#radiant OP. chef's kiss
chekov-in-a-dress · 3 months
hello! sova headcannons (besides that he's a blonde bottom man who must be tormented)? also, thoughts on sova x chamber as a ship, if you have any?
(no pressure to answer immediately or at all. asks are for fun!)
Hello Hi Yes I am ALWAYS down to talk about this man so thank you very much for asking! ♥
Firstly, you have good taste my friend this man deserves to be topped and tortured.
So let's go through some basic background headcanons first, shall we.
Sova's parents either died when he was too young to properly remember them or when he was around 5-7, leaving him to be raised by his babushka
If his parents died later, I like the idea of Sova's mum having been either a soldier or an athlete (archery/shooting ofc) and being the one who got Sova his first bow / taught him how to shoot which is one of the reasons why he continued to practice and ultimately became a sniper since it makes him feel connected to his mother
His childhood is rather uneventful, maybe they're tight on money / struggling at times since they're living off what babushka can earn on the side and whatever pension they're receiving thanks to his parents so he learns at an early age how to forage/hunt to make ends meet
Joins the military as early as they allow because he figures this way he can get a stable income and support his babka at home as well, plus he'd be following in his mom's footsteps
He excels in the military, quickly being recognised for his exceptional aim and ends up in some kind of special forces where he gets to hone his skills further until he's established a reputation for himself
I like to think that it's during this time when he first meets Brimstone, maybe a joined OP with US special forces and they become fast friends, sprinkle a little mentorship in there, possibly Brim saving Sova's life disregarding his own safety
Which is why later when Brimstone is given the first order to form a special team, Sova is one of the first people he recruits and, of course, Sova instantly agrees
His feeling like he owes Brimstone only adds to his habit of overworking himself for the Val protocol because he will NOT disappoint Brim
He's a good little soldier, you tell him to jump he asks how high
Oh god I have so many headcanons for my sweet son, I could go on forever BUT you didn't ask for a novel so here's just a few random ones
Due to his military background he's one of the best hand-to-hand combatants in the protocol and takes over training the other, less experienced agents
He definitely has a soft spot for the younger agents, especially Gekko, Neon, KJ etc.
He pushes himself extra hard, insisting on running more simulations / practicing more than the others because he has to keep up with his Radiant/genius/augmented squad mates and preserve the only edge he has in this fight
Maybe he doesn't always wear his cybernetic eye because it sometimes overloads his brain/overstimulates him
NOW before I ramble on forever... you asked me about Chamber/Sova and let me tell you YES. Yes Good. I absolutely love Somber ♥ ( I wrote a little Somber OS at some point and I have at least five wips for them if only the writer's block didn't beat my ass all the time)
Not only do I personally think Chamber is hot and I want to see him play my babygirl like a fiddle but there's like so much potential. Because Chamber's easy, flirty nature is so different from Sova's, especially if you headcanon Sova as not having a whole lot of experience in the romantic/sexual department, which, chef's kiss tbh.
Plus, Chamber's more... grey-ish morality, his 'am I really on your team or are you just part of my plan' attitude, clashes so nicely with Sova who clearly follows a very rigid moral code.
I really love the idea of Chamber having a fun time getting under Sova's skin and the poor owl not having a single clue how to deal with it???
Don't get me started on Chamber using his indefinite resources to spoil Sova and Sova being so uncomfortable with all the fancy gifts...
Also guns. Let's talk about guns. Because I see Chamber's Tour de Force and I can't help but think 'what if he allows Sova to use it, or they get into a situation where Sova is forced to use it to protect them'?? How exactly do Chamber's powers work? Does he FEEL it when someone else touches his guns???? Is it an erogenous zone
I mean Chamber clearly respects Sova's skills (how could you not) and I just see him as the kind of man who sees something/someone he wants and then stops at nothing until it's HIS. Featuring Sova who is both confused by the blatant flirting and totally NOT down to indulge Chamber.
You can also go with the trope of Chamber being purely interested in getting Sova into bed playboy style while Sova is the 'i don't do one night stands if i date someone it's bc i'm serious aboutt hem' kinda guy. Chamber who is used to getting what he wants is both frustrated and determined to win him over to the point where he doesn't even realise he's developing actual feelings until it's too late~~ whoops~ (damn i wanna write that lowkey)
Thanks again for asking lmao if you want you can join the bottom Sova server on discord where you can read through several dozen weird AU ideas or headcanons we came up with for Chamber/Sova amongst other ships lmaoo
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