#rafa x holly
mysunshinetemptress · 10 months
part 2 of you promised? some serious grovelling from leah, she gets told off by all of her teammates (arsenal and england), basically more angst but leah is trying to make up for it, up to you whether they end up together or not
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You promised part 2
Leah Williamson x reader
Leah had been lost from the minute you walked out the door. It had been a week since the break down of your relationship and you hadn’t returned home, Leah found herself sleeping on the couch waiting for your return hoping you would walk through the door and you could both sort it all out.
Two days later Leah found herself sitting at the gate in Luton airport with her mum who still wasn’t talking to her hoping you where going to show, only you never did and instead sent Leah’s best friend Alex Scott in your place “what’s going on Lee.” Leah felt her chin wobble as tears pricked her eyes “not that I don’t love you Al but where is she.” Alex looked at Leah confused “all I know is she came to my door yesterday handed me a plane ticket with my name on it and told me you where going to need me so I’ll ask again what’s going on.” Leah sighed looking to her mum who looked at her eyes filled with sorrow “I messed up.” Alex looked at Leah eyebrows knitting together “what do you mean.” Leah shook her head trying to stop herself from crying “I made a promise to go to her final match of the season for our home team in Newport Pagnell and I didn’t go I went to the Arsenal on instead Al, it was their game winning match she captained them to the biggest win in years and I stood on the sidelines of Meadow Park crying over Rafa leaving…I…..” Leah couldn’t help it anymore as she cried feeling all the guilt weighing on her heart again “that’s not even the worst part.” Leah shook her head at her mums words “I…oh…god I was mean.” For the first time in days Amanda grabbed Leah in to a hug. “I’m so sorry mum I’m so sorry.” Alex lay her hand on Leah’s lower back giving it a squeeze trying to comfort her friend as concern etched her features “I know Bubba trust me I do but I’m not the one you should be apologising to.” Leah sniffed turning back to Alex “I was so mean to her, I oh god Al I told her she wasn’t important that her match wasn’t important enough for me to go to that I get bored watching her.” Alex looked at Leah horrified “Le I love you you’re my best friend but what the fuck, you know better then anyone Y/ns fears of never being good enough.” Leah sobbed harder “I don’t know what to do I’m so lost she won’t answer my calls or texts she hasn’t come home I hoped she would come to this and we could talk oh I’m so stupid.”
Holly,Ben and Kiera followed the three women out a few days later and for the first time in their lives Leah and Holly weren’t talking. Two days into the trip with everyone there Amanda handed Holly her phone ushering her out of the room. Holly returned shortly after siting beside Leah before turning to her “ you fucked up big time and I’m still mad at you but for this holiday at least I’ll pretend like it’s the good old days ok.” Leah looked at Holly confused “ok.”
The trip to Ibiza had been the break Leah needed but she found herself longing for you every waking minute, she understood that she had messed up and promised to do whatever it takes to remind you how much she loved you if it took her the rest of her life.
You on the other hand had stayed with your parents for a few days before leaving to Tegan’s ignoring your phones constant buzzing. It was either Leah, her family or her teammates and although you desperately wanted to reply you kept reminding yourself they where her family and friends not yours. Of course none of them understood that which is why they had been blowing up your phone the past few weeks and at this stage Lia had grown even more concerned after going to your house only to find you weren’t there and hadn’t been in weeks that led to the first time Leah had to tell her friends.
“WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN YOU HAVE BROKEN UP.” Lia shouted, it was the last team bonding before everyone split for the World Cup, Leah hadn’t expected to be interrogated the minute she arrived “ehm well you see.” Katie turned shaking her head “you have to be taking the piss yeah, I mean seriously Leah what the hell happened that the girl who looks at you like you hung the moon.” Leah couldn’t help the tears falling “I made a promise and I didn’t keep it and when she called me up on it I was mean to her, calling out her insecurities and making her feel small, all because I was annoyed at myself for not going, for not supporting her." The arsenal girls stood frozen listening to their captain "Leah when was this" Leah sniffed trying to clear her head "The 27th our last match Rafas last match, Y/ns most important match oh god guys I really fucked up" Beth shook her head "mate you have to be more specific." Leah sighed before beginning to tell her team mates about the day that plagued her mind every moment.
The Arsenal girls all looked at Leah shocked as Lia stood looking at her best friend in disbelief "I can't believe you." Leah looked at her best friend heart clenching "Lia please i.." Lia shook her head "No Leah I can barley look at you how could you break her heart like that." Leah looked around at the disappointed group of girls before looking at the floor "Leah, that's the only match she has ever asked you to attend." Leah looked at Lia confused "no its not" Lia could feel herself get more annoyed at her friend "yes it is Leah, that girl felt so nauseous at the thought of asking you to a match played in a field she called me crying, and when I made it to your house I found her hovering over the toilet, she thought it was so beneath you for you to attend it took me an hour to convince her." Leah looked at Wally shocked "And when you agreed nothing could wipe the smile off her face she talked about it for days telling everyone." Lia shook her head getting upset on your behalf "I can't I'm sorry I can't even talk to you anymore." Lia sighed walking out the door as Leah looked at the rest of her teammates "I'm Sorry" her teammates just looked at her shocked before Beth spoke "we aren't the ones you need to apologise to Le, that girl is your biggest supporter and the only time she asked for you to be hers you let her down, Arsenals have won trophies and taken part in some amazing matches, seen teammates come and go but clubs like hers where they haven't won in a decade and they have their half time debrief on the side of the pitch, days like the 27th mean everything to them its their Wembley and Emirates and they want the most important people there and you couldn't even do that."
The Arsenal girls had made sure Leah knew where they stood, and although you wouldn't respond to their texts they made sure to let you know that too. The Arsenal girls adored you but the Lionesses where a totally different ball game. You had made the promise to the team that you would fly out to watch them partake in the World Cup the girls clamming you where like a good-luck charm, you tried to dismiss the statement but ultimately it had stuck.
Leah sat beside her mum nervously on the plane waiting to begin their long journey to the other side of the world when she turned at the sound of her mum gasping turning in her seat to get a better look at what her mum had just witnessed only to be met with your eyes staring at her "Y/N" you smiled sheepishly "Hi" Leah went to stand before feeling Amanda grab her arm as you moved to sit the far side. Amanda turned pulling you into a hug "oh my darling I've missed you, I cut believe your coming." You smiled at the older woman "I swore to Jacob that id be there and I also promised the girls id be in the stand for every match so, of course I'm here." Leah couldn't help but feel the guilt bubble in her stomach at your words, you had promised her brother and squad you would spend thousands of pounds to fly across the world to watch them play and visit. Leah could only imagine what would have happened if she had made the squad but you had answered her question, you would have seen the money to come watch her play in the World Cup, like a good supportive girlfriend and she couldn't even get herself to drive up the road to your match.
Australia was a different planet, you still refused to speak to her let alone look at her but Leah was happy that you hadn't let it get in the way of your relationship with her mum and brother both so excited you had made the trip.
Leah felt sick when Sarina asked if you both wanted to come say hi to the girls and for Leah to give them some words of encouragement. You declined the offer and so here was Leah stood on a pitch on the Gold Coast (I know very little about Australia but I think this was close to where they trained) staring at her squad "Alright girls." Alessia and Ella looked around confused "oy Skipper where's the missus." Leah stiffened "eh she won't be here today I'm afraid its just me." Leah couldn't help but notice the way everyones head moved slightly to look at her hands before she looked at them confused clearing her throat "We eh, hum we broke up actually." Lucy turned looking at Kiera who couldn’t stop looking at the floor before looking back at Leah “please tell me you didn’t do what I think you did cause I swear to god Leah I’ll break your legs.” Leah looked at Lucy confused “what are you on about.” Lucy shook her head “did you cheat on Y/n.” All of the squad let out gasps as Leah’s eyes widened in shock “what the fuck Lucy no never, I ehm.” Leah began explaining how she had fucked up your relationship while the squad found themselves getting more upset at their skipper “so she’s not here then.” Alessia let out sadly Leah shook her head “she is flew over with my mum and I, she made a promise to be here for you guys and that’s what she’s done same for Jacob, she’ll be at every game and so will I.” The girls nodded before Mary spoke “you better fix this though Cap, that girl is the best thing to ever happen to you besides football.” Leah shook her head “no she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me full stop Mary, I know that now and trust me I’ll spend the rest of my life telling her that if it means she’ll give me another chance.” Lucy walked over grabbing Leah’s shoulder “you fuck this up again and I’ll kill you you understand.” Leah nodded before thanking the girls and leaving back to the hotel.
The first few matchs Amanda stood in between the pair of you until the first match of the round of 16, Amanda left to go to the toilet when Leah turned to look at you already catching you staring before she spoke “I never thanked you for coming.” You shook your head “I wouldn’t miss this for the world, but I have to say it’s odd not seeing you out there and instead here answering all of our questions like a pundit.” Leah laughed feeling the tension slip away “I’m.” You shook your head as Leah began to speak “I’m not ready for that yet, but I’m tired of is acting like strangers so while we are here for the rest of the tournament can we please go back to being friends.” Leah smiled her heart hammering “I’d love nothing more.” The rest of the game Amanda stood watching you both interact like best friends her heart filling with hope that maybe her family would come back together.
The final had arrived and Leah had been pacing the hotel floor for about an hour nerves and anxiety hammering her system that was until she felt a hand slip into her own finger interlocking and a head resting on her chest as she stood frozen “your alright Le, I’m not going anywhere.” Leah looked down at you before closing her eyes feeling herself relax before she began to imagine you both back in your relationship “ I’m not even playing and my nerves are shot.” You smiled hearing her heart beats fast rhythm “they are still your team injury or otherwise and this is still a very big game for your best friends your nervous for them to achieve their dream to show the world how powerful they are but your anxious about missing out on this opportunity and not living in the moment for them so do me a favour and forget about it and and just focus on us right here right now.” Leah stood frozen looking at you bewildered “how do you always know what’s going on in my head and how to fix it.” You smiled up at her “I’ve known you since before you where Leah Williamson Arsenal Academy player let alone England Captain I’ve loved you just as long it’s my job.” Leah closed her eyes once more relaxing into you getting lost in the imagination of you both reunited as lovers “thank you.” You nodded into her chest squeezing her hand “always Le.”
The girls lost and to say everyone was devastated but you couldn’t help but hold Leah as she cried into chest heartbroken for her team, for England. “I’m a bit biased but maybe they are just waiting on you aye.” Leah chuckled slightly pulling away from you clearing her eyes before shaking her head “I think you might be yeah.” You grabbed her hand intertwining them together “come on let’s go see the girls.”
Leah had hoped after you returned to England you might stay the same friends that is and to her hopes you did acting like the friends she once remembers you being before the late night kisses and lazy days spent cuddling.
Leah’s ACL journey had been progressing well and you had been texting her frequently sending words of encouragement as well as liking and reposting her milestone videos as you returned to training with Tegan and the girls preparing to move up in the league.
It had happened all at once and Leah felt as though she had been hit by a bus at the image of you sat with a girl she had never met arm wrapped around your waist and you leaned into her laughing. You where hers.. shit key word where, you had the freedom to date whoever you wanted but that didn’t stop Leah appearing on your doorstep at three in the morning covered in water from the heavy rain banging on your door. You trudged down the stairs swinging open the door before running your eyes in shock at a shivering Leah “I’m sorry I am so so so sorry Y/n.” Ignoring her babbling you pulled Leah into your house scolding her “are you crazy Le you could catch pneumonia in that weather.” Leah didn’t respond instead she continued to apologise as you looked at her confuse before pulling her into your arms before Leah cracked sobbing apologise into you chest “I’m so sorry Y/n oh my girl I’m so sorry please forgive me I can’t do this anymore my love please.” You looked at her confused before realising her words, sighing you squeezed her arm “come on Le let’s get you dried up and changed yeah.” Leah didn’t say anything just following your every move wrapping her arms around you.
You turned on the shower leaving to get towels before coming back “I’ll be just down stairs ok.” Leah grabbed her arm “please don’t leave please stay.” You nodded pointing to your bed “I’ll be just here ok.”
Leah came out a short time later finding you on the bed scrolling through your phone “I’m sorry .” You shook your head “it’s ok Le like I told you Always yeah.” Leah nodded siting beside you turning to look at you when you bumped her shoulder “I’m ready.” Leah looked at you confused “what.” You sighed “I’m ready now for your explanation for your apology all of it.” Leah sighed nodding “my words will never be enough to tell let alone show you how sorry I am.” You hummed in response “yeah but it’s a start.”
Leah sighed “I’m an idiot a selfish idiot who did something so stupid in front of her girlfriend who simply just wanted her efforts recuperated, who wanted to be shown she was loved and valued as much as she loves and values her partner.” You looked at the floor as Leah talked “y/n I have spent more of my life loving you than I have anything or anyone else, you have loved me just as much, you have celebrated me at my best and looked after me at my worst and supported me through it all.” Leah sighed grabbing you hand “and I’m so incredibly sorry for how I treated you in May. You didn’t deserve any of that, I messed up my priorities but I can promise you now I’ll never do anything like that again just please one more chance.” You sighed squeezing your hand “your right, I have loved you since before you signed the under 8s, I have loved you through it all and i will continue to do so but that girl who shouted at me in her parent’s kitchen who promised me an appearance at my final match day and then never showed is not the girl I fell in love with and I’m sorry Leah but until she returns I’m not giving you my head t just for you to break it again.” Leah sniffed “I can do that I can be the Leah you deserve.” You smiled kissing her cheek “come on let’s get to bed.” That night Leah slept on your chest taking in every breath you took.
Two months down the line and Leah was stood on the side of a field pitch screaming at you to push up and cheering when you did decked out in your New Jersey that she had specifically asked for. Leah had attended every match complete unprovoked and you could be more happier, the after match rituals often being either you or her ending up in one of your apartments watching I’m a celebrity.
But today everything changed Newport Pagnell where playing Notts County. Leah was stood next to her family and your parents cheering for your squad until you went down in the 75yh minute. You had been marked by to players who’s favourite line to use was no mercy and that came to light as one of them stook their foot between your legs knocking you forward as the other kicked right at your head clocking you head on. You dropped like a sack of potatoes as the entire Williamson/y/l/n support squad gasped before falling silent. Leah twitched wanting to run onto the pitch and pull you close but she could to shocked to move as Tegan appeared turning you over before shouting for an Ambulance. Leah didn’t care after that running on to the pitch to your side studding your bloody face. “Oh Y/n shit darling please wake up.” Leah knew how dangerous concussions where but she had never seen a head trauma like this “Tegan, where are the medics.” Tegan looked at Leah confused “it’s a Sunday league our manager is the medic with that stupid bag she needs an ambulance.” Leah nodded grabbing your hand staring at you “please darling I need you to wake up.”
A little while later the ambulance arrived assessing the situation before putting your unconscious body onto a back board and onto the stretcher Leah ran after you only to be stopped by the paramedics “sorry who are you to the patient.” Leah turned looking to your parents “her girlfriend im her girlfriend please.” The paramedics nodded pointing at the seat for Leah to sit in before closing the doors and taking off to the hospital.
You don’t remember closing your eyes or how you ended up in an unfamiliar place but you didn’t care all you wanted was Leah as you looked around the room desperately “hey hunny it’s ok relax your ok.” You looked at your mum shaking your head “Leah where is she I need her mum please.” Your mum nodded “ok ok I’ll call her she just went to get a drink ok hold on.”
Leah ran up the stairs before bursting through your room doors “I’m here I’m here.” Leah looked around the room panicking before spotting you wide awake “oh my love, I oh my god.” You stretched out your hand begging her to take it before pulling her towards your “you gave me such a fright Y/n I thought I’d lost you god please don’t do anything like that again.” You smiled up at the older girl hand playing with the hairs behind her neck “your here.” Leah nodded “I wasn’t leaving you no way not this time.” You smiled eyes beginning to fill with tears “I love you.” Leah nodded “I love you.” You shook your head at her words “no le I love you, I’m in love with you, I want you.” Leah looked at you shocked before feeling her self begin to smile “I’m getting a deja vu moment here.” You laugh “oh shush.” Leah laughed pulling your face closer “mine.” She whispered gently.” You sighed “only if you promise to look after my heart this time.” Leah nearly hit your head with how fast she nodded “I vow to you my one and only I will love you till the earth stops spinning and I will never treat you like that again it’s stupid I had to learn from a mistake in our relationship but I know now at you are my beginning and end my everything not that silly little game.” You laughed “hey I love that silly little game.” Leah smiled “more than me.” You shrugged “depends can you still kiss me as well as you used to.” Leah laughed “kiss me and find out.” Before pulling you into a passionate kiss “I love you till the earth stops spinning yeah.” You smiled “I love you to the stars coming calling Le.”
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ramp-it-up · 2 years
Babe, are you taking requests? I’m desperately in need of some Rafa love 😩 Help!
Anything for you, love!
F*****g Sound
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Pairing: Rafael Casal x OFC Holly Woods
​​Summary: You love to hate Rafael Casal. And now everyone knows.
Word Count 2K
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI. RPF. SMUT! Read at your own risk, mutual pining, innuendo, explicit talk, explicit pics, masturbation, fingering, spit play, hooking up at a party. Breeding kink if you squint, orgasm denial. Not Beta’d. All errors my own.
For more context read the Holly Rafa fics here.
A/N: This is the beginning of the Arrivals/Fresh Squeeze/ GOAT series mashup that was supposed to be published last year. 😬 I am inspired by Rafa’s IG stories that make it seem as if he is Lucky Daye’s album Candy Drip on Replay. Hope you like it @lonelydance
Notice: I no longer operate a taglist. Follow @rampitupandread to be notified when I post. DO NOT COPY, REPOST, OR TRANSLATE MY WORK!
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“So what, Holly? “
Rafael snapped his fingers,
”No one ever snapped their fingers…”
Rafa held his hand up and snapped. You glared at him. But you had to clench your thighs when he did it. You remembered how fast you got on your knees for him that one time at your apartment.
“And you came?”
He looked at you intensely.
As usual, You and Rafael were in deep conflict in the middle of your friend’s gathering, a small circle watching the sexual tension snap crackle and pop between you two.
“You’re telling me that no man has ever snapped their fingers and gotten you to do anything sexually? Just like that?”
He did it again.
Damn him, you thought. You cocked your hip and decided to play it off.
“Never met a man who had that kind of power.”
Rafa smiled and bright his drink to his lips, forcing your eyes there as well. ‘It’s on,’ he thought.
“Well. We need to find you someone who can do that for you.”
Rafa turned to the hostess.
“Naomi, you got anyone for your friend?”
Naomi was laughing at you both.
“You need to chill, I’m sure Holly can handle her own sex life.”
Then she heard UTK calling her from the game room.
You smiled, choosing violence.
“She’s right. But I don’t remember the last time I had quality sex…”
Then you smiled at Rafa, who was clenching his jaw right now, fully swole. You were baiting him because you had just let him hit last night.
You walked out of the room. Rafa watched the sway in your hips, looking as if he’d set the world on fire.
Rafa had to put his hand in his pocket, because your attitude was getting him rock hard. He stood and seethed for a few as he stared after you.
Rafa looked up at Daveed who just shook his head, put his hands up and went to the game room. Fuck it, he would striaghten you out, he thought as he stalked out of the room and took out his phone.
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“So they fuckin.”
Lindy leaned over and whispered to Daveed in the other room. He smiled down at her.
“Genius Ass.”
He smirked.
“The jig is they think it’s just physical, you know FWB, although I’m prettyyyy sure they're in love. But they are both too boneheaded to admit it.”
Lindy laughed.
“But it’s so obvious. That right there is passion. They got it bad.”
She looked around.
“Why doesn’t anyone else see it?”
D chuckled.
“Because everyone really thinks Rafa and Holly can’t stand each other. And they are very convincing. Remember Rafa is an award winning actor. Holly is a woman.”
Daveed dodged a smack across the head, laughing because Lindy had to jump. She flipped him a bird and attempted to walk off.
D grabbed her hand and pulled her back to him and pointed to his lips. She tried to have an attitude, staring at his lips, but then kissed them and fell into his embrace. Then they continued watching the show.
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You were staring out of the window, keyed up from your interaction with Rafa. Why did he need to be such an asshole in public?
You felt your phone vibrate and took it out to see a message from Rafa. You shook your head, opened it and then hid it in your hands and made sure no one was near you.
He’d sent a dick pick. From the guest room. The text message read: Let me make it up to you.
You shook your head again, angry now. He didn’t have it like that. No.
But then you pulled your phone out again and your pussy throbbed. You were indeed addicted.
Daveed and Linden watched you go into the same room that Rafa went into and grinned at each other over their drinks.
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You stepped in the room and turned on the light. There was Rafa, in his suit, with his dick out and stroking.
“So you came. Oh but I didn’t snap my fingers, I just snapped a pic.”
He was going to town, staring at you and holding you captive with his blue green eyes. Jealousy was here.
“W-what is this all about Rafael? Nathan?”
You’d told Rafa that you’d met up with your ex when you went home to Houston last week.
“I told you, we didn’t…. We just had coffee.”
You closed your mouth because both you and Rafa remembered what happened on your coffee date.
“Rafa, it doesn’t matter. It has nothing to do with our situation. That is not what this is.”
Feelings bubbled up but Rafa pushed them down. This was just fucking, right?
“Cool, so, if I was to put my dick in your mouth, would you swallow all my cum, or would you rather let me aim it at your face, or your tits?”
No matter how insecure he was about this situation you two were in, he was confident of his game.
Cash was a panting feral sex monster right now and he had you right where he wanted you.
You were got. Good and got. You watched Rafa jacking his dick and your knees got weak.
You wanted all of that. Your mind was blanking.
“Come here.”
You moved toward him obediently and stood between his legs watching him grip himself, watching as he slid his fist up and down, causing the head to play peekaboo with you between his thumb and forefinger. It was so thick and pink and dripping with pre cum. You wanted to clean it up. He watched your face and when you licked your lips he knew.
“I think I dreamt one time that when I snapped my fingers you dropped to your knees and gave me the best head I've ever had in my LIFE! Unnnghh.”
Rafa moaned and you watched as a little more spurted out, ready. He watched you and knew that he had you where he wanted.
“But I guess I must have been tweaking.”
Any other time, you would have cussed him the fuck out, but you put yourself into this situaion. Dripping in your best friend’s guest room with your avowed enemy.
“Want some?”
You nodded, near desperate.
Rafa reached his hand up and put two fingers in your mouth. He used the same rhythm that he was stroking himself and you sucked his fingers like it was going out of style, dribbling saliva down his fingers and your shirt.
“Just nasty.”
Rafa’s eyes were glazed and he pulsed harder in his hand.
“Fucking love that mouth.”
Suddenly, he shifted, grabbed your waist and moved your body down to the bed, sliding his hand down to your hip to your thigh, which he hoisted up and out to have you exposed to the room.
Rafael lay beside you and pulled your other leg open, appreciating the view. His heart started beating a mile a minute.
“Holly Marie Woods! You don’t have any panties on! What kind of party did you think you were coming to?”
You didn’t answer his question.
“W-what if someone hears us?”
“Holly, I don't care 'bout who's around, I just want you, here, right now, I need to hear you make that fuckin' sound.”
“Oh, yessss.”
Rafa’s heart raced. Maybe you did want him as much as he wanted you. Maybe…
His hand was on your thigh and moving north. His long fingers skimmed your sex, and met the emerging wetness there. You started sucking his fingers even harder as two of his other fingers sunk into you.
Rafa felt like he was going to pass out as he felt your velvet walls. His dick throbbed. He got up on his knees between yours, pulled his fingers slowly out of your mouth and used your saliva to add to your wetness as he massaged your clit. He felt your pussy quiver and he smirked at his power. This was the shit, this electricity between you.
Rafa clamped his hand over your mouth as you started to shout, stopping what he was doing.
“Shut your mouth. You may be right. Don’t want anyone to know, do we?”
Rafa leaned up and placed your thighs in his hand and hiked them up so that you were bent in half. He took in your wide eyes. He moved his hand as he lined up with your cunt.
“Is that what you want? For me to fuck you until you make that fucking sound in your throat that makes me shoot gallons of cum inside you?”
“Yes, please. I need it.”
Rafa snapped his hips and plunged into you, stopping immediately because of the sensation. This was not in his plan.
“Shit Holly. I can’t believe that ol’ dude didn’t think about having this again. You can’t give away my exclusive benefits. That’s just rude. I know its not my pussy…”
Rafa pounded you a good five times until you were gasping for air and the next thrust would send him over the edge. You moaned that your edge was there too.
“But they are my benefits.…”
“Y-yes. Your benefits. But my pussy.”
Fuck, that made him mad.
“Hold your fucking ankles around your ears,” he growled as he used his arms to gain more leverage to fuck you harder into the mattess.
You felt your insides quiver as you clenched at the command. You made that sound. The sound that haunted his mind when you were not around. That’s how he knew he was in love. He should record it and put it on a loop to make a song, but you weren’t Apollonia, and he wasn’t Prince.
When your eyes started rolling back into your skull and he started fantasizing of watching his cum drip out of your cunt, he pulled out, and stood up as he panted. His dick was bobbing and weaving and trying to pull him back into your pussy, but he stayed strong. He watched your outrage as you were snatched back from the edge yet again.
Your outrage didn’t quite match his as he thought of another man knowing you intimately.
“What the hell Rafa...”
“I just wanted a sample my present. They will be wondering where we are. Gotta get back to the party.”
You stared at him as if he had grown antlers. Not him leaving you unsatisfied. You huffed and then started to reach for your clit.
“I wouldn’t do that.”
Rafael didn’t elaborate, but the tone of his voice made you stop.
“Get up, fix yourself and go back to the party.”
You had no words for him, glaring at his back as he went to wash his hands and fix his hair as you got up and straightened your dress.
“Perhaps someone will snap their fingers later and you’ll get to cum.”
You pussy throbbed as he said the words.
“Damnit Rafa.”
Rafa didn’t say anything else as you went to the restroom and wiped up your lipstick, which was smeared, and as got your purse to put some more on. Rafa knew for certain that he was in love and that it was hopeless. If he said anything, you could have your pick of guys with no feels. He tried to climb out of it.
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You made sure your hair was good as he stood at the door, too much of a gentleman, despite the rude things he just did to you, to leave you alone. He stared at you a minute, taking in your prettiness, realizing there was no getting out of this pit of love.
“What?” You cocked your head at him.
“Look, Holly, I…”
You stopped him.
“Let’s not spoil the night. You’re right, let’s go back out there.”
Rafa shut his mouth and nodded.He reached for the knob, opened the door, and were greeted by Naomi and UTK, crazy looks on their faces, and Daveed and Lindy literally eating popcorn and watching behind them.
“Holyyyyyy Shit!”
UTK was bugging. Naomi was looking at you as if you betrayed her.
She may have been right.
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Holly & Jolly pt.3
Other Parts: Part 1 | Part 2
Square: Holiday Party
Pairing: Rafael Barba x Reader
Word Count: 1489
Warnings: lots of crimmus smut !! (car sex)
A/N: I have nothing to say. Maybe get a cool rag before reading? ;)
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Stepping out of your car, you cursed loudly at how cold it was. You wore a gorgeous dark red, laced sleeved formal dress. It cut off about knee high and to match you wore a pair of beige, glossy flats. The holiday party might have just been at Olivia’s place, but she did want everyone to dress nicely. Even your puffy winter coat couldn’t warm you up right now. 
You grabbed the box of Holiday cookies from your passenger seat and made your way inside the building and out of the cold. On your way in, you met Carisi out at the elevator. He couldn’t get much dressier than he did at work, but he did try to keep sneaking cookies from you. You playfully smacked your friend’s hand.
“Since when do you wear dresses? You don’t even dress that nice for court.”
“Olivia said to dress nice, so..”
In the few moments of silence that passed, the elevator came down. Just as it dinged, Carisi dramatically looked over at you with his eyebrows raised, “Are you and Barba-”
“I’m hoping so. But we are not-” You swatted his hand again as you stepped in the elevator, “-talking bout this anymore. I don’t wanna jinx anything.”
“Fair enough.” He laughed, tucking his hands into his pockets.
The elevator was short, but when you arrived at Olivia’s everyone from the squad was already there. Noah and Rollin’s girls were even dressed up in cute little dinner outfits. The apartment was lined floor to roof with green and red and the delectable smell of turkey was enough to warm you up when you walked in.
“Hey! (L/N), Carisi! I’m so glad you could make it.” Olivia hugged you both, taking the box of cookies from you to go to the kitchen. “You can put your coats on my bed.”
Carisi took your coat, ignoring your protest. But you gave up and just let him take it. You walked into the kitchen, meeting up with Rollins and Kat.
“Daaaamn, detective. You really know how to clean up.” Kat raised her glass to you with a playful wink.
“She’s not wrong, (Y/N).”
“Oh, shut up.” You laughed lightly, picking up a bottle of white wine and pouring yourself a glass.
You looked around the room slyly as you sip your wine. You brush some of your hair away from your face as you see Rafael walk in. You stop drinking your wine to take in the view. He wore a dark green dress shirt with a deep, red, striped tie and his black blazer draped over his arm. His hair is messier than normal, but still fixed up. Possibly tossled by the wind.
He hugged Liv, giving her a chaste kiss on the cheek and walked to the back to put his blazer up. Did... did he even see you?
You hummed annoyed, tossing back the rest of your wine.
“Woah.” Rollins departed from her and Kat’s conversation to look at you refilling your glass. “Maybe have some crackers with that?”
“I’m fine. Just a little annoyed.”
“Why’s that?”
You glanced over your shoulder to see who else was around before speaking. “Rafael came over today and...we kind of made up. I just- I don’t know. I wanted to dress pretty for him.”
Kat and Rollins shared a look and laughed quietly.
“What?! Is it so much to ask for a little attention when I make an effort?” You scolded them quietly while they laughed.
“You sound like you’re married already.” Rollins snickered.
“Ugh, you two are no help.” You huffed, walking off to go sit down with the kiddos. 
The party went along nicely and the dinner was amazing. Olivia is anamazing cook and so is Carisi. After dinner everyone lingered around the living room, playing with the kids and exchanging stories. The whole party, Rafael went the entire time without speaking to you. But just as everything had settled, he walked up behind you, leaning against the back of the chair you were sitting in with a glass of scotch.
“So I exist to you now?” You whispered to him.
Rafael hummed as if he were thinking, but you knew he was being a smart-ass. “No, I knew you existed.” He leaned in closer so you could only hear him, “I’m just trying to hold myself back from tearing that gorgeous dress off you right here.”
You almost choked on your wine, but played it off, waving your hand at Olivia who looked at you concerned. Your face started to heat up from his words. You had to sit your wine down and excuse yourself.
“I’m uh..” You pointed both thumbs toward the door, “I’m gonna go down to my car for a sec. I’ll be right back.”
You flashed Rafael a look, which he returned, and stepped out into the hall. By the time you made it outside and into your car, Rafael was on your heels. You both climbed in and he was immediately on you. The kiss was nowhere near classy. A dance of tongues sliding hungrily against one another, hands tangling in hair, and skin heating up quick against skin.
Rafael messed with the zipper on your back, making quick work of sliding it down and off of your shoulders. His lips started moving down your body. Leaving a stinging hot trail from your jaw and to the crest above your breasts. 
“Fuck, Raffy..” You moaned, “I missed this.”
“Wanna move to the back seat?” Rafael asked, sucking at the skin just underneath of one of your bra cups, where no one could see.
“You better hurry up.”
You moved him to climb into the back seat, shimmying your underwear off and into the floorboard.
“Fuck, just can’t wait can you?” Rafael growled, climbing above you and throwing your legs onto his shoulders.
“I’ve been waiting for you for 4 months, Rafael. Hasn’t been ea-” You cut yourself off, your jaw dropping into a silent scream as you feel his tongue flatten against your cunt. One of your hands gripped his hair tightly while your thighs did the same.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck..” You whined as Rafael sucked and lapped at you.
You moan low in your throat, patting Rafael quickly on his shoulder, “Rafa, baby, I’m not gonna make it...”
When he removed himself from you, you could barely catch your breath and the sight of his chin drench with your juices made it even harder. Rafael reached into his pocket to pull out a condom, which made you laugh.
“Someone was expecting this.”
“Well, not exactly in this setting, but you bet your sweet, sweet ass I did.”
You giggled excitedly as he climbed over you, condom already on and good to go. Rafael gripped onto your hip with one hand while the other helped position himself inside of you. He rushed himself in slow, the both of you holding your breath as he did.
“You really have been waiting, huh? Your pretty, little cunt is so tight and ready for me, Carina. Can barely fit myself in there.” 
When he bottomed out, you finally let out the moan you were holding in, along with all of your breath. Rafael laughed softly and leaned over you, holding himself steady against one of the doors.
Rafae moved at a quick, but steady pace. You dug your heels into where his thighs and ass meet, earning a groan from the man of sin above you.
“Holy shit, Rafa, baby, I’m gonna cum already...”
“Right there with you...” His hot breath against your ear made your back arch and your hand latch onto his hair.
He picked up his pace, trying his best to have you come undone before he did. You could feel tears slipping down the side of your face and just knew you were going to have to fix your makeup before going back in. But it’s all sooo worth it.
WIth just a few more thrusts, you felt the big knot in your stomach come loose and you were screaming his name as you clung onto him for dear life. Not far behind, Rafael came with the same intensity, practically sounding like a pornstar when he came. Everything might have been quick, but it was some of the best sex the two of you have had. 
He didn’t dare move as the two of you caught your breath. He just looked down at your mascara stained face and smiled wide. You rolled your head up to look at him through barely open eyes, “What?”
“This was one hell of a Christmas present.” Rafael smirked, leaning down to capture your lips with his. 
You laughed into the kiss, massaging the place where your nails had dug into his scalp. He hummed at the feeling. When you pulled away, you looked up to him with a devious look in your eyes.
“Round two at my place?”
Tags: @thatesqcrush​, @ritajammer21​
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lisboabeat · 5 years
19.09.19 EUROPA Amuse-Bouche by NCTRN RecordsBinome ✚ Shy-O ✚ Miss Tick
19.09.19 5A CLUB Collect Showcase | 5A 
19.09.19 LUX FRÁGIL Dark Entries: The Hacker x Josh Cheon
A Dark Entries Records é uma das melhores editoras dos últimos anos. Hipérbole? Talvez, mas a qualidade, integridade e paixão exacerbadas com que Josh Cheon conduz este barco empurram-nos a gritá-lo com todo o ar dos nossos pulmões.
A própria poética da música que nos oferece atira a nossa imaginação pelas ravinas do excesso e do romance proibido, fazendo pouco de nós quando hesitamos avançar na escuridão plena para depois, logo a seguir, nos chamar de quadradões quando receamos abrir o coração às emoções mais inocentes e puras. Vulnerabilidade e arrojo como emoções irmãs, sempre. Visita regular na nossa Disco, desta vez acompanhado pelo mestre THE HACKER.
19.09.19 Festival Iminente 19/20/21/22 Setembro - Panorâmico de Monsanto
ALINHAMENTO 2019 Artistas visuais: Abdel Queta Tavares (GW) AkaCorleone (PT) Ana Aragão (PT) Blac Dwelle (PT) Colectivo Rua (PT) Francisco Vidal (PT-AO) Gonçalo Barreiros (PT) Herberto Smith (PT-STP) Maria Imaginário (PT) Rita RA (PT) Sara Morais (PT) Sosek X Kaur X Coxas X Thiago Nevs (BR) Tamara Alves (PT) Thunders Crew (PT) Vhils (PT) Artistas musicais: Common (US) Bulimundo (CV) L-Ali (PT) Mayra Andrade (CV) Pedro Mafama (PT) Mike11 (PT) Dealema (PT) Classe Crua (PT) Apollo G (PT) Beatbombers (PT) A Nossa Cena (PT) A-WA (IL) Badsista (BR) Blackoyote (PT) Cachupa Psicadélica (CV) Chalo Correia (AO) David Bruno (PT) Deau (PT) DJ Firmeza (PT) DJ Nigga Fox (PT) vs. DJ Marfox (PT) Fado Bicha (PT) Filho da Mãe (PT) Força Suprema (PT) Fred (PT) Holly Hood (PT) It’s a Trap Experience with Oseias / Young Boda / Syl / Circa Papi / 20chatear (PT) Jair MC (PT) Jay Electronica (US) Jibóia (PT) Julinho KSD / Minguito / Shocks49 e convidados co-curated with It’s a Trap (PT) Just Blaze (US) Kappa Jotta (PT) Kumar (CU) La Familia Gitana (PT) Lab.I.O. Slam LxPoetas Large Professor (US) Linn da Quebrada (BR) Maddruga (BR) Mohamed Lamouri (DZ-FR) Mynda Guevara (PT) OMIRI (PT) Palheta Jazz Trio (PT) Papillon (PT) Praso (PT) Rafa G (PT) Rizan Said (SY) Scúru Fitchádu (PT) Shaka Lion Special Act (PT) Sreya (PT) TRKZ (MZ) Vado Más Ki Ás (PT) Vinicius Terra (BR) Performances: Anita Escorre de Branco” by Odete (PT) Brazilian Strip” by Mariana Barros (BR) De submisso a político: o lugar do corpo negro na cultura visual – parte 2” by Melissa Rodrigues (PT-CV) Iminente B-boys Battle (PT) Orchidaceae (PT) Happenings: Instalação “±Nothing is for Free±” by ±MaisMenos± (PT) Talks: Jovens e a cultura: a nova geração sente-se representada na cultura?” – curated by Gerador VIH e PrEP: interesse público ou farmacêutico? – curated by Fumaça “Direito à habitação: o povo ainda pode morar nas cidades? – curated by Fumaça Reparação histórica: é possível pagar as dívidas do colonialismo?”
Curated by Fumaça
20.09.19 EUROPA Daveed Bluesock Rooftop LaunchingEuropa Sunset 
20.09.19 EUROPA Marina Trench (Deeply Rooted, FR)
20.09.19 5A CLUB Johan
20.09.19 LUX FRÁGIL Superb #10: Courtesy x Or:la x Trepanado & Carrot Green
O Lux Frágil e a Super Bock apresentam #Superb 10. Com Courtesy, Or:la e NA O MI na Disco; Selvagem apresenta Trepanado & Carrot Green e Midnight no Bar. 21.09.19 EUROPA Escafandro ✚ José Noventa (Ber) // Europa's Foreign Affairs
Info/Music@ facebook.com/Escafandro-282704385573404 soundcloud.com/user-397840246 facebook.com/Jose.Noventa.Official soundcloud.com/jose_noventa facebook.com/clubeuropa
21.09.19 5A CLUB BIKAS
21.09.19 LUX FRÁGIL DTX Marks The Spot: &ME x Xinobi
DTX é a abreviatura de Discotexas.
É união, é proximidade, é cumplicidade. É olhar em frente sem esquecer o passado. Na 3ª DTX Marks the Spot no Lux celebramos com &ME e XINOBI.
Discotexas DTX DTX marks the spot.
21.09.19 MINISTERIUM CLUB Ø [Phase] Holldën Fúria Adeline Rose Oduro
Ø [Phase] | Disturb • Industrial Contamination
0 notes
‘CAT BBB’ de Rafael Portugal foi uma das melhores coisas do BBB20
Com uma temporada cheia de inovações, o Big Brother Brasil 20 (BBB20) trouxe a Central de Atendimento do Telespectador, o CAT BBB, com apresentação do humorista e ator, Rafael Portugal, que ficou famoso com o Porta dos Fundos.
Rafael Portugal gostou do sucesso do CAT BBB e contou de onde veio tanta inspiração para piadas perfeitas. “Muitas situações de convivência na casa eram praticamente piada pronta. Os comentários inflamados dos internautas também eram um prato cheio para a gente. Aliamos isso aos pedidos e comentários reais sobre a edição feitos por meio das ligações para a Central de Atendimento ao Telespectador da Globo e, voilà, tínhamos um pacotão de inspiração. Tratamos tudo com uma boa dose de humor e o resultado foi esse visto no ar por todo mundo. Fico muito feliz de ver que tanta gente gostou”, disse o humorista.
Sem sombra de dúvidas essa foi uma das melhores coisas da 20ª edição do reality da TV Globo e podemos provar; Confira:
1 – Meme do Caixão
No CAT BBB de 21 de abril, Rafael Portugal brincou com o meme que está bombando na internet, o ‘meme do caixão’, usando como gancho justamente suas piadas sobre o reality, como se isso fosse levá-lo ao paredão ou uma demissão. Ficou demais.
— titia bruna 𐂂 (@thedecepcao) April 22, 2020
2- Marcela Pediatra
Quem não vibrou muito quando Rafael Portugal zoou Marcela pelo relacionamento com Daniel, errou. Foi demais, exatamente porque esse era o sentimento de todos fora da casa, virou até meme: “entrou ginecologista, saiu pediatra”.
Nem manu, nem babu, nem rafa, nem thelma, quem merece esse 1 milhão e meio é o Rafael Portugal, aceitem pic.twitter.com/TqHsL1ZXvt
— nina com N de n é apelido (@niinaputz) April 22, 2020
3 – Flay e a soberba
Quem não lembra da Flay sendo soberba e dizendo que os outros que eram soberbos, perdeu grandes momentos desta edição. “Tem câmera na casa, viu Flay”. É isso, não precisa de mais comentários, Portugal arrasou mais uma vez.
Tem câmeras, viu Flay? pic.twitter.com/tiHaTc1zFf
— Holly Marie 😷 (@hollygreen0) April 8, 2020
4- Treta Prior X Babu
Outro momento hilário foi quando Rafael Portugal resolveu zoar as tretas de Felipe Prior com Babu Santana dentro do BBB20. Ele bem que tentou dar um toque no paizão e baixar a bola do arquiteto. HAHAHAHAHA.
@rafaportugalc você é demais! Morro de rir com você! Obrigada pelo humor na quarentena! #ValeuRafael 🤣🤣🤣 #CATBBB pic.twitter.com/VbubJEHEC4
— Pâmela Ribeiro (@Pamrdjrmovies) April 1, 2020
5 – Quarentena
Quando o humorista resolveu fazer uma música pedindo a extensão do programa por causa da quarentena provocada pela pandemia do novo coronavírus, foi outro momento AUGE! Afinal, estamos até agora, mesmo com a prorrogação do programa, pensando o que vai ser da nossa quarentena sem o BBB20, vai deixar saudades.
Rafael Portugal definiu o mood:
😭 Chorando em #CatBBB language com o fim do #BBB20 😭 @rafaportugalc • #RedeBBB pic.twitter.com/scz8JZbBJd
— Big Brother Brasil (@bbb) April 8, 2020
Veja também: Perfil do ‘rato do BBB’ no Instagram já tem mais seguidores que o Hadson
Acompanhe a página especial do BBB20 na Catraca Livre e fique por dentro de tudo que rola na casa mais vigiada do Brasil!
‘CAT BBB’ de Rafael Portugal foi uma das melhores coisas do BBB20publicado primeiro em como se vestir bem
0 notes
ramp-it-up · 3 years
Only Bad Choices
#RampItUp1Kinktober Day 11
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Pairing: Rafael Casal x Ofc Holly Woods
Summary: You’re a good girl, Holly Woods.
1Kinktober Kink: Praise kink
Word count: 2.3 K
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI. RPF. SMUT! Read at your own risk, mutual pining, innuendo, explicit talk, pms symptoms fluff, jealousy, praise kink, fingering, kitchen sex, d/s if you squint, Not Beta’d. All errors my own. Dividers by @firefly-graphics.
For more context read the Holly Rafa fics here.
A/N: Another holiday fic for 1Kinktober. I’ve rediscovered my love for Rafa and Holly! 😍 This is for the 11th DAY of #rampitup1Kinktober! TYSM for following me!
I Do NOT Consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
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“Goood girl. Good fucking girl. Ooooh, I love it when you lick me, yeah. Pretty little good girl.
You rolled your eyes as Rafa played with Mia. You knew that he was trying to get to you, but you weren’t biting. Or licking for that matter.
You headed into Naomi and UTKs house to help get things together.
You didn’t have time for his trifling ass.
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You’d come back from Houston early after Christmas, lowkey stoked to see him in person after all of the big talk over the phone. But you didn’t want to seem so desperate. You came back, and gave him a text which he left on read.
You went to grab a caffeinated beverage at Hilltop and you saw Rafa’s motorcycle outside. You quickly used your camera as a mirror to make sure you looked presentable and went in to see Rafa laughing and talking with a pretty brown skin girl with dreads.
So this is why he wasn’t rushing to return your text. Cool.
You pretended you didn’t see them after looking Rafa in the eye and went to the register.
“Hey.. Holly! What up! I didn’t realize you would be back today…”
You restrained yourself from rolling your eyes. You’d told him that the other day, although it was after he’d cum, so…
“Yeah. Back on the coast.”
You glanced over at the girl again, who was staring down at her phone. The barista handed you your order and you got ready to jet.
“Well, I gotta go unpack, so…. See ya later.”
“Wait… Holly…” but you were not stopping and not looking back. You’d played yourself.
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Rafa knew what was up as soon as he saw you glance at Gina. Fuck. He checked his phone and saw the missed message. He honestly thought you would be back on the 30th. It was the 27th.
He really missed you and was looking forward to spending the day all up in them guts when you returned, but it looked like you were feeling some kind of way.
He sighed and then remembered that Naomi had planned brunch for tomorrow. He knew you wouldn't miss that. Rafa smiled as he walked back over to Gina.
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It was a Festivus celebration with the homies. It was something between Christmas and New Years that everyone could celebrate without religious overtones. And it was always a movie.
You knew Rafa would be there, so you wore your tightest black jeans and a new Rocket’s hoodie that you’d cut in half. You used the new body butter you got for Christmas. You knew you were fly.
You’d walked past Rafa on the way into UTK and Naomi’s and heard some dog perk up. You weren’t sure if it was Mia or Rafa however. You were early, helping Naomi to set up.
She needed to drop her kids off at her mother’s house across town and UTK was running late from the set, so you stayed and continued getting food ready as she ran out. You looked out the kitchen window and saw Rafa coming toward the house.
“Shit,” you shook your head as you peeped him.
You were busy chopping veggies when he came into the kitchen.
“Hey, Holly. What’s shakin’?”
He was jovial, as per usual
“Hello Rafael.”
The ice in your tone was unmistaken. Rafa shivered exaggeratedly as he moved closer to you.
“Why so cold, Holly?”
You turned around with the knife in your hand. Rafa put up his hands and backed up.
“Hey, chill. I know you’re upset.”
“I’m not upset Rafa, just not in the mood.”
Rafa spoke in soothing tones, not knowing but sensing what his voice did to you.
“Not in the mood for what? That’s not what you said the other morning, Holly.”
You turned back around and continued chopping.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Rafael.”
You could hear the smirk in his voice, even if you refused to look at him.
“There you go…” he paused.
“Well, it was a great Christmas morning. You talked me through rubbing one out like a champ. You give great phone sex, Holly.”
You slowed down, memories of that morning coming back and trying to mellow your harsh. You wanted to stay strong.
“Remember? We talked about what we would do to each other when you got back?”
“Oh?” You started chopping again. “You didn’t get what you needed from that cute little dread head yesterday?”
Rafa chuckled and you saw red again. Muthafucker.
“I knew you were tight about that. Gina works for the Hollywood Reporter. And she’s a friend. She was interviewing me. Nothing more.”
“Oh.” Shit. “I don’t care.”
Could you have caught feelings for him too? Rafa didn’t want to risk it. But he wanted to have you. Right now.
You turned around, this time with no knife.
“It's just we talked about you hitting it raw.”
Rafa looked you up and down and licked his lips.
“Oh yeah. I remember.”
“I got the shot, we got tested together. But if you’re putting your little white stick in every fun dip in LA…”
Rafa laughed at you.
“My ‘little white stick.’”
He walked toward you, and your stomach flipped.
“If I recall, that’s not what she said.”
You bristled.
“Who is ‘she’???”
Rafa stopped and put his hands up again.
“Hey. It was a joke.” Now he was worried.
You heard yourself and dropped your head. You were tripping. Hard.
“I’m sorry Rafa. I’m…. a little moody. You know, that time of the month? Bone who you want. I really don’t care.”
“Ohhhhhh! No worries, Holly. And I am boning who I want.”
Rafa winked at you and started moving around UTK and Naomi’s kitchen.
“Cramps? Does your back hurt? Nauseous?”
You couldn’t help but smile as Rafa located the tea kettle and started filling it up with water. After he turned it on, he went to the pantry and grabbed some Ginger tea.
You shook your head, and smiled.
“I’m not actually onnnn, right now, just in a few days. I’m just irritable, moody….
“And I’m irritating and irky. I get it.”
You chuckled and ducked your head. He was a really sweet guy. The kettle started whistling.
Rafa turned it off then got you a cup and some honey from the cupboard.
You prepared your tea and started blowing on it to get it to cool. Rafa watched your lips and shifted.
“So.. no physical symptoms yet?”
He was being serious, so concerned. Shit. Good guy Rafa was about to fuck around and make you fall for him.
“Ummm. My breasts are swollen and tender…” You looked away as you sipped your tea.
You looked back at Rafa eyeing your hoodie and licking his lips.
“Well, shit, Holly. Can I help you with that?”
The mischievous glint was back in his eyes. You couldn’t help but giggle.
“You are a pure fool, Rafa.”
You put your cup down and then turned back around to finish chopping the vegetables.
“You can help with this food.”
You two made light work of what was left, and in 20 minutes, you had everything ready. There was over an hour until the guests arrived, and Naomi texted that she wouldn't be there for 45 more minutes.
Rafa was on his phone on the other side of the kitchen, when you told him, then you turned back around toward the sink, looking over the driveway and little courtyard to the guesthouse where Rafa was staying.
“You know, this is a pretty little view. It’s so cute.”
You smiled a little to yourself, dreaming of your future house.
“I’d have to agree, if you talk about what I’m looking at right now.”
You looked at him over your shoulders, so fucking cute. And you rolled your eyes at him.
“I’m serious, Holly. You’re a fucking sight for sore eyes.” You heard him getting closer. “Your eyes, your skin, that bodyyyy.”
Rafa grunted a little as he stared at your butt.
“You’re looking mighty good in them jeans, Holly. That ass is like..boom pow.”
He was standing so close to you now, waving his hands around your ass as if he were casting a spell. You could feel his heat. But he didn’t touch you.
You raised your head and looked out the window. He was making you weak. He started breathing down your neck, making you wet and your nipples hard.
“The last time I had the pleasure of you, I couldn’t believe how good you felt around me. Your mouth, your hands, your pussy. I don’t remember ever having better. That pussy has wiped my memory of all other pussy. Holly, it’s that good. Pussy takes me so fucking well.”
You swallowed to keep from moving. He was flooding your panties.
“I have all kinds of plans for that beautiful cunt, Holly. I need to say hello to my little, tight friend.”
He was right there, silk voice in your ear.
“You’re so fucking beautiful, Holly. I just want you to bless me again.”
He put his arms on the counter on either side of you, still not touching you.
“I would be so fucking honored.”
“Hmmmmm, Rafa…”
You finally gave in and leaned back into him, grinding your ass into his crotch, which housed his hard cock. No, it wasn’t little.
Rafa pulled you into him harder, and then started moving them up your waist.
“Skin so fucking smooth Holly. And it tastes so good, like velvet chocolate.”
He was nuzzling your neck inside your hoodie.
“Smells delicious, to. I can just have my lips on you all day. Especially your delectable little pussy. Mmmmmm.”
This man and his words. Fucking kryptonite.
Rafa’s hands were still on the move, nearing your breasts.
He gently held them in each hand as he ground you against the sink.
“Good girl. Not wearing a bra.”
You almost died.
“Now these, are a work of art, but I see what you mean when you say they are swollen. I would love to see them. The feel so soft right now, Holly, fuck.”
He gently pressed on your nipples and carefully twisted and…
“Fuck, Rafa!”
Rafa groaned into your neck. “Mmmm. You want to?”
His left hand moved back down to your jeans and loosened the button, plunging his long fingers into your heat, bringing your slick back up to your clit to start rubbing.
“Can I? Will you be a good girl for me and let me fuck?”
He started speeding up. You started moaning.
“Be a good girl and wait for me, Holly. Don’t cum yet. Can you be.” He stopped.
“A good?”
Plunge and swirl.
Plunge and swirl.
It seemed like it had been so fucking long you weren’t going to be able to hold it. Especially the way he was fucking your mind right now.
Rafa keyed in on something when you were in Houston, and he squeezed your breast as you pulse and release onto his fingers. You bent over the sink to catch your breath, then turned around to face him.
“Oh. Holly.” Rafa tsked at you. “There are no bad girls, only bad choices.”
He started unbuckling his pants.
“Fortunately, I’m still going to give you this dick.”
You nodded and pulled down your jeans, hopping up on the sink as Rafael, pumped his cock and pulled you close, leaning down to pull up your hoodie and suck it, but not too hard. You threw your head back and moaned as he swiped up and down your slick.
“Been too fucking long….”
It had only been a few days, but you and Rafa were addicted. Might as well admit it. He looked up into your eyes, his ocean blues holding yours as he breached you, watching your face as you registered his girth.
“Thaaatsss it, Holly. Take it. Fuck you take it so well. That’s why I had to give it to you…”
He palmed your ass and brought you closer as he pounded you out over Naomi’s sink. She would murder both of you if she knew.
But you were only thinking of that dick as you held on to Rafa’s shoulders.
“Look at it.”
You looked down to where you two were joined and gasped, mouth open.
“Yess,.. That fucking mouth. I’m going to have that later.”
You just nodded and continued looking at his dick fucking into you.
“You still need to be punished for disobeying me, even though you’re taking me so well right now.”
You snapped your head up and Rafa smiled.
“Yeah. Such a good girl. Who needs some consequences.”
He squeezed your nipple a little harder.
“Happy. Fucking. Holidays. Holly.”
Rafa snapped his hips into you with each word and you came again, convulsing around his dick and milking him. Rafa dug deeper as he pulsed inside you. You felt his warm cum and felt so comfortable. You slumped into him as you experienced his cock pumping inside you. Learning to breathe again.
Rafa held you for a moment, cherishing the warmth himself. He had to have more.
Your phone buzzed on the counter. You reached for it, Rafa still inside you. Your eyes got wide.
“Naomi is at the corner store. Wants to know if we need anything. I’m going to say ice.”
“Shit!” Rafa said. “Good thinking. She needs to wait for someone to get it for her.”
Rafa was grabbing paper towels to clean himself up as you ran to the bathroom and got yourself together.
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When Naomi walked into the kitchen, she was greeted by the strong smell of Fabuloso. Rafa was sanitizing the sink.
“To what do I owe this, Rafa?”
She went over and kissed him on the cheek as she looked for a cooler in the pantry. You walked in and gave him the look.
“Oh, I just spilled… something in the sink. Thought I’d clean it real good.”
Noami shrugged, non plussed. She looked from you to Rafa. Then back came over to you. She thought you still hated each other.
“I hope you weren’t a bitch.”
She thought she was speaking so that Rafa couldn’t hear. But he did.
He winked at you as Naomi turned to get something.
“No worries, Naomi. Holly was a real good girl.”
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Was I a good girl? 🥺
@einfachniemand @sillyteecup @theselilwonders @theatrenerd86 @imatyoursurrvicesurr @riiyy @lonelydance @biafbunny @summerofsnowflakes @honeysucklechocolatedrippin @wreakhavoconmacroissantdiggs @elocinnicole @nikole-witha-k @braidedchallah @sebastianabucknettastan @jbrizzywrites @maroonsunrise83 @partypoison00 @curlyhairclub @fanfictionwr1tin @chcblndnrd75 @angelxfics @shadowolf993 @geminixevans @na-nou83 @subwaysurf45 @batboysdoll @kiwisa @fofisstilinski @bertieandberries @ladystrawberry @chesca-791 @calimoi @fangirlfree @bbaengtan @aliceforbes @photmath @iconicshit @maroonsunrise83 @denisemarieangelina @harrysthiccthighss @simpinforu @sunshinexsin @celestialbeingz @the-1900 @afriendlyblackhottie @olyvoyl
Be a good girl…
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ramp-it-up · 3 years
Lesson Learned
Day 26 of #RampItUp1Kinktober
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​​Pairing: Rafael Casal x Reader Holly Woods
Summary: It is time to learn the lesson not to do things prematurely.
1Kinktober Kink: Edging
Word Count 543 words
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI. RPF. SMUT! Read at your own risk, edging, orgasm denial, marathon sex, dirt talk, masturbation, cum play. Not Beta’d. All errors my own. Dividers by @firefly-graphics
A/N: This is for the 26th DAY of #rampitup1Kinktober! TYSM for following me! 🧡
I Do NOT Consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
Rafael had you on the floor, ankles around his ears, digging you out like you were a gold mine.
You were as precious to him but you didn’t know it. If you weren’t going to give him your heart, he would lay claim to your body.
Rafa whispered sweet encouraging words in your ear like, “That’s my good girl Holly, yessss, taking my dick so well, and for so long. Good fucking girl.”
You were going on the second hour of him fucking you so well that your vision had gone white, and also on the second hour of him not letting you cum.
You ragged gasp for breath in his ear almost broke him, but he held fast.
“I know. I know baby. But the lesson still needs to be learned.”
Rafa stroked deep and circled your clit until your body was taut and wanting, and until his cock was pounding with his own impending end.
“You cum only when I tell you to.”
Then, he slid out of you, moaning himself as you whined beneath him. You were soooo close, just as you had been five times before. You wanted to touch yourself, but the last time you did that, he extended his cruel game.
Right now, Rafa was staring at your cunt and you were convinced that you could feel the force of his gaze. He looked at your face, blissed out and eyes vacant, and he caught the vibe.
“What if I did want you to cum? Could I talk you into it?”
He started stroking his big, wet, red cock and you watched, paralyzed by intrigue.
“I want to wrap my lips around your clit and suck it dry. I’ll suck it so good, Holly.”
“Oh, Rafa…”
Your clit was throbbing and you were getting wetter through overstimulation and his words.
“Then I will fuck you with my tongue. Eat you out like an ice cream sundae.”
You liked at him, all blissed out and he felt a shiver down his spine.
“I love being inside you. Can I cum inside? Or do you want me to pull out and cum all over you.”
Rafa closed his eyes and stroked his dick faster. That got you going.
“Gonna cum all over those tits and make you suck it off…”
You arched your back and started convulsing. The sight was too much for Rafa.
He pulled his dick down to your pussy and started swiping up and down your folds, his fingers stimulating your clit.
It was a point of no return. Your body went tense as you felt your orgasm instantly near.
“If you’re gonna cum, cum now Holly.”
Rafa pumped his cock and groaned as he released all over you. Hot drops of cum on your clit made you explode like fireworks.
You were a filthy, heaving, happy mess as you played in his seed which was dripping off your breasts.
It was when you gathered some on your finger and licked it off again was when Rafa began to get hard again…
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@einfachniemand @sillyteecup @theselilwonders @theatrenerd86 @riiyy @lonelydance @biafbunny @summerofsnowflakes @honeysucklechocolatedrippin @wreakhavoconmacroissantdiggs @elocinnicole @nikole-witha-k @braidedchallah @sebastianabucknettastan @jbrizzywrites @maroonsunrise83 @partypoison00 @curlyhairclub @fanfictionwr1tin @chcblndnrd75 @shadowolf993 @na-nou83 @subwaysurf45 @batboysdoll @kiwisa @fofisstilinski @bertieandberries @ladystrawberry @chesca-791 @calimoi @fangirlfree @bbaengtan @aliceforbes @photmath @iconicshit @maroonsunrise83 @denisemarieangelina @harrysthiccthighss @simpinforu @celestialbeingz @the-1900
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ramp-it-up · 3 years
Damage, Pt. 2
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Pairing: Rafael Casal x OFC Holly Woods
Word Count: 3.8 K
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI. RPF  Read at your own risk. Pining, angst, FWB, graphic sex, protected sex, talk of getting tested for STD’s, Krispy Kreme, and all the feels.
A/N: It’s my birthday and I missed Rafa and Holly, so I wrote my own deliverance. At this point, these two are so oblivious, it isn’t funny. This happens just after Last Christmas.
This December adventure began early that morning, as Daveed and Rafa taught your writing classes and then hosted a Holiday showcase for your kids. 
They donated their time and talents as a favor for you. It was so damn cute and thoughtful that you’d thanked Rafael and then kissed him under the mistletoe. Almost as if you were in a relationship.
You weren’t in a relationship, however. You’d only shared two nights together, as friends who fucked, and you had an understanding that it wouldn’t be any more than that. Rafael and you had an agreement to service each other for the time being, no commitment, no feels. 
And who were you to him? He was a creative, a star who could jet off around the world in a moment’s notice for a glamorous affair.  You were just a school teacher who worked every day in LA. Rafael would never want you for his girl. So this situationship served a utilitarian purpose, not a romantic one. 
After the kiss, Rafael’s mind was whirring. He slowly backed away and checked the time, noticing that it was just after 9 pm. The night was young. He didn’t want the night with you to end. 
Rafael felt the urge to be with you again, but he didn’t want to push his luck. You were so dope and the fact that you didn’t know it made you even more so.  You were refreshing with your intelligence, adding to the facts that you did not give a fuck who he was, did not play to his ego, and did not want him to wife you.  
That last part was refreshing, but also troubling as he evaluated his feelings for you. But there were no feelings to be involved; you’d made that clear.  If he fell for you, you’d probably end it. You clearly didn’t want to be bothered with his lifestyle, and frankly, he didn’t deserve you. 
But he could possibly have tonight. It would be the last chance to be with you before you went to Houston to visit your family for Christmas, and the thoughts of you he’d had since Tuesday couldn’t wait another week.
You gathered yourself together and got your emotions in check.  You told yourself that you were just fond of him as a friend, but that’s where the sentiment ended.  You only had to repeat that to yourself about three times before your heart started to slow down.
Rafael smiled at you, crossing his legs and leaning on your desk while watching you work, finally getting your things together so that you could leave.  It had been a long day.
You were wearing your work clothes, white button down shirt, black pencil skirt and heels. Your Christmas cardigan had been discarded when you started cleaning up. That skirt was fit. ting.  Damn, that ass.  You were all covered up, but the clothes got him a little hard. 
You watched him watching you and gave him a smile that made his blue-greens light up.
“Did you have fun with my badass kids today?” 
Rafa laughed at your joke. He saw how much you loved your students. 
“They’re not bad. Some kids just need different ways to learn and show that they’ve learned. But you know that already.”
He shook his head at you. He could read you like a book.
“You try to pretend that you’re mean Ms. Woods but I know better. They wouldn’t love you so much if you were mean to them. Like young Timothy. He sure does love you a lot. You’re… what is it he called you?  His Cutie Pie?” Rafa looked at you with a cocked eyebrow. Timmy was his nemesis.
There was something in his voice that made you stop and look.  Could Rafa be jealous of a kindergartner?  Nah. But he was certainly worked up.
You smiled mischievously, walking towards him with some workbooks in your hand.
“I am ‘Mean Ms. Woods.’” 
You came close to him and leaned beside him to put the workbooks on your desk. Standing in front of him, your legs on either side of his, Rafael got caught up. He kept his hands clasped in front of him and eyes on you as you got close. But he couldn’t help but lean in, try to look down your shirt and kiss you on your neck.  
You stepped back before his lips made contact, teasing him.  The way he huffed and clenched his jaw got you going. That smoldering look and flashing green eyes always did.
You  definitely wanted to give him some, if he wanted, after what he had pulled off today for your kids.  You were happy that he seemed to want you too. But you were chilling. You wondered about other women in his rotation. 
You laughed a little and smiled, shaking your head at yourself.
Rafa smiled, seeing that you were flustered about something and hoping that something was him. He knew the cat and mouse game was just beginning.
It had been just three days but he was feening for you. Especially after seeing you with your kids this morning. You were something special. Someone he couldn’t let… He stopped his train of thought as you started talking.
“Timothy is a handful.  Mischievous, hella smart, quick witted. And a little charmer. He’s always trying to get a kiss. He has a ton of potential. Reminds me of someone else…” 
Rafael’s quick wit turned you the fuck on. Not to mention his face. And... Whew. Your thoughts were getting out of control. 
The way you were smiling at him made Rafa‘s heart leap. He tried to push the emotions down and just feel the physical.  But he did care about you. A lot. 
“Ok, enough about Timenstien.  Let’s talk about adult things…”  He just wanted to pick you up and carry you outta here the way you cocked your head at him.
“...Like the arrangement for benefits without borders. The tests, the shot… “ You just continued to stare at him.  When you licked your lips, Rafa put his hands in front of him to cover up his hard on.
You laughed again. “‘Benefits Without Borders,’ you should copyright that.”  
“Yeah, or call it, ‘FWB Raw’” Rafael had jokes.
You cracked up.  “I can’t with you, Rafa.”
Rafael’s face fell. “I mean your jokes, I can’t with your jokes. Sheesh.” 
You turned around to gather more books. Rafa fixed his face, but his eyes couldn’t leave your ass.
“Anyway, I already started the process. I went and was able to get an appointment Wednesday after school, so the shot should take effect next week.”
After the night you’d had Tuesday, you definitely wanted to experience that again. It was fortunate that your doctor had an opening on such short notice.
Rafa’s heart leapt when he heard that, but his face showed no emotion, just a cocked eyebrow when you turned back around.
“Word. Yeah, I’m actually leaving Sunday morning, Christmas Eve, and won’t be back until the 30th...So.”
“So…” Rafa’s eyes, they were changing colors on you. It put you off balance.
“So, if we go get the tests tonight, next week might be available for no barrier method benefits between friends  That is if you still want to….” You bit your lip. Rafa cleared his throat and you saw a smile playing around his mouth.
“Let’s think about the last time when that almost happened.” And he paused so you could go there. You had to lean on one of the children’s tables to think of the shower. You were most definitely wet right now.  
Rafa watched you as you had to open your mouth to breathe.Yes, he was definitely about to get some tonight. He wanted more than just sex, but right now he would take what he could get. Then your face changed to uncertainty.
“By the time I get back, you’ll probably have other plans for New Year’s weekend…”
Rafa was confused. “Nah, I’m going next door for Utkarsh and Naomi’s party… aren’t you?”
“Yeah, but you-- we-- might have dates or something.”
Ohhhhh. That’s what was up. Rafa nodded.  Shit.  You might have someone else in the rotation.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. True that.  There’s a couple of people, I mean. A few.”
Rafa was lying through his teeth, no one in his phone could hold a candle to you. Sure, they were ready, willing and able. But they were not you. And you didn’t have to know that.
“See, so…”
Rafa mourned the lost vibe.  He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, not caring how it looked anymore. You watched him and longed to have your fingers in his mane, but you were chilling.
“Look. The other night we said that this was a special deal between us. I don’t wanna tie you down.  We’ll just see how things go, I mean, you might hook up in Houston…” He watched you, waiting for you to deny it.
You didn’t deny it simply because you did not know how to say that the only one you wanted to take advantage of the situation was him. You just stared at him. When you didn’t say anything, he went on.
“...old flames, new boos, whatever.  The tests will be good information to have in any circumstance.  I say we go for it.”
"Let's get it!"
An hour later you were at the Krispy Kreme donuts on Crenshaw on the way to your place. You had already dropped your car off and were now chilling with the homie after getting tested for STDs. 
You were staring in the window of the bakery, watching the donuts getting that hot glaze now and licking your lips.  They were so tempting. You were thinking donuts and Rafa was thinking the same about your lips.
"I don't think these will help with my anemia."  Your little laugh was so cute to Rafa.
The only bad news you’d got from the blood tests was that you needed more iron. You were both clean and ready to go.
"Let's get some. That glaze does something to me. I just want to lick some of that creamy stuff from around that hole..." Rafa was staring at you while he spoke, the “Hot Donuts Now” sign casting an eerie red light on half of his face.
"You’re so nasty...." you giggled.
Rafael screwed up his face. 
"What? I'm talking ‘bout some donuts.  I don't know what you're talking about." Rafa felt irrationally happy being here with you. Because you were a great friend. Yeah, that was it.
You got a dozen and left on the way to your house.  You stole a donut while riding. You looked at him while licking your fingers.
You’d decided that you wanted to have him before you left, even if you had to use protection. After you ate the donut, you put your thumb in your mouth, sucked for a second, and removed it with a loud pop, still staring at Rafa.
He almost pulled over to the side of the road.  But he was determined. "Hmmmm." Was all he replied as he tightened his grip on the steering wheel.
You put your hand on Rafael’s knee and moved it up a few inches to his dick. It was appropriately swollen. You smiled and started stroking it through his pants.  You felt it get harder. 
"I’ve been thinking about you a lot tonight. What you did for the kids was so… It was nice. On the other hand, I can’t wait for you to fuck my throat."
Rafa almost choked on nothing. You always surprised him and made him feel like an insecure, horny teenage boy.  But he wasn't going out like that. You were just a few minutes from your place.
"You know what. I'd love to see those tits right now."
“Right now? While you are driving?”
“I’m grown. Been driving since I was 15. I got this.”
You giggled, but reached up and unbuttoned your shirt. Your breasts were bathed in the moonlight, sitting perky and upright in your sheer black bra. Holy fuck. Your nipples were calling to him.
He'd distracted you from his dick, but his mouth was watering.  All he wanted was to fulfill your dirty fantasies. He reached your apartment and turned off the car.  You leaned back against the window. Rafael turned towards you, appraising you impassively. He had to use his acting skills to seem calm. Damn, you had him twisted.
"Touch them for me."
You licked your lips at his command.
"But I think I still have some glaze on my..."
Rafa just stared at you.
You did as you were told and pulled your bra cups down, freeing your breasts.  You started feeling and pulling on your nipples.  Your eyes were half closed in ecstasy as you started moaning and fogging the windows of Rafa’s car. He was right there with you as he palmed himself through his pants and feasted his eyes on you for a few minutes.
He leaned over and took over your breasts with his mouth. He licked and sucked each of them, making you wet all over again.
“Mmmmm. So sweet.” He looked up at you, his breath fanning your face from below.
You giggled. “It’s the icing from the donut.”
“Nah girl, it’s just how you taste. Like the sweetest ambrosia.”
Damn, his words. Rafael Casal and his damn words. You just stared at him, speechless.
Rafael drew in a ragged breath and reached over to pull your bra up and button your shirt just enough to be decent going into your apartment. It was so tender. But in a no feels kind of way.
“Let’s go on up.”
Rafa peered into your soul. Sure, you wanted him. But was it really just for friendship and occasional dick?
“Eager, are we?”
His voice did something to you. The soft tenor and the earnestness of his requests of you made you melt. How did he do things to you without touching you? You didn’t want to analyze it too much, so you threw the question back on him.
“You’e not?”  Your challenge threw him off. He chuckled to hide his nerves.
“Yes, I’m eager Holly.  I’ve been thinking about the last time since the last time. I want you.”
You closed your eyes and licked your lips, trying to center yourself. “That’s cool.”
You reached for your bag and moved to get out of the car.
“Hold on,” Rafa moved quickly to get out and go around to open the door for you, his chivalry not unnoticed by you. Again, the little things made you want him even more.  This was not going to be good for your heart when he decided to move on.
You led the way to your place and started up the stairs to your apartment before him.
It seemed as if that ass was going left to right in slow motion as Rafael watched it intently. He shook his head to see if he was bugging. When you glanced at him over her shoulder, he knew.
He grinned at you and looked back at it when you turned back around, catching a glimpse of a garter belt on your thighs through the slit in your skirt as you climbed the stairs.
Holy fuck! He had to have you. He rubbed his fingers right before reaching out to verify, then drew them back, because it wouldn’t do to fuck you outside on the stairs of your apartment building.
Rafa gave you some space as you opened the door, but as soon as you were inside, he pushed you up against the wall, hands everywhere.  It seemed as if he’d waited forever and not just three days. You had him addicted. 
You moaned as Rafael started kissing down your neck to your cleavage, dropping your bags on the floor by your feet. He saw a peek of your black bra through your shirt. He remembered the garter set and had to see the entire affect. He backed up, taking you in from head to toe.
"You wanna take those clothes off, or do you want me to rip them off?"
You smiled. "I guess I'll choose the first option."
You slowly unbuttoned your blouse, and peeled the skirt from your hips. It was so seductive that by the time you were done, Rafa had undressed as well, his thick dick in his hands, getting it ready for you.
You stood before him, in a sheer black lace bra and garter set, with no panties. The fact that you had been like that all day under your clothes made him get even harder. And you were looking at what he was holding and licking your lips.
"You hungry?"
"Yes. Please."
Rafael laid you down on the couch. He turned your head and filled your mouth as he stood at one end of the sofa. He used his free hand to twist and flick your rock hard nipples through your bra. Damn, he loved it when you moaned with his dick in your mouth.
“You like that Holly? This what you wanted?”
You were ravenous, stroking off what you couldn’t fit in your mouth naturally. And you were busy, so you just nodded. Rafa continued to torture your nipples with one hand, but moved his other hand down to your clit, swirling insistent and concentrated circles around it.
You were so worked up that it did not take too long for him to manipulate an orgasm from you. “Damn, girl.” 
He was in heaven as you came with your mouth around his dick. Good thing, it muffled the sound. He was concentrating on not shooting off down your throat as he watched you, writhing in your garter set and licking his fingers, and then moving down to eat some of your delicious cream. 
Rafa held your hips down mercilessly as you fought your next orgasm.  He tongued you through it, taking all that you had to give him and successfully keeping you from running from it.
When he rose from between your legs, and wiped his face with the back of his hand, you looked as if you were going to sleep, your eyes vacant and rolling back in your head.  You were in shock from all the pleasure.
"Get that ass up."
You languidly obeyed and stood before him, eyes glowing and sexy ass lips smiling. Something in Rafael’s heart lurched and he couldn’t explain to anyone why. He was mad for some reason. 
Conflicted with different emotions, he just grabbed your waist and roughly turned you around, grabbing your arm and twisting it behind your back as he bent you over the arm of the couch.
You looked amazing in what you were wearing. He rubbed your ass before he smacked it, hard. Rafa was rewarded with a moan and an arched back. 
“Are you ready for this dick?” He smiled as he put the tip alllllmost in.
Then he remembered.  “Shit.” 
He went into your bedroom, seeing your suitcase set up and mostly packed for the trip.  He brushed away the feeling that he had at what that meant and quickly went to your bedside table for a condom. He didn’t want to lose the vibe.
He came back into the living room to the sight of you still bent over, head resting on the couch cushion.  He stroked himself to full staff again, put the condom on, and lined up with your cunt.
“Still ready?” 
He didn’t have to ask as he heard your moan and felt you try to push back to take him.  He stilled your movement with this hand on your hip, wanting to prolong the anticipation.  His heart skipped a beat as you asked him for it.
“Please, Rafa, please give it to me…”
He sank into you, none too easily. 
“Fuck, you’re so tight. And so wet. I love to see you cream for me, Holly. Can’t wait to feel it again.” He couldn’t wait until you returned, so that he wouldn’t have to worry about condoms. That is if you hadn’t…
He brushed the thought of you with another man out of his mind and slapped your ass, angry again.  You whimpering beneath him had him almost out of control.  You, it seemed, were on the same page.
“Oh, Rafa.  I’m so close already. I’m going to….” Rafa just kept hitting that spot, making your knees buckle. You were grateful for the support of the couch arm.
“Fuck, Rafa… I’m gonna c-c-cummmmmm.” You started pounding around him, and he grabbed the back of your neck.
“Fuck, fuck, FUCK, fuck, fuck.” Rafa had no other words at the moment.
You were screaming into the couch cushion as he emptied his cum into the condom, his hips stuttering and erratic in their rhythm. 
He leaned over you and onto your back after he was spent, for just a few moments. Then, he straightened up and made his way to your bathroom to get rid of the condom. 
Rafael washed up a little and looked at himself in the mirror. It was hopeless.  He brought out a washcloth for you and found you curled up on the couch.
“Let me..” Rafa approached you to clean you up, and you let him, trying not to register the intimacy and tenderness of the act.  He was just being a good friend.
When he was done, you thanked him and went to the bathroom, shaking your head at yourself in the mirror. You felt helpless and a slave to the feelings that weren’t supposed to be there.
You made your way back into your bedroom, took off the garter and hose, and pulled on some sweats and a tee.
In the living room, Rafa was dressed as well. And standing by the door. Your heart sank a little. But you smiled and went toward him.
“Thank you, that was just what I needed after a long week. You headed out?”
Why didn’t you just invite him to stay over?
“Yeah, I better go. You probably have a ton to do before you leave.”
Rafael didn’t know how to say that he wanted to stay, but if he did, he would wind up saying too much. “Can I have a hug?” He needed you in his arms, just one more time.
You smiled at him. “Is it even a question, after what we just did?”
You were sad that he didn’t want really to hug, he just wanted to fuck. He was just being nice, but that didn’t keep you from burying your head in his chest and squeezing tight as you went into his embrace. 
Rafael inhaled the scent of your hair and closed his eyes as he cradled you, holding you close to his heart. “You have a safe trip, and a good time with your people. Merry Christmas again, Holly.”
Your eyes welled up as you kept your head in his chest. “I will, Rafa. Thank you so much again for today. It was everything. Merry Christmas, Rafa. Have a good one.”
You lowkey wiped your eyes on his shirt before you looked up at him and smiled. You gazed at each other for a minute before he let you go.
“See you in a few days. You know, maybe.” He fumbled for the doorknob behind him.
You laughed and smiled, catching his heart. “Yeah, see you next week. Possibly.”
“Bye Holly.” He’d finally found the doorknob and was backing out of it.
“See ya, Rafael.” You were shaking your head at him as you closed the door.
You leaned against it for a long time as Rafa made his way to the car, and banged his head on the steering wheel.
You both were idiots in love. And you didn’t even realize it.
Let me know if you liked it! Like, comment, reblog, please. 😁
Taglist: @braidedchallah @theatrenerd86 @sebastianabucknettastan @imatyoursurrvicesurr @riiyy @ivycomet @lonelydance @jbrizzywrites @delaber @honeysucklechocolatedrippin @janthonystan @anh1020 @sillyteecup @ohsoverykeri  @theselilwonders  @biafbunny @summerofsnowflakes @honeysucklechocolatedrippin  @wreakhavoconmacroissantdiggs  @einfachniemand 
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ramp-it-up · 4 years
Winter Song
DJ’s 10 Days of Christmas
Day 4: 12.18.2020
Winter Song x Leslie Odom Jr. x Rafa
Pairing: Rafael Casal x OFC Holly Woods
Word Count: 3.7 k (not really a drabble.)
Warnings: THIS IS SMUTTTT! 18+ Only.  Read at your own risk. Graphic sex, breeding kink if you look closely angst, denial, fluff, Rafa singing, mentions of threesome, unprotected sex (WRAP IT UP) and an adult conversation about unprotected sex.
A/N: This is part of the Damage arc. Read Damage, Pt. 1. This happens before Tiny Tim. I hope you all like it!
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Rafael watched you after he put you to sleep.  He felt pride and accomplishment at upping the quality since the first time, but there was something else as well.  
He wanted to kiss you, but instead watched you slumber, and the unguarded expression on your face.  Then, he got up and went to the bathroom.
You heard Rafa speaking and your shower running as you woke up.
"The night is still young, Beautiful. Up."
You got up and followed him to the bathroom.
He stood there, naked outside your shower and motioned for you to get in. 
“I want more.”
You knew what that was supposed to mean, but you shivered at what it really meant.  But you didn’t think about that now.
You got in the shower and eased under the hot water.
Rafa was being sweet. It was dangerous. As he reached for you, you started to protest.
“Rafa, …”
“Shhhh. This is part of the Rafael Casal Friends Package. Deluxe edition."
He smiled, and you noticed the cleft in his chin. And those lips...whew.
You closed your eyes, but it was too late. The image of his unguarded smile was burned into your brain. Shit!
Rafa found himself wanting to take care of you for some reason.
He started humming a tune.
It was beautiful and familiar, and you closed your eyes and let your mind relax to the tune.  
“What is that?” 
You questioned him softly, appreciating wet Rafael Casal in your shower.
“What?  This song?  It’s a Sara Barielles joint that my friends Les and Cyn recorded for Les’ Christmas album a couple years back. I co-wrote a couple tracks on it.”
He didn’t meet your eyes, but was focused on soaping your breasts.  He continued humming as he slowly tortured you again, pulling your soapy nipples until they peaked with soap and arousal.
“You know, I keep forgetting that you are a celebrity. God Casal.” 
You rolled your eyes, partially from attitude, and partially from the sensations he was giving you.
You were rewarded with a smile. 
“That’s what I l-like about you Woods.  You’re a real chill friend.”  
Rafa was tripping at the fact that he almost said, “love.” What the fuck?
You ignored the stutter and started soaping your hands, then grabbed his cock, cleaning it very thoroughly, up and down, up and down, firmly with your slick hands.  You also made sure the boys were clean below.
Now Rafa’s head was thrown back and taking the full force of the shower head. He steadied himself with his hands on the wall behind you, caging you in.  
He closed his eyes and leaned his head down, fully feeling what you were doing to him.
What were you doing to him?
“Sing some of it for me.”
Rafa brought his head up, blue eyes bright and burning.  He gave you a lopsided smile.
“You’re not slick, Holly... Are you?” 
Rafa reached for you again and used both hands to invade the space between your legs from the front and from the back.
“Shit, you are slick.” 
He moaned low in his throat. While simultaneously trying to pump and out of you with his hands.  
You made that difficult as you moved away and bent over at the waist while rinsing off his dick, then put most of it in your mouth.  But not before saying:
“Sing some of the song for me, Rafa…”
Was all he could say as you had your way with him, his clean, Rafa taste invading your senses.
“I can’t match Leslie’s pure tenor, especially right now.”  
Rafa’s voice was definitely not high right now, it was low and gravelly; sexy.  He watched your ass, being given a view of your apple bottom by the position you were in.
You looked up at him with doe eyes as you pouted around his cock.
Rafa was in the process of being ruined by you.  You’d fucking turned the tables on him.
Precum leaked from his tip and your tongue found the salty goodness.  You moaned.
“Hol-Holy-- Holly…” 
“This woman has me so gone,’ Rafa thought.
“I can’t hear you…” You stopped what you were doing for a second. Rafa whimpered.
“Ok, ok…”
He started singing softly and haltingly.
This is my winter song to you.
The storm is coming soon,
It rolls in from the sea
My voice; a beacon in the night.
My words will be your light,
To carry you to me.
You looked up at him again, and his moans turned into a growl.  If he didn’t take control back he would cum all over your face, and while very tempting, he wanted more.
He pulled you up and tasted himself on your lips and tongue, grabbing your arms to help control the impending explosion in his loins.  
“You’re so fucking hot, Holly Woods.”
Rafa forcefully spun you around and bent you over in front of him, first exploring both of your holes, first with his fingers as he listened to your noises, then with his cock.
All you wanted him to do was sink inside you, as you were almost delirious with desire. So you pushed your ass back and Rafa did what you wanted him to.
Moans reverberated in the bathroom as skin on skin inside skin was happening with you two for the first time.  
“Feels. So. Damn. Good. Rafa… Ah.”
You were screaming in your throat, head against the shower wall, Rafa twisting your soapy nipple with one hand while giving your wet ass a slap with the other.  
Of course you came. All over Rafa’s cock as you felt it jump. 
Oh shit!
“R-R-Rafa. Y-you’re gonna cum inside me?”  
It was half exclamation, half question, and just a little protest. 
Rafa’s balls were so tight and he was ready to shoot off.  The thought of cumming inside you and his seed painting your walls was something that was too attractive at that moment.  
He tried to think of the possible consequences of that as a deterrent. But surprisingly, the thought of cumming inside you made him even closer to losing control.
He sped up, his only goal to cum deep inside you and damn the consequences. 
Shit, welcome the consequences.
Rafa had never felt that way before.
He pumped, harder and harder, and deeper and deeper inside you, haphazardly picking up your leg to wrap backward around him to go even deeper, his hands gripping your wet hips to hold you up.
“Gotdamn you feel so good!”
Rafa pumped until his hips stuttered once, and at that point, you wanted it so bad that you were screaming. 
“Rafa, Yes, Rafa, Give it to me Rafa, Yesssss!!!!!”
Your voice flipped his switch.
Rafa cursed as he pulled out and fisted his cock in his hand, jerking his cum all over your ass and watching as the water washed it away.
You thought it was over.
You thought.
He pulled you up to standing against him, right hand on your throat, squeezing gently while his left hand expertly flicked your clit with his thumb and plunged three fingers in your cunt.
“Ah…” was all you could say as your knees gave out. Rafa put his thigh between yours on which to rest as he manipulated the orgasm from you. 
Your closed eyes showed you rainbow colors as you moaned loudly through your climax.
You rested against him as Rafa didn’t think you could feel him kiss the back of your neck.  You shivered and then stood up, turning around and smiling at him.
You were good and clean as he led you back into the bedroom wrapped in towels. 
You fell on the bed and watched as Rafa collapsed beside you, worn out, hand on his chest. He looked to his right.
“You good?”
You looked at him and smiled shyly.  “I’m excellent.” 
Rafa rewarded you with a smile. He looked at his watch.  It was 8:17.  
“I”m starving.  Can we order takeout? My treat. I promise, I’ll leave you alone right after.”
You turned on your side and took a good long look at him. Gosh, he was beautiful. You chewed your lip, because you needed to talk about what just happened but not right now.
“You don’t have to leave me alone, Rafa. We can hang. Even though I do usually go to bed by 10. But I’ve got papers to grade…”
“Dope! I can help. What’s the topic? You forgot you were naked as you talked about your students’ figurative language unit.
Two hours later, you were in your sweats with Rafa in your living room, take-out containers everywhere and “ Winter Song” playing on a loop from Rafa’s phone that was connected to your wifi. It was fast becoming one of your favorite tracks. 
Because of the artists’ voices, of course.
Rafa actually helped grade your students’ essays. You didn’t realize that he was a TEACHER teacher, and you told him as much.
“Yeah, Diggs and I both substituted and taught before our art was at the premium that we could just make art and survive. You know my sister Gabriela is a teacher in Oakland...” 
Rafa told you more about his teaching background all the way up through the University level. 
It was so dope the background knowledge you had and the way you listened. Most women just glossed over details like this in his life for the times in the limelight, but not you.
Rafael couldn’t get over how much he loved talking to you and how much you two vibed.
And he continually surprised you.
The way you were looking at Rafa right now was everything. Those muthafucking pretty brown eyes. And that melanin magic.
Damn.  If he stayed locked in on you he wouldn’t leave your place. Ever.
The sexy way you smiled at him and cocked your head was dangerous.  The low tone you used to utter what you said caused him to not quite comprehend it.
He knew he should let you get some rest, but you were his vibe tonight. 
Rafa looked like he was chill enough to talk about what happened.
“You know, tonight has been great, but we need to talk, Rafa.”
Rafa got scared. It was never good when a woman said that. He leaned up backs and crossed his arms. Defense.
“Oh shit.” 
“I just think we need to set some ground rules.”
“But we did.  No feels. Just fucking. We’re just friends.”
“What happened in the showere was…”
Rafa tried to charm you with his smile.
“Ha ha. Yes.  But also dangerous. I’m not down with casual unprotected sex. For various reasons, health. But I also don’t want to be a baby mama.  If I have kids it will be in a committed relationship.”
Rafa was nodding, because he agreed, but his heart was also doing some weird shit. Maybe he needed to go to the doctor.
“Absolutely.  I’m sorry, I violated your trust, it went too far…��
You stopped him.
“No, it’s not like that.  I wanted it. I so, very wanted it.” You gave him that sexy smile. 
“But if this...situation is going to continue we need boundaries and rules.”
Rafa knew what was up.  You needed control.  And in this case, you were right.
“So… no more unprotected sex….but more sex, right?”  Rafa couldn’t lose hope.
The way Rafa’s face fell was a little funny, but you didn’t leave him hanging.
“I mean, definitely more sex, I mean, if you want to…” Rafa looked like a bobble head and you laughed.  
“But I liked how you felt inside me…”
You LOVED how he felt inside you.
You looked up to him, devilishly innocent like in the shower.
Holy fuck, not again, Rafa thought. Flashbacks to how you felt around him raw was making him weak.
Rafa could take you down again in a minute, but it was getting late for you. He just watched you as you continued, willing his woodie away.
“Maybe we can go on one date.  To get tested together.  Then I was thinking.  I might want to go get a shot, and maybe…., we don’t have to use a condom.” 
Rafa’s mouth was open, Holly reached over and closed it.
“I mean with each other.  If we get with other people, we make a pact to use protection.”
You sideyed him.
“That-- that-- would be one of the dopest Christmas present’s I’ve ever received.”  
Rafa looked at you with those eyes.
“And I don’t just mean the sex, I mean your trust.”
Fuck Rafael and those eyes. He was doing things to you. You cleared your throat.
“Ok, good.”
You hoped you sounded chill. Inside you were quivering.
Rafael didn’t want to, but he needed to leave right now before he said too much or sweet talked you back into the bedroom. 
It was a school night, but one day, he would keep you up all night. 
“What about Friday?”
Rafa was ready. Maybe he could convince you to let him stay over if it was a weekend.
“Friday I have to….” you panicked. 
“Shit!  I really need Daveed to do this…”
“What?” Rafa couldn’t believe it
“I really need Daveed on Friday..”
His smoulder dropped into a dumbfounded expression. Rafa was confused. But he was used to it. He saw your face light up at the thought of Daveed. 
So this is what you were on. Cool cool cool.
“Ummm. Well. Diggs is kind of entangled right now… but you could hit him up… I mean, you’re fine, so he might like you, but he wouldn’t hit because, you know, me and you....”  
Rafa could not believe that he read you that wrong.  He was in a tailspin.
 “... Not that I’ve told him about us…”
This fool thought you wanted Daveed.  He was hilarious. You decided not to let him off the hook just yet.
You moved closer to him and whispered in his ear.
“What if I told you I wanted you AND Daveed?”
Okay, you were on some COMPLETELY different shit.  Rafa tried to let you down easy.
“Ummm, I know that is a thing with some of the fans… but we haven’t done that since…” 
Rafa stopped when he saw the look on your face.
“...Oh. you weren’t talking about getting busy with me and Diggs, were you?”
You rolled your eyes.  
“No, Rafael. I was not talking about a threesome with you and Daveed.”  
You started rolling laughing. Rafa laughed with you, hella relieved.
“I’m gonna need to explain yourself later, but I can NOT with you. I’m just going to need both of you to be guest speakers in my classes on Friday. I know it’s super short notice, but it would be perfect…” 
You told him how the creative writing teacher at your school quit with a week to go until the kids’ writing showcase and now they were disappointed. 
Rafa and Daveed would be exactly what was needed to get the kids excited about writing again.
The showcase was going to be the Holiday program before the break and it was kind of a big deal.
Rafa was excited. He needed to evaluate why he jumped to conclusions and why he felt some kinda way. He watched the animated way you talked about your kids and something inside him blossomed. 
‘Oh shit,’ he thought.
Co-teaching your class was a great idea.  It was short notice, but he and Diggs were just talking about how they missed teaching.
And they were taking a break from being busy during the holidays before ramping up with work again in January. 
Besides, Rafa wanted to see you in your element.
He rubbed his chin. Daveed was headed back to New York on the redeye Friday night, but he would certainly do him a solid.  He would just have to navigate telling him. 
He knew you wanted to keep this friends with benefits thing a secret. 
You watched him consider it and got horny again. You needed to do something with your hands that didn’t involve Rafa ending up back in your bed, so you packed up your things and straightened up.
You didn’t want him to leave, but you could not ask him to stay.
He watched you pack up your papers and get your stuff ready for the morning. As you bustled around the apartment, He picked up his phone and texted Diggs.
Yo, Holly needs a favor. I know you’re flying out Friday night, but she needs us that day and early evening.  You down?
Anything for my homie Woods.  What up?
Rafa stood up to get ready to go as he texted Daveed the details.
Dope.  I’m in. Bring weed.
Cool, we’ll talk more when I get to the studio.
“Diggs said he’s down. He’ll be there.”
You started screaming and jumped into his lap. You were so happy. You giggled and wiggled in Rafa’s lap and he was glad to let you.
“Well hello, friend? Whatchu trying to do?”  
You didn’t dare move the way you wanted to.  And Rafa didn’t grab your ass like he wanted to.  You closed your eyes and blocked out his beauty, and slowly removed yourself from temptation.
Rafa cleared his throat.  
“Well, I guess I will let you get some rest.” 
You gazed at each other for a long time. The electricity was undeniable, but deny, he must. You climbed off his lap and Rafa stood up again, putting his hoodie on, moving slow.
You thought about asking him to stay but that’s not what friends did. 
“Hey, Rafa.” 
He looked down at you, hazel eyes gleaming.
Damn.  His face.  But this is how you two wound up at your apartment tonight.
You sighed.
“Do you know why I need these rules??” 
You were so fucking uncertain.
Control freak eacher Holly was coming out. But you had to be honest.
“I could fall for you. In a minute.” 
For some reason when you said that, Rafa’s heart started acting crazy again. 
“But Rafa, I can’t get hurt again. I’m tired of people telling me lies, making me cry, wasting my time, so I’m careful. The perfect guy for me just isn’t out there.”
“I get it.” 
 Rafa had been right. You were hurt.
 “You’ll only cut me if let you. It’s a self preservation thing.” 
You were really hurt.
Rafa knew what you meant. As he looked into your eyes, boy, did he know what you meant. 
“Yeah, and if I let you, you’ll take me for granted. I promise Holly. I got you. I won’t let you fall. We’re friends. Or whatever you wanna call it.” 
Rafa didn’t want to spook you.  He could do this. 
“I wanna call it friends. Are we good?”  
You smiled wide at him.  His heart was done for. But he didn’t take you in his arms like he wanted to.
“We're really good.”  
You didn’t kiss him as he turned to leave.  
You stood there as he opened it, then watched as he got in the car.  
You waved to him as he got in his car. The smile was locked on your face.
As he started the car, his phone connected with the car system and the music started blasting in his speakers. He didn’t turn it down.
This is my winter song.
December never felt so wrong,
'Cause you're not where you belong;
Inside my arms.
You heard it too as he drove away.
Read Tiny Tim
Lemme know, lemme know!
@einfachniemand @sillyteecup @commandersmiley @ohsoverykeri-blog  @theselilwonders @theatrenerd86 @sebastianabucknettastan @imatyoursurrvicesurr @riiyy @ivycomet @lonelydance @jbrizzywrites h
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ramp-it-up · 4 years
Tiny Tim
DJ’ 10 Days of Christmas extra
Pairing: Bay Boys x Holly, a lil bit of Daveed x Lindy if you squint, but mostly Bay Boys.
Warnings: Cursing, Marijuana use, angst, lil fluffy, talk of sex, animosity toward a 5 yr old. PG-13.
A/N: This story fills in the gap after Winter Song and before Last Christmas.
Daveed was toking on the blunt that Rafa brought over later that night. The weed distracted D a little, but he still wanted the info on Rafa and you.
“I’m surprised you and Holly had a civil conversation. You two can’t seem to talk without arguing. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you wanna fuck her.”
“That’s funny,” squeaked Rafa after taking a toke and quickly passing it back so Diggs would stop talking.
“I think we can both agree that Holly Woods…” Daveed was getting loose with the weed, but Rafa was getting tight. He gave Diggs a side eye as he thought back to your conversation that night.
“Would you wanna get with Holly, D?” He asked and made sure that his face was fixed. Daveed could read him like a book.
Daveed stroked his beard, contemplating.
“Holly’s got body for days. That would be a nice ride…”
Rafa took a deep drag. “That body, is….yeah.”  He smiled a secret smile that he had practically every inch memorized.
But Daveed wasn’t paying attention. He was thinking about Linden and what had happened.  He had to get her back. 
“But you know I’m on a different mission, Cash. Why do you ask? You interested?” Daveed finally looked at Rafa.
“We’re friends D. Just curious.” Rafael tried to keep it light.
But Diggs would not be deterred. “Yeah. You and Holly seem to be a thing lately.”
Rafa’s face was classic and he coughed, getting choked on the smoke. He didn’t expect that. Daveed couldn’t help but laugh.
“I just mean, every time we get together, y’all tussle. And now, we’ve got an engagement at her school Friday, right? Like, how did y’all get on the subject of her kids’ show anyway?”
“I was helping her grade papers…” Shit, thought Rafa. He was gonna end up telling D.  Holly would kill him.
Daveed stopped and stared at him.
“Wait wait wait wait wait. Hold up. You helped her grade papers? Like you met at a coffee shop or something and helped her grade papers?”
Diggs was examining his friend’s face for the tell tale signs. Right now all he thought was that Rafa was a great actor.
Rafa just looked at Daveed. “Google Docs?’”
“Are you asking me, Cash?” Rafa just shrugged and took the joint back, now sullen. “You were over her place?”
“I just stopped by…”
Daveed nodded and toked again, trying not to jump to conclusions.
“I was talking to UTK earlier. He said you and Holly got into it today over his pl….” 
Daveed stopped inhaling and looked at Rafael. 
“Holyyyyy…What did you do over her place, Rafael?”
“Grade papers.” Rafa got up. “Look I was thinking about this last track, I- “
It wasn’t like him to not talk about an interaction with Holly Woods. He loved antagonizing you and talking about antagonizing you. It was like he had a--
“Oh, shit!”
Daveed got up and moved so he could see Rafa’s face.
“Grade papers and what, man?”
“Eat indian food.”
Rafa looked at his platonic life partner. He couldn’t hold it any longer. Daveed would be cool, and he would beg you for forgiveness.
He dropped his head, trying to contain himself. But hell, he and D had no secrets. And he needed to talk to his homeboy. 
He raised his head and grinned.
“I blew that fucking back outtttt!  Rafa looked so elated.
Daveed stood there, stupefied. Rafa barrelled on.
“It was dope, I was on my King Kong shit. I had to improve from the first time. I-“
“Wait a minute.” Daveed interrupted. “How many times have you and Holly done the deed?”
“Ok, how many times did we do it or how many like, separate dates did we do it on, cause…..” He took the blunt back. Rafa looked up in the air and french inhaled.
He couldn’t even tally the exact amount of times he’d made you cum. He smiled, proud of himself.
“Does each orgasm count? Mine or hers? Cause, Diggs. I put it down.” Rafa was grinning like a fool.
Daveed’s mouth was hanging open.
“We just got back two weeks ago Rafa… how.. When….?”
“Well, when I met her the day after the party at your place, we hung out and…. Way led onto way… and we came to an agreement.”
Rafa was still holding the blunt.
“Pass that shit, bruh.” D motioned for the weed. “What kind of ‘agreement?’”
“You know. FWB. It’s just a casual arrangement. No biggie at all.”
Daveed barked a laugh at his friend, spitting out smoke in his direction. Rafa just looked at him.
“Oh, you’re serious.” D cleared his throat.
“Ok. Sure. Just casual. Was this your idea?” Daveed knew that it wasn’t.
“We both came up with it after careful planning and forethought.”
Rafa flashed back to the night when you were on your knees and told him what the deal was. He was so hard and horny that he would have given his left kidney to get with you.
Diggs read Rafa like a book, but he didn’t say anything. Rafa had called him Romeo, but Rafa was the die hard romantic of the pair when he was caught up.
And Daveed could tell he was caught up. He didn’t say anything, just passed the joint back to Rafa.
“So… why this arrangement instead of a relationship?”
“Well, we decided that we could service each other conveniently without the ties and baggage of a relationship.” He took a thoughtful smoke. And he really believed what he just said.
“What happens when someone catches feelings?”
Rafa exhaled and scoffed at his friend.
“Not a problem. We would end it before that happens. Easy peasy.”
Daveed knew that Rafa was deep in denial, but he didn’t say a word. All he said was, “Dope.”
“So, what up with Friday? I gotta be able to skate to be able to catch my flight back to New York.”
“Ah. The amazing Ms. Linden Marshall. Someone who is able to pry Daveed Diggs away from California. Is she really going to speak to you when you show up in Harlem?”
Daveed’s face fell, then he looked wistful. “I dunno. But I’m going to try.”
“Damn. D’s in muthafuckin love. A rare occurrence.
Diggs’ smiled. “I am. Four times in four decades. Seems legit.”  He smiled. “I just gotta convince her that picture was not what it looked like.” 
“Gotta love TMZ.” Rafa was reclining and blowing smoke rings thinking about the show. He looked over at his platonic life partner.
“Here you go again, about to get in deep with Lindy. What am I going to do for soulmate shit? I give you my heart and you give it away.”
He started laughing as Diggs started shaking his head and laughing along. 
Daveed started a witty comeback, “Well, it seems that you and Ho--”
Rafa interrupted him, sitting upright on the couch.
“Wait! I know the perfect thing for Holly’s kids and for the show. We can do a mini BARS Workshop during the day and a mini final BARS performance that night. Our contributions will be…”
Rafa explained his idea for Friday. It sounded perfect to Daveed.
“Holly will love it.”
The only thing Daveed could do was laugh. He decided to let Rafa and Holly figure out how deep this thing was.  
Rafael tried very hard to restrain himself the next two days. He texted, but not too much, but when you sent him a snap of you with puppy dog ears on Thursday, he couldn’t stand it. You were too fucking cute. His heart beat erratically when he got it.
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Friday morning, D and Rafa walked into Holly’s classroom at 7:45 am, ready for the day.
What Rafa wasn’t ready for, was how adorable you were with the students. He just stood and watched you, his heart doing things that he was beginning to recognize as dangerous..
You were bending down, trying to get one young man out of his jacket. He proved to be a very squirrelly 5 year old.
You were smiling and patient, and between wrestling with you, trying to tangle up his coat, and reaching for his crayons,  the young man was also trying to give you a kiss.
Timothy noticed Rafa there and stuck his tongue out at him.
Rafael felt some kind of way. It was ridiculous. He laughed at himself and watched you struggle with Timmy.
“I told you, Timothy, I’ll give you a hug, but no kisses.” Your smile was beautiful and bright, and Rafa understood young Tiny Tim’s troubles intimately.
Timothy pouted up at you through his long eyelashes, and when you finally got him out of his jacket, you gave him a hug. Tim gave Rafa a look over your shoulder like, ‘I won.’
“You’re my cutie pie, Ms. Woods.”
“Awwww, Timothy. That’s so sweet.” You smiled and gave him another hug.
Rafa wanted to hurt a kindergartner. But he just smiled tightly when Tim stuck his tongue out again. 
You still didn’t notice them there, so you went around and greeted all of the students. Rafa watched you with them and thought of how good of a mother you would be. Holy shit, he was done for.
While Rafa was watching you, Daveed was watching the entire scene. Finally, he came up next to Rafa and told him about himself, quietly, so the kids wouldn’t hear.
“You’re so screwed.”  Daveed felt like Rafa was realizing what’s up.
Rafa just looked at him but was distracted by you calling their names when you noticed them. He looked at you and a realization dawned on him.
Rafa had caught feels for you but he couldn’t let you know. That would mean the end of everything.  He had to stay cool. He had to chill.
Daveed hugged you first, and as Rafa hugged you, he savored it and looked at Daveed, not unlike Timmy did. He had no chill.
After the hug, he leaned over to D and replied, “You’re so right. I am SO screwed.”
Daveed laughed at him while Rafa spiraled into turmoil.
Read Last Christmas, the next part.
@summerofsnowflakes @sillyteecup @ohsoverykeri-blog   @theselilwonders @theatrenerd86 @sebastianabucknettastan @id-do-it-for-free-babe @imatyoursurrvicesurr @riiyy @ivycomet @lonelydance @jbrizzywrites
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ramp-it-up · 4 years
Okay. For no reason in particular....
Who do you think Lindy would be more attracted to?
Jasmine or Holly?
I need answers for real.
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ramp-it-up · 4 years
So, I was minding my business and randomly thought, 🤔 Are Linden and Holly ever going to meet? Will they like each other? Will they share embarrassing stories about Daveed and Rafa??
Omgsh! I’m glad I’m not the only one that thinks about that! 😂
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Great minds! I just thought about that yesterday I think.
I feel like Lindy and Holly need to discuss with their men the question you asked the other night: “SINCE WHEN?!?” And embarrass TF outta Rafa and Daveed.
What do you think?
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ramp-it-up · 4 years
Damage Pt. 1
Pairing: Rafel Casal x OFC Holly Woods
Word count: 5.4 k
Warnings: Plot, Cursing, Angst, Debate, keeping secrets.  This is so 18+. SMUT**  Dom (ish) Rafa, Oral sex (m/f receiving), PROTECTED sex (wrap it up).
Summary: Rafa and Holly debate, again. Holly tries to keep a secret and Rafa figures out just what she needs.
a/n: This was getting so long, I had to cut it in two.  Would have been over 6k of just smut. And nobody wants that. Right?
Read Lottery, the previous part.
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Naomi knew you like a book.  She’d been your college roommate since freshman year. So when she asked if Rafa apologized and you told her that you two had talked it out, she wanted details.  
You went over one day after school for afternoon tea and to hang out with your godson and his older brother and sister.
As you held the baby and tried to keep your cup of tea away from him, you told the basics.
“So the next day Rafa met me for coffee.  We talked it out. Squashed it. End of story.” You looked down at the baby.  
“Isn’t that right little man?  We talked it out like two grown adults.  That’s right!”  
You smiled down at the beautiful boy. Then looked back up at his mama.
“Are you sure he’s UTK’s?  He’s too handsome to be his son.”
“Stop it, Holly.  Utkarsh is a good man. And you don’t fool me, even though y’all bicker, I know you love him too.”
“You right. I’ve peeped how he treats you like a Queen. I love him like the annoying little brother that he is.” You grinned as Naomi shook her head at you.
The baby was being super squirmy, and you tried to wrestle with him, but he was hungry. Naomi leaned forward and the baby practically jumped into her arms. She laughed as you pouted.
“It’s not you.  He’s hungry.”  
You nodded as you had nothing but heart eyes for your bestie.  Motherhood looked good on Naomi.  
You sighed, leaned back and relaxed in your chair as you watched her with her babies.  Fifteen years of holding each other down was the one positive thing in your life.
“Ok, so now that you have no excuse.  Details. As in more of them. What time did you meet?  How long did you talk?  What did you talk about?”
You just looked at her and sipped your tea and fought an urge to smile. “What? It was like I said.  We talked. He apologized. We’re good now.”
“Unh hunh.  How good? You are going to have to do better than that.” Naomi saw right through you.
You just kept drinking, knowing that the more you put her off, the more she would know something was up, when it really wasn’t. You and Rafa were just friends. Even Naomi didn’t need to know all the details. 
You flashed back to Saturday morning..
You awoke after your night with Rafa at five am, your body’s alarm clock betraying you yet again. 
Your bed was empty, and despite your pang of disappointment, you smiled and got up for your run as usual. You felt better than you’d had in a while. Last night just what you needed. You brushed the wistful thoughts of a round two or what you would do with him in your bed in the morning. That is not what this was.  
As you made your bed, you found a note that had gone lost in the sheets. It was from him. 
Enjoyed last night immensely. Hope it was quality for you. ;)
You couldn’t help but smile the entire day when you thought about the night before with Rafa as you graded papers, ran errands, and got ready for your week. You wondered if what this was included more ‘quality’ time with Rafa or if it was a one time thing. You didn’t want to think too hard about that.
“Ok. He’s dope. You know that. So fucking talented and smart. We talk about language, mostly. feminist theory, rap. Everything. He’s a dope friend.”
“Friend? UTK thinks he likes you. As in LIKES YOU likes you.”
You blushed, shifted in your seat, and cleared your throat. That wasn’t what this was. And you weren’t fully prepared to tell her what this was for some reason. 
“He’s a friend, Naomi. We’re just friends. We don’t even really know each other. Utkarsh is full of shit….” You had to escape.
“I’m going to get some more tea and some of those scones.” 
Food was a good distraction. “Want some?” 
“Yeah, bring me a scone and some water please, this vampire is sucking me dry.”
Naomi was stroking her son’s hair as he fell asleep.
You smile at your family away from home. You went to the kitchen to gather what you needed, familiar with your second home in LA. 
When you’d left Byron, Naomi and UTK let you crash in the guest house out back.  
You were smiling at the memory of the perfect, cozy house as you looked at it through the kitchen window of the courtyard. You would have stayed longer if...
“The hell?”
You couldn’t believe it. You saw Rafael coming out of the guest house. You fought the urge to duck when he turned his head and looked straight at you. He raised his hand and smiled at you. 
It had been three days, and it was the first time you’d seen him. It was cool. This was a friendly friendship. No need to panic. 
So why did the heat rush to your face and your stomach flip like an acrobat when you saw him?
You turned away from the window and took what you needed back into Naomi, trying to remain calm.
Rafael saw you before you saw him. He was about to walk Mia and peeped you through the screen door. He tried to be cool and wave at you like a normal person. This wasn’t a big deal.
He had to evaluate his self esteem when you didn’t respond and just turned away. 
You had not called or texted since Saturday morning when you set up the coffee date. Did his breath stink? Did he snore? Was his dick not quality? 
Rafa took it to the head, and went down the path with Mia.
You went back into the great room, not even realizing that you didn’t respond to Rafa.  
You were so much in your head that you didn’t even wave back, trying to find a way to mask your face so Naomi would stop reading you.
As you were leaving, you came upon Rafa sitting out on the little deck in between both of the houses.  Even though it was December, the weather wasn’t freezing. 
It was LA, after all. Rafa bundled up in his black hoodie highlighted the blue fire in his eyes as he appraised you.
He regretted that he hadn’t spent more time exploring your body last Saturday as he wanted to. It was only Tuesday and he was already feenin’ for you again. Damn. 
Rafael Casal was not a wham, bam, thank you ma’am, kinda guy, but with you that night, he couldn't help it.  You’d made him lose complete control.  It was a marvel.  You were marvelous.
You crossed your arms and tried to evaluate if it was the slight breeze that was making your nipples hard.  You wondered again what would have happened if you woke up and he was in your bed.  Thoughts of learning more of him and what he could do to you had you slippin.
You knew he was checking you out and that he knew what you looked like naked, an invitation you’d extended. You weren’t exactly mad, but you felt some kinda way.  
Again you didn’t say anything to him, not because you were snubbing him, but because you didn’t know what to say.
“Holly Woods.  What’s shakin?” 
Rafa was a good enough actor to portray ‘casual not that interested friend’ vibes, but inside, he was the one shaking. 
It had been a while since he put this much thought and effort into a woman. Especially after he’d put it down. But wait, this is not what this was. He had to evaluate feeling that later. Or not.
You just continued to stare at him and he began to think it wasn’t just him. Were you affected by him? Could it be more than just sex?
Nah, he couldn’t go down that road.  You’d laid out exactly what you wanted that night, and it wasn’t a relationship.  At least not with him.
“Look, this doesn’t have to be awkward. Right?  You good Holly?”
You realized you hadn’t spoken to him when he brought up awkwardness. Shit.  You were being an asshole.
You smiled at him and dipped your head.  “I’m sorry, you’re right Rafa. I kinda don't know what to say….”  You looked at your shoes and the hem of your dress pants.
Rafa ran his eyes down your body.  Despite being modestly and fully clothed for school, you were fucking sexy, but he needed to get you out of your head.
“Well, telling me that I am right about all my feminist theory might be a start.”
You snapped your head up and glared at him.  
There’s my girl, he thought as he gave you a wink and a side grin.
You didn’t know why that made your stomach flip, but you pushed that feeling away and allowed yourself to get annoyed.  That was comfort.
“Which whack ass theory is that Rafa?”
“My theory about childbirth, and by extension, the natural inclination of women to mother, either their children, which is preferred, or their partner...”
“Oh hell, no….”
Naomi walked out to you to arguing/bantering and looked between you. After watching and listening for a minute, she raised her voice.
“STOP IT!”  
You and Rafa looked at her like she was crazy.
“I really wish that you would get along better than this, Holly. I heard about Saturday, Rafa, and I’m really surprised at you two still acting like this.”  Naomi was exasperated.
Rafael was shocked.
“You know about Saturday?” 
Rafa was speaking to Naomi, but looking at you. You glared at him.
“I told Naomi how we met for coffee, talked it out and squashed our beef.”  
Your eyes urged him to agree.  He just stared at you for a second. Then he spoke.
“Yes… that's exactly what Holly and I were doing.  Squashing… beef.”  
He finished the statement looking you full on until you blushed and then turned to Naomi.
“The beef got squashed real good.”  
He smiled at your best friend.  He thought he was so fucking funny.  The arrogance. You were heated.
“Well, obviously, it wasn’t squashed that good.”  
You felt like you wanted to stick your tongue at him and that’s the tone of how you replied to him.
Rafa’s eyes widened a bit, then his face changed.  
“So you’re saying the squashing of the beef wasn’t quality, Holly?”
You blushed again. 
“That’s not what I’m saying, Cash, you intentionally misunderstand…”
“What the fuck are you two going on about?” Naomi was done.  “You can’t be within 20 feet of each other without arguing without biting each other’s heads off.” 
Rafa barked out a laugh and you knew why, but she didn’t.  You flipped him off and he just laughed some more and nodded.
Naomi looked between the two of you, Rafa smirking and you looking at the palm tree in the backyard. 
“Listen, Utkarsh and I love you both dearly.  Rafael, you’re going to be seeing a lot of her if you stay in the guest house because she’s my best friend.  And Holly you need to get used to seeing Rafa around.” 
You felt bad that Naomi was so upset. 
“Can you find a way to come together?”
Rafael came closer to you and Naomi.
“You’re right, Naomi. Cumming together takes coordination and planning.” 
Naomi didn’t catch what he was saying, but you did, and narrowed your eyes. 
“Perhaps we need to squash the beef harder; just pound the beef into oblivion.” 
He looked at you, cerulean eyes sparkling, but speaking in an entirely serious tone.  Damn, he was good.
“Do you think you’re up to that Holly?  Do you want to continue to squash the beef with me?”  
You looked at him, ready to punch him in the jaw.  You resisted the urge to reply through your teeth, but you put on a pretty smile.
“Of course Rafa, but the beef isn’t as big as you think it is.”
Rafael just shook his head.  
“That’s interesting, I recall you saying that the beef was very big Saturday before we squashed it.  Maybe I’m mistaken.”
You glared at him and then turned to Naomi with a fake smile.
“I’m squashing it.  See?”  
Naomi looked like she didn’t believe you.
“I think she still feels some tension.” Rafa extended his arms.  “Let’s bring it in. Group hug.”  He waved you toward him. 
You were perfecting the art of glaring at him with just your eyes, but you participated in the hug.
Rafael debated what he was going to do with the hug. Now what he wanted to do and what he would do was two different things. 
You could do some real damage to him. You weren’t his girl, you said no feels, so he wasn’t going to feel you up.  
Rafa wanted to pick you up and take you to his bed, but, nah. He was going to keep it light and surface level.  If he touched you intimately, first of all it wouldn’t be kosher, but also, it wouldn’t be him.  He needed to know you wanted him to.
Rafa put his left arm around you and he hugged you appropriately. You were surprised, and disappointed that he didn’t try anything. The hug was over and you found yourself wanting more.  
He released you and stepped back. 
“We should have regular beef squashing sessions or... something.” 
Rafa’s smile was either angelic or evil.
“I have just the thing!”  
Naomi was excited. You knew her like a book, too.  Rafa looked between you two with a little innocent, excited smile on his face.  You were beginning to know him better than that tho.
“What is it, sweetie?”  
Yeah, that innocent act wasn’t going to fly with you, but you kept your face neutral.
“We could have dinner every other week! You, Rafa, me and UTK.  You're both over here all the time anyway.  And it would be a good time for you two to act like adults around each other.”
“You hear that Holly?  We could have adult time.”  Rafa and that innocent act.
You plastered a smile on. “Yes. Amazing idea Naomi…”  
“Great!  I’ll text you both about next week.  In the meantime, put whatever’s between you to bed. I’m going back in before the baby wakes up. Behave!”
You closed your eyes and groaned as Rafa laughed.  Naomi didn’t know the monster she was creating.
“More sage advice I’ve never heard, Naomi.  See you later.”  
Rafa called after her as she went inside.
“You’re an ass, you know that?”  
You kept your voice light and your face neutral.  You either wanted to slap him or fuck him. Or both.
He was going to make a joke about being an ass man, but he didn’t.  He got serious.
“Hey, you’re not really mad, are you? I’m just tripping off the fact that you didn’t tell Naomi about what happened but she both just read us both. It’s poetic in a way.”  
You felt so out of control. And you didn’t like it. At all.
Rafa searched your face. You were really sensitive about this.And so stressed about being out of control. He could tell. You were hurt.
“I’m sorry.  I thought it was jokes...Damnit, Holly, the last thing I wanted…”  
You looked up at him, vulnerable for half a minute. Until the wall went up.
“I’m good, Rafael.”  The way you said his name.  
“It’s just,” you sighed. “I haven’t done this in a long time.  I’m good tho.” 
Were you really?  You weren’t a teenager or close to it anymore where fucking and feelings weren’t necessarily connected.  Were you too old for this?  
“Good.” Rafa looked at you and bit his bottom lip. Your eyes were drawn to it.  He smiled.
"Why do I feel like you are the most stubborn person I've ever met?" Rafa sighed and ran his hand through his hair.
“What do you need from me?  To back off? Forget it happened?” 
Fat chance of that, but he put it out there. He didn’t admit it to himself, but he was emotionally invested.
“I just really want us to be friends, Rafael.” You meant it. 
Rafa couldn’t help himself from asking the question.  “What kind of friends?”
He could have climbed up to the roof and jumped off.  He was such a fucking simp.
“Excuse me.” He put his finger up and bent over, pantomiming sweeping something into a dustpan. “I need to pick up my face…”
You couldn’t help but laugh and smile at him, your insides warming a bit as he straightened back up.  
Rafa was relieved when you laughed. It seemed as if he was breaking the ice. He gave you a smile.
“Friends who need to squash the beef occasionally.”
A thrill ran through his body. 
He looked at you, vulnerable and handsome. Damn, Rafael Casal was so gotdamn handsome. You couldn't tear your eyes away from him.
"I hate your face." The way you said it indicated otherwise.
You watched Rafael’s pupils dilate and lick his lips. He then smirked and raised his eyebrow.
“Well, if you hate it so much, why don’t you come sit on it?”  
The way he nodded his head toward the guest house had you weak. You audibly gulped, then grinned.  Rafa smiled, knowing he’d got you.
You two stood there, just grinning like fools.
“Naomi will wonder why my car is still here.  Come to my place?”  
The cute way you cocked your head and asked was so fucking adorable. It was easy to speed over the part where you didn’t want Naomi to know and immediately agreed.
“Right behind you.”  
You shuddered at the statement and the sexy tone. 
“If she’s watching, us hugging and making nice would not be strange... He opened his arms and you went into them eagerly this time, smiling.
Rafa kept his hands neutral, but drew you in deep into the hug, inhaling the scent of your hair, shea butter and sweet almond oil. It made his dick hard, and his heart do strange things. 
You broke the embrace and stepped back from him.  You almost said, fuck it and led him into the guesthouse,  but instead you made your way to the car.
“Don’t take too long.” You didn’t say it too loud, but your tone was all about it.  “It’s a school night.”  Your wink was so fucking cute.  He nodded at you as you drove off.  
Rafa got himself together and went into the house, setting Mia up for the night.
“Dad’s about to go let that pretty lady do some damage.  Don’t wait up Mia.”
He waved at Naomi who was at her kitchen window when he left.
“See you later.  Going to get something to eat.”
He was halfway there when you’d sent him a picture of you, in more comfortable clothes.  “I’m waiting, Rafa.  Do I have to start without you?”
Rafa groaned, closed his eyes and gripped the steering wheel, willing the red light to change.  He had to concentrate on driving carefully, lest he get pulled over and get arrested for carrying a concealed weapon.  He was so fucking hard.
At this point, you weren’t thinking. You were just feeling, and what you wanted was to feel Rafa inside you again.  You sent him a picture just in case he was having second thoughts.
In under an hour, he made it to your apartment.  Rafa took a minute to get himself together. He didn’t want to make the same mistake he did Saturday.  Go in, fuck you and cum in under 30 minutes.  He wanted to increase the quality this time. So there would be a next time.
In studying you, he’d concluded that you were a control freak, using that as protection.  As he thought of that, he knew what needed to happen.
He climbed the stairs and knocked on your door.
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You opened the door and there was Rafa, looking fine as hell, this time in an Oakland cap. You had freshened up and changed into a comfortable shirt and sweats.  To him, you were fine as hell.
Rafael was trying to make your panties soaking wet, you realized.  He seemed a little different, more in control than outside of his house.  It was hot.
Rafa decided that he was going to give you what you needed. Because he wanted you. And he had already caught feelings. That was what must not be named.
“Hey.”  You stepped back and let him into the apartment.  “You want anything to drink?” 
It was a replay of the other night, and you halfway expected and wanted the same result, but he didn’t follow you.
“Just some water, thanks.” Rafa wanted to be totally sober for this.
“Okay, have a seat anywhere. Ice?”
Rafa went to sit down in the chair in the living room. 
“Nah. Straight.”
You made him a glass, him watching you the entire time, handed it to him, then we went and plopped down on the couch across from him.  You stared at him as he sipped from the glass.  The silence and his gaze made you wet. Rafa finally spoke.
"So. Tell me your plan for tonight."
"I thought..."
“I said come sit on my face.  You said meet you here.  What do you want, Holly?  I need details.”
You were impatient. You rolled your eyes.
“Watch those eyes, Holly.”  
His tone was demanding and his look domineering. 
“I know you are used to being in control in your classroom, Holly.  I know teachers love things in rows and kids who do exactly what they command, but I’m not one of your little students, Holly.”  
He glared at you. 
“I’m a grown ass man. If we’re going to continue this arrangement, I’m gonna run some things. Understand?”
You stopped talking, and breathing for that matter. 
‘Oh?’ Was what your pussy said.  Your clit sat up and took notice. You didn’t know that this was what you needed.
"Take your top off."
You didn't know why that simple request had you quivering. It was his tone of voice. It was hot. So you did it. 
"Now,"  he said, back to his normal tone. He looked at your breasts pushed up in your bra and got hard.  
"Tell me what you want, Holly." 
Rafa sat back in the chair and spread his legs more.  Your eyes were drawn to his crotch and you licked your lips.  He adjusted his hat low over his eyes, so you could only see his nose and lips. It was so fucking sexy.
"I'm listening."
You were getting warm.
Damn, he had you stuttering.
You caught his smirk. He knew exactly what he was doing. You wouldn’t be you if you didn’t try it.
"You know, I'd like to do lots of things with you. As friends. I could see ourselves talking, walking, swimming, fucking, hiking, biking.  Normal stuff."
Rafa fought to control his laugh.There were few ladies who were hot and funny. Then he got back on his game.
He reached up and took his hat off his eyes, leaned forward and looked straight at you. 
“All venerable pursuits.  But what. Do you want. Now, Holly?”
You wanted not to think at the moment.
“You tell me what I want Rafa.”
He smiled.  
“Do you want to sit on my face, Holly?  Want me to eat your ass?  Want to cum all over my face then let me pound your little pussy?”
You squirmed in your seat on the couch. “Fuck, yes….” 
Gotdamn, you were going to make Rafa cum in no time. You were so hot. He had to last. And he had to be focused to keep in control.
“Good, because that’s what I want too, but first, you have to suck me off.”
He leaned back further and pulled his hard cock out of his pants.  He snapped his fingers and you were immediately on your knees.  He breathed an internal sigh that this was working.  
In any other situation, you’d be cussing him the fuck out. But this wasn’t any other situation. All there was was here and now. Your mind was emptying of intelligent thought and that’s just what you needed. You even forgot your name for a second.
Rafa became even harder than he already was looking at you. He reached and pulled you out of your bra cups, twisting your nipples along the way. 
When your head went back and you started panting, he dipped his head and kissed one of them, enveloping a nipple in his lips and meeting it with his tongue. He started sucking, gently at first, then harder and more ruthlessly.
"Shit, that's my spot!"
Rafa used his teeth to tease your nipple more, and then shifted to the other breast. You were floating in his arms.
"That's my other spot!"
Rafa took what you told him and ran with it. He twisted and played with one nipple as he sucked and tortured the other with his teeth.
You started moaning. It felt so good. You didn’t care about any ‘should's’ at this moment. You lifted your arms and started stroking, and Rafa leaned back in the chair again, exposing the full glory of what he was working with.
You scooted closer between his legs, licking your lips, staring at it. Damn. You looked up at his cocky smile. He knew what was up.
“What were you saying earlier about it not being big?”
You just smiled and started stroking him, your breasts pushed up between your arms.  It was hot. With that, you leaned over and took him in your mouth. As you kept going he grew harder and more excited.
Damn. You made it disappear and then looked up at him. You were the MVP. He couldn't take it when you started bobbing like a pro, gag reflex non-existent.
You were in the Zone.
Rafa had to control himself to keep from screaming, he tilted his head back and put his left hand on his balls, your spit soaking his hand while his right pushed your head down to the limit. He let you gag for a few then let you up.
You held your head up, looked at him and gasped, a little smile on your beautiful, ruined face. 
“Fuck,” was all he could say. And then Rafa pushed your head back down again. He moaned and watched the show, collecting your hair with his hand.
"Fuccckkk, Holly. I'm about to give you something.... mmmmm. This what you want?"
He was about to shoot off, but was trying to control it. You looked up at him and smiled around him, humming deep in your throat as you nodded. He looked so fucking sexy coming undone by you in that snapback. You wanted his cum.
It was game over for Rafa. He let out a shout as he came down your throat. When he opened his eyes, you had a satisfied look on your face.
He felt like you were trying to turn him out. That wasn’t the plan. He had to get the upper hand. He stood up and went toward your bedroom, shedding his hat first, then his clothes as he went.
"My turn. Bedroom. Now.”
By the time you got in there, naked now, he was already on the bed, making grabby hands for you.
“Ass up, woman." 
You smiled and crawled over to him.  You turned around and presented your bottom to him. Rafa ran his hand over her body, down your back to your ass.
"This. Ass. Is.... umm!" 
Rafa was shaking his head. You were the only one who had him slipping. 
“And you do have a pretty little kitty cat. Do you know I dreamed about it these past two days?"
You shuddered. He grinned.
Rafa pulled your leg over his chest and you lay your head on his thigh, watching his cock come back to life. He spread your legs and inserted a couple of fingers, in and out, in and out for just a couple of minutes, marveling at how you felt around his fingers, so tight and wet. When he decided to curl them, he got the response he’d been dreaming of.
You were groaning, loudly, and not caring about the neighbors.
Rafa dove into his meal. Licking, sipping and sucking like a champ. You smelled, tasted and felt so good on his face.  If pussy could make him fall in love, this was it. He felt your clit quiver in no time. 
“So responsive for me, Holly. We're making progress on this beef between us…”
Rafael’s stubble between your thighs was everything. The burn you were getting was so delicious and would be a welcome reminder for the rest of the week.
He licked all up and down your slit while rubbing your clit. You were seeing stars.  When he dove into the groceries, you couldn’t hold on anymore. It was only a little while before you were trying to run away from your orgasm. 
Rafa grabbed you and paused for a second. You whined like a little girl.
"Get your ass back here!" His words almost made you cum as he slapped your pussy and pulled you back onto his face.
You came harder than you had in a long time. You were exhausted as you lay your head on his thigh again.
Rafa moved your head and shifted around behind you.
"Unh, unh. Get up. We're nowhere near done. You're going to take this dick."
Rafa reached into your bedside table and got a condom. Your smile turned into and 'O' of desire as you watched him put the condom on and smooth it with his hand on the middle of your bed.
"How do you want this? In your...? He smirked, "From behind?"
He didn't wait for your answer, just reached up and pulled you to kiss him, hand on the back of her neck. You tasted yourself on him and it was so erotic. You were impossibly wet.
When he was done kissing you, Rafa bent you over by the back of your neck. You arched your back which Rafa appreciated.
“That’s it. Such a good girl.”  He watched your pussy clench around the air as he said that. Eureka.  He got you.
"Now you're going to feel this."
Rafa eased the tip in and stopped.
"Argghhh, Don't stop. Fuck me!"
Rafa leaned over, pulled your hair, which tilted your head and whispered menacingly in your ear.
“Shut the fuck up. You get nothing until I decide. Clear?” 
You whimpered, smiling and nodding, moaning assent in your throat. He could feel your cunt squeezing his tip and he was nearing the limits of his control. But he stayed the course.
Rafe stayed still a moment longer, you feeling the other's pulse. You were making that pleasure sound, and it was everything. 
Before you knew it, he glided into you, wondering how you felt made for him. He held your shoulders to bring you back more fully onto him. You were outright moaning as you got used to his size again. He felt soooo good.
"Good girl. Take this. You're so tight. You okay? Does it hurt? Does it feel good? Both? Speak." 
"Ahhhh. Feels so right."
Rafa looked down. And had to close his eyes. He opened them again, and slapped your ass. He was mad it looked so good. Never had he had someone make him slip in and out of dom mode.  You were definitely dangerous.
He started speeding up as you begged for it.
"That's right. I know you want this. You've been a good girl your whole life, but tonight your freak side is coming out. Your cover's blown."
Rafa wanted to be the only one that you were a freak with. How was this possible?
He stroked and stroked into you something awful and wonderful.
"Ayeeee! You're hitting it."
You lowered your head and screamed into your mattress. 
"I know." Rafa gritted his teeth. "Ughhhh! Fuck! I know." He was trying to hold back as he kept pounding.
You felt the beginning of a wonderful combustion inside you.
"Fucckkkk, Rafaaaaaaaaa!" Your orgasm was tremendous. You fluttered around him, milking him something terrible.
Rafa let go as you started screaming. His was getting weak as everything flowed into the condom.
Rafael was such a good fucking friend, was your last thought before you passed out.
Read Winter Song, the next part
Thank you for reading, liking, commenting, and reblogging! 
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ramp-it-up · 4 years
Fanfic questions for Arrivals: 2, 7, 11, 15
Oooh! Another. Yay! 🥰
The entire series, or the fic Arrivals? Maybe? Idk. Here we go:
2: What scene did you first put down?
I wrote the fic Arrivals first. The first scene for Arrivals that I wrote was the fourth scene, the one that begins:
 “Rafael didn’t even pretend to be sleeping when your alarm went off at five.” 
The one where he goes “running” with Reader (Holly). Thats the core of the story.
7. Where did the title come from?
LOOOVEE this question! This would make a good Rafa trivia question. The title comes from a line in one of his songs, “Whoville,” off the Mean Ones CD.
Give me loving, put your clit on my tongue, let me feel you coming
I can't help it, I'm inspired by arrivals from a woman
I just love how he turns a sex act in the first line into something poetic in the second. And that ‘s what I want the story to be.
11. What do you like best about this fic?
I mean. I came here for Daveed, but Rafael has seduced me. Hard. 
I don’t even think anyone had even requested him yet, but of course I had to study him and learn about him more if I was to learn more about who Daveed was. I’m a sucker for those complex intellectuals. So I had to write this.  And not to mention he fine? Whew.
15. What did you learn from writing this fic?
That I thought I was into exposition and details before this story (and FS), but man, am I into details. Everything takes so looongggg, lol.
And also that I think that Rafael can be hard when he feels he has to be, but is really a soft hearted big brain fine ass super talented nerd boy who has my heart.
Thank you a lot @delaber! ❤️
This was so good!  I felt like I was being interviewed for Rolling Stone or something! Such fun!
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ramp-it-up · 4 years
Ok so here I go...
I’ m going to go back and fill in some gaps in Fresh Squeeze and Arrivals before Auld Lang Syne.  So we won’t get the last part of the Holiday series until later in January. 😕
Bear with me, lovelies. I’m trying to get my mind in order. 😛
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ramp-it-up · 4 years
heya ive been reading your fics for a while and i just wanted to say thank you so much for writing your rafa fics!! there is so little content for that man and im so in love with the way you write about him. please keep doing you!!
Thank you so much! That means a lot!
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