#quirinus landegre
zwy01 · 6 months
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Noble OCs - Landegre
Making five OCs for every clan!
Ortlinde Landegre: Non-pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to Raskreia’s generation.
Ortlinde is very proud of ancient Landegre traditions. She strives to teach them to the rest of Lukedonia through explanation and demonstration. The Landegre Clan is known for their majestic and spectacular jousting matches. This martial game is a common sight at formal ceremonies and casual parties. It can be done as a ritual or just for fun. Jousting is a great bonding activity for family and friends. A Landegre inviting someone to come watch their jousting match and asking to be cheered on can be very romantic in certain contexts. At some point in history, a group of humans picked up on the noble tradition from legends that circulated and adopted it to represent their knights’ skill and courage. The humans weren’t exactly accurate with their replication, though. That’s because they ride horses in their matches. The Landegre ride unicorns, a supernatural species that is ancient and powerful just like the clan they’re associated with. Ortlinde’s unicorn friend is named Magnolia. The duo is very passionate about their culture and work hard to encourage the other clans to obtain a deep understanding of the art of jousting. Since nobles and unicorns are much more powerful than humans and horses, the jousting matches are intense and violent. Bleeding, spilled guts, and shattered bones are some of the most common injuries. For this reason, Ortlinde always makes sure there are healers nearby to monitor and tend to the wounded. She also advises those who are scared of blood to watch jousting matches at their own risk. Ortlinde is an expert on jousting techniques and mostly teaches children and beginners. Older clan members also ask her for advice as she can efficiently guide people based on their varying levels of mastery. She always gets excited when people show an interest in Landegre culture. In addition to being a jousting instructor, she also jousts in her free time. Ortlinde and Magnolia are inseparable best friends and they’re always looking for opponents to be with in the arena. Their favorite duo to challenge is Ortlinde’s cousin Ludwig Landegre and his unicorn Viriato. After getting their daily exercise, the four of them heal up, stretch, then go for a picnic nearby.
Ortlinde’s partner is an unnamed Volo.
Quirinus Landegre: Pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to the Previous Lord’s generation.
Quirinus and the Previous Lord were introduced to each other as children. Quirinus was assigned to the Previous Lord as his playmate, study buddy, and sparring partner by the latter’s father who was the Lord at that time. The previous Previous Lord and Gejutel were friends and the former mentioned wanting to find someone who could grow up alongside his young son. It’d be nice for Lukedonia’s heir to have someone who can keep him company and monitor him at the same time. The reason behind this was that the previous Previous Lord valued independence and believed it would be the best for his son to learn from making his own decisions without much influence from the older, high-ranking nobles… including himself. Rather than putting thoughts into his son’s head, he’d like to see how far his little boy could go without his intervention. He stepped up when it was necessary, but other than that, the young prince was encouraged to gain experience on his own. The previous Previous Lord also added that the companion candidate should be mature, clever, and unafraid to speak their mind to the prince as his equal. Gejutel thought about it for a while and remembered that one young pureblooded Landegre boy seemed promising, and suggested Quirinus as a possibility. Very well then, let him send in a self-recommendation letter, the Lord declared. And the young and bright Quirinus delivered. To him, he was bestowed with great honor and he was certain that he’d do a good job like the other Landegres serving the Lord and his family. The two children were close and got along very well. Quirinus proved to be the excellent choice because he counterbalanced the prince in many areas. When they trained their fighting skills together with a mentor, Quirinus always offered to go first. He knew that when the prince hesitates, it’s only due to his dislike of pain and injury and not because he didn’t want to improve himself. After Quirinus is done with his demonstration, he’d tell the prince to look at him and how he’s fine and it’s not that bad. And when they studied together, Quirinus always asked their tutor for the material several days prior to their actual lessons so he could go over it first and assist the prince if he gets stuck and needs peer support. During their lessons, he’d also follow the prince and make him go back indoors whenever he got distracted, and tell him that they can chase butterflies together after they finish their homework for the day. Quirinus never overstepped his boundaries yet knew when to be firm. He has his sense of humor too, as he’d always ask if it’s real suggestions, emotional support, or a joke that his friend wants from him at the moment. Time passed and the Lord’s heir was ready to ascend to the throne. Quirinus could’ve left the castle and returned to his home because his job as companion had been fulfilled, but he stayed because his friend wanted him to be there, so he only officially “retires” when Raskreia becomes Lord. He and Gejutel speak fondly of the old days and both miss their old clown of a Lord. Currently, Quirinus is writing an autobiography highlighting the details of his career. He plans to give it to Minerva when he’s done and the generations after him can learn about a piece of history told from his perspective. Quirinus is the partner of Betelgeuse Pyradros.
Geirmundr Landegre: Non-pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to Raskreia’s generation.
Geirmundr is very old-fashioned despite being a member of one of the newer generations. That, or maybe he’s just plain weird. He’s a nice person but he has a few traits to him that make others wonder if he’s trying too hard to be unique. Geirmundr almost only ever communicates with others via telepathy and refuses to speak like a normal person. He thinks opening mouths to create sound is very inelegant. He also sees eating and drinking as unsophisticated. He might even be convinced that nobles do these “unnecessary things” just to show off because they can. That is, until one day one of his friends sighed and stuffed a piece of cake into his mouth and showed him a whole new world. He’s been a super big fan of food ever since. It was the moment of realization that he needed to learn that just because you don’t need it doesn’t mean you can’t have it for enjoyment. Geirmundr promptly drops his prejudice against food and becomes a baker. He still refuses to talk, though. He thinks it’s too cringy. The nobles are casually betting on who can get him to talk first. It’s funny, really. Still, Geirmundr thinks there should be a balance between needs and wants. He is a firm believer of living the most simplistic life because as nobles, they don’t need anything. His current home is small and basic. His parents left him their estate, but he took down most of it and donated everything he owned to help humans in need. His possessions might mean nothing more than decorations in Lukedonia, but they could change lives in the outside world, he thought. Thanks to Geirmundr’s act of charity, many humans were able to secure income and essential resources by displaying his belongings in their villages. They transformed their homes into tourist attractions and that kept the money coming. This is more sustainable than simply handing out material resources, and they can prosper for generations. He may not be able to improve the lives of all humans, but he could do it for as many as he can within his power, and it’s the sentiment that counts. To this day, Geirmundr happily resides in his tiny, plain home in Lukedonia. That is all he needs to be happy and fulfilled. Geirmundr’s partner is an unnamed Elenor.
Irmhild Kassandra Landegre: Pureblood. Entered eternal sleep, belonged to Gejutel’s generation.
Irmhild was Gejutel’s older sister. She was short-tempered and stubborn just like her younger brother except to a much greater degree and perhaps that was what made her worse in comparison. She was Gejutel with irritability and explosiveness on steroids. She tried her best to not let those traits influence her but her success was limited. Irmhild took responsibility for her tendencies and made sure to excuse herself when she felt that something was about to come up. She could’ve asked for friends’ support or professional help, but her pride was enough to override her desperation. Ultimately, she chose to deal with it on her own. Aside from her issues, Irmhild was a decent person. When the time of succession came, she suggested to her mother and predecessor that Regasus and the title of Clan Leader should go to her brother instead because he is the better candidate. Her mother approved, and Gejutel took over their clan. Gejutel respected his responsible and organized older sister and she was fond of him too. She guided him through clan duties in his youth. When Irmhild didn’t lock herself away, she discussed literature and history with Gejutel as they enjoyed tea and biscuits. The siblings loved each other despite the invisible barrier between them. Their interactions were always formal even when it was just the two of them. They never referred to each other by anything other than their full names. Still, they knew they cherished one another and that was enough. Irmhild had an adult son whom she lost in an accident. She unintentionally killed him with a fatal attack during one of their arguments. She truly didn’t mean for it to happen. Mother and son got along well most of the time but there were quite some things they disagreed on. After enduring centuries after centuries of bottled up agony and fury, Irmhild finally lost it. Her “attack” wasn’t directed at her son nor anyone. The turbulent aura pulsating throughout her body exceeded her maximum threshold. In a split second, Irmhild blasted off two-thirds of her son’s body with a swipe of a hand. She came back to her senses immediately after and panicked as she tried to save him, but it was too late. She happened to take out his heart and entire abdomen and he died very quickly. Irmhild was heartbroken and could not speak of this incident to anyone. Everyone just assumed that her son chose to die on his own accord. For his entire life, he had shown major symptoms of crippling depression and his death wasn’t unexpected. Although sad, his family and friends wouldn’t be surprised if he made such a decision. His death was never investigated and people came over and showed their condolences to Irmhild for losing her son, which just made her feel even more miserable because she couldn’t tell them that no, he didn’t end himself, she did. Irmhild’s grief and lingering love for her deceased son found a new home when they latched onto her newborn nephew Rousare. After all, he looked just like his cousin. They were nearly identical and Irmhild more or less saw her son in him. She could make it right this time, she thought. And she was a very involved aunt in Rousare’s life. She loved him like a mother would. His eventual assassination crushed her. Irmhild basically lost her “child” for the second time. The pain was too much for her and she entered eternal sleep not long after, but not before confessing to the truth behind her son’s death in a journal she left for her family to discover. No one knows what Irmhild’s hobbies were because she was private and kept to herself.
Eporedorix Landegre: Non-pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to the Previous Lord’s generation.
Eporedorix isn’t a doctor, but he collects raw ingredients for other nobles to work with. Many of the precious ingredients he obtains get sent to researchers who study medicine. He never thought he’d end up with his extremely niche job, but he’s very special because he’s one of if not the only person who can achieve this feat. The answer is his unusual ability to get along with the Landegre unicorns. Eporedorix is their favorite person. They just won’t leave him alone, and he has no idea why they like him so much. Unicorns are smart, mischievous, aggressive, and very picky and territorial about who comes and goes. They won’t hesitate to bully someone who isn’t the select few they’re fond of and each one has their own preference for people. Usually, most nobles run away when they see a unicorn. Except for Eporedorix. He doesn’t need to because he is the only outlier and all unicorns love him. He never asks for anything from them, but they’re always offering gifts to him. Strands of their hair, vials of their blood, and even entire lengths of their prized horns. While unicorn horns grow back when broken off, their owners don’t just give them away for no reason. The unicorns’ offer to Eporedorix is unprecedented and it’s even more unbelievable that they let him know they’ll gladly give him more and as many as he wants. He’s very grateful for their gifts yet he remains clueless as to why they’re so welcoming of him. The truth behind this is that when Eporedorix was younger, he helped one of their kind with a move that was so selfless and touching, they remembered him forever and vowed to repay that favor. The exact details can remain a mystery for now. The material he collects from the unicorns, especially their horns, would eventually prove to be a core ingredient in a groundbreaking medicinal advancement. This discovery doesn’t happen until much later, though. The details can be a secret for now too. Eporedorix’s partner is an unnamed Kertia.
Thank you for reading! Loyard is next!
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