#quick question: do I have a crush on Madeline???? WHAT
Radiance In Disguise human concept art be upon ye!!
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I got so frustrated with trying to figure out a headturn, but it wasn’t until after I finished Priscilla that I realized I was way too lazy to do another one.
There’s no way I’m doing another one for anybody else anytime soon. If anything I’m going to count it as an art study.
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gamecrash716 · 25 days
Discount (Pt 1)
Kade Burns/Myles
Cody Burns/Priscilla Pynch
Kade walked into the kitchen, chuckling to himself about the sweet deal he got at the local diner. Little did he know it would come back to bite him.
Cody was daydreaming while eating cereal, Dani was attempting to make herself breakfast, Graham was making toast, and Charlie was sipping coffee while reading the newspaper.
"Mornin family," Kade said. "You're a bit late today," Graham said. Kade scoffed, "I needed some extra beauty sleep." Dani rolled his eyes at Kade's comment, and Charlie chuckled at it and continued reading. Then he read something that made him almost spit out his coffee. It took everyone by surprise by the action and got Cody out of his daydream.
"Uh, dad, is everything okay?" Cody asked. Charlie cleared his throat, "Just the news, son," "A rumor that's been going around the town for a few weeks ago." Dani raised an eyebrow, "What rumor?" If it was so bad that Charlie almost spat out his coffee, Dani wants in on the gossip. "Let me see," Dani said, and Charlie handed over the newspaper. "What does it say?" Graham asked.
"Ex-Theif Turned Rich Girl's Babysitter Is Possibly Dating the Oldest Burns!"
The four family members turn to look at Kade. His face was almost red as a fire hydrant. Charlie and Graham were in disbelief, Dani could see it happening, and Cody was mad and glared at Kade. "So it's okay for you to tease me for crushing on Priscilla, but you're outright dating her babysitter." Cody sneered. He knew his brother could be a bit of a hypocrite at times, but these are the few times where it genuinely made him mad. "You definitely don't wanna see the pictures then," Dani said.
Dani put the newspaper on the table and opened it, showing the "dates" of Myles and Kade. Everyone looked at Kade for a response. "I need to make a call real quick." Kade said as he dashed to his room and closed the door. He frantically dialed Myles' number, hoping it would answer.
(I absolutely suck at writing phone call dialog, so it'll be like this until then)
M: Yeah? K: Have you read the newspaper? M: No, why? None of us even really read that stuff. Only Madeline does. K: Remember how we would go to the diner and fake being a couple for their discounts. M: Dear god. What is on the paper? K: There's been a rumor going around that we actually are and my family knows. M: Let me guess, Cody's been giving you the stink eye ever since K: I didn't know people would think we're dating! And with Cody, it's not that bad. M: Dude, you bullied your younger brother for crushing on Priscilla, the daughter of a criminal. And he thinks you're dating me, an actual criminal. M: Of course he's going to be mad at you. P: He has a crush on me? M: Uhh P: Does he? K: Who are you talking to? M: *whisper* Priscilla heard me, Kade. She knows about the crush K: Why does that matter? M: *whisper* She likes him back! K: OH! Uh, gotta go train!
Myles looked at the hung up phone in annoyance. 'That explains why people kept looking at me weirdly,' He thought and turned to look back at Priscilla. She was giving puppy dog eyes. Now, most of the time, this wouldn't work on him. However, the feelings are mutual. He couldn't lie about and break Priscilla's heart. Myles sighed, wanting to to avoid the question. Luckily, his twin opened the door. "Hey there's a carnival going on tonight," Evans said, "Do you want to go there Priscilla?" "Myles, can you call Kade and tell Cody I'm going?" Priscilla asked. Myles sighed, "Yeah, I will." 'Just need to make sure that idiot didn't do anything stupid,' He thought.
-Back at the Fire House-
Cody was continuing to give Kade glares. Kade, obviously, ignored it. The bots wanted to know why, mainly Heatwave. Blades went to ask Dani, she always knows. "Hey Dani, what's with Cody?" Blades asked. "And what did Kade do?" Heatwave asked, giving Kade a harsh side eye and ready to spray him with water. Dani whispered to Blades and he was shocked and audibly gasped. "What is it?" Boulder asked. "You're dating Myles?!" Blades shouted. "N-No, the press just makes it seem like it," Kade tried to explain. "Kade, why would you associate with a criminal that we have arrested multiple times?" Chase asked. "Would you believe me I told you?" Kade asked. Everyone gained interest.
"Look, a few weeks ago, there was a couples discount at the local diner," "I didn't have enough money for the normal amount and Myles was near by so I asked him for us to pose as a couple so I could get the discount." "He agreed, so we ordered and sat away from everyone else." "We did this multiple times when the had the discount was in place and I guess people though we were dating because how close we tend to get at times..." "We got really close some nights..."
After hearing Kade's explanation, everyone had various reactions to this. "So people think you two are dating because you wanted a discount?" Graham asked. "Yup, and it worked." Kade said proudly, "I guess we got too convincing." "Why am I not surprised," Dani said, "I should've expected that you'd be the type to do it."
"So why is Cody so upset about it?" Boulder asked. "You mind if I tell them?" Dani asked. "No," Cody responded. "Alright, Cody likes Priscilla and he's upset about it." Dani said. "Wait, you do?" Blades asked. Cody nodded. "Myles did chew me out about it over the phone considering Priscilla likes you b-" Kade covered his mouth before he could finish the sentence but it was already to late. "She likes me?" Cody asked. Kade sighed, "Yeah, he did tell me because Priscilla over heard everything and he may have told her about your crush." There was a tinge of pink growing on Cody's face.
Part 2 will be coming soon
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krys-loves-otome · 3 years
ooohhh may i have 6, 9, 13 for all of your ikeseries ocs? >:3c
Well, this took entirely took long and a lot of brain thought.
And, though I forgot to tag her in my initial reblog of the questions, you did say all my ikeseries ocs, so I threw in my second ikesen oc Ophelia too, for funsies.
All six of my girls in one place, oh my!
Before the questions, I'll give a quick summary of who's who.
Houki (IkeSen): Book-loving gremlin that came from another world. Suitor is Mitsunari.
Ophelia (IkeSen): Ambitious widow that also happened to fall into Sengoku Era Japan. Suitor is Kennyo
Madeline "Maddie" Fleming (IkeRev): 30 year old magical girl that falls into Wonderland. Suitor is Harr.
Dorothea "Thea" Reid (IkeVamp): Fashion historian and seamstress. Her main suitor is Theo
Abigail "Abby" Clarke (IkeVamp): Artist that is quite shy. Suitor is Vincent
Clara Laurent (IkePri): Avid book lover that is the next Belle. Main Suitor (for now, since she is fairly new) is Nokto.
Original Meme here
And, since this got fairly long, putting it below a cut.
Have fun, loves!
6. On an average day, what can they be found doing after dinner?
Probably reading, either by herself or with Mitsunari. They also talk about their days and what they plan on doing the next day. Nice and relaxing stuff. Some occasions, she'll also play Go with Nobunaga or whoever else wants to play with her.
Mending clothes and making small talk with Kennyo and Ranmaru when he visits. Might make some tea if Kennyo's doing paperwork late, but it's generally a quiet affair.
Having tea with Harr and Loki as they talk about their days. Maybe a small lesson in magic theory as Maddie loves learning from the two of them.
Helping Sebastian with the evening chores like cleaning dishes and such. Afterward, she'll see what the other mansion residents are up to. Sometimes she'll read in the library or the salon. Sometimes she'll play games with Theo and Arthur in the game room. Sometimes might sit in Theo's lap while reading. Really depends on her mood.
Helping Sebastian with some late chores like cleaning up after the dinner crowd by washing dishes or putting them away. After that, she'll wander around and say hello to whoever's up or maybe go to the library to find art reference books she can study. Maybe some drawing studies too from the reference books. She might also hang out with Vincent wherever he's at, be it painting or in the game room with Arthur and Theo.
She is a diary writer, so she'll write down her thoughts and experiences of the day in her trusty journal before bed. She keeps it mostly to herself, not showing it to anyone, even Rio. Nokto tries a few times to read over her shoulder as she's writing, but he usually gets smacked for his troubles.
9. What was their first kiss like?
She never paid attention to that sort of thing, being more interested in scholarly pursuits than romance and all that nonsense. There was a stablehand back home that did have a crush on her, but she nudged him towards a maid that had a crush on him, thus solving the problem, but no first kisses there.
Her first kiss was very likely with her suitor, Mitsunari. I can't remember specifically when kisses happened in his route, so I'm gonna point to my 'Kisses' WIP Wednesday as that one being their first kiss. Reunited after Mitsun tried to sacrifice himself, outrunning their enemies and the wormhole storm. Before that moment, they had mostly held pinkies and sat beside each other, not inherently romantic gestures, but there was growing affection each time they did these actions. The first kiss came after a long string of stress and danger, glad they could be in each others' arms once again.
Like Houki, she never really was interested in the romance of a first kiss, but unlike Houki, she had more responsibility to worry about rather than any outside interest. Her parents were more interested in partying it up with other nobles and sexy times than to take care of the nine children at their manor, so responsibility for them (and their estate) fell onto her, their eldest. She also tries to have good relations with other nobles, she still refused romantic courtships due to the fact that she needed to take care of her family.
Her first kiss, however, was on her wedding day, to her first husband. To help with the family's financial struggles, she had been married off to a man old enough to be her grandfather. She never was affectionate towards him, more civil to him as what was expected of a 'dutiful, obedient wife.' On her wedding day, after the vows were spoken, she gave him the traditional kiss, closed-mouthed, chaste, quick, but it was enough to sicken her to her core. She never felt good about kissing anyone else after that, for many years in fact. She still struggles to give Kennyo kisses some days as it recalls one of the worst memories of her life. When she does come to terms with her trauma, it gets easier to give her love the kisses he deserves. Mostly cheek kisses and on his hands, but she still can't mouth-to-mouth kiss him.
Being an older Alice, Maddie has had a few romantic escapades in her life before she met Harr. Her first kiss, a middle school crush that later broke her heart when she found out it was on a dare. This was years before she would find out about her magical abilities, but it's always been there, though nerfed compared to what it would become once she journeys to Cradle. Still, she still had a small influence in turning his life into hell, earning her a 'weird girl' status from her peers, thinking she might be a witch that could curse people.
When she gets with Harr, she's a little hesitant. She has powers that she didn't know she had outside of her Alice-given powers to block magic. She was naturally worried that she might hurt him, as her powers are tied to her voice. Harr reassures her that they could stop if she felt like she was hurting him. But he was curious about how kissing would work with her. Much as he didn't want to admit it, there were some… ambitious students in the Magic Tower that tried to increase romantic or sexual pleasure through magic, which had him intrigued. Much to Maddie's relief, I keep remembering that her powers don't work on humans, so she gets to normal kiss Harr as much as either of them wants to kiss each other.
It also does mean they could find out how Harr's powers working on her though. For research. ;)
Her first kiss, she really hates to admit, was by complete accident. She was in a heated argument with a kid at school. It was moments away from turning into a physical altercation, only for one of them (she refuses to say who) to trip and to fall on the other's lips. Cue lots of comical spitting and gagging surrounded by uproarious laughter from the other kids circling them.
With Theo, in contrast to her first actual kiss, was a much quieter, calmer affair. She loves bantering back with him, never wanting to be a step behind him, preferring to be his equal that can stand proudly by his side. But, when they're quiet together, it shows how much they can be vulnerable with each other. Her hands stung still from rescuing Vincent's painting, but everything else around them was quiet. They got to talking, about Theo's motives, about why he does the things he does, and one thing led to another and they end up kissing. It was the first time Theo had been that vulnerable and honest with her, so kissing, though not intentional, happened anyway.
Abby was always the shy type, not reaching out often unless she felt it was safe to do so. She liked the idea of romance but didn't feel like it was in the cards for her, with how strict and controlling her parents were. There were arranged marriage parents, but they never lasted for long. Most of them grew frustrated with her when she wanted to slow down in the relationship, it was often too fast-moving for her to keep up with. Her auntie took her in once a suitor pushed her too far and took the fallout for her niece so the girl could try and mentally recover.
Her actual first kiss, she likes to think, was with Vincent. She appreciated his kindness and patience. He always asked before doing any touching of her person, like touching her hands, to brush a stray piece of fuzz from her hair, or asking if she wanted a hug after a bad day. When she's ready, she returns the favor of asking for a kiss. Vincent was happy to oblige her, being gentle at first, letting her take her time. It made her love him more, giving him more kisses in thanks.
Clara held onto the belief that a first kiss was supposed to be special, that you saved for 'the one' to experience. She had been told she was prudish for holding back, but that was usually the deal-breaker for her. If you can't wait for her, she wasn't going to wait for you either. This was all well and good… until she was chosen as Belle. Suddenly thrust into high society and having to pretend to be an annoying playboy's fiancé, it definitely wasn't good for her heart. Nokto also grated her nerves, always trying to push her buttons by his incessant flirting.
And, unfortunately, her precious first kiss was stolen in a moment of anger. She had finally realized her feelings for Nokto and he was trying to push her away for the final time. Still, she pushed back against him, not giving up on the sly prince so easily. He accepts his feelings for her, being vulnerable with her for the first time in a long while. She names him king, he finds her once she stops being Belle and they live happily ever after.
13. What special abilities or talents do they possess? Did they develop through training or were they born with them?
Her home country is famous for producing some of the greatest and most knowledgeable scholars in the Seven Kingdoms. Houki is no exception, spending most of her time with her nose stuck in a book rather than making meaningful political matches and relationships. So, technically, it's more of a product of her environment, but she has been surrounded by that enrichment since birth, so I guess she could technically be born with her abilities?
She trained hard for her abilities, to be able to charm a room full of people. She had to learn how to do it out of necessity, to make sure that her family survived and thrived. It also helped when she was staying in Azuchi as the castle chatelaine. Taking care of an estate was like second nature to her at that point.
She is the great-granddaughter of Alice the First and her grandfather's line had some generational-skipping abilities and Maddie happened to inherit both! Her object influencing powers were damped in the Land of Reason because it has less magical essence than Cradle, so she was in for a big surprise when she crossed lands and her powers got a natural boost from Cradle's magical atmosphere.
She grew up in an environment that had parents passionate about their favorite subjects, namely sewing, fashion, and history. And all three of her parents passed on their love to their daughter, teaching her how to make and mend her own clothes, and to look at history with both a critical but understanding lens. So, again, it was more her environment that influenced her rather than being born with special talents. She worked at them, sure, but she also had loving and passionate teachers surrounding her.
She had a natural talent for art, both for picking up the principles and applying them to her own art, she can also use those talents to critique like a gentle boss. Unfortunately, this talent was often neglected or forbidden to pursue, only really seeing it blossom when she accidentally follows Comte to his mansion.
She's still a fairly new oc so I haven't ironed a lot of her details and specifics, but, for the purposes of this ask, I'll take the easy route and say her main talent is her kindness. It was likely what got her the position of Belle, having a pure heart that looked out for others. She took in the injured Rio when the two were basically strangers and nursed him back to health. She earned the goodwill of the Rhodolite townspeople, and though many of the princes get on her nerves, she still takes the time to learn about each of them individually so she can choose the next king fairly.
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orionares · 5 years
Drabble, Part 15
“Slow down.”
“To what? Standing still? I think a turtle and a snail lapped us.”
Kensi rolls her eyes at Deeks’ witty retort as she and Deeks continue a slow stroll around the hospital floor. With four hours left on the observation period, the pair are out for a lap for Deeks to practice being on his feet. Kensi’s enjoying the light banter from Deeks as it’s distracting her from the possibility of being stuck in the hospital any longer.
“The point of going on a walk is to make sure you don’t need oxygen at home,” Kensi states. “He isn’t timing you to see how fast you can walk around the floor. I can hear that you’re out of breath.”
Deeks stops and rolls his eyes at an attempt to hide his slightly heavy breathing. “I’m fine.”
Kensi narrows her eyes at him and waits until he lets out an annoyed sigh. They continue for another minute before Kensi speaks again, “The moms have the house prepped and ready.”
“Should I be worried or excited?”
Kensi smirks. “Well,” she states, “I think with what happened to me in Syria and us in Mexico, both of them are planning to move in for good.”
A bit of hope sparkles in her fiancé’s eyes. “Idea- maybe we can get out of here early enough, we can turn the lights out and pretend we aren’t home?”
Kensi guides him around a cart. “I’m not locking our moms out of the house. Plus, you really think that it’ll stop them if we turn the lights off? Your mom somehow found us when we were registering gifts and cake testing without either of us telling her.”
Deeks raises an eyebrow, asking, “Are you comparing my mother to a bloodhound?”
“That’s fair,” Deeks answers with a nod. With their room door in sight, Kensi states, “ I’m going to be home for the first week before being on call for the following week-“
“You now want to talk shop? Nothing-“ Deeks pauses to let a patient in a wheelchair pass by, “ about the wedding or the impending attack from our moms or even-OR EVEN- the question that will be pondered throughout time- will Sam let Callen attach a tugboat, life raft or a pink flamingo floatable?”
Kensi shrugs. “Well, I don’t know. It just came to mind.” She stops when she hears his breathing begin to speed up again. She brushes a lose strand of hair from her face and observes the frustrated look on her fiancée’s face. “Ready to go back to the room?”
“I can do another lap-“
“And have us be stuck here another night? I don’t think so. Plus, we can talk about the elephants in the room.”
“So you think pink flamingo floatable?”
“Oh, my God,” Kensi mutters. She squeezes his hand as he straightens up to continue towards the room. The return trip back to the room and in the bed takes fifteen minutes, filled with Deeks rambling about Sam’s boat and complaining about climbing back into the bed. When Deeks is finally settled, Kensi finds herself picking her nails anxiously, nowhere ready for the next words she’s ready to say.
“I think I’m ready to leave NCIS.”
And Deeks’ reaction is nowhere near what she had expected.
Kensi flinches in response, her mouth agape. “What-“she stammers, “I’m sorry- what?”
“Kensi,” Deeks begins, “I don’t want you to walk away from a job you love because of Mexico. I shouldn’t have brought it up in the parking garage right after Mosley fired me.” He scratches his beard and then continues softly, “I don’t want you to regret walking away from this job. I’m all in, Kensi, no matter what. And if you need more time before leaving, I can wait. I want to marry you and I want to make you happy.”
“I want to marry you too,” Kensi replies happily. She brushes the messy blonde strands from his eyes, feeling her heart warm at his blue eyes. “With everything that we’ve been through, I’m just so scared that I’ll blink and everything and everyone I love will be gone. Two weeks sitting here without you has a led to a lot of fears and self-doubt flaring up. For the longest time and even after the explosion, I thought you’d have enough.”
Deeks shuts his eyes momentarily and shakes his head slightly in disbelief. “You think I’d leave you? After all this, you honestly think I’d leave you?”
“I keep telling myself that I’ve let whatever happened with Jack go, but maybe I hadn’t moved on as much as I thought I had.” A part of her, a deep part of her had always feared the possibility of regret preventing her from finding peace in her life.  Since Jack had left her, Kensi had always wandered if the love of her job, her stubbornness and her drive had pushed him away instead of his PTSD. When she had been injured in Syria and the early rumblings of walking away from the job had occurred, Kensi had found herself analyzing more and more every serious or emotional conversation with Deeks, praying to not hear the words- I can’t do this. We’re done.
“It’s a part of you.”
“It is.” Kensi takes a moment to recompose herself, her heart sinking at Deeks’ slightly heavy breathing in the silence. “When I wouldn’t agree that Mexico would be our last mission, that tiny fear that you would go exploded. And then we couldn’t even look each other in the eyes, I felt like I was losing control. ”
Deeks holds out a hand and Kensi approaches the bed, taking his in hers and kissing the top of his hand. “After our fight in the parking lot, I was just….,” Deeks says, feeling his own emotions rise in his voice, “ I panicked and I said something that could have ended my world. And you, Fern, are my world. And if I hadn’t had caught the flight before it left and you and Sam and Callen got hurt without me there, I don’t want to even think about it.”
Kensi kisses the love of her life on the forehead and rests her forehead against his. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” Deeks whispers softly. “I’m going to keep reminding you over and over that I’m not going anywhere until the day I die. I mean- right now, I literally can’t go anywhere because my lungs are currently at old woman pace and I’m pretty sure Nurse Madeline has a major crush on me and won’t survive without my dashing good looks.”
“Well, she’ll have to get over it since you will be spending the next few weeks with our moms.” Kensi grins at her fiancée, his face falling with the quick realization of the impending “doom” awaiting him at home.
Deeks leans back and with wide, terrified eyes, whispers, “Both….of…them? You’re going to leave me alone with them both for weeks?”
“Didn’t think that far out, did ya, babe?” The memories of being stuck in the house with both of their moms and the Good luck, babe, look Deeks would give her before leaving for the day. “Remember when your mom found out about the knife wound on your arm?”
Deeks winces. “That’s it. I’m not going home. Nope. Can’t do it.”
Kensi laughs warmly at the comment and gently pulls him forward. “We have spent way too much time in hospitals as of late. Let’s go home.”
A little over two weeks after the explosion in Mexico, Deeks is finally discharged.
Deeks sits at the edge of the bed as Kensi gathers the somehow bags that had somehow accumulated in the room over the past two weeks. His doctor had just left the couple with a simple advice- Don’t get blown up again, please: simple, but not likely to be kept with their line of work.
“So, I’ve got my clothes, doctor’s orders, your clothes, the medication and snacks for the road,” Kensi states, mentally counting each of the bags. When Deeks doesn’t respond, Kensi looks up to see Deeks staring wearily at his mother anxiously staring into the hallway.
“Roberta? What are you doing?” Kensi calls out. Roberta lets out a , “Humph,” before returning back to Kensi, adding, “I saw the kid wheelchairing people out of here and I don’t like how distracted he is. I saw him eyein’ one of the nurses and nearly crash into the wall.”
Deeks shakes his head and mutters, “Please don’t say what I think you’re going to say, Mamma.”
“I’m going to be pushing my boy down to the car. No offense, Kens, but me and the doc got somethin’ better going that should help him see my way.”
“Why?” Deeks sighs to no one in particular, “ Just…why?”
Kensi kisses his cheek. “Because your mother loves you and I think….I think….she may have a small crush on the doctor.”
Deeks lets out what Kensi can best describe as a mixture of squeal of agony and a groan. “Why?” he exclaims, “Why would you tell me this? Mamma, why-why don’t you help Kensi’s mom get the car?”
Roberta raises an eyebrow. “How in the hell am I supposed to do that? Plus, I want to thank the doctor….if you know what I mean.” She suddenly straightens up as the doctor enters the room. “Oh, hello, Doctor Morales…”
Kensi shakes her head at mother and son before turning back to the bags on the bed.  She’s ready to grab the flurry of paperwork that she’s received for both herself two weeks prior and for Deeks but a sudden heaviness in her chest hits her hard.
“I just wanted to check in and see if you all needed anything before leaving,” Morales states. Deeks suspiciously glances between a flirtatiously smiling Roberta and Morales before answering quickly, “Nope, we’re good, Doc, thank you. Kens?”
Breathe, just breathe, this is- I don’t know what this is. Kensi turns slightly towards the group and manages, “Nope…Th-thank you.” She turns back to the bed and forces out a breath. What’s wrong with me?
“Hey, doc. I have a couple questions for you about that wheelchair attendant,” Roberta states. She links her arm with a confused Morales and guides him out of the room. Deeks looks down to Kensi and asks softly, “What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know…” Kensi stammers. She places a hand on his an squeezes it. “I’m just….I can’t explain it. I’m ….I think I’m scared. Being in here…..the world outside the hospital and the consequences of whatever had happened to you is waiting outside the doors and when you have way too much time to think, it starts to build up in anticipation….and two weeks…..”
“I know.” He brushes his bangs out of his eyes and nods slightly in agreement. Kensi takes a moment to compare the pale, unconscious and flatlining memory of Deeks two weeks ago to the upright, humorous blonde haired man sitting in front of her. “When we finally made it home after Syria, I watched you like a hawk.”
“I remember. You weren’t the most conspicuous about it, babe.”
Deeks chuckles. “I honestly felt like that slightest misstep and you’d shatter like a glass. Even leaving you at home while working case for the first week sucked. It really sucked…especially knowing that you were alone at home with our moms..”
“You aren’t getting out of at least a week of our doting mothers. A week, Deeks,” Kensi laughs, remembering the countless lasagnas, casseroles and the desserts made by both mothers to ‘put some meat on those bones’. She squeezes his hand once more and forces out an anxious breath, “ Ok, ready to go home?”
“Can we,” Deeks asks quietly, keeping an eerily calm expression on his face, “make a small pit stop before we go and make sure my mother doesn’t take my doctor home, please?”
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Proven Innocent Season 1 Episode 5
Today's episode deals with white supremacists/nazis.
We start off with Madeline practically throwing a hissy fit in court. The reason? Because one of their star witnesses was arrested. Madeline argues that it's obvious that the police are trying to railroad their current client.
She's found in contempt, and put into jail. Easy talk to her, and they agree that they need to go after a crooked cop who practically runs half of the law enforcement in Chicago.
Later, Madeline's actions in court gain attention, and a man comes in to ask if they'll help his brother. He was jailed for bombing a synagogue, and the reason why he was arrested is because he's a white supremacist. Joy. He is quick to insist that his brother has changed since then. However, he goes on to say that the corrupt cop that they're currently going after paid off witnesses to testify that his brother did it.
As you might imagine, both Easy and Violet have a hard time wanting anything to do with this case, seeing as how they're both black. However, in the end, they decide to at least talk to the guy.
In the jail, the client talks about how he was pulled into that kind of thing. That he was young, and his family poor, that it was easy for him to blame literally anybody about his situation. He insists that he's changed since then, and tries to help people understand his point of view in prison. He also says that he was 2 hours away, getting ready to burn a cross on somebody's lawn the night of the bombing, but the only reason why none of those witnesses came forward was because they're white supremacists with long records. However, he's certain that his then-girlfriend might be able to alibi him out.
Easy decides to take the case, but this is only met with more arguments from Violet. She calls him a hypocrite, because he didn't want to work on the abortion case, but the nazi case is fair game? However, it's not really as simple as deciding to free a nazi to Easy; it's about taking down the kind of corruption that's running rampant in the city.
Later, Madeline finds Levi in the office. He tells her that he tracked down the ring-leader of the adderall group from high school. This brings up the memories of the guy lying on the stand in order to put Madeline and Levi away. However, Madeline is working on the case, and can't exactly go take a day trip to go question some guy who may not even know anything at all.
So Levi decides to take matters into his own hand. He goes to the guy, and starts talking to him about Rosemary and lying on the stand. The guy is... shifty. Uncomfortable. And I get the feeling that this is more than just because he doesn't like Levi.
The guy later goes to the law office to confront Madeline about Levi's behavior. She instead is quick to turn the narrative around, and says that he'll go to jail for perjuring himself. She also asks that he look her in the eye and say that he didn't have anything to do with Rosemary's death; he can't.
He later is shown hanging himself. I'm sure that we'll get into that at later episodes.
And now, time for some politics. It's the night of the political debate between Bellows and his opponent, the one endorsed by Madeline. The host asks a question about public safety, and Bellows gives some answer. If his answer was a condiment, it would be mayonnaise... just like he is. His opponent however, crushes him, and makes it seem like Bellows himself is half of the problem. Which, let's face it, he kind of is.
Nobody's impressed with Bellows, and the host later calls him a train wreck.
Bodie, meanwhile, tracks down one of the false witnesses for the bombing case. After the almost typical “chase after the guy” (and why does Bodie never come prepared for this? It's like every single time, this happens!), the guy says that the officer in question paid him off... at first. But now, he just threatens to send the guy to jail. Bodie convinces the guy that the only way to get the officer off his back is to expose him for the crooked cop that he is.
But, things are heating up. First, Easy finds a boot on his car after leaving the jail, and then Madeline finds a bullet on the dash of her car. They both know that these are warning to back off, or else way worse things will happen to them.
Back at the office, Madeline kind of confronts Violet about her passive-aggressive anger about the entire thing. She tells her to either “hop on or hop off”. Violet then storms into the recording studio and makes a podcast for one person. In it, she explains about how she was only a handful of black people in her high school. One day, they came to school to find that people had put nooses in the lockers of all of the black kids. The principal, rather than to punish those who did it, told the black kids that “racism is just part of life”. They only had to give an apology, which Violet describes as being insincere.
Meanwhile, Easy goes to??? Wednesday night bible study? I don't know enough about the church to know why people would meet so informally like that. After it lets out his, wife says that Easy needs to talk to his son. Michael tells his dad that he got into a fight at school... over the current case Easy is working on. Easy tells him not to defend his dad, but Michael says that he wasn't defending Easy, but himself. Easy then goes on to say that when Michael is older, he'll probably understand the things that his dad does.
The reporter (and maybe one of these days, I'll know what his fucking name is; it's not listed on the wikipedia page?) tries to offer his boss a “puff” piece about Madeline, but the guy rejects it. He asks for more time in coming up with a story about Madeline.
He goes to Madeline's apartment late at night, and says that he's liked her for a long time now.
This leads Madeline to go back to her prison girlfriend, where she talks about the case briefly, Violet, and the reporter. Although, the only thing we see the most of is them just kissing.
Some time later, as Madeline and Easy are taking the “tampered witness” to court, police show up and arrest him. On the courthouse steps. They are steamed about the entire thing, because they know that this is just the corrupt cops who refuse to have their power taken away.
They go back to the office and regroup. They decide that they might try to find some officers who don't like the corrupt cop's way of dealing things.
Bodie casually talks about this with his girlfriend, never actually mentioning what it is that they're doing. She said that she worked with the guy's former partner, and that she doesn't like either of them because not only are the corrupt, but they're also sexist pigs. She goes on to tell Bodie about the partner got benched on disability, but it's a scam, and he's just sitting at home, uninjured, collecting government money.
Bodie gets Violet to go to the batting cages, where she acts like she doesn't know what she's doing. (Or maybe not; I don't know how good she is at baseball.) This lures the “injured” cop out, where he quickly exposes that there's nothing wrong with his shoulder.
Bodie takes pictures, and Madeline and Easy use this to get to him. He doesn't like it, as his only options are basically jail or jail. He's going to jail either way, but I think that he figures that he can at least take his former partner down, too.
Later, Violet sends her “podcast for an audience of one” to Madeline. She apologizes for the way that she's been acting in regards to the case, and says that she doesn't understand the things that Violet has gone through because she's not black. She asks if they're going to be okay, and Violet agrees. She then gives Madeline important information that she found about the corrupt cop.
Madeline then goes to Bellows, and that's how you know that this entire case has hit rock bottom. She gives him information, not only on the corrupt cop, but also on his political opponent. Because putting this corrupt cop away is seriously more important than getting Bellows out of office... and keeping him away from a higher political position. Plus, the opponent is apparently even dirtier than Bellows.
However, Easy doesn't like this, and refuses to move. But, with the information in Bellows's hands, he moves on his own anyway. He makes a public press statement about arresting the corrupt cop, and exposes about how the opponent helped the cop to beat previous corruption charges. All of this is said as they show the cop being arrested. And obviously, with this arrest, comes needing to reexamine all of the cases he worked on, because they might all be contaminated.
As a result of this, the detective breaks up with Bodie, because he used her. And that's way more upsetting than all of the other stuff from previous episodes. This is probably for good, but we'll see.
Madeline and Easy go to the jail as their latest client gets out. Neither of them are very happy about the entire thing, because, as it turns out, it's a lot harder for a “leopard to change his spots”, and he's still apparently got a lot of unlearning to do. But it's probably a step.
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instantlit · 6 years
Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag
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I went back and forth a lot on whether or not I want to do this tag this year. I did it last year on another blog and I remember really enjoying it and, I don’t know, I couldn’t summon the same enthusiasm as last year? I know, weird. But anyway, here it is.
 So, against all expectations, I’ve actually read 3 more books than last year: a total of 19 books for the first half of the year, which is freaking amazing for me. I’ve set the exact same Reading Goal on Goodreads for 2018, which is 25 books, and I’m already more than halfway through. I usually don’t want to focus too much on the numbers because it takes the joy out of reading, but knowing that I’m way ahead of schedule allows me a bit more breathing room, which leads me to pick some books that I probably wouldn’t have picked otherwise or, at least, not at that moment. I’ve also had some very impulsive buys, because I went to Shakespeare & Company on a rare day where there wasn’t that much people in the shop? Like, wow! And also, because I went to London and visited Daunt Books, so I couldn’t leave empty-handed. For better or for worse.  
 So anyway, here’s my recap for the first half of 2018!  
1 | Best book 1st half of 2018
I’m actually having a hard time choosing. It’s a complete change from last year because I’ve read very different books and not much Fantasy, which I usually stick pretty faithfully to. In the end, I’m choosing Pachinko by Min Jin Lee. It’s not a perfect book, but it had such an impact on me, it’s one of those books that you keep thinking about even weeks or months after you’ve finished it. It was moving, incredibly ambitious and powerful in its own quiet way. It would be hard to recommend but I wish everyone would read it.
 I also want to do a quick shout-out to The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt, because I love her and I love her writing style, and I can’t not mention this book in my Mid-Year Freak Out.
 2 | Best sequel 1st half of 2018
Okay so, like, I’m cheating a bit here. I haven’t read many series so far, I’ve mostly stuck to stand-alones, but I don’t want to keep mentioning V.E. Schwab whenever I have to answer this question so, this time, I’m going with Circe by Madeline Miller. I know, it’s not technically a sequel (I did say I was cheating), but the story happens in the same universe as the Song of Achilles, part of it even happens at the same time, so I’m sticking with this answer. And, anyway, the main reason I’m choosing this is because it’s such a nice progression to go from the Song of Achilles to Circe, because the universe is expanded (since we go from a mortal’s perspective to a god’s) but also because the writing is so much better. I seriously can’t wait to get my hands on another one of her retellings.    
 3 | Must-read new release 1st half of 2018 (released 1st half)
I’ve got a bunch, not as much as I thought I would, but they’re still there. I don’t know when I’ll get around to reading them, though, because my pile of books at the moment is a little too big for my taste.
In any case, here they are:
-          All Out: The No-Longer-Secret Stories of Queer Teens Throughout the Ages, which is collection of short stories all featuring queer characters. Mackenzi Lee wrote one, who you’ll recognize as the author of The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue, which I loved last year, and I’m excited to read Shaun David Hutchinson’s story as well, since I read one of his book this year and absolutely loved it.
-          The City of Lost Fortunes by Bryan Camp, which was sold to me as beautifully-written magical realism reminiscent of the Night Circus. What more could I want?
-          The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang, which I probably almost missed out on, but I’m really into Asian cultures at the moment and I’ve read some really great reviews which make it seem more than your typical historical YA, so I’m excited to get to it.
-          Us Against You by Fredrick Backman, the unexpected sequel to Beartown, which was one of my favorite books last year!
 4 | Most anticipated release 2nd half
Ah, so many! I’m just realizing that the majority of my most anticipated 2018 releases are happening in the second half. So, to only name a few:
-          Check Please! by Ngozi Ukazu. I’ve been a fan of the webcomic for years so I’m really excited and proud that she got the chance to publish her work. I really want to have this story on paper, in my hands!
-          Vengeful by V.E. Schwab. I’ll sort of have to reread Vicious beforehand because, while I have a good memory of the book, I remember the experience not being super pleasant because I found the characters so annoying and unlikable. Anyway, I’m excited for the sequel, I want to see where she’s taking the story.
-          City of Ghost by V.E. Schwab. She’s very productive, isn’t she? I just know that it involves ghost and that the story takes place in Edinburgh. She just gets me.
-          Muse of Nightmare by Laini Taylor. Strange the Dreamer was one of the biggest surprises of last year as well as one of my favorite books of the year so, of course, I’m excited to read the conclusion to this amazing story.
-          Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik. Okay but, like, Uprooted is one of my favorite books of all time, so I really hope that this one is up to the task.
5 ­| Biggest disappointment
It’s not the book I’ve given the lowest rating to so far but, considering the history I have with John Green, I think its place as my biggest disappointment of the year is justified: it’s Turtles All the Way Down. The hype certainly didn’t help but, more than that, I felt it was lacking something, some spark, something more. Or maybe I’m just getting too old for John Green and I just have to accept it but, your oldest ties aren’t the easiest to break…
6 | Biggest surprise
My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand (among others). I had my reservations about it, even if I thought I could like it. I thought it would be too YA, that it wouldn’t be as funny as everyone said it was. Well, I didn’t need to worry because it’s probably my most fun read of this first half of 2018. It was light and fluffy and hilarious. 100% would recommend.
7 | Favorite debut/new author
Can I say Shaun David Hutchinson? Because We Are the Ants is a book that had me shook. The writing in itself didn’t have anything really special, but the story and the way it was told was so moving and raw and real. I don’t know what his other books are like, but I’d be willing to try them out.
8 ­| Newest fictional crush
Not gonna lie, I was crushing a bit on Noa from Pachinko, even though it wasn’t the purpose of this book at all. But like, if one of your characters is a talented, smart young man with lots of insecurities and a tragic path, then you can definitely expect me to fall halfway in love with him. It’s just the way it is, I don’t make the rules.    
 9 | Newest favorite character
Circe because she’s everything I could ever want from a female character: she’s strong and fierce and flawed and insecure and loyal and vicious and naïve and wise. She was really well-written, okay?!
10 | A book that made you cry
Pachinko, again, because you follow all these different lives for such a long time. I was just really emotional at times. Also, because of Noa.
 11 | A book that made you happy
Opal by Maggie Stiefvater. I don’t know what the next series is going to be like, but I know that I need more Ronan and more Pynch in my life. I’m glad I got a small dose through this short story. I’m alive again!
12 | Most beautiful book
The prettiest covers, hands down, are Circe and All the Crooked Saints.    
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   13 | TBR for the rest of 2018 (books you still need to read)
So many! I’m currently reading All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr, which is not exactly a light summer read, but I’m enjoying it so far, and Stardust by Neil Gaiman. It’s not often that I read several books at once, but Stardust is super short and I want to finish both by the end of my vacation, so…
After that, I’m heading towards Radio Silence by Alice Oseman (another impulsive buy). People have given me high hopes and there’s a really diverse cast of characters, so I’m really hoping I’ll love it.
And then, I’ll try to finish the rest of my last book batches: The Thirteenth Tale, The Shadow of the Wind, Station Eleven and The Lies of Locke Lamora. Pretty big pile, I know!
 Wish me luck!
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pinkrocketimagines · 7 years
British Puns and Greasy Hair:Part 1
Cole and (Y/n) has reportedly broken up amid rumours Cole had been cheating on (Y/n) with co-star Lili Reinhart. Both Cole and (Y/n) play major roles in the hit CW series Riverdale. Sources have confirmed that neither Cole nor (Y/n), or even Lili for that matter, will be leaving the show despite the brutal tension, especially for (Y/n). The Riverdale cast will soon be shooting the third edition of the hit series with a new actor joining them this season- Tom Holland.
A/N : Hi everyone :) I hope you’re all doing well. Please do let me know what make of this Love Triangle I’m trying to create! I love hearing from you guys <3
It has been 2 months.Two months since you caught your two best friends making out in the Men changing room. You still remember it like it happened yesterday.
Since it was the last day of shooting, you and Cole had planned a small celebratory dinner. Everybody had already packed up and left. You had been waiting for Cole for over half an hour so you decided to look for him in the Changing room. What you saw next turned your world outside down. To say you had your heart crushed and broken would be an understatement. After all, what do you do when you find out that the first person to ever look into your eyes and tell you he loved you, never really did?
 You’ve kept a very low profile ever since then. There’s no denying you still miss your first love but you don’t, not even for a second, want him back. He ruined you.
The first two months were brutal. You felt out of your body. You were sad for a very long time. You missed him. Of course, you did. You missed the beautiful boy with the greasy blonde hair who’d never let anyone touch his hair, with the exception of you. You missed him everytime you woke up at 3am and realized you couldn’t call him to tell him about your bad dreams anymore. You missed him everytime you came across pictures of you photographed by the paparazzi alone because you’re so used to being photographed, and being protected, by Cole. But you missed him most when you roll over to the other side of bed and find an extra pillow instead of Cole’s warm body and his scent which you were so familiar with.
But as days turned into weeks and weeks into months, your heart began to heal. Camila and KJ were your backbone. Camila dressed you up and took you out for meals while KJ took you girls shopping a lot of times. They made sure you were okay and that you weren’t alone. Soon you started to feel happy again, without Cole. There was no trace of Cole. Camila had blocked Cole from all your social media accounts and even from your phone because he called every single night for 1 month. “Never go back to what broke you,” Camila always reminded you. There was nothing you wanted more than to be with Cole again but the way he broke your heart was brutal and you knew you didn’t deserve any of it.
It has been 2 months. Today is your first day back at work since that dreadful incident. You haven’t seen Cole for two months straight. It would be weird to see him again, as someone who isn’t your boyfriend. To see him and Lili would be pretty sickening but hey, mama raised a strong bitch! You have no idea what’s going on between Cole and Lili. For all you know, they could be dating, you don’t know, no news emerged ever since. You’ve already forgiven the two of them though. Because hating them is just another way of holding on to them and they certainly do not belong in your life anymore. You don’t feel anything towards either of them. No bitterness, no happiness.
“Oh no, I have to be in set in 20 minutes,” you rush to get changed.
So after a 20 minutes ride to set, here’s what you’ve deliberated:
-       That you will be strong.
-       That you will remain professional towards both Cole and Lili.
-       That you will not let your emotions get to you.
-       That you will smile and continue to be the best version of yourself.
Okay, (Y/n), let’s do this.
Not surprisingly, you arrive 10 minutes late to the set. Ugh, LA traffic.
Around 3-4 paparazzi were quick enough to hurdle towards you as you parked your car.
Ok, the thing with paparazzi- you loathe them. You know they’re just doing their job but they can be pretty scary sometimes. Cole was  always the one to protect you from them but with him gone, you’re on your own.
Maybe that’s a good thing, you reassure yourself.
You quickly get out of the car as they proceed to take multiple shots of you.
“(Y/N), how are you feeling today?”
“Are we going to see any catfights today?”
“Are you still heart-broken?”
You roll your eyes at their questions as you make your way towards the set.
“Hey, leave her alone!” you hear an unfamiliar voice call out in a strong british accent.
You, in sync with the paparazzi, turn around to find a new face upfront.
The word Handsome would be an understatement.
There stood a guy you’re not sure you’ve seen before. He had dark brown hair and he looked pretty fit!
He makes his way towards you. The paparazzi quickly click him as well, yelling out “Ayee Spidy, what are you doing here?”
The Spidy guy gives you a warm smile as he approach towards you, “(Y/n), right?”
How does he know my name?
“Can we please get in first?” you squeak with a scared look. Gosh, you sure do hate the paparazzi.
So you and the Spidy guy make your way towards the set. Soon, the paparazzi  are out of sight.
“I’m sorry about earlier, I have a crippling phobia of photographers,” you blurt awkwardly, “Thank you for saving me though!”
He chuckles,”That’s my job, saving people”
You didn’t quite understand what he was trying to imply.
“It’s my first day here,” he exclaims
“You don’t say! Anyone who knows Mark knows not to be late,”
“Well then, I hope Mark doesn’t have a crippling fear of spiders if he wants to mess with me”
Okay, you have no idea where this guy gets his sense of humour from. You have no idea what he’s trying to imply.
British puns?
“Have we met before?” you question him. He does look familiar.
Lost in the conversation, you hadn’t realized that you’ve already reached the set.
You walk in to find everyone in a full circle. Camila, KJ, Lili, Casey, Madeline, Cole..
“Ah, (Y/n), you’re finally here!” Mark loudly exclaims.
Everybody turns around to find you and the Spidy guy walking in together. You try your very best not to look at Cole, or be affected by him. Onlookers could easily tell how his face changed when he saw you.
“I see you’ve already met your new co-star, Tom.” Mark exclaims,
Wait what.
“Tom Holland, everyone!”
You gawk at TOM HOLLAND happily waving at everybody as the crew and the cast cheers him on.
How could you have been so stupid? The handsome smile, the fit body, the british accent, SPIDY, the stupid spiderman puns! How could you have missed it?
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry I couldn’t’-“ you shyly try to explain yourself.
“That’s alright love, it was fun while it lasted” he winks and disappears in the crowd of producers and crew members.
“(Y/n), make up room!” you hear one of the make-up artist call you.
“Be there!” you reply as you make your way towards the Hair&makeup room.
“(Y/n),” you’re paused by the sound of a familiar voice.
You turn around to find the last person you wanted to see on your first day back at work.
Cole Mitchell Sprouse.
Seeing him after so long feels so weird, espically because you were so used to seeing him every single day. This is your very first encounter with him ever since that incident and you have no idea what to feel. A part of you wants to run up to him and hug him tight like you always do while the other half wants to run as far as you can from him.
 Cole carried a melancholy expression.
“Hey,” you reply, avoiding his eyes.
“(Y/n),” he tries to walk closer towards you but you take a step back.
He pauses, “(Y/n), can we please talk?“
“Aye shy girl! I was wondering if you could show me around?” you hear Tom intervene from a distance. Poor guy looks so lost with his scripts! 
“Sure,” you reply back at Tom, making Cole widen his eyes.
“Later, Cole.” You quietly murmur and leave.
Cole quickly grabs your hand, “(Y/n), please”
You abruptly let yourself free from his grip as you reply, “There is nothing to talk about.”
 You hold your heart together as you walk away from ‘what broke you’. You don’t want to hear what he has to say. You don’t to hear any explanations. He knew what he was doing when he kissed Lili. He did what he did at the cost of your feelings. You’ve forgiven but you’ve definitely not forgotten.
 “Everything alright, love?” Ugh, Tom and his English ways. Any girl could easily be a sucker for this lad!
You nod at the innocent-lost british lad as Cole continues to look on. “Let’s start with the Hair&make up”.
It hasn’t even been 10 minutes since you’ve walked into set but you’re barely holding your heart together after having a short 30 second conversation with Cole. And to think you haven’t even talked to Lili yet!
For all you know, the third season of Riverdale is going to be one hell of a ride, considering you still have feelings for the guy who crushed your heart in two. Hopefully, you’ll be able to get past Cole and Lili in the long run but for now, you’re glad you have this cheeky british lad with terrible puns to pay heed to.
A/N : yay or nah?
General Taglist ~ @xbobaaa  @riverdrew @dandelions-inthewind @ashleyykabob @bernaboredom  @thevioletmarkey @punkrockandchemicalx @acidbabytears @ceruleanjones  @riverdalemami @simbatastisc
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cityonlinementor · 4 years
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5.18.2020 Things You Should Do to Prevent Online Sorrow:
Do you have backups of all your past & current courses? If not, I strongly encourage you to do so now if you would be sad if something suddenly disappeared.
Please don’t wait until you have a problem!
·         Exports are only available for 30 days, so be sure to DOWNLOAD your export (aka “backup) to your computer or external drive.
·         Keep an export anytime you make changes to your course. At the end of the semester, you can just keep the most complete & delete the older ones if you don’t need them.
·         Why bother? Technology, like most things in life, is not infallible. Please don’t use Canvas like an electronic safety deposit box!
How to Make a Backup of Your Canvas Course (aka “Export”)
·         How to make a back up of your Canvas Courses: https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-12785-415241323
·         How to make a back up of your Canvas Gradebook (Yes, you must do this separately): https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-26274-how-do-i-export-grades-in-the-gradebook
How to Import Backups (Exports) into Shells:
·         Importing an entire course into a blank shell: https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-12783-415241324
·         Importing specific pieces into a shell: https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-13101-4152497985
 What now? Still feeling like your teaching soul has been crushed… ok, a little dented?
Quick read: https://chroniclevitae.com/news/2346-5-myths-about-remote-teaching-in-the-covid-19-crisis?cid=VTEVPMSED1
 Free Textbooks & Learning Software for Students:
Hawkes Learning is extending student access to their materials for FREE throughout the summer! Our math department is having good results with their materials; I am testing out the English Materials for supplemental learning. There are other disciplines as well.
Courseware Rep: Madeline Willson | Educational Courseware Representative Ph: 843.790.6970 | Fax: 843.884.4006 | [email protected]
 Upcoming Trainings:
5/20: 1: 30 PM: Teach a Lab?  "Share Showcase – Teaching Online Science Labs: Astronomy"  register at: https://cccconfer.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJModuqtpjkqH9Gg6LJ1QfuY8_owLrQNbdwm
5/20, 10 AM” Serving Students With Basic Needs in Covid19 with CORA (Center for Organization Responsibility & Advancement): https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_6m_ikgVXTRW2OmXeYT5hcQ?fbclid=IwAR3rClAXBH90LNoZc1a75Xu3UDWJBCGuezKa2cl5iy1v5cfGWRb6t9-OBRY
(Archived Webinar) Tips for Calming Students in Online Classes: https://blog.hawkeslearning.com/scared-senseless-tips-for-calming-fears-in-online-courses/
 Tips & Tricks:
How to Edit Your Captions in YouTube by Michelle Pacansky-Brock (3:16): https://youtu.be/GSW7x4_LzCs
Dave’s Fix for Getting Rid of Annoying “Suggested Videos” in YouTube Videos in Your Course (3:37) : https://youtu.be/c5Cd1wnW7ng
Old School? Don’t want to grade online, Zoom, or Make Videos?
·         Make Mixtapes for the Mind, “The Mixtape: Deep Teaching Beyond Zoom” by Michael Wesch (“How to” starts at 1:31; 8:45): https://youtu.be/gJdEQfvgww8
·         Download your students’ submissions & read them off line: https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-13086-415255025
·         It’s faster/easier to grade/comment in Canvas, but if you prefer to grade off-line and then reupload them, you can: https://idt.camden.rutgers.edu/2019/08/23/canvas-download-mark-and-re-upload-student-submissions-from-assignments/
*Note – per FERPA guidelines, please put the grades in Canvas so student information is more secure
Dave’s Workaround for Using MS Word to Create Test Questions in Canvas: http://sdccdolvid.org/importing-a-test-typed-in-ms-word-or-other-word-processors-into-canvas-in-nine-steps/
Need Help with Homeschooling? English Faculty Emeritus Linda Lee Created Free Materials to Help: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1j7Pr6BGGm9ukN_kA4QB6VMjQCGHDDy4n
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