#radfems cw
not-terezi-pyrope · 1 year
Radfems will put a flower as their avi and then spout the most heavy handed hate speech you have ever seen and think that it's fine because they are doing it with ~~girl vibes~~
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every now and then i think about my one interpretation of emma as a deeply closeted trans man radfem with a ton of internalized transphobia and antimasculism, who takes her issues with her identity out on the people around her instead of unpacking them and accepting herself. and i think, i need to draw a comic about this
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telumendils · 1 year
i appreciate terfs/radfems who tag their posts things like “terfs do touch” and “libfems dni” so i can see them pop up as suggested tags and realize my mistake before suffering the embarrassment of reblogging them.
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tbh will never forgive radfems for appropriating 'why don't you think about why you feel that way :)' as 'do it until you're Fixed and don't feel that way anymore'--especially when often they use it for conversion therapy in particular 🙃--because as a genuine, good faith, open-ended question to guide a toolset of other questions, it has brought me not only a lot of insight but SO much peace in processing things my brain would eat itself over otherwise
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bumbalina · 1 year
“And I have talked to some genuinely mistreated men, and that was, indeed, how they reacted; they come up to me and say things like, “I really get what you’re talking about, because I actually had a pretty similar experience.” So I get immediately suspicious of a man who stands up angrily, and starts growling, “Why aren’t you talking about this happening to men?? This happened to me!!” This style of guy doesn’t express any caring about what is happening to women. Nor does he express any gratitude towards the women and men who are working to assist abused women and to stop abusers. There’s no sign that he feels any sense of common ground with abused women. So I don’t buy his story. I think what he’s really mad about is that we won’t shut up about what so many men are doing to women.”
“Twenty years or so ago, we started to hear that it was important to talk more about male victims. The argument was that it would give our movement against domestic violence more appeal, because men would realize that it can happen to them too. We’d broaden our reach. It’s been a tremendous mistake.”
“The domestic violence movement has de-genderized itself. The programs are now called “domestic violence programs,” not “abused women’s programs” as they were known before. We talk about abusers and victims as “he or she,” ignoring statistics that show that it’s overwhelmingly male-on-female. When we talk about the issue, we try to make sure we aren’t hurting men’s feelings with too much truth-telling. Has this broadened and strengthened our movement? No, not a bit. The domestic violence movement is far weaker than it was twenty years ago, not stronger. Many, many of the gains that we made are now being stripped away, more every year. (Women’s rights in general are being stripped away in our times, as you have most likely noticed.)”
“Don’t be apologetic about making women your agenda. Don’t apologize for putting women’s needs and rights front and center. When someone tells you that you should be talking about male victims too, I encourage you to respond, “There are hundreds of issues in this world that need to be addressed. Are you saying that I can’t address what happens to women unless I also address every other wrong that happens in the world? Why isn’t it okay to make women my focus?””
Excerpts from: Lundy Bancroft. Men’s Angry Messages to Me Part 2. November 14, unknown.
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kiruliom · 2 years
can we stop the belief that terfs hate transfems exclusively or like more than they hate cisgender men or transmascs and pretending it's just the trans women's battle against them and you're allies for them or whatever. this literally undermines how much harm theyre doing both to the trans community as a whole and even to the people (cis women) they claim to be protecting. terfs hate trans men just as much as trans women, transmascs arent safe because terfs view them as "uwu confused girlies trying to escape oppression", that is a very narrow worldview and inherently transphobic itself (it excludes butches, transmascs who's medically transitioned, intersex people, etc. etc.) transfems arent more oppressed by terfs than any other people theyre oppressing, please understand this. Im so sick and tired of people undermining my transmasc siblings when it comes to harassment from terfs because "well you arent a target to them", why are they harassing them then????
I just geniuenly dont like how the queer community can claim to be transmasc friendly and then view transmascs the same way transphobes view them (again, uwu girlies who are tricked into ruining their feminine beauty, they dont know anything and how lucky they are). feels both andromisic and misogynistic at the same time on top of transmisic idk how the fuck you manage to fuck up that badly
tldr: stop pretending transmascs arent affected by terfs nearly as much as transfems
anyone can reblog, except terfs of course they can fuck off
transfem is used as a way to refer to "TMA"/"AMAB" trans people transmasc is used as a way to refer to "TME"/"AFAB" trans people I know the definition is a bit more fluid now so I just wanted to note that
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starryjoy · 2 months
Tumblr user: I'm not sure if trans guys are oppressed
Trans guys and allies who are tired of this bullshit: Wow, what the fuck?
Transradfems: See? These people all hate you simply for voicing your opinion! Here are some texts you can read that say women are the only social class that experiences oppression ever you should read it
Tumblr user: Wow you're right, these people are the worst and I should absolutely hate all of them with all I can
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sixteenseveredhands · 3 months
African Social Spiders: these spiders live in colonies that can contain up to 2,000 spiders, most of which are female; they hunt, forage, maintain their web, and raise their offspring as a group, without any dominance hierarchy or caste system
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This communal behavior is extremely rare among spiders, which are normally solitary creatures. The African social spider (Stegodyphus dumicola) is one of the few species that has been identified as a true "social spider," forming colonies and living in communal nests where the spiders work together to hunt, forage, build webs, and care for their offspring.
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Above: an African social spider feeding the young spiderlings of her colony by regurgitating food for them, exhibiting a level of maternal/allomaternal care that is relatively uncommon in both spiders and insects
African social spiders can be found in various parts of southwestern Africa, where they will often build a dense silk nest in the branches of a thorn tree and/or shrub. Most of the spiders in the colony are female (more than 85%, according to some studies) and the species itself also has a female-biased primary sex ratio, as researchers have found that female embryos develop in more than 80% of the eggs that the spiders produce.
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Above: a group of African social spiders working together to subdue their prey, which will be taken back to the nest so that it can be shared with the rest of the colony
There is no evidence that any dominance hierarchy or caste system exists within S. dumicola colonies. The spiders all cooperate to complete a variety of tasks, such as hunting, repairing the web, foraging, defending the colony, caring for the colony's offspring, etc. While none of them are exclusively assigned to a single task, many have a primary role that they fill, often based on their physical size and condition.
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Above: close-up photo of S. dumicola
This species also engages in extreme allomaternal care, meaning that many different spiders (including both mothers and "allomothers") all share the responsibility of caring for the colony's offspring; even the unmated females help out with brood care. The mothers/allomothers tend to the eggsacs, regurgitate food for the baby spiderlings, and even engage in matriphagy, which means that they will eventually be cannibalized by the babies.
From The Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior:
... some proportion of females do not reproduce – sometimes as much as 60% – but remain as helpers, contributing to foraging and brood care (allo-mothering). Both breeding females and virgin allo-mothers regurgitate food for colony offspring and eventually let the young consume their bodies. ...
Young that are raised with both mothers and allo-mothers show higher survival and growth than young raised by their mothers alone, suggesting a clear fitness benefit of cooperative breeding.
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Spiders of this species generally measure about 2.5 - 3.5mm long; they can be found in Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Lesotho, and Eswatini.
Sources & More Info:
Science Direct: Social Spiders
Current Biology: Quick Guide to Social Spiders (PDF)
Phys.org: Untangling the Social Lives of Spiders
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: The Age & Evolution of Sociality in Stegodyphus Spiders
Entomology Today: Social Spiders Divide Labor According to Body Size & Condition
Animal Behaviour: Extreme Allomaternal Care by Unmated Females in a Cooperatively Breeding Spider
National Geographic: Baby Spiders Eat their Mothers
University of Portsmouth: Social Spiders Have Different Ways of Hunting in Groups
Behavioral Ecology: Spider Societies Mitigate Risk by Prioritizing Caution
Behavioral Processes: Warring Arthropod Societies
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology: Does the African Social Spider Stegodyphus dumicola Control the Sex of Individual Offspring?
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teaboot · 1 year
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Well you see the interesting thing about social etiquette is that calling anyone at all any kind of epithet is generally regarded as crude and ill-bred behaviour, but seeing as you're specifying "women" as a homogeneous, monolithic group in this context, I'd bet that you're less concerned about my manner and composure than you are with making a statement about the patriarchy at large- which normally I'd applaud you for, even agree with you- however the inane way in which you present this piping hot take to my door makes me feel like you're not actually a good-faith progressive feminist doling out the most basic-ass, grade-one, first day of preschool-ass, bland-ass, seen-it-before takes I've ever seen like a scientologist dishing out scripture to college students, but more likely just a Radfem or Terf seeking out a blog big enough to grandstand their own rote, tried-and-true "sounds reasonable" stepping stone to pave the pipeline for other well-intentioned young feminists to slide down into the swamp of looney-tunes-ass gender-conformists wearing sexism under a different hat that you yourself have bought into, so no, I think I'll just keep being a rude bitch, with my bitches, cause I'm a bad bitch, and I bitch with who I wanna bitch with at bitches I wanna bitch at, regardless of gender, cause female identity and expression is not a sickly twin forever at the mercy of being defined by that which opposes it or stands beside it, and I do what I want
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sickofthis666 · 2 months
Isn't it batshit crazy that when a famous man is accused of rape, two kinds of testimonies come forwards simultaneously:
A part of people who knew him/his circle, (employees, friends, coworkers, lovers, etc) will say, horrified:
"We didn’t know. Who could have thought? He never acted like that with me"
And another part will say:
"Everyone knew. Everyone. For years. Decades. It was an open secret. The whole industry knew."
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haystarlight · 8 months
Hey I know you're all trying to be humorous but can we fucking stop with the jokes that are like "all men are horrible at sex always and only lesbians can keep women satisfied"??
They're not funny anymore
And I'm not just saying that because I'm a bisexual with a boyfriend and I love guys just as much as I love ladies
I'm also saying this because I bet there are lesbians that are bad at sex, too! Especially if they've come out of the closet very recently and have never been with another woman before
And also, gender identity and biological sex are fluid and complicated and don't always match and these jokes forget about that
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goddamn being biologically female really is like a lifetime prison sentence without a chance for parole isn't it
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beaft · 5 months
today i went through my wardrobe in my childhood room and got rid of a bunch of clothes that i haven't worn for years. i used to dress very manic-pixie-dream-girl: lots of pastels and polka dots, glitter and sequins and ribbons and ruffles, babydoll dresses, rainbow knee socks, candy bracelets, trainers that lit up and flashed when i walked.
i got a little sad while i was bundling it all into boxes - i guess because a part of me still loves those clothes, even though they don't feel like me anymore. transition has been good for me and hard for me in equal measure, because it's forced me to examine who i am beyond my appearance. as a teenager, i was very wedded to the idea of being small and cute and elfin and non-threatening, and i got a lot of euphoria whenever people viewed or described me that way.
but was it a healthy sort of euphoria? some of it was connected to poor body image - i was terrified of being fat, terrified of looking ugly. i don't know if it's good to tie your identity and your happiness to something as ephemeral as prettiness. sometimes the things that make you happy aren't necessarily the things that are best for you. being told that i looked "fragile" made me happy once, but that doesn't mean it was good for me to hear.
when it comes down to it, i think my ultimate goal is to be myself, utterly myself, and for my sense of self-worth to be divorced from other people's opinions. i want to abandon my desire for the approval of strangers. it's the difference between an uncomfortable, itchy designer outfit that you only wear because it gets you compliments, and a boring, comfortable sweatshirt that smells like home.
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
So...............the post about the article regarding sexual harassment of male actors has brain-rot in the notes because the notes are full of radfems that are posting..........................................this.
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cyberthot666 · 1 year
ok so if you haven’t heard about that new mexico teenager that gave birth in a hospital bathroom and tried to hide the dead baby in the garbage can, I ignored it for a bit then I just saw footage from the cop bodycam of them questioning her in the hospital room right after it happened. I am not condoning the way she handled it at all. but the way the news is pushing this story as if she’s some kind of sadistic cold blooded killer. you watch the video and the girl is scared. she’s 19. she may have known she was pregnant she may not have. but this is what happens in a country that constantly bans access to sex education, restricts women’s reproductive rights, and shames women for how they react to becoming pregnant. we don’t know if she was raped. we don’t know if she was coerced. we can not keep acting shocked. these women in these cases are automatically demonized but you don’t know the reality of that situation until you’ve been in it. I have a lot of mixed feelings about this. especially because of the way the media historically treats women. I don’t think what happened to the baby is okay. but they’re sensationalizing her story instead of seeing the real issue here! THIS. IS. WHAT. HAPPENS. when women have no way out. when women aren’t taught about our bodies and instead we are censored, silenced, and shamed. more situations like this will be popping up I guarantee you. this is only the beginning of a reality to come since the overturning of roe v wade.
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