#queuing this from 2am insomnia
bombusbombus · 8 months
When I accidentally kill a bug I like to think it went to the same weird fake heaven that they met Ted in that one time. That was bug heaven.
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monetarilydizzy · 7 years
re that post you reblogged, I'm always down to know pedantic and/or hilarious information about all of your characters, but especially Charlie and Zenthella (and Figaro but it's a tad greedy to ask three at once).
I love this stuff, never worry about being greedy!
their blog url
Charlie’s url is probably something like “thewitchbitchbetween” cause Charlie’s only like 14, so swearing and unimaginative titles are still in vogue.
Zenthella’s personal url is probably “FivePointNotes” and her business is probably just “SandouteCollegeCounseling”
Figaro’s url is “thedogdaysareoverrated”
the kind of posts they reblog
Charlie is a little memelord in training. There’s also a lot of reblogs on LGBT+ identity stuff, and all the witch culture stuff Charlie can stumble across.
Zenthella reblogs a lot of witch stuff to her personal blog, and a lot of aesthetics. She’s particularly proud of her blackgirlmagic tag list. She also reblogs a lot of non-magi political news; she’s a politics junkie (so long as no politicians have a star on their neck). Her work blog is mostly writing tips, reminders for various deadlines, and contact info to help her clients network.
Figaro reblogs puns and really good satirical pieces. Other than that he only really uses his blog so Charlie has someone to send memes to.
the first person they followed
Charlie followed Figaro first, no doubt. Zenthella and Charlie are absolutely not mutuals.
Zenthella followed the official Coventium blog, as set up by the Library staff (who you all will meet soon!!!)
Figaro followed Zenthella first due to a lack of imagination.
what kind of theme they’d have
Charlie’s theme is very loud and aesthetically displeasing, with lots of greens. No other information is available, because people try to look at it as little as possible.
Zenthella’s theme is very polished, and she uses the same one for both blogs. A neat sidebar organizes all her frequently used tags and an archive of when she’s responded to asks and such. She uses a soft cream background with rich brown accents.
Figaro never changed from the default theme. It works for him, so why change it?
what kind of text posts they make at 2am
Charlie’s shitposting at the highest degree, no doubt calling out Davie for something or engaging in a mutual joke.
Zenthella is asleep, thank you very much. If she is awake though, she’ll be reblogging calm vibe stuff to help ease the anxiety induced insomnia.
Figaro’s got puns queued to be rebloged every hour, so catch one at 2am. He might also post a particularly relevant piece of satire depending on what’s going on in the news.
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