#qsmp misshalo
cutiepansstuff · 5 months
I love you, Missa
Bad no le gusta ver a sus seres queridos siendo lastimados, pero siempre le ha fascinado cuando un mortal es lastimado, las marcas en su cuerpo, la facilidad de desgarrar la piel, pero especialmente, la sangre y órganos, le fascina ver y probar a los humanos. Es una desgracia que Missa no pueda sangrar, ¿Verdad?
Necesitaba sacar este ship de mi sistema. Bad es un ser manipulativo y Missa siempre cree en sus palabras. El siguiente contenido contiene temas delicados.
Bad no recuerda la primera vez que probó la carne humana, tal vez esa fue la razón por la cual fue desplazado del cielo, quién sabe, han pasado tantos años de eso, y tampoco es un hábito que tenga, la carne humana no tiene ningún sabor en particular o tan siquiera agradable, pero la sangre.
La sangre humana es distintiva, con un sabor ferroso y al mismo tiempo dulce, jamás olvidará la sensación del líquido en su lengua bajando por su garganta, tan cálida y húmeda, no puede olvidar el sabor y por más que lo desea, hace años no ha cazado humanos; por respeto a sus amigos mortales ha dejado de buscar ese dulce elixir.
Debe admitirlo, tiene cierta obsesión con la sangre humana, es diferente a la sangre de inmortales como él o Foolish, no es dulce, es espesa y tiene un aroma muy fuerte y desagradable, es decepcionante no disfrutar de la sangre del híbrido tiburón. Eso ha sido siempre así. Angeles, demonios, dioses, semi dioses, todos tienen sangre diferente a la humana. ¿Cómo es que Missa está sangrando como un humano entonces?
No conoce mucho de la vida de Missa, sabe que está relacionado con la diosa de la vida o de la muerte, no está muy seguro, pero de algo que sí estaba seguro es que el esqueleto no es humano, no es mortal, su sangre debe ser diferente, no roja, no debe de desprender ese aroma a metal, no debe de desear tomar al mexicano y encajar sus colmillos en su piel, desgarrarla y succionar cada gota de su cuerpo.
– Missa, why are you bleeding?
– ¿Qué?
– Why are you bleeding?
– ¿Por qué? Pues porque el zombie tenía una espada.
– But you are immortal.
– Bueno, es complicado, aún siendo hijos de dioses, debemos de cumplir 100 años de pruebas y trabajos, es entonces que somos considerados honorables a la inmortalidad, por mientras mi cuerpo es lo más similar a un cuerpo humano mortal.
Oh Missa, ¿Por qué eres tan interesante? ¿Un ser inmortal con cuerpo humano? Nunca había conocido un caso como ese, simplemente es interesante.
– Missa, are we friends, right?
– Mira Bad, no sé si puedo confiar en ti después de aquella vez, aunque estos días has actuado como siempre, aún no estoy seguro de que seas el mismo BadBoyHalo que conozco.
– Oh Missa, I already explained to you about that, the bunnies weren't good, they would even be worse than the federation. I just had to do it, for the safety of our kids, are you not worried about the eggs?
Ese es el BadBoyHalo de siempre, una faceta que muchos no conocen, uno que desde la llegada de los dragones ha cambiado su forma de ser en extremo, la mayoría de los habitantes no conocen su ser egoísta, manipulador, obsesivo, el demonio no se detiene hasta conseguir lo que quiere y ahora lo que quiere es la dulce sangre mortal del mexicano.
– Claro que me preocupan, pero creo que fuiste un poco-
– I would do whatever I have to do to protect the ones I love, I love my kids Missa.
– Lo sé, yo también-
– I love you too, Missa.
–... ¿Qué?
– I love you, you're so special to me, you're kind and funny, I feel good at your side.
La confusión en la expresión de Missa es delatora, conoce al demonio y sabe que a veces sus palabras significan otra cosa, utiliza términos y expresiones incorrectos para lo que quiere dejar ver, pero en esta ocasión, no está seguro si es lo mismo; después de todo, el de cabello lacio tiene una expresión seria, mirada fija, no sonríe, sólo lo está viendo como si pudiera penetrar su alma, aquello le provoca escalofríos. ¿Estará diciendo la verdad? ¿Puede confiar en él? ¿Es el BadBoyHalo de siempre? Todo pasa tan rápido y confuso, y aunque sus palabras fueran ciertas, él está con Philza, claro, de forma platónica, pero su corazón le pertenece al híbrido cuervo, no quiere romper los sentimientos de ninguno de los dos, el demonio es su amigo pero el cuervo es su esposo.
– Bad, yo-
– Can I kiss you?
– ¿Qué? No Bad, escucha-
– I know you don't feel the same way, you love Philza, but please, I really want to kiss you, just one little kiss, please.
–... Ok, solo un beso, y después hablamos de esto.
El mayor solo sonríe antes de tomar la cintura del contrario, se acerca lentamente cerrando sus ojos levantándose en las puntas de sus pies, el esqueleto debía admitir que la imagen era linda desde su punto de vista, cerrando los ojos termina por acortar la distancia uniendo sus labios suavemente, el demonio tenía un suave sabor a moras azules, era cálido y suave, incluso puede decir que lo está disfrutando.
Duraron un par de minutos con aquellos besos suaves y tiernos hasta que el esqueleto decide que es suficiente e intenta separarse, si no fuera por el repentino y fuerte agarre en su mentón que lo obliga a mantenerse en el beso, intenta separar al demonio tomándolo por los hombros mientras el mencionado logró colar su lengua entre los labios del mexicano, forzando a profundizar el beso.
Al tratar de separarse se tropieza con los pies del mayor cayendo ambos al suelo, Bad aprovecha este descuido para tomar ambas manos del mexicano y posicionarlas encima de su cabeza sujetandolas con una mano, el esqueleto comienza a paniquearse, no quiere abrir los ojos, quiere separarse y huir, quiere correr a su casa y acostarse en la misma cama que Philza, quiere sentirse seguro a su lado. Los pensamientos del menor son interrumpidos al sentir la fuerte presión en su labio inferior junto con el fluir de cierto líquido cálido en su boca, cuando finalmente el demonio se aleja abre los ojos para verlo sonreír, con sus labios brillosos e hinchados junto con su propia sangre en su lengua, la mordida podría ser comparada a tener el labio roto, aún puede sentir su sangre fluir por su boca.
– You taste good Missa.
– ¡Suéltame Bad, quiero regresar a casa!
– Your house? Missa, that is not your house, you don't deserve it.
– Pero-
– You have always been outside, your family even don't know where you are going and when you will come back, and when you come back, they're sleeping, it's like you don't want to see them.
– ¡Eso no es verdad, claro que quiero verlos, son mi familia y los amo!
– And I don't have any doubt about that, I know you love your family, and I'm pretty sure they love you back, but you don't deserve them, and Philza doesn't deserve you, he's just playing with you and giving you false hope.
– Eso es mentira, Philza es hetero, nunca me ha dado indicios de nada.
– I don't think he is straight, after all, he and Fit were lovers.
–... ¿Fueron qué?
– They were lovers, and even now they are always flirting with each other, and I'm not lying, I saw them, how they act and look, even make suggestive jokes about their past together.
– N-No.
– Missa, Philza don't love you, and never gonna love you like I do, please, let me love you Missa.
Missa no podía creer las palabras de Bad, sabía que Philza y Fit eran cercanos porque se conocían de antes, no podía creer que tuvieran una relación antes y menos que sigan coqueteandose, pero ver el rostro del demonio le hacían ver qué era verdad, Bad es de mentir casi siempre y es muy difícil saber cuándo dice la verdad a cuándo dice una mentira, pero él ha logrado notar pequeños gestos que hace cuando miente, ninguno de esos gestos apareció todo este tiempo, está siendo sincero. Se siente mal, se siente patético, lleva enamorado del rubio casi desde que llegaron a la isla y nunca intentó nada fuera de sus límites por creer que es hetero, ¿Entonces por qué con Fit si puede actuar de esa manera pero con él no? Tal vez Bad tenga razón, tal vez Philza nunca lo verá como él lo ve, relaja su cuerpo debajo del demonio, cierra los ojos y asiente lentamente, el mayor solo esboza una sonrisa más grande al verlo rendirse debajo suyo, suelta sus manos y lo abraza escondiéndose en su cuello susurrando cerca de su oído.
– Oh Missa, I will never hurt you… emotionally.
Encaja sus colmillos en el cuello del menor desgarrando su delicada piel, saboreando una vez más el cálido líquido rojizo fluyendo de la reciente herida.
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gatusof · 1 month
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saintsr · 3 months
Finally he noticed that place that Missa wanted to make an art, painting and music studio, something tender but useless, like everything else, the attic with a small door that was lost in the paint on the ceiling, and if you didn’t know where to look, a little lever that He went down the stairs without further ado, he went up, when he looked out he saw nothing, everything was dark, only a small window that illuminated enough and as if the Gods were smiling on him he saw the silhouette of little Chayanne trying to hide.
Missa went in and out of unconsciousness so quickly, her head hurt a lot and she felt something running down her temples and sticking to her hair, everything was barely blurry and she could see something well, suddenly she heard screams, her children tried to move her head. Body but he did not respond, he heard hurried footsteps, then three screams, he wanted to tell them not to stop that he was fine, he felt them pass by him, then a larger shadow kicked him in the ribs, leaving him gasping for air and leaving him face down, then he fell again in a dark place where he heard running water and splashes like the ones Chayanne made when he started swimming without the float, his brave boy never screamed or asked for help, not like now he heard him scream for him, tears formed on his face Then I don’t know she heard anything, then she heard Llulah, her princess, scream and then as if she had something that prevented her from doing it, like that time they went to play and out of excitement Llulah screamed with excitement when she saw the ponies for the first time from afar. There they found out that she had asthma, they were scared and took her to the hospital, they gave her instructions on how to take care of her until now that she only needed it from time to time, then she heard a kind of white noise like old radio static, she wonders if Dapper is building something again how that time he destroyed a television and then improved it because it was very obsolete according to him, or how when they discovered that he liked to use chainsaws and that scared him a lot.  He fell again into the blackness of the void then he felt his hot face being burned so opening his eyes a little he noticed that he was dragged on the floor, he tried to dig in his nails but he didn’t have enough strength, Bad must have noticed because he turned him face up. New and his face was full of scratches, his arms and he had light drops of blood in certain places or gigantic stains on his stomach, as well as dried tears, he watched with horror as he was taken to the attic, struggling Bad carried him up the stairs, caring little. If his head hit the steps hard or if he was still breathing, when he was finally able to put him in a comfortable place, he climbed on top of his chest and with his hands began to choke Missa, he saw how she moved trying to save herself but her body was in vain. He was in no condition to fight anymore, he saw how his eyes reached the whites and how his lips turned purple and blue, without further ado he pulled on his neck until he felt it break, he grabbed the small knife that he had in his pocket and ran it through his neck. Missa’s face tenderly, until he stuck it in the lower part of her jaw and pressed until he went deep. He carefully dragged along the edges without letting anything escape and lifted the skin until he could see the muscles of her face, her beautiful skin. It was finally his, his face was the one that could conquer anyone, like him, it was finally his, no one else would have the privilege of seeing it, it was finally his, with patience he had a lot of time, he carefully scraped the muscle until it was detached from the bone. Of all things, Missa always liked skulls, he being her husband would give her the privilege of being one, she finally saw the bone, how it was stained with blood, she looked around the room until she found a small box where she carefully kept the skin, giving it a kiss goodbye until she returns home, she wrapped the body in a blanket almost like a mummy, she fixed her leg but it didn’t cooperate and ended up at a strange angle, but it didn’t matter, finally Missa wouldn’t need them.  He ended up in a pool of blood and how the previously purple blanket became a darker red color, he left that place and grabbing a piece of paper from his pocket he went out in search of the culprit of all this, the one who managed to take away his peace and everything. That he loved, grabbed a bigger knife and a hammer and went to Philza’s address that Missa got by following him behind his back.
When he arrived, the house was dark, he broke the door and entered, he searched everything but he couldn’t find where he was leaving. He just went to an old telephone booth and waited there until Philza returned, until he heard a movement behind him, the The booth had glass doors in all its angles, it was only located in a not very busy alley, since these devices were not widely used. When he checked, he saw nothing. When he looked back in the direction of Philza’s house, he saw something white and then black.
 For Philza, those days were very chaotic. On Saturday, he went to see Fit and Pac since these two were organizing their bachelor parties and being one of the groomsmen, he had to organize it together with Cellbit, Roier, Mike and Tubbo, on the night. There was great chaos and fun, he fell asleep in what the Brazilians called Favela 6, in one of the rooms of the Cellbit castle, there he found out that no one there had seen or heard of Missa or that Chayanne, Dapper or Llulah were his children, Roier got angry and didn’t understand half of it since he said it very quickly in an angry tone until Cellbit calmed him down, promising that they would stand guard all day at the school if necessary to see the shaggy asshole in Roier’s words.
 When he got close to his house he found some patrol cars near an alley that led to his house. It seemed strange to him since Quesadilla Island was very safe, but keeping his curiosity he arrived at his house, after all he had things to do for his work, at the same time He tried to put the key in the knob, his door opened by itself, he grabbed a gun that he had hidden in the entrance looking for danger, but he only found discarded leaves, broken furniture and burned photographs, one in particular where he was dating Missa, but now he had been burned. Leaving Phil alone in the picture.  He went out in search of the police, taking advantage of the fact that they were there, they sent him to a hotel after interrogating him and putting up tape so that no one would approach the house.  That frustrated him a lot, when he arrived at school he met his friends and his children, they, true to their word, did not leave until dismissal time, and offering his house, he thanked them and accepted, he hated being in the hotel, he felt As if something was watching him, but also concern since the Halo Sinfonía children had not shown up nor had they notified if an emergency occurred, on the third day was when he went to the house.
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saintsr · 3 months
Arriving at her room, she carefully closed the door, heading with calm steps to the side where her husband was sleeping, there she saw him as beautiful as always, thin as she liked, you could almost see his bones in his collarbones and cheeks, the circles under his eyes so dark that He was trying to cover up, one more defect than trying to fix, how he gripped the pillow so tightly that his fists turned white, without further ado cutting a bit of tape to stick it to Missa’s mouth carefully trying not to wake him up, his sense of survival was infallible, He carefully separated his hand from the pillow, he was so rigid that he looked like a statue, that always bothered him as he could never relax with him, he carefully tied his hands together with his feet when he was about to finish he felt Missa stir violently when his His eyes made contact, he could see how they opened in shock, panic and fear, his breathing became unstable, Bad passed a soft caress over his face and pulled his hair violently, tearing out a few strands of hair to bring their faces closer.
 “Calm down, Miss, it was necessary, sometimes you become unpredictable, I had to take my precautions”
   So Missa’s eyes filled with tears, Bad never called him Miss, that nickname was special that’s what Phil called him.  Her hair was pulled and released for periods while their gazes never left each other, then her head was slammed against the pillow and turned violently, Bad ran a hand on her cheek as he crushed his palm all over her face, leaving his mouth at the level of her face. His ear and without further ado he also felt how she climbed on top of him, crushing his body no matter where he put his limbs, sometimes his knees crushed his hips, his stomach or his chest, until he settled and their breasts collided.
“You think he didn’t know how you approached him?  How did your eyes look at him again?  Oh, Missy, I was always watching how you became shameless with your actions, how you let him look at you, grab you again, how his hands walked over you in front of everyone and in front of our children. Do you think they will love you if they find out that “Your father offers himself to anyone who talks nice to him?”  Bad began to kiss Missa’s head with affection and tranquility, but his tone was angry and contemptuous. “Do you think he would look at you lovingly if he found out about everything you’ve done?  “How the pure figure that he remembers is nothing more than a memory, how you beg to be hurt, how your hands have become dirty, you no longer have the will to fight, how you transformed into my rag doll to use as I please.”
 Bad got up to go to the closet, carefully removing his clothes, revealing a small space where there was a small door the size of a nightstand. He turned towards Missa, who, upon seeing that place, stirred violently until she fell out of bed and Trying to crawl on the ground, Bad continued walking until he had enough pulling on his feet without caring if it hurt him. Missa screamed because in that movement he felt a tear in one of her feet. He moved with more violence but when he turned her Head saw Bad preparing the place, it was a place where you would put a safe or something that you don’t want someone to see. There were no vents other than the door with a slight opening that Bad made the first time he used it with Missa, there was no one either. Knob inside or something, Bad carried Missa bridal style, caring little if any part of his body was hit or scraped by the opening, he threw it quickly feeling that the other wanted to escape, he closed the door forcefully, putting the key and a padlock only As a precaution, while he heard Missa’s labored breathing along with her muffled screams, it was a shame that he couldn’t enjoy it in another situation, but if Missa behaved well he would give her the privilege of pleasing him again.
“This is your punishment until you remember who you married, who owns you, and that way you won’t be able to eat as much as you like. My love, you are gaining a lot of weight. Your clothes will no longer fit and on a little pig it is adorable, but It’s disgusting on you.”
 Finally he stopped hearing noises in the closet, he calmly left the room heading to the hallway where Chayanne’s door was moving desperately along with some screams from his other two children calling for their parents. First he went with Llulah who, upon seeing him, stopped. Back but then jumped into his arms, snuggling into his neck, then Dapper, seeing him with his sister, approached and took Bad’s hand without stopping to see his sister and even though he wanted to leave Chayanne locked up, how his father opened the door for him. Unlike his sister, he stood at the entrance like a statue, with anger and his gaze fixed on his father.
 “Where is daddy Missa?”
 “Well, kids, his dad wasn’t feeling well and he stayed in bed, but he told me that today we could go out to play and eat somewhere else. What do you think?”
 “I asked you about Dad, what were we going to do today?” Chayanne clenched her fists, pressing them closer to her body.
 “Well that will be all they will have or they want to be punished a little bird told me they are behaving badly” Bad looked the three children in the eyes with a smile.
 The children looked at each other with fright, then they looked at her father, shaking their heads.
“Well, hurry up, if we're lucky, when we get back your father will finally feel better.”
So he carefully left the girl on the floor and watched them go to the bathroom to try to enter first while that was happening. Bad watched them then went down to the living room and grabbed his keys. After all, he didn’t change, he was dressed casually in his black sweatshirt and jeans. And his black boots, nothing that gave him away, when he saw his children get out he hurried them to the car.
 Arriving at dusk was a bit emotionally and physically exhausting for the children and they could only go to their rooms to change into their pajamas and go brush their teeth. When they went to their parents’ room they tried to hear something but they couldn’t, so that made them More discouraged, they went to sleep in Chayanne’s room in her closet just as Daddy Missa taught them, they made a small fort and huddled tightly together hoping that Daddy would be better early tomorrow morning.
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gatusof · 4 months
HERE: https://x.com/Gatu_sof/status/1789847311717138757
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saintsr · 3 months
In the news there was a report of a man named Bad Boy Halo finally recognized after blood tests since his face was disfigured and he had no fingerprints or other mark to identify. He had been found in an alley lying among the garbage, being almost consumed by cats and mice.  The disappearance of Professor Philza Craft was also reported, any report will be useful since he is suspected of being involved in a crime, as well as the location of the Halo children.  The photo of a young Missa from the last time he was seen when he was eighteen years old was presented again since it is suspected that he was seen recently.
 The theory said that Missa ran away from his house to become a musician since his guitar had disappeared that same night and no one else knew anything about him, being searched by his friends and family, no one gave a clue.  Many said that he possibly went looking for Philza but no one confirmed it since he was not even in the country.
 Another theory is that he was kidnapped since nothing was ever heard from him but he was last seen with BBH. When we interviewed him, he only said that he asked him for money and then he left, never knowing his whereabouts again.
They searched for the children since their custody was lost and the State had it again, but no one found them. It is suspected that Philza may have stolen them after gaining their trust as a kind of revenge.
 When the police went to search Bad’s house they found nothing out of the ordinary, everything was quiet, he cleaned as if no one had broken in, but when they searched the rooms they found a girl wrapped in the blankets with a pillow on her face, in another fourth they found another child under the bed, his arm was detached and covered in his own blood since he was stabbed multiple times and finally in the bathroom of the house, there was nothing strange until the stench of the bathtub caught their attention, bringing out dirty water they found the body of the blonde boy.  When they searched with better equipment, they found the door to the attic, there they found the two bodies of the adults hugging each other, one protecting the other. They carefully removed the bodies since the blood seemed to be fused to one, they recognized how Philza recognized the other, after a macabre discovery. To Missa Sinfonia.  One body had no heart and the other had two, one was cut open from behind and the other without a face and eyes torn out with violence, which were found in a chest.
 It is suspected that Philza killed Bad after finding out about Missa, but the other one went ahead, destroying his family and they fought until one received outside help, or only Philza killed everyone in a fit of madness, or Bad was the one who attacked Bad. Madness upon being discovered, thousands of theories and stories.
 The truth was that everyone felt a kind of dark aura in that house, but then a crow would land on the roof and scream, telling people to keep their distance, and when they didn’t obey, it would just shake its head and fly away.
 Inside the house you could hear noises, sometimes as if children were playing, laughter, other times as if bodies were being dragged, and at night some claimed to see two shadows of adults dancing together.
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saintsr · 3 months
It was already three in the afternoon, I was hungry, sick and worried.  Roier did not stop harassing him if he had seen Missa or if he could go with him to see the house, rejecting both the latter because it was part of his work, although he understood his feelings, when he arrived he did not see anything strange, the house was quiet and very heavy silence, first he tried to knock on the windows but it didn't work, then the doors seemed to be locked and when he was leaving he could see through the living room window the three children sitting in an armchair, but no adult, he knocked on the window and He stood at an angle where they could see him, but they seemed to ignore him, until Llulah turned to see him along with her brothers. Chayanne went to the door, ran and waited for them to open it. When he entered the house, everything was in a mess. glass and broken porcelain, he hoped that whoever broke into the house had finally been caught and that Bad and Missa were okay, he approached the children still sitting in front of the television.
 “Hello, Chay, Llulah, Dapper, how are you?  “Did you also receive unwanted guests?”  He asked with a smile but they didn't answer. “Why haven't they all gone to school? Are their parents here?”  Is Missa here?”  Finally the three turned to see him with enviable synchronicity.
 Finally he noticed that Chay's hair was wet as if he had just finished showering, Llulah had a strange movement in his chest and Dapper seemed to be holding on by force of will as if in a minute he would fall asleep, when was he going to put his hand on her? Chayanne's head, his phone rang, he moved towards the windows, turning his back on the children.
 “Have you talked to the asshole yet?  Pass it to me now he will find out who I am”
 “Roier, calm down, I haven't barely spoken to him and the children opened the door for me but they don't answer anything”
 “Did they leave those children alone?  Tell me the address, I'll go now, to see if they have enough eggs to ignore me."
 “You can't come, they will report to me if anyone finds out that you are here, this is my job, I will go see them later”
Without further ado, he hung up. When he turned around, he realized that the children were no longer there, but he could hear voices from the kitchen and he thought he heard Missa. After a few steps, when he prepared to see him, he realized that it was only Llulah. He found her in front of the door. Main floor, she turned to him and pointed up to the second floor.
 “ I can upload?”  She nodded and without further ado reached the upper floor while trying to get to the children’s room she hears a knocking from above she sees a staircase that leads to the attic she goes there when she looks out to see, she notices that everything is illuminated there are paintings, things from art and instruments, perhaps Missa’s art room, he walks accidentally kicks a small chest and sees a bundle wrapped in a purple cloth being the curious one who is carelessly uncovers it and sees a mannequin.  He sets the cloth aside and goes downstairs more frustrated than he was before.
 “Okay kids, if this is a joke it’s over, I’m going to call your parents and then the authorities this is not right”
   He took his cell phone out of his pocket and carried a note with the numbers of the guardians and officers.  When he turned towards the living room he saw Chayanne with his back turned to him, his hair had not dried yet or he just liked to wet it continuously, when he put his hand on his shoulder to turn him he can see him with his face blank as well as his eyes then he opens his mouth to spit out a lot of water, he accidentally throws it out of shock and when he falls to the floor he sees how he convulses and scratches the air, he moves away from the impact when he collides with something on his hip he sees Dapper who only moved a little due to the push but he sees As little by little his arm detaches from the rest of his body and falls with a dull thud to the floor, Phil sees him horrified. He also approaches the stairs until he leans on the railing. There he sees a shadow approaching his back. When he turns around, he sees Llulah standing doing nothing but suddenly her chest rises and falls uncontrollably, she opens her mouth as if she were going to scream but she only sees her turn blue and stretching out her hand hoping that he would hold it, she looks away returning to Dapper and sees him bathed in blood sitting in front of the door he closes his eyes and when he opens them again he notices that there is nothing only silence he gets up ready to go to the door when he hears something crawling on the floor, he hears a scream of skin hitting the floor, as he turns around and look up you can see a purple lump moving, it makes noises as if it can't breathe when it moves you can see a hand sticking out there is blood all over the hand, then the other hand appears grabbing the railing the head sticks out of the lump and you see a mop of hair black is covering his entire face but he knows it is Missa instinctively he wants to help her but he is frozen he feels an electric current throughout his body as he hears Missa’s body hit the first steps above when he sees Missa raise her face he can only see her bloody face trying to get something to come out of his lips, being a loud breath then he hears him say.
“Phil-Philzzz-Philzzzzaaa he-hel-help” you see him trying to lift his entire body but when he does so he sees that his leg bends in a grotesque way yet he leans on the railing.  He finally makes his body react and his back hits the door. When he looks down at the floor, he blindly searches for the doorknob, but he doesn’t feel anything except the door, then he feels the door alone, he feels like he’s about to fall. When his hand is taken by another he recognizes those fingers, that skin and when he looks up he sees something he never wanted: Missa’s bloody skull, only her hair and her eyes still joined together that looked at him attentively, his hand trembled, he wanted to let go but he couldn’t. He could hold it tightly until he felt his nails dig into his skin.
 “Philzzzzaaa did yo- youu commeee,” the letters slurred as her neck twisted at an impossible angle, “ I wa-waiiiteed for you .”
 He wanted to scream, his mind was numb, then he felt how a body collided with his, when he recognized him, he only hugged him very tightly and cried on his shoulder, he felt how his hands snaked around his torso and then landed on his back, so it was a surprise when he felt how These were opening, he passed through his skin, he felt the blood wetting his skin and his skin until he felt nothing, Missa with her sharp nails made a large opening from his shoulder blades to the lower part of his ribs, grabbing them, he broke them and took them out, he turned them until that will remain in a kind of wing shape, tears of blood came out of his eyes, he asked for forgiveness and felt how Philza granted it to him and hugged him.  When he finished he saw his work, Philza’s ribs looked like the base of the wings and his blood shaped her feathers so that beautiful wings were painted on the floor and he returned to his original place until he saw his children, they were finally with him. He saved.
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saintsr · 3 months
While with Bad she went to the garage to get tools, her dumb husband thought he was smart but he wasn’t, he knew everything that was going on in her house, her pathetic attempts to escape although fun were frustrating, he used special glue for the windows and you’re not to open apart from nailing them tightly, he changed the doors of the house so that they only opened from the outside and with his key, perhaps he gave his pet too much freedom, he nailed wooden barricades to all the doors through which they could exit, he put a grate on the fireplace, when it was time to clean it would be a problem, Missa would pay for the problems he causes, he disconnected all the phone and internet lines, only he had the key and the only functional device that only the children would use with his supervision So he spent the whole night until dawn, where he finally took Missa out of the hole and laid him gently on the bed, he carefully untied him, cleaned his wounds and tears with a cold cloth, snuggled with him and slept. calm tomorrow would be a new day.
 Missa was still awake counting the minutes thanks to the clock they had in the room, without making a sound and carefully he detached himself from Bad, limping he went to the door of the room, he opened it and closed it carefully, he checked Dapper and Llulah's room but he did not find nothing praying for them to be in Chayanne's room as he has taught him and not in another part of the world, neighborhood, city or worse, trembling he grabs the knob of his son's room when he sees the empty bed he feels the air escaping from his lungs and a sob wants to come out so he doesn't care if something hurts, he approaches the closet, he opens it a little abruptly, he searches through the clothes and toys, finally he feels a lump and how it moves to reveal three heads that look at him with frightened eyes. But when they recognize him, they approach his chest to be hugged and kissed. The four of them cry in silence. Missa makes a gesture with her finger and points to the ceiling, then a fist with hid open palm and finally the number 3 with her fingers. The children They nod and leave quickly without making a sound.  Missa sighs and organizes the closet the way the children had it and goes down to the kitchen. It was finally the day when her nightmare ended or continued.
The dawn arrived at the house, illuminating everything. Bad received the rays on her face with annoyance. He was going to hide in her husband’s chest until she felt that he was not there. He got up scared, running to the children’s room when she saw nothing. He got more upset, ran down to his study but it was still closed, calmer, he walked through the living room until he reached the kitchen, there on the floor, curled up with his head in his hands, he could see Missa, she could hear herself crying uncontrollably and without expecting it, Bad grabbed the Missa’s hair abruptly bringing a knife that she doesn’t know when she grabbed.
 “Hello Missa, playing hide and seek again?  Come on, this was the last round.” Missa was breathing hard but making sure her skin didn’t hit the edge of the weapon. “Where did you hide the children?  Come on, otherwise it will be worse for you or them.”
 “They are no longer in the house, they are very far away, I saved them and they will never have to see you again” Missa and Bad looked at each other with fury until Bad kissed him violently, drawing blood in the process, Missa tried to struggle until she felt The knife stuck in his shoulder making him scream in Bad’s mouth
 The children were lying on a mat, covered by a fort that Missa made for them a long time ago, when they were younger she took them to play hide and seek, the one who didn’t make noise and didn’t respond until a specific sound they couldn’t get out, if Dad Bad would find them or watch them while they played they lost, they only lost once or twice then it became easier.  They had food, drinks and a small place to go to the bathroom, they don’t know if Papa Missa built them or it was already there but it was functional.  In the distance they heard noises and voices from their parents, furniture being dragged, quick steps, bangs and screams, sometimes they heard someone going up the stairs, they just squeezed each other, they felt their palms sweaty and their hearts jumping in their chests, until They were walking away again, they heard a vase or maybe that ugly tableware where their Dad Bad made them eat, the one they hated because they couldn’t scratch it or get it too dirty or a punishment would come, they never got one but one time they saw their dad Missa with burns on her arm, the same day that Llulah accidentally broke a matching bowl from the tableware.
The silence was worse, they didn’t know what to expect, when to wait, they were just tense waiting for their dad Missa and a miracle.
 Missa had distracted Bad enough to tire him out but his energy was limited, his arm was bleeding, he had no strength from not eating all day his newly freed arms and legs and a sprained ankle plus a fight, Bad was looking for the children in the garage since according to Missa they locked themselves there, he knew better but he needed to check the exits and entrances.  When he turned to the kitchen window he saw Missa trying to climb the stairs leaning her body against the wall, giving a depressing spectacle. He approached without making a sound and when he finally reached the second floor he noticed how she hit the wall in sequence after a while. The sequence came back, he finally found his children, he went up the stairs happily, without worrying about the noise, Missa turned to look at him horrified, he just laughed and when he wanted to take a step he felt a blow on his leg making him bend and then Bad He hit him on the head with the key he had in his hand until he was unconscious.
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saintsr · 3 months
“Nothing, you know I’m always very clumsy,” he mentioned with a small smile as he looked down and saw his children quickly release Philza’s grip. “Run, children, it’s already late and even if your teacher is late, you won’t.” The children exchanged a look of doubt and with some resistance they walked away, turning to look at both adults every now and then.
“I’m sorry, sometimes they get that nervous but don’t make them marry
“Miss, how can I not pay attention to them? Look at your hand and your arm looks purple, you wince every time you move it.”
Philza crossed his arms angrily while Missa was surprised that he told her that since no one looked further, he hid it all pretty well or just maybe his defenses fell when he was around the blonde.
“I’m fine and you have to go teach bye bye”
“Missa wait, I know it’s not my place but you no longer look like that person I knew and I know we’re not those young people either but I see you thinner, your dark circles are deeper, it seems like you don’t sleep sometimes you watch everything any noise surprises you but not like before when you tried to know what it was today you just cringe as if you had”
“No, I’m not afraid, I just know, things change, but if you really want to help me, if at some point you don’t see me with the children or they can’t answer you why I didn’t come to leave them, please, take care of them, now.” Don’t just ask if you can take them away and don’t let Bad find out.” After that moment they stared into each other’s eyes, their looks reflected surprise, only the sound of the school bell made them wake up, both of them jumping in their places, to Missa was like a warning, she ran as far as her legs could bear it, in the end she just leaned on the door, she put her injured hand to her mouth and bit it lightly, making it bleed a little more, with a few small screams, tremors. And tears, he got up again to go to the bathroom to look for the first aid kit, his heart leaped with joy. Philza still knew him and with a little courage he managed to say the only thing that mattered to him, maybe only then could he save his children, it was He went to the kitchen grabbing everything he needed to make the food, he turned on music and with that his tears continued to come but it was the onion he was chopping, it was the smoke from the meat he was frying and he forgot to open the windows, it was the chili What he was roasting or the tortillas he was burning, it didn’t matter, it was just something temporary.
Philza was left with a bad taste in her mouth and a feeling of emptiness in her stomach that not even food could fill. She saw the three children sitting alone, leaning on each other, rejecting their friends when they approached to invite them to play. He also saw them counting the coins they were carrying, and taking out an old, wrinkled sheet that they hid for a certain time when someone approached, maybe it was just a surprise for a friend or they were saving for a gift for their parents, it was the safest thing. Or he was just convincing himself that this was normal.
The weekend arrived very quickly, in the Halo-Symphony house it was calm like any other day.
Bad found himself back in his studio looking at old photos from when he and Missa went to school, how he was always next to Philza in each image, how their arms touched, their hands touched or even their silhouettes were coordinated imitating the actions of the opponent, how his images were different, how with him he became reserved, his light was finally his, how in each image it was Bad who stood out and Missa was displaced, finally each time he made his work go away from his hands, he brought Missa to her perfect form, the best pet.
In his hands was also Missa’s old notebook that she used at school, the one she stole, just for fun, you could see drawings of crows in different positions and actions, caricatures of a skeleton cat with a couple of bears, a duck and a shadow, unfinished songs and most importantly her thoughts about Philza, descriptions, a diary about their activities together in and out of school, her emotions towards him along with the most ridiculous their names in hearts, the conjugation of their last names, crossings and stains from pencils, colored pens and erasers that could not be distinguished and at the end a somewhat faded crumpled photo of Philza and Missa. Missa believed that he had lost him but he convinced him that maybe knowing that he felt sadness made him happy was an important part of breaking him further. But now his old one had returned, from a drawer he took out a small notebook that wouldn’t seem interesting if it weren’t for its contents, his little kitty started drawing a little crow again, it was time to make it perfect again. Time.
With a grace he got up from his chair going to the closet, he took a small bottle in his hand, a piece of adhesive tape, along with a set of ropes, his set of keys, with that in hand he went up to the second floor where the rooms were. Of his children locking each one, in any case if they tried to leave they would not be able to open the windows only Missa or he could open them in addition to putting bars on their windows, a security precaution and previously there was a theft of furniture, something unimportant.
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saintsr · 4 months
 “Phil-Mr.  Craft”
 Not knowing that another person is watching them from afar, clenching their fists in anger.
 Their gazes connected for a moment but it was enough, Phil’s gaze lit up with affection and excessive joy, Missa’s gaze lit up with joy, fear and a little affection, the two smiled at each other although the blonde was bothered that she said Mr. Craft, although he could understand why they were no longer the same young people who talked in the flower boxes, who cheered up when someone else needed it, much less those who walked hand in hand, that was a happy and a little painful past.
 Missa said goodbye, after seeing his children inside the school and that the bars were closing, he was able to breathe again. His heart began to beat again like it did in his youth, but as he did so, a cold current passed through his. Back of his turning quickly.  Running quickly home he had to throw away the sheets, they were stained with blood. Maybe if he hadn’t complained so much, maybe if he hadn’t resisted, maybe, if he were a better husband and not unfaithful with his thoughts, this wouldn’t happen to him after It was all his fault, he had to be thankful that Bad was still with him.
A long time ago at the Isla Quesadilla high school, several teachers and its director decided that it was good to bring a group of students from different nations and languages to make the culture and international relations more diverse. Among the first were those who spoke Spanish, Anglo-Saxons, Brazilians, French, finally the Koreans, making everyone learn, and bonds of friendship were formed and some ended in marriage.
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saintsr · 4 months
 “Apa, dad, a new teacher arrived at school, he said that I reminded him of someone and he asked me who my parents were, so I answered BBH and Missa, he was surprised and said that he was a friend of yours, is that true?  Is he Mr. Craft or Philza” my girl says with a smile and curious look, I looked at Missa, he looks surprised, then he puts his eyes on me, they shine in that way that they sometimes do, the spoon sounds loudly when he puts it on it on the plate.
 “That’s right, we were good friends, all of us, but Missa, why didn’t you tell me that before, maybe you already saw it and wanted to hide it from me?”
 “N-NO of course not… I-I didn’t see him or approach him, you know I’m always at the door waiting for the children, I don’t go in unless it’s necessary”
 “Of course, he always created you.”
 I looked at him with a smile, my poor husband, always so afraid of something I don’t know, so shy and cute, it makes me want to tear him apart, lock him up and never, ever let him go.
The afternoon passes and the night arrives, all the inhabitants of the house prepare to sleep, in the couple’s bedroom two figures are seen in a bed, one on top of the other but with light whispers between them.
 “No, the children will hear us”
 “They won’t hear us if you don’t make noise.”
 Then a light whimper and crying and a soft “it wasn’t that bad, and sometimes you always make it difficult” in the end a person is sleeping peacefully with the person he loves in his arms and another figure crying in silence with light lacerations on his arms and his chest, in the end tomorrow will be a new day.
 In the morning everyone is leaving for work, two very cheerful children while the eldest hands them their lunches waiting for their father to come and take them to the living room. The black-haired boy with amethyst eyes is hurrying because he got up late and had to fix things in the closet.  Finally they arrive at school and without premeditation the oldest collides with another person.
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saintsr · 4 months
“Hola Bad “
“Hola Missa, ¿jugando a las escondidas otra vez? Ven está fue la última ronda”
En la casa Halo Sinfonía siempre podías escuchar la risa de los niños, música a volumen medio para no perturbar a los animales que tenían por mascotas, los pasos de uno de los padres por la cocina y a otro en una oficina a otro de los padres leyendo un viejo cuaderno que ahora se ve maltratado con la portada rota, rayada y un poco desgastada, pero el lo agarra con cuidado cómo un tesoro muy preciado. Suelta una risa su esposo siempre tan lindo, tan adorable, tan imaginativo por eso le gusta tanto por eso lo escogió.
Puedes escuchar a uno de sus hijos acercarse corriendo a su despacho y después asomarse es el pequeño Dapper su favorito no lo niega es después de todo una pequeña copia de él, su cabello sus ojos su tono de piel incluso las mismas muecas, sin embargo su naricita es una pequeña copia a la de su papá Missa eso le provoca ternura.
“Papá, apa Missa dice que ya es hora de comer”
“Oh, bien , vamos entonces no queremos que se enfríe la comida”
Cuándo nos acercamos al comedor puedo ver a mis tres cariños poniendo la mesa el mayor Chayanne ¿Por qué su cabello no se parece al mío? Sus ojos los odio, veo que como siempre se ve fuerte, sereno, mi pequeña Llulah tratando de poner la jarra de agua en el centro de la mesa, me recuerda tanto a Missa, la misma alma clonada, con su cabello, sus ojos ella sería mi segunda favorita y por supuesto mi querido esposo poniendo la cacerola con un guisado en la mesa para empezar a servir, que tierno siempre tiembla cuando estoy en su presencia, ya le he dicho que no tiene que cocinar como alguien profesional yo comeré todo lo que el preparé, me mira y sonríe de esa forma pequeña pero que tanto me gusta.
“Oh perdón yo .. lo limpiare ahora” dice después de que tirará un poco de la comida en la mesa agarrando un trapo para limpiar con rapidez.
“Tranquilo, yo sé que lo hiciste sin querer, de todos modos nunca podrías servir algo apenas y puedes cocinar sin lastimarte” con una sonrisa lo digo, él se congela un momento después continúa limpiando para sentarse a comer , por fin todo es paz como siempre en cada día. Hasta que llegó esa noticia.
“Apa, papá en la escuela llegó un nuevo maestro el dijo que le recordaba a alguien y me preguntó quienes eran mis padres entonces yo respondí BBH y Missa, se sorprendió y dijo que el era amigo de ustedes, ¿Es cierto? Es él Sr. Craft o Philza” mi niña dice con una sonrisa y mirada curiosa, yo miró a Missa él la ve sorprendido, luego posa sus ojos en mi brillan de esa forma que a veces lo hacen, la cuchara suena fuerte cuando la posa en el plato.
“Así es, fuimos buenos amigos, todos nosotros pero Missa ¿ porqué no me dijiste eso antes acaso ya lo viste y me lo querías ocultar?”
“N-NO por supuesto que no… yo-yo no lo vi ni me acerqué ya sabes siempre estoy en la puerta esperando por los niños, no entro a menos que sea necesario”
“Claro que sí, siempre te creó”
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saintsr · 4 months
My heart trembles every time I see him, it doesn't stop beating fast that I feel like it wants to leave my chest, my legs shake like jelly when he is close to me, his hands when they take mine are so soft and he squeezes them firmly causing me to shiver, My hands are sweating but I couldn't feel it. The gloves do a good job of hiding it. My head won't stop thinking about him. He'll like what I cook. I'll look good in these clothes. I should always smile for him. I know I can't escape. anyway he will always find me………
…….  Oh he already did…
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saintsr · 3 months
Quería escribir está historia basada en una de mis películas favoritas Ju-On: La maldición, la escena entre los niños, Philza y Missa se basa en ello.
I wanted to write this story based on one of my favorite movies Ju-On: The Curse, the scene between the children, Philza and Missa is based on it.
También la escena de Bad en la cabina es una adaptación de la misma película.
Also Bad's scene in the cabin is an adaptation of the same film.
El nombre de la historia es Sonkayno que viene del ending de Ju-On Origins
The name of the story is Sonkayno which comes from ending of Ju-On Origins
Cómo datos extras quería aplicar frases para dar a entender una idea un nuevo día era o mañana era una alusión a la esperanza o que algo mejoraría cuándo deje de usarlo es que ya no hay es el final.
How extra data I wanted to apply phrases to imply an idea a new day was or tomorrow was an allusion to hope or that something would improve when I stopped using it is that there is no longer the end.
Missa, Chay, Llulah y Dapper pueden abrir la puerta por fuera ya que son espíritus recuerden no hay perilla interior sólo se abre por fuera, si pueden salir Missa lo hizo para acabar con Bad ya que murió llenó de odio, rencor y quería venganza (con algo de cariño) Todos lo hicieron.
Missa, Chay, Llulah and Dapper can open the door from the outside since they are spirits, remember there is no interior knob, it only opens from the outside, If they can leave, Missa did it to put an end to Bad since he died full of hatred, resentment and wanted revenge (with some love) They all did it.
El ático iluminado y lleno de arte e instrumentos en realidad no existe es una ilusión que creó Missa para Philza.
The illuminated attic filled with art and instruments does not actually exist, it is an illusion that Missa created for Philza.
Philza también es un espíritu pero el se convierte en cuervo es el primer aviso, los niños son el segundo y Missa es el peligro (sólo quiere paz y ve a todos como si fueran Bad)
Philza is also a spirit but turning into a crow is the first warning, the children are the second and Missa is the danger (she just wants peace and sees everyone as if they were Bad)
El espíritu de Bad era el que estaba vigilando a Philza en el hotel .
Bad's spirit was the one watching over Philza in the hotel.
Cualquier duda o cualquier cosa escribanla sin miedo / If you have any questions or anything, write it down without fear.
Así cómo me gustan las historias de crimenes reales (ningún crímen es tomado)
Just how I like true crime stories (no crime is taken)
Otra inspiración que tome fue los Expedientes Secretos X esceficamente el capítulo 6 temporada 6 y en un fic Stony que se basa en el mismo.
Another inspiration I took was the X-Files, specifically episode 6 season 6 and a Stony fic that is based on it.
Quería escribir sobre terror psicológico (por favor den sus opiniones) .
I wanted to write about psychological horror (please give your opinions).
Lamentó los errores tanto en Inglés como Español.
He regretted the errors in both English and Spanish.
También las canciones que me inspiraron:
Also the songs that inspired me:
Todo el soundtrack de Silent Hill 2
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saintsr · 5 months
I have questions If I write a story Deathduo/Pissa and Raperduo would you be interested? And do you know if Gore is allowed? Do you want censorship?
It would also be touching sensitive topics with minors Chayanne, Tallulah and Dapper could get seriously hurt.
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saintsr · 3 months
Missa entraba y salía de la inconciencia tan rápido le dolía mucho la cabeza y sentía cómo algo se escurría por la sienes y se pegaba a su cabello, todo estaba borroso apenas y podía ver algo bien, de repente oyó gritos, sus niños intentó mover su cuerpo pero esté no respondía oyó pasos apresurados, luego tres gritos, quería decirles que no se detuvieran que él estaba bien, sintió como pasaron a su lado después una sombra más grande lo pateo en las costillas dejándolo sin aire y dejándolo boca abajo, después cayó otra vez en un lugar oscuro dónde oyó agua corriendo y chapoteos como los que daba Chayanne cuando inicio a nadar sin el flotador, su niño valiente nunca grito ni pidió ayuda, no como ahora lo oía gritar pidiendo por él, lágrimas se formaron en su cara después no sé oyó nada, después oyó a Llulah, su princesa gritar y después cómo si tuviera algo que la impidiera hacerlo, cómo esa vez que fueron a jugar y de la emoción Llulah gritó de emoción al ver a los ponys por primera vez de lejos ahí supieron que tenía asma, ellos asustados la llevaron al hospital le dieron instrucciones de cómo cuidarla hasta ahora que solo lo necesitaba de vez en cuándo, después oyó una especie de ruido blanco cómo estática de radio antigua se pregunta si Dapper otra vez está construyendo algo cómo esa vez que destruyó un televisor y luego lo mejoro porque era muy obsoleto según él, o cómo cuándo descubrieron que le gustaba usar las motosierras y eso lo asustó mucho. Cayó otra vez en la negrura del vacío después sintió su cara caliente siendo quemada así abriendo un poco los ojos notó que era arrastrado en el piso, intentó clavar sus uñas pero no tenía la suficiente fuerza, Bad debió haberlo notado porqué lo volteó boca arriba de nuevo y su cara estaba llena de rasguños, sus brazos y tenía ligeras gotas de sangre en ciertos lugares o manchas gigantesco en el estómago, así cómo lágrimas secas, vio con horror como lo llevaba  al ático, batallando Bad lo subió por la escalera importándole poco si su cabeza golpeaba con fuerza los escalones o si seguía respirando, cuándo por fin pudo ponerlo en un lugar cómodo de subió encima de su pecho y con sus manos empezó a ahorcar a Missa, vio cómo se removía intentando salvarse pero fue en vano su cuerpo no estaba en condiciones de pelear más, vio cómo sus ojos llegaron al blanco y cómo sus labios se tornaban morados y azules, sin más jaló su cuello hasta que sintió como se rompió, agarró la pequeña navaja que tenía en su bolsillo y la pasó por la cara de Missa tiernamente, hasta que la clavó en la parte baja de la mandíbula y presionó hasta llegar profundo arrastró con cuidado por los bordes sin que se le escapará nada y levantó la piel hasta ver los músculos de la cara, su preciosa piel por fin era suya, su cara aquella que podía conquistar a cualquiera, cómo él, por fin era de él nadie más tendría el privilegio de verlo, por fin era de él, con paciencia tenía mucho tiempo raspó con cuidado el músculo hasta desprenderlo del hueso después de todo a Missa siempre le gustó las calaveras, él siendo su marido le daría el privilegio de ser una, por fin vio el hueso cómo esté estaba manchado de sangre, buscó por la habitación hasta encontrar una cajita dónde guardó con cuidado la piel dándole un beso de despedida hasta que regresará a casa envolvió el cuerpo en una manta casi cómo una momia, arregló su pierna pero está no cooperaba y terminó en un ángulo extraño, pero no importaba por fin Missa no las necesitaría. Terminó en un charco de sangre y cómo la manta antes morada se hacía con un color rojo más oscuro, salió de ese lugar y agarrando un papelito de su bolsillo salió en busca del culpable de todo esto, él que logró quitarle su paz y todo lo que amaba, agarró un cuchillo más grande y un martillo y fue a la dirección de Philza aquella que Missa consiguió siguiéndolo a sus espaldas.
Al llegar la casa estaba a oscuras rompió la puerta y entró, revolvió todo pero no pudo encontrar dónde estaba saliendo sin más se dirigió a una caseta de teléfono antigua y espero ahí hasta que Philza regresará, hasta que escuchó un movimiento a sus espaldas, la caseta tenía puertas de cristal en todos sus ángulos solo estaba puesta en un callejón no muy concurrido, puesto que éstos aparatos no eran muy utilizados,  revisando no vio nada al volver la mirada a dirección de la casa de Philza vio algo blanco y después negro.
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