realspooks · 1 year
Chayanne took up gardening with Phil and one day he saw the fruit of his labor and was like "huh what now?"
Phil shows him an old Cook book Will never used: "YOU CAN EAT THEM??"
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realspooks · 1 year
Baghera isnt part of any crime organization, so while Richarlyson teaches Pomme how to be a kid, Forever teaches Baghera about the federation, and the necessarie precautions to protect Pomme
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realspooks · 1 year
The Eggs: The children were trained black widow style. They all know hand-to-hand combat and how to use a weapon, but each one has their specialty.
TILIN: Tilin in my head and an infiltrator, they tend to be the type of kid who receive hidden information and can get rid of targets if necessary. Silent and deadly, perfect for someone like Quackty that deals with ellegal gambling and might need to silance someone
TRUMP: Trump works in demolitions, the right child to cause a noisy distraction, or not! Depending on what is needed he will have the right pump for the job.
BOBBY: Bobby is what the federation likes to call a "support tool". Jaiden doesn't work directly on the field, while Roier, although capable, tends to cause scenes. That's where Bobby comes in. A child able to assess the situation and dispose of evidence as best he can. He also has training in pyrotechnics.
CHAYANNE: Chayanne is a bodyguard, sent to Philza and Missa to help them with their dirty work. Chayanne is a combat prodigy and has been trained extensively to tolerate pain and fatigue.
LEO: Leo is one of many children trained to specialize in firerms and how to pass unsuspected by cameras.
RAMÓN: Ramón is one of the hack prodigies, having been sent to Fit to help him with his endevors.
DAPPER: Dapper is the gadget guy.
JUAN (Old name bc I feel like one of the many things she will larn is to express herself, with the help of Slime, Mariana and the others) : Juan is the kid with the best aim and knows how to use anything with a trigger and ammo accurately.
TALLULAH: Tallulah is a master manipulator and expert at getting information and dealing with people, both through dialogue and torture. But unfortunately she is not the best child in hand-to-hand combat making her a "low-demand tool"
RICHARLYSON: Richarlyson, like Chayanne, is a child who specializes in protection, with the difference being that he prioritizes the use of his firearm. He also has an implant in his right leg, put there by the federation after an accident in his training. Despite this, Richarlyson has managed to prove himself useful. He is also the youngest of the children.
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realspooks · 1 year
Pomme is a rescued kid from the federation
She is the smallest of the Kids and Richarlyson immidiatly took upon himself to teach her the ropes of a normal life
"Look Pomme! These are colored pencils!! Dont worrie ill teach you how to draw!"
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realspooks · 1 year
At first, children are afraid of making mistakes around their guardians (mistakes being, showing emotions, disobeying orders, etc...)
I think of a scene where after a while the kids are more comfortable acting like kids. Bobby ends up being accidentally pushed in a playground and ends up reflexively retaliating. He hesitates for a moment when Jaiden catches his eye and ends up being pushed off the slide.
Returning home, Jaiden notices that Bobby appears to have hurt his waist and asks to check the spot where he got hurt. Jaiden notices that Bobby is quieter than usual, and sees that he is terrified.
She asks what's wrong, and he starts listing his "flaws" on the playground. Jaiden says nothing wrong happened and Bobby is extremely confused that he is not punished and corrected for his behavior.
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realspooks · 1 year
Cucorucho makes occasional visits to see how the children are doing in their work. Obviously these are stressful times as all the kids are getting comfortable with not acting like machines all the time. The cocorucho conducts a private interview with each one of them.
Richarlyson, especially, struggled with his interview, with Felps and Foreves having to step in and ask the agent to leave his house.
"Hi Rich...uuh, Forever went to show the interviewer the door, he'll be right back-"
Felps stops in his tracks as he sees Richarlyson breathing fast, rubbing his face exasperatingly trying to prevent tears from wetting his cheeks. He stops as soon as Phelps enters the room.
"Hey hey! What happened?" He exclaims, quickly moving to the boy's side. "Did he do something?" Richarlyson shakes his head and turns his face away from Felps, trying to hide the tear that rolls down.
"Were you scared?"
No answear
"Hey it's okay if you were, that guy is kinda weird I got a little scared too. Maybe I should call Cellbit to see-"
Felps takes a step back, surprised by the outburst. Its like the kid's fear made the air in the room thicker. It almost reminds him of when kids dont want to get caught for doing something wrong.
He feels bad for some reason, his heart twists just a bit.
Both stay quiet for a moment. "Look" He steps closer to the boy and gets down on his level. " Its okay to be scared, everyone gets scared...Cellbit will understand that."
Richarlyson keeps looking away, avoiding eye contact
"Or...I can keep this a secret?" He acts all tough and serious around Cellbit, maybe he wants to impress him?
That's not normal though. He'll have to talk to Cellbit about this. This kid keeps acting like he has to be professional but hes like...what 8?
Yeah this seems abou right.
"I won't say anything, but I need you to know that it's okay to be afraid" He says as he puts his hands on the boys shoulder making him look into his eyes. " Its okay to be tired, to ask for some tapioca from forever, to be curious abot the games Pac and Mike are plaing...And like you'r a kid! Maybe you'r just a bit weird but this isnt normal and all we want to do is make you feel sabe since Cellbit arived with you and-" A tiny hickup stops Felps rambling in its tracks and he sees Richarlyson cring.
"Oh, oh god, did I say something wrong? I'm not mad or anything!"
He stops for a last time, with the feeling of a small trembling body holding tight into his shirt. "you are ok..." He says as he hugs the kid who studs for a second before he starts crying, feeling his first hug.
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realspooks · 1 year
Cellbit is a detective who lives together with his friends who know little about his work.
That bit being the nights he stays up in his office and his friends can't know about his research.
He is called by the federation, and he joins in order to try to unravel what is happening behind the curtains. But in the process he ends up having one of the federation's new technologies, in order to make up for his lack of physical abilities.
He is met with a kid. Long story short, Cellbit shows up at home with a child, the boys become attached to him, and little by little they discover what the Federation has been doing with the children.
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realspooks · 1 year
"Ok...Come on then, Chayanne."
"Mister Craft? I fear I dont have a weapon with me. It would not be wise to go outside like that."
"Its, Phil...And we're going to buy groceries what do you mean?!"
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realspooks · 1 year
BBH is the first one to try and reach out to his kid.
After a long day of working on some tools for his crew. He tells Dapper to take a break. To wich Dapper just lets go of his tool and sits still.
Bad sees that and questions what Dapper is doing. He goes "taking a break until further notice Sir..."
Bad procedes to explain what "relaxing" is and inteoduces Dapper to readig fun books!
A very confused Dapper memorizes the whole animal kindom.
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realspooks · 1 year
Okay! Here's what my brain came up with.
All QSMP members are agents or big criminals of some sort, who have been called upon by the federation for their skills and experience.
They are given some simple missions at the beginning, big robberies, spy investigations, research, hit man type missions. Until one day when the federation paired them with other members, with the excuse that they would be more efficient with the skills of their respective partners.
And right after that, the federation introduces a new tool for complete and total efficiency of its agents. Each of them having their specialty in which they excel. And each team will have their own!
Each team finds itself face to face with a child. A child soldier, born and bred specifically to be the best at what they do. Some have high intelligence and cognitive ability, some are extremely capable in combat, weapons, hacking, and most of all, they follow your every command.
Todos los miembros de QSMP son agentes o grandes delincuentes de algún tipo, que han sido llamados por la federación por sus habilidades y experiencia.
Se les asignan algunas misiones simples al principio, grandes robos, investigaciones de espionaje, investigación, misiones de tipo asesino a sueldo. Hasta que un día la federación los emparejó con otros miembros, con la excusa de que serían más eficientes con las habilidades de sus respectivos socios. Y justo después de eso, la federación presenta una nueva herramienta para la eficiencia total y completa de sus agentes. Cada uno de ellos teniendo su especialidad en la que se destacan. ¡Y cada equipo tendrá el suyo! Cada equipo se encuentra cara a cara con un niño. Un niño soldado, nacido y criado específicamente para ser el mejor en lo que hace. Algunos tienen una gran inteligencia y capacidad cognitiva, otros son extremadamente capaces en el combate, las armas, la piratería y, sobre todo, siguen todas tus órdenes.
Todos os membros do QSMP são agentes ou grandes criminosos de algum tipo, que foram convocados pela federação por suas habilidades e experiência. Eles recebem algumas missões simples no início, grandes roubos, investigações de espionagem, pesquisas, missões do tipo assassino. Até que um dia a federação os emparelhou com outros membros, com a desculpa de que seriam mais eficientes com as habilidades de seus respectivos parceiros. E logo em seguida, a federação apresenta uma nova ferramenta para total e total eficiência de seus agentes. Cada um deles tendo sua especialidade na qual se destacam. E cada equipe terá a sua! Cada equipe se encontra frente a frente com uma criança. Uma criança-soldado, nascida e criada especificamente para ser a melhor no que faz. Alguns têm alta inteligência e capacidade cognitiva, alguns são extremamente capazes em combate, armas, hacking e, acima de tudo, seguem todos os seus comandos.
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realspooks · 1 year
if you could, info dump on how all the pairings + greater brazil poly met? 👉👈
I didnt really think about the pairings... I think i'll keep it like canon for the most of it.
I thing the biggest differance is that all of them are criminals of some kind :p
So feel free to headcanon that! I would like to hear what yall have in mind
Now, for the great Brasil Poliamorosos!!
Cellbit is the only one who actually joins the Federation and the other 4 are normal civilians.
Mike and Pac are friends for the longest time. They met in high school when they were teenagers and have never been apart since. They're the kind of friends that practically lived in each other's houses. They were once big scammers for auctions online before being put in prison where they met Cellbit. When they eventually got out, Mike got a engeneering degree and Pac majored on Creative writing.
Cellbit and Felps met online, the two have been friends for 10 years. It got to a point in their lives where Cellbit started getting into dark and dangerous places online while Felps was playing basic games. Despite this, they reached a point where they arranged to meet in person.
The four eventually became friends online, with Cellbit introducing Felps to the duo and there they met Forever. Who also has a police passage for vandalism when he was younger.
Felps knows everyone's past in a way, he and Pac being the most "passive" ones
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realspooks · 1 year
One day Wilbur falls asleep listening to Hamilton and Tallulah stays up all night listening.
The first moment he notices any hint of Tallulah's personality is when he catches her humming "The Schuyler Sisters".
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realspooks · 1 year
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realspooks · 1 year
Seeing Cellbit roleplay with Richarlyson before he went missing was really sweet.
It gave the the idea that, if the Crime!AU was a series, you know how sometimes before a game changing, heartcrushing episode, some series have a very light episode where things seem nice and right at the end it gives a little sneak peak in what's to come?
For me, that episode would be Cellbit DMing a D&D game for the kids. It's chaos and there would be some heartfelt moments of the kids projecting their feelings onto their characters and such...
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realspooks · 1 year
Now I'm making the sunset meaning a thing in my AU
The Kids never saw the sky, and when they eventually do, they dont mind it.
Jaiden and Roier show Bobby his firts sunset.
It become his favorite thing in the whole world.
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realspooks · 1 year
Mike and Pac descover the Ordo Theorithas by acident.
Mike thinks Fit is really cool because of his hacking skills and starts looking up to him.
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