#rachel talaly
imforeman · 7 years
Twice Upon a Time
I just watched Dr Who. Thought it was rlly lovely.
I’m setting aside the terrible characterisation of Hartnell. That was an insult and gut wrenching and gross he did have like 2 sweet moments but overall gross. I kinda have to set it aside cause that was just unbearable and just so far removed from the truth that I’ve kinda not even acknowledged it happened.
Setting that aside tho I thought it was rlly lovely.
The Positives
Mark FREAKIN Gatiss. Always perfect and a rlly lovely and heartwarming character with a wonderful storyline.
PETER CAPALDI. an icon. Beautiful. Honestly the most beautiful face and hair of any human just incredible and warm and dramatic and absolutely and utterly aghhhhh. And his acting. As always. FLAWLESS. Utterly beautiful and the love of my life tbh. (As is to be expected)
RACHEL TALALY (<3 <3) just absolutely stunning. Honestly some of her best work I cannot explain how incredible a job she did and she needs to return she is INCREDIBLE. I dunno what else to say other than wow.
All three of these things combined made the episode so emotionally involving and it was so thematically strong for the most part and just a beautiful piece of work.
Nardole and Clara and that whole scene was v nice and sweet even if not perfect. Glad we got to see their faces again.
And of course I cannot move on without mentioning the 13/10 Jodie Whittaker who even in her first moments proved to be so exciting and incredible and endearing (helped along by talaly Ofc who did a particularly fabby job here). I just cannot wait for her to smash it. (SO relieved tho moffat didn’t try and make something of the female Doctor thought he’d make a thing of it to try and take the credit but he didn’t and I’m so glad he did the right thing and treated it like any other regeneration.)
The Negatives
the soldier should’ve just bn a normal guy rather than a lethbridge-Stewart cause not everything has to be a callback and it would have had a heartwarming simplicity to it. Don’t feel like the callback added anything despite my love for The Brig.
Not sure what appeal the episode would have to kids or general audiences since it was just one long character piece with nothing else to it. He said it himself. No evil plot to stop. Which is a nice subversion but if I was a kid I’d imagine I’d be a bit bored by so many long conversations espesh if I was rlly young.
they should’ve taken out rusty and went somewhere else cause I hate rusty and wanted to forget abt him and don’t feel like it added anything to the episode thematically.
Capaldi’s final lines weren’t particularly special or inspired I feel and could’ve been said by any of them which is a little sad tbqh. Nothing special or memorable. Feel like they could have ended it with the line “one more regeneration won’t kill anyone, except me” (or words to those effect Icr the quote) cause his speech was rambling and while it had some nice bits it didn’t rlly go anywhere. Feel like ending it there would have bn more fitting for his era but perhaps a bit harrowing so I understand why they didn’t. But the speech should’ve bn shortened and focused at least.
The alien was okay thematically it worked (side thought: death and afterlife have been very prominent in Capaldi!Who). It could have perhaps been a little more memorable and involving cause it all came to pretty much nothing. I understand they were secondary to the doc’s arch and that’s fine just get the feeling even the show didn’t know what they were or what exactly they wanted to do with them. So they were a little lacking but not what I’d focus on anyway.
Also the special effects were bad but I wasn’t bothered at all it was endearing so not rlly a negative. (:
No ‘Coming Soon’ :( (i need to see Whittaker!!!!)
So very mixed particularly if you include their betrayal of Hartnell and The Team, but setting Hartnell aside really very beautiful and moving if lacking in some areas and Whittaker was a highlight and everything I hoped for.
Very much looking forward to next season!!!
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