#questions about niamh
wolfavens · 8 months
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this is probably how I get myself killed...
niamh: what if he breaks my heart?
brian: oh my god, niamh. come the fuck on. our hearts are already broken. you think this is what it’s supposed to feel like? it feels like this because we are fucking idiots full of fear and misguided morality and just… ffs, look at us and think. if the world was about to end tomorrow where would you want to be?
niamh: you know
brian: right. so how the fuck did we make it to the point where the world would have to be on the line for us to be able to go to the one place we want to be?
niamh: that’s sort of deep.
brian: i have my moments.
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dewwshi · 2 years
SSO OC intro: Niamh Polarbear
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i got a really good response on my last sso oc drawings which is amazing? thank you guys so much njdfjgm
so here's a bit more of a formal introduction for niamh.
so. niamh polarbear. my main sso oc.
she's the main pov character of the storyline/narrative that i have in my head for her and the honestly extremely expansive cast of sso ocs? i've kinda considered that i might start posting that on here in comic form or somesuch cos i love my sso ocs and i wanna share their story with people
that being said that probably won't happen until like next month at the earliest because i am a busy little guy!
niamh actually only exists because i realized one day that you could have an sso account with the last name polarbear and everything kind of spiraled from there? i didn't start making friends for her or a storyline around them until very recently.
niamh is not a soul rider and the soul riders from canon actually don't exist in her universe at all. basically almost all of the npcs from in-game canon either don't exist in niamh's universe or have somehow been removed from the storyline (if they were relevant in the first place).
so, for example, the cloudmill family (and potentially alex as well) still exist, but alex isn't the lightning circle soul rider.
there actually isn't one at all right now, actually. niamh is older than the soul riders by a good amount. so the start of her narrative is in between soul rider generations, like, think a couple of years before lisa moves to jorvik type thing.
niamh grew up on a farm in ireland, but her dad was jorvegian and she grew up hearing a lot about jorvik. she always related to jorvegian folklore a lot.
so at age 18 she moved to jorvik to study jorvegian and kallter folklore, do archeology and study the valley of the hidden dinosaur. dino valley wildlife, the kallstones, all that jazz. and while she was there, she met snowglobe (and geimhreadh, but that came later) and got roped up into all this keepers of aideen + fighting garnok stuff.
but while she's friendly with the keepers and works with them, now she's kind of a rhiannon character. she doesn't live in valedale or work for the keepers, she just does her own thing (she's living in dino valley now) but the keepers call on her for help a lot.
she is very moon circle overall, she's very quiet and selfless and while she's a big softie inside she seems extremely intimidating to those that meet her because. she is tall buff and stoic. niamh is living proof that just because you're nerd doesn't mean you can't be built like a brick shithouse
anyway that's all i'm gonna share about her for now. this is already a very long post BUT i love my ocs a lot and i might drop introductions like this about some of niamh's other friends as well or, like i mentioned, i might start posting the Niamh Story on tumblr once i have the time
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pelova4president · 14 days
To your rescue
Lauren Hemp x Charles!Reader
summary~ You get into an argument with your girlfriend. You’re stubborn, and Lauren is too, but luckily another Charles is there to help.
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Being Niamh Charles’ little sister you were meant to be a footballer too. You grew up playing all sorts of sports with your older sister. Your household was very competitive, not just sports, card games too and that’s what got you to where you are now.
Niamh always had your back. She joked and complained a bit about you whenever you were with her. But you knew she spoke highly of you to others. Your bond had grown even stronger through your shared love for football.
Niamh ended up playing for Chelsea where as you ended up at another blue club, Manchester City. You got to play with your sister’s bestfriend Lauren.
Lauren is a very interesting person. And that might’ve been what got you to love her so much. Nobody really knew what was going on in that head of hers, if there was even anything going on at all.
You honestly don’t remember when they started to be friends but Lauren was always near. Niamh and Lauren were always together, it was like they could know what the other was thinking without even saying anything.
Lauren was already part of the family by the time you started dating. No matter how many hints you gave her, she didn’t seem to notice them, Lauren was absolutely oblivious to them.
You’d absolutely had it by the time you admitted your feelings out loud. You had taken her out to a coffee shop after training, it wasn’t commen for you to get some alone time with her.
You sat her down after ordering and got straight to the point. “Lauren i really like you and i’d love to go on a real date sometime.” you told her.
Lauren was a bit shocked at your confession. “Uuh okay, yeah same.” she answered.
You had to laugh a little at that. She didn’t expect it but it didn’t necessarily surprise her either. But as fast as your question was answered she went to another subject.
Lauren didn’t have to think much about accepting your offer. She had talked about you a few times too many to your sister. Niamh caught on and asked Lauren about it. She may not have realised she was in love with you but when Niamh asked her it all clicked. She has loved you for longer than she knew.
Niamh was okay with it and there was nothing stopping her but she just didn’t have the balls to ask you out and she didn’t know if you liked her anyway.
But god was she happy you asked her, otherwise this would never have gotten any further than longing stares.
If you hadn’t asked her you wouldn’t be in a longterm relationship, footballing together, living with each other and loving each other so openly and passionately.
And if you’d ask what Niamh thought about your relationship she always said ‘Lauren was always like family now she’s just officially family’.
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liked by leahwilliamsonn and 32.371 others
matching 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
niamhcharles17 is that my watch?
↳ y/ncharles no it’s not, mine just looks like yours
↳ niamhcharles17 so it is mine
↳ y/ncharles nooooo just looks the saammee
sandy_maciver pookies
maryfowlerrr 💗💗💗
kerstin_casparij winning best matching couple award 🥇
↳ lauren_hemp thank you thank you 🤭
hempo11 ugghh i love them sm
mancitehh2020 they’re the cutest fr
You and Lauren never really have arguments, if there were any they were tiny. Those arguments were about what show to watch or what chocolate to buy and you’d just end up buying two different chocolate bars. There was always an easy solution.
But now it was about something important. You needed a new couch in your shared home and Lauren thought a mustard coloured one would look good. In your eyes this was fugly, yeah you said fugly and Lauren was beyond offended.
“Lau, baby i just don’t think a yellow couch would look good in our home. It just doesn’t match anything babe.” you pleaded with her.
“Yeah it does! Look, we have mustard in our fridge and yellow flowers!” she tried to convince you.
“Come on, that doesn’t even count!” you told her annoyed.
“I’ve let you pick out almost anything in the house, i just want the yellow couch.” Lauren said irritated.
“That’s not even true! We’ve done half half plus the couch is like a big deal, we can’t just buy one that doesn’t match anything Lauren.” you started to get a bit angry at Lauren. Why couldn’t she get that the couch would look so ugly with the rest of your furniture.
“Whatever.” Lauren said coldly and walked out of the front door.
You knew she went to your sister, she always goes to your sister. But right now it seemed like the right move, Lauren was never so upset about anything and it bothered you that you were the reason.
It was 10pm and Lauren still wasn’t home. The argument was really getting to you. You had texted Lauren about ten times but she didn’t answer any. Was she really that mad at you?
You just needed to know Lauren was okay and safe so you texted your sister.
is Lauren with you? You don’t have to tell me anything, just wanna know if she’s safe
charles #2
yeah, she’s safe
You texted ‘i love you’ to your girlfriend. That was really all you needed before you went to bed.
You woke up at 2am by your bedroom door opening. You turned your bedside lamp on and rubbed your eyes to your girlfriend standing in the door opening. Lauren held a bouquet of flowers in her hands and a little sad smile displayed on her face.
Looking at the ground Lauren broke the silence. “I have flowers for you.. because i’m sorry. I don’t want to fight. You can have your couch if you want.” your girlfriend apologised.
There grew a little smile on your face too. “Thank you Lau, i’m sorry too. Come cuddle with me please.” you asked her with your best puppy eyes.
The English forward gave in and crawled into bed with you. You clicked the light off and Lauren spooned you from behind, her face in your neck and your limbs tangled into each other.
You let out a happy sigh and closed your eyes.
“Do you really not want the yellow couch though?” Lauren asked tiredly.
“No baby, we can do something colourful just not yellow, okay?” you tried to negotiate with your girlfriend.
“That’s okay. I love you.”
“I love you too Hemps”
lauren_hemp, y/ncharles
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liked by keirawalsh and 71.725 others
happy wife happy life
niamhcharles17 happy to be your relationship therapist 😘
↳ y/ncharles knew i chose the right sister, she even came home with a bouquet of my favourite flowers
↳ niamhcharles17 you didn’t exactly choose me but yeah what can i say, best sister of the year award incoming??
↳ lauren_hemp stop bragging
leahwilliamsonn who’s your interieur designerrrr
↳ y/ncharles all me and a tiny bit hempo
↳ leahwilliamsonn when can i hire you
esme.morgan love birds 🦢
citysfaves11 they’re soooo cutee
l1ionnesses2022 best football couple
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inuyashaluver · 2 months
seeing nimah with the baby was so cute! would you ever write nimah x reader maybe they visit reader’s family and they see how nimah interacts with the little one then they start asking reader about when they want kids but it’s not something reader and nimah have discussed so reader thinks nimah’s discomfort around the issue is because she doesn’t want kids but nimah just doesn’t know how to express that she wants to start thinking about their future so hurt/comfort and the common misunderstanding trope! Just an idea I had an wanted to share 🤍
are you kidding? - niamh charles
niamh charles x reader
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description: in which you and niamh both want kids but are unsure how to express it
warnings: little tears, swearing, IM RUSTY
a/n: again, how do you people expect me to see a picture and react normally, I LOVE THIS WOMAN, thank you so so much for the request, much love, enjoy!!
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it was rare that you and your girlfriend, niamh, had a disagreement. the two of you were very big on communication and outwardly expressing your feelings if you were angry, uncomfortable, sad, it didn’t matter.
talking for the two of you has always been important ever since the two of you started dating.
this was mainly due to the fact of niamh being hopeless when it came to flirting with you. you believing for a long time that she didn’t like you.
the girl was hopeless around you, not knowing how to act around you even though she’d known you ever since the england youth camps.
you always flirted with her and she didn’t know how to react, she’d be cocky at first but immediately faltered when you’d send her a charming smile. especially when she signed to your team chelsea back in 2020.
“hey, niamhy” you smiled kindly at her as you entered the chelsea change rooms, seeing niamh chatting along with zećira.
they both stop the conversation when they see you, niamh pink in the cheeks at seeing your sweet smile.
“hey, (y/n/n)” she breathes out, watching as you make your way over to both her and zećira. “hey, any plans for later? there’s a new cafe down the street that i want to try” you ask, making sure to look at niamh directly when you asked the question.
zećira chuckles at niamh’s surprised expression, sending you a little wink, niamh swallows, “i’m free, are you free?” she turns to zećira, “no, no, i’m not sorry” zećira grins, you smile at both of them expectantly.
this wasn’t the first time you had attempted to ask niamh on a date, the brunette always managing to bring someone else along to make it a group hangout rather than just the two of you.
“niamh” you call out, meeting her blue eyes with a sheepish smile, “i was hoping it would just be us two” niamh’s eyebrows raise slightly, both of your hearts pulsing with anticipation.
“oh” she chuckles nervously, “okay, let’s do it” she utters, “it’s a date” you wink, walking out of the change room, as you were already changed.
niamh watches you go and as soon as she sees your frame out of the door, she slaps zećira harshly on the leg.
“ow! what?” she winces, shoving niamh back, “i’m going on a fucking date” niamh exclaims, fiddling with the end of her shorts.
“it’s a good thing niamhy” niamh nods unconvinced, she’s been crushing on you ever since she was 15. how could you like her back?
and of course the date went well, once you outwardly told niamh that you actually liked her, the cocky, confident niamh that made you shy came out.
you and niamh had been dating for just over 3 years, both of you moved in and were extremely loved up with each other.
it was a sunny day in london when your family arranged a gathering with a bunch of your family members.
part of your invitation was with the insistence that your girlfriend came along, a family favourite for everyone.
“don’t you look gorgeous” niamh grinned as she watched you adjust your outfit in front of the mirror, coming over and standing behind you with her arms wrapped around your waist.
you smile and lean back into her when she presses a kiss to your cheek, “you look beautiful, baby” you grin at her in the mirror, letting her spin you to press a sweet kiss to your lips.
“ready to go?” she murmured against your lips, you nod, pecking her lips quickly and grabbing both of her hands.
“my family is a lot, if it gets too much, we can leave, okay?” niamh rolls her eyes fondly, kissing your forehead quickly before pulling you into a little hug.
“love, i’m fine” she assured, dragging you to the car excitedly at the thought of spending time with you and your family.
she squeezes your thigh excitedly as she drove, letting you give her a game plan on how to approach each and every family member in attendance, chuckling to herself that you did this every time she met them.
you grip her hand tightly when you reached the door of your aunt’s house, niamh giving your hand three squeezes for reassurance.
you look at her with a bright smile, about to ask for a kiss until the door was thrusted open by your aunt looking extremely tired.
“hello, lovebirds!” she grins, you and niamh returning the greeting with kisses to the cheeks and tight hugs.
niamh places a hand on the small of your back as you both went around and did the rounds, engaging in conversation after conversation with both of you sporting bright smiles.
“so niamh, are you looking after our girl?” one of your uncles said, you smile shyly when niamh presses a kiss to your temple, pulling you closer to her side.
“always, she has to take care of me more because she’s an angel” she smiles down at you, eyes full of adoration, drinking in your pink cheeks.
before the food even came out, you dragged niamh to the side of the backyard with a heavy sigh, thumping your forehead on her collarbone.
she chuckles, her arms wrapping around your waist to pull you closer, “you okay?” she whispers next to your ear, you mumble a yes against her, your arms going around her neck to hug her tightly before your name was screamed from the kitchen.
you groan, trying to hold on to niamh but the brunette pushed you back slightly, kissing you quickly and ushering you to help out.
you pout at her but leave reluctantly, knowing the longer you weren’t in that kitchen, the longer the lecture and you’d rather avoid one altogether.
niamh walked around your aunt’s backyard and settled in with the kids playing football. the kids always loved niamh and she’d often resort to them rather than the adults for some fun.
“niamhy, play with us!” one of your younger cousins grabbed her hand and dragged her over, smiling up at her with a toothy grin. niamh was quick to agree, smiling equally as excited.
“niamhy, you’re not kicking right” one of your cousins grumbled, she giggled brightly, apologising and letting the small boy adjust her movements the way he wanted.
it was until one of your much younger cousins, a one year old, was thrusted into niamh’s arms that she slowed down her movements.
the baby uncommonly fell asleep on niamh’s shoulder as soon as she was perched on her hip, much to the surprise of your family.
the baby was usually a handful and found it difficult to fall asleep. but niamh managed to get her to sleep in two minutes.
she was turned into a referee quickly and took her job seriously, only letting them get away with little fouls because they were having so much fun.
the kids all loved her, and so did the adults. niamh’s bright smile was hard to miss when you came back outside with platters of food.
you place the food down on the table and take in the scene in front of you. niamh with a baby on her hip while she giggled and refereed the game. to say your ovaries exploded was an understatement.
“that will be you soon” your aunt teases, you give her an expression of shock, stuttering on your words saying niamh wasn’t ready for kids, as the two of you hadn’t really discussed it.
both of you knew you wanted to spend forever together, that was common knowledge. but kids just hadn’t been brought up yet, you’d shown an interest but niamh ever really expressed a huge interest.
she’d coo over her friend’s kids, your family, her family but you never knew if she wanted some of her own.
niamh did want kids of her own but she didn’t know how to express it to you, not really knowing how you felt about them.
everyone got ushered to the table and niamh’s face brightened when she saw you, walking over to you gently to keep your cousin sleeping soundly against her.
she greets you with a soft kiss before she pulled out your chair with one hand, winking when you took your seat.
she sits down carefully, eating with your cousin sleeping soundly on her shoulder. “here, baby, let me hold her for a bit so you can eat” you offer but niamh shakes her head, letting go of her fork and holding your hand for a second.
“i’m okay, i’m the chosen one” she grins at you, you giggle, leaning over to kiss her cheek softly before you eventually end up feeding her the food on her plate because she was so focused on keeping your cousin comfortable.
when you both made it to the car after the gathering, you and niamh both let out a heavy sigh when you sat down, quickly breaking into a fit of giggles.
“high five, we did it” you chuckle when niamh holds her hand out to you, you slap her hand with yours, niamh’s fingers moving to interlace your fingers, pulling your hand to her mouth to press a gentle kiss over the back of it.
“we did it” you grin at her cheekily, niamh not missing the twinkle in your eye as you looked at her. “why are you looking at me like that?” niamh breathes out, cheeks turning a little pink at your look of adoration.
“nothing” you shrug, ushering her to start the car, she narrows her eyebrows at you but gives in, lacing your hands together and starting the car.
“you were so good with my cousins today, you know?” you glance over at her nervously, “they’re all so cute, i love spending time with them” she grins while watching the road, what she didn’t see was the tears brimming in your eyes.
you were overwhelmed with emotion for some reason, really wishing seeing niamh with the kids were your own.
it was until she heard a sniffle and felt the loosened grip of your hand in hers that she noticed. she glanced over quickly and panicked, thankfully able to park on the side of the road.
“babe?” niamh calls out softly, holding your hand tightly and taking off her seatbelt quickly. she ducks her head to make eye contact with you but you couldn’t look at her, overwhelmed with the feeling of embarrassment.
“hey” she gives your hand a squeeze, her free hand directing your jaw to look at her, meeting her eyes with a tearful expression.
“what’s wrong, my love?” you shake your head at her, letting out another sniffle, “nothing, i’m fine” you attempt to reassure her but she knows you too well, knowing you better than herself.
“baby, talk to me” she pleadingly whispers, you let out a shaky sigh, letting your girlfriend gently brush away the tears flowing down your cheeks.
“it’s stupid” you laugh wetly, niamh frowns at that, a scolding look almost. “nothing you feel is stupid, come on, baby, what’s wrong?” she gives you a reassuring smile, you can feel yourself calm down in an instant.
“when you were with my cousins, i couldn’t help but think about us” you said softly, almost impossible for niamh to hear but the small space in the car finally did her a favour.
“what about us, baby?” niamh digs a little further, her kind eyes making it easier to open up. “kids” you mutter, “our kids” niamh gives you a surprised expression, knowing the two of you haven’t really talked about this.
she also found it comical the two of you were parked up in a residential street 5 minutes from your home to discuss the topic.
“and i know you don’t want any with me and that’s okay, but i think the least you could do is get me a pet” you laugh wetly again, sniffling as you look at her,
“babe” she shakes her head, “are you kidding?” your eyes widen at her tone, she sounded a little offended and you were worried you overstepped.
“what?” niamh angles her body more towards you, “you really think i don’t want kids with you?” niamh’s eyebrows furrow again, face full of concentration as she analysed your facial expressions.
you shrug in response, a little hurt at the thought of niamh not wanting children with you.
“(y/n)” first name, this was serious, you thought.
“baby, i want nothing more than to have children with you, i always have” niamh pronounced, wiping away a stray tear from your cheek.
you look at her in slight shock, tracing her face for a lie and finding none, she was being honest.
“really?” you smile, she smiles back, happy to not see you crying anymore, “of course, my love, i’d get you pregnant right now if i could” she smirks suggestively, giving your hand another squeeze when she notices your pink cheeks.
“well, we better get home then” you tease, though niamh took it seriously, starting the car almost immediately and driving to your home.
literally dragging you out of the car and throwing you over her shoulder. sure, it couldn’t happen like this, but who are you to decline niamh?
you both discussed that children would happen a little later for the both of you, but it was certain to happen. you were both relieved to know what each other wanted.
you and niamh spent a lot more time babysitting cousins, nieces, nephews, dogs if you had to and it felt extremely natural and familiar for the both of you.
you were both excited for when those children would be yours, excited for what the future would hold.
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you know the drill - pretend it’s you! ily pernille x
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liked by _jessflem and 44,232 others
niamhcharles17: trying to steal the favourite cousin status from me
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yourname: she’s MY cousin
↳ niamhcharles17: OUR cousin
↳ yourname: i knew her first
↳ niamhcharles17: baby, i came with you to the hospital
↳ yourname: go away
zeciramusovic: waiting for your turn
↳ niamhcharles17: coming soon 😏
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etherealstar-writes · 4 months
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pairings: lionesses x reader
summary: in which you're accidentally added to a random group chat, not knowing they're all actually famous footballers, and obliviously end up having many of them competing for your love and attention.
part: nine
part one here
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
You were seated on the couch with your best friend, Dani, in her apartment with bowls of snacks stacked in front of you guys. Dani was the one currently obsessed with the women football since England was hosting the Euros, and would be the one spamming you with edits.
She'd begged you to come tonight to watch the quarter finals with her with England versing Spain. And you'd finally given in, hoping to finally get cultured and then flex off to the group chat that you finally knew the names of more players other than just Lucy Bronze.
And so here you were, your eyes glued on the tv screen as the National Anthem had ended and the match was about to start. Your eyebrows had furrowed in confusion when the line-ups had been displayed for a few seconds before the kick-off whistle was blown. The last names of the Lionesses were somehow familiar, but before you could dwell on it more, it went away.
"Okay so," Dani began, pointing to the different players as the match began. "The blonde one with the number 8 on her back is Leah Williamson, my personal fav, and the captain of the team."
You nodded along.
Leah Williamson. Seems familiar.
"And then the one in goals is Mary Earps. There's Lucy Bronze with the number 2 on her back and Mille Bright next to Leah with number 6. Over there running is Keira Walsh and she has 4 on her back."
Your eyebrows furrowed again when you heard the name Earps and Bright, but decided to ignore it.
"Right there is Lauren Hemp with 11 next to Fran Kirby who's 14, and that one is Rachel Daly with number 3 on her back."
Nahhh, it couldn't be a coincidence, could it? Leah, Earps, Bright, Kie, Lauren, and now Daly?
"Oh, and that's Stanway with the ball. She just passed it to Meado!"
Hold on.
Your eyes widened. "Meado?"
"Yeah, Beth Mead. We call her Meado." Dani nodded, glancing at you and saw that you had a shocked look on your face. "You good?"
"Wait, so would Stanway's first name be Georgia by any chance?" You questioned.
"Yeah, you guessed it right!" Dani laughed. "It looks like my edits are helping."
You forced a smile on your face and nodded along, but internally you were screaming. You grabbed your phone and googled all the players on the football squad including the subs, noticing the resemblance to all the names on the group chat.
Leah Williamson. Georgia Stanway. Ella Toone. Alessia Russo. Beth Mead. Lotte Wubben-Moy. Niamh Charles. Lucy Bronze. Mary Earps. And it went on. Some had only spoken once but you had seen their name.
While Dani was focused on the game, you were lost in your own thoughts. It all seemed like a big joke right now.
The times they'd be in the gym and would be training together. The photos they would send on the chat where they were in what you now realised were their football kits, and the football games they would pass off as a bit of fun. And the fact that Lucy Bronze had commented your post.
It all made sense when you thought about it.
These past few months you'd been chatting with them, you'd thought you had gotten to "know" them better, but really you knew practically nothing because they'd continued to hide about who they were and would change the topic when you did try to bring it up, all while knowing basically everything about you.
And suddenly, you felt very stupid and very played, as well as kinda betrayed.
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
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liked by danisterling and 140 others
yourusername: me raiding all of dani's snacks while trying to understand football. england national football team or national diving team? who knows 🤷‍♀️ is it coming home lionesses?
danisterling: it's coming homeeeee ↳ yourusername: let's hope so
laniangelo: maybe you'll get lucky and another of them will see this post and you can finally become a wag ↳ yourusername: new fear: unlocked
chasejackson: looking flawless l/n 😩 ↳ yourusername i know 😌
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
the imposter well done on the match girls! you guys played great loved the goals toone and stanway
thank you so much y/n!
stairway ahh thank you y/n really appreciate it wait .... HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT ITS US
neev oh no
the imposter have fun messing around with someone else and hiding your identities from them! xx
the imposter left
meado what were you guys expecting? you were literally going to be on tv playing football she was bound to see and find out soon you should've told her sooner
stairway we messed up didn't we?
willybum yeah
neev we gotta fix this
the REAL karate kid how she probably hates us
elton i got an idea
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
leahwilliamsonn started following yourusername alessiarusso99 started following yourusername ellatoone started following yourusername stanwaygeorgia started following yourusername niamhcharles17 started following yourusername lottewubbenmoy started following yourusername lucybronze started following yourusername 1maryearps started following yourusername and more started following yourusername
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
part ten here
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wileys-russo · 5 months
Ella toone, reader is a doctor or nurse in the hospital, assuring her that she won’t loose her finger after the darts game on national camp 😂 fluff
drama queen II e.toone
"is that ella?" you heard a scream in the distance and looked up from the stack of papers you were palming through with a frown. your coworker gave you a shrug, the question answered for you as esme barreled in a few seconds later.
"tooneys took her finger off with a dart!" the blonde breathed out shakily as your eyes widened. "she's what?" you exclaimed, grabbing the med bag and hurrying after her toward the rec room of base camp.
ellas cries of pain echoed after you as you and esme burst through the doors, a small crowd gathered around your girlfriend. "alright girls give me some room here please." you ordered gently as they parted and you dropped to your knees.
"what have you done this time el?" you sighed, a bloodied rag wrapped around her hand as she sobbed. "oh baby i've lost it! i've lost me finger! i'm only gonna have four now!" ella cried out choking back tears, head slumping to your shoulder.
"not helping!" you mouthed toward alessia and niamh who couldn't seem to help giggling at the girls expense. "fuck off the pair of ya! this is your fault charles!" ella sobbed angrily, good hand pointing at her threatningly.
"my fault! tooney its not my fault you decided to use your hand to block a perfectly good shot. what were you thinking? your hands not dart proof!" niamh scoffed as you gave both her and alessia a look, the taller blonde carting her off as ella huffed.
"did you try to use your hand as a dart board babe?" you teased, hoping to try and lighten the situation as a few of the older girls started to usher everyone away to give you and ella some space, most of them still hovering nearby in concern.
"no! god baby i've lost my finger! its gone!" ella cried out with a groan as you warned you were going to unwrap the rag from her hand. you sucked in air through your teeth seeing the amount of dried blood as ella covered her eyes with her spare hand.
"i can't look. is it bad? can ya sew it back on?" ella questioned anxiously. "i just need to wipe away the blood so i can get a better look love, this is gonna sting." you warned, mary dropping to her knees on ellas other side and nudging her to hold her hand.
"you sure maz? of all people we need your hands unbroken." you joked but there was a hint of seriousness in your tone carrying over the real warning, mary moving back as esme took her spot and ella clutched onto her hand, eyes squeezed shut.
"is it bad? baby i need updates!" ella fussed, groaning in pain as you gently started to wipe away the blood, the cut still oozing out fresh stuff as you went, squeezing her leg reassuringly.
"is it barely hanging on? will ya have to amputate? can ya play football with four fingers?" ella asked question after question, cursing in pain and trying to pull her hand back as you held on tightly.
"alright. give it to me straight baby, how bad?" ella let go of esmes hand to gently pat your cheek, eyes still squeezed shut as your own rolled. "this is gruesome babe, i think we'll need to amputate the whole hand." you sighed, mary smacked your shoulder gently as you looked up with a grin and ella shrieked.
"el you muppet i don't have to amputate anything, your finger is very much so still attached to your hand and staying that way." you chuckled before she could kick off, eyes glaring daggers at you as you smiled.
"look at it! thats not fine! its danglin!" ella huffed nodding furiously down at her hand. "you're very lucky you've missed the tendon and the nerves that would have been bad, but fingers just bleed a lot. the cut is about three and a half deep, i'll need to pop a few dissolvable stitches in and you'll be right as rain." you assured but it did nothing to stop her moaning about.
with a nod mary and esme helped her up as you all headed for the medics office where the rest of your supplies were, you quietly murmering to esme to go and let sarina know what happened as the blonde nodded and took off.
"el you will be fine my love, your finger is fine!" you smiled as she groaned out in pain again, taking a seat as mary sat beside her and you rummaged around in the first aid kit. "its not fine i almost lost it!" ella cried out with a huff as mary rubbed her back trying not to laugh.
"i know i know and you're being very brave." you cooed, sitting in front of her and softly grabbing her wrist. "careful!" ella shouted with another groan as you withheld the urge to roll your eyes at her dramatics.
"so did it drop off? is she gonna have four fingers now? i think you should keep it in a little jar tooney as a momento." alessia poked her head inside with a wolfish grin as you shot her a look and ella kicked off again.
"less be supportive or go away." you warned with a ghost of a smile as the tall blonde stood beside mary, opting to remain quiet. "gentle woman jesus!" ella hissed yanking her hand away.
"ella i haven't even started yet that was just me wiping away the dried blood." you sighed, motioning for her hand again as she mumbled something and curled into marys side, hiding her face in the keepers shoulder as alessia reached over and rubbed her back.
"now i'm starting and i need you to sit very still please baby." you warned rather firmly as ella nodded, face still hidden away in marys shoulder as she groaned out in pain every now and then.
"ella i said still!" you sighed impatiently as you started on the first stitch and she flinched, your grip on her tightening. "alessia talk to her please, take her mind off it." you requested as the blonde started to ramble some stories of her countless clumsy moments making ella laugh.
"okay. done!" you announced a couple of minutes later, gently wrapping a bandage tightly around her finger to stem the bleeding. "leave that on tonight and i'll re-dress it tomorrow morning." you ordered, ella sitting up with a nod.
"needs one more thing though baby." you quirked an eyebrow curiously as a smile graced the midfielders face and she held her hand out expectantly. "you're unbelievable sometimes toone." you sighed in amusement, gently kissing her bandaged finger.
"ya comin up baby?" ella asked, trailing behind once mary and alessia had stepped out. "in a bit, i've got a bit more paperwork to get ahead of love." you smiled apologetically as your girlfriend nodded.
"thank ya, my little nurse." ella grinned, leaning across your desk to kiss you sweetly. "anytime for my favourite patient." you chuckled and waved for her to go, really needing to make a dent into the files scattered in front of you.
"i'll be expectin some extra kisses tonight yanno, since i almost lost me finger today!" ella warned from the doorway as you smiled with a shake of your head, eyes focused on millies file you'd just flicked open as your girlfriend stepped out.
"oi less, niamhy! rematch?" your head snapped up at that as you hurried to the door, poking your head out and watching your girlfriends figure retreat back toward the rec room.
"ella ann toone no more darts!"
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pitchsidestories · 29 days
I loved you in secret II Niamh Charles x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 1188
a/n: hi, this one contains hurt/comfort, it's all fictional as always and we hope you guys like it.
Loosing against Barcelona hurt a lot but what was even more painful to you was the heartbroken face of your girlfriend who was coming towards you, the rain pattered steadily on her slumped shoulders.
In the background you saw the Barca players celebrating their entry into the Champions League final.
Even though you knew that not a single word which existed in the human language could ease away the pain right now, you whispered her name: ”Niamh-“
The defender quickly stopped you from talking more by putting a finger to your lips before pressing her mouth on to yours, giving you a passionate kiss.
The move of the brunette caught you off guard because the relationship was supposed to be a secret and you could tell that your team has been watching the two of you.
For another moment Niamh leaned her forehead against yours before she apologized quietly: ”Sorry.”
“Sorry, for the kiss or the loss?”, you frowned at her.  
“Both.”, she admitted in an honest tone.
You wanted to press on for her to keep speaking, but it was Erin who cleared her throat, so your girlfriend and you turned around to face her.
The Scottish midfielder nodded into your coach direction who didn’t look the least amused, even a little disgusted:” Sorry to interrupt you girls. I thought you should know that Emma saw you two.
Much to your surprise Niamh’s reply was: ”Good.”
“Good?! You must be joking, Niamhy.”, Sjoeke scolded the defender, she herself seemed to have appear out of nowhere.
“Do I look like I’m joking?”, Niamh asked the red-haired woman in a tone which didn’t leave a doubt about her being serious.
The German forward quietly moved away from her.
“Come on, let’s go inside, love.”, you told your girlfriend.
“Please.”, she answered, tears in her eyes because the pain of loosing 2:0 against the reigning champions of Europe was still too fresh for her not to get highly emotional about everything which was thrown at her.
In the dressing room a concerned Millie came up to both of you:” Niamh, y/n?”
“Yes?”, you lifted your chin, to look properly into your captain’s worried face.
Sounding much more annoyed Niamh mumbled through gritted teeth: ”What?”  The sadness was still there but you could feel her getting angrier by each passing minute.
“You better get home quickly.”, Millie responded softly.
“Why?”, you raised an eyebrow at her.
“She’s pretty mad.”, Guro explained. Hearing the Norwegian say this, send a shiver down to your spine, you all knew all too well who your teammate meant with she, Emma who’s facial expression from earlier was engraved into your visual memory.
Your girlfriends voice brought you back from your thoughts. “About the kiss in the rain? Emma should be mad about the game instead, how we lost it in the second half!”
She tried to keep her voice steady but the anger seeped through the words.
Millie shook her head calmly: “We all lost that game tonight.”
You sighed, looking at the tall defender: “Yes, but Millie, she has no right to hate us just because Niamh and I love each other.”
A look of empathy crossed Millies face: “No, I absolutely agree. I know it‘s been bothering Niamh for a while now.”
“Yes, she‘s tired of the hate. Especially after Emmas statement on player-player-relationships.”, you continued.
Millie nodded in understanding. You were sure that everyone in the room knew that Niamhs anger came from an accumulation of disappointing games and questionable interviews of your coach.
“But we didn‘t lose because of this tonight.”, Millie reminded you.
Niamh let out a long sigh: “No, we didn‘t.”
“Niamh.” The older team captain tried to find the youngers eyes.
“Go home.”, Millies voice was soft, her eyes full of worry for the two of you. Still, you did not dare to refuse her order.
You started packing your bags silently, trying to leave the stadium as fast as possible.
“Bye, girls.”, Niamh said plainly, not looking at any. of your teammates.
Guro forced herself to smile: “Bye.”
“Goodbye.”, you said before following your girlfriend out.
Niamh was unusually quiet on your way home. As soon as the door closed behind you and you dropped your bags, she turned towards you.
“I‘m sorry, love.”
“You don‘t need to apologize, Niamh.”, you replied, carefully reaching out to take her hands into yours.
She shook her head, avoiding your eyes: “No, I didn‘t want to get you in trouble. I was just mad.”
Of course, she made the decision to kiss you in the heat of the moment, led by her emotions and it might have consequences for you too but you could not blame her.
“We all were. And rightfully so, I mean the first leg might have been the best game of the season…”
Your girlfriend let out a tired breath: “It‘s been a weird season.”
“You can really say that.”, you nodded in agreement.
Still in thought, Niamh continued: “I didn't say anything when she first called our relationship inappropriate… but it has been bothering me the whole time.”
“Me too to be honest. But I didn’t want it to affect your captaincy.”, you admitted.
“I should have said something.”
You carefully put your hand on her upper arm and tried to find her gaze: “And loose the armband? She'll leave at the end of the season and we're staying.”
“Now that Millie is back, she will get it anyway.”, your girlfriend sighed exasperated.
“Probably., you paused for a second before adding in a hopeful tone, but we can stop hiding now, right?”
“We should have stopped much earlier. We owe that to our teammates who taught us that it’s okay.”, she confessed quietly while placing her head on your lap.
“That’s true to Pernille and Magda..”, you began.
“Fran and Maren.”, Niamh mumbled while your fingers ran soothingly through her still slightly wet hair.
“Aswell as Jess and Ann-Katrin.”
“And there are young players looking up to us.”, the defender said earnestly.
“Right. I don’t want them to feel ashamed for whom they love.”, you whispered as you wished away the upcoming tears with your free hand.
“Come here.”, your girlfriend asked you to lay down beside her which you did.
With closed eyes Niamh kissed away your hot tears.
“I love you.”, you told her, smiling sadly.
“I love you too. On and off the pitch. No matter what anyone says.”, the defender responded seriously before pulling you into a close hug.
“Do you think you can fall asleep tonight?”, you asked her cautiously.
“I’ll try too.”, she answered honestly.
“Sleep well, Niamh.”, you wished her goodnight.
“You too.”
Both of you were drifting away into an exhausted sleep, this season has been tiring. In the morning you were feeling less sad because you could finally stop loving your favourite person in secret and live your truth.
Even though not everyone might like that fact, but you felt like a heavy weight has been lifted from your shoulders. You loved Niamh and it was okay if everyone knew about your love for each other.
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yeeterthek33per · 4 months
I want to hear you say it (Zećira Mušović x Reader)
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A/n requested
Warnings: SMUT 18+ MDNI, jealous Z, unwanted flirtations. Terrible swedish translations.
As if today couldn’t have gotten any worse, it felt like a major kick in the stomach when you were forcibly dragged away from your own car after training and shoved into the back of Sam’s for team social night. 
It had started off with you nearly not waking up to your third and final alarm of the day leaving you running into training late, much to the annoyance of Emma and the girls who had to join you in sprints this morning.
After that rough start to training, you were then volunteered to introduce the new girl to the rest of the team, a young twenty-something fresh out of the Chelsea grassroots academy.
She was nice but a bit overbearing, practically hanging off you for the rest of the day.
Unfortunately, this left you with little time to spend with your favourite person.
Zećira, much like yourself, was ridiculously grumpy all training. Normally she’d have you to herself for most of it. 
Of course, being a striker and a goalkeeper, you had separate sessions to each other, but the warmups are generally intermingled.
So, when you had paired up for drills, you were the first person to grab her, just about growling at anyone who tried to pair up with her instead of you.
That said, the new kid, Sally?
She doesn’t really remember, nor care…
To be fair, she’d been latched onto you like a leech the whole time. It was obnoxious the number of times she was verbally and physically throwing herself at you.
Zećira could ignore it most of the time, given she had to focus on her own drills with the others, but she couldn’t miss the tone of Sadie’s voice every time she came within hearing distance of you both.
It was a sickly-sweet tone with heavy undertones, and it annoyed the Swedish woman to no end.
Regardless, even if it was annoying her, you looked like you’d been completely oblivious to the most obnoxiously obvious flirtations Sarah sent your way.
That’s what frustrated her the most, your ignorance of the situation at hand and the way you let the twenty-two-year-old cling to you like that.
Now that you’re in the bar, Zećira is watching as Summer leans uncomfortably close to you, hand grazing your arm as she animatedly asks you question after question about your life and what it’s like on the senior team.
You don't step away from it, not really, although, it seems, even you have your friendly limits.
The goalkeeper feels her chest start to heat up with the familiar low burn of jealousy.
A cough from across the table catches her attention.
“Zee, the staring isn’t subtle.”
There’s a raised brow on Niamh’s face as she glances back and forth between you and the goalkeeper with a small smirk.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Even if that’s the case, the poor newbie over there is definitely feeling your laser glare right about now.”
Zećira’s glare moves to the Canadian across from her.
“Good, I hope so.”
Both of them let out a small snort at the Swede, nudging her shin when she turns back to you, making her look away again.
“For the love of god, just tell her, she’s definitely not into flirty pants over there, and you have the best chance out of literally anyone here.”
“I seriously have no idea what you’re talking about. You pair are crazy.”
The pair groaned and just shoved the goalkeeper away from the table and out of her seat.
“Go save the poor woman, at least. If you won’t acknowledge your blatantly obvious love for our Striker, the least you can do is pull McFlirt over there off her."
“Oh my god, you’re so right!”
Savannah’s voice was getting a little grating in your ears now.
Flinching away at the loudness of the laugh so close to your ear, you cover it up with a signal to the bartender to bring you another glass of Vodka Soda, given you weren’t driving now anyway and the trainers weren’t here to scold you for drinking midseason.
“So- “
A soft throat clearing from just behind your shoulder makes the newbie in front of you jump a little out of her focus on you.
The warmth radiating from Zećira with how close she’s standing to you makes you relax back into the goalkeeper but also lightly shiver with the proximity.
“Oh... hi. You’re Zekira, right?”
You look up slightly at the raven-haired woman just in time to see her eye twitch slightly at the pronunciation.
“It’s Zećira actually.”
“Of course, right.”
There’s a small, awkward silence before Zećira clears her throat again.
“So Selena-“
“It’s Savannah.”
“Right, I think Niamh and Jessie were looking to talk to you.”
The blonde lights up suddenly at the mention of the two, to which when she makes eye contact with them as they look towards the suddenly excited new girl, they glare back at her when she smirks at them.
Once the girl disappears to go find the Canadian and English friends, Zećira turns to you with a small smile that you gratefully reciprocate.
Leaning back into the taller woman, you offer her the seat now free in front of you next to the bar but she shakes her head, instead gently grabbing your hand, leading you towards the outdoor area of the bar, settling in by one of the heaters.
It’s not a particularly cold night, but it’s just chilly enough to have a reasonable excuse to tuck yourself under her arm and lean your head on her shoulder.
It was silent now, but not like before.
The quiet was a welcome one, and it was quite common between you.
Zećira was your favourite person for the same reason you were hers.
Not that either of you really knew that.
You were both quiet people. You enjoyed the company of the rarely brooding but often times peacefully listening goalkeeper.
If you’d needed to rant, she’s always been an open ear for you.
If you needed a hug, she’s right there to give the warmest, tightest, sweetest hug you’ve ever had. They’d send tingles down your spine, and her hands are always sure on your lower back as your arms wrap around her neck.
The smell of her shampoo leaves you feeling slightly dizzy when you’d bury your face there after long and tiring days.
Her hand would settle on your knee comfortingly when you curl up beside her while binging tv shows after every one of your breakups.
Her overall presence keeps you going day to day.
Despite that. You were only friends.
Good friends, but friends nonetheless.
“Hey, I have to pee, I’ll be right back.”
Zećira hums softly and lifts her arm to let you out of the booth again.
Making your way over to the bathroom, you do your business, and as you're washing your hands to touch up, the door creaks open behind you, and you lift your head to look at them.
It’s Savannah.
“Oh hey, I was looking for you, I was wondering if maybe we could, you know, hang out some time?”
“Like to practise and stuff?”
“Well, I mean more like, come to dinner with me.”
Right as you’re about to answer with a soft no to let her down easy, the door opens behind her and Zećira walks in, looks slowly between the two of you before slipping into a stall herself.
There's a small awkward silence now as you shift uncomfortably under the stare of her.
“Look, as nice as you are, I’m not interested in dating right now. And you're far younger than me, I'm sorry but I'm just not interested.”
“At least give me a chance to- “
Zećira steps out of the stall at that exact moment, moving to the sinks.
“Look, kid, she said no, maybe take that as an answer instead of embarrassing yourself further, alright?”
She punctuates it with little flicks of water at the sink after washing her hands.
Savannah’s face turns bright red, and she mumbles a quiet apology and ducks out of the door swiftly.
You turn to the Swedish woman with a raised brow.
“What’s up with you, grumpy?”
She feigns confusion and looks at you funny, moving to dry her hands on some paper towel.
“What are you talking about?”
“You never get that snappy with anyone, even the persistent ones.”
Zećira steels her expression lightly but stays quiet.
It catches you off guard when she steps forward, hands grabbing your waist to walk you back into the wall.
The small “oof” you let out echoes in the small dimly lit bathroom, and your cheeks flush as her grip tightens on you.
“Zee… what are you- “
At that, she swiftly leans down to capture your lips with her own. A small gasp leaves your mouth but is quickly smothered, and one hand reaches up to grip the back of her neck while the other rests on her cheek.
The more your lips move together, the more antsy you get, and you nip at her lower lip slightly as she pulls back to take a breather.
Her lips are slightly swollen, and you can’t imagine yours aren’t the same.
With flushed cheeks, she dips back into you again, this time, though, her hands grip the underside of your thighs and lift you up onto the counter with a small squeak erupting from your lips.
“Zee, we’re gonna get caught -"
“So let them, even better if it’s that little-“
With a soft shake of your head, you pull her back in again to shut her up.
It’s a softer, slower kiss this time, one that she takes her time pulling away from.
With slow abated breaths, you move your other hand to cup the other side of her face.
“If you’re gonna kiss me like that in a bathroom, give a girl a warning first.”
Zećira blushes harder this time and almost pulls away out of fear of rejection, but you quickly tighten your legs around her waist, holding her to you.
“Something you wanna tell me, Zee?”
The small, curious, and teasing smile on your lips makes her stop.
Though, there must be something in your eyes at that point because she relaxes against you, hands moving back to grip your thighs again.
“Can I tell you later, because you and I both know what’s gonna come out of my mouth next and I really want to keep kissing you.”
A finger on her lips stops her from leaning down again and you raise a brow giggling softly.
“I want to hear you say it.”
“Du betyder allt för mig.” (You mean everything to me)
Your heart races. You knew Swedish enough to understand what she just said, and it completely catches you off guard.
But you release a shaky breath and let your hand fall onto the back of her neck again.
“Inte vad jag förväntade mig....” (Not what I expected)
She stops for a second. You continue.
“But it’s what I needed to hear.”
Her breath hitches at that, and you tug her down again, her hands tightening their grasp, nails digging slightly into your skin, leaving you keening into her.
At the noise escaping from the back of your throat, she slips them up to ride under your shirt, tracing a small path into the skin beneath the fabric.
You make a half attempt to pull her closer yet, pressing yourself right to her, hips rocking into her softly.
She groans at the way your nails dig into her shoulders when she trails kisses down the side of your jawline, tracing a line straight down to the junction of your neck and shoulder.
Tilting your head to give her more access, your breathing becomes more ragged, and your eyes flutter shut as her teeth take the skin there and tug lightly, her lips soothing the ministrations behind them.
Shifting to give herself a little space, her fingers move to swiftly unbutton the fabric currently standing in her way and with a soft growl, she finally tugs it open, head dropping to press kisses to your collarbone, nipping occasionally.
You breathe out when Zećira’s fingers dip below the waistline of your slacks, half tugging at them.
The commanding tone is firm but a little breathless as she pulls back to look you dead in the eye.
Letting out a soft pleading whine, you obediently lift your hips to let her tug them down along with your underwear at the same time, leaving you bare to the cool air, to which you shiver slightly.
A slight brush of her fingertips on your clit is enough to have you whimpering into her mouth.
You’ve never been this sensitive to someone’s touch but there’s something about the taller woman in front of you now, teeth digging into your lower lip, fingers still teasing you, that has you losing your mind on a public bathroom counter.
It’s a soft, keening whine, but it makes her chuckle, and she hushes you, thumb coming up to tug at your lip before her other hand finally applies enough pressure to your clit to have you bucking up into her hand.
“So wet for me already, Princesse.”
There’s a small tone of surprise behind it, and you nod at her, guiding her hand down lower with small encouraging whispers of “Please baby. I need you.”
She traces small circles around your clit for a moment and slowly dips her index and middle finger down, working them into you from the awkward angle of the sink.
She uses her hand to muffle your moans before they become too loud and starts thrusting at a fast pace, fingers bending at the right spot, leaving you a moaning mess embarrassingly quickly, completely at her mercy as she fucks you.
Her wrist moves her thrusts into you a bit harder, and you have to fight not to moan any loader lest someone catch you like you’d been fearing this whole time.
When she ducks her head down to mouth at the skin of your collarbone again, you know you’re a goner. 
A whimpering, keening, moaning mess.
The fact she’s got you this close this fast has you a little concerned for your own stamina, but it’s wiped from your mind the moment her lips are on yours again.
Hearing you moaning like this for her only makes her double her efforts, fingers tapping your g-spot with renewed vigour, and it throws you close to the edge swiftly.
You can feel your legs start to tremble a little, and she can feel you tighten around her, her thrusts meeting a little more resistance now.
“That’s it, älskling.”
The soft praise only spurs you on and your hips lift to meet her thrusts and it takes but a few brushes of her thumb on your clit to send you over.
Thighs twitching, legs tightening around the goalkeepers hips as your back arches into her.
She’s muttering sweet nothings to you as you come down, soft muttered "you're so beautiful"'s and "Good girl"'s.
If you weren't already mid orgasm, that in itself would have sent you over.
“My sweet, beautiful girl.”
There’s a slight whine in your throat when her thumb moves against your clit a little, still sensitive from your orgasm just mere seconds ago.
It’s a soft, breathy whine, and she smiles, removing her hand slowly and taking your lips with hers again.
“I love hearing my name on your lips, I need to hear it more, back to my place?”
You nod swiftly, letting her guide your underwear and pants back up, the haze of an orgasm still very much on your mind.
On shaky legs, you clean up a little, settling the sex-mussed hair on both of you and attempting, albeit failing, to cover up all of the marks left on your neck with her jacket which she settles around your shoulders after you shiver a little when you step out of the bathroom.
Thankfully, the bathroom is around a corner from where your teammates are tucked away in a set of booths so you both wave at them from a distance as you exit the bar, ignoring the looks you get from them.
Zećira guides you down the concrete sidewalk towards her car in the small parking lot beside the building.
Zećira can hardly focus on getting her keys in the lock with you nipping at her collarbone the way you are. That and your hands have slipped under the fabric of her button-up shirt to gently scratch at the skin of her abs.
“Älskling, please, need a second to get the door open.”
You feign innocence, a small pout on your lips, but they quirk up a little at her while she shakes her head lightly at the cheeky expression on your face.
Slipping your hands further up, she whines when you cup her through her bra, hands cold against her skin.
She curses the key in her hand when she finally gets the door unlocked, dragging you inside by the collar to slam you against it.
"Couldn't behave for one second to get us inside, could you?"
Chuckling, you tug her closer by the belt loops.
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
She rolls her eyes.
"I'm sure you don't."
Following swiftly with that, her knee presses between your legs, hands fully unbottoning and removing your shirt now, tossing it to the side.
The smug grin on your face has her a little flustered, but she raises a brow down at you.
"I've finally got you here to myself, I'm not wasting anymore time getting you in my bed."
You chuckle softly, hands grabbing hers to steady them before pulling off and throwing her jacket to the side, hands tugging at her button-up to slowly remove it, softly grazing the skin of her shoulders as you push it off.
"We have all the time in the world, Baby. I'm not going anywhere."
She softens, and her hands grasp yours, gently tugging you down the hall to her bedroom, walking half turned towards you, eyes locked on yours.
"I'm right here, Zee. I'm all yours."
The soft reassurance has the last of her nerves settling once again, making way for the sweet, charming Zećira you know and love.
The shakiness in her limbs disappears altogether, making it easier for her to pull you back into her, hands settling on your hips, and she kisses you.
You lean up into it, pushing back as she applies a little more force into it, letting it fall naturally heavier with every move, nip, and caress.
A warmth starts to settle back into your stomach, and you nudge her towards the bed, to which she flips you back onto the mattress, hovering over you.
It's in slow movements, met with kissing you all the way back until your head hits the pillows.
You're craving her warmth a little more, so you tug the swede down onto you rather forcefully, leaving little room for argument as her hand slips under your shirt to grip at your chest, kneading the soft flesh there with a small sigh.
A whine slips out from the back of your throat when her fingers roll your nipple between them, pinching and tugging at the skin gently.
The taller woman pushes herself up slightly, kneeling, and pulls you up with her.
Soft, tender hands move to the buttons of your shirt, move, and undo each one slowly until reaches the bottom one, to which her two fingers under your chin bring your gaze back up to meet hers.
"Eyes on me, sweetheart."
You just about melt under the slowly darkening gaze of the woman.
The single flick of her fingers to unclip your bra and throw it to meet the discarded shirt has your mind nearly turned to mush right there.
With a soft muttered, "So beautiful."
She's swift to kiss you and push you back into the pillow, resuming her previous actions.
The cool air in the room does little to sate the heat taking over your skin, everywhere she touches, feels like a small fire under her fingertips, leaving you keening into her touch.
One hand remains on your breast, the other tracing a minuscule path over your ribcage and to the edge of your pants, tugging at the fabric.
She doesn't have to ask this time, though, as you immediately lift your hips to allow her to pull them off.
Her kisses trail away from your lips, shifting down across your jawline, to your collarbone, occasionally leaving small nips on the way down.
Down to your chest, lips wrapping around your nipple, suckling and leaving you a whimpering mess.
The more your whines turn to soft pleas, the more she smirks against your skin when she lets the nipple go and continues a featherlight trail of kisses across your stomach.
"Baby, please."
You can feel the wave of hot air come from her as she chuckles against you.
"What's the matter, darling?"
"I need you."
The keening whine behind the words just have her amused as you buck up into her.
"Yeah? Tell me where. Where do you need me?"
The fact she’s trying to make you think like this, is criminal alone, and it makes you whimper when she extricates herself from your vicinity, a soft but stern tone behind her words.
"Tell me, Y/n. What do you need from me?"
"I need your mouth, fingers, anything. Please just touch me, baby."
A smug, mocking tone makes you whine.
"But I am touching you baby."
Attempting to grab her and pull her back into you, she chuckles and tuts at you, pulling away from your grasp.
"I need you inside me, on me, anything please."
It seems she's satisfied with that because she leans down once again.
Peeling off your underwear, she groans softly at the dampened fabric, head immediately moving to press kisses to the insides of your thighs, hands slipping under them and urging your legs over her shoulders, manoeuvring herself to be directly over your centre.
Hot puffs of air directly hitting your clit leaves you gripping the sheets tightly, breathing more than a little ragged.
"Look at me."
Your head lifts from where it had fallen back, eyes flitting to meet hers in the faintly lit room.
"Good girl."
With that, her mouth is on you swiftly, tongue taking in your taste with a breathy groan.
The warm, firm muscle makes you buck your hips up with a small jerk.
"Jesus, Zee."
Your hand shoots to her hair, gripping the raven locks tightly.
The grunt you're rewarded with has your legs shaking a little with the vibrations and it only makes her grip on your thighs tighten.
Her tongue laps at you, lips taking in your clit with a sharp suck before releasing and returning to thrust into your entrance.
Inevitably, when you let your head drop back against the pillow, a sharp pinch to the leg jolts you back to watch her again
"Keep watching, älskling, don't make me ask again."
The slightly cooler warmth of her breath contrasts against the startling heat of her mouth as it once again latches itself around your clit.
With the way she's devouring you, it feels like her tongue has found a home between your legs, the skillful swift flicks and swipes have your legs trembling beneath the strong grip of her hands over the skin of your thighs.
The moans she's drawing from you feel unrestricted, being released with no thought to them like you’d always done with everyone else.
She makes you feel safe here, in the dimly room of her home, secure beneath her sure touch, without need to restrain yourself.
You feel freer and safer than ever.
One hand releasing your leg brings you back to her, to the warmth of her taking you in with small, breathy groans.
It trails over your hip, gliding over your ribs, brushing the underside of your breast before sliding off to slip your hand into it, tangling your fingers together like they had been in the sheets only moments ago.
The build-up in your gut suddenly alerts you to the oncoming orgasm, the wave having completely snuck up on you.
"F-fuck. Zee, I'm gonna.."
You barely have time to register the small hum against you that's paired with the harsh suck that sends you kareening over.
Her hand squeezes yours, your legs wrap tighter around her shoulders and head, and her eyes follow the way your back arches up and your hips buck into her mouth, her other hand forcing your hips back into mattress.
She can feel her own arousal building just at the sight of you writhing beneath her, chest heaving with the efforts of her mouth on you.
The way her already dark brown eyes dilate at watching you cum on her tongue, the flood of your taste meeting her tastebuds as she slips her tongue inside you to clean up.
Her hand never leaves yours until you're needily fisting at her to pull her up to eye level once again, wasting no time kissing her.
The sweet, slightly tangy taste of yourself on her lips has you whining softly, and it takes little effort to push her onto her back, straddling her waist.
You raise a brow at the soft pout on her lips.
"Who said I was done with you?"
Chuckling, you lean down to capture her lips in a brief, soft peck.
"No one, baby, it's my turn, now relax. I've been dying to taste you."
Clearly, your words have an effect on her, because you can feel the shiver run through her beneath you, and the way her fingers grip your hips tighter along with the small sigh she let's out when your lips trail down her exposed collarbone.
You're met with little resistance once your teeth dig into the soft pale skin of her chest, above the line of her bra, as you pull her up to sit up so you can reach behind to tug open the clasp.
Tossing it away, her hands find the back of your head, pulling you back down to kiss her again.
A smile crosses your lips against hers, and you press her back down into the mattress once again, hands holding you up either side of her head.
It takes but a small whine from her when you kiss down to her chest to have you nearly grinding down into her again.
Instead, you focus on the growing want to absolutely ruin the woman below you.
Teeth nipping small marks into her chest, your lips wrap around her nipple, tugging at the nub and releasing it with a small pop, relishing in the ragged gasps coming from above you.
Her fingers have fully tangled in your hair, pleading tugs every now and then, urging you on.
You only chuckle softly at her insistence.
"What's the matter, baby?"
Taking on the same mocking coo she held with you earlier, which she whines and almost rolls her eyes at, your hands still, laying flat over her stomach with your hips settled on top of her own.
"Älskling, baby, please..."
You gently smack away the hand that reaches for you with a smirk.
"Tell me what you want, baby."
The huff she lets out only widens your smile.
"I did not tease you this much."
"Answer the question, Zećira."
Ignoring her indignant whine, you slide a hand up her chest again, fingers twisting and moulding the soft flesh of her breast.
Hearing in that moment, the moment she gives in, the exhale.
A soft curse in swedish, followed by a whimper when you playfully grind your hips down and she's pleading.
"Älskling, god, please baby, fuck me."
"What was that, baby?"
It earns you a small, frustrated whine.
"Your fingers, fuck me with your fingers, your tongue baby please, anything, I need you."
A triumphant grin crosses your face as you lean down to reward the woman, lips meeting hers, hand slipping down to tug at the button on her jeans.
The way she eagerly lifts her hips up, her own hands encouraging yours as you tug down the fabric obstructing you, has you grinning up at the goalkeeper.
Not wanting to tease the woman any more than you had already, you tug down her underwear almost immediately after.
Frankly, you didn't feel like waiting any longer either, only torturing yourself more the longer you waited.
Sitting back on your haunches, just below her knees, reaching out a slow, gentle hand to trace a path down from her stomach to her hip.
To her inner thigh before finally settling, hovering over where she needs you.
Your forefinger and middlefinger apply a small amount of pressure, testing the waters as she watches with shallow rises and falls in her chest.
It would sound like a warning if it wasn't paired with a sharp gasp, eliciting when you glide your fingers further down to slip them inside her.
She's soaked through, and you have to hold back the soft groan as you feel her clench around you.
The feeling makes you shift downwards almost immediately, making slow, long strokes as you do so, with gentle curves of your fingers.
Hearing her beg and curse for you like this, you never want this to stop.
With that, your mouth lowers to take her, her hand in your hair now an encouraging force on your head as your tongue drags over her clit.
Her head falls back onto the pillow with what you can only describe as a small pleasured sigh of relief, and you giggle softly, letting your drag down, and back up again, lapping at the wetness accumulating around your hand.
Your other hand keeps her leg steady against the mattress, allowing you easier access as your thrusts speed up.
She's never been an overtly loud person, so having her moan and curse for you like this, underneath your mouthing ministrations, only drives you even more crazy.
"Så vacker." (So beautiful).
It's a soft mutter against the skin of her inner thigh, paired with small kisses that you trail up to her hip again, meanwhile keeping pace, fingers curling inside her.
With the way her hips buck up into your face, you get the inkling that you speaking swedish to her has her losing her mind above you.
Or it could be the fact you're buried between her legs eating her like she's your last meal.
You don't mind either way.
Getting to hear her like this fuels you alone.
It feels like no time at all passes before her moans shift, and she's crenching a little harder around your fingers while her own tightens in your hair.
"Fuck, Y/n, I-."
"I know, baby. Go ahead, cum for me."
Curling your fingers just right in time with her thrusts, her moans halt as she seizes up, legs trembling around your head.
She's absolutely beautiful when she cums, you've decided.
Her hands slowly release their grip on your tresses and the sheets below the both of you, breathing slower and deeper as she comes down.
Zećira's eyes meet yours once again, noting the shining smug but also awed glint in them.
In that moment, she's decided she's going to drag as many orgasms out of you as she can tonight, unable to be patient enough to wait to see the look on your face once again as your legs shake around her head.
"Get up here."
There's no hesitation. You're up straddling her waist once again as she's sitting up to grip your neck to pull you down to her level.
Her hands settle on your hips once again, sliding back around to cusp your ass, giving the cheeks a quick squeeze, and you giggle softly at the blissed out look in her eyes.
She's absolutely gorgeous with swollen lips, purple marks marring her collarbone, and hair mussed from your hands being buried in them earlier.
They quickly return to that position, fingers carding through the dark locks, thumbs coming to caress her face as you lean down again to kiss her, slower and softer this time.
Both of you are more than feeling all of that.
There's a shining, loving look in her eyes as she looks up at you, and you feel it flow through your chest in a wave of warmth that makes your skin tingle.
"Hey Zee?"
She hums softly.
"Du betyder allt för mig också." (You mean everything to me, too.)
She grins up at you and the sound of your giggle can be heard as she flips the both of you over onto your back with her on top, lips taking yours in a very much smile filled kiss.
"Feelin' okay?"
"Amazing, you?"
You've never felt safer than here, in her arms.
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pixiesfz · 2 months
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goodbye gift n.c x reader x j.f
plot: You and Jessie are both leaving Chelsea, leaving Niamh and you all have some unfinished business you need to take care of
warnings: smut, threesome,
a/n: this was written and almost done and I was actually proud of it and then tumblr DELETED IT
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January was a hard month for the Chelsea team.
Jessie had announced her departure for the NWSL almost immediately after the Christmas break, Portland thorns offering her a ground breaking offer.
A week later you announced that you were leaving for Barcelona, your contract was up and they wanted you, you accepted.
Chelsea were losing two key midfielders, you were both leaving the team, leaving Niamh.
You were sitting with your national teammate Sam in the physio room, she had done her ACL and you were eating your lunch whilst sitting on the table with her.
Sam decided to wait until her physio left to back your leg “Ow! Sam what the fuck!” You yelled, rubbing your leg.
“I wanted to know if you and Jessie have finally done it, since your both leaving, get rid of that sexual tension”
You rose your eyebrows “first of all, we do not have sexual tension, second of all not that it’s any of your business but no we have not”
“Well why not?” Sam said and you rolled your eyes “well because we don’t have sexual tension” you said and the fellow Australian gave you a pointed look.
“And I have a healthy knee”
Sam pointed at you “cmon we all saw you two at the last continental cup after we all went out”
It was true.
The whole team had gone out to a club to forget about your loss to Arsenal, you and Jessie had been closer than usual, having both been together the entire game as midfielders.
“We didn’t sleep together that night” you told Sam who snorted “ya should’ve”
Looking back on it you smiled, remembering the feelings of Jessie’s hands on your waist as you danced.
“Just remember you only have one week left”
Niamh was sat on Millie’s kitchen bench, eating pasta that her fiancé made “so when are you going to do it?” Millie asked her and she furrowed her brows “do what?”
“Make a move on y/n before she’s gone, I know you guys went for it at a team meeting”
Niamh shot her head up “how did you know that?”
Millie smirked “you both were gonna for about ten minutes so I just assumed”
“So you guessed”
“And I got it right yay me!”
Niamh rolled her eyes “She’s moving to Barcelona and neither of us want a relationship right now”
Millie smirked, “who said anything about a relationship”
It was now a week before you and Jessie had to leave to your new teams and after the speeches your friends had been given to the three of you, your nice sneaky glances had become obvious and longer.
It was obvious to the team and especially Guro who ran up to the Canadian and English players at the end of the session.
“Do you both like Y/n?” She asked and Jessie turned red as Niamh looked away, Guro gasped “You have a crush on the same girl!” Niamh covered the girls mouth as Jessie turned even more red “can you shut up” she whispered to the girl who was smiling, ear to ear.
“Does this not affect your friendship at all?” Guro asked and both girls shook their heads “none of us want a relationship” Jessie said and Niamh nodded “yeah but like you’re all leaving eachother and none of you had made a move?”
Both girls nodded before Guro smirked.
“TEAM NIGHT AT YA YA’S EVERYBODY BE THERE!” She screamed before looking at Niamh “that’s near where you live right?” Niamh nodded and Guro ran off towards you with a smile, wrapping her arm around your neck “your gonna have fun tonight”
You furrowed your eyebrows with confusion but brushed it off.
You and Kristie sat on your bed with different outfit options “Samantha!” You called out to your friend who slowly walked in, already knowing your question “what” she said and you pointed to the clothes “which one?” You asked and she looked over “none”
“What do you mean none, I’m not going naked” you said, crossing your arms and Sam laughed and went up to Kristie, whispering something into her ear which made her gasp
“Can I know?” You asked “I would have said it out loud if you could know” Sam responded before walking out, leaving you with Kristie.
“This is gonna sound weird” she started “but do you have any pretty lingerie?”
That’s where you lead now, in a dress suit and matching skirt, your black lingerie bra on view for anyone to see.
“My fiancé is a miracle worker” Sam cheered as you walked out “Ha Ha” you fake laughed and grabbed Kristie’s arm “let’s go”
Niamh and Jessie were already sitting at the bar “So it’s not crazy if we-“ she stopped her sentence once when she noticed Niamh was looking at the entrance which she followed “oh fuck”
“Fuck indeed” Niamh agreed with her best friend as they looked at you, your cleavage and legs on display and saying hi to all the girls.
You spotted the two girls and smiled, quickly walking over to them “hey you two”
“Hey- uh- hi” Jessie blushed and Niamh smirked “hello y/n”
You looked past them and to the bartender “three shots please?” You said and he nodded.
Guro, watching from afar saw you take your first shot with the pair “everyone leave! Go!” She ushered the team, all making sly comments whilst all of you three were too distracted with each other to see the whole bunch of them leave.
“My round next” Jessie smiled before bringing her card to pay “we should probably talk to the others” you suggested, ignoring Niamh’s palm that was know on your thigh “Do you want to?” Jessie asked, passing you your shot which you nodded at “yeah”.
You all got up to walk, Jessie’s hand resting on your lower back “can’t find them” Niamh said from the other side of you, stepping slightly forward to check it out.
“Did they all leave?” Jessie asked, her grip tightening on you as people walked by. You noticed as you walked further through the girls always had you in between them.
After accepting the fact that your team had left you still had decided to stay sitting down in a private booth, empty drink littered around the table as you spoke about little things.
There was never a minute one of their hands weren’t on you, weather Niamh had her hand on your arm or Jessie had it on your lap, slowly growing closer and closer to a place that was growing wetter and wetter for the two girls.
“I think we should get out of here” suggested Jessie who was looking down on you, her hands rubbing up and down your arm “to where?” You ask “My house” Niamh said, “none of you guys live in your houses anymore” she said, reminding you of you and Jessie’s departures.
Jessie leaned down to your ear, “I don’t want to leave here with any regrets do you?” She asked and you turned to her, looking at her eyes which were stuck to your lips as you crossed your head “Can’t leave anything back in London” Niamh whispered in your left ear, her lips resting on your skin as you turned towards her, her stare the same as Jessie’s.
“So what do you say?” Jessie asked, her hand sliding up your thighs to the end of your skirt “should we go?” Niamh said, her hand doing the same.
As their hands grew closer to you your breath shortened, feeling flustered from all the attention but still nodding “We need your words y/n” Niamh said, her lips dragging from your ear to your jaw where she pressed small kisses.
“Yes” you stuttered, turning your head to Jessie “please”.
Jessie was already close to you but still closed the gap between you both with a small kiss as Niamh started to knock suck at the skin being shown, brushing your hair back as Jessie pulled at it.
Jessie pulled away first “let’s get out of here”.
The quick walk to Niamh’s house still felt an hour long as your need for them grew. You had wanted them both, at first separately but now…
you couldn’t think of anything better.
Just like in the club, Jessie took the job of placing her hand on your back, now it took a lower place and you took hold of Niamh’s hand who was navigating in front of you, taking the lead.
The two girls knew the house well as they walked in, turning on certain lights as if they were in a routine. Jessie turned towards you with a blushed smile and brought you into a kiss.
It was different from your kiss in the club and you knew it was because you were now in a private space, Jessie loved her privacy.
You heard Niamh drop her keys onto her kitchen bench before her steps walked into a room, you assumed a bedroom.
“C’mon you two” Niamh said as you and Jessie separated and walked past Niamh who was staring to you with an unreadable expression “do you wanna do this?” She asked and you nodded walking towards her.
When you walked into the room, Niamh behind you you smiled, Jessie had already taken off her top and you helped her with her bra, Niamh behind you, stripped off your jacket and unzipped your skirt which you stepped out of leaving you in the lingerie set Kristie had told you to wear.
You turned towards Niamh and started unbuttoning her dress shirt “this was planned wasn’t it” you wondered out loud
“Are we complaining?”
You heard Jessie chuckle at her friend before her lips attached to your neck, you immediately buckled your knees, faltering your paste of undoing Niamh’s shirt which she helped you with.
When Niamh was finally undressed she pushed you onto the bed and Jessie followed, she pulled you into her chest as Niamh walked to the other end of the bed.
Jessie wondered her hands around your chest, pressing kisses to you shoulders before pinching your nipple, causing you to moan.
Niamh lowered herself down to your legs, separating them, kissing from your ankles all the way to your thighs which you started to squirm, Jessie’s smirk being felt against your skin as she saw the effect Niamh gave you.
“Niamh please” you begged the girl who looked up at you “please what?” She smirked and you rolled your head back “answer her” Jessie told you, lifting your head back up.
“Niamh please fuck me” you let out and the girl waisted no time, bringing one of her fingers into you as you gasped, gripping Jessie’s arm.
“You gonna take her fingers baby?” She asked and you nodded “need more” you said as Niamh added another one, and started to speed up “oh fuck” you moaned, squeezing Jessie’s arm tighter.
Jessie’s eyes grew dark watching you moan out Niamh’s name and she grew more wet “can you take another finger?” She asked you and you squirmed at the thought but nodded “such a good girl”
After Niamh added another finger it wasn’t too long until you needed to cum “fuck, Niamh please!” You moaned, Jessie’s fingers playing with your nipples when you finally came undone, Niamh letting you ride out your high as Jessie pulled your head into a kiss.
Niamh came up to also pull you into a kiss, going from one friend to the other. Jessie was sweet with her kisses as Niamh was more dominant.
You felt the warmth of Jessie's body move away, leaving you to lay down fully on the bed, Niamh and Jessie tried to switch spots but you reached out to grab Niamh's wrist, missing the way Jessie reached into her bag.
"are you okay?" she asked you and you nodded "want you to sit on my face" you told her and you saw the confident girl blush and raise her brows "really?" she said and you pulled her closer "please".
Once you made yourself comfortable Niamh rested herself on your face and you almost moaned at the sight. Jessie walks back over to you, your view blocked by Niamh as you waited for her to be comfortable.
You felt the dip in the bed as Jessie crawled on top before you felt the Canadian girl's tip play through your folds, causing you to gasp, sending shivers down Niamh's spine.
Your grip on Niamh's thighs tightened as Jessie positioned herself into you "You ready?" she asked and you nodded your head, your nose hitting Niamh's clit as she rolled her head back at the friction.
You started licking through Niamh's folds at the same time Jessie pushed into you slowly, both moaning your name as you tried to remember the sound forever.
Niamh gripped into your hair as you tried to muffle your moans into her, using her as a form of relief when Jessie kept hitting you in the right places.
"fuck y/n" Niamh moaned out before coming on top of you, making a mess on your face which you smirked at, licking your lips as she got off of you, leaving you to Jessie as she quickened her pace.
You rolled your head back in ecstasy, yanking at her hair which she thankfully wore out "fuck Jessie, just like that" you panted, finally coming undone for the second time that night before you pushed Jessie away, feeling over stimulated.
"You okay?" Jessie asked you and you nodded "just need a little break" you told her, quickly giving her a kiss before turning to Niamh and doing the same.
"then we can go back to it".
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lovinpelova · 5 months
obvious | j. fleming
summary; you and jessie randomly start to grow closer, your teammates notice immediately.
🎵 one life - justin bieber
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jessie fleming was truly one of a kind. you had never met anyone like her- and that's speaking from afar.
you weren't close at all, simply smiling when you crossed paths or celebrating the odd goal together when the timing was right. other than that, jessie stuck to who she knew and so did you. the only time you'd speak to niamh is at england camp, prefering to hang out with sam, zećira and lauren when jessie wasn't with them. you weren't scared of the woman, you'd just missed your chance to grow close when you both joined three years earlier.
that's why it was slightly awkward when emma partnered you up with her that morning.
it just so happened that she was pairing you all up with everyone stood opposite each other, all your teammates arguing over who they were stood in front of as it wasn't a directly straight line between you all but jessie immediately set her eyes on you, both of you smiling softly at the other. you harboured no hard feelings for her and she felt the same - you just simply weren't close friends - so you took this as the opportunity to get to know her better.
emma kept you with your aprtner for the entire training session, moving from simple passing drills to playing matches with your arms linked together so you were forced to improvise. the close proximity had worked like team bonding for you and jessie, making inside jokes and playing like you'd grown up together since you'd learned what the other wanted so quickly. you must admit you were sad when emma dismissed all of you for the day, wanting to spend more time with the canadian as you'd grown so accustomed to her company in such a short space of time.
luckily for you, jessie felt the same way.
"y/n/n wait up!"
she called after you as you were heading into the changing room, catching up and linking your arms together out of habit after how long you'd been like that all day.
"me, niamh, sam and zećira are gonna go grab something to eat around the corner. you wanna come with?"
you smiled down at the thoughtful question, noticing how close she was to you as you opened the changing room door and headed towards your cubby with her following.
"but if you already have plans it's fine-"
"no i'd love to jess! the others won't mind though will they?"
the midfielder shook her head with a smile, happy she was going to spend another couple hours with you. she couldn't explain it- but something was drawing her towards you more than before. she shook it off as wanting to be your friend, not knowing what that always really means for girls who like girls.
you walked to the small café not too far from training with jessie, opting to leave your cars so you could save fuel and get some more steps in. the conversation flowed as smooth as ever as you spoke about the upcoming champions league game against hacken and who you wanted to sit with on the plane, your lives growing up in seperate countries whilst comparing the differences of england and canada- everything you could think of, you and jessie were talking about. you made your way into the café with sam, niamh and zećira narrowing their eyes at the sight of you two so close but deciding to ignore it as they called you over to sit with them.
you didn't miss the way jessies thigh was pushed right up against yours, neither of you moving away. thinking it was just an innocent action of habit since you'd been so close that day or maybe she just hadn't noticed- but when she pressed her thigh further against yours when you accidentally moved it away a bit you knew she was doing it on purpose. zoning out from whatever sam was saying and turning towards jessie, you couldn't help but admire her.
you'd noticed how pretty she was before obviously, it's hard to say she'd bad looking because she truly isn't, but right now you were finding her attractive. you were staring at her lips and noticing the way her body was so tightly pressed up against yours and the way her hand patted your thigh to get your attention- oh god, she'd caught you staring.
"stop zoning out on me and listen to sam, you big dope."
"can't help it when you're so nice to look at, freckles."
you shamelessly flirted back before you could think about it, your hand patting hers and staying there so she couldn't retract it, loving the way her fingertips were tracing shapes on your thigh and palm was covering majorith of your quad. for such a small woman she definitely had big hands. too focused on the way they felt on you though, you missed the way she was staring at you with a massive blush across her cheeks- the other girls didn't.
a month later, you and jessie had truly never been closer. texting every day with the odd phone call or facetime when you felt like it, you'd found a pair of her training joggers in your wardrobe after she left them the other night but opted to wear them instead of returning them (the girls also noticed this, seeing as you didn't sign to chelsea for number seventeen) and she'd stolen one of your hoodies with the excuse of being cold.
you'd be lying if you said you hadn't developed feelings for the woman and were shamelessly projecting them onto her, she hadn't stopped you yet and seemingly felt the same judging by the way she was currently dragging you through the streets of london with your fingers laced together behind her. you sneakily took a picture of your hands and posted it to your instagram story with a heart on the bottom right, ignoring the messages your teammates were immediately piling into you with asks of what you and jessie were doing or teasing jokes of how their favourite canadian is doing.
the girls had figured out you and jessie liked each other a while ago, so it wasn't surprising them when they saw how often you were hanging out or sneaking around training to get a moment alone. you both knew you liked each other but you hadn't said it out loud, instead opting to say it with your actions and celebrating internally when the other didn't hesitate to let you continue or reciprocate.
"you look so good today jeff."
you complimented whilst pulling her back into your arms, your fingers still laced together whilst your other arm rested on her waist to ensure she didn't get shy and turn away from you. the way her grey oversized jumper was falling over her wrist to emphasise her veins, how her black jeans were fitting her well but not too well so she was still comfy, her hair down for once as she wore a golden chain you'd quickly became obsessed with once you noticed it- it was all just so attractive.
"can say the same about you y/n/n."
the canadian flirted shamelessly, smiling at how you were clearly caught off guard by her sudden confidence and the blush that covered your cheeks as a result.
"so, sam was talking to me yesterday and..."
jessie trailed off as you continued walking down the street together, ensuring your faces weren't going to be seen by paparazzi but not bothering to hide from fans.
"she said the whole team knows about us so we might as well make it official before they start nagging about it."
"right. well, at training tomorrow we'll just tell them we're dating and get it over with."
you didn't miss the way jessie blushed once you put a label on what you were, deciding to not comment so you saved her embarrassment.
"so we're dating?"
she asked timidly, watching you scoff at her question and shake your head in disbelief.
"what do you think we are?"
"i'd like to be dating- to be your girlfriend."
you stopped walking to pull her into your arms once more, smiling softly down at her as your free hand gently held her face and pulled her into a sweet kiss. the midfielder held your hand that was on her face with her thumb stroking over your knuckles, kissing back immediately like she'd been waiting her whole life for that moment. thanks to sam being the topic of conversation, you and jessie had just shared your first kiss, the ultimate wingwoman. (she'll never let you live that down once you tell her.)
"we're girlfriends then."
you spoke confidently with a smile to match jessies, pecking her lips again and watching her process what just happened for a moment, starting to walk towards your initial destination with matching grins on your faces.
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russo-woso · 2 months
hi, do you write for Niamh Charles? if so, maybe one where reader makes her debut for England and scores the winning goal but then ends up injured pretty badly in the game and Niamh realizes her feelings for her?
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Yes, I do write for Niamh! I love Niamh, except for the fact she plays for Chelsea, but anyways, here is I really really like you.
I really really like you | Niamh Charles
Warning slight injury, and just Niamh being protective.
Over the past two weeks, the only thing you could think about was England camp.
You had received your first England call up from Sarina for the matches against The Netherlands and Scotland.
You knew it was bound to come at some point. You had been playing exceptionally well for Manchester City and England’s U23.
At just age 22, you were Manchester City’s first choice as CAM.
You were excited to be playing with the seniors, the feeling of being at a sold out Wembley, but also to see a certain defender.
Niamh Charles.
You had barely spoken to Niamh. You shared a few sentences, if you could even call it that, when playing against Chelsea.
You weren’t going to deny it, you couldn’t deny it because it was so obvious, you had a huge crush on Niamh.
From the way her hair falls when she takes it out in matches, to the way how her hand feels in yours when you shake hands.
You didn’t know why you liked Niamh, I mean, she’d never like you back. Would she?
You travelled down to St George’s Park with the city girls.
It was a relatively easy drive down. There was no traffic, but as soon as you got there, you wish there had of been.
Your heart was racing.
Thoughts went rushing through your mind. What if you didn’t play good? What if Sarina made a mistake inviting you into the squad? What if you embarrass yourself in front of Niamh?
“Y/N, you coming?” Esme asked you as she started to walk inside, quickly stopping to look back at you.
“Yeah.” You replied, hesitancy in your voice.
“Y/N/N, you’ll do fine. I know it’s a big change and thoughts are running through your mind right now. But you belong here.” Esme told you, quickly hugging you before walking inside.
You followed her in, dragging your suitcase behind you.
You enter the lobby first, finding out who your roommate was.
You were roommates with her.
You grabbed your keycard, making your way up to the second floor, before lightly tapping it on your door.
It granted you access, and you walked inside hesitantly.
“Hi, it’s Y/N, isn’t it? I’m Niamh.” Niamh welcomed you into the room. You couldn’t help but notice how voice stuttered a few times when she spoke.
“Yeah, I’m Y/N, it’s nice to properly meet you. I feel like we’re always in such a rush after matches that I’ve never really met you.” You joked and Niamh agreed with a small laugh.
It was already late by the time you had gotten there so you were already tired and ready to get to sleep.
“Everyone’s going down to the relaxation room just now if you want to come.” Niamh asked, playing with the hairs on the back of her neck.
“I would but it’s been a long journey down here and I’m tired so I might just head to bed.” You explained, also stuttering some of your words due to being so nervous.
“Are you sure?” She questioned, just double checking, and you replied with a smile and a nod. “Okay, well, sleep well.”
With that, she left the room, the door clicking shut.
The only thing that replayed on your mind was the conversation, the way how your voice stuttered as you spoke to her.
She had to know that you liked her now, with the stuttering, the sweat that was starting to build up on your forehead.
After sitting in a silence whilst you thought back of your previous conversation, a small beeping in noice was heard from the door and it opened.
Niamh walked inside and you gave her a confused look.
“I couldn’t leave you here alone. Not when it’s your first night.” Niamh explained and you shook your head at her explanation, guilt washing all over your body.
“Niamh, no, seriously I’m fine. You go downstairs if you want to.” You told her
“Everyone down there’s boring. And anyway, we’ll be stuck with them for the next week so one night not seeing them will do me good.” She justified and settled herself on her bed. “I thought we could find a film to watch.”
And that’s exactly what you did. You both agreed on a movie and spoke the entire night.
The tiredness you felt completely went away as you spoke to Niamh.
You spoke, you laughed, you told stories.
It was safe to say that you didn’t just like Niamh anymore, you were utterly in love with her.
The rest of the week sped by, with training taking up the mornings and then spending the afternoon with your new friends.
Over the week, You quickly befriended Alessia Russo and Ella Toone. The duo quickly becoming a trio.
You got along with them well and you spent most of your afternoons with them.
The week had sped by so quickly, that you were all currently on your way to Wembley.
On the way, Sarina announced the lineup.
Sarina didn’t read out your name but assured you that would definitely be subbed on later on in the game.
Niamh, who was sat next to you on the coach, cheered for you, and rested her head on your shoulder.
“I’m so happy for you. Your first England debut.” Niamh said, looking up at you.
“Thanks, Niamhy.”
The team had down amazing to come back.
At half time, they were down 2-0, but with two goals in two minutes, they were now equal with the Netherlands.
In the 68’, Sarina told you and Alessia to take off your bibs.
You stood with her as she told you tactics she had picked up.
Whilst waiting for the ball to go out of play, Alessia stood next to you.
It was so cold that you were basically cuddled up to one another.
She congratulated you on my debut, patting you on my back as the announcement was made.
It was announced you’d be subbed off for Georgia.
She ran off the pitch high fiving you, before you ran on.
The game continued and there was still no goals come the 90’.
You had been playing incredibly, proving to everyone why Sarina had called you up.
In the first minute of injury time, Lauren James crossed the ball into the box and you were in a perfect position to run onto it.
Without taking a touch, you nutmegged the Dutch keeper and the ball ended up being in the back of the net.
Your teammates surrounded you, enveloping you in a hug.
Once everyone pulled away, Niamh pulled you in again.
“I’m so proud of you, Y/N/N.” She whispered in your ear.
“Thank you, Niamhy.” You said, using the nickname you’d given her.
You noticed her cheeks flush a light red and with the confidence you felt, you pressed your lips onto the red pigment before running back to your position.
Two minutes later, you had another chance in the penalty box.
Lucy played a long ball into the box and you jumped to header it.
The next thing you knew, something connected with your head but it wasn’t the ball.
The Dutch keeper had jumped up to punch the ball away but instead, had punched you.
You fell to the floor limply as blood made it way from your nose.
You groaned in pain and your hand went flying to your nose and you head.
Alessia was the first one to you, crouching down and stroking your hair to comfort you.
Everything was blurry, you couldn’t think straight but all you could think of was Niamh.
All you wanted was Niamh.
Instead of going straight to you, Niamh marched over to the keeper, Daphne van Domselaar, and pushed her straight to the floor.
“Look what you’ve done to her! You fucking bitch!” Niamh shouted at Daphne.
You winced at the sudden shouting, the pain searing through your head.
“Niamh, I want Niamh.” You managed to get out to Alessia.
As the medics got to you, Alessia left to get Niamh for you.
Within seconds, Niamh was crouched down next to you.
She gently picked up your head, getting approval from the medics, and laid it in her lap.
You reached out for her hand, which she squeezed lightly.
“Y/N/N, you’re so brave. You’re going to be okay, I promise.” She said, tears running down her cheeks as she stroked your hair.
Your teammates gathered round, awing at you and Niamh.
They were certain that by tomorrow morning, you and Niamh would be a couple.
The medics put you onto the stretcher and lifted you upwards.
You watched as Niamh was taken aside by the ref and was given a red card.
Niamh accepted the red card. One, she thought Daphne deserved what she got, even if it wasn’t her fault, and two, she got to be with you whilst you were treated.
She ran to catch up with you and the medics, taking your hand in hers and walked towards the tunnel.
“Why did you do it?” You asked Niamh once the medics had gone.
They had confirmed that you had a broken nose and a concussion.
“Do what?” Niamh asked back, giving you a sympathetic look as she looked at the stained blood on your face.
“Punch Van Domselaar. Get a red card. She didn’t do it on purpose.” You said and Niamh looked down at the floor. “Niamhy.”
“Please don’t call me that.” Niamh whispered, barely being able to hear herself, let alone you.
“Why?” Confusion took over your face, not knowing why she didn’t want you to call her that.
“Because it kills me to hear you say it when I know you don’t like me. It kills me thinking back to tonight when you were on the floor. It kills me to think about our late night conversation when I know that after camp, everything will go back to normal.” Niamh revealed and once more, tears fell from her eyes.
“Niamh, what makes you think I don’t like you back?” You asked, as her head jerked upwards, revealing her blue eyes, full of hope. “I’ve liked you since I played against you for the first time. The amount of times I’ve Instagram stalked you just so I can see your smile. It’s killed me knowing this past week that we’ve grown closer and closer but I’ll never be able to call you mine.”
“You like me back?”
“Of course I do Niamhy. Who wouldn’t? You are the most kindest, most beautiful, loving person I’ve ever met, with a hint of protectiveness…” you joked, referring to the events early tonight. “…Who wouldn’t like you back? Definitely not me. I really really like you, Niamh. I have done for a while.”
“I really really like you too.” She said, a huge smile appearing on her face as she inched closer to your face.
You could practically feel her breath on your lips as she stopped her movements.
You took the final step in connecting your lips.
It was so gentle, both of you too scared to move, trying not to overwhelm one another. And the fact you’ve got a broken nose.
“Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?”
“Of course, Niamhy.”
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jflemings · 1 month
— lovechild
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pairing: jessie fleming x arsenal!reader
synopsis: your daughter accidentally exposes you and jessie’s relationship to the public
warnings: none
a/n: srry if ur name is piper 🫶🏼🫶🏼 also this fic is more kid-centric than initially planned but it’s cute. lmk if you want more of piper in any capacity bc i am more than willing to write it
“mum” piper says whilst holding tightly onto your hand, holding her ninja turtle raphael plush in her other hand as you walk into the change room “when can i wear mama’s jersey to a game?”
you bit your lip and placed your stuff down at your cubby, leaving some space to allow your five year old to sit down. she swings her legs as you dug through her ninja turtle backpack for the snacks you had packed her, handing them off and grabbing out your hair brush.
“when i’m dead” leah interjects from her own cubby “y/n you cannot put your kid in a chelsea jersey”
piper huffs “i wear it all the time at home!”
“y/n!” katie exclaims loudly before walking up to mia and stealing two of her crackers “you didn’t”
“guys she wears jessie’s jersey” you try to explain “it’s not like i’m putting her in a james or reiten shirt” rolling your eyes you turn to your shocked teammates.
there were many reasons why piper couldn’t go walking around in a blues shirt, one of them being that you and jessie weren’t publicly a couple. the two of you had somehow managed to keep your relationship totally private from the beginning, only interacting as rivals on the pitch before you’d go home and cuddle on the couch.
when you and jessie started seeing eachother you made it very clear that piper came first before anything. jessie, of course, had understood immediately and assured you that she wasn’t trying to barge in on the life that you and piper had created and that she was more than happy to follow your lead in the relationship when it came to her.
you had introduced jessie one afternoon on your day off and your daughter had taken an immediate liking to her. you didn’t know if it was the raspberry and white chocolate muffins that she had brought over or the fact that jessie had sat down with her and coloured whilst you finished up some laundry. it didn’t matter though, piper had talked her ear off about anything and everything whilst the two of them swapped coloured pencils and ate their muffins.
she piled question after question onto jessie, never dwelling on one answer for long before quickly moving onto the next thing. jessie didn’t mind, always answering simply and straight forward as the young girl babbled away contently. when you had finished putting the load of laundry on you returned back to where the pair were sitting happily, sitting down and grabbing your own colouring page so you could join.
when jess had left your apartment later that evening piper was quick to ask when she’d be back and if you knew she played for chelsea.
“yes, i know jessie plays for chelsea”
“auntie leah don’t like that”
“yeah katie” piper blows a raspberry at the irish woman cheekily before swatting her hand away as she tries to steal another cracker.
“so mummy when can i?”
katie ruffles her hair affectionately before picking the girl up and throwing her over her shoulder, making piper giggle loudly and forget waiting for your answer as she makes airplane noises and holds out one of her arms like a wing. you shake your head and follow them out of the change room to walk on the pitch, both katie and piper’s laughs echoing in the halls.
piper sits on the bench throughout the game with her raphael plush and plays with lotte, stealing glances at the chelsea bench when she sees that jessie isn’t on the pitch. guro spots her and waves, a cheeky grin on her face as she ducks behind fran to play a game of hide and seek. piper copies her, her small hands gripping onto lotte’s coat sleeve as she occupies herself before guro gets subbed on.
it’s when you go down during a tackle with niamh that her attention is drawn back to the game. she frowns deeply kicks her feet “that was mean of niamhy” she whispers, gripping the turtle toy tighter.
lotte looks at her “it’s just the game pip, you know that” she smiles “your mum’s tough though, nothing to worry about.”
you don’t waste any time getting back up and dusting yourself off before a long ball from kyra lands at your feet. you expertly weave through chelsea’s back line and find yourself an opportunity that lands in the back of the net past hampton’s fingertips, the sold out emirates crowd erupting as arsenal lead 3-1. piper jumps up and onto her feet quickly, holding onto lotte’s shoulder as she cheers and claps loudly for you.
the halftime whistle blows and piper allows herself to be carried back into the change room by katie, too distracted to notice she’s left her raphael where she was sitting. she sits through jonas and kim’s tactical and motivational speeches quietly before she reaches for the turtle toy. when she doesn’t feel it beside her like she expects, she begins to look around her frantically.
“mum” she whines, lifting her head up to look for you. when she can’t find you she scans the room for katie, only to not find her either. piper begins to panic as she digs her little arm through your bag, pulling all of your things out and over your cubby before emily comes over.
“what are you looking for pip?” she asks kindly as she squats down
“raph! i can’t find raph!” her bottom lip begins to wobble “emily i can’t find him!”
“okay, okay, he’s around. he’ll be here somewhere” the american soothes, catching the attention of lotte and kyra. once emily is sure he’s not hiding in a pocket, she packs all your stuff back into your bag and urges lotte and kyra to have a look around.
the two of them look under bags and coats and cubbies, quickly roping alessia into their search. “he’s gooone” the five year old all but wails as tears stream down her face “raph is gone”
you and katie return to the change room to a scene. piper is hoisted up on emily’s hip whilst kyra, lotte and lessi quickly put things back in their place with solum looks on their faces. your jaw drops as you rush to take your daughter off your teammate “what’s wrong?” you coo, wiping her cheeks.
piper sniffles and tucks her head into your neck “raph is gone mummy! no one can find him”
you rub your hand up and down her back soothingly “honey he’s not gone, he’s around here”
“no we looked he’s gone”
to avoid anymore tears you begin to bounce her slightly whilst walking back out to the pitch, piper’s cries now reduced to quiet sniffles in your neck.
you hand her off to lotte again, kissing her head and getting back on the pitch. kyra is subbed off ten minutes into the second half and immediately goes to sit by lotte and piper “did you leave him out here?” she asks softly whilst getting on her knees. lotte joins her and the two of them look under the bench and around the area, the australian getting up to ask other players and staff if they’ve seen your ninja turtle.
the search is fruitless and you slouch as kyra sits back down “i’m sorry piper, i’m sure mummy will buy you a new one”
piper wipes her eyes with the back of her hand “b-but mama got him for me! he’s special!”
kyra and lotte now suddenly understand the out of character outburst, giving eachother a sad look over her head as her little shoulders sag. lotte brushes stray hairs out of her face “i’m sure jessie will get you another one”
your daughter’s eyes widen “you can’t tell her, you can’t tell mama i lost him”
kyra furrows her brows “piper, your mama won’t be mad”
she shakes her head “i can’t tell her” piper stresses, holding her pinkie finger out for kyra to take “promise me you won’t tell”
the midfielder sighs but interlocks their pinkies anyway, a sad smile on her face “i promise” she whispers.
piper nods once and pinches her face as she turns her attention back to the game. she spots jessie and sinks into herself, half hiding behind kyra as she watches the canadian nutmeg leah. she snickers lightly at the thought of her auntie leah grumbling to herself like she does sometimes, her frown returning when she watches jessie frustratedly throw her arms when guro misses the net.
it’s only a few minutes later when she comes out of hiding at the sight of you running with the ball, alessia not fair behind calling for it. you cross it and lessi headers it in, your cheers seemingly echoing off of the sold out stadium as she jumps into your arms. the final whistle blows and piper remains reserved in fear that losing this game will mean that jessie is even more likely to get mad at her for losing her special raphael.
the teams shake hands and come off the pitch, leah and katie quickly throwing piper in the air in celebration. when her feet get back on the ground you’re quick to snatch her up and put her on your hip, her little legs locking around your waist securely as she squirms away from your hand that’s wiping at her face again.
piper pushes your hand and lays her head in the crook of your neck once again, making you frown at her behaviour. your daughter was a gunner through and through, even when the london derby came around, so for her to not even have a smile on your face broke your heart.
“piper, honey” you whisper “you didn’t find raph?”
piper sniffles and shakes her head in your neck. you place a hand on her head and lean your cheek on her forehead “i’m sorry baby, i’m sure mama will get you a new raph!”
you knew that she was disappointed, she had the whole set of teenage mutant ninja turtle plush toys and would alternate between the four of them whenever you went out.
raphael was for when you played chelsea or tottenham, because his bandana is red.
leonardo was for when the two of you got to watch a chelsea game, because his bandana is blue.
michelangelo was for when piper went to visit sam or katie, because he’s funny like them.
and donatello was for whenever, because he reminded her of jessie.
you thank all your lucky stars that piper hadn’t brought donatello, or else it really would’ve been a shit show.
you continue to soothe her as you wave to fans and idly talk to leah and kim, the two of them quickly coming over to see what was wrong. piper lifts her head and attentively listens to kim’s soft assurances, even if she didn’t believe them, nodding along and slightly smiling at the arsenal captain.
it’s when she sees jessie with fans over kim’s shoulder that she perks up immediately, her jaw dropping and beginning to squirm in your hold “mummy, mum, down. i want to get down please” she whines whilst pushing you.
you’re confused, and quite frankly shocked, at her sudden burst of energy but put her down without much fight. her feet hit the grass and she’s off running, her little legs carrying her as fast as she can go “mama! mama!” she yells as she pushes past emily.
jessie instinctively whips her head around at the sound of the little voice, squatting down and holding out her arms. piper barrels into the canadian and latches on “mama you found raph! you’ve got raph!”
jessie ignores the eyes that she knows are on the two of them and hoists piper up “you left him on the bench at half time”
piper’s lip wobbles as jessie puts the turtle into her hands, tears beginning to well again “i thought- i thought he was gone” she shakily says, wrapping her arms around your girlfriend’s neck “but you have him”
you bite your lip anxiously as you watch jessie and piper embrace, the look of shock across fan’s faces making you nervous. leah claps you on the shoulder “it’s fine, y/n” she says “it was bound to happen”
“i don’t even know if the public knew we were friends, let alone in a relationship” you whisper before beginning to walk over to the two of them, your brain on autopilot as you approach.
jessie gives you a shy smile over piper’s shoulder and her hand flexes against your daughter’s back. you can tell that she doesn’t know what to do in this situation, her otherwise confident demeanour being betrayed by the anxious look in her eyes.
“mama found raph” piper tells you excitedly as jessie adjusts her hold “he wasn’t gone i just left him on the bench”
she waves the toy in your face and you smile “i told you he wasn’t gone”
she nods shyly and plays with the tails of his bandana. emily comes up to the three of you smiling “you got him” she says excitedly, clearly relieved that she wasn’t going home without him.
“was on the bench” she replies before facing jessie again “i didn’t mean to leave him there mama”
jessie frowns “i know. it was an accident, accidents happen.”
the five year old nods again “so you’re not mad at me?”
the chelsea player’s jaw drops and she looks at you. you furrow your brows “why would mama be mad?”
“because i lost him and she got him for me” she answers you quietly, still playing with the red mask tails. it all seems to click for you. her outburst, her being so sure that he was gone, the anxiety. piper didn’t want jessie to be mad
“pip” jessie whispers, gaining her attention “there’s no reason for me to be mad about that. you got distracted and left him, it was an accident. you just need to be more careful that’s all”
she nods and smiles “i will, i promise” she tells jessie whilst holding out her pinkie. jessie smiles and links their pinkies before kissing her forehead gingerly, brushing hairs out of her face.
“did katie mess up your hair again?”
— —
later that evening the three of you are sitting in the living room watching a national geographic documentary about sea turtles. piper has all of her ninja turtles lined up and sitting against a throw pillow as she sits crisscrossed on the floor completely engrossed in the documentary.
your feet are resting on jessie’s lap and she idly runs her fingers up and down your shins, her eyes also glued to the tv. you snicker quietly at the two of them before your phone vibrates, a message from katie appearing on your lockscreen.
send a link
lovechild 🤣🤣 creasing
your brows furrow as you open her message, clicking the link to the tiktok she sent you.
the video is of a girl, early twenties maybe, wearing an arsenal jersey with a shocked look on her face. the sound is pretty funny, a low, short ‘huh’ playing in the background to go with her shocked expression. the text on the video says ‘when y/l/n’s daughter runs up to jessie fleming yelling mama after arsenal beat chelsea 4-1 at a sold out emirates’.
you clench your teeth and part your mouth slightly in an ‘oh no’ expression before opening the comments. quickly, people are met with the whole story. a fan that was at the game comments that piper had a toy in her hand during the first half but left it on the bench at half time and jessie had picked it up and taken it with her, and that piper had been upset until she’d seen it with her at the end of the game. replies ask if your daughter had actually called jessie mama, to which another fan confirmed, sparking more confusion.
multiple comment that they didn’t even know that you and jessie were friends, and others start to theorise that maybe the two of you had gone through IVF in secret and began to call piper your secret lovechild. from there it seemingly exploded. some user’s saying how unlikely it was because piper was five and jessie hadn’t moved to chelsea until she was three, and others said how she was from your previous relationship.
they weren’t wrong, piper was a product of a relationship you were in when you were twenty before you figured out you weren’t into men. you had gotten pregnant right before you broke up with him but had raised her as a single mother because he was still upset over the reason the two of you ended. it was a tough situation. piper wasn’t jessie’s biologically but that didn’t mean that she was her daughter any less.
you snicker and catch jessie’s attention “what are you laughing at?”
“people on tiktok think piper’s our lovechild” you wave your phone “it’s funny”
jessie smiles and shrugs “we didn’t even know eachother beyond playing against eachother for our national teams” she says quietly, turning her attention back to the tv.
“so?” you question “she basically is”
the midfielder cocks a brow “i’ve only been in her life for two years”
“doesn’t mean you’re not her mum” you point out, not missing the way jessie’s face softens before she goes back to running her fingers up and down your leg.
you toss your phone and sit up straighter “she calls you mama and you treat her like she’s your own. she’s got two mums. you and me.” you say sternly but softly, wanting to get the point across “biology doesn’t mean anything to me”
she squeezes your leg and nods her head “i know” she mumbles.
“mama” piper says abruptly “you’re not watching”
jessie is quick to look at your daughter sitting on the ground. she’s got a pout on and her brows are furrowed “sorry pip”
piper nods once firmly and turns back around, adjusting her turtle plushies so that they too are paying attention.
“does this mean she can wear my jersey next time we play against eachother?”
“if you can outrun my whole team, then sure”
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arsenal16gunnerfc · 13 days
I just got scared away
You miss her. It’s all you can think about as you sit there nursing your drink watching her go around the room consoling your teammates. How her kindness and comfort which she is offering her friends even though this tournament must have been one of the toughest of her life is all you crave. How you wish you could bury yourself in her arms and get lost in her kind and loving blue eyes as you always did whenever you had a tough day. Instead, you down your drink and turn to get another. 
You know she has been keeping an eye on you throughout the night, along with some of your other teammates. You had been ignoring all their questioning gazes until Lucy takes pity on you and joins you at the bar. When you feel her approach, you can’t help but wonder what motivational speech you will receive this time. You had already been told by Millie that this wasn’t your fault and that she was proud of you or Sarina who pulled you aside shortly to tell you that you had played brilliantly and that sometimes football was tough, as if you didn’t know that already. Tough it did little to ease the self-hatred. You absolutely loathed losing, as did any footballer, but sitting there on the field watching your Barcelona teammates celebrate lifting the trophy you don’t think you ever hated anything as much as in that moment. Maybe she’ll tell you that you are young and that you will get another shot in 4 years’ time, probably without her by your side.
Instead of saying something though Lucy joins you in silence. It surprises you and you look at her confused. She catches your questioning gaze and offers a slight smile. “I know you. Whatever I have to say, you won’t be ready to hear it. Not from me at least.” You know she’s right. Lucy has been your friend and mentor for a long time. As one of the most decorated Lionesses you couldn’t help but be in awe of her and having played together at City for 2 seasons before joining her and Keira on a transfer to Barcelona she truly has become one of your most trusted friends. Maybe that is what prompts you to finally speak “I miss her, I miss her more than anything. Even though I am not allowed to.” “What happened between you two?” It’s not the brunette that asks the question but her ginger counterpart who you didn’t notice had joined you. “After the euros everyone was looking at us, at me. Lee captained us to greatness, and she fell in a world of praise. Fans had always speculated that we were together but after euros it just got too much. It felt like the whole world was judging me and it scared me.” 
Finally looking your ex’s best friend in her eyes, you tell her “She deserves better. I thought maybe I could be better. Maybe if we won the world cup it would be enough”. As you break eye contact to look at your teammates dancing, silence settles among you three. The other two seem to be in disbelieve at what they hear, they thought you had fallen out of love or wanted to focus on your career never did they think that you felt unworthy of their skipper’s love. Eventually it is Keira that breaks the silence “She misses you, you know. She still loves you”. Before you can respond you are dragged away by an already drunk Niamh “Stop moping and come do shots with me. I want to hang with my friend before you gallop off into the sunset again” You can’t help but laugh at your friend “If you’re so jealous of the Barcelonian sun, I’m sure I can put in a good word for you”. She just rolls her eyes and hands you two shots. When you raise your eyebrows at her, questioning whether this is a smart idea she just grins and down the shots with you following soon after. 
You had been dancing for a while when you suddenly feel the arms you have been craving for months snake around your waist. “I’m proud of you” she just murmurs in your ear along with a kiss placed softly on your neck. You don’t dare to turn around knowing that the blond has the ability to completely strip you bare and you don’t want to have a breakdown around the team. Instead, you find her hands om your stomach and grip them so hard you know it must hurt. In response her arms just tighten around you. “Come get me when you’re ready to go, I’m not letting you sleep alone tonight.” You give the blond a nod confirming you heard her before you are dragged away by Hempo to dance in the middle of her and Chloe. You look up to see Leah walk back over to Keira and can’t help but wonder if the ginger sent your ex to you.
After several more songs and a couple more drinks you are exhausted and absolutely ready to go back to the hotel. Searching for the blond you find her in deep conversation with Lucy. Not wanting to intrude on the conversation, but also getting closer to shutting down you contemplate what to do. You are however saved by Keira coming over to you with some water and dragging you to your respective (ex-)partners. Leah immediately pulls you into her lap seeing your exhaustion and finishes up her conversation. As you let their voices lull you into a sense of peace you are once again overcome with regret. When you and Leah were still together and the three of you played in Manchester it was a common occurrence to hang out in this formation. You had missed it more than you dared to admit. 
Leah saw you get emotional and pulled you up to take you back to the hotel. Once safely inside the room she helped herself to some of your clothes after giving you some sleep clothes to change into. It wasn’t until you were safe in her arms that you finally broke down. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I wasn’t enough and I’m sorry I couldn’t get you the world cup.” The rest of what you had planned to say went down the drain once you started sobbing uncontrollably. Leah just held you and shushed you. “I know love it’s okay, we’ll talk in the morning.” Eventually you fell asleep.
Waking up your head pounded, and your eyes were almost swollen shut due to all your crying last night, but you felt the most at peace then you had in months because of the blonde’s arms still wrapped around you. Leah had felt you wake up and decided to give you a moment, it wasn’t till you looked in her eyes that she spoke up “I love you, you are enough for me, you always have been. It’s okay if you want to be friends but I just want you back in my life.” Laying there in her arms you are looking into her eyes and all you see is kindness, love and understanding.  “I don’t know what Keira told you, but I am so sorry Lee. I should have spoken to you, but I was sure that I was doing what was best for both of us. You deserve the world Lee, so much more than I could ever give you. But I should have spoken to you instead of letting rumours and gossip get to me. I don’t want to just be friends. You’re in my head, always. I just got scared away.” With that I finally feel her soft lips press to mine and I know that we will be okay.
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inuyashaluver · 4 months
any more niamh charles coming 🥺🥺🥺
coffee shop - niamh charles
niamh charles x reader
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description: in which a pretty girl comes into your work everyday, are discounts and little notes on her cup considered flirting?
warnings: fluffyyyyy, let’s pretend covid isn’t a thing x
a/n: niamhy baby! i love her, thank you for the request, my love, enjoy!! ❤️ i really don’t know how to feel about this but it’s 2am and I’m delirious so we persevere!
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when you and your girlfriend, niamh first laid eyes on each other, you both knew it was a forever kind of thing.
you both didn’t really believe in love at first sight until you both came into one another’s life, proving you and niamh to believe the statement wholeheartedly.
it all started in 2020 when niamh was signed to chelsea and moved to london. you at the time were studying law as well as working in a local coffee shop near your flat that niamh wandered into one day and took your breath away.
you were doing a morning shift alone, you’d often do the opening shifts for your boss by yourself because she absolutely adored you, you were also extremely good at your job and she trusted you completely.
you were cleaning the coffee machine and refilling the grounds when you heard the little bell on the door ring. “hi, excuse me?” a soft voice sounded from behind the counter. you turn to face one of the most beautiful girls you’ve ever seen, your breath hitching when you made eye contact.
the girl in front of you also gave you a surprised expression, she thought you were absolutely gorgeous. “hi” you breathe out, moving closer to the counter.
“can i get you anything?” you say shyly, the girl nods and smiles at you, “yeah! could i just get an iced latte to go please?” you nod and put the order into the system, letting out a little laugh.
she raises her eyebrows expectantly at you and you smile, “sorry, it’s just that it’s absolutely freezing and you get an iced drink” you giggle, the girl laughs along with you.
“yeah, i know it’s stupid” she laughs, you shake your head amusingly and retrieve a cup, “it’s not stupid, it’s interesting” you shrug.
the girl smiles brightly at you before you look up at her again, “name?” she looks at you with slight surprise, “sorry?” she utters, “for your coffee” you giggle, niamh exhales quickly at feeling slightly stupid before smiling at you again.
“ah, niamh” she grins, you smile brightly at her and write her name on the cup, moving to prepare the coffee as niamh stares at you in confusion.
“sorry, how much was it?” niamh questions, you wave her off with your hand, “no, it’s on the house, you’re my first customer” you wink (complete lie)
niamh immediately protests until you give her a stern expression and she stops, shaking her head at you and standing near the counter.
“chelsea supporter then?” you grin, making a espresso shot as you look at niamh, she looks down and realises that she’s in her training kit, you distracted her completely.
“something like that, yeah, i play for them” niamh smiles sheepishly, you offer her an impressed grin, “wow, niamh, might need an autograph for the wall” you say cheekily, making niamh laugh brightly.
you both small talk while you finish up making her coffee, you both have identical disappointed smiles as you pass her the coffee. “well thank you” her eyes narrow on your name tag, “(y/n), i really appreciate it” niamh grins, you nod with a smile and give her a little wave goodbye as she leaves.
your eyes follow her every move as she leaves the shop, sighing when she leaves out the door.
niamh takes a sip of her coffee and her eyes widen comically, she swears it’s the best coffee she’s had in her life, she looks down at the cup and sees that you’ve written a little note on the cup.
‘famous niamh! have a good day! :)’ she smiles down at the cup, the smile carrying into training and gaining some curious gazes as to why she was treasuring a cup of ice coffee.
you both thought about each other the whole day, hoping you’d cross paths again - unaware niamh made a promise to herself that she’d go to the coffee shop every morning and you made an effort to take every morning shift possible.
the next day, the morning shift was just locals in the cafe, you’d served everyone so you always used the down time at work to study, much to the encouragement of your boss. your textbooks would be sprawled out on the side of the counter to go back to whenever you had the chance.
you were currently highlighting some important passages in your law textbook when you hear the familiar bell of the door, looking up to see a smiling niamh waving to you.
she made you so nervous and she didn’t even know it. in reality, niamh had been hyping herself up for five minutes to even enter the coffee shop.
“niamh!” you say brightly, placing down the highlighter and standing behind the calendar. “busy?” she grins, pointing at the textbook next to you, you glance at it quickly and sigh, “yes, it’s kicking my ass” you laugh, she laughs sympathetically,
“what are you studying?” niamh questions, “law” you exhale, niamh gives you an impressed expression, both of you getting deja vu from the previous day.
“maybe i’m the one who needs your autograph” niamh quips, making you both giggle with each other, “hm maybe if you’re lucky” you grin, taking niamh’s order again. she forces you to let her pay and you give her a large discount, throwing in a little cookie with a cheeky grin.
she groans when she sees the card machine, clearly way less than the actual total, she narrows her eyes at you and you shrug, “pretty girl discount” niamh tenses at your words and her cheeks are slightly blushed. your own cheeks are pink as you make her coffee, changing the subject and small talking with her again.
you both had so much in common it was honestly crazy, everytime the one of you mentioned something, the other would gasp excitedly and talk about it passionately.
the grins and giggles said everything and more, you both really liked each other. when niamh leaves, she looks down at her cup again, laughing brightly at the note you’ve left on her cup.
‘to my dearest fan, niamh, here’s my autograph, don’t sell it! have a lovely day xx’ you left a little signature under it and niamh cheeks hurt from the smile adorning her features. the little ‘xx’ you left had her heart beating rapidly and her cheeks pink, she couldn’t wait to come back the next day.
you glanced at the clock nervously while you waited for niamh the next day, it was five minutes later than she usually comes in the morning. you huff while flipping through your notes and you swear you got whiplash when you heard the bell ring, looking up in relief to see niamh and her bright smile. “you’re late” you tease, she slaked her head and makes her way over to you.
“hello, (y/n)” she sings out, you smile happily at her and grab a cup in your hand. “hi, niamh” you mock her tone, “the usual?” you question, she nods enthusiastically and begins to rave over you,
“no joke, you make the best coffee ever and i’m not even exaggerating” you smile shyly at her, attempting to wave it off but she won’t relent.
“why do you think i keep coming back?” niamh jokes, you roll your eyes with a laugh, “for me?” you cock your head to the side with a teasing smile and niamh feels her heart clench, you were so cute.
“well yeah but also for your coffee” she scoffs, your cheeks burn and you make yourself busy with her coffee, chatting excitedly with each other about anything and everything. again, giving a hefty discount on her coffee making her scowl at you when she taps her card.
when you hand her the coffee, she’s about to do her regular goodbye but she stops herself suddenly. “could i get your number?” she asks nervously, you smile brightly and nod, taking out your phone and exchanging numbers with each other.
she looks at her coffee cup again when she exits with a grin, ‘niamhy! have a lovely lovely day, enjoy your pretty girl coffee with your pretty girl discount xx’ niamh snaps a selfie of her with the coffee and sends it to you, starting an endless texting cycle between the two of you.
you would text for hours and hours, sending each other random photos throughout your days. you both loved it.
after about two weeks of you and niamh chatting and seeing each other everyday, you decide to take the first move this time and write something a little different on her cup this time.
before she leaves, you ask her to read the cup in front of you while you hand it to her. she grins at you brightly, ‘niamhy! can we go on a date please? xx p.s, have a lovely day!’ she looks up at you bashfully and nods, you smile and move around the counter to give her a hug.
you and niamh have a long embrace of you two just hugging, feeling so comforting and familiar as you held each other.
niamh kisses your cheek quickly before she leaves and you feel like your legs are going to give out from under you. niamh bolts out of the shop and lets out a silent scream in her car while she thinks about the interaction.
you went on your date and began dating shortly after about 4 dates. and after about a year, you and niamh moved in with each other and it was the best thing to happen to the both of you.
you genuinely were infatuated with each other, willing to do anything for one another without a second thought.
you’ve now been dating for 3 years and it was just full of genuine love. you were now niamh’s personal barista, the coffee shop job left behind as you were now practising as a lawyer, getting a job at a big company that had niamh bragging and boasting about every second she got.
she had a match and you were able to come, clad in your ‘charles’ jersey with a bright grin and a coffee in hand as you watch. chelsea wins and niamh immediately makes her way over to you, you smile as she approaches and you open your arms to her with a bright grin.
“hello, beautiful” you grin, your arms wrapping around her shoulders as hers held your waist. “hi, baby” she says adoringly, kissing your cheek repeatedly before pulling away to face you.
you hold the coffee in front of her and she gasps in excitement, pulling you into a quick kiss before taking the cup from you.
“my pretty girl and her amazing coffee, who cares about the win” she mocks, you laugh at her and kiss her cheek sweetly. “meet me at the back?” she asks softly, you nod and wave her off, making your way to your shared car.
niamh watches you leave before she looks down at the cup, a heart shaped sticky note taped on the reusable cup, ‘niamhy baby! congrats on the win, my love, you’re amazing and i love you x’
she grins brightly and takes off the note, hanging it up in her cubby to give her motivation. she gives you a big kiss when she makes it to the car, both of you looking at each other full of affection before she drives off.
⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆
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liked by _jessflem and 44,232 others
niamhcharles17: hot lawyers make the best coffee
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yourname: i knew you only wanted me for the coffee
↳ niamhcharles17: no, baby! it’s just a bonus
↳ yourname: hm sureeeeee
↳ niamhcharles17: no it’s true!
↳ niamhcharles17: don’t forget you made the first move, babe
↳ yourname: my notes are just irresistible
↳ niamhcharles17: indeed
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flemingsfreckles · 2 months
Puppy Love
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Jessie Fleming x Reader
Preview: you come home to a surprise from your girlfriend
Warnings: none
WC: 1.3k
A/N: here’s a very short blurb a wrote based off the middle photo of Jessie with the puppy. I’m in the process of working on 3 other fics that are multi part (better boyfriend is one, the other two are stuff that isn’t out yet) those just take a while so I’m taking time to write some small short stuff as well because it prevents my writers block from showing up.
“Oh no come back here with that” you hear your girlfriend yell at someone or something as you walk in the door. You set your keys down and begin to take off your shoes when you feel a warm soft body against the back of your leg. Turning around you see a small brown puppy standing looking up at you, one of your shirts hanging from its mouth.
Only a second later your girlfriend comes flying around the corner into the entryway, nearly slipping with the combination of her speed, her socks, and the tile flooring. She catches herself against the wall and looks up at you with huge eyes.
Jessie looks frazzled in every way. Her hair is sticking out in every direction, her cheeks are bright red as if she’d just been to training, she’s wearing only shorts and a sports bra. You can see a couple red nail scratches across her arms and she’s breathing heavily.
“Jessie.” It doesn’t take long for you to make the assumption that your girlfriend had brought home a puppy.
“Hi.” She gives you a tight lipped smile, just looking up at you before the puppy takes off running again, through your legs and off toward the kitchen.
“Oh my god” you hear Jessie mutter and she turns and chases after it. You’re not even sure if you should follow, still processing the scene that you came home to.
You take a few steps in the direction that Jessie ran off in and see her coming back toward you, a wiggling puppy in her arms. Your shirt now in her hand. She holds the puppy out to you, holding it under its arms like a small baby.
“Hold her.” You don’t have much of a choice so you put your arms out and take the puppy from her. The puppy is small and a little ball of fur in your arms, for a split second you forget that you should be questioning your girlfriend about what is going on. Jessie throws on the shirt the puppy had stolen and holds her arms out to take her back. You hand her back and you two just stand looking at each other, the puppy whining to be put down.
“Jessie, why is there a puppy in our house?”
“She needed a home.” She gives you a quick glance before her attention is redirected to the dog.
“So what? You thought ours was a good option?” You feel your voice raise slightly, you really weren’t mad, just more confused at the impulsive decision Jessie made, and a little frustrated that she hadn’t checked in with you before she brought home a huge responsibility.
“Maybe?” She looks at you with hopeful eyes. “Come on babe we’ve thought about it a couple of times.”
She wasn’t wrong the two of you had thought about adopting a dog on a couple occasions now that you lived together, you both wanted one but you never followed through in the process of actually picking out a dog. Something always got in the way.
“The dog came from Niamh’s neighbor, their dog had a bunch of puppies. The rest got adopted but no one wanted her because of her ear.” She holds the dog's ear up for you to see, but it was missing a large portion of it.
“It’s not her fault she was born like that. How could no one want her?” It looks like your girlfriend is on the verge of tears looking at the puppy’s face. “I know I should have asked babe but I didn’t. I’m sorry for that. She’s already house broken and can walk on a leash. Can we keep her please?”
You didn’t have a good reason to say no. You both wanted a dog, you were ready for the responsibility and you couldn’t help but admit how cute it was to see Jessie playing with her. She was poking its nose with her own, the dog trying to lick her face every time she leaned it.
“Sure Jess, we can keep her.”
“Yay! Did you hear that, you can stay.” She is back looking at the dog in her arms, talking to it as if she could understand. The dog just wiggles around, excited by the attention from Jessie not her actual words.
“I haven’t named her yet, I wanted to wait for you.” She sets down the dog and leans toward you, lips pursed waiting for a kiss. You lean in to place your lips to hers, giving her a quick kiss. It’s short and sweet, a nice welcome home.
“When did you have time to pick her up?” You point at the dog who has run over to the doorway and is rolling around on the rug scratching her back.
“After training, I went with Niamh, then we went to the store and bought all the things for her.” She points over to the pile of toys, a bag of food, two bowls, and a crate. You just nod. “She might want to go outside. She goes by the door when she needs to go. She’s so smart. Do you want to join us on a short walk?”
“Sure babe.” Jessie hurries over to where the puppy was rolling, grabbing the leash and harness that had been hung neatly next to both of your keys.
It’s warm out, the sun is just starting to set as you start your first walk with just the three of you as a small family. You walk for a couple minutes before the unnamed puppy starts sitting down, every couple of steps, bored of walking she sits and chomps at the grass.
“Come here.” Jessie says in a high pitched tone, the same tone she used earlier to talk to the puppy. She picks up the dog once again.
“Babe, what are you doing?”
“Her little legs are probably tired. She’s had a busy day.” You couldn’t help but smile, looking at your girlfriend grinning ear to ear as she held the puppy in her arms. She looks so content with the ball of fur. She carries her for the rest of the walk, letting the puppy lightly bounce in her arms as she walks alongside you.
You spent the rest of the afternoon playing with the puppy who you both agreed to name Maple both after her color and because you shot down Jessie’s original idea of naming her Moose but you refused to name the dog after another animal. Early into the night Maple found her own way into the large crate Jessie had bought and lined it with a bed and blankets.
“Look, she's sleeping.” You point out to Jessie as you both were standing in the kitchen waiting on a bag of popcorn to be ready. Jessie looks over to where Maple was, sound asleep in the pile of blankets.
“She’s so cute.”
“I cannot believe you brought home a dog.” You truly were shocked when you walked in the door earlier that day, the last thing you were expecting was a puppy.
“I know, I was a little worried you’d be mad.”
“How could I be when I had her cute face and your cute face both giving me puppy eyes?” You gently grab Jessie’s chin and place a kiss on her lips.
“Plus it’s good practice for when we have kids.” Jessie says when you pull away from her. The thought of having kids with her sends a flutter to your stomach. You knew it wouldn’t be soon, but in the future it was definitely something you both had talked about and wanted.
“Yeah it is but you better not bring home any kids without telling me first.”
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alotofpockets · 5 days
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Common ground | Niamh Charles x Arsenal!Reader
Where you and Niamh have to work together for a childrens event
Woso masterlist | Words: 1.4k
Arsenal vs Chelsea. Red vs Blue. A must watch London Derby for many football fans. The rivalry between the two teams went deeper than just the clubs, both the players and fans of the teams had deep rivalries as well. 
While you loved playing against opponents that were a match to your own team, playing against a team like Chelsea was always tough. Especially today, were possession, shots on target, and the score were even. Anything could happen. 
Every time you tried to get the ball into their eighteen yard box, your opponents were there to block you. Most of the time it was Chelsea defender Niamh Charles blocking you. The amount of times you had gone down from her defending was frustrating, but she was good. Always keeping her tackles clean, so you wouldn’t get a free kick from it. 
The rest of the match continued in the same pattern, until Guro Reiten managed to break free in the 96th minute and hit the ball to the back of the net. You were allowed to pass the ball twice upon restarting the match, before the final whistle blew. The high pressure of the match had taken a lot out of you, so you slumped down to the ground in exhaustion.
You shook the hands of your opponents that walked by from your position on the field, too exhausted to get up just yet. Leah came to check up on you. “I’m fine Lee, thanks, just tired.” She patted your head and moved on to shake hands with the rest of the Chelsea players. 
Niamh Charles walked up to you next. “Good game.” She says as she extends her hand. You take it and let her help you up. “Thanks, you too.” With a pat to your back, she walks off to celebrate with her teammates. 
The loss against Chelsea had stung, but you truly believed that the team had given everything that they had in them. Playing against Chelsea, it was always a surprise who would end up on top. You wouldn’t meet with Chelsea for another few weeks, which was a fact you were rather happy with. 
Though those that changed the moment you reached the location where you’d scheduled to meet for your charity day. You were always very involved in the London community that you had grown to call home over the years, so when they asked you for an event to bring awareness to the positive benefits between children their mental health and sport. Since you were so into the community and they told you it included kids, you had said yes immediately, without asking any questions.
That’s why you were shocked to see Niamh Charles already talking to the head of the event. She on her turn clearly had listened to the whole pitch about the event, cause she didn’t seem surprised to see you there.
“Ah y/n, great you’re here. Welcome, and thank you again for joining us today.” You smiled and shook her hand. “Yeah, of course, happy to be here.” 
“So, I was just telling Niamh about the plan for today.” She took the both of you further into the venue. She explained what today was going to look like. Both you and Niamh would spend the morning talking with the kids, having a little training session with them, and at the end of the day you’d play a small match with the kids.
You found yourself working side by side with Niamh. At first it was a bit awkward, the two of you knew nothing but rivalry, never having played for the same team before or having met outside of football. All you had to go off was the way the two of you met on the field, and with the recent events and the loss against her team, that wasn’t entirely positive. However, you were both professionals, with the common ground of wanting to help the kids today.
The day started with all the kids sitting on the field, while you and Niamh chatted with them about mental health and sports. They listened intently as you and Niamh shared your personal experiences and the positivity that football had brought to your life and mental health. 
Listening to Niamh talk about the sense of purpose and discipline football had brought to her life, had you admiring your opponent. Mental health was often a taboo topic, but she managed to talk freely about it, and in a way that had the full interest of the children in the room. 
When you stepped to the side for a quick break while the event managers engaged with the children for a bit, you and Niamh sipped on some water to the side. “You know,” Niamh said, turning in your direction, “even though we are rivals on the pitch, it’s moments like these that remind me why we play the game.”
You nod, sharing the same opinion. “Yeah, I fully agree. It is about more than just winning or losing. It’s about inspiring the next generation.” You share a smile, and look over to the group of youngsters sneaking glances your way. Sending a wave to the ones you caught. “You’re really good with them, they were fully engaged while you were talking. That’s really special.” 
Niamh thanked you for the compliment before the two of you headed back to the group. “Who is ready to play some football?” The kids start cheering loudly and you grin towards Niamh. Maybe working with her wasn’t going to be as bad as you had imagined when you first walked into the room.
You and Niamh got to work on laying out some cones for the drills you would do with the kids, they were a little different that the drills you’d normally do, cause you wanted them to be like a little game for the kids. Most of them were in the form of little competitions, so you had divided the kids into two groups, one group was coached by Niamh and the other by yourself.
After explaining the first drill to the kids, you and Niamh show them how it’s done by going first. You smirk her way when you cross the line between the cones first, “So, that kids is how you win a point for your team. Are you ready to show us what you’ve got?” 
Seeing how happy the kids were running around the field, brought you a lot of happiness as well. You were encouraging each kid running up and down the field, as was Niamh to the kids on the other team. 
After a couple more games, you deemed it time for lunch. During which you sat down with the kids and talked over sandwiches and juice boxes. When you caught Niamh’s eyes while you were both sipping on your juice boxes, the smile she sent your way got your cheeks heating up, so you quickly focussed back on the kids.
To close off the day with the kids, your team played Niamh’s team in a friendly match. The event manager handed out some shirts to the kids. When Niamh noticed the colours she turned to you, “That’s not fair, they gave us City Blue instead of Chelsea Blue.” The pout on her face was honestly adorable. 
“Now you know what it felt like to play in Chelsea socks.” She giggled remembering that part of your previous encounter. You hit her shoulder playfully, “Right, not funny. Sorry.” But honestly it was behind you now, and you both burst out laughing.
Your team ended up winning and when you and Niamh shook hands like the real coaches do after a match, Niamh said. “You guys blamed the socks, so I think it’s only right I get to blame the shirts.” You chuckle and shake your head. “Whatever makes you sleep at night.” 
After some pictures with the kids, the end of the day had arrived. You were packing up your stuff when Niamh approached you. “Today was fun, I’m glad we got paired up for this.” With a smile you agree, “Yeah, it was a pleasure working with you, instead of against you like usually.” 
Niamh was about to walk away after saying bye, but she stopped herself. “Would you maybe want to grab a bite of dinner?” After today you would love to get to know her better, and you found yourself agreeing instantly. “Yeah, that sounds nice.”
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