Siguió construyendo su dragón y encontró los regalos que le dejó Vegetta
- Maxo lo manda a llamar urgentemente y conoce a Zulu
- Él y Maxo adoptan a Zulu como su hijo
- Quackity le presenta Valentina (Maxo) , y los saca a una cita - Terminó el cuerpo del dragón
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qsmptweets · 1 year
Updates on Foolish : Day 10
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Text: Updates on Foolish, QSMP day 10
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Text: Foolish is adding the final touches to the inside part of the Dragon's mouth
Text: Current view of Foolish's dragon, he's currently asking for glowstone to finish the eyes!
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qsmptweets · 1 year
Updates on Foolish : Day 9
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Text: Updates on Foolish, QSMP day 9
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Text: Foolish is currently working on the finishing touches for his dragon build
Text: Foolish is logging off the server now, but might be back later! He added fangs to his dragon build!
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qsmptweets · 1 year
Tweets oficiales traducidos : Día 8
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Text: Foolish
-Habló con Fit sobre los avances de sus construcciones
-Salió a explorar montando una bicicleta, encontró un barco que le dió muchas recompensas
-Terminó la mayor parte de la cabeza del dragón, le falta agregar detalles y la parte inferior del hocico con arena
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Text: FitMC
-Fit continuó su construcción y recopiló más materiales
-Visitó a Foolish y le mostró su bomba
-Los dos hablaron sobre la construcción de un nuevo vecindario
-Más tarde, visitó a Luzu (IA) y le enseñó a caminar…
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qsmptweets · 1 year
Updates on Foolish : Day 8
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Text: Updates on Foolish, QSMP day 8
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Text: Foolish confessed he broke Vegetta's gift
Text: Current progress of Foolish dragon build!
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Text: Foolish made some modifications to the Dragon
Text: Foolish went out for a little ride!
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Text: Foolish will explore the ship he found
Text: Foolish gave Fit a sleeping bag as a gift!
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Text: Foolish mentions the eviction notice from the "Muffin Man"...
Text: Foolish is almost done with the Dragon head!
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qsmptweets · 1 year
Updates on Foolish : Day 7
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Text: Updates on Foolish, QSMP day 7
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Text: Foolish is going to gather dirt and other materials to start on the dragon’s head!
Text: Foolish’s shaping of the head is coming along!
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Text: Foolish is starting the head over again…
Text: Foolish found a reference he liked and will use that as reference!
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Text: Foolish’s dragon head is taking shape once again!
Text: Foolish’s first draft of the head is done!
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Text: Foolish and Maxo talk about Valentina!
Text: Foolish visits Maxo along with Bad!
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qsmptweets · 2 years
Updates on Foolish : Day 5
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Text: Updates on Foolish, QSMP day 5!
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Text: Foolish went mining to gather sand blocks and someone gave him a little visit... 👀
Text: Foolish meets Rubius for the first time!
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Text: Foolish begins his mission assigned by Rubius! 👀
Text: Foolish finished Rubius's task, but he did "no good"
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Text: Foolish was threatened by Rubius!
Text: Foolish is hanging out with Rubius again, and kind of built together too!
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Text: Foolish is the first to do the highest water drop on the server!
Text: Foolish is getting taught Spanish by Quackity!
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Text: Missa, Vegetta, Roier and Quackity visit Foolish and try to help him...
Text: Foolish and the others are having a dance party! 👀
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qsmptweets · 2 years
Tweets oficiales traducidos : Día 5
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Text: Foolish
-Tuvo su primer encuentro con rubius
-Negoció con Rubius: 3 stacks de pizarra profunda y un stripper si Foolish ponía un animal en casa de Mariana
-Mientras trabajaba en su construcción, Missa, Roier, Vegetta y Quackity hicieron una intervención para que parara
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qsmptweets · 2 years
Tweets oficiales traducidos : Día 4
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Text: Slimecicle
-Fue a casa de Vegetta y volaron con paravelas mientras Slime hacía backflips
-Murió por una mina que Vegetta plantó y le hicieron una tumba a su cuerpo
-Osito bimbo lo visitó e hizo el cuestionario
-Osito bimbo también le disparó con una pistola
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Text: Foolish
-Vió el regalo que le hizo Vegetta, así que decidió hacerle uno como agradecimiento
-Slime y Foolish estaban juntos, antes de que Slime se fuera le dijo que a partir de ahora tiene que cuidarse solo
-Foolish y Quackity entraron a una mina y encontraron varios barcos
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Text: FitMC
-Empezó con planes de construir una su casa sobre un lavacast
-Abandonó la construcción del OXXO porque Quackity no le pagó
-Su lore por ahora se trata de “alguien que se está de vacaciones” y prefiere que sea improvisado
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qsmptweets · 2 years
Updates on Foolish : Day 4
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Text: Updates on Foolish, Day 4 QSMP!
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Text: Foolish opened Vegetta's gift!
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Text: Foolish apologized to Slimecicle!
Text: Foolish's still working on the spirals of his Dragon build
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Text: Foolish's so grateful for Slimecicle's gift that he made a sacrifice!
Text: Foolish needs to keep an eye for himself from now on 👀
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Text: Foolish is with FitMC talking about his dragon build!
Text: Foolish is mining with Quackity!
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Text: Foolish and Quackity are spending some time together! :)
Text: Foolish and Quackity found a ship and are now on it!
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Text: This is Foolish and Quackity's last place to explore before heading home!
Text: Foolish and Quackity are finally heading back home, with some performance going on too...
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Text: Foolish has logged off the QSMP for today!
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qsmptweets · 2 years
Updates on Foolish : Day 3
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Text: Updates on Foolish, QSMP day 3
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Text: He’s continuing his build!
Text: Foolish explains the dynamic about the spirals in his build
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Text: Foolish's currently with Vegetta and Maximus to get gunpowder!
Text: Foolish's now part of Quackity's "Chalanes"
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Text: Foolish made a promise to Quackity...
Text: This is how it currently looks Foolish's Dragon building!
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Text: Foolish left Jaiden to keep working on his Dragon building!
Text: Foolish started to run away from Spreen, didn't go as planned...
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Text: Foolish's teaching Maxo some English lingo!
Text: Foolish will keep working on his Dragon build another day!
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qsmptweets · 2 years
Tweets oficiales traducidos : Día 3
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Text: Foolish
-Continuó trabajando en su construcción de dragón
-Quackity le dio una mina para usarla contra un streamer hispano, decidió usarla contra ElMariana
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Text: FitMC
-Empezó una construcción muy misteriosa
- Quackity le pidió a Fit que le pusiera la mina a alguien que entrara al server
-Fit le propuso a Jaiden y Foolish usar las bombas que Quackity les dió contra él.
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Text: Jaiden
-El muñeco de nieve visitó a Jaiden, le regalaron un loro
- Jaiden vive en la grieta que esta ubicada en el muro, Quackity le reclamó y le cobro impuestos, Jaiden le pregunto que pasaría si ella no paga a lo cual él contesto con con simple "Cuídate la espalda"
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Text: FitMC es "maestro" de la construcción del Oxxo de Quackity, Jaiden y Foolish son "chalanes"
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qsmptweets · 2 years
Updates on Foolish : Day 2
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Text: Updates on Foolish, QSMP day 2
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Text: Foolish already collected his materials and will begin building his house!
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Text: This is Foolish's reference picture of what he's planning to build!
Text: Update on Foolish's dragon statue!
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Text: Foolish finished the basic spiral structure and can start building the dragon!
Text: Foolish left with Vegetta instead to find Maximus to go find a totem!
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Text: Foolish found a possible fast travel point!
Text: Foolish found the statue they were looking for!!
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Text: Foolish found a mysterious map and is now following it.
Text: Foolish found diamonds and enchanted diamond tools while exploring!
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Text: Foolish met esp!Quackity !
Text: Foolish told Quackity that he met ElQuackity
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Text: Foolish and Quackity saw something floating in the sky and decided to go explore inside
Text: Foolish is still working on his dragon statue, looking at details of the base structure
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Text: After making progress in the construction, he decided to leave it and continue tomorrow!
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