#qin liyan
baeksu-krp · 1 year
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Nome: Qin Liyan Faceclaim: Xiaoting, Kep1er Data de nascimento e idade: 04.12.1999 — 24 anos Gênero: Feminino Etnia e nacionalidade: Chinesa, China
Moradia: Yongsan-gu Ocupação: Florista, Lemon Tree Flower Shop Qualidades: Prudente, Afável Defeitos: Persuasiva, Presunçosa User: @bks_liyan
TW: Morte familiar, negligência parental, menção a machucados
Qin Liyan havia sido concebida no último mês do ano de 1999 na cidade de Guangzhou, trazida ao mundo através de uma gravidez de risco que findou a vida de sua mãe após o parto. Nunca precisou enfrentar a perda de sua figura materna pois nunca havia tido a chance de conhecê-la, ao contrário de seu pai, um homem incomumente afastado de demonstrações paternais. Foi aos oito anos que precisou lidar com a fachada de bom moço de Songyan, preocupado em ter seus negócios revelados pela teimosia e rebeldia daquela criança que havia gerado. Ela não gostava nem um pouco de como aquele homem agia, e odiava ainda mais a pose de pai amável que ele demonstrava por aí.
Por trás de sorrisos e fotos do jovem empresário benfeitor da província de Guangdong, a mocinha dos Qin aprendia como a vida era um grande espetáculo, uma máscara que encobria apertos de mãos corruptos e acordos envolvendo o clã chinês do qual sua família fazia parte. Se envolver com aquilo seria a última coisa que faria na vida, estava certa disso, não queria acreditar que aqueles negócios futuramente passariam  para suas mãos, ou para as mãos de seu irmão mais velho, fruto de uma relação extraconjugal de seu pai. 
Ironicamente Liyan preferia aprender sobre defesa pessoal com Ziqiu a ter que conviver com qualquer outro assunto daquela família; o que realmente importava para ela era ter um pouco da tranquilidade que uma família normal teria. Vê-lo chegar em casa machucado e com o semblante sempre cansado só aumentava o ódio que a Qin sentia pelo pai, por ele nunca estar ali para cuidar dos próprios filhos. Talvez ele preferisse enviá-los para tratar de seus próprios assuntos a ter que passar um dia normal com eles. Talvez ele estivesse feliz por ter perdido Ziqiu, morto misteriosamente num lugar distante dali, longe de seus cuidados, longe de sua proteção. 
A fúria que tremeluzia no olhar de Lily poderia ser tocada se fosse, no mínimo, notada por alguém, mas ela sempre sabia esconder bem seus sentimentos por trás de sua personalidade tão carismática e doce. Era até mesmo surpreendente conseguir transparecer genuinamente uma faceta agradável quando tudo nela parecia meio quebrado. Amadureceu sozinha, cresceu sozinha, e decidiu que tiraria à limpo a razão pela única pessoa que se importava naquele mundo ter partido. Tinha poucas informações sobre o ocorrido, apenas aquelas que estavam ao seu alcance e que seu pai havia deixado escapar — e todo aquele mistério só servia de combustível para Lily.
Fugiu sem deixar um mísero recado, não achava que isso fosse importante naquele momento, Songyan estava longe de se importar com sua filha, pelo menos era isso o que ela acreditava. Levou consigo todas as pistas sobre a morte de seu irmão, seu destino sendo Seul, lugar onde ele deu seu último suspiro e onde se encontrava a gangue coreana da qual seu clã trocava serviços. Não seria difícil se juntar a eles com todo o histórico familiar que carregava, só esperava encontrar respostas e descobrir o que realmente havia acontecido, iria até o fim com aquilo. 
OOC: +18 Triggers: N/A Temas de interesse: Todos
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atlhqs · 1 year
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NOME: Qin Liyan. FACECLAIM: Bao Shangen - atriz. DATA DE NASCIMENTO E IDADE: 04/12/2002, 20 anos. NACIONALIDADE E ETNIA: China, chinesa. MORADIA: Taki. OCUPAÇÃO: Estudante de Artes Plásticas na Universidade de Altalune. QUALIDADES E DEFEITOS: Prudente e afável; persuasiva e presunçosa. OOC: +18 TEMAS DE INTERESSE: Todos.
[ tw na bio: morte familiar, negligência parental, menção a machucados ]
Qin Liyan havia sido concebida no último mês do ano de 2002 na cidade de Guangzhou, trazida ao mundo através de uma gravidez de risco que findou a vida de sua mãe após o parto. Nunca precisou enfrentar a perda de sua figura materna pois nunca havia tido a chance de conhecê-la, ao contrário de seu pai, um homem incomumente afastado de demonstrações paternais. Foi aos oito anos que precisou lidar com a fachada de bom moço de Songyan, preocupado em ter seus negócios revelados pela teimosia e rebeldia daquela criança que havia gerado. Ela não gostava nem um pouco de como aquele homem agia, e odiava ainda mais a pose de pai amável que ele demonstrava por aí.
Por trás de sorrisos e fotos do jovem empresário benfeitor da província de Guangdong, a mocinha dos Qin aprendia como a vida era um grande espetáculo, uma máscara que encobria apertos de mãos corruptos e acordos envolvendo o clã chinês do qual sua família fazia parte. Se envolver com aquilo seria a última coisa que faria na vida, estava certa disso, a ideia de ser apenas um fantasma naquela casa lhe parecia muito mais acolhedora; ninguém precisava lembrar de sua existência, ninguém além de Ziqiu.
Ver seu irmão bastardo chegar em casa machucado e com o semblante sempre cansado só aumentava o ódio que a Qin sentia pelo pai, por ele nunca estar ali para cuidar dos próprios filhos. Talvez ele preferisse enviá-los para tratar de seus próprios assuntos a ter que passar um dia normal com eles. Talvez ele estivesse feliz por ter perdido Ziqiu, morto misteriosamente no arquipélago distante dali, longe de seus cuidados, longe de sua proteção. Já havia ouvido falar de Altalune, sabia que seu pai tinha interesse político nas pequenas ilhas, mas aquilo não era do interesse da mais nova. 
A fúria que tremeluzia no olhar de Lily poderia ser tocada se fosse, no mínimo, notada por alguém, mas ela sempre sabia esconder bem seus sentimentos por trás de sua personalidade tão carismática e doce. Era até mesmo surpreendente conseguir transparecer genuinamente uma faceta agradável quando tudo nela parecia meio quebrado. Amadureceu sozinha, cresceu sozinha, e decidiu que tiraria à limpo a razão pela única pessoa que se importava naquele mundo ter partido. Songyan sabia que aquele comprometimento de Liyan não a pararia, e a melhor decisão que havia tomado em seus anos como pai fora pedir para a gangue local vigiá-la em troca de possíveis serviços internacionais, só para garantir a segurança de sua única filha.
Com sorte, a Qin sempre exibia com orgulho seu histórico escolar e prêmios estudantis que preenchiam as prateleiras de seu quarto — o que era até meio irônico visto todo ambiente em que havia crescido —, então pedir transferência para a Universidade de Altalune não foi tão difícil, e essa seria a desculpa perfeita para ir até o lugar onde seu irmão deu seu último suspiro. Aquele conjunto de ilhas tão estranhamente agradável prendia os olhos curiosos de Lily desde o momento em que havia colocado os pés ali, e mesmo que nunca desistisse de seu principal objetivo, ela esperava encontrar um pouco de paz em sua vida junto dos moradores locais de Altalune. 
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bookofjin · 5 years
Annals of Taizong of Wei, Part 2
[From WS003. 414 - 418
The adventures of Sima Shunzai, King of Jin.
In 415, Wei concludes a marriage alliance with Yao Xing of Qin. Yao Xing dies in 416, and is succeeded by his son Yao Hong. Autumn that year Liu Yu begins his invasion of Qin, and the Jin general Wang Chongde captures Huatai, Wei’s foothold south of the He. In Spring 417 a Wei army is sent against Wei, but it does not accomplish much, and Liu Yu destroys Later Qin. In the aftermath of the fall of Qin and rise of Liu Yu, many Qin and Jin officials flee to Wei.]
[Shenrui 1, 6 February 414 – 25 January 415]
1st Year of Shenrui [“Divine Omen”], 1st Month, xinyou [6 February], due to good omens repeatedly assembling, a great amnesty, and changed the inaugural.
On xinsi [26 February], favoured Fanzhi. Bestowed on the kings, dukes and below down to the troops, soldiers and hundred artisans, cloth and silk each proportionately.
2nd Month, wuxu [15 March], the Chariot Drove to return to the palace.
This Month [7 March – 5 April], Helian Bent Beggar entered to rob Puzi in Hedong, and killed and plundered the magistrates and people. The Army-Protector of the Three Cities, Zhang Chang, and others intercepted, struck and  ran him off.
On gengxu [27 March], favoured the Chai Mountain Palace.
The Xihe Hu Cao Cheng, and a person of Tujing, Liu Chuyuan, attacked and killed the Army-Protector of Tujing set up by Bent Beggar and his defenders, more than 300 people.
On yimao [1 April], erected the Abundance Palace to the north-east of Pingcheng.
Summer, 5th Month, xinyou [6 June], the Chariot Drove to return to the palace.
6th Month [4 July – 1 August], Sima Dezong's General of the Best of the Army and Grand Warden of Taishan, Liu Yandi, the General who Assists the State and acting Grand Warden of Dongping, Zhao Luan of Yangping [?], the General who Broadens Power, Luo Zhuo, and a leader of the Tuge of Doucheng, Zhang Wenxing and others led drifting people, more than 7 000 families, to belong to the interior. Liu Zhe and Liu Tuigu of the Hexi Hu led the section groups and others, more than 10 000 families, to cross the He and belong to the interior.
On wushen [23 July], favoured Chai Mountain Palace.
On dinghai [31 August?], the Chariot Drove to return to the palace.
Autumn, 8th Month, wuzi [1 September], decreed the Marquis of Mayu, Yuan Lousun as envoy to Yao Xing.
On xinchou [14 September], dispatched the Internuncio Yue Liyan to support the Ruanruan, and Yu Shimen to summon and explain to Feng Ba.
Decreed the General who Pacifies the South and Inspector of Xiang province, Yu Guzhen to exchange information with Sima Dezong's Grand Commandant Liu Yu. Sent the Broad Scholar Wang Liang as provisional Assistant General who Pacifies the south to instruct him. Yao Xing dispatched envoys to court to come and make alliance.
Winter, 11th Month, renwu [24 December], decreed messengers to tour and travel the various provinces, to evaluate and examine the wardens and stewards' property and wealth, and what was not the provided by their own family to thoroughly register as stolen goods. Decreed [if] the wardens and stewards did not follow, to listen to the people going to the palace to report and talk about them.
12th Month, bingxu [28 December], the Ruanruan violated the frontier.
On bingshen [7 January], the Emperor went north to invade the Ruanruan.
Sima Shunzai, a native of Henei, declared himself King of Jin. The Grand Warden chastised and apprehended, but did not capture [him].
This Year, Tufa Rutan was wiped out by Qifu Chipan.
[Shenrui 2, 26 January 415 – 13 February 416]
2nd Year, Spring, 1st Month, bingchen [27 January], the Chariot Drove to arrive from the northern invasion. Bestowed on the generals and soldiers who had accompanied the campaign cloth and silk each proportionately.
2nd Month, dinghai [27 February], a great banquet at the Western Palace. Bestowed on the great chieftains of the adherent states at the head of the court year [?] tabby, silk, gold, and haircloth, each proportionately.
Sime Dezong's Gradn Warden of Langyue, Liu Lang, led more than 2 000 families to belong to the interior.
On gengzi [12 March], Liu Yun and others of the Hexi Hu led several thousand households to adhere to the interior.
On jiachen [16 March], established the Temple of the Grand Founder [taizu] to the west of Baideng.
3rd Month, [BS01: dingchou [18 April]], a decree said:
Inspectors, wardens and stewards, lead many to be delaying and dilatory, from beginning to end indifferent and indolent. Several times there were increased supervision and punishment, but still they do not reform and change. The present year will rely on mitigating worry about the disobedient, and censure [those] who have sent out to their families wealth supplying them and do not listen to summons to issue out to the people.
Starving Hu from Hexi gathered and assembled in Shangdang, and pushed forward Baiya Lisi as master of the covenant, with the title of Great General. He rebelled in Shangdang and titled himself Shanyu, declared it the 1st Year of Jianping [“Establishing Peace”], and used Sima Shunzai as his planning master.
Summer, 4th Month [25 May – 22 June], decreed General Gongsun Biao, and others, five generals, to chastise them. Drifting people from South of the He, more than 2 000 families belonged to the interior. The multitudes abandoned Lisi and established Liu Hu, with the title King who Leads the Good. Sima Dezong dispatched envoys to court with tribute.
On jimao [19 June], the Chariot Drove for a northern tour.
5th Month, dinghai [27 June], stayed at Canhe. Went east to favour Daing.
On dingwei [17 July], hunted at Sijia Mountain.
6th Month, wuwu [28 July], favoured Quji Slope, observed fish.
On xinyou [31 July], stayed at Ruyuan. Built and erected Bang Terrace. Shot a white bear at Tuiniu Mountain, got it.
On dingmao [6 August], favoured Chicheng. Personally saw the old and aged, and asked about the people's ills and hardships. Remitted the taxes for one year. Went south to stay at Shiting, favoured Shanggu, asked the hundred years old, inquired into the worthy and capable, and remitted half of the land tax.
On renshen [11 August], favoured Zhuolu, climbed Qiao Mountain, and observed the warm springs. Sent messengers to use a Grand Sacrifice as offering to the Tempe of the Yellow Emperor [BS01: and Yao of Tang].
[BS01: On guiyou [12 August],] arrived at Guangning. [BS01: Affairs were like in Shanggu.]
[BS01: On jimao [18 August],] climbed Li Mountain. Worshipped at the Temple of Shun. [BS01: Used a Grand Sacrifice as offering to the Temple of Shun. The Emperor personally applied the rites to it.]
[BS01: On gengchen [19 August], favoured Dai.]
Autumn, 7th Month, [BS01: guiwei [22 August],] returned to the palace. Remitted half of the land taxes where he had passed through.
9th Month [19 October – 17 November], <lacuna> proportionately. Drifting people from South of the He, from beginning to end more than 3 000 families, belonged to the interior. People of the Imperial City starved. Heed and sent them out east of the mountains seek livelihood.
Winter, 10th Month, renzi [19 November], Yao Xing sent the Cavalier in Regular Attendance, the Marquis of Dongwu, Yao Chang, and the Master of Writing, Yao Tao, to see of the coming of his Princess of Xiping. The Emperor used the rites of an empress to accept her.
On xinyou [28 November], journeyed to favour Juru City.
On guihai [30 November], the Chariot Drove to return to the palace.
On bingyin [3 December], a decree said:
The ancients have said, if the hundred families have sufficient, the lord has the remainder. There has not yet been a people with abundance and state which is impoverished. For some time, there has again and again been frosts and droughts, the year's grain does not ripen. Those of the hundred families who starve and freeze, and are unable to survive by themselves are a considerable multitude. Thus send out cloth, silk and grain from the granaries, to thereby relieve the poor and destitute.
11th Month, dinghai[24 December], favoured the Chai Mountain Palace.
On gengzi [6 January], the Chariot Drove to return to the palace.
[Taichang 1, 14 February 416 – 2 February 417]
1st Year of Taichang [“Grand Ordinary”], Spring, 1st Month, jiashen [19 February], journeyed to favour Chai Mountain Palace.
On wuzi [23 February], the Chariot Drove to return to the palace.
3rd Month, jichou [24 April], the King of Changle, Chuwen, passed away.
Huo Xiu, a person from Changshan, said of himself he was named and recorded in charts and prophecies. He held one black stone he considered to be Heaven's bestowed jade stamp, deceived and misled to assemble partisans, and entered the mountains to be robbers. The province and commandery arrested and beheaded him.
Summer, 4th Month, renzi [17 May], a great amnesty, changed the inaugural.
On gengshen [25 May], the King of Hejian, Fen, passed away.
[BS01: 5th Month, jiashen [18 June], a broom-star was twice seen.]
6th Month, dingsi [21 July], the Chariot Drove on a northern tour.
Autumn, 7th Month, jiashen [17 August], the Emperor journeyed west from Bailu Slope. A great hunt at Niuchuan. He climbed Fu Mountain, and approached the Yinfan River. [BS01: He went south and] observed the Ninety-nine Springs.
On wuxu [31 August], the Chariot Drove to return to the palace.
9th Month, wuwu [20 September?], the former Inspector of Bing province, Shusun Jian, and others, greatly routed the Mountain Hu. Liu Hu crossed east of the He, and ran to reach Chenliu. He was killed by his followers. Sima Shunzai and others all died.
Sima Dezong's chancellor Liu Yu went up the He to invade Yao Hong. He dispatched his section general Wang Chongde as the vanguard, to follow the land way to Liangcheng. The Inspector of Yan province, Yu Jian, was a frightened coward, he abandoned the province and crossed north. Wang Chongde thereupon entered Huatai. Decreed General Shusun Jian and others to cross the He, show their power before Huatai, and behead Yu Jian beneath the walls.
Winter, 10th Month, renxu [23 November], favoured Chai Mountain Palace.
The Tuhe section group's Kuguguan Bin first surrendered and afterwards again rebelled and reverted to Feng Ba. The General of Valiant Cavalry, Yan Pu, crossed the Ru River to chastise and strike, greatly routing him. He cut off the heads of Bin, Feng Ba's Inspector of You province, the Duke of Yuyang, Kuguguan Chang, the General who Conquers the North, the Marquis Within the Passes, Kuguguan Ti, and others, and captured alive Kuguguan Nusheng, and tied and sent him ot the Imperial City. You province was pacified.
11th Month, jiaxu [5 December], the Chariot Drove to return to the palace.
[BS01: On wuyin [9 December],] built Tumble-weed Terrace in the Northern Park.
12th Month [4 January – 2 February], the King of Nanyang, Liang, passed away.
This Year, Yao Xing passed on, his son Hong was established.
[Taichang 2, 3 February 417 – 20 February 418]
2nd Year, Spring, 2nd Month, bingwu [7 March], a decree said:
The people of the Nine Provinces are separated by far distances from the Imperial District, and at times are obstructed and blocked off. When the wardens and stewards arrive they do not thereby be heard. Now to the east they rise and just now prosper [?], sometimes there are those who are poor and impoverished, and lacking in farming necessities. Thus dispatch envoys to tour and travel Under Heaven, scrutinize the various provinces, observe the people's manners and customs, ask about the people's ills and hardships, and examine the wardens and stewards' governing acts. The various who have been unable to express themselves, all following it will thereby be heard.
On xinyou [22 March], Sima Dezong's Grand Warden of Xingyang, Fu Hong, dispatched envoys to go to Shusun Jian and request to use Hulao to surrender, and requested an army to go and join up.
Dezong's King of Qiao, Sima Wensi, dispatched as envoy Wang Liang to go to the palace and send up a letter, requesting an army to chastise Liu Yu. Decreed the Minister over the Masses, Zhangsun Song to lead the various armies to intercept and strike Liu Yu. They fought at Pancheng and once again failed to win. The Emperor decreed to halt the various armies, but did not achieve it.
Summer, 4th Month, dingwei [7 May], a Dingling of Yu Mountain, Zhai Shu, led the encamped section to dispatch envoys to communicate with Liu Yu.
Feng Ba's messengers, Wang Te'er and others passed through to Sima Dezong. The Grand Warden of Zhangwu arrested Te'er and others, and sent them as prisoners to the Imperial City.
On dingsi [17 May], favoured Gaoliu.
On renxu [22 May], the Chariot Drove to return to the palace.
5th Month [1 June – 29 June], people of Runan, Hu Hua and others, with more than 10 000 families, led each other to belong to the interior.
On yiwei [24 June], Sima Dezong's Grand Warden of Qi commandery, Wang Yi, came to surrender.
The Chariot Drove on a  western tour, arrived at Yunzhong, thereupon crossed the He, and hunted at the Great Desert.
Autumn, 7th Month, [BS01: yihai [3 August], the Chariot Drove to return to the palace.]
[BS01: On yiyou [13 August]], built the White Terrace to the south of the city, 20 zhang tall.
Sima Shunzhi entered Changshan, his drifting words confused the multitudes. He claimedtot have received the instructions of the Heavenly Emperor, and after 25 years had yielded to be the lord of men. Thereupon he assembled partisans at Fenglong Mountain. A great bandit of Zhao commandery, Zhao De, arrested and sent him off to the Imperial City. Beheaded him.
8th Month [28 August – 26 September], Liu Yu wiped out Yao Hong.
9th Month, guiyou [30 September], Sima Dezong's General who Pacifies the West and Inspector of Jing province, Sima Xiuzhi, the lost [?] King of Qiao, Wensi, the sons of the King of Zhenwu, Sima Guofan and Sima Daoci, the General who Assists the State, Wen Kai, the Interior Clerk of Jingling, Lu Gui, the Within the Seat of Jing province, Han Yanzhi and Yin Yue, the Army Advisors who Pacifies the West, Huan Mi, Huan Sui, and Huan Wen's grandson Daozi, Diao Yong of Bohai, Yuan Shi of Chen commandery, and others, several hundred people, came to surrender. Yao Hong's Commander for Garrisoning the Xiongnu, Yao Chengdu, and his younger brother Hedu, raised the headquarters to come and surrender.
Winter, 10th Month, jiyou [5 November], decreed the Minister over the Masses Zhangsun Song, and others, to return to the Imperial City. Dispatched Shisun Jian to headquarter at Ye.
On guichou [9 November], the King of Yuzhnag, Kui, passed away.
11th Month [25 November – 23 December], the Minister over the Masses, Zhangsun Song, and others, and the various armies, arrived at Leping. Decreed Song to dispatch E Qing, Zhou Jite and others to, together with Shisun Jian, chastise Zhai Shu, Luo Zhi and others of the Western Mountains Dingling. They thoroughly wiped out the remaining partisans and turned back. Remitted the various provinces' rents and taxes.
12th Month, jiyou [4 January], decreed that if there were in Hedong and Henei sons and younger brothers of Yao Hong among the scattered and dispersed people, and there were those who were able to have them sent off and delivered to the Imperial City, to reward them.
On gengshen [15 January], hunted at the Western Mountains.
On guihai [18 January], the Chariot Drove to return to the palace.
The Di notables Xu Ainu, Qi Yuanzi and others, embracing their section groups, 30 000, within Yong, and dispatched envoys to adhere to the interior. Decreed General Wang Lupsheng, the Grand Warden of Henei, Yang Sheng, and others to journey west to thereby respond to them.
On renshen [27 January], favoured Changchuan in Daning. Yao Hong's Master of Writing, the Marquis of Dongwu, Yao Chang, Chang's younger brother, the General who Quells the Distant, Sengguang, and the General of the Right, Yao Dingshi, came in flight from Luo.
This Year, Li Gao passed on. His son Xin was established. He dispatched envoys to court with tribute.
[Taichang 3, 21 February 418 – 10 February 419]
3rd Year, Spring, 1st Month, dingyou [21 February], New Moon, the Emperor from Changchuan decreed the Commander of the Palace Gentlemen who Protects the Gaoche, Xue Fan, to lead a great multitude of the Gaoche and Dingling's 12 sections on a northern inspection. They arrived at Ruo River. Those who surrendered were more than 2 000 people, and they captured more than 20 000 cattle and horses.
The Hu and Shu of Hedong, more than 5 000 families, led each other to belong to the interior.
3rd Month [21 April – 20 May], Sima Dezong dispatched envoys to come with tribute.
On gengxu [5 May], favoured the western palace. Since [BS01: Bohai and] Fanyang last year had flooded, remitted their rent and taxes.
Summer, 4th Month, jisi [24 May], moved the Tuhe of Ji, Ding and You provinces to the Imperial City.
5th Month, bingwu [30 June], decreed Shusun Jian to headquarter at Guang'e.
On renzi [6 July], the Chariot Drove on an eastern tour, and arrived at Ruanyuan and Gansong.
Dispatched the General who Conquers the East, Zhangsun Daosheng and the Serving Affairs Yellow Gates Attendant Gentleman, Xi Guan, to lead spirited cavalry on a double assault on Feng Ba. Daosheng arrived at Longcheng, and moved its people, more than 10 000 families, and turned back.
6th Month, yiyou [8 August], the Chariot Drove to come back west.
Autumn, 7th Month, wuwu [10 September], arrived at the Imperial City.
8th Month [16 September – 15 October], great rain and flood in Yanmen and Henei. Remitted their rent and taxes.
9th Month, jiayin [5 November], decreed the various provinces to transfer the people's taxes, 50 shi per household, and store them in Ding, Xiang and Ji provinces.
Winter, 10th Month, wuchen [19 November], built a palace in the Western Park.
This Year, Sima Dezong passed on. His younger brother Dewen usurped the establishment. Helian Bent Beggar usurped to declare himself August Emperor.
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environmentguru · 7 years
Inverse opals of photonic crystal hydrogels for selective sensing of lead ions
Anal. Methods, 2017, Advance ArticleDOI: 10.1039/C7AY01887H, PaperShirong Liu, Liyan Qin, Zhongbin Ni, Mingqing ChenOwing to the specific interaction between the acquired PCHs and Pb2+, Pb2+ was entrapped into the hydrogel walls of PCHs, resulting in https://www.environmentguru.com/pages/elements/element.aspx?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr&id=5583576
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baeksu-krp · 1 year
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Nome: Qin Liyan Faceclaim: Xiaoting, Kep1er Data de nascimento e idade: 04.12.1999 — 24 anos Gênero: Feminino Etnia e nacionalidade: Chinesa, China
Moradia: Yongsan-gu Ocupação: Caixa, Lemon Tree Flower Shop Qualidades: Prudente, Afável Defeitos: Persuasiva, Presunçosa User: @bks_liyan
TW: Morte familiar, negligência parental, menção a machucados
Qin Liyan havia sido concebida no último mês do ano de 1999 na cidade de Guangzhou, trazida ao mundo através de uma gravidez de risco que findou a vida de sua mãe após o parto. Nunca precisou enfrentar a perda de sua figura materna pois nunca havia tido a chance de conhecê-la, ao contrário de seu pai, um homem incomumente afastado de demonstrações paternais. Foi aos oito anos que precisou lidar com a fachada de bom moço de Songyan, preocupado em ter seus negócios revelados pela teimosia e rebeldia daquela criança que havia gerado. Ela não gostava nem um pouco de como aquele homem agia, e odiava ainda mais a pose de pai amável que ele demonstrava por aí.
Por trás de sorrisos e fotos do jovem empresário benfeitor da província de Guangdong, a mocinha dos Qin aprendia como a vida era um grande espetáculo, uma máscara que encobria apertos de mãos corruptos e acordos envolvendo o clã chinês do qual sua família fazia parte. Se envolver com aquilo seria a última coisa que faria na vida, estava certa disso, não queria acreditar que aqueles negócios futuramente passariam  para suas mãos, ou para as mãos de seu irmão mais velho, fruto de uma relação extraconjugal de seu pai. 
Ironicamente Liyan preferia aprender sobre defesa pessoal com Ziqiu a ter que conviver com qualquer outro assunto daquela família; o que realmente importava para ela era ter um pouco da tranquilidade que uma família normal teria. Vê-lo chegar em casa machucado e com o semblante sempre cansado só aumentava o ódio que a Qin sentia pelo pai, por ele nunca estar ali para cuidar dos próprios filhos. Talvez ele preferisse enviá-los para tratar de seus próprios assuntos a ter que passar um dia normal com eles. Talvez ele estivesse feliz por ter perdido Ziqiu, morto misteriosamente num lugar distante dali, longe de seus cuidados, longe de sua proteção. 
A fúria que tremeluzia no olhar de Lily poderia ser tocada se fosse, no mínimo, notada por alguém, mas ela sempre sabia esconder bem seus sentimentos por trás de sua personalidade tão carismática e doce. Era até mesmo surpreendente conseguir transparecer genuinamente uma faceta agradável quando tudo nela parecia meio quebrado. Amadureceu sozinha, cresceu sozinha, e decidiu que tiraria à limpo a razão pela única pessoa que se importava naquele mundo ter partido. Tinha poucas informações sobre o ocorrido, apenas aquelas que estavam ao seu alcance e que seu pai havia deixado escapar — e todo aquele mistério só servia de combustível para Lily.
Fugiu sem deixar um mísero recado, não achava que isso fosse importante naquele momento, Songyan estava longe de se importar com sua filha, pelo menos era isso o que ela acreditava. Levou consigo todas as pistas sobre a morte de seu irmão, seu destino sendo Seul, lugar onde ele deu seu último suspiro e onde se encontrava a gangue coreana da qual seu clã trocava serviços. Não seria difícil se juntar a eles com todo o histórico familiar que carregava, só esperava encontrar respostas e descobrir o que realmente havia acontecido, iria até o fim com aquilo. 
OOC: +18 Triggers: N/A Temas de interesse: Todos
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