#qksjdhs now i think about it i feel like sometimes people are so determined not to baby neil that the turn to the other extreme
thespineoftherighteous · 10 months
i know everyone and their grandmother has said "he's such an asshole!! (affectionate!!)" and while that's obviously fully true.. it seems to overshadow one of the most seemingly counterintuitive things about Neil which is that he naturally can be very polite. obviously they're not mutually exclusive qualities but i feel like it's hardly ever talked about. like from the beginning he apologizes a lot and occasionally has manners and shit, and especially once he gets close to the foxes he genuinely feels bad and guilty about lying to them and hurting them. I feel like people try so hard to make sure he's not seen as soft that the general idea has become that he's this verbally aggressive jackass who's only ever nice to like. andrew. but I don't think he is
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