#qzgs fanwork rec bingo
lynne-monstr · 2 years
QZGS Fanwork Rec Bingo
Square: Rare Relationship focused
Fic: One big exhale (never did me no good) by @undead-robins
Adaptation: Live Action/Novel
Characters: Xiao Shiqin/Sun Xiang
Contains: light D/s, rated m
Author’s summary: Different players need different incentives to help them improve. It doesn’t take long for Xiao Shiqin to figure out what Sun Xiang needs.
Rec notes: The xsq/sx fic of my dreams! Their live action dynamic was begging for a fic like this, and this one delivers!I love how the dynamic between them creeps up slowly until it fills the entire page. Truly a gem of a fic.
Fic link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24758542
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jellypractices · 2 years
QZGS Rec Bingo
I did a blackout bingo for the qzgs october-ish fanwork rec event!
More info on the event here: https://shadaras.dreamwidth.org/181475.html
Full list of recs below!
From before 2020
Title: The Dos and Don'ts
Author: Summer Snow
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14748434 
Jelly’s notes: YeLan alt format fic!! Team happy writes up a guide for yx to flirt with blue river, accidentally sending him the draft version where you can see all the edits on the google doc XD. Summer’s fic is so fun and funny, and the workskin is very cool, though it works better on desktop than on mobile.
Stabbed you with a knife
Title: Even gods can fall
Author: eringeosphere
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16039565 
Jelly’s notes: Magic AU, MCD. erin’s fic is one I’ll never be able to forget because it just makes my heart ache. yx is killed by the people he loves most.
Favorite Tropes
Title: Foundations
Author: BlueberryAsh
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28358907 
Jelly’s notes: which favorite trope does this cover? Soulmates, unconventional soulmates, platonic relationships, angst and feelings… I love everything about this fic so much.
Longer than 10k
Title: Means of Transportation
Author: lynne_monstr
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32626198/chapters/80932876 
Jelly’s notes: Lynne’s de-aged ywz fic! I uh actually haven’t finished reading this yet bc I didn’t want to be too influenced when I was writing my own time-travel fic, but I’m looking forward to reading til the end! The plot, the feelings, the character interactions, and the attention to detail is #writinggoals. I just love Lynne’s writing a lot.
Missing Scene
Title: but man am i bad at math
Author: syncogon
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27480358
Jelly’s notes: qyf’s rookie challenge from the other side. All of synco’s alternate perspectives are really great and thoughtful, but I like this one especially. Wyc and lx’s reactions at the end made me laugh.
Rare Ship
Title: think of me and burn (and let me hold your hand)
Author: Synoshian
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22763488
Jelly’s notes: NSFW, yuhuangye poly relationship with gray-ace yx! I haven’t read a lot of nsfw tka fics lately, but this one was memorable because of Lies’s portrayal of gray-asexuality. Sometimes yx is into it and sometimes he’s not and that’s okay. I really love the way yuhuangye interact with each other and respect boundaries. This fic is both sexy and soft.
Title: that delivery bro who comes and goes in the wind and snow ( 那个风里来雪里去的外卖小哥 )
Author: 缩水仙人球, translated by Dayadhvam
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36500344
Jelly’s notes: wonderfully crack-y allye, a lot of fun. Yx gains the skill of teleportation and becomes… a fast food delivery worker XD. ty dtriad for the translation <3. Plus, love lauchis’s contribution of yx’s sizzling whopper
Prequel Era
Title: paved with good intentions
Author: PotterheadAvengerDemigod & theAbandoned_Grimoire
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40674066
Jelly’s notes: superpower au, tx-centric precanon, a hint of angst. I really liked the characterization of tx in this, and I’m super curious about how tx’s power works. Maybe the writers will go into it futher in another fic since this seems to be part of a series in the same au.
Female focused
Title: Pretty Magical Girl Gao Yingjie
Author: GeniusCactus
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40506660/chapters/101481006
Jelly’s notes: GK’s bbfic ft art from wack!! Trans girl gyj finds confidence and solidarity as part of a team of magical girls! First chapter hit me in the feels– gyj’s feelings of being scared and alone are too real. But seeing gyj find herself just fills me with so much joy. I have so many hopes and dreams for her. Also the image of wjx with earrings is something I didn’t know I needed.
Made you laugh
Title: how the tables have turned
Author: alkat
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25266829/chapters/61254943
Jelly’s notes: social media & crack! kat has such good one-liners, and this one has so many of them! I really love kat’s brand of crackfic
Title: storm chaser
Author: swanfrost
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20099092
Jelly’s notes: hanye gods au. the way swan writes conflict is so delicious and distinctive. There’s an economy of words that adds to the tension. I really love swan’s writing, definitely #writinggoals.
A work you love
Title: We don't need lights as your smile is as bright as the stars
Author: Missing_Ninja_History
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35874712
Jelly’s notes: the wangye dance au that gma wrote me for ss. I have no words for how much I love this. The tension, the way they love dance so much, the way wjx thinks and feels about yx… it just makes me smile. This fic deserves so much more love.
Shorter than 1k
Title: Workplace reviews
Author: the_real_lord_grim
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30041430
Jelly’s notes: grim's alt format in the style of reviews, which is really cool!! Samsara’s made me laugh, EE’s made me sad. It’s a fun and creative fic
Title: ‘til midnight comes
Author: Shadaras
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29921295
Jelly’s notes: shade’s wangye <3 i love how soft and full of feels this fic is. The parallels between yx and wjx really come through, and i love how they can just support each other.
Title: A magician does not know regret
Author: weilongfu
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21732871
Jelly’s notes: I’ve saved this one since long ago because I liked it so much, a perspective from wjx about qyf’s growth.
Glory focused
Title: Strategem
Author: DancingBloomTKA
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31039853/chapters/76677230
Jelly’s notes: anyone who is interested in writing battles should study tib's fic. It is not only technically superb but there’s great storytelling too!
A comfort work
Title: A Glorious Butt
Author: Anonymous
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15691755
Jelly’s notes: hehe. Allye crack
Title: Light From Dust (来自尘埃的光)
Author: MTKiseki
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24616501/chapters/59469184
Jelly’s notes: Kise’s hp crossover! hp is chosen as the tka characters’ representative in the triwizard tournament. Unfinished and idk when kise will get back to updating, but she has some really cool and thoughtful worldbuilding ideas about the clash of eastern vs western and how that plays out in the wizarding world.
Title: One Last Dance
Author: skysongxd
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22862440
Jelly’s notes: no I will NOT shut up about Sora’s ballroom dancer smc. Sora’s art is chef’s kiss, smc is gorgeous, and the dress design is asldkfjsdk; This art is so wonderful that I wrote a little oneshot based on it (https://archiveofourown.org/works/28231686). I would love to see more fic based on Sora’s wonderful art!!!
Minor character focused
Title: pocketful of pebbles (swallow, sink to the bottom, swim)
Author: madmaenad
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32952565/chapters/81783973
Jelly’s notes: one of mae’s staff fics. mae is so good at making you feel for minor characters. I loved this one about wind howl’s healer.
Alternate media
Title: a cosplay show video where the title is clearly mtl’d
Author: Tencent Video
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcSKARsFWks&list=PL8u-QnV8v_57L7HX62o6L0uORwkLm-tSs&index=15
Jelly’s notes: uhhh I’m not good enough at Chinese to be able to tell what show this from, but it’s a clip from a cosplay performance game show I think. The cosplayers put on such a great production with singing! and dancing!! Also the one-liner: “yx, do you have to sing everytime we battle?”
Canon divergence
Title: any way the wind blows
Author: anaiata
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33111721
Jelly’s notes: a yx goes to br set-up! I really love the friendship between hst and yx. You can tell they really care about each other!
Got you into a ship
Title: (I’m Not Throwing Away) My Shot
Author: ryukoishida
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15192653
Jelly’s notes: WangYe!!! An early wangye fic that helped solidify wangye as my favorite ship. I also love the worldbuilding!
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madmaenad · 2 years
QZGS Fanwork Rec Bingo
There are many works I could recommend in this talented fandom, but I picked out a few that would give me my bingo. XD  
Many thanks to Shadaras for running this event! None of these fics have any relevant content warnings.
A Work from Before 2020
Purring Into Your Heart by swanfrost
Flower shop & Tattoo Parlor AU with CATS! This is the fic that made me crave that rarest of flavors: soft Blood and Blossoms. Have I mentioned the kitties? Cuddling kitties? With art?
A Fic Longer than 20k
A Whistle in the Wind by kaleidastra
My Criminal Duo bible! I love longfic, and I especially love longfic about non-powerhouse teams. <3 This fic follows the rise and fall of Fang Rui & Lin Jingyan’s partnership, as well as exploring their backgrounds (Fang Rui’s mom is my favorite!). Plenty of knives and fluff, just the way it should be. 
Made you Laugh
The Misadventures of (The Cardboard Cutout) Ye Qiu by Fayah
A fandom classic! A hilarious exposition of in-universe social media and memes that spawned in the absence of Ye Xiu having ANY social media presence (with a bonus Surprise Special Guest Appearance!). 
Conqueror and His Conquered by Lyndol, translated by Caylum
Probably my favorite Tiny Herb & Wang Jiexi-centric fic. I’m very grateful this gem is available to the English fandom, and I’m so pleased to have an opportunity to recommend it. This fic spans the pre-canon period from Wang Jiexi’s decision to seal the magician style through Tiny Herb’s championship win, and it really digs into how difficult that journey was for Wang Jiexi. Wang Jiexi’s relationship with Fang Shiqian deserves a shoutout - both funny and heartwarming! - but at its heart this is a character study of Wang Jiexi himself. His personal development through the story ties in beautifully with Tiny Herb’s developing success, and the ending is spot-on perfect. 
Any piece of Blurb_Brain’s art
I couldn’t decide on one favorite piece, so I’m recommending Blurb’s whole portfolio. I’m always impressed by their range and talent. Pieces I’m especially fond of (yes, I’m very biased!) are this Void duo piece, Glory Pro Alliance Small Team Logos and Merch Ideas, and this SMQ & YX piece that goes along with Blurb’s equally delightful fic! 
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lynne-monstr · 2 years
QZGS Fanwork Rec Bingo
Square: Team Focused
Fic: Initial Actions (Not Initiations) by syncogon
Adaptation: Novel/Donghua
Characters/Pairings: Blue Rain; gen
Contains: no content warnings
Author’s summary: Team Blue Rain welcomes their newest member. It’s a great time! Almost no regrets are had whatsoever.
Rec notes: I admit I am biased on this one because this fic was gifted to me for secret santa but also it’s amazing so i am in fact not biased at all.
I love this both for the team dynamics (new player traditions! Spicy noodles! So much teasing! They’re a family!!) and how all the players get distinct personalities, and the individual character moments (Zheng Xuan!! And the tiny hints of Yu Wenzhou and Huang Shaotian’’s history glimpsed around the edges). This gives me such happy warm fuzzy feelings and I love it every time I read it. Lu Hanwen’s outsider POV on the team is a constant delight.
Fic link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28291539
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lynne-monstr · 2 years
QZGS Fanwork Rec Bingo
Square: Made You Laugh
Fic: my captain, my tortoise by Fayah
Adaptation: Live Action/Novel
Characters/Ship: Blue Rain, yuhuang
Contains: No content warnings
Author’s summary: “Sun Xiang, don’t you have any pride at all? Even a tortoise is more professional than you are! But saying that is an insult to my cute little pet tortoise!”
Huang Shaotian gets a bit too carried away with his trash talk in Blue Rain’s match against Excellent Era and accidentally reveals that he is secretly raising an illegal pet tortoise.
Rec notes: this didn’t just make me laugh, it made me howl, it’s so funny omg. Top notch humor, 10/10 amazing. Beautiful. The live action turtle fic of my dreams. RIP Huang Shaotian, he’s trying his best. Blue Rain, best team.
Fic link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27154285
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lynne-monstr · 2 years
QZGS Fanwork Rec Bingo
Square: A work from before 2020
Fic: they're never hiking ever again please and thank by andthenabanana
Adaptation: Novel/Donghua
Characters/Ships: Blue Rain; gen
Contains: No content warnings
Author’s summary: “This,” Zheng Xuan says between heavy breaths, “is not bonding.”
Rec notes: Ahhhh this fic is so wonderful. Blue Rain goes on a hike and there are Shenanigans. Full of teasing and team bonding and Huang Shaotian being the best vice captain. This fic brings Blue Rain to life and gives great warm fuzzies.
Fic link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15718800
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lynne-monstr · 2 years
QZGS Fanwork Rec Bingo
Square: Glory Focused
Fic: china's sword and curse by snoflakesun
Adaptation: Novel/Donghua
Character/Ships: Yu Wenzhou, Huang Shaotuan, Sun Xiang, Zhou Zekai; Yuhuang
Contains: No content warnings
Author’s summary: It… it could’ve been a fluke, or just a lucky moment. This was what most of the audience thought. Perhaps he had seen Yu Wenzhou’s screen, or maybe the mic didn’t pick up what he had said.
But all of the pro players knew, this definitely wasn’t something that happened by chance.
Rec notes: They’re partners your honor!!! Um I love everything about this. Fun banter, teamwork, and Huang Shaotian gets to trash talk as much as he wants! So much fun! I am a sucker for yuhuang synergy and fun battles and this delivers on everything.
Fic link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33141247
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lynne-monstr · 2 years
QZGS Fanwork Rec Bingo
Square: One of your favorite tropes
Fic: my baby brings heat like a mama does by wolframvonbielefeld
Characters/Ships: yuhuang, various pros
Contains: nsfw (rated explicit), a/b/o
Author’s summary: GLORY FORUM POST #89566: huang shaotian is NOT in love with yu wenzhou. false alarm.
Rec notes: A bit “idiots to lovers,” a bit “didn’t know they were dating,” and a whole lot of mutual pining and also friendships! This fic is just so much fun! Bonus for one of my all time favorite visual moments with huang shaotian getting caught (bewildered) holding a massive tub of lube. Brilliant, a masterpiece.
The fic is unfinished, but I believe it’s just the epilogue that isn’t posted and the existing fic delivers on the emotional resolution. So even if you avoid WIPs, I still recommend this one!
Fic link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16495739/chapters/38633588
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lynne-monstr · 2 years
QZGS Fanwork Rec Bingo
Square: Free Square
Fic: Out With the Old and in With the New by smallspace
Adaptation: Donghua/Novel/Live Action
Characters: avatar and player ensemble; gen
Contains: No content warnings
Author’s summary: Everything is swapped! The avatars are playing a slice of life tabletop roleplaying game where they are the players and the esports pros are the characters.
But not everyone wants to play the same character forever. Here is a series of snapshots of avatars changing their characters.
Rec notes: What a fun idea! The way the TKA storyline is adapted for the swap is so clever, and the humor is top notch. I laughed all the way through (except the knife part 😭😭)
Fic link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/37526074
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lynne-monstr · 2 years
QZGS Fanwork Rec Bingo
Square: Missing Scene
Fic: The Old Man and the Dream by Dayadhvam
Characters/Pairings: Wei Chen + Huang Shaotian; gen
Adaptation: Novel/Donghua
Author’s summary: During Season 10, Wei Chen goes to All-Stars for the first and last time. Or: a brief sojourn down memory lane ft. one Troubling Brat.
Rec notes: My heartttttt alksjdlksjfsd. It’s fine I’m fine (that’s a lie I am NOT fine I am drowning in feelings). I love them, I love them, I love them. I have so many emotions about Wei Chen’s conflicted feelings over Blue Rain and Glory and Swoksaar, and where he fits into it all. Also very cool visual descriptions of old vs new. This fic packs so much of a punch and I love every second.
Fic link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33094954
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lynne-monstr · 2 years
QZGS Fanwork Rec Bingo
Square: Female Character Focus
Fic: lightning strikes thunder(clap) by @afincf-tirwer
Adaptation: Novel
Characters: Dai Yanqi, Thunderclap; gen
Contains: No content warnings
Author’s summary: Dai Yanqi knew they were wrong. She knew where Thunderclap’s strengths lay, and it wasn’t solely Xiao Shiqin’s burden to bear. It rested on everyone’s shoulders, everyone who played, to support each other and cover for where others lacked. And right now, they were lacking Xiao Shiqin.
Rec notes: Dai Yanqi tactician fic!! Love this glimpse into Thunderclap without Xiao Shiqin, and Dai Yanqi finding herself and her place and growing up. I particularly love the balance between her as a serious player and also having a happy, shiny personality. Get a girl who can do both!
Fic link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29888016
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lynne-monstr · 2 years
QZGS Fanwork Rec Bingo
Square: Alternate Universe
Fic: A Life Given, A Life Restored by NR_red
Adaptation: Novel/Donghua
Characters/Pairing: Yu Wenzhou/Huang Shaotian
Contains: No Content Warnings
Author’s summary: Yu Wenzhou was a cyborg, and sometimes he thought he may have forgotten what it was like to be a ‘complete human’.
Rec notes: A yuhuang meet cute AND super cool worldbuilding! All the rich details make me feel like I am getting a glimpse into a much larger world. The contrast between Yu Wenzhou’s matter-of-fact acceptance and Huang Shaotian’s enthusiasm is just as wonderful here as it is in canon.
Fic link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23064013
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lynne-monstr · 2 years
QZGS Fanwork Rec Bingo
Bingo Square: Made You Cry
Fic: somebody that i used to know by BlueberryAsh
Pairing: su mucheng/ye xiu, past su muqiu/ye xiu
Adaptation: Live Action
Contains: pegging, angsty pegging, nsfw
Author’s Summary: “I’m not him,” she says. “Nobody can ever be him. But I’m here. Ye Xiu, I’m here. Let me help.” Set within the confines of s01e35.
Rec notes: I’m starting off my recs with an easy one, because this fic came immediately to mind when I saw the prompt. There’s just so much packed into all 533 words of this fic. I love the vibe of it—so much history and emotion and nearly none of it is said out loud and it doesn’t need to be. One of my favorite parts of this is that Su Mucheng and Ye Xiu are in this together, and there’s such a heavy weight to their history that comes across in the fic. And also it’s sad pegging, which I think is great.
Link to fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24805306
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lynne-monstr · 2 years
QZGS Fanwork Rec Bingo
Square: Pre-Canon
Fic: That Dream, Passing On senata_isivelia
Adaptation: Novel/Donghua
Characters: Fang Shijing, Wei Chen, Blue River cameo; gen
Contains: no content warnings
Author’s summary: Fang Shijing celebrated Blue Rain's first championship; along with someone he never expect he'd meet again.
Rec notes: This fic makes me so happy!! It’s chaotic and funny and emotional all at once, and manages to have a lovely emotional resolution while still sucker punching you in the face in the best way. I love all of Fang Shijing’s internal narration. And have I mentioned it’s funny!
Fic link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23139499
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lynne-monstr · 2 years
QZGS Fanwork Rec Bingo
Square: Longer than 10k
Fic: Memorable by @saxifactumterritum
Adaptation: Live Action
Characters/Pairing: Huang Shaotian, Yu Wenzhou, Blue Rain, Ye Xiu; background yuhuang
Contains: No content warnings
Author’s summary: Huang Shaotian’s retirement is announced to the world at the last moment, right at the end of the season, but Blue Rain know about it a long time before that
Huang Shaotian retires, everyone expects him to stick around Blue Rain, but he doesn't. And then it's sad.
Rec notes: Sad retirement fic 😭😭😭. My favorite thing about this fic (besides all the feelings and character stuff and friendships and OCs and everything else) is the very realistic look it takes about what happens when people move away. It’s so easy to pretend nothing will change but the truth is that it does, and it takes work to maintain those connections at a distance. The journey Huang Shaotian (and Blue Rain) take when Huang Shaotian leaves, in turns, sad and sweet and funny and it feels like getting punched in the gut in the best way.
Fic link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29518209
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lynne-monstr · 2 years
QZGS Fanwork Rec Bingo
Square: Post-Canon
Fic: at the edge of a new leaf by GeniusCactus
Adaptation: Novel
Characters: Yu Wenzhou + Wang Jiexi; gen
Contains: No content warnings
Author’s Summary: Wang Jiexi and Yu Wenzhou bond over tactics and good quality tea
Rec Notes: The power of teamwork!! This fic is such a lovely quiet moment between Wang Jiexi and Yu Wenzhou, and filled with all the things I love: friendship, introspection, parallels, the occasional pun, and people being stronger together than apart. Also tea metaphors! Bonus for both Tiny Herb and Blue Rain having a very strong presence in the fic despite not appearing in the story.
Fic link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31138931
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