#queen aelfgifu
canirove · 1 month
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Vikings: Valhalla (2022 - 2024) | s02e02 | 26/54
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notdavidfincher · 1 year
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Vikings: Valhalla season 1
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behindfairytales · 1 year
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Pollyanna McIntosh in Vikings: Valhalla (s1-s2) as Queen Ælfgifu
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lasaraconor · 16 days
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lotties-ashwagandha · 2 years
sapphics SAPPHICS where are the queen aelfgifu x reader fics omg what are we doing shes so
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anyway plz send queen aelfgifu requests
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wonder-worker · 9 days
"Ælfgifu of Northampton appears, in both medieval sources and modern scholarship, to be a figure who exists mainly on the fringes of the authors’ interests. She lived in decades for which we have very sparse source material and, unlike Cnut’s second wife, Emma of Normandy, never found her anonymous encomiast. There has been in recent decades significant interest in Emma, and yet to my knowledge, no single publication devoted to Ælfgifu has appeared. This is not the fault of the evidence. Few sources mention her, but those that do often do so in context which are intriguing and suggest a powerful and ruthless Anglo-Saxon noblewoman who played a number of significant roles in the English and Scandinavian political scenes. [In particular, Ælfgifu weathered the disgrace of her powerful Mercian family in 1006], survived a career in the administrations of Denmark and Norway, and re-emerged in England in order to [successfully] secure the throne for her second son."
-Timothy Bolton, "Ælfgifu of Northampton: Cnut the Great's Other Woman", Nottingham Medieval Studies LI (2007)
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cheapcakeripper · 1 year
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aelswiths · 2 years
Ah yes, today is the day. Time to become unhinged about Emma of Normandy and Aelfgifu of Denmark again 🥰🥰🥰
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whencyclopedia · 1 month
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Aethelred the Unready
Aethelred II, also known as Aethelred the Unready, was king of the English from 978-1013 and 1014-1016. His long reign was initially stable, but Viking attacks on England escalated from the 990s onward. Viking incursions eventually grew so serious that England struggled to mount effective resistance, and Aethelred was briefly overthrown by the Danish king Swein Forkbeard in 1013.
Aethelred reclaimed his kingdom following Swein’s death in early 1014, and the “second reign” of Aethelred saw more effective military campaigns against the Vikings but also high levels of disunity and suspicion at Aethelred’s court. The king died in 1016 and passed along the Viking struggle to his son Edmund II. Aethelred reigned for nearly 38 years – longer than any other king of England before the Norman Conquest.
Aethelred’s infamous nickname, the Unready, does not actually refer to him being unprepared. It is an Old English pun that mocks Aethelred’s given name, which meant “Noble Counsel.” The Old English word unraed meant “bad counsel” and was a way to note the irony that a king named “Noble Counsel” struggled to maintain the loyalty of the English nobility. As the English language evolved, unraed was corrupted into unready, even though Aethelred the Ill-Advised would be a more accurate translation.
Path to the Throne & Early Reign
Aethelred was born sometime between 966 and 968 in a recently united England. He was the son of King Edgar (r. 959-975) and Queen Aelfthryth. Edgar was arguably the first king to see England remain one stable, coherent kingdom for an extended length of time, as his three predecessors had seen England fragment back into smaller kingdoms at one time or another. However, when Edgar died in 975, England once more found itself bitterly divided and possibly on the brink of splintering again. Edgar had died with three surviving children, each from a different mother. The English nobles managed to preserve the unity of their kingdom by eventually agreeing that the eldest child, the teenage Edward, should be the next king. Evidently not everyone was pleased with this arrangement, and Edward was assassinated in 978, just three years into his reign.
After Edward’s murder, Aethelred was the only surviving son of Edgar, ascending to the throne at somewhere between ten and twelve years old. Aethelred’s mother Aelfthryth and his influential tutor, Bishop Aethelwold, were among the most prominent figures at the young king’s court. When Bishop Aethelwold died in 984, King Aethelred began to exert more influence. Aethelred expelled his mother from court and began surrounding himself with new appointees rather than relying on the old guard. He married Aelfgifu of York around this time as well, and they soon had several children, including the future King Edmund II.
A few small Viking raids were launched against England in the 980s, and The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle records that these fleets often amounted to no more than a handful of ships. Local English forces sometimes took care of them on their own, such as when a group of Vikings was defeated in Devon, according to The Life of St. Oswald. Sometimes the Vikings disappeared for years at a time, such as from 983 to 987, when no attacks were recorded at all. In spite of isolated raids, Aethelred ruled over a stable and wealthy kingdom in the 980s, free to focus on assembling his own core of advisors and asserting his newfound authority.
Viking Age Trade Routes in North-West Europe
Brianann MacAmhlaidh (CC BY-SA)
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ivarthebadbitch · 4 months
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And who are you?
I'm Queen Aelfgifu of Denmark and the wife of King Canute.
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endlessly-cursed · 7 months
A Living Dynasty, Chapter Four: Helga's Team
A/N: After months of hiatus and troubles with the doc, I present thee, the fourth chapter!
Summary: With war close to Henriette's doors, she must prepare for the storm ahead
OCs featured: None
OCs mentioned: None
Word Count: 2.1k
Tagging: @hphmmatthewluther @camillejeaneshphm @gaygryffindorgal @that-scouse-wizard
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The man gaped at me before recomposing himself and nodded “Right away, my lady.”
After a few minutes, he was back, and took me to the queen’s room, where she was doing needlework. I quickly got on my knees, my eyes fixed on a floor carving as I spoke “Your Majesty, I thank you for receiving me in such circumstances. Your kindness knows no bounds.”
I felt her smiling at me “Stand, my dear. We are among friends, are we not?”
I stood up and sighed “I am glad that you are not angry at me, Your Majesty.”
She motioned me to sit “For not marrying that orc? Heavens, no! Though, do keep this to yourself. The King is still… you know…”
I nodded. I finally smiled “I have missed you, dear friend. How are my parents? And the court?”
The queen shrugged “Your parents have been looking for you, well, mostly your mother. Your father has taken a mistress in order to procreate a male son should you turn up dead.”
I scoffed, brushing off the sting in my heart. But of course, he’d replace his biggest disappointment. A mere girl was no use of him anyways. Aelfgifu took my hands and squeezed them, and I tried not to cry “I miss my mother, but… I can’t return now.”
“What shall I tell them then?”
I squared my shoulders. As much as I’d chat with my oldest friend for days, there was a mission at hand “That I am fine, and in good hands. But I did not come to talk about my parents. This is bigger than them.”
“Go on.”
I swallowed “Have you ever been told about the wizards in the Isles?”
Aelfgifu looked at me “Yes… Most of them are at my king’s service, as well as my lord father.” She then seemed to realise “Henriette, my dear, what have you gotten yourself into?”
I bit my lip “I… am one of them, it seems.”
Aelfgifu’s grip softened as she looked at me, searching for something: a laugh, a joke, something. Then, she dismissed her ladies and squeezed my hands “Henriette… you do realise what happens if you get caught, yes? I won’t be able to stop Aethelred’s wrath if he ever finds out.”
“That is why I need your help. Not only to hide it, but with something else. As queen of the land, wizards and people are killing one another for the mere greed of a few lords I know you despise. Magic or not, they are your subjects, and they need you.”
The queen bit her lip “What would you have me do?”
“Talk to the king. Tell him the horrors of civil war, especially with magic around. There could be some great damage, and the court would be divided. The consequences could be fatal. Seek a punishment that needs not to draw blood unnecessarily.”
Aelfgifu sighed, nodding “Very well, I shall see what I can do. But my dear, keep yourself out of harm’s way. You are new to this, and of delicate constitution. I’d hate to bury you.”
We hugged, and I knew that I had to go back to Helga “I need to go now. My master is waiting for me.”
“Is he at least kind?”
“…She’s wonderful.”
With that, we bid goodbye and I left as quickly as I had come, paying the guard a handsome reward for not telling that I had been there at all.
Then, I was off back to the Highlands.
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When I reached the camp, there were already tents and warriors of all gender and kind talking and joking.
I spotted Godric and greeted him “Ah, there you are! I suppose you have news of the queen. Come, I shall take you with Helga.”
“Thank you, my lord.”
When we reached Helga’s golden tent, Godric cried “Guess who came back!”
Helga looked up and sighed, embracing me “I am so glad you made it back! Oh, there is so much I must tell you about!”
“Indeed,” Godric added “the Thane’s feast was incredibly eventful.”
Helga side-eyed him, and he cleared his throat and was out of the tent, leaving us be. I frowned “What feast?”
“That is for later. So, what did the queen say?” She asked, motioning me to sit as we ate from what she normally cooked. I took a bite of pork as I started telling her about the meeting, and skipped telling her about my parents and my father seeking a male replacement. It was humiliating enough to hear it from the queen and my oldest friend already. What Helga didn’t know, couldn’t hurt her, right?
Readying myself in war gear, but without wearing an armour, since I was not prepared enough, I sighed, knowing this battle would be hard to go through. I had heard tales from my father fighting for the king, and of course, my warrior grandparents, but this was different. And highly terrifying. I realised now that, were I want to defend my property, I’d be helpless.
So obviously, I went to the greatest warrior for advice. “Ahem. Lord Gryffindor?”
Kind Godric smiled upon seeing me “Ah, Lady Henriette! Anything I can help you with?”
I bit my lip “This is a bit embarrassing but… do you know anyone who’d train me for battle? I won’t be in the front lines, but I’d like to know the basics at least.”
“Why, of course! I also happen to know a formidable warrior. Luxia, beloved, come here!” He called.
A beautiful and fierce-looking woman came towards us. She had black hair, impassive brown eyes and a powerful and imposing armour that was richly decorated with a bloody red cape. She arched an eyebrow and Godric explained “This is Lady Henriette of Wessex. She’s in need of a trainer, and I know you’ll make of her a fine defender. Do be nice to her, darling.”
“Very well.” She kissed Godric on the lips and turned to me “Come, my lady. I know the movements that a delicate-looking woman like you can pull off without breaking any bones.”
Not exactly encouraging, but she was Godric’s best, so I was stuck with her. She continued talking “You may need a helmet, and a better-tied hair. I shall call my groomer for it. And better boots. Those will sink you in the mud before you can say ‘Amen’.” She observed one of the newer farmers who had joined the ranks recently. He was handsome, with short blonde hair, blue eyes and an innocent look “You there! Blonde boy! Tuck your thumb inside your palm or you’ll break your hand. Also, separate more your legs or you’ll be easily thrown.” Then, she turned to me “Speaking of stances. We’ll start with the basics. First, stand firm, and separate your legs.” I did as she said, and she nodded “Not bad. Plant your feet a bit firmer to the ground. Good. Now, as I told blondie over there, tuck your thumb inside your palm and widen your shoulders. Like that! Now, try to punch me.”
Not wanting to look weak or hesitant, I did as she told me, but she was faster, blocking my punch and kicking my feet. I fell straight to the ground and a yelped. Luxia got close to me “Two mistakes, my lady. One, your legs were too widened. Two, you did not observe my stance. Get up and we’ll go through it again.”
I did as she said, refusing to prove my father right, gritting my teeth. She was so good and straight-forward, it was quite infuriating. It infuriated me that I was so helpless. If only my father had been like hers, I’d be telling you a different story.
“Now, to the stance I taught you, but this time, observe me and my movements. Seek any weakness, and learn my strength.” We rounded each other, and I observed that, while her stance was flawless and firm, she was incredibly tense, given her breaths. That’s when the idea came. I’d pretend to punch her in the face, while elbowing her ribcage.
Observing how the other warriors spun for a moment, I pretended to commit that mistake, but this time, my stance was right and firm, and I spun gracefully, elbowing her in the chest hard. She stumbled back a few paces, coughing and shocked. Everyone stopped to see the commotion. She didn’t seem like the kind of woman to be trounced by a newbie. The whispers told me that.
“Never have I seen someone trounce Luxia Thorne so easily!”
“Even Lady Thorne seems shocked!”
Luxia arched an eyebrow at me and laughed “Not bad, m’lady. Being observant in battle shall save you.”
“Fighting isn’t only throwing punches. It requires cunning and thinking on your feet.” We both turned to see Lady Rowena with her new apprentice. She turned to me “Lady Thorne is all about brute force, and while that is helpful, without said qualities, one is bound to fall in battle. You did well, Lady Henriette.”
“Thank you, my lady.”
“I… shall keep your counsel in mind, my lady. Now, shall we go over offensive spells?”
I nodded, and both went over some defensive spells you might have learned by now. We might have even set one tent on fire because of said spells.
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“But wait,” Primrose cut, “those spells are technically harmless. I train with dummies and nothing of the sort ever happened.”
“That is because magic ran more wildly in my time than in yours, child. It was volatile, and unpredictable. During those times, it was raw and uncontrolled. Many liberties were taken. Nothing was regulated or heavily studied like now. Very few mages could have the privilege to take a hold of their own magic.”
“Were you? One of the lucky ones?”
“Yes, as were my children. This was the reason why Hogwarts would be founded later. To help mages all over England and its isles to harness their power and have a certain grip on it.”
Prim stood silent for one moment. She had always heard the story of how the founders came together and built Hogwarts, but never the reasons that led them to build it. The price of it. The lives they had lost before they decided to come together and build it.
But she could now know it. Squaring her shoulders, she nodded “Go on. What happened afterwards?”
“Historians were right on one thing. I didn’t fight any battles physically, but my duties weren’t completely useless. Indeed, I was Helga’s representative on the diplomatic talks, which many forget to mention.”
“How’d that go?”
“Well… we didn’t start with the right foot if I’m being honest.”
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“You know what?” I said, panting “I don’t think I’m made for the fighting.” I was breathing heavily, exhausted by the whole training. Luxia shifted.
“I was afraid I’d have to say it. I’d hate to see you killed on the battlefield, my lady.”
“There must be something I can do. I’m going to talk to Helga.”
Nodding to one another goodbye, I marched over Helga’s tent, and decisively raised my chin “My lady, I ask you to please give me a non-warring role. There must be something I can do that doesn’t require me to use a sword.”
Helga looked at me, then sat there, pensive, until a deliver boy came in, panting “My lady, I’m afraid your diplomat has been assassinated by Lord Leofric.”
“What?! I needed him to sit with the lords and the rebels and trace out a peace treaty!”
Suddenly, it struck me “Wait, hold on. Lord Leofric, as in Lord Leofric of East Anglia?” The boy nodded “I know him! Me and his daughters grew up together. That man loves war and bloodshed more than anything.” I turned to Helga, who eyed me curiously “I know each of the men who’ll be at the table, as well as their weaknesses. Send me, Helga. Let me draw the peace. Someone who’s familiar with both sides is what you need.”
Helga caught up silently, and smiled widely “Very well, Lady Henriette. Have it your way. You shall sit with Lady Rowena representing a neutral side and bring us a potential peace. I shall tell her the news.”
Together, we formed a plan: since I wasn’t the favourite of the court right now, I’d go there in disguise until the talks started under the name Senator Gemi. When the talks begun, I’d reveal myself and they’d have to listen to me, despite my reputation. In the meantime, I’d write to the queen so she’d use her influence to sway the rest of the court… and the king.
It’d be a tough fight for peace, but I was more than ready to prove to those old men that I was more than a marriage broodmare.  
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canirove · 1 month
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Vikings: Valhalla (2022 - 2024) | s02e04 | 32/54
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mercurygray · 1 year
Tough weeks ahead at uni and health struggles along the way therefore: self-care. Could I request 28. ‘undress’ from your most recent prompt list for Edith and Godwin pleaaaase? 👉🏻👈🏻
The air was thick with laughter.
The weather was fine, for June, not too hot or cold, and the sun promised a beautiful day. A perfect day for traveling, in other words -The queen was on her way to Winchester, for her yearly visit, and had stopped to enjoy the sunshine and the opportunity for her ladies to bathe.
They would not see him, if they stopped to look - the guards were far enough away and they were free and easy here, under the apple blossoms, the water speckled white with falling flowers.
Godwin hardly needed the spectacle - there were fleshhouses aplenty in WInchester, if one knew where to look and had the coin to pay. Pilgrims came seeking many things in that city, and not everyone regarded the ways of the flesh as a sin. But it was here, and it was easy enough to watch, hidden as he was by the thicket. He should have been watching Aelfwynn, splashing with the other younger girls, but try as he might she could not hold his eye - it kept wandering to another woman, near the edge, her hair just as dark and long and lovely.
He'd never seen Edith undressed- their subterfuge with Aelfgifu had hardly needed to go that far. Even now, he could not see all of her, standing in the pond in her shift, the water making it cling to her. But he knew the feeling of her body, the curve of her hips and her buttocks, the softness of her breasts. And there had been a time when he'd wanted - wanted all of it, and more.
If he were closer he might see the color of her nipples behind the wet linen, how they stood when she was cold - how her smile might change if he took one in his hand. And if he closed his eyes for just a moment he could conjure her closer - standing here in the shadows, wet and in her shift.
You could have had me, her voice reminded. I was close and quick for you and you could have said a word and made me yours. But you were greedy, Godwin. Her voice was soft and seductive in his ear. And you didn't think I could give you want you wanted.
You couldn't.
Power, perhaps - but you want other things, too.
Other women could give me those.
Oh, what a ripple of laughter then! Aelfwynn could try - and Gytha, too. But they'll never be what you really want - and you already know that. You want salt and silk - and someone who's not afraid to say no.
"Oh, leave me be," he whispered aloud, but no one heard him- and only the laughter answered back.
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behindfairytales · 1 year
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icons of Pollyanna McIntosh in Vikings: Valhalla (s1-s2) as Queen Ælfgifu
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trans-marcus-brutus · 2 years
I said I wasn’t gonna do this but here I am anyway here’s my live reactions to Vikings Valhalla Season 2 obviously spoilers ahead
Olaf what the FUCK that’s your baby brother
I love Freydis so much
Leif and Harald striking off together 😩
Hm Godwin blinding someone already. won’t be the last time
I’m about to simp for Yaroslav
If Olaf and Aelfgifu fuck I’m gonna throw my laptop out the window
Olaf stop being WEIRD you did not just compare yourself to a dog and try to make it sexy
Where the fuck are Alfie and Eddie
Is Harthacnut born yet
Godwin crusty as usual I hate him
Is Harald smoking literal crack why is he constantly like this
Well. Apparently Leif is the one smoking shit
Oh god his ass is gonna fall off the roof
Hi my names Leif I’m 19 and I never fucking learned how to read
Hmm. Not a fan of slave boat guy
Are they fucking racist in uppsala 2.0
Are they doing the Viking heritage thing please stop 💀
Why is everyone here being awful all of a sudden
Who is this blind dude
Godwin suck a fat dick for me why don’t you
Fucking burn his ass Freydis
Did Aelfwynn have a thing with that guy??????? Why she upset?
Nvm that’s her brother oof
Is Gytha Godwin’s future wife
Leif’s two brain cells smoking rn
All aboard the bitchboat
Harald if you don’t shut the fuck up
Is there someone stowed away? Oh. The slaves. Hm :/
“I’m reinventing myself”
“Yes, I see. As what.?”
Yaroslav is Harald’s new dad
Emma that is such a lesbian moment
I throw up in my mouth everytime godwin sucks that girls face
I refuse to believe no animals messed with those bones out in the god damn woods
Emma went from hot to scary in .2seconds
Aelfwynn girl you’re too good for that fuckass
I love Kurya I wanna kiss him
I love everyone on this ship except that fuckwad slaver
that took like .2 days
I’m glad the fucking slaver died
I wanna fuck Kurya even more
If anything happens to baby Harald I’m killing everyone and then myself
Leif needs to stop chasing girls who are gonna die
Olaf who are you so insane
brb gonna fucking cry he was so cute
Is this the fucking pope come to visit
Olaf stop being so manipulative omfg
I want a medieval wedding
“I have great expectations of your children” fuck me in the shit balls fuck….
Emma gave her the fucking dead dude ring didn’t she
I really wanna see Godwin get pegged
Like I hate him but maybe it would fucking loosen him up a bit
Harald if you would stop being a whore for two seconds
Yoooooo Freydis “and are all these men baptized?” I got fucking chills
Svein is such a literal infant
The crucifix imagery is *chefs kiss* god and he does become a martyr fuckkk
Short king
Not the Justinian fit
I need season 3 yesterday 8 episode seasons is nowhere near enough bruh 😭
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doumekiss · 9 months
I have a new favorite medieval name : Aelfgifu, pronunciated as EL-FIFU
and there where two english queens pre conquest with that name
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