#raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamble toooooown
theirloveisgross · 1 year
lol, i need to ramble.
i remember after watching the film for the first time in theatres, i had my thoughts on certain scenes, of course, but i was in such a high of how much i love louis, that it took me a couple of days to let it marinate and then i started to get angrier and angrier.
the only fan that came close to saying something to explain WHY we're all so insanely in love with louis was the one in the bonus scene in doncaster with the pride flag wrapped around their shoulders. the rest of the fans talking at the camera kept saying how many days they were there camping, how many flights and buses they took (miles away from their countries and making it sound like complaints), how "crazy" fans in a continent that is not theirs are, and not once they mentioned WHY they were doing all of this. heck, we got more reasons on the red carpet today when zach was pushing people to tell him why did we feel the need to be there, why did we love louis so much.
and i wish we saw less fans talking in general. just because fandom is fandom, and we all have so many different views about things and we all have so many different lives, that it then just feels like we're all bundled up in the same group when it's sooo far away from reality. but if we're gonna have fans talking, then maybe have them talk less about the camping (because that creates even more problems in the future (and i'm not against it at all btw, i've done it myself)), about the hundreds of flights and buses they took, about all the vinyls they bought (this was on the red carpet today, so not controlled)... because it's SO NOT about any of that. at least for me, it isn't.
i'm not gonna speak for everyone, but i know some people will relate. i am here, for louis, because he's the most admirable and resilient person i know of. because he understands the privilege he has, but inside that privilege he was not taken seriously for many reasons, and he decided to create a path for himself, and i think that's incredible. he could have easily turned out to be a bitter and resentful person, and instead he is kindness personified. the way he treats the people around him is proof enough. i'm here because i've never felt this safe in an environment before, and i found incredible people because of him, and we're all different, but we're all the same as well, and just- there's so much more to loving louis than going to 183713 shows just to say that you did, but i guess the question is, WHY do you go to so many shows (if they're all the same, as some irl would put it)? first, have you heard his voice? second... well, because louis' energy is off the charts once it hits you. because once you can tell that you're the same as him, there's this powerful emotion and need to be close to him, to be there for him, to support him, to make sure that it's not a solo song anymore, to be with people that feel the same way as me. because his music resonates so deeply within me in ways no other music does. because he's so genuinely grateful for our loyalty and love that you can feel that in the air at his shows. because he needs us, and we need him. and that is just not a phrase he felt like saying out of nowhere, and even if his managers and everyone around him are repeating it and it loses some of its original meaning... it all started in his first show of 2022 after seeing a sea of pride flags in the crowd. he went on to say this for a few shows, and in some others he added how "PROTECTED" we make him feel. and like, how do you, as a fan, feel when you have that sort of responsibility in a way... it's all very overwhelming to me, because that's a shit ton of love i have for him that i keep reaching capacity on, but i am so extremely happy and proud to be his fan.
and that's on my WHY.
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