#quack quack motherfucker || mun.
askcorruptedbaldi · 6 years
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conoscenze · 5 years
♫ ♪
munday meme — @flxwergxrden​ — accepting.
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♫ - Do you listen to music when you write? If yes, what kind of music, if no, why not?
It depends. I usually not listen to music with sung lyrics, because I tend to get very distracted from writing! Sometimes it’s also difficult to listen to instrumental, so overall, unless it’s really inspiring me, I avoid listening to music while writing. The times I tried doing that I ended up stopping it or distracting myself altogether. I can only listen to music while drawing…
The only music I can really listen to is ambient / instrumental, and lately I’ve been having quite the knack for vaporwave albums. 식료품groceries, 猫 シ Corp. and luxury elite to give some examples!
♪ - Do you play any instruments?
No! I tried learning the electric guitar like, what, two years ago? I gave up soon and quickly because I did not have enough bravery to master that huge amount of knowledge. I’m stupid and small and incredibly lacking any attention span whatsoever. I can sing, but not professionally, and I don’t know if it counts as an instrument.
Of course I am not going to count having played the recorder in middle school as “actually playing an instrument as a profession” because… I hate that instrument more than I hate jellies.
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conoscenze · 6 years
TAGGED BY:  @wholehcartedly (thanks bb) TAGGING:  anyone who wants to do this!
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GENDER: female ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: gemini (sagittarius moon and aries rising) HEIGHT: 152cm (i am... small) SEXUALITY: bisexual clueless idiot HOGWARTS HOUSE: it was hufflepuff i think? FAVOURITE ANIMALS: ducks, owls, cats, and bunnies! AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: i think 6-5 during the week because of school, and like a full fledged 9 during the weekend / holidays NUMBER OF BLANKETS: 2 in winter, 1 in summer WHERE I AM FROM: northen italy! DREAM TRIP: czech republic, serbia, russia, poland, U.S.A., canada, japan, korea... realistically speaking, i want to go to sicily LOL WHEN I CREATED THIS ACCOUNT: two years ago on february 27th! it’s written in my description so i never forget. WHY I CREATED THIS ACCOUNT: because this was essentially a remake of my old multimuse which was way messier and, like, incredibly... undeveloped. hopefully that changed and i am more organized now. anyways there’s not much reason behind why i created it, except i really love rping despite how inconsistent i am. FOLLOWERS: 326. what y’all doing??
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conoscenze · 6 years
be honest --- @hyacinthsgirl --- accepting.
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01. What would prevent you from following someone?
Unreadable theme, incomprehensible grammar and syntax, lack of about pages (muse and mun), no rules page, and in general an apparent lack of any effort. I don’t care about icons, fancy graphics and all that jazz, if the whole blog is entirely made up of text paragraphs I can work through it. But that kind of information I mentioned is essential, downright vital! The grammar and syntax part is purely because I still have difficulty understanding sometimes, as a non-native English speaker.
Other reasons might be purely muse-related: if it makes sense, sometimes I don’t follow people because I don’t think their muse’s vibe would click with mine’s. It’s rarely anything personal, especially on a first follow. I also greatly base myself on whether or not I’d be able to offer interesting interactions based on the muse range I have, taking in consideration the matter of genres while at that.
03. What current rp trend do you hate?
Answered here!
07. What’s your opinion on call out posts?
Not so complicated... look, the deal is fairly simple. Everyone has a solid conception and grasp on reality. Let me break it down like this: if a callout post is absolute bullshit, it’s going to be evident right away. There have been callouts made for the sole purpose of infamy, without any actual substance behind them---that much I know, I’m aware. But I consider call outs, for the most past, useful, especially if said dangerous subjects have partaken (with coherent screenshots and proof attached) in dubious, if not downright disgusting and borderline-criminal activity. If this post is about a potential sexual predator, pedophile, abuser, and has multiple testimonies to back it up---I am willing to believe it. It’d be useless for this many people to lie about such a thing collectively. But if this post is about something not so considerably huge, or if it carries himself with an all bark and no bite kind of explanation, then I will not believe it.
Obviously, I am giving an extreme generalization of things here. However, here is a vital fact: people grow out of their terrible phases. IT’S POSSIBLE. IT’S A THING. Obviously, aforementioned predators are not forgiveable in my opinion, no matter how much they apologize (especially if they forced their tastes and beliefs on innocent, clueless people) but those who are being called out for petty actions or an easily fixable mistake don’t deserve that. What they need is a mature scolding, a good discussion on how to be a fucking decent person. If you “call them out”, you’re not going to fix anything. If you ostracize them, they will persevere in their terrible behavior and never change.
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conoscenze · 6 years
1, 8, 29
be honest — @carnivorarium​ — accepting.
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01. What would prevent you from following someone?
Answered here!
08. Name any three things about the rpc that bother you.
This is the question to let the Salt(tm) out. Anyhow, I’ll try to be clear and concise.
Discrimination, or otherwise isolation, avoidance of muses who don’t present as outright cismale or that, more in general, don’t have shipping and / or smut as top content / priority.
The shocking fact that more often than not people sometimes don’t read muse’s about pages altogether. And don’t bother, consequently, asking the mun for a shortened synopsis of it.
The lack of respect when it comes to a mun’s boundaries and what they allow and don’t in regards of their muse. This shit gets me FUMING.
29. What is your opinion on “reblog karma” and do you practice it?
Actually I never really understood what reblog karma is about ahgjhg. I do know it’s a “give and take” sort of deal, so if you reblog a meme from someone, it’s polite to send them something as a nice gesture, if possible. In that case, I guess I do practice it in regards of others, because I know it’s nice to receive things to answer! It’s more feasible with symbol-headcanons ask memes, I will say. Sentence-based are more thread related, so it’s difficult on my part.
That said I don’t expect people to send me something out of a meme they reblogged from me! You can send me whatever, whenever, however, I don’t care. I have a whole lot of other things to deal with anyways!
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conoscenze · 6 years
Knowing your partner well makes writing together a lot easier.  Tag this with people you enjoy roleplaying with, but want to get to know better. Please repost and don’t reblog!
Tagged by: @illholy​ (thank you!) Tagging: anyone who feels like doing it tbh!
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NAME: Vera
AGE: 18
PRONOUNS: she / her
TAKEN OR SINGLE: currently taken by Henry VIII the duck and existential dread
My all-time favourite flavor for anything is mango, followed by lemon.
I am an hoarder. I collect things. A lot of things. But I’m currently obsessed with cool can labels and duck accessories / gadgets / figurines.
I have an electric guitar but I can’t play it (and don’t have time to so I might sell it). Her name is Charlotte, though, and it’s all black.
PLATFORMS USED: I have... used a bunch of platforms over the years (ranging from Facebook, to Skype, to Forumfree / Blogfree, and even on Twitter) but currently I’m mostly stuck on Tumblr. I do like to have private threads on Discord, but I am... unimaginably slow at getting at them due to how casual the mood there is? If it makes sense? Tumblr is a little more strict and it keeps me like, on edge. Not enough to feel stressed, but just the right amount to get my shit done. That said I’m willing to try any website / app that has a similar setting to that of Tumblr or Discord tbh.
FEMALE / MALE / NONBINARY:  Female and nonbinary. In general I prefer feminine / female presenting individuals. Sometimes it’s fun to roleplay guys but for some reason it’s difficult to get into the swing of things for me. :’)
LEAST FAVOURITE FACE(S):  I don’t have any.
MULTI OR SINGLE:  It depends on what that means. Multimuse or single, I definitely can deal with both. Though multimuse is easier to manage for me because multiple blogs from different accounts can be a pain in the ass to handle. (This is why I put a lot of effort into making this blog up to par with most people’s standards lol) As for multiship and singleship, I don’t mind either, but I lean towards singleship in the roleplay world. It makes things more intense. When it comes to plotting off-Tumblr I do have... a penchant for shipping anyone with anyone, though. What can I say. Love me some good ol’ ships.
FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT: I like all of those, even though I’m more of a sucker for fluff and cutesy things. Smut is so far still an unexplored (kind of) territory, so who knows. But I do know I wouldn’t mind writing it if the thread went in that direction. (However uh I’m shy as hell so I prefer... writing that in private honestly...)
PLOT / MEMES:  Both! Both are good! Though I do prefer plots that are... loose. Like an improvisation theater sort of act. So that me and the other mun know what’s up, but without having to constrict options and actions into a singular track. Memes are always good regardless. (but it’s fun when there’s plot implications behind them :3c)
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conoscenze · 6 years
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
Repost, don’t reblog! Template here.
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Mun name: Vera OOC Contact: My IMs are always open for plotting, but I more easily chat on discord, which is this one: ⌞vera in a buttercup⌝#5711 (please send me an IM or an off-anon if you want to send me a request though! Just so I know.)
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Who the heck is my muse anyway:
Since I am a multimuse blog, implying that I have more than one muse, I’ll introduce my main gal: Salice Feltracco, aka my so-far most prized OC. Long story short, she’s the protagonist of a novel of mine.
A cynical, stone-faced, generally apathetic and indifferent lawyer who has begun working indipendently since a couple of years; Salice is a woman that comes off as stoic and perhaps even rude, as a result of her bluntness and generally brutal honesty. She doesn’t easily warm up to people, but when she does, her actual interests easily pop out, and they’re of a great variety; insects, 80′s goth fashion and magic being a few of them. The latter is seemingly the most prominent passion, seeing as... she’s a witch! A necromancer, to be exact.
As a necromancer she offers a specific service that grants her a fluid and constant influx of money; in exchange for a payment, she resurrects people’s loved one for a restricted period of time. This sort of process is a fruitful thriving market, effective enough that it managed to pay off her years at university (which were a lot) and that allows her to mantain now a 800$ apartment.
TL;DR she is a wealthy emotionless necromancer with a passion for ants.
Points of interest:
What’s most noticeable about her is her attitude, that comes off as completely uncaring of everything surrounding her. Though she is efficient, her coworkers deem her poise quite strange, especially due to her very short-lived but intense outbursts that sometimes happen. Other than that, her lifestyle, if you don’t know her, appears entirely average.
For friends and alike, it may be peculiar how she so casually gets involved in mindless street fights, and how her schedule is so incredibly busy despite not spending that much time in the office.
What they’ve been up to recently:
My blog doesn’t really follow a plotline; it just goes along a general flows in which some of the muses here are interconnected through an acquaitanceship, exception made for a couple of them. As far as I am concerned, Salice in particular hasn’t gone through any special development, but there are a few interesting relationships & threads I have going on with @carnivorarium​ and @thmaniac​ especially; though in different scenarios and plotlines, Salice has been having some curious interactions with Yamai and Johnny respectively.
As for the casual threads, nothing much! She always works and works and works, between law and necromancy. Sometimes she spends time reading books / watching documentaries about ants or insects.
Where to find them:
Her most common location is, of course, her office---Feltracco & Owen law studies---which she shares with her friend and colleague Allen. There she generally handles work (divorces, mainly) and also spends free time doing crossword puzzles or mindlessly watching videos on her computer.
Other places where you can find her:
the café, not much distant from the apartment complex where the studios are located: she’s there during lunch break and after work, if eventual case files need refinement or if she ought to do more research on her PC while drinking some coffee or eating some random sandwich;
suburbs pubs and nightclubs, where she can hang around lively teenagers and observe them as she drinks and does her own thing, or where she can feel a little alive by engaging in random street fights;
graveyards, which she visits not only for work but also for personal peace of mind;
and finally her apartment, which is the place where she can completely be herself. The latter is usually devoid of visitors, however. If you’re invited there, you can consider yourself a friend.
Current plans:
In the RP world, none whatsoever! Salice for now is as indipendent as a character could get. Aside from the aforementioned thread with Cirque’s character Yamai (which I actually need to figure out where it happens on the “official” blog timeline), there’s no specific arc plans for her, nor for anyone on this blog actually. They each have their own stories & comics & games they’ll possibly be in one day, but in roleplay they don’t have anything written down. Unless someone wishes to help me do that! I do want to notice that here, development comes only and explicitly with interaction between muses.
Desired interactions:
If I might be honest, any interaction is more or less desired. I have a wishlist tag here, but specifically for Salice I don’t exactly have a... specific idea... I just want her to develop all sorts of relationships and want her to experience a various amount of things; I suppose that since she has a more-or-less psychological serious emotional blockage, it’d be fun to have her slowly break that wall of hers down, whether be it romantically or through other emotions.
That, or it’d be fun to explore the grotesque, sadistic, murderous side that there is to her, because as morally grey as she is, to some extent she’s violent. She’s killed before and wouldn’t fear doing it again, plus she very often blackmails and threatens clients of hers that try to pin her on a wall, and considering the street fighting habit it’s no wonder she’d have a blood-oriented side to her character. It’d be fun to see her actually engage someone in a fight (as much as I suck writing that and never tried it---one more reason to desire it!), and it’d be entertaining figuring out how she speaks, thinks as such situation occurs.
Also someone witnessing her doing necromancy real-time? Please? It’d be so fun.
Offered interactions:
Salice is... a lawyer. She specializes but is not limited to divorce and mugging, and considering not a lot of muses around are married, the latter is a good start if you wish to entertain a “professional” plot with her. But as I said she’s not limited to those two types of cases---she accepts about anything, she just specifies due to her low rank as a lawyer.
So if you want to have a lawyer-client thing going on, show up with a problem and she’ll do her best to solve it (she is pricey to some extent though); the more tricky it is, the best it will be. Salice is always a sucker for complex and intriguing situations! Even more if your muse isn’t as innocent as they make themselves out to be!
That said, you can also have another sort of interaciton with her... which is via necromancy. You could be a client needy to reconnect with a deceased person and engage her: all while knowing her in normal daytime life. You don’t know she’s Ms. Necro, she doesn’t know you’re this specific acquaitance, and there’s this weird tension going on until one or both of you discover the deal. Either dig into it, or avoid it entirely!
Interesting situations could come up from a scenario involving her nightlife, which is made of nightclubbing and streetfighting.
Current open post(s):
I have a tag for open starters here! Though they’re mainly one-liners for the sake of vague context (I love when people come up with a random idea ahah), there are some long-ish ones too. I try to vary with muses, but the most prominent one is obviously Salice lol.
Anything else?:
Hm, not that I can think of right now! I do suggest looking through each of the muses’ about pages often, since there are things to keep in mind about them (and I do notice when people don’t read the pages lol I know they’re long but please do it, there’s a lot of vital info) and uhhhh... I’m personally very prone to a terrible thing called laziness. That said, I’m always up for a chat if you’d like!
Tagging: you >:3
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conoscenze · 5 years
munday meme — @eisoptrxphobiic​ — accepting.
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⛄ - Do you have a favourite holiday?
Not... really? I guess holidays like Christmas and Halloween, which I used to love, don’t excite me anymore because of bad memories or simply because I’m not bothered in celebrating them more than necessary... My favourite holidays are summer vacations because I get to do nothing, chill, and go in pretty places basically. But yeah, a lot of festivities have lost their charm to me. Except New Year’s, maybe, but that’s more of a “technical” holiday with no necessarily spiritual fundamentals to it. I don’t think it counts...
♫ - Do you listen to music when you write? If yes, what kind of music, if no, why not?
Answered here!
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conoscenze · 6 years
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nicknames: Vera, call me however! gender: Cis female sign: Gemini height: 156cm sexuality: Confused, but I could be bisexual? hogwarts house: I think it was Hufflepuff I don’t remember favorite animal: Ducks. But also cats, dogs, ducks, bears, birds, oh... did I say ducks? average hours of sleep: During school, about 4-5. During vacation, 7-8 number of blankets i sleep with: 2, in summer here it’s hot as fuck dream trip: Japan, Serbia, Czech Republic, Russia, Belgium, Netherlands, U.S.A... yeah, a lot of places, but I’m really more into visiting Eastern Europe before anything else dream job: Comic artist, vgjnkfdkc. But who knows. I might stick to illustration. when i made this account: 27th February 2017! Already One Year Old, Babey why i made this account: Because I wanted to have a breath of fresh air compared to my old multi, who had too much muses, all developed very sparsely. I decided to focus on creating both new OCs and integrating previous ones to create more in-depth stories that could interlock in a way, even if not directly with eachother. When I put a muse in here I tend to think carefully about its “genre”, so I guess I wanted to create a blog where the muses are like... eerie, even if not directly horror-ish. And if you think about it, all their mentalities are at the very least destabilizing. followers: 225? Where the fuck are y’all coming from and let me just apologize for you have to deal with my antics lol
Tagged by: @phantasmaniacist & @bcguette (thank y’ both!) Tagging: anyone feelin’ it!
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