#r6 blitz (brief appearance)
unbindingkerberos · 1 year
Lost Kitten
Warning(s): Violence
Author's Notes: Probably the first fic that I've put much effort. The fic is named after a song after METRIC and it makes a brief appearance in the fic. Hope you enjoy :)
Words: 2971
Tags: @poisonedtruth @unpetitoiseau @chadillacboseman @children-of-epiales @infinitewhore @shegetsburned @linoleum-ice
Smoke wafts in the air as the scene in front unfolds. Debris scattered the ground and the black marks on the walls that made them. Men and women alike wailed in pain as they were struck with wounds; some minor and some dealing fatal blows. Gustave and a handful of other medics surround the scene treating the wounded while the other operators help. 
This wasn't what Marius was expecting when he returned from a mission. He had completely forgotten about his teammates and rushed to the scene, hoping Henry was alright. But his fear, the coiling sensation in his stomach, increases when he can't see him anywhere. He hears himself calling his name but is met with silence. Marius searches aimlessly, his voice close to a scream. 
Marius should have stayed-- helped with the others fending them off. But who could have started this? Deimos. It was Deimos. It was obviously him. He had been getting more bolder with his attacks.
Something shiny catches his eye.
It shimmered in the soot of a broken wall that splattered like dried blood. He steps closer and crouches down. He picks up and shakes the soot off of the object. Marius felt his heart stop and his eyes went wide. His hand shakes as he moves the item closer: the familiar head of Henry's Leeches. He feels his world crashing down; spiraling uncontrollably. 
He hears a pair of footsteps behind him. Marius turns to see Jordan and Emil-- who recently joined. "Jordan?" He brings himself to his feet and approaches them. His feet never felt so heavy and each step he took was painfully tantalizing. "Jordan.." He lets Leech's head clatter to the floor. "Jordan." Tears sting Marius's eyes as he puts both of his hands on Jordan's shoulders. "Jordan, where's Henry?"
Emil looks to Jordan with a puzzled expression. "He knows the mole--" "Marius." Jordan gives Marius a weak smile, breath hitching once in a while with an uneven pacing. 
"Marius, there's something I have to tell you."
"What?!" Jordan couldn't believe what he was hearing. Emil narrows his eyes, leaning closer. "How else would Deimos expect your attacks and penetrate your defenses?" Jordan pinches the bridge of his nose. The situation was getting worse by every passing second.
"You're telling me there's a mole within RAINBOW?" 
Emil nods, making him groan in frustration. There's over a dozen operators and personnel inside the facility. Whoever had done this made sure to cover up their tracks, adding to his pile of problems.
Jordan knew all of the people in the facility-- some even close friends with him. It feels so wrong to engage in a witch hunt but this was the fate of the lives of the people they're talking about here.
He clasps his hands together, trembling slightly.
"You've got anyone in mind?"
Emil sees him sometimes. The man with the motorcycle helmet. 
The man would often watch from afar, observing Emil work with Deimos spectating beside him. Other times he'd come close and personal, striking a conversation with him about the formula he's been working on. Although he didn't know Deimos well, Emil very well knows that his employer doesn't allow most of his mercenaries the privilege to show Emil's experiments. Whoever this was, they were important.
Later on, he'd find the mystery man's company to be somewhat tolerable.
"Tell it not to touch that…"
Emil eyes the man's drone, close to remove a vial from the rack. He had forgotten the first time the man let his drones roam in his laboratory. Emil had found them to be quite a nuisance: breaking lab equipment and scaring off his assistants. "Let it have its fun." The man replies, sultry and playful voice muffled by the helmet. Emil huffs. "And let it break another vial?" The man shrugs, watching the drone lay flat on its back after successfully extracting the vial. It chitters erratically and struggles to flip over. Emil notices this and pauses his work, flipping it the other side. "They cost a lot, you know?" With a careful tug, the empty vial is free of the drone's grasp. It walks away with a defeated chitter. "Right, but our employer can supply another batch."
"You abuse his generosity." Emil groans as the mouse begins  to claw itself to death, cracking the containment glass. "And you abuse his patience. You know full well he demands a perfected serum." Emil glares at the masked man, nostrils flaring up. "Aren't you supposed to be somewhere?" Sensing his rising anger, the man chuckles.
"Already have and now I'm here to kill time, something wrong with that wolf boy?"
Emil rolls his eyes. He hated that nickname. "Yes, you're interrupting my progress-- you and you're--" Emil trails off seeing the drone sliding a drawer open before burrowing its entire weight inside, shredding papers in the process--"pet…." 
"Aww, don't be like that Fenrir." He pinches Emil's cheeks eliciting an annoyed growl from the Norwegian. The audacity that the man has to treat him like some sort of child. "I know you enjoy their company." While he doesn't like to admit, Emil those somewhat find amusement with the drones. He'd compare them to puppies-- if they were weirdly shaped and have a surveillance camera for a head. 
Something vibrates in the man's pocket and he curses. He steps away and brings the phone to his ear. 
"Yes… I already did." Emil glances at the other, listening quietly. "I've seen that the NIGHTHAVEN equipment would reach the designated coordinates… No doubt, they'll send us to ambush them…" The man scoffs. "Trust the process, I'll make a distraction for Cohen and her lapdogs then I'll give you the intel. No changes." He hangs up. 
"Who's Cohen?"
"I didn't take you as an eavesdropper, Fenrir." The man slings a backpack on his arms, the straps fitting nicely. "But I suggest you don't ask anymore questions." The man flashes a look. "For your sake." His hand was floating on the door handle when Emil called for him. He tosses something and the man intercepts, chuckling upon viewing the object. "Nearly forgot about you…" The drone chitters angrily before crawling into a pocket. 
"What now?"
Emil steps forward. "What are you and Deimos really up to?" There has been some growing suspicion that everything wasn't as it seems. Everything doesn't add up and the questions he's asked about his employment is ignored or belittled. This time the man steps forward, too close that sends Emil retreating into a corner. All the playfulness from earlier vanished and was replaced into something else.
For the first time, the man lifts his visor up revealing cold brown eyes-- devoid of emotion and he feels like staring into the eyes of a predator. "Do your job and I do mine. Ask the wrong questions and you'll regret it."
The man leaves and Emil is left with more questions.
What has he gotten himself into?
"Mr. Trace.." Henry looks up to see him surrounded by armed guards. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" Jordan sits in front of him. The people in the cafeteria fall silent and watch. Henry feels his blood throbbing violently and his finger itches for a trigger. Something clangs to the table only for it to be one of his Leeches. He musters up a forced smile. "M16, what did you do this time?" A figure steps forward and Henry's smile nearly drops. 
Emil Svensson stands behind Jordan, eyes focused on him. Henry bites his lower lip and flashes a look at the Leech who seemed to understand the situation. He taps his feet to the floor, feeling the many crawling legs of his Leeches depart to the floor. 
"It's him." Emil says and Jordan nods to the guards. Henry groans when his head hits the table, arms positioned to his back and wrists cuffed. For good measure, one of the guards takes off his watch, a scowl present on his face.
"Jordan, what's going on?" Elias enters the scene, glancing at Henry then back to Jordan. "Don't worry, we'll explain everything to you later.." Henry struggles and catches a glimpse of the German's horrified expression. "Take him to interrogation." Jordan orders and Henry groans in pain when the guards force him up. He hears the growing argument between Elias and Jordan as they leave.
"I had a feeling it was you." Henry stares at Emil. "The moment they said that a member of Deimos's organization defected to RAINBOW, I knew it had to be you…" Emil's face hardens and he gives Henry a fierce look. "Deimos is a dangerous man who won't stop killing millions to get what he wants." He points a damning finger. "And you helped him.."
"Their deaths were necessary.."
"Necessary for what?!" They've stopped now and the guards' grip on him tightened. "What kind of future do you see with the deaths of millions of lives?" Henry smiles. "A peaceful one-- who'd want to start a war knowing the cost of lives that made it possible?" Emil's fist clenched but made no move to strike. "You're insane."
"And so is this.."
A group of Leeches latch on to the guards, crushing their bones with ease. They squirm and groan in pain as they struggle to free them of their flesh. Emil moves to draw his gun, but is stopped when one of his Leeches launches itself to his face, knocking him out. Onlookers screamed and ran away from the scene but Henry ignored them as T7 freed him from his cuffs while Z20 took his watch from a guard's pocket and tossed it to him.
"Great teamwork everyone." Henry looks over to the exit. He makes a run for it with the Leeches trailing behind. He hears voices behind him followed by zipping bullets. One manages to hit his shoulder but he doesn't stop running. Another grazes his side and still he doesn't stop. His Leeches scatter to the walls and ceilings. "A12 stop.." He's managed to get outside now, the sun heating him up and wind tugging at the loose flesh from his open wound. The Leech in question stops itself from joining the others and chirps curiously. He picks it up and whispers something to it before letting it scurry away.
"Adler!" He looks up to see Jordan with a couple of operators, guns pointing at him. "Adler, stop what you're doing." The man orders the others to lower their weapons. Despite the unease and protests, they comply. "Adler… Please don't make us do this. Think about him-- about Marius." Henry clenches his jaw tightly. He gulps. 
"Don't--" he lifts his arm up-- "talk to me about Marius…"
Jordan's eyes widen and he looks up to the ceiling then to the walls. "Everyone, fall back! RUN!"
His shoulder felt so heavy, feeling the blood trickle of the fresh wound. Henry smiles widely and his finger presses a button on the watch. The Leeches began rapidly beeping and panic fuels the operators, encouraging them to run faster.
And Henry sends Hell to RAINBOW's doorstep. Using the chaos to his advantage and gathering his remaining strength, Henry gets on his bike and drives off amidst the smoke.
He'll understand. Marius loves me and he'll understand. His arms tremble at the thought. He'll understand… He has too. Henry closes his eyes, feeling the heat of the sun and dripping sweat. I'm doing this for the fate of this world. Of course he'll understand… Right?
He opens his eyes. There's no turning back now and he's reached the point of no return.
Marius slumps against the door and slides down. He engages in a tight embrace with Henry's motorcycle jacket. Henry's room was cleaned out for inspection. They've taken most of his things and Marius could only retrieve a few. He buries his face into the leather, breathing in his scent. He left in a hurry. He forgot to take his jacket with him. Everything felt like a bad dream and Marius hoped that he'd wake up soon. But everytime he opens his eyes, Marius is painfully reminded that this was reality. That everything happened.
Did he use him for information? Did Henry actually love him? Marius wouldn't dare to delve deeper into those questions, knowing it would hurt him more. He'd try to counter it back with that memory of Henry saving him from that explosion and all those genuine moments they shared with each other. But it wasn't enough to drown out those thoughts. Instead it amplified them and Marius wished they would just disappear. He feels his phone vibrate but he ignores it. The first thing that will be on its screen would be a photo of Henry; smiling widely as they sat on the beach, watching the sunset. 
He just wishes everything would go back to the way it is. 
Something crashes inside the vents. Marius's head is quick to spring up, staring intensely at the source. The grating comes off and a familiar shape falls to the floor. 
Marius recognises the Leech, A12-- the drone crawling towards him. Everyone said that Henry used his entire stock for his escape but it appears they were wrong. Marius offers his palm and A12 hops to the surface. "What are you doing here?"
It chitters in morse code, Marius listening carefully. The German tears up upon the last word.
With this drone, I'll always be with you.
[NOW PLAYING "Lost Kitten - METRIC"]
He chokes on his tears as he brings the Leech closer to his chest. The moment was short lived when a knock sent Marius tensing up, wiping away his tears.
"Marius--" it's Elias--"are you okay in there?" Marius looks over to the Leech now staring at him. Logic dictates for him to bring the drone over to Elena and the others to extract footage from the camera. But he can't. He won't.
"Ja, I am…"
("Don't say yes, if you can't say no~")
"Alright, then.. Take care, I'll give you more time.." Unseen footsteps trail off, growing fainter and fainter.
Ever since he had heard the news, the other operators came to his comfort. Elias being one of them. He admires his fellow German's personality and is grateful for it. But it isn't enough to get him back into high spirits. 
("Victim of the system, say it isn't so~)
And he's back to being alone. He returns his focus to A12 still in his palm, snuggling its entire weight against his hollow chest. ("Squatted on the doorstep, swollen on the blow~") His smile returns even for a quick moment. ("Leaving without you can't say no~") 
Komm zu mir zurück, Liebling.
("Halfway starts with happiness for me~")
("Halfway house, lost kitten in the streets~")
The sun begins to set as Henry continues to drive. His vision starts to get hazy no doubt from the blood loss. He doesn't know how long he's been driving and he jokes that this is some sort of purgatory and that he's already dead. The looming complex from the distance comes to his view. ("Hit me where it hurts, I'm coming home to lose~")
Nearing the base Henry is stopped by guards. He identifies himself and the guards allow him passage. Henry parks his motorcycle near some vehicles and steps off. The moment his feet reach the ground ("Kitten on the catwalk, high-heeled shoes~") he loses his vision and his whole world goes black. 
The moment he regains his consciousness, Henry feels like shit. His wound was all patched up but everything else hurt. His head throbbed ("No more hard-headed Saturdays~") and his eyes strained from the harsh lighting. Deimos pays him a visit and Henry can tell even with the mask that the man was irritated and amused by Henry's current predicament. They exchanged some "friendly" banter and poorly disguised threats before they went straight to the point.
"It was Svensson wasn't it?"
"Who else would it be?"
Deimos sighs, fingers twitching. "He was always weak-minded-- failing to see the bigger picture." ("They got it, they want it, they give it away~") Deimos lets out a low dry laugh. "Oh well, the plan will carry on, with or without Svensson." Henry must have made a face because he feels a sudden grip on his chin. "What's the matter Babel?" Henry gasps as Deimos pushes his chin up to meet his gaze. "Made some friends there? Having--" the grip on his tightens, the texture of Deimos's gloves digging into his skin-- "second thoughts?" 
Henry glares daggers at Deimos, heart pounding in his chest. He would never let this man make him fear him. ("Tell me one thing that you would never do~") "Then I would have never come here in the first place." Henry bites back, restraining himself. Deimos hums. Despite not being satisfied with the answer, Deimos lets him go. 
"Report to me first thing tomorrow morning." Once Deimos was gone, Henry let out a breath he hadn't realised he'd been holding. 
He puts on some clothes that were laid out for him. I didn't know you're thoughtful, Henry sneers. He finds himself sitting alone in infirmary, finding no energy to leave. With his thoughts running loose, Henry's mind wanders but all he could see was him ("I was looking for a hooker when I found you~").
That reminds him.
He checks his digital watch and checks A12's live feed ("You've got my eyes, you've got my eyes~"). The screen crackles to life showcasing a sleeping Marius and Henry smirks. You've finally slept early. His finger reaches for Marius but he draws it back ("You'll never be mine, ahhh~"). He turns the screen off, the black mirrored surface reflecting Henry's blank slate of a face ("But you've got my eyes~").
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