#quantum clown; the werewolf 12x100; the old rita pov penumbra fic; hermit star wars au; good grief; and a couple old neoscum things
waveridden ยท 2 months
fic writers self rec
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let's spread the self-love ๐Ÿ’ž
@cedardivine tagged me in this a couple days ago and i have been sitting here stewing over what constitutes my favorite things that i've written, and whether i wanted to go single-fandom or recent or deep cut or what. in the end i went through basically everything on my ao3 and pulled the stuff that felt right today. ask again tomorrow and you'll probably get a different top five.
in no particular order:
where the light won't find you (blaseball) took over six months to write, most of which was stewing in the back of my brain instead of actual writing. it's a story about hell, and loneliness, and body horror, and i think it's going to be one of my favorite things for a very very long time.
nurture and the fear of nature (succession) was written for a gift exchange and i love it because it is a prompt i never would've thought of. it's a sophie roy character study and it's rough around the edges and includes a couple insights that i am really proud of. i never imagined myself being a succession fic girlie but if i'm gonna be one, i'm glad that this is the thing i landed on.
what's left of the world (blaseball) was written in a fit of passion. imo it's one of my least lore-y blaseball fics, all you need to know is that blaseball is baseball that kills you, and that this fic is a tour of an art gallery after the artist's death. in a lot of ways it's my tribute to within the wires, a very formative piece of media for me.
dynamite in progress (original fic) is also a gift exchange piece. i am on the record as a superhero enjoyer and i ended up doing this prompt because it pushed me outside of a lot of the tropes that i tend to fall back on; it made me think about superheroes (and supervillains!) differently, and i also really dearly love the characters i came up with.
where the world begins (life series) is my most recent pride and joy. it's a ghost au and a love story and about 90% of the way through it i messaged my partner/beta and was like "is this... about long distance relationships" and they laughed at me. it was a lot of fun, it's my first big project after a lot of small ones, and i'm so happy with it.
if you see this and you want to, please do a self-rec and please tag me in it! it's fun
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