#queen is so tired of those gay bastards' bullshit
apa-zapa · 20 days
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Iva needs a good fucking drink after this one.
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yunsoh · 4 years
could u rank aaaall the characters u can think of from fave to least fave?
i won’t do every single one because there’s literally too many characters in this series but i’ll rank the ones that i have opinions about;
1. yuki -- a shocker i know but it cannot be helped. he’s been my favorite since day one. hands down my favorite character arc in the story, i think it’s just so impactful not just for a romance series but for a story so focused on cyclical trauma. he’s a cryptic little weirdo but he’s also just like..... achingly normal and relatable. (i mean........ isn’t that just his whole character development......). big romantic, so kind and genuinely good but also he’s a big bastard and i love that for him. his and tohru’s relationship? his development surrounding it?? the best of the best. just standout to me. mwah. absolutely iconic.
2. kakeru -- for a character i didn’t even remember when i went back to reread the series a few years ago he is like....... quite literally on the brain all the time now lmfao. technical-wise i think he stands as a really interesting juxtaposition to our main trio in the sense that he has the qualities they initially lack, but he struggles with and has to actively work on aspects that are very inherent to all three of them. he just holds a unique perspective that i appreciate, esp since it’s so critical to challenging yuki’s. vibes-wise i think he’s both interestingly complicated and a fucking fool. absolutely lame and refuses to acknowledge it. love him.
3. machi -- the ways in which my opinion about her character have changed over the past year....... okay so if we’re talking like, strictly canon machi i don’t think she would be this high up (still top 10 probably) but considering the mental energy i’ve put into reconsidering her character & story and just like.... the fact that i think about her as much as i do..... i kind of can’t not have her up here lmfao. idk i think she had a lot of potential that got dropped in canon which is a shame, but i think i’ve talked that point to death so. anyways. i do just love her. she just has those vibes you know. no bullshit, secretly rabid, depressed & doing her best. yeah. takaya nerfed her because she realized she would just end up giving her the same gay subtext she gave yuki and u know how she feels about that.
4. haru -- god what is there not to love abt him. i think he makes me laugh the most throughout the series but he’s also sooo fucking intense at times it’s sick. especially since he usually stands as a chill and grounded point while everyone else is going crazy..... again just immaculate vibes. just so much love in his heart. like he genuinely just wants people to be happy and having a good time. i do also wish his character/issues were explored a little more (maybe in lieu of characters who like.... didn’t really need a character arc lmao) but it’s not a dealbreaker. boy rlly almost exposed the sohmas to the whole school though huh.
5. kyo -- he’s actually somewhat tied with tohru but i think he has just an edge above her for me because he’s such a grouch LMAO. idk there’s just something about how he’s very prickly but suuuch a softie and romantic under it all that just gets me. in a weird way though, he ticks a lot of my boxes but isn’t exactly a character that i’m strongly drawn to? i like him, but i don’t really reread his chapters/rewatch his eps. something about him doesn’t click exactly right for me..... maybe bc his story is strictly romance-focused (and honestly tends towards the melodramatic that i’m a bit ‘hm’ about). that said he lucked out with getting a satisfying ending to his arc and he’s made me cry at least once so gg. 
6. tohru -- every time i think about her i’m just like. can we pleeeeease get this girl a therapist. yes they all need therapy but like..... hello can someone help..... anyways she’s just so lovingly made and i think her progression is super super well done. how her issues and grief manifest and really take form in the series over time is just...... oog...... it’s just perfect. i really appreciate that we get to see a character who is stereotypically feminine and mother-like actually struggle under those traits, but doesn’t abandon them once she overcomes her issues. she’s not a go-to character for me like, personality-wise ig (again.... melodrama....) but i do love her. icon.
7. uo -- back in middle school i think she was actually my favorite character after yuki.... and tbh is it such a coincidence that i couldn’t remember the second half of the series when i visited it again in my 20s lmaoooo. first-half series uo is just so fresh. i love that people find her threatening and yet she’s just this chill harsh-mouth who’s also incredibly tender-hearted and vulnerable. just genuinely funny and insightful every time she’s on the page. her friendship with kyo is also pretty standout to me it makes me laugh every time, and ofc her love for tohru... well u know. meanwhile second-half series uo um.... who’s that lol..... she only takes a place above hana here because i have really affectionate memories about just loving & admiring her when i was younger. 
8. hana -- more or less tied with uo. she’s a constant mood and i love her for it. i guess i could say “second-half hana idk her” here too, but that’s just more because she just literally drops off the face of the earth after a certain point. but whatever, i love that she walks around with psychic powers and everyone knows it but it’s never questioned because everyone is just so fuckin weird it doesn’t matter. takes no shit, could kill you without leaving evidence. vibes. i also think her backstory is really beautiful and her relationship with tohru is just gorgeous. just a perfect support character.
9. shigure -- okay he actually also used to be a fave back in the day. i think he’s just fun to think about...... his perspective and his purpose in the story is pretty fascinating and i think it’s one that you gain new insight on with each reread. he just stews in this incredibly morally grey area and that’s where he stays. truly a character that you either love or you loathe. i mean at the heart of things he’s a conniving bastard who has fuckin problems LMAO but he’s also just so.... aggravatingly lackadaisical when he’s not actively being a shit-stirrer.... just “cause problems on purpose & chill” energy. ends justify the means to the bitter core. problematique. his story w akito is fucking batshit and the series wouldn’t be the same without it, the energy of that with the rest of the story?? what the fuck dude. meanwhile i do love his relationships with the main trio & the other sohma kids.
10. ayame -- king.... he’s just 110% all the time and i think that his existence is just the most exquisite dunk on his family’s rigid upholding of conservatism and tradition it’s truly sexy of him. he does what he wants and tbh, it’s worked in his favor for the most part. when he’s on screen you know some stupid shit is about to go down. and of course i really love his and yuki’s relationship and how it impacts them both over the series...... good shit rlly. a fabulous menace.
11. kimi -- she’s literally just up here because she’s goddamn funny and i love her relationships with kakeru and yuki. no deep traumatic lore just a girl owning the fact that she’s cute smart as hell and knows how to get what she wants. a brat to the core. idk she’s just pure fun and i think that’s necessary in a story where even the designated clown characters (kakeru, ayame) have fairly dark moments. also i think about the “his wallet 💖” moment too often.
12. komaki -- okay. so. she is not this high up on the list because of who she is in canon. she’s this high up purely because of how i’ve recreated her in my brain lmfao. i think she’s borderline unnecessary in canon (i like that we see the other side of the accident, but the execution of it is just. not it.), but my extensive daydream universe where i just overload her with headcanons to give her any sort of character beyond “kakeru’s cute girlfriend” lands her up here. i also just think of her too much as an extension of thinking about kakeru too much. sue me.
13. momiji -- honestly i’m having kind of a hard time placing him because i do like him, i think he’s funny and sweet and of course has his own brand of issues going on, but...... i don’t think i have any strong feelings about his story? i think he brings a necessary lightness to the cast, but when it comes down to some individual aspects of his narrative (involving his mom/momo, his unrequited crush on tohru) ...hm.... i think his complicated feelings about the curse are really poignant though and that part of his story especially slaps for me.
14. akito -- hmm... hm.... i like how akito stands as tohru’s narrative foil and i think the parallels between the two are pretty rich...... but i really struggle with just how fucking exhausting she is lmfao. the lengths of her derangement are just 2 much for me personally, and i feel like the ending really failed her as far as her personal growth goes (which? i think is super fucking detrimental considering how takaya tries to portray her as like, “reformed” or something along those lines.... i just don’t buy it. her having a normal functioning relationship with SHIGURE??? lmaoooooo. please). i do appreciate the level of darkness she brings to the story, and how her behaviors form and completely fuck the family over, but...... i don’t necessarily enjoy her........ tiring queen.
15. rin -- ah... tragic, vitriolic goth.... i do like her, and i think i could place her above akito depending on the day, but her story doesn’t really stand out to me. like, it’s obviously incredibly sad, but it’s really unfortunate that we don’t see her develop in a way that actually..... you know.... develops her character.... idk it sucks that she’s written in a way where she’s fruitlessly sacrificing herself mentally and physically for haru and there’s never really a point where it feels like she can just relax and consider herself and her own needs (or even like. like herself). she starts and ends the story feeling completely broken from trauma and i just think there should have been more of an intervening point somewhere in there, which i think could have been achieved with more time between her and tohru. as is she’s just kind of all-around tragic which :’/ bummer. she deserved more growth.
16. mayu -- honestly i still don’t really get why she of all of the characters has a backstory chapter. i think her friendship with kana is pretty heartbreaking but it also doesn’t... do much for me.... after the fact... so i don’t know what to think about it. her crush on hatori is kind of weird and i don’t fully understand it in canon. but you know what. she’s funny and i like her attitude. for the most part, i like when she’s on-screen. i think she has a really funny relationship with her students and is this chill no-bullshit kind of figure. her friendship with the mabudachi boys is nice even though i think it’s delivered a little weird at times (which is more or less because it can be easy to forget that she. knows them lmfao). yeah. i like her but takaya really made some decisions with her huh. also i originally didn’t add her to this list but i’m just sticking her in here last second so yes there’s a note in hatori’s bit that doesn’t make sense now but it’s staying.
17. kyoko -- so i kind of have some blasé feelings about kyoko, except when it comes to her backstory, in which case i am just... upset lmfao..... the adult version we see of kyoko is sweet and at times like, pretty funny in just how blunt/harsh she can come across as, but in general my feelings about the parents in furuba are just like.... oh you’re a nice parent.... oh you’re a fucking horrible parent..... etc. you know? it’s usually pretty one or the other (some parents are a little more complicated than others -- tbh kakeru’s mom comes to mind), and she’s obviously portrayed as a good parent, esp since we see her primarily through memory. anyways, her backstory is just tragic. she went from one abusive situation to the next and was then left to be a single mom at like, 19/20, traumatized and with just about no support system, and while i understand that she was able to become the kyoko we see in the present because of tohru.... idk i think i still feel a kind of unresolved dissonance between backstory kyoko and the kyoko we see later on. and i think that largely has to do with the fact that we (purposefully) don’t see the parent’s perspectives -- so she ends up in this transitory stage. i have no idea how this would be resolved lmao i think it just is what it is.
18. hatori -- i’m also struggling to place him because i think he’s sooo so poignant in the beginning of the story but i don’t really pay much attention to him later on. which is a shame considering his introduction is to me the first real punch to the gut regarding just how deep the issues go with the sohmas. i don’t feel inclined to really think of him very often, but i just think there could have been more done for him. i think trying to tie up his issues with a romance just doesn’t really work and is also irrelevant to his? actual problems? (also sorry i’m just remembering that this is another symptom of takaya pulling another wacky coincidence maam they don’t all have to know each other i repeat they don’t all have to fucking know each other--) anyways i feel like his resolution wrt his issues with his family/the curse is kinda.... glossed over..... unless i’m just completely forgetting something. 
19. hiro -- i used to hate this kid. straight up. now i think he’s just like.... a typical smart-mouth 12 year old...... so he’s alright lmfao. i think his relationship with rin is interesting but it’s pretty forgettable. i don’t really care about his relationship with kisa or the parallel it makes with kyoru, but i do like the scene where he tells her about his curse breaking. he does mature in a nice way over the series. oh and the panel of him holding his sister makes me cry idk dudes. alright maybe i’ll place him above kagura just on that right alone.
20. kagura -- do i feel justified putting her this far down on the list? i dunno. her relationship with kyo isn’t my favorite (i just find it obnoxious) but i think she’s pretty funny and cute otherwise..... thing is kyo takes up like 95% of her story so there isn’t much otherwise 2 speak of. really wish her relationship with rin could have been explored more tbh i think that could have had potential. honestly my feelings about her change with the phases of the moon so while i don’t care much about her right now two weeks from now i’ll probably feel more inclined to bump her up to the momiji-rin range. which i feel like says enough about her character for me lmfao.
21. kisa -- she’s alright? i think she’s cute but she doesn’t really do much for me after her intro chapters (which. i only like so much bc they’re a big part of yuki’s narrative tbh). yeah. honestly not much to say about her :( 
22. ritsu -- sighs.... man...... ritsu could have just been so much more but canon doesn’t give us much and i really don’t think about them otherwise. like truly they just completely disappear for the whole meat of the story LMAO...... what the fuck..... 
23.  nao -- he’s not so far down at the bottom because i hate him, he only has this placement because you could literally take him out of the story and i wouldn’t fucking notice lmao. i never think about him and i don’t rlly want to. next.
24. kureno -- uuuugh uuuughhhhhhh. the wasted potential of this fucking guy. would it have been so hard to drop the creepy romance plotline and just put more effort into his story regarding his place in the family....... his symbolism...... fuck even just giving him a personality. ugh. honestly i think we could have benefitted from a pov chapter from him to get a better sense of all of this instead of just extrapolating but. alas. looking at him gives me the residual taste of cardboard and regret. i had actually originally placed him above both nao and ritsu because at least he gives me something to think about, but it didn’t feel right. i actively dislike seeing this dude because i just know that his storyline is fucked from start to finish -- not in a narrative way like akito or rin, but in a way that just gives me the impression that his character was never 100% there. all this drama over a man who only wears button-ups and khakis. despicable.
25. katsuya -- yeah i know boring typical answer and surprise to no one but there is just nothing redeemable about this dude to me. i won’t lie, i think i would consider his character differently if the narrative had any intention whatsoever to condemn him, but obviously that doesn’t happen so here we are. anyways tohru baby you were right to dislike him just like...... lean a little more into it yknow........ yeah. i considered maybe not putting him on here because of my general attitude about the furuba parents but the fact that the story tries to paint him in a positive light just makes kyoko’s backstory borderline unbearable to read. bad.
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queenmulti · 5 years
Queen Prompt List
Leave your requests in my ask box! I do ask if you’re going to pick multiple to only go up to four or five. Can be with any guy I don’t care, and yes I’m posting this before any imagine it’s fine. Sorry, there’s like over a 100 of them. I honestly just started writing random stuff down.
Last Updated: July 14th, 2019 (200 Prompts)
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1. “Babe! You almost made me loose,”
2. “You weren't supposed to find out this way,”
3. “You know I love you. Why would you think I didn’t?”
4. “I’m sorry what? I can’t hear you over all the bullshit you’re telling me.”
5. “My parents were right... I should’ve never left home.”
6. “I came all this damn way to be with you! And all you’re doing is pushing me away!”
7. “Typical,”
8. “You are the love of my life, why can’t you see that?”
9. “We’re meant to be,”
10. “Shut the hell up,”
11. “Can you just kiss me already?”
12. “Umm... I didn’t do that.”
13. “Why are you naked?”
14. “I thought I’ve seen it all, but no...”
15. “Don’t judge me,”
17. “Are you drunk? Or am I drunk? I can’t tell,”
18. “Are you fucking stupid! You could’ve got yourself killed!”
19. “Oops,”
20. “Did I really just say that?”
21. “Are you a crack in the sidewalk because I’ll break my mothers back for you, wait...”
22. “Let me show you,”
23. “Are you coming or not.”
24. “It’s not that hard..., yet.”
25. “What the hell is that?”
26. “Is that blood?!”
27. “Yeah um... I love you,”
28. “Y-you what? Please tell me this is a joke.”
29. “I thought you loved me?”
30. “Zoo-wee-mama,”
31. “Can you sing to me?”
32. “Stay... please,”
33. “Another one bites the dust... haha.”
34. “What kind of moves are those?”
35. “I’m funny,”
36. “Why the hell did you punch me?!”
37. “You... you... why...”
38. “Are you okay? Oh my god..., No...”
39. “Are you quoting a song right now?”
40. “You idiot!”
41. “You’re going to make me crash if you keep poking me,”
42. “I think I have a problem,”
43. “You just saved my life,”
44. “I’m sorry what? You’re pregnant?”
45. “I can’t do this anymore...”
46. “Imagine if you were in my shoes.”
47. “Learn to love yourself before you love others.”
48. “You’re giving me a damn headache,”
49. “Stop putting it on replay!”
50. “I’m pretty sure you’ve watched this about a hundred times.”
51. “You’re different,”
52. “You say that to everyone,”
53. “Don’t bull shit me,”
54. “Whenever I’m not with you... The sun disappears... You’re my sun.”
55. “I know that was cheesy, but will you marry me?”
56. “Please just do this for me.”
57. “I never want to see you again.”
58. “You were right... I’m sorry.”
59. “You’re only my friend... I don’t feel the same way.”
60. “I fucking love you,”
61. “Are you...? Are you crying?”
62. “I thought you were gay?”
63. “You’ve got to be kidding me,”
64. “Where did you get those bruises..?”
65. “Is that a fucking hickey?!”
66. “I’m going to kill you,” 
67. “You’re fucking dead! You hear that mate! Fucking dead!”
68. “Bloody hell,”
69. “We should get tattoos together,”
70. “What the hell did you do?”
71. “Just to be safe,”
72. “I’m dying,”
73. “Stop! Just leave already!”
74. “I don’t want you to see me like this,”
75. “You cheated?”
76. “I just want to find love...”
77. “You are blind,”
78. “I hate his guts, I don’t love him.
79. “You two clearly love each other. You just don’t want to make the first move.”
80. “Holy shit... I didn’t know you could sing.”
81. “I got you a dog,”
82. “My family hates me because I fell in love with you,”
83. “Pay attention to me,”
84. “Can I fuck you?”
85. “I feel like you just told me a plot of a non-existing movie.”
86. “Are you even paying attention?”
87. “What did I just say?”
88. “I don’t know the first thing about love, but I’m willing to give it a try for you.”
89. “Every night you’re out. For once can’t you come home sober?”
90. “Did I make you cry?”
91. “How long has this been going on for?”
92. “What is smut?”
93. “Hey, babe? Can we do this?”
94. “Gimme gimme,”
95. “I could use a hug right now,”
96. “Get your ass over here young lady,”
97. “Did you just slap my ass?”
98. “What can I get you?”
99. “A slice of you,”
100. “Sure we’ve had some bad fights, but we’ve got back up from them.”
101. “Darling, are you alright?”
102. “Why the hell would you tell him/her!?”
103. “I just really need you right now...”
104. “Is that your ex?”
105. “You just broke my heart. I hope you’re happy.”
106. “Why are you still up?”
107. “I can’t stop thinking about what happened...”
108. “I’m going to kill him, he shouldn’t have done that.”
109. “You are really short,”
110. “What is English?”
111. “Come on, move those hips!”
112. “How about we leave these losers?”
113. “Wait, I won?”
114. “Can we get one?”
115. “I can’t breath,”
116. “You just took my breath away.”
117. “I can’t think straight without you,”
118. “This is for the best,”
119. “He doesn’t want you anymore. Can’t you see that?”
120. “I’ll never get tired of you, sweetheart.”
121. “You wrote a song about me?”
122. “I’m not leaving,”
123. “Stop acting like a child,”
124. “Are you trying to be funny right now?”
125. “Are you wearing that?”
126. “I’m busy,”
127. “It’s just you and me tonight.”
128. “My brother isn’t home,”
129. “Clothes off now,”
130. “Demanding aren’t we?”
131. “I’m not having sex with you.”
132. “You say that now,”
133. “It’s tradition,”
134. “You did this on purpose.” 
135. “Maybe I did. Maybe I didn’t, you’ll never know.”
136. “You never leave the house anymore.”
137. “He ruined you,”
138. “He’s gone... Forever.”
139. “I’m right behind you,”
140. “You’re my dream.”
141. “You’re looking a bit red there, doll, are you alright?”
142. “Wait... You know how to play,”
143. “She just showed you,”
144. “Sue me then, bitch.”
145. “Can we watch it again?”
146. “Can you shut the hell up? I’m trying to watch the same movie.”
147. “Let me take you somewhere you’ve never been to before... My bedroom.”
148. “Is that suppose to be sexy?”
149. “You can’t wear that out.”
150. “No way,”
151. “Who got your panties in a twist?”
152. “You’re missing something.”
153. “I can’t feel my legs,”
154. “Are my hands small?”
155. “I see what you did there, sneaky bastard.”
156. “I’m your biggest fan,”
157. “It’s not even that big,”
158. “Are we talking about dick sizes?”
159. “What the actual hell,”
160. “Are you following us?”
161. “I’ve never been more disturbed in my life.”
162. “You’re going to kill them, babe.”
163. “Is that vodka?”
164. “Ow,”
165. “Son of a bit- biscuit.”
167. “Why do I think of Elvish when I hear this?”
168. “You’re tired, you don’t know what the hell you’re saying.”
169. “Sleep with me,”
170. “You look so pretty, I’m jealous.”
171. “What’s that on your finger?”
172. “I’m getting married bitches!”
173. “I can’t stop thinking about all the near-naked girls he’s probably looking at right now...”
174. “This was a bad idea,”
175. “I got a threat...”
176. “I have to move..., can I stay with you?”
177. “You’ll pay for that,”
178. “Look at my baby go!”
179. “You’re all sweaty and hot,”
180. “This song makes me cry, okay?”
181. “Let me take care of you,”
182. “Can you pick me up?”
183. “I know you’re type, and I’m tired of guys like you.”
184. “You’re handsome and you know that. All those damn girls know it and I’m not falling for some guys looks, or charms. So, fuck off will you?”
185. “This sounds like the ghostbusters theme song.”
186. “I’m sorry, but the album fucking sucks.”
187. “Wow, thanks for the support.”
188. “I’m speaking my honest opinion.”
189. “What do you say to the rumors around the two of you guys?”
190. “Why would you ever do something like that? Why?”
191. “I almost lost you once, I’m not risking it again.”
192. “You sound better then the man himself,”
193. “I can’t believe he’s gone,”
194. “Fuck! FUCK! FucK!”
195. “It’s not too late,”
196. “I won’t allow this,”
197. “I’m doing this to protect you,”
198. “I’m cold...”
199. “I’m... Famous?
200. “You want to tour with me?”
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Why does growing up have to include me having kids and getting married?
I don't even know if I just wanna get married because somebody I used to be in love with was evil enough to kick me to the curb for getting engaged to their weird ass, controlling gf...
Or....yea maybe I just want a man to protect me and care for me at least just as much and even better than my dad could when he wasn't with me at school or at the time I kept my gay-fwb-bdsm-abuse scenario a secret from him....but he knows now.
I'd hate to see what happens if my dad was to see them in person, he's very protective of me.
I think maybe I just a want a better, much more rich, stable, healthier marriage than them, so I don't feel like the only representations of marriage I've seen personally was my parents and this abusive couple....who obviously have issues and still continue to sleep with other people even before they said I do yet...its like why even get married if your needs aren't even being met emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically with this person you've been with for over 6 years and they're still making attempts to break the rules you made for them so THEY WOULDN'T CHEAT ON YOU and yet they still continue to do so....
Yea I'd rather wait for the right on to prove to me otherwise. Cause what's the point of getting married to somebody who makes you feel like you're not good enough, doesn't wanna change, and never sees anything wrong with their bad, rude, mad, disrespectful behavior towards you? And then on top of that, continues to flirt with other women just because they have an appetite that never gets fulfilled because they have a sex addiction that ultimately surrounds your relationship that both of you are completely in denial of?
Like why are they pretending like their love is the strongest, healthiest, best thing in the world on social media, practically bragging about her when every time I see her she's looking for attention from other people and you're looking for women who look better than her to fuck. Like why not spend that time you guys spend on swiping on tinder and actually communicate how you two truly feel about being married, cause raising a kid in that toxic, sex crazed environment, where validation comes from you two hurting each other, breaking boundaries....like why even raise a child in that?
Ayunna said she wants to raise a baby because she's depressed. Thats not a good idea. Because babies don't always bring happiness. Just temporary until the real responsibility kicks in.
Look at my mom and my aunties for example, you lose sleep, back pains, fights, and arguments come from stressing out about a baby. And Ayunna is so damn cold, damaged, and emotionally closed off...I don't even wanna know what kind of fuck-up those two are gonna raise together. Because if you encourage and tolerate narcissistic, sociopathic, sadistic, and emotional abuse in your home...imagine what that child is gonna learn from these twisted idiots who have no idea how to even heal from their pasts and stop taking advantage of other people.
They're not good people, and bad people make bad parents. Just saying. Especially if you don't even care about taking care of each other's emotional insecurities, being completely honest with one another, or establishing morals....like these mfs don't even have morals. All they do is lie and have their way.
Real talk they don't even deserve to be parents until learn how to parent themselves the way their families never loved them. Cause we already got so many crazy, lost kids starting up so much chaos in the world and fucking up people's lives, it's a disaster.
Justice needs to happen before any of these two become real parents, capable of being there for a child and not abandoning them just because they get on their nerves or for being too sensitive. That's the main reason they really don't have friends, cause they keep people out even when somebody is nice to them, they don't know how to talk and communicate with people in general, and they don't know how to compromise or delegate or just be a team member. Y'all suck and it shows on how ya'll negotiate. Not everybody is gonna kiss your ass Ayunna and nobody is gonna bow down and do as you say, Jay. So stop. Y'all are not king and queen, and Jay as a king would be a tyrant, keeping all the resources for themselves and Ayunna, the only people that matter to them.
And you wonder why you would call me when you were upset that Ayunna didn't wanna hold you at night? Hmmm Mr. I'm-So-Lonely and you engaged to be to this person. Ya'll both make me sick, so y'all figure that shit out by yourselves.
Imma find me a more sensible, reasonable, hard-working, cooperative, adaptable, envisioned, who actually know what they want, and it won't be just for having all the sex they want with me or looking at other girls to smash....no.
No more fuckbois. No more fake love. No more bullshit. I'm tired of letting idiots like them win and get away with it, when they don't deserve anything for hurting people like that and thinks its ok and that its all the victim's fault for not catching onto to their stupid, childish "poke me, don't poke me" game.
This is not Simon Says, or Jaiden says, or whoever your multiple personalities keep twisting and changing into. I don't care that you think you can change your name, change your gender, and grow a beard and that's supposed to make me respect you as a whole new person when you never owned up to what you did as the you without it. Your spirit still hasn't changed, and that's much more needed for a washing, cleansing, and therapy than anything else. You sick Spencer, from the hills, Bastard Bitch.
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foxkage · 5 years
Haptephilia: I’ll write my/your character becoming aroused by my/your character’s touch. // for sasunaru obv
a smut prompt from some time ago
“Well well,” he hears Kiba announce,”look who fucking decided to show up,” He feels him nudge his side. Naruto knows there’s a grin stretching across his face.  
“Fuck off dude.” He sits upright to shove him off his desk. With a grunt he buries his face into his arms again. He reaches back and pulls his orange hood over his head. The last time Kiba pulled this shit, it landed them in detention. Plus he’s fucking tired. Can’t he let him get him get a few minutes in before homeroom starts? Dude knows they were up late doin’ stupid shit. 
“Drama queen here hasn’t been the same without ya,” he hears Kiba say overhead. Bullshit he thinks. The past few nights…he bites his cheek and shoves his thoughts into a dark corner. He focuses on the jagged spike of emotion rushing through him. He’s ready to snap at Kiba again when he feels a weight on his desk. The hand that slips beneath his hood to brush back his messy hair soothes the irritation away in an instant. 
He lifts his head and ignores the way Kiba mutters ‘gay’ beside him. It’s easy when Saske’s face is what greets him. His chest releases a large sigh, his heart stutters for a few seconds, and his mouth opens to greet him. 
“Fuck you.” He watches as the corner of his lips twitch, already knowing that be his reply. That’s it. No fuck you back, no reason for why he was gone, nothing. Just a stupid half-smirk and his hand still in his hair and all he feels is…warm. 
He’d kill him if he heard this, but it’s the warm of after eating a super delicious bowl of ramen. Like it’s not the heat of the broth, but the warmth of nostalgia, the warmth of happiness. It wraps around him like a blanket. Those nice fleece blankets that are all soft and shit. Yeah those. With this guy, with his boyfriend, with Uchiha Sasuke, the feeling is ten times better. He can’t stop himself getting stupid happy just by seeing that dumb smirk. 
Why does his body react all stupid like for this one guy?
It’s dumb. He’s dumb. Whatever. He unfolds his arms and wraps them around his waist. Ebisu can deal with his middle finger if he tells Sasuke to sit in his own seat. He’s not letting him go. Pulling Sasuke to the very edge of his desk, his forehead rests against his side. He breathes in his scent that sends waves of sweet relief through his system.
He’s here. He’s okay. Whatever he was up to didn’t take him away this time.
His eyes close to savor the moment, relishing his presence so close to him. The moment is brief. He opens them upon feeling a brush of rough fingers against his raw knuckles. Biting his cheek at the sting of pain, he doesn’t look up to meet his demanding gaze.  
The hand in his hair curls around the shorts hairs on his nape. Naruto still refuses to heed to the silent order.
“…you do your shit. I do mine” he says against his leather jacket. Quiet that only he can hear. Naruto closes his eyes again as the hand on his nape loosens. He feels Sasuke resume brushing his hair. He drops his head from his side and lays it on his strong thighs. He shudders when Sasuke’s hot hand slides further down his neck, along his bare shoulders. 
“Didn’t feel like dressing much, they’re lucky I decided to put on a shirt,” Naruto quips with a smile. How does he read this guy like this? Whenever he speaks to someone like Kiba they’re all surprised at how he gets Sasuke. How he picks up on his cues that everyone seems to miss, but to him they’re loud and blaring. 
When Sasuke begins to trace the tip of his spine, Naruto opens his eyes. Clouded blue eyes clear in a moment. He narrows his eyes and reaches up to pull the hand out of his hoodie.
“You owe me two nights bastard,” he declares while lacing their fingers together. 
“One,” Sasuke finally responds, squeezing their hands. Naruto snorts and looks at how their hands are laced together. This giddy toe-curling wave rises and crashes inside him. Damn he’s got it bad. Though he ain’t about to let this go.
“Three nights without a single word? I’m bein’ nice by sayin’ two,” he replies with a growing smile. Plus he loves this back and forth too much.
Sasuke turns on his desk so his legs hang on either side of him. He stares down at him with the full weight of his gaze. Naruto returns it without batting an eye and holds it. Some say it’s too intense, but to him it’s just Sasuke. 
“…one and a half.” Naruto laughs and doesn’t notice the few looks sent in his direction.
“The fuck does that mean asshole?” He gives his thigh a playful squeeze. Sasuke shrugs.
“So I don’t agree to two,” he says with a small smirk. Naruto finds more laughter bubbling past his lips.
“You’re such a jerk.” But he loves it. Oh shit. Loves? Haaa, is that what this is? They haven’t even been going out that long. What the hell? 
“But that’s you saying you agree, so two it is,” Naruto adds with a smile. Sasuke doesn’t need him to respond, the answer is clear as day in his dark eyes.  
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gulescamisade · 7 years
MN, Ground:  Day 27
DAVE: -Jesus Christ they're finally here. it's been a long time but motherfuckers he is coming HOME because of that cheesy bullshit that is home being where the people you care about are. He's slow to get his feet on the ground, taking in the scenery first, before following the others up to the house-
ARADIA: -they're here...-
DIRK: -everyone get the fuck out of the way. dirk is here to greet everyone, but especially family... which right now means dave so hello dave you're gonna get a brother hug... he doesn't really know the extend of the damage done to him so he doesn't know how to be MINDFUL OF IT...-
DAVE: -it's a relief seeing dirk alive and okay, but he doesn't have a lot of time to process it with the hug he's given and the way it gives him such a sharp pain. He grits his teeth, patting dirk on the back and wincing while in this brother hug- LOOSER NOT SO TIGHT
DAVE: -YA TOO STRONG YA ASSHOLE- its cool its like a love back break i get it we just gotta respect the property of my spine
DAVE: anyway sup
MITUNA: -Hops down as well, everyone is here wow look at this brotherly bonding. Gay-
MEULIN: -She ALMOST tackled Dave, but instead she's here to try to nuzzle between Strider tiddies.-
MEULIN: -Just. Right there in that hug.-
DIRK: You-- Oh. Hello there.
DAVE: -thank you Meulin for being thoughtful- also hey meu I dont think you can even see my lips moving right now but the sentiment is there
MEULIN: (^・ω・^ )
MITUNA: ehehehe
ARADIA: -watching from the roof-
RUFIOH: -also watching from the roof...-
MITUNA: -He's gonna inside. Pauses to wave at Aradia-
HESONY: =just hanging out with the dragonfly, dont mind him=
ERIDAN: -gazing from inside the ice cream truck in his stupid ice cream man geddup. The things he had to do to get everyone here on time... Horrendous. https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2014-12/2/15/enhanced/webdr07/enhanced-22416-1417551805-3.jpg -
DIRK: -nuzzles meulin's hair a little...- She's got cool shades that transcribe everything around her. I wonder who got her those.
ARADIA: -hops down to greet more properly. mituna first- hows your arm or lack thereof
MEULIN: (○`ω´○)
DAVENFORTH: -Climbs out the back of the ice cream truck, bandaged and wearing his own shades again. Walks over to the nephew cat sandwich- Aint yall just adorable
DAVE: some anime asshole probably -fuck it's just nice to be with his brother again-
MITUNA: oh i75 how youd 7hink i7d go my balance i5 fucked
QIRIN: =just....eyeballing the Alaska group. What the shit happened to all of you?!=
KURLOZ: =Get over it, he's just going to get out and walk right into the cabin/house. He doesn't know you hos=
DAVE: -he can't help but smile a little at his uncle- yo uncle dave nice job wreckin the presidents -from this angle no one can see the scar on his neck and he is thankful for that-
MINDFANG: -What Didnt happen. Also shes standing near the dragonfly too, eyeing Hesony. Hes had it real good for a while.-
HESONY: =Hello Mindfang, he sees you looking, but the fight in him has pretty much died. They kept their promise.=
MINDFANG: -They sure did, and now there is no real reason to keep them around so she is just pondering that.-
ARADIA: yeah i figured ARADIA: -pauses and then just lightly and carefully hugs him- welcome back
KARKAT: =Is also out and about somewhere but he knows you hoes. At least everyone else didn't go through hell=
DAVENFORTH: -It's okay, you can't see the scar on his eye. His face, his beautiful face.- Thanks but ro did the part that wasnt getting my ass kicked you should congratulate her
DAVENFORTH: You look like you went through some shit
DIRK: -lucky bastards, everyone can see HIS scar..-
DIRK: -smiles a little at brunc, but oh fuck here she comes... the mom-
ROXANNE: -Shes getting out of the truck after Derek and Riley, she wasnt going to be in the way of that, no sir.-
DAVENFORTH: -Observes-
RILEY: -she's running at them and nearly collides into the boys and meulin consequently, wrapping her arms around their shoulders- OH THANK FUCK.
MITUNA: -A hug is probably the nicest thing he's had in a week. He loops his good arm around Aradia and squeezes and rests his chin on her head.- 7hank5 arayray
DIRK: -starting to get emotional... with his parents and his brother and his uncle and his cat all right here...-
DAVENFORTH: -Gets sad about his cat-
RILEY: -they're getting smooches on the head- my babies.
DAVE: -he winces a little at the first collision but he's okay and WOW WAY TO BE EMBARRASSING MOM- hey
ERIDAN: -disgusting... this clan of humans in their natural habitat... how do you tell them apart. Eridan fears for himself.-
ARADIA: you get to actually rest for a little while now
ROXANNE: -Eridan dont be a downer.-
MITUNA: yeah righ7 7he 5creamy a55hole5 ate back
ERIDAN: -He's always a downer. And eating a dreamsicle in the ice cream truck.-
ARADIA: who karkat
ARADIA: we have a lot of screamy assholes mituna
MITUNA: he ha5n7 been 7ha7 bad ac7ually i mean7 um i mean7 7he dead one5
ROXANNE: -Also enough of watching the striders reunite, as cute as that is, shes going into the house on a quest to find her own daughter, where is rose where are you hiding her.-
DEREK: -places a hand on dave's shoulder during all this... that'll do pig-
ARADIA: oh that makes so much more sense
REDGLARE: -Oh, hey, hello. This. And everyone. And people. She's limping. She's tired. She's been keeping herself awake for the flight, and some of the pains have been keeping her from conking out anyways, but she's not quite ready to pass out on the floor. She hobbles over to the nearest thing she can sit on and sits.-
DAVENFORTH: !!!! -Walks over to Redglare and just kind of stands there, taking this all in. She looks so tired, and like she went through literally hell. His eyes linger on her a little too long- You mind if i sit here
REDGLARE: s1t. REDGLARE: 1 s4w your 1m4g3s.
DAVENFORTH: -Groans a bit as he sits next to her.- I think they did too much justice
REDGLARE: You 4lso brought b4ck th3 s1lly... m4sk m4n 4ct.
REDGLARE: 4t l34st 1t s3rv3d 1ts purpos3.
DAVENFORTH: Got something against dave skellington movies
REDGLARE: 1 th1nk 1 w4s cl34r 3nough.
DAVENFORTH: Sex symbol
REDGLARE: uh-huh.
DAVENFORTH: -Sighs- Were gonna have a marathon when we get back im gonna get you an entire devils food cake and everything
REDGLARE: Th4t's...
REDGLARE: -snorts.-
REDGLARE: opt1m1st1c.
REDGLARE: You'll t3mpt th3 odds. Just c4ll 1t 4 sl1c3.
DAVENFORTH: Like youd just want a slice
DAVENFORTH: -Doof. He grins a little- So two slices huh
REDGLARE: On3 4nd 4 h4lf.
DAVENFORTH: One and three fourths
REDGLARE: You know wh4t.
DAVENFORTH: -Puts an arm around her. He's just glad she's alive.- About time i win one
REDGLARE: Oh, shut up. You k1ll3d 4 world l34d3r.
DAVENFORTH: I had help
REDGLARE: Sudd3n bout of hum1l1ty?
DAVENFORTH: Sudden bout of getting crushed
DAVENFORTH: Probably would have a lot more worse for wear if it hadnt been for roxanne
DAVENFORTH: I got sloppy and almost lost an eye or life for it you know whichever
DAVENFORTH: Not that ill get sympathy from you
REDGLARE: couldn't poss1bly 1m4g1n3 wh4t th4t's l1k3.
DAVENFORTH: Nope only me
REDGLARE: Won't b3 4bl3 to do much l1k3 th1s. Sp34k1ng of.
DAVENFORTH: Well get you back up and running
REDGLARE: 1'm not runn1ng 4nywh3r3. C4rry m3. 4ss.
DAVENFORTH: Like a bara princess
REDGLARE: Wh4t do3s th4t m34n.
DAVENFORTH: Ripped to shit
JOHN: - I didn't get to rp it but you can bet your ass John vigorously rubbed himself on Dave, Aradia and Dirk. Because! He was worried! And he missed them! For Dave it's extra vigorous. -
DAVE: -JUST STEER CLEAR OF THE BACK and we will be good-
JOHN: - Hair gets floofed and refloofed-
JOHN: - Also you get more medical attention because he doesn't trust these non uu people to do it right. -
DAVE: -be my servant-
JOHN: -after all the emotional reunions and fussing over everyone as much as they'll allow him....john honestly feels kind of uneasy and restless. eventually he finds himself sitting on the ground with his knees crossed, dumping out every piece of medical equipment in his sylladex and carefully cataloguing it. it's probably not necessary but he just really needs something to do.-
DAVE: -plops next to John and sits- hey
KANKRI: -It sure was kind of crazy with all the reunions, and after he was settled he managed to find John....dumping stuff on the floor with Dave.-
KANKRI: -Awkwardly stays hidden at the doorway to the room to watch for now.-
JOHN: -taking down how much he has of everything on a little note pad. looks round at dave and only dave since kankri is being weird and evesdropping- hey, man.
DAVE: havent seen you in like a month
DAVE: crazy shit huh
JOHN: yeah. if i had to say the shit was anything, i might use the word crazy.
DAVE: what about ape shit
DAVE: we turning this all primate primape reverse darwins theory of evolution
DAVE: we start as fuckin advanced as hell creatures and then just go back to the monkeys
JOHN: is this your roundabout way of expressing that earth really blows because if so i grudgingly gotta agree..earth really blows.
JOHN: i mean i had expectations for how much it was going to blow but the batterwitch really hit it out of the park.
JOHN: which is impressive because the bitch banned base ball.
JOHN: how do you ban baseball.
DAVE: you cant ban baseball
DAVE: baseball lives on in our hearts or some shit
DAVE: you either hit a home run or strike out
DAVE: but seriously i forgot all about queen troll
DAVE: until like now
JOHN: i mean...i'll forgive you, seeing as you had a lot of shit on your plate.
JOHN; ...baseball puns.
JOHN: and i'm really glad you were able to make
JOHN: a home run.
DAVE: ... DAVE: terrible
JOHN: c:
DAVE: how would i have gone another day without your goofy ass
JOHN: -feels the urge to hug him again, but he just leans on him instead.-
JOHN: -what if he just kind of sits on all his friends and protects them.-
JOHN: -crushes them lovingly under his ass.-
JOHN: -would this protect them from the 10 billion things that want to kill, hurt and take them away from him.-
JOHN: -these are the questions.-
DAVE: -lets it happen. He can't get too mushy even if he wants to scoop his best friend up in a hug and just stay like that for ten hours. So that's the most he can do. Let him- who the fuck vacations in minnesota
JOHN: -it's okay dave. he understands strider psychology by now. he knows u love him.-
KANKRI: -Finally walking in after watching that whole exchange.- I think that at least s9me pe9ple must have, at the very least 6ef9re all 9f these redicul9us new take 9ver laws that have 6een implemented. Perhaps they name f9r the scenery.
JOHN: maybe they tried to get out of minnesota but they couldn't, so they made the best of it.
JOHN: -ends up talking at the same time as kankri ???-
KANKRI: -Its like they are linked. Except not.-
KANKRI: -Also he is just going to casually sit on the other side of John.-
KANKRI: What are the tw9 9f y9u up t9?
DAVE: its minnesota
JOHN: talking about minnesota and dancing around the fact that dave adores me.
JOHN: -just sitting there like :)-
KANKRI: Yes it is? And what a69ut it 6eing Minnes9ta makes it less desira6le then anywhere else?
JOHN: i'd say "it's an earthling" thing but
JOHN: i don't think that's a thing anymore.
KANKRI: I d9n't kn9w, I think that there still can 6e "earthling things." 
KANKRI: Whatever they c9nsist 9f anyways.
JOHN: then thinking minnesota is a snowy boring wastleland is probably one of them, to answer your question.
JOHN: although idk this place looks pretty nice.
KANKRI: It has 6een the nicest part 9f earth I have visited s9 far.
KANKRI: Then again I d9nt feel like I have adequate experiences t9 c9mpare it t9...
DAVE: -literally just watching them talk so easily with each other and kankri hasn't even gone on a rant yet-
KANKRI: -That's because he feels like he doesn't really need a lot of words for John to get him.-
DAVENFORTH: -In the cool of the morning he finds himself sitting lake side, holding a mirror up to his face and peeling at the bandages around his eye. Great, yeah that was definitely gonna scar. At least he could see, even if it was a bit blurry. His face was started to heal up too, the swelling starting to subside despite there still being bruising.-
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