#rafael casal x oc reader
ramp-it-up · 4 years
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Pairing: Rafael Casal x Reader
Word Count: 4.2k
Warnings: Minors DNI, Some pictures, Angst, Pining, drinking, explicit language, oral sex (female/male receiving), love fluff. All errors my own.
A/N: This an ask from @honeysucklechocolatedrippin​ from the 100 smut prompts ask list. I got caught up with this one because I went back to the Show Runner AU.  I kinda love these two.  Hope you enjoy. Read Show Runner.
This press tour was going to be all work. No play. 
Those were the strict rules that you were given.
This was the premiere film and television festival and January in Park City could be a fun, wild place and time, but you were on the clock. 
There would be no open flirting, touching, or even covert fucking while the cast was there. 
You listened to the lecture and smiled and nodded when appropriate.
Truth be told, you really weren’t paying attention, just waiting on your knees, naked and wet, to suck the shit out of his dick. 
When he gave you permission to of course.
You were determined to suck all those stupid ideas out of his brain along with all his cum when he gave you the chance. 
And Rafael was, indeed, without much coherent thought when you were done.
That conversation was of no consequence to you four days later when you landed in Park City. 
Daveed and Rafa had been there for two days and the rest of the cast was trickling in. 
You gathered your bag while answering a few questions from the paps and headed to your hotel alone, following the driver who held your name up outside baggage claim to a luxury suv.
You texted Rafael that you had landed, to which he just replied, “Good.”
No, ‘how was your flight,’ nothing. 
You sighed, assuming he was busy. 
He had been texting you nonstop for the past three days and now he wanted to play you. 
That was cool.
You relaxed as you took in the snowy scenery of snowy Park City. 
You were taken to a stunning tiny little chalet at the edge of the city and halfway up the mountain. 
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The views were spectacular, the cute cozy kitchen fully stocked, and the fireplace was bomb.
As you took in all the antler decor, you texted Rafa again, hyped at the accommodations.
This is dope!
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You made sure your cleavage was right in your v-neck sweater and took a selfie of you from above in the bedroom. 
I can’t wait to be on my knees for you later.
You saw the thought bubbles, but no response.
Cool cool cool. 
If that’s what he wanted. That’s what he would get. Ice.
You shook your head and looked in the refrigerator for water. You also found your favorite snacks. 
Production thought of everything. You’d thank Gwen later.
You relaxed on the couch until it was time to get ready for the mixer. 
The car was ready to go at 6:45, in time to get you fashionably late to the Television mixer at the Waldorf Astoria at 7.
Because of all the traffic, you didn’t arrive until 7:30, but you were chilling. You spotted your crew immediately, partly because they were the loudest. 
You loved this new family you made.
“Ayyyy! What’s cracking! We thought you’d never make it. Late flight? You want a drink?”
You laughed at Daveed, seeing that he was on his way to getting lit.
“I’ll have what you’re having.” 
He raised his cute ass eyebrow at you. “This grown folks shit. You sure?”
“Yes. I’m grown. I need to catch up to you! I misjudged the time to leave my chalet. What time did you all leave yours?”
“Ummmm. I walked downstairs like 20 minutes ago. The whole cast is staying here. You’re the only one staying on the other side of town.”
You didn’t know what to say as Daveed turned to go get your drink.
You looked around and saw a lot of actors you’d love to work with, some you already had, and some you knew to stay away from.
You spotted Rafa’s golden hair on the other side of the room. 
You weren’t going to go after him, and you didn’t need to, because some of your cast mates enveloped you and Daveed brought you a drink.
You were having too good a time to worry about Mr. Artistic Integrity.
You two circled the room, never really ending up in the same place. You finally saw him with Gwen and got a chance to talk. Rafa saw you approach. He nodded.
“Hey, Long time no see. You make it in ok ?”
You looked at Rafael for an extra beat. He’d seen you up close and personal three days ago when you’d ridden his face. 
But you were an actor. You could play this game.
“Hey Casal. Yeah, I got a few hours ago.” 
You turned to the logistics producer. 
“Gwen! My chalet is so dope!”
She raised her eyebrow at you. 
“That’s great! So, you wanted peace and quiet and away from the rest of us, ay?” Gwen laughed as you and Rafa smiled politely. You were seething. 
“Trying to avoid all the parties. I get it now, although I thought it was weird that you declined accommodations.”
“You know our girl, always a loner.”
Rafael took a sip of his drink, looking at you over it. Your blood boiled but you turned and smiled at Gwen.
“Yeah. On my INFJ shit. What’s the lineup for tomorrow?”  
You made small talk to avoid cussing Rafael the fuck out. He stood there for a minute, listening and being an adorable muthafukin asshole. 
Other people came up and you didn’t even notice Rafa step away. But you spotted him, in a corner with that little twat Ava with the tight little body. Just his type.
He saw you stalking out of the mixer as he chatted her up.
Two hours later, you were cozy in the hot tub, smoking some kush to relax, scrolling your phone. 
A TMZ post from your explore page caught your eye. 
There was a picture of Daveed, next to Rafa and Ava, who looked pretty close and fucking beautiful together. 
The gossip site gushed over the picture of the Bay Boys, noting the ‘adorable couple’ and their mingling at the mixer and somehow sneaking in a not so subtle hint that they were staying at the same hotel.
That was the final straw. You saw it all. Rafa wanted you far away from him while he fucked this little miniature Bratz doll. Bet.
It was only midnight. You were going to get your own plastic action figure for the night.
The next morning, you met up with the crew at the suite which was set up for the series press day. 
You went straight to Chelsea who was set up in the bedroom of the suite.
You gave her a hug and took off your sunglasses. Your eyes were puffy.
“Damn girl. You did have fun last night. I got just the thing for those circles.”
You breathed a sigh of relief and let her work her magic.
You emerged ten minutes later and went and got something to eat and a bottle of water from the catering station set up in the kitchen. You watched D and Rafa charm the interviewer. 
You took a deep breath. You could do this.
Ten minutes after that, you find yourself sitting in a chair with the cast lined up, somehow seated next to Rafael.
As the first interviewer was setting up, you got comfortable in your chair. Being a professional.
“I see you had fun last night.”
You looked over at Rafael as if surprised to see him there.
“I’m sorry?”
He smirked at you.
“I said it looks like you had fun with Michael last night.”
He held up his phone and you squinted at a post of you and your new friend, a highly sought after actor who had been in one of Rafa’s favorite movies. 
The pic was from after you went back out to the club last night. You were hugged up close.
You looked in his eyes and saw that he felt some kinda way. He had some fucking nerve.
You smirked. 
“Yeah. He’s really truly a dope person. Not just beauty, but brains too. I love an intelligent man. We… talked all night.” 
Rafa’s smile slipped. You sat back and put on a megawatt smile for the reporter.
The entire day was filled with your secret shots and animosity toward Rafa. 
You couldn’t wait to talk to him in private and tell him not to call your cell phone ever again.
Reporter: “This show has many complex relationships, and you are at the center of two of them that are just developing as the series begins. What do you do to ease into a new relationship?”
You leaned back and crossed your legs.
“That is a great question. Let’s just take an example of, say, meeting someone at... a club?”
Daveed leaned in front of Rafa and said, “This is not a true story from last night by the way.”
“Of course not,” you quickly replied and winked. Everyone laughed, everyone but Rafa.
“What I’ve found recently that works wonders is: ‘Oh my god you’re so much better than the last person I was with.’”
Everyone was dying laughing.
Rafa choked on his water. You leaned over and patted him on the back. “You good?”
He just glared at you. You shrugged and kept it moving.
“No, but really. You should start off in a relationship where you can be open and honest. There’s really no relationship if you can’t have that.”
Rafael cleared his throat, but you refused to look at him.
The press day continued.
After eight hours of interviews, you were ready to get out of there, so while Rafa and D were playing host, you managed to get out and to the car. 
You were exhausted of the tension.
On your way to the chalet, Rafa texted you.
‘We need to talk.’
You huffed. Now he wanted to talk. 
Well, tough shit. 
You blocked his number. 
You couldn’t function like this right now. You and him could break it off next week in LA. He was right, you were on the clock.
That night at the Midnight showing, you sat with Michael. 
Might as well try to have some fun. The paparazzi were snapping lots of pictures with you two.
While Mike took a quick interview, you made your way to the bar alone.
“You’ve not answered any of my texts. Or my calls.” 
You rolled your eyes at Rafael.
“You’ve texted and called?” 
You shrugged and took a drink.
“Look. We can do all that back in Cali next week. Gotta keep it professional here, isn’t that the deal?”
You downed your drink and walked back over to Michael, Rafael boring a hole in your back. 
He left you alone after that.
The next day and night were much the same, a cast interview and screening of two episodes during the day and another industry party at night. 
Rafa being so busy made it easy to stay away from each other.
You got back to your place with a bottle of tequila about midnight. 
You were flying out the next day and you should have some fun, even if it was not what you’d envisioned before you arrived in Park City. 
You hated Rafael Casal. 
But you refused to cry. Again.
An hour later, you looked up from your drunken haze to see Rafa standing over you. 
He looked so damn good in this dream.
“You shouldn’t drink a whole bottle of tequila in a hot tub, especially alone.”
“What the fuck do you care? You’re probably fucking Ava ten ways from Sunday right now.”
Dream Rafa raised his eyebrow at you and shook his head.
“Why would I want to fuck Ava?”
“Right? Especially when you could have all this.”
You stood up, almost falling and showing off your wet, naked body.  You giggled as he appreciated you, his eyes sweeping down your body.
Dream Rafa moved closer to you and grabbed your hand as you wobbled. 
“Let’s get out and get you some water.”
He helped you out and wrapped you in one of the huge white fluffy robes that you’d found in the closet.
He led you to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator.
You drank, your head clearing, but just a bit.
You kept staring at Dream Rafa, who was regarding you steadily, a weird look on his face.
When you finished, he walked you to the bedroom and watched as you lay down. You looked at the clock on the bedside table. It was 1:30 am.
You opened your robe and turned to see Dream Rafa in bed with you.
“How convenient. I’m so so horny Dream Boy. Haven’t had any dick since last week.” 
You untied the robe and grabbed your breasts, squeezing them and rolling your nipples, arching your back.
Rafael watched you hungrily.  
“Help me to get off. Fuck me, Dream lover. The real Rafa doesn’t want me anymore…”
You moved your hand down to your core and started playing in it, moaning and watching Rafa watch you.
As he licked his lips, you brought your hand up and let him taste the wetness on your fingers. He hummed, then took your hand in his.
“Not like this. I want you. Fully present and clear headed. But I want you. And we need to talk.”
He kissed the palm of your hand and covered you with the robe again.
You groaned and turned away from him.
“Even the Rafael of my dreams reject me? I can’t believe I’m in love with such a jackass.”
You didn’t feel Rafa pull you close as you started shoring.
You woke up alone, mad at the sunlight. Your head was pounding. 
Your mouth was parched, but you found a bottle of water on the bedside table. 
You grabbed it, grateful that you got it on the way to the bedroom last night. 
As you sat up and drank, you groaned as you thought back to your dream. 
You had to get him out of your system.
You got up and went to the kitchen, halfway expecting to see him there. 
You sighed with something that must have been relief when he wasn’t there. 
You took your water and some grapes to the little kitchen bar and sat there, eating and drinking slowly with your head in your hand.
You jumped when you heard a key in the front door and stared when Rafa let himself in. 
“Look who’s up. Bet you’ve got a doozy of a headache.” 
You just continued to gape as he put his bags down on the counter. He handed you a bottle of aspirin.
“You’ll need these.” He put some pedialyte in front of you. “And this.”
“Wait. Did you just let yourself in? With a key?”
“Yeah. This is my chalet. I own it.”
Your mouth dropped open. 
“I thought you had a hotel room.”
“I do. This is business so production put the cast up there. D and I decided to join.”
Your heart clenched at the fact he did not want you there too. What was this reality? Then you thought about the dream.
“Wait. Were you really here last night?” 
You were confusion.
Rafa smiled at you. 
“You want something to eat? Gotta get something in your stomach besides tequila and grapes.” 
You groaned and held your head at the realization that last night was not a dream.
“Fuck. Did I say all that? Did I do all that? Out loud?” 
You peeked at him through your fingers.
That smile. “Yeah.” 
You were mad. He looked to fucking happy. 
“Well, don’t take it personal. I was zooted. When I’m sober, I hate you Rafael.”
He frowned. “Are you sober now?”
You opened the bottle of aspirin and drank some pedialyte. 
“Unfortunately, yes. Very sober.”
Rafa moved next to you.
“I’m going to come closer so I don’t have to yell.”
He tipped your chin up with two fingers.
“I can’t believe I’m in love with a fucking brat.”
You were ready to fight.
“I’m a brat? I’m a BRAT?” 
You leaned back, your hands on the counter behind you to get some space from the electricity bouncing between you.
“You ignore me as soon as I land in the same city as you, and then you put me out here in this secret hideaway so you can fuck with that Ava chick.” 
You closed your eyes because you’d be damned if you cried right now. 
“I thought we agreed that we’d talk to each other before we tired of each other and got with other people?”
Rafa leaned close to you, caging you in with his arms on the counter beside yours. 
You could barely breathe, the emotions were getting the better of you. You just wanted to kiss him.
“Who told you that I fucked Ava?” 
This time you raised your chin on your own.
“No one had to tell me. I saw the pictures of you two together. I can read, Rafa.”
“Not very well in this situation, I’m afraid.”
Rafa shook his head and looked down. Then looked back up at you with those damn eyes.
“You also don’t listen. Did you even hear what I said? I just said I love you.”
You just stared at him.
“Wait… what?”
Rafa brought his hips closer to yours, standing up tall. You wanted them on you.
“I love you, you fucking brat. Why would I want Ava when the woman I love has all this.”
And he reached for you, opening the tie on your robe. He sighed as he moved his hands on your brown skin. He was home.
“I want you to listen. Listen before you jump ahead and try to argue.”
You were about to say something and clamped your mouth shut at his warning glance.
“I told you, this was work. And we agreed not to go public with our relationship yet.”  
He saw you wanting to protest.
“We agreed.” 
His hands spread against your stomach, thumbs on your warm nipples.
“I wasn’t ignoring you, I was controlling myself. I wanted to meet you at the airport, but the paps are swarming.”
Rafael's blue eyes were now dark.
“And I didn’t stash you away because I wanted to fuck Ava, but because this is my home and I wanted you in it.” 
Rafa finally kissed you, and you took his tongue in your mouth, wanting to own a part of him.  Your moan while you kissed was getting him even harder.
“And when you sent me that picture of you in the bedroom, I wanted to run over here and take you in every room,  but I couldn’t. Still working. Just had to jack off when I could. To that picture.”
You moaned as his words made you drip down your thigh.
He pressed his pelvis to you and you could feel how hard he was. You took a ragged breath and forced your hands to remain on the counter. 
But you looked up into those burning blue eyes. You were wet and ready.
“It was killing me knowing that you were so close, sleeping in my bed without me, naked in my hot tub without me, and that I couldn’t touch you, hold you. Fuck the shit out of you. Hear you scream my name.”
“Tire of you? God, I wish I could get tired of you. I want you all the time, I can hardly function when you’re not around.”
He kissed across your collarbone to the other side of your neck. You were definitely weak.
“I was coming over that first night, but I saw you going out. To the club. Where it seems you hooked up with Mike.” 
Rafa bit down on your pulse point.
“Rafa, I…”
Rafa licked the spot he just bit. 
“Shhh. I know you didn’t get with him, but you were a bit of a bitch at the Q and A day. And then you took him to the midnight screening.”
Rafa was appraising your body possessively now.
“You tried to make me think that you were with him; that he was touching you like this.”
Rafa grabbed your breasts and squeezed your nipples between your fingers. You arched into his hands.
“It was like you were teasing me.” 
His hands moved down your torso and around to your ass, squeezing and pulling your cheeks apart and ghosting your intimate parts with his fingers.
“You know I don’t like to be teased.”
He released you and took two steps back, leaving you feeling bereft.
You were panting in the middle of his kitchen. You felt what it was like to be teased.
“Rafa, I’m sorry. Please…”
Rafa was two steps ahead of you. He was pulling his Oaklandish hoodie over his head. Then he shook his head at you.
He bent his head to your breast as he lifted it roughly to meet his lips. He drew your hard bud between his lips and grazed it with his teeth. 
Rafa nipped and sucked your flesh roughly as he licked the fingers in his other hand and reached between your legs.
“Did you want Mike to touch your cunt like this?”
“No...only you Cash…”
He traced his fingers between your wet lips, causing you to shudder and moan. Then he started to tease your clit.
“Tell me what I want to hear. Tell me you love me.”
“I..I…” You didn’t know when it happened, but it did. “Fuck it. I love you Rafael.” 
You sigh in relief and with desire as he pushed his fingers deeper into you.
He moaned softly in your ear as he pressed you back against the island.
“Good girl. Now tell me more. Tell me you love what I’m doing to you right now. Tell me you love this shit.”
“I love it so fucking much,” you squeaked, holding on to his shoulders for dear life, your nails digging in.
As he pumped his fingers, you wriggled and started to grind against his hand. As you wriggled more, he cursed under his breath.
“Fuck! Stay still.”  
His tongue licked up and down your neck as his hand went faster and faster, playing you like an instrument.
You were getting so close, and Rafa could feel it. So he stopped and stepped back again, panting while he tasted his fingers and leaving you quivering and emotional.
You refused to beg, but he knew what you needed.
“I want to punish you for not listening to me and your heart, but I can't because I’d be punishing myself.”
He walked toward you again, put his hands on you and slid down your body as he knelt before you.
Rafa looking up at you like that made you fall in love all over again. 
He leaned forward and kissed your lower lips oh so tenderly. Then, he licked them, and you had to hold on to the counter again. Then he started talking.
“I’ve been hard for you ever since you texted me that you touched down.” 
He kissed each of your thighs and lifted one up and rested it on his shoulder. You were not ready.
“I was so pissed off all day. Until I saw you that night.”
Rafa lightly licked a long stripe between your legs.
He pulled back and looked at your pussy, as if entranced.
“But, I stayed away from you at the mixer because I knew I would drag you to a bathroom and bend you over the sink…”
Rafa slowly rolled his tongue over your slit. You held your hand over your mouth as you watched him.
He looked up at you and chuckled. 
“No close neighbors. Let me hear you.” 
He sighed as he looked at you again. 
“I wanted to take you in the bedroom at the suite during the press day and put your ankles around your ears to dig out that attitude.”  
Rafa licked you again, making you tremble and moan loudly.
“I decided to come and give you an ultimatum last night, but I get here and you were so cute and drunk and said that you loved me.”  
He graced you with a smile. You smile back and brush his hair out of his eyes.
“I know you said that I don’t own you. But you own me. Body and soul. I’m starving for you.”
And then he dove in, making you gasp as he eagerly parted your lips with his tongue and started to flick it back and forth over your clit, grasping your ass and your leg to support you and keep you in place.
This time he didn’t stop. He licked and sucked and swiped, his head moving back and forth as he ate. He did it until your eyes rolled back into your head and you were screaming his name. He increased his pace and intensity until you were a quivering, moaning mess. 
You come on Rafa’s face in the middle of a ski chalet in Park City, Utah.
You were still quivering as you watched him stand up, take off his shirt and wipe his face with it.
“So, you can take your flight back to LA in a couple of hours, or you can stay until Monday and we can be seen together tonight. In public.”
Your face lit up as he led you to the bathroom. You were catching on.
“And we will be ‘good friends’ for a few weeks until we let on.”
“Now, you’re listening.” Rafa was smiling wide now.
“Wait, does Diggs know about us?” Rafa started taking off his pants. You needed what was inside.
“Nevermind. I know the answer, Jackass.”  
You ignored Rafa’s laugh as you began to make up for lost time.
Read the next part, Scene Stealer Tagging: 
@theatrenerd86 @lonelydance @sillyteecup @ohsoverykeri  @theselilwonders @theatrenerd86 @sebastianabucknettastan @imatyoursurrvicesurr @riiyy @ivycomet @lonelydance @jbrizzywrites @curtainremote @biafbunny @summerofsnowflakes @honeysucklechocolatedrippin @peaches-and-mangoes​​​ @delaber @wreakhavoconmacroissantdiggs @einfachniemand​
115 notes · View notes
ramp-it-up · 3 years
Fresh Squeeze Ch. 13
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Pairing: Daveed Diggs x OFC Linden Marshall (You)
Set in 2023, post-pandemic
Warnings: Minors DNI, 18 + ONLY, RPF, drinking, dancing, singing, cursing, lots of plot and fluff and sad with some Smut as well. This has everything. Daddy kink, oral sex (m recieving), cum play, drunken confessions/rambling, Love, y’all.
“As” x Stevie Wonder
Word Count: 5.7 K 
Plot: Lindy reacts to her gifts, gets another one from the group, and TURNS UP. They finally get back to NYC and deal with having to be apart (or not).
“Well, what do you think?”  Daveed was looking at you expectantly.
You really didn’t know what to say.  You were surprised, intrigued, curious, and a little frightened. Your mind was trying to take it all in.
Daveed’s heart dropped as he watched your face. He closed the photo app on his phone.
“It’s cool. It’s a lot to think about...”  He could kick himself. He’d gotten carried away and ruined a perfect thing. He wished he could rewind time.
“I, I’ll meet you out at the bar. Go have some fun. We’ll talk later.” 
He might as well begin getting wasted for when you ended it between you two.  It had been a great day and a half. He turned around and headed for the door.
“Diggs, where the fuck do you think you’re going?”
Daveed stopped and turned around, bracing for it. He saw the flash your eyes.
“Look, Linden.  I’m sorry.  I took it too far. Forget I even showed you that picture.” He leaned on the wall and looked everywhere but at you. 
Your heart twisted in your chest. Daveed really did love you. And he was wearing his anxiety all over him. It hurt your heart that he felt that way. It was on you to communicate now.
You approached him slowly and put your hands on his arms as he looked at the floor. You bent your knees to get a glimpse of his eyes and to force him to look at you.  
Daveed smiled when he saw you peeking at him.  Maybe you weren’t pissed at him.
“I’m so pissed at you,” you breathed. 
Oh, well.
“How are you going to lecture me about running away all the time when that’s what you were about to do?”
Daveed opened and closed his mouth. Then he looked at you. You were right.
You slid into his arms and he looked down at you.  So fucking beautiful.
“Thank you for my presents, Daveed. I’m not mad that you got them. But you’re right, it is a lot to think about.” You sighed and lay your head on his chest.  
“This weekend has been amazing, and I’m happy you got carried away…It means….”
“It means I love you, Lindy.” He kissed the top of your head. “But I get it, you need time to think about… taking that step.” 
Daveed realized that you were just nervous.
You bit your lip and nodded. “Yeah.”  
Daveed leaned down and kissed your lips. It was slow and sensual.
“Anything I can do to help with your thinking process?”  
His lips were at your cheek, moving to your jaw, your earlobe and then your neck.  You moaned as he found the spot he’d memorized so quickly, like a verse.
You moaned, heating up again as his hand smoothed your dress over your ass and his fingers reached for the hem. Again.
You felt yourself begin to tumble down the hill of your desire for Daveed, which you tried to snap yourself out of by clearing your throat, to which Daveed smiled at against the skin of your collarbone.
“We should really get back out there.”
You fully expected him to object, but instead he agreed.
“You’re right.”  He planted another kiss on your spot.  “The crew is working on a gift for you out there.” He nuzzled your neck and then kissed below your earlobe. 
“What?” You were curious as to what they were up to. Daveed just stared at you. “W-what do you mean they're working on a present?” 
Daveed chuckled and smiled at you, grabbing you by the hand. “I don't know. Let’s go see.”
Craig happened to be passing by when you and Daveed came out of the bathroom. You were caught.
“OOOOOOOOOh. I’m gonna call Monalinda on your ass.” You were swole, and about to cuss Craig out and then instantly deflated.
“Oh shit.” You looked at him. “My mom.” 
You dropped Daveed’s hand and dug in your purse for your phone, which you had basically ignored all weekend. 
It was lit up with birthday messages, one from Mark, which you deleted, and plenty from other friends and acquaintances on social media.
You looked up at Daveed. “I’m have to call my mom.  I’m going to step outside.”
“I’ll go with you.” Craig, your protector.
Daveed didn’t want to let you go, but he didn’t want to crowd you. You went downstairs and out of the door, Craig with you.
You scrolled for the call from your mom, and like clockwork, she’d called at 8:43 am, the time you were born. It was well over 12 hours since she’d called. You cringed and dialed her back.
She picked up immediately.
“Linden? Happy Birthday, Baby.”
“Hey Mama. Thank you. Sorry I missed your call.”
“That’s ok, baby. I figured you’d be busy having fun. Craig watching out for you?”
You laughed and looked over at Craig.  “Hey Auntie Mona!” He yelled and all three of you laughed.
“Hey Craig! Take care of Linden for me.”
“Mama, I’m 30 years old now. I can watch out for myself.” 
Now she was laughing at you. Sometimes it was like you were her twin, brash and independent.
“Ok, you’re right. Is that Daveed boy there with you?  Craig told his father that you had a crush on him.”
“Oh, did he now?” You were gonna tap Craig in his jaw. You made a cutting motion against your throat to him. He just laughed at you and flipped you off. 
“Yes, mom, he’s here,” you sighed.
Mona knew that tone. And she laughed at you again.
“Linden, just be open to love, Baby. You deserve it.” 
You loved your mom so much, but It was when you were talking to her that you were reminded of Dell. That’s why you tried to avoid it. Because when you thought about Dell, you felt like you didn’t deserve anything.
You thought about how you should be on a three-way call with her and Dell, her wishing you both a happy birthday.
“Mama…. I’m sorry. I…”
“Linden. Stop it. Just stop it.  It wasn’t your fault. You can’t live your life blaming yourself. He’d want you to move on.  And he’d be so proud of you now. I’m so proud of you.”
“I love you Mama.” You smiled through your tears. 
“I love you too, Baby.  Now get off the phone with me and go have some fun with that tall, fine man. And tell me all about him when you get back, maybe bring him to meet me if you realize you should snag him.  Have a safe flight.”
You laughed at her read. “Ok, Mama. Goodbye.”
“Bye, Lindy.”
You took out your phone and scrolled through your pictures of Dell.  You picked one and made your annual post for your birthdays. Craig moved toward you and took you in his arms.
“You okay, cousin?”
You looked up at him, and the tears came harder because he was crying too. He was the only one who missed Dell almost as much as you.  Except your mom, who probably missed him more. You hugged Craig and let yourself cry.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine after I kick your ass for telling Uncle Lindron about Daveed. You know he and Mona talk every day.” You started to walk back into the club, where Daveed was watching for you to return.
“Lindy, this ain’t Jersey, and I’m not one of those little hoodrats you used to fight all the time. I’ll fuck you up, just like I did in the 7th grade.”
“Shut up, Craig!” you laughed and pushed him, lightening up a little, especially when you saw Daveed’s concerned look as he came for you.
“You okay?”  You looked up at him and smiled, giving him a quick peck on the lips.  “I’m good.”
Craig and Daveed led you to where Rafael, Anthony, and Jasmine were standing.  Daveed planted you on the stool and looked you in the eyes.
“Stay here.”
“OK?”  You looked around to see everyone smiling at you.  Rafa winked as Daveed approached a mic stand. You got a feeling of dread in your stomach. 
Oh no-
Daveed looked at you as the crew gathered around.  
“Hey everybody. This is Lindy.” He held his hand out to you. “And it’s Lindy’s birthday today. And I bet she thinks we’re about to embarrass her and have you sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to her.” He looked over to you. “But she’d be wrong.”
You breathed a sigh of relief.
“We were wondering what to give the woman who has everything.” 
You called out to him. “Are you included in ‘everything?’”
“You are correct, madam.” Daveed smirked in response. You shook your head as everyone laughed.
“But we decided to use what we have and that is talent. And we picked a song to perform that her cousin Craig said was a family favorite and is really really true for all of us, especially me. 
We’re going to perform a song that lets you know that you got new family members for life.”
Rafa cued the DJ to start the track. As you heard the opening cords, you brought your hands to your mouth, emotional.
Jasmine was first up.
As around the sun the earth knows she's revolving/ And the rosebuds know to bloom in early May/ just as hate knows loves the cure/ You can rest your mind assured/ That I'll be loving you always/ As now can't reveal the mystery of tomorrow/ But in passing will grow older every day/ Just as all is born is new/ Do know what I say is true/That I'll be loving you always
Jasmine came over and gave you a hug as she sung the last line.
Everyone started dancing this choreographed routine of 70’s dance moves, the hustle, the hand jive, and the bump during the refrain as they sang. Even Craig joined in the chorus.
Anthony sang next.
Did you know that true love asks for nothing./ Her acceptance is the way we pay Did you know that life has given love a guarantee/ To last through forever and another day/ Just as time knew to move on since the beginning/ And the seasons know exactly when to change/ Just as kindness knows no shame/ Know through all your joy and pain/ That I'll be loving you always
Ant handed Rafael the mic next.
As today I know I'm living but tomorrow/ Could make me the past but that I mustn't fear/ For I'll know deep in my mind/ The love of me I've left behind/ Cause I'll be loving you always
 More dancing, and you had to get up out of your seat.
Daveed had the bridge:
We all know sometimes life's hates and troubles/ Can make you wish you were born in another time and space/ …...And maybe our children's grandchildren/ And their great-great grandchildren will tell/ I'll be loving you
Everyone in the club joined in the chorus by the end, including you. It went on and on and was the best time you’d had on your birthday in a long time.
You ended up in Daveed’s arms with everyone dancing around you.  It was big love and it was perfect.
You danced and drank shots until you were exhausted and wasted. You and everybody sang all the way back to the beach house, and  Daveed had to practically carry you in when you arrived.
“THAT WAS THE BEST BIRTHDAY OF ALLL TIMEEEEEE!”  You looked around the great room of the beach house and saw everyone staring at you.  
“That’s you. You’re yelling Lindy.”  Daveed was cracking up at you.
Jasmine and Anthony laughed at you on the way to the master suite. 
“G’night mom and dad!” You waved at them as they retired for the night.
“Are you going to flog me, General?” 
You heard Jasmine say, “Oh my god, she’s wasted,” as she and Anthony went in their room. Anthony replied. “Oh, fo sho.”
Daveed chuckled and shook his head as he led you into your room. 
“General, hunh? No, I’m not going to flog you. I’m gonna put your ass to bed.” 
You sat down on the bed and looked up at him adoringly.
 “You know, I went with ‘he who must not be named’ to see Hamilton in 2015. When I saw you in that uniformmmmmmmmmm….” 
You shook your head and closed your eyes, remembering. ”I had a flash of a thought to run up on stage and suck your soul out.”
Daveed smiled his shy smile again, embarrassed.  
“I’m sorry, I’m fangirling right now. But sign my tits.” You tried to pull the collar of your dress down, and when it wouldn’t stretch, you started fighting with it, trying to get it off.
“Easy, easy.” Daveed was highly amused. He helped you to stand up so you could get out of your clothes. 
He looked down and stroked your cleavage.   “I already marked them up good. And when those fade I’m coming back for more.” 
He leaned down and kissed the tops of each breast and then stopped himself to help you out of the dress. Now was not the time to start something.
“Oh shit, Daveed.”  You squirmed. “You got me wet. Damn, boy. You keep me wet.” 
You started singing WAP as you twerked in front of him. Daveed was enjoying seeing the carefree side of you. You could be so free and he was glad that tonight got you there.
You flopped back down on the bed. “Damn, I would let you fuck me in that uniform tho. A dream. And that sword? The hilt of that mutha fucking sword. Fuck. Do you still have it? I mean...”  
You opened your legs and ran your hands up your thighs. 
Daveed grabbed them and pulled you back up so that he could slip your dress off. You were out of your mind, but you still got him there.  
He’d have to see what he could do about that costume when you were sober. He wanted to fulfill your every fantasy, and he hoped that you would let him.
When you came out from under your dress you looked about to cry. He frowned a bit. 
“What happened?”  When you looked up at him with your drunk, teary eyes, he remembered. Tequila.
“I don’t deserve you. You’re so fucking sweet. And nerdy, and cute, and so fucking talented. I mean you’re such a great actor, and writer, and rapper, and you can rap so fast, I mean damn that tongue.”  
You opened your eyes wide. “Is that why you’re so good at head?”  You covered your mouth at the realization and started crying harder.  “I don’t deserve you!”  Daveed helped you as you cried, and he tried to get you in the bed.
“Yes, you do Lindy.  We all deserve love. Now calm down. It’s ok. We can talk about it in the morning.”
You stopped and stood still, adamant, naked for Daveed to take in and save for later. “You wanna know a secret?”  You looked around the room to see if anyone was listening, even though you were alone with Daveed. “I forgot what I was talking about.”
Daveed laughed and went into the bathroom to get one of your makeup wipes. When he handed it to you is when you started crying again. 
“No one ever wanted me to take off my makeup before...no one cared about my skin… and no one sang to me in Puerto Rico...”  
You were still crying as you wiped the tears and makeup away.  “Tell me why you love me in the morning.”
“I will. Lay down and I’ll get you some water.”  Daveed got you under the covers and tucked you in.
“It’s gonna be hard when we get back to New York, cause I’m a bitch in New York. In Isabella I’m a queen…”
“Yes you are. You’re MY queen. Anywhere you go. You’re not gonna get rid of me in New York. Now try to center yourself and calm down okay?”  You smiled weakly up at him and nodded, holding your arms out to him.
Daveed hugged you, kissed your forehead and then went to the kitchen to get some bottles of water. Rafa was in there, eating cereal and on his phone.
“Ya girl is wasted.”
“Yeah, she’s gone, man gone.” Daveed smiled.  “Thanks for tonight, man. The arrangement was tight.”
“No problem at all. We all really love Lindy. She’s special, man.”
Daveed smiled as he gathered about four bottles of water and set them on the counter. He had a faraway look. Rafa could read him like a book.
 “Oh shit, Diggs.”
Daveed looked at him.
“Yeah, this is it.”  He’d made a decision.
“Happy for you, man.”
Daveed gave Rafa a smile and elbow dap as he went back to your room.
You were singing “As” and smiling when he returned.  “I’m tore up. Sorry.”
Daveed blinded you with his smile.  “No worries, Baby Girl. Here, drink this. It will go better when you wake up if you do.”  
You returned his smile and drank the entire bottle of water.  It helped clear your head a bit and the exhaustion got to you. Your eyes were drawn to him like a magnet as he headed toward the shower and took off his shirt. Damn, why did his back get you hot?
“I’ll be waiting for you when you get out.”
Daveed smiled back at you. “Get some rest Lindy. I know we’re leaving Isabela tomorrow, but we have time to spend together beyond that. I’m not going anywhere, Baby Girl.”
You smiled and nodded, hazily realizing something and resolving to stay up before you knocked out into a deep sleep.
Daveed had stayed up a little while longer than you and wrote some things, editing a verse for a track that he and Rafael were producing and also adding to his Linden notes.  Then, he took you into his arms and fell asleep.  
He wondered how he would do it without you in New York, or how he would go back to the West Coast without you.  He was thinking about the same things you were, but he was more confident that you two would find a way.
The Monday morning sun greeted him and he rolled over to see that it was 10 am. The flight back to New York left at 3 pm.  Just a couple of hours before everyone needed to head to the airport. 
You were still knocked out, snoring a little, but so adorably.  He kissed your forehead and got out of bed with a bottle of water, padding to his room.
He marveled at the fact that he’d spent very little time there this weekend. It was basically a glorified closet and he was glad for it.  
He was grateful to Jasmine and Anthony who offered to plan this weekend for you.  They knew that you and he together on a tropical island would do the trick.  
He shook his head that it actually worked as he put on his running shoes and shorts and packing up a little before he went running.
Daveed sent you a text before he got started, then headed west on the beach and did a lot of thinking, planning how to soothe the fears that you’d expressed last night.
You woke up 20 minutes after Daveed left with only a slight headache and fuzzy memories of the night before. You instantly missed Daveed and grabbed your phone.
Good morning my Queen. Going running.  Be back soon. Love you.
You smiled like a schoolgirl at your phone, and your heart immediately lifted. You lay back on your pillow and thought of how lucky you were. 
Then, memories of your drunken ramblings came back and you buried your head under your pillow.
You hopped in the shower and tried to forget what you’d said, hoping that Daveed did too. It was the first time in a minute you gotten to shower alone, so you took your time. 
When you came out in your towel, your hair wet and conditioned, you met Daveed who was trying to sneak back in and see you wake up.
Seeing you all wet and sexy in just a towel did something to Daveed. You were surprised, your mouth in that sexy o shape, just like in the fitting room of H & M.
“Hey.” Daveed smiled at you.
“Hey yourself.” 
You smiled back and shifted your weight as water droplets tumbled down your shoulders into the valley between your breasts.  Daveed couldn’t help but stare.  “How was your run?”
“Damn.” Daveed realized too late that you had asked him a question. “I mean…” he chuckled. “It was good.”  He noticed you eying him and realized that he was all sweaty.
‘Damn’ is right you thought, the sweat was running down Daveed’s torso like the water from your shower. He smelled like his cologne mixed with the sea air and more musk. You needed that. Right now.
“I’m all sweaty, can I borrow your shower?”
You walked nearer to him, stopping behind him him in front of the bed. “No.”
Daveed turned his head to question you. “No? You mean I can’t borrow your shower?  You want me to go back to my…”
“No.” You traced your finger in the sweat on his lat muscle and then put it in your mouth. 
“I don’t want you to use my shower, and I don’t want you to go back to yours. At least not right now.”
Daveed turned around and faced you and when he did, you dropped your towel on the bed.  His eyes went where you wanted them to.
“I want to lick the sweat off your abs, your dick and your balls before you do that.”
“Holy shit, Lindy.” Daveed groaned,  grabbed you by the throat and pulled you in for a kiss. “You’re so fucking nasty.”  He kissed you as his cock swelled. “I love it. I love you.”
You sat on the bed and pulled him toward you, getting started on your mission.  You put your tongue in the happy trail of black hair below his navel, flat and wide, and licked a long stripe up and around his belly button. 
The tangy essence of his perspiration contained some kind of aphrodisiac, because you went crazy and would have licked him clean if he hadn’t stopped you to take off his running shorts and shoes.
You watched his dick, thick from desire, spring free and slap his stomach.  You immediately grabbed for it and Daveed stepped out of your reach. You looked up at him, and he returned your gaze. 
Unspoken communication flowed that this was going to be as equals.  You grabbed for it again and he stepped closer, allowing you to palm him as you licked and sucked his sack.
He leaned his head back in ecstasy as you took care of the boys and jacked him off.  Then he looked down at you and you kept eye contact as you licked the tip of his dick, circled it with your tongue and then opened your mouth and deep throated it like a champ.
“Fuuuuuuucckkkkk, Lindy.” Daveed reached for your breasts and squeezed them, pinching and rolling your nipples. You arched your back, and your ass looked amazing on the bed.  Daveed needed to hit that. 
He pulsed at the thought of breaking your back and realized that he was buried deep in your throat at the moment. His eyes came back to yours, which were watering with the effort to breathe around him.  
He didn’t hold you there, but you kept your nose nestled in the wiry hairs at the base of his cock.  Damn.  He wanted to be both places at once. 
He brought his hand up to your wet hair, gently massaging your scalp as you did what you wanted with him.  He had the irrational desire to tattoo your name on it, because nothing would ever compare to you.
You came off of him, sputtering and gasping for breath, a proud smile on your face.  Daveed smiled down at you and wiped your mouth with his hand as you smiled back up at him.  He leaned down and gave you a filthy kiss.
“I want you to pound me from behind.” Your voice was a sexy whisper, making tingles go up his spine.  
“Just what I was thinking. We’re made for each other, Lindy.” He kissed you again.
You quickly pulled away and got on the bed on all fours, ass presented to Daveed.  He just stood there admiring you as he stroked himself for a minute.  
He was trying to meditate, pray, something, because what you’d already done to him and just looking at you was going to make him bust.
You looked back at him, and bit your lip, watching him.  Then, you brought your hand up to your mouth, licked your fingers, and brought it down to start steady, tight circles on your clit, arching your back and giving him a good view of exactly what was happening. 
Daveed grabbed your hip and lined up with your cunt, feeling with his tip that you were fluttering around nothing but that.  He whined in the back of this throat as he made himself sink into you slowly, your pussy grabbing him with each millimeter.  He bottomed out. You were stretched out wonderfully.
“You good? How’s that feel?”
You could only whine. “So good. So, so, so good Daveed.  Please.”  You were begging, his dick was pulsing. “Please, please, please Daddy.”  
Daveed groaned again. “Fuck, yeah. You want it?”
He started moving.  He thought he was going to pass out it felt so good.
“This shit feels so good, Linden.  You need it?”
“Fuck, yeah, Daddy.  Oh!”  Your arms had collapsed, and your cheek was getting pounded into the mattress as Daveed pistoned into you harder and harder. “Thank you thank you thank you.”
You were so fucking sweet that Daveed was about to paint your insides with his children. But he stopped, causing both of you to curse and pant into the silence. 
The throbbing of his dick and the clenching of your pussy pushed him over the edge, making him lose control and start pumping again. 
You knew he was trying to hold out and the thought that he couldn’t triggered your orgasm and you came, tears coursing out of your shut eyes as you moaned.
Daveed felt you cum with relief, because he was able to make sure you got yours; watching you cum was magnificent. But now it was his turn
“Where do you want it Linden?”
“On my ass Daddy.” You smiled back at him with glazed over eyes, still lost in sex land.
“Fuck!” He pulled out and fisted his cock, spurting all over your beautiful cheeks as he reached around for your sensitive clit. 
He relentlessly held you fast with his arm as you tried to run from the second orgasm that was triggered by his fingers and the feel of his cum dripping down your folds.
“Shit, Daveed!”  He chuckled evilly as you came apart again, leaning down to put his drenched fingers in your mouth.  You made eye contact with him as you sucked his cum off them, and he was almost hard again. Damn.
He collapsed on his back and watched as you lay on your stomach and closed your eyes.
“Looks like we both need a shower now…”
You opened your eyes, and his heart clenched. You were so pretty. So purely Linden.
“Damn, I Love you girl.”  
“I love you too, Daveed.”  You bit your lip at the emotion. “We probably need to shower separately because….. we'll miss our flight.” He knew what you meant.
Daveed frowned.  “You’re not wrong, but we can save time and water if we shower together. I promise I won’t try anything but get squeaky clean.”  He was not trying to have this togetherness end so soon.
You couldn’t help but smile.  You were doomed.  You sighed, gave him a peck and made your way to the shower, him hot on your heels.
You boarded the flight back to NYC the same way you boarded the 3 and a half hour flight to PR, with you and Daveed running to the gate to board just in time.
You settled into first class, this time eagerly snuggling up to him in the blanket from jump.  You were whispering and giggling together.  Daveed looked at you and knew what you were thinking.
“Before you say it, let’s wait and join the mile-high club for when we’re not with our friends.”  You peeked through the divide in your seats to find Craig and Rafael behind you. Craig stuck his tongue out at you.
“Yeah, you right. I don’t wanna hear it from this crew.”  
You cuddled happily, on your phones and taking selfies, posting them separately to IG.  Even though you didn’t post the pics of you two together, the fact that Rafael photobombed both of the ones you posted gave the connection away. 
When you deboarded at JFK about 8 o’clock, you and Daveed brought up the rear of the group, not walking slowly, not wanting the weekend to end.  By the time you got to baggage claim, Rafa and Jas and Ant were walking out to the cars that were waiting for them. 
“See you later guys! Thank you again for everything.”  You hugged the Martinez coupled as they went back to Brooklyn.
“Catch you tomorrow Cash.”  Daveed gave Rafael dap and you gave him a hug as he departed.
Craig was at the baggage carousel, just waiting to order the uber for you and he to go back to his place. You were very quiet, lost in your thoughts.
“.....Rafa and I have a late lunch meeting at 1 tomorrow and then rehearsals start Wednesday through Friday at the new venue. Then we have the weekend off and shows start up again next Tuesday. What does your week look like Lindy?”  Daveed wasn’t going to let you slip away from him, physically or mentally.
“Well, I have this Bar exam study session tomorrow afternoon, and I really need to cram for the exam next month. And… oh shit, I have this event  for the law firm I’m clerking at in the fall on Saturday. It’s sort of like an introductory mandatory thing. Black tie.”
Daveed looked at you. “So, I guess you already have a date for that.”
You snapped out of your funk and caught the tone.  “Yeah, I do.” You fought a smile and Craig started shaking his head as he looked at his phone.
“Oh.”  Daveed rocked on his heels and watched for his bag on the carousel.
You tapped his arm and smiled at him, nodding your head toward your cousin. “It’s him.”
Daveed made eye contact with Craig who laughed at him.  
“Sounds dope.” He was very relieved.
“Well, about that Lindy…..” Craig had some news.  “Brian is coming to visit next weekend.  Imma fly my baby out!”  He took in your shocked face.  “What?” 
“Nothing. You grown. And you’re ditching me. That’s always cool.”
Craig shrugged.  “What you won’t do for love.”
Daveed agreed. “So it sounds like you need a date.”
You turned back towards him, a smile on your lips.
“Yeah, sounds like it. You think Rafael is free?”
Daveed bent his head and shook it.  “What time do I need to pick you up, Linden.”
You perked up at the dom voice, and replied immediately. “8 pm.”
“Perfect, and pack a bag, you can stay with Daveed so Brian and I can have the place to ourselves.”
“What makes you think that I want to stay with him, or if he even wants that? You can’t just…”
Daveed interrupted you.  “You’re welcome anytime, Baby Girl.”
You shivered. “Okay…” you almost said, ‘Daddy,’ but you didn’t. Not in front of Craig.
“It’s settled then.” Craig grabbed his bag and you reached for yours, but Daveed grabbed it before you could take it.
You walked out to where you and Craig’s uber waited and the car the Daveed had ordered waited.  Daveed loaded your suitcase after Craig put his in the trunk and got in, giving you two some privacy.
“Text me when you get home.  I’ll call you later, maybe facetime.”  Daveed felt something crazy in his chest at the thought of leaving you.
You nodded and tried to smile up at him, tears pricking your eyes. “I will. I might text you in the uber?”  You didn’t want to be away from him yet.
“Yeah, yeah. Do that. I’ll see you in four days.”
“Just four.” You searched his eyes.  “Ugh! I love you Daveed.”
“I love you too, Lindy.”  You reached up for a kiss and he picked you up to meet him. He put you down and you swallowed the lump in your throat.
“Bye.”  You waved as he walked toward the black SUV.  You opened the door and then you saw him look back at you, eyes in full puppy dog mode.
You got in the uber, and Daveed got his bag situated and entered the back of the car.  He looked back and saw your uber pull out, his driver waiting for it to pass.  Then, he heard a knock on the other window.
The window rolled down and Daveed peered out at you, smiling.
“Did you mean it when you said I was welcome anytime?” Your smile was irresistible.
“Get that ass in this car, Baby Girl.” 
“Yes, Daddy.”
Will Lindy and Daveed ever be able to be apart?  Is this a healthy relationship or are they going to fast?  Let me know. Please like, comment, and reblog!
@braidedchallah  @einfachniemand @sillyteecup  @ohsoverykeri @theselilwonders @theatrenerd86 @sebastianabucknettastan @riiyy @lonelydance  @biafbunny @summerofsnowflakes @delaber @honeysucklechocolatedrippin @wreakhavoconmacroissantdiggs @janthonystan @elocinnicole @anh1020 @curtainremote
104 notes · View notes
ramp-it-up · 3 years
Fresh Squeeze  Ch. 10
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Pairing: Daveed Diggs x OFC Linden Marshall (You)
Set in 2023, post-pandemic
Warnings: This chapter is chock full of nuts, hehe. Minors DNI, 18 + ONLY, RPF, Cursing, implied drug use (marijuana), Anthony Ramos, Fluff,  Angst, denial, lots of Plot. SMUT,  2.5 graphic sex scenes,(very) soft Dom! Daveed, oral (m-f recieving) shower sex, very light bondage, Truth or Dare, unprotected sex (wrap it when you tap it folks), hair braiding.
Word Count: 7.2 K 
Plot: It’s Linden’s birthday weekend and she is falling for Daveed. She is starting to freak out and I am trying to get them off the island, but I love words and I needed these words today, y’all.
Smut under the cut.
Previous Chapter
The ride home was hot as hell, you and Daveed making out like teenagers in the back of the Uber.
You were on his lap, grinding on him and edging yourself the entire way back to the beach house. He just sat back and watched, the only clue that he was affected being his slightly open mouth. Both of your crotches were soaked by the time you got out of the car.
When the car stopped, you got out and ran into the house.  But as the cold air conditioning hit you, you sobered a bit and stopped Daveed in the great room as he tried to pull you toward your room. The doubts were creeping in.  
What were you doing?
But you weren’t prepared for a full stop.
“Let’s go to your room instead.”  
The look in your eyes told Daveed that you were spooked and he knew this was about control, but he was confident he would wear you down, wear you out, whatever it took.
“Cool with me.” 
Daveed smiled and grabbed your ass and tapped your thigh so you’d jump. He held you like that and walked you into his room.
He put you down inside the door and then left you to go to the bathroom. You heard the shower start.
“My room. My rules. Strip. We’re getting in the shower.”
You hesitated just a second, but when Daveed’s dick popped out of his pants, you took your shorts off and then flung your red top on the bed, making your way as he backed into the bathroom.  
You were focused on his bobbing and weaving member, and you remembered how you hadn’t gotten a chance to taste it yet.
He stopped outside of the shower and motioned with his finger. 
“Turn around.  Hands on the counter.” 
You obeyed, turned and placed your hands on the vanity, watching as Daveed kneeled behind you and as he grabbed your ass, rubbed it then, pulled your thighs apart and watched his see drip out of you.
He sat back and stroked his dick to the sight for about a minute as you squirmed above him, then peeked back at what he was doing. When you saw his thick dick in his hand you moaned and turned away again, your pussy fluttering and giving him a show.
He leaned over, kissed your ass, and then stood up.
“Lets go.”
He led you into the shower, pushing you against the wall and putting his hands all over you, smoothing the water into your skin and rubbing it in like lotion, using his fingers to clean between your legs while he stuck his tongue down your throat and pinched and rolled your right nipple.
It was like he was trying to envelop you and you had to catch your breath when he did.  He was unrelenting in his attempt to possess you.
He put his hand over your mouth as he slipped three fingers inside you and used his thumb to rub your clit.  He watched your face almost lovingly as you came to the brink of another orgasm.  And when he felt you begin to pound, he stopped, backed up a little and sank to his knees again.
He lifted your thigh and put it over his shoulder, finally about to show you exactly how he could take you apart and put you back together.
“I’ve been waiting to taste you for so long.”  
You smiled down at him while you ran your hands through his hair.
“Me too.”
He grinned up at you, adorable and dangerous.  
Then, he looked at your pussy and got serious.  
“Hello, my lovely.”  
His hot breath mixed with your own natural wetness made you weak, and when his tongue met your clitoris, your knee gave way, but Daveed supported you with his hand as he swiped up and down between your lips, swirling at your clit and plunging into your hole.
You were already sensitive, so when he added his fingers to the mix, it took no time at all to get you to cum while his lips were firmly attached to your clit, sucking and making you see stars.
When you opened your eyes again, he was standing, triumphant, watching your face.  He cupped your chin and rubbed your lips.
“You okay?”  
He looked and sounded so tender.
‘Yeah,” you smiled at him. “I’m great.
“We need those safe words, Lindy.  Have you thought about it?  What’s your word when you’re good, ready for what I have to give you?”
You smirked at him.
Daveed grinned back. Seemed fitting.
“And when you are at your limits?”
“New York.”  
Daveed frowned at that for a minute, because it seemed symbolic of something else.  But it was your choice.
“Alright, and right now, your word is…?”  
He wanted to be absolutely sure.
“Isabela, all the way. Sir.”
Daveed was incrementally changing from the soft, sweet man who was smitten with you to someone harder.
“Good Girl.”  You shivered.
“Now, I don’t expect you to have to safeword tonight, but down the road…” He looked at you, “If that’s what you want, you might need to.”
The thought made you giddy, and you nodded.
He grabbed you by your neck and pushed you into the wall again.
“Words, use your fucking words, Linden.” 
His voice was menacing in your ear as his other hand ruthlessly flicked your nipple.
“Yes, sir.”
He huffed and kissed your neck below your ear. Then, he grabbed his chain, which was still around your neck, and pulled you upright again.
“That’s what I love to hear. Now, kneel for me.  Show me exactly how much of a good girl you can be.”
You obeyed immediately, the hot spray of water at your back.  The tile floor was hard against your knees, but you thought he knew that.
You looked demurely up at his dick as you knelt, knowing not to make eye contact as he sat down on the shower seat.
He took hold of your wet nipples and pinched them hard.
“Damn, I need to get you those clamps.  You would look amazing in them.”
“Yes, Sir.”
You were still staring at his cock. He kept twisting your nipples.
“You want it? You talked big game the night of the premier party.  Time to show out.” He leaned back and pushed his dick toward your face. 
“Go on.”
You smiled a little and reached for it, only barely able to close your hand around it and with two hands on it, you did not cover its length.
The moisture of the shower allowed you to slide and jerk him, twisting lightly up and down and running your thumb over his tiny slit when you reached the top.
Although you both were already soaking wet, you spit on it and kept your mouth open above it, allowing your saliva to drip down from your lips.
“Shit, you nasty Lindy. That’s that shit I love.” 
Daveed’s voice rumbled in your ears. You lowered your mouth and lapped up the thick moisture at his tip, his salty precum taste invading your senses. 
You continued to jerk him as your mouth descended, and you sat up, trying to take him all.  You couldn’t with just your mouth, but you continued to relax your throat and continued to rise from your knees until your nose was in the wet, curly hair at his base, and you were standing, bent in two, your ass in the air as you deep throated him.
Daveed put his hand on your head and held you there, cursing and moaning praises.
“THAT’s my fucking good girl. Fuck.  That mouth girl. That throat.”  
You coughed around him as you tried to breathe and he let you go.
He sagged back against the shower wall and looked up at you.
“You’re trying to turn me out.”
You grinned and got on your knees again. “Yes, Sir.” 
And you started going to town, opening your mouth and guiding him inside, deep throating, and bobbing, bringing him to the brink in no time.
You looked up at him as you felt his balls tighten and he released down your throat, trying not to sound like a little bitch.
When you sat back and licked your lips, Daveed closed his eyes and composed himself.
When he opened them, you were washing yourself, and he was eye level with your hand going between your own legs as you rotated and showed him the view from the front and the back.
Your smile was too cocky.
He stood up and turned off the water.
“Out. Now.”  He was trying to be hard, but damn, you were making him hard again.
He got out and handed you a towel and wrapped one around his waist as you exited the bathroom.
You stood in front of the bed, waiting.
“Such a good girl.  So outwardly obedient.  But I see right through you Linden.”
You looked up at him innocently. Daveed chuckled.
“Oh I know.”  He spied your red bandeau top on the bed. 
“Present your wrists.”  You held your hands out to him, while he grabbed your top and tied your wrists up in the red material.
“Sit down.”  You sat and looked up at him.  “What’s your word.”
“Isabela, Sir.”  He smoothed your wet hair.  
“Good girl.”
Daveed reached for the towel around you and pulled it away from your body.  He didn’t need to remove the towel for you to see that he was ready again.  But when he did, his dick was magnificent and the skin on it shined.
He grabbed your bound wrists and watched as your breasts rose as he raised them over your head and then pushed you down to the bed.
“Keep them there. Don’t move them. Or you will be punished.”
Even though you wanted to see what that was like, you nodded and said, “Yes, Sir.”
“That’s right. Be a good girl for me while I’m between your legs.”
The moan in your throat signaled to him that you were ready for him again.
His long form got between your thighs and he rested his head on your stomach as his large hand rubbed the skin up and down your body. Then, he raised up on his hands as he leaned down and started licking and sucking your skin from your nipples to your neck.
Daveed moaned and praised you telling you how good you tasted, so much so that you didn’t care that he was marking you up. And when he positioned the head of his hard cock at your entrance, you were more than ready.
You opened your legs wider and lifted them around his back as he pushed inside you, arms trembling to not bring them down around him.
“Gooooooood Girl. Fuck you feel so good.”  
Daveed buried his face in your neck as stroked, and you could feel him deep in your guts. You tried to hold your moans in until he told you, “Let me hear you, fuck I wanna hear you sing for me Lindy.” 
He was panting in your ear as he kept speeding up, hitting that spot staccato over and over.
And fuck all, you didn’t care if your friends were back yet, you screamed for him when Daveed worked you up to that crescendo, trembling and coming around him, gushing all over his cock.
“Good…. Girl…. Ohhhhh. Shit. Linden.”  
Daveed released your wrists and he was still trembling as you held him in your arms.  You rubbed his back.
You lay there for a good five minutes. Each totally ruined, but not admitting if to the other for different reasons.
Finally, Daveed got up and went to the bathroom.  You stretched as you heard water running and smiled as he came back into the room with a wet washcloth.
He tenderly cleaned you up and you then lay down beside you.
“What are you thinking Lindy?” Daveed was staring up at the ceiling.
You looked over at the clock. 2:40 am. 
You were thinking lots of things, but what you said was, “I’m thinking, I’m still at Isabela.” 
You looked over at Daveed’s gorgeous grin.
A couple of rounds later, and you were finally spent.  You lay there and turned away from Daveed, getting snuggly under the covers.
“I’m going to take a nap, and I’ll be out of your hair in a few.”  You were on your way to dream land before you finished.
Daveed smiled and pulled you closer to him, becoming the big spoon to your little.
“Of course. No worries.” 
Daveed drifted to sleep, confident that you would be more rational in the morning.
You awoke to sunlight in your eyes from Daveed’s view of the ocean. It was about 7 am according to the digital clock on the bedside table.
You’d stared at the view and smiled as you remembered the day before. Then you turned your head and saw Daveed sleeping. Something weird happened and you had to catch your breath.
Shit. The feels were coming for you. It took you almost five minutes to ease out the bed so he wouldn't wake up. Once you were out, you stopped to make sure he was still asleep.
You breathed a sigh of relief that you only heard his steady breathing and occasional snores. You weren't prepared to say good morning to Daveed. You needed to process last night.
You looked on the floor for your clothes and saw the trail to the bed: shorts closest to the door, and panties on the floor at the edge of the bed where Daveed had pulled them off. 
You shivered at the memory and then got down on your hands and knees and collected both garments, stopping at the edge of the bed for your panties.  
Your top was under the pillow that Daveed was resting on, and you sat back on your haunches to figure out if you could get it. It was placed so that you couldn’t possibly retrieve it without waking him up.  
You took a few seconds to watch him sleep before you decided that was creepy and not what you were on. So, you pushed down the urge to kiss his delectable lips and started crawling backwards toward the door.  
You saw his black t-shirt from last night beside you, grabbed that and stopped to put it on. His clothes were turning out to be so clutch on this trip.
You slowly stood up and checked again to make sure he was still in dreamland, turning the knob so as not to make a sound.  Now to make it back to your room without anyone seeing you.
You creeped out into the great room, not seeing anyone and breathing a sigh of relief.  You stopped in the kitchen to get a drink of water, confident that you wouldn’t get caught. You got a glass and some water out of the fridge and stood at the sink to drink it, thinking of last night. 
Your eyes got big when Rafael walked in the front door and came straight for the kitchen.
Rafa nodded in your direction as you froze in place. He came around the island behind you to the fridge and cabinets and got some milk and cereal. He looked to be fully dressed from the night before. He just got in.
You raised your eyebrow at him, finished drinking and put the glass down as he just went about the business of making a bowl of Cap'n Crunch.
"Hey, knucklehead. You want a bowl?"
You looked at him like he was crazy.
"Yeah, I'm talking to you. You want a bowl of cereal?"
Rafael was holding out a bowl to you, waving it impatiently because you wouldn't take it.
You took it and made the cereal, giving him a side eye.
"Why are you calling me a knucklehead?"
Rafa sat down beside you and grinned. 
"Because I see that you are trying to run from a relationship with Diggs, despite the fact y’all are perfect for each other...."
You interrupted him, panicked at his words.
"It's not like that. It’s not a relationship. We're not a thing. We're just... not perfect for each other. Nothing happened last night. We’re just friends."
It was Rafa’s turn to side eye.
"Oh, nothing happened?" He gave you another side eye. "Not to be rude, but where’d those hickeys come from?”
You grabbed at your neck. Fuck!
Rafael just grinned at you.
You couldn't help but laugh at Rafa’s read.
Daveed woke up to the sound of talking and laughter outside his room.  He looked over to see you gone and realized that yours was one of the voices he’d heard outside.
He lay in bed for a few minutes and stretched, listening to the tones of the conversation that he could hear over the waves.  Daveed recognized Rafa’s voice and began to wonder why you were out there instead of in bed with him.
He pulled on some sweats and headed out of his room. He found you, wearing his shirt, sitting at his kitchen island and eating cereal with Rafa. You were cracking up.
Rafael looked up at him, torn away from his banter with you.
"Morning Diggs."
Daveed just looked at him.
"I was just telling Lindy that when she's done with you, she should get with me, cause I’m like the better B side...."
You laughed. Daveed didn't.
Rafa could tell that he wasn't feeling it.
"Chill bro. I'm just joking. I'd never do that.  The code."  
Daveed continued to look at you and Rafa could feel the chill in the room.
"And he wasn't even talking about anything like that. Besides, I don't like him like that." 
You didn’t know why you were trying to convince Daveed. You didn’t need to explain yourself to him. Did you?
Rafael put his hand over his heart, injured. Then, he asked a question, trying to help the situation.
"But who DO you like like that?" 
He raised his eyebrow and nodded toward Daveed.
You looked at Rafael like he was crazy. 
"ANNNYYYYYWAYYYYY..." You gave Rafa the evil eye.
"Because I told Rafael that THIS," indicating you and Daveed,  "is not a thing. That I'm not looking for a thing. No things. Nothing is going on."
Daveed and Rafael gave each other a look, and all was understood. The tension was as thick as molasses.
"Well, I might just have to call adult protective services, cause somebody tore my friend’s arms and back up last night, ha ha ha….” Rafa’s laughed trailed off.
You nervously glanced at Daveed’s bare chest and torso, willing your eyes not to sweep down his body while Rafael put his hand up to high five Daveed, who left him hanging, and who was still staring at you.
Rafael cleared his throat. This was serious.  He tried to be rational, but still light.
"Ok. Over/under.  How long before this 'nothing' becomes  SOMEthing?"
"6 Months."
You and Daveed spoke at the same time. And you were still staring each other down.
"Like I said. Knuckleheads.  Y'all are perfect for each other."
You put your spoon down and nodded toward Daveed’s room. 
“Let’s talk, Daveed.”
You could tell he was keeping it together in front of Rafa. You’d had it with Daveed’s indignance.
“Use your words!” 
You both ignored Rafa as you went back in Daveed’s room.
As soon as the door closed, Daveed moved closer to you. You stood your ground, ever the fighter.
"Why did you say that to Rafa about us being a thing in 6 months?" You were beginning to feel as if this weekend was a huge mistake.
"Why did you think we were never going to be together again after last night? How could you just leave without saying goodbye, good morning, or even good luck?" 
Daveed couldn't believe you, but he felt like a child right now begging for attention.  Chasing you was exhausting. 
"Daveed. Last night is done. And we’re still here together for the weekend. We would talk again.  Don’t tell me you want more? It will just be more sex. We’re both not really ready for a relationship. Yesterday was full of sexual tension and last night took care of it.”
You raised your chin, determined. Daveed could not bully you into a relationship.
He crossed his arms. You noticed the marks you’d left on them. You flushed to think of the details of the night before. It was very nice, but as much as you wanted it, it couldn’t happen again the same way.
"Ok then, leave my room. Now." 
Daveed was just as determined. You could not just will these feelings away because they were inconvenient. And he could tell that you were responding to him, so he was calling your bluff.
"I will!" 
You didn’t move. You just stared up into Daveed’s brown eyes, becoming moist all over again. Shit.
Daveed fought to control a smirk through his deepening voice.  Blood was pulsing toward his groin, and his heart rate was increasing. He was doomed. You both were.
You narrowed your eyes, realizing what he was doing. He was standing in front of you and you refused to go around him.
"Bye!" Daveed walked to the door and held it open. He looked out and saw that no one was in the vicinity of his bedroom door. "Peace. Have a nice life, I'm going back to bed."
As you neared him, Daveed quipped, "And give me my damn shirt back."
You were red hot mad.
"Take your fucking shirt! Asshole!"
You pulled it up over her head, taking the shirt off even though you didn't have anything on underneath.  You threw it at him.
Daveed caught it, threw it down on the floor, closed the door and grabbed you, kissing your mouth and moving to your neck, biting along the way.  You attacked him back, grabbing at his sweatpants as he tore your shorts open and pulled them down.
You smacked you on your ass hard, making you even wetter than the second before, stooped down and threw you over his shoulder as he took you back to the bed.
He threw you down, and you lay there, panting, looking up at him as if you wanted to commit violence.  So he asked you what kind.
“Do you want to fight, or fuck, Lindy?”
You gave him a devious half-grin, and you opened your legs, lay back and started massaging your breasts and pulling on your nipples. 
“Fuck me Daveed, before I do it myself.”  
You moved your hand, out two fingers in your mouth and moistened them with your tongue, and reached for your clit, managing to circle it a couple of times while rolling your nipple with the other hand before Daveed grabbed your hand and flung it away as he lined up to your cunt.  
Now his long fingers were rubbing your clit exactly how you liked it, only taking a day to learn your body. Your head lolled back, anticipating his entrance, but he slapped your clit and your head perked up.
“What did I tell you last night?  Watch this shit Linden. You really trying to run away from this?”  
You opened your mouth and panted as you watched him slowly breach you, your body eagerly accepting him and stretching around his girth.  It took a few seconds for him to bottom out, but when he did, he met your cervix.
You chirped as he made contact with that spot deep inside you and met his eyes as he gazed at your face. The morning sunlight added another dimension to the way you looked as he made you fall apart.
He pulled back out and you looked back down, witnessing your cream covering his cock. 
“Damn, that’s gorgeous. I don’t care what you say, your shit is made for me.”
And then he grabbed your neck and pinned you back on the bed, and you smiled as he expertly applied pressure to the sides of your neck. He increased the speed incrementally until he was steadily stroking into you.
“Harder. Faster.”
He squeezed your neck and responded, his hips stuttering a little at your request.
“Remember you don’t run this shit, Linden.”  
He almost gave in as he saw your slack look as his cock swelled within you.  You moaned and arched your back.
“Please. Sir. Harder. Faster. Just four strokes and I’ll cum immediately.” 
You knew he wouldn’t be able to hold for four strokes; the challenge was the trick.
Daveed grunted and tried to hold back. He knew he wouldn’t be able to hold to just four strokes either. Just imagining pounding you good four times and then trying to stop had him leaking inside you and his face contorted.
The evidence of what your words were doing to him got you closer, and your body responded. When Daveed saw your eyes begin to roll back in your head, he decided to give you what you wanted.
“Okay, okay. I can do that. Here you go.”  
Daveed released your neck and grabbed your thighs, pulling them toward him and then pushing them back for better purchase. He was done for when you started to count.
“One…..two… holy fuck…. Th-threeeee…. F-f-f-four….” 
Your voice and the straight sensation of your pussy futtering around him had him pounding you well beyond the requested amount.
You both came, one after the other.  You both didn’t know who came first because the sensations were so intense and close together. 
Daveed rolled off of you and leaned on his pillow.
You both lay in bed, looking up at the ceiling, and listening to the waves. After you both came down, the feeling was awkward.
You spoke first, still staring at the texturized paint above you.
Daveed cleared his throat, not looking at you either.
“Yeah…”  He sat up, and grabbed the sheet, sitting up against the headboard and staring at the waves.
You covered yourself up as well, and finally faced him, your head on your hand.
“I just need to think, Daveed. Like I said yesterday, I could fall for you. But I really don’t want to be hurt again.”  
Daveed looked down at you. The way you looked up at him.  Those eyes.
“But what if I’ve already….” he stopped himself. All good things come to those who wait, he thought.  He rubbed his face.
“Shit Lindy, you’re right.”  Then he smiled, looking cool and confident, using his acting skill despite the turmoil going on inside him.
“Listen LIndy. I don’t want to stress you. And I don’t want to pressure you either. But I want you. I don’t want just a friends with benefits situation. I want more.  Because I think I-.”
You interrupted him.
“Daveed, I’m not closing the door completely, but I came because I want to have a fun, stress free birthday weekend.” You lowered your eyes. 
“I know you want me. And… I want you too. Last night, just now… If I let myself, I would be sprung.”
Daveed grinned, almost blinding you.
“Then let go. I’ll accommodate your addiction.” 
He spread his arms and the sheet drifted below his v-cut and you almost...
But you just laughed and shook your head. 
“We’d stay in here all weekend.” 
You met his eyes boldly, which was a mistake.  You looked away, things pounding on you that didn’t need to be again right now. 
“I think I need to go drink some water instead.” 
Daveed’s eyes swept down your body. He grunted.
“Yeah, you probably do need to do that. As many times as you…”
“Alright Diggs!” 
You raised your voice a little so he would stop talking. He was laughing at you. And himself. He wanted to barricade you in here with him. But he needed to chill.
“If you want me, if you want more, can you hold on with me a little longer? I’m not trying to waste your time. Just a little more time and space.”  You smiled at him hopefully.
He would do anything for you. He grabbed your hand, thumb stroking the soft skin on the back.
“Yes Linden, I’ll hold on. Because this conversation is not over.” 
And he brought your hand up to his lips, leaving a fire brand on your palm. You opened your mouth and silenced your moan.
“Listen, I’m not trying to run away, but I better get out of here before…”
Daveed lowered your hand gently back to the bed.
“I get it. You’re free to go. Have a good morning, friend.” 
He laughed and grinned at you as you stood up and gathered your clothes.  He shifted to watch you.
You exclaimed, somehow feeling shy. Holding your shorts to your body.
“What? Darlin, I‘ve seen everything you’ve got. And this might be the last time I get to see it, so…”  
He continued to boldly look at you, like he was memorizing a script.
The words he said caused you to pause.  
“Is that what you want?  That if I don’t want a relationship, you don’t want sex?”
Daveed sighed. 
“As much as my dick would hate me if that was what my brain decided, I’d have to say so, Lindy.  Because now my heart’s involved.”
He finally stopped staring at you and looked out to the sea again.
“Good to know.” 
You couldn’t describe the feeling in your chest as you pulled on your shorts, and then reached under his pillow to grab your top, leaving his shirt on the floor.
“Can I… just…” 
You were pulling on your top, and he shifted, a smile playing on his lips. You smacked his shoulder and he gave you a stern look. You smiled back at him and then kissed the spot you’d hit. You didn’t see Daveed close his eyes and take a deep breath.
“So I’ll see you later?” 
Why were you so fucking uncertain about everything?
“See you later Lindy.” 
Daveed was looking out at the sea again, giving you nothing. You were in turmoil as you left his room, the short walk of shame made easier by the fact that no one was in the great room. 
You went back to your room with two bottles of water and showered. Then, you drank and fell into bed, physically and emotionally exhausted.
When you were back up around 11, everyone was milling around eating, talking, laughing, joking and no one paid much attention to you when you entered the room.
Not Rafa, who knew some of what was going on, which was so dope of him, and not even Daveed.
Daveed not paying attention to you made you feel some kinda way, even though you knew he was giving you space.
You checked Daveed out of the corner of your eyes as you joked around with Ant about the concert and noticed that D’s hair was in a not too attractive looking fro.
You let Craig tell you about the guy he hooked up with last night as you watched Daveed and Rafa talk.
Daveed and Rafael were talking about the events of the morning.
“.... I could tell that girl is spooked.” Rafa glanced at you over Diggs’ shoulder.  
“We know she’s been hurt, but she is skittish man. But you two would be so good together.”
Daveed nodded and drank his juice. “How does she look?”
Rafa chuckled and shook his head. You were wearing a white bikini top and white sweatpants. That fit well in the right places.
“You’re screwed. She looks fucking amazing.”
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Daveed smiled, hopeless.
“Yeah, she’s been cut deep. But she is the most exhausting thing I’ve done since college, man.” He shook his head. “I’m might be done chasing her.”
“Riiiight. Well, here she comes, homie.”
Daveed’s eyes bugged out before he composed himself.  Rafa’s poker face was set.
“Good morning Linden Marie. How are you?”
You grinned at Rafa.  “I’m great Rafael Santiago.” Then, you turned to Daveed.
“What’s up with your hair?”
“Well, this sounds like a sensitive subject.” Everyone was moving out toward the pool, and Rafa went to join them.  “I’ll leave you to it.”
Daveed laughed and then looked back at you.
“You throwing shots now?”  
Daveed looked at you, close to the way he did before last night, but with a hidden something extra.
You laughed back.  “No, it just looks like….”
“Like I forgot to pack my shampoo and conditioner.”  He tried to run his hand through it, unsuccessfully.  “I had to use Rafa’s and it dried out my hair.”
You looked at him sympathetically. 
He looked back, insecure now. “No biggie, I’ll just throw it in a puff.”  He hated pulling his hair back after months of doing it for Hamilton. The grimace on his face told you what you needed to know.
“Meet me on the couch in five minutes. My products are always in my carry on. I learned that lesson a long time ago. I’ll braid your hair for you.”
Daveed looked uncertain. “You know how to braid hair?”
Something in your eyes got him when you answered his question. 
“I had a brother. Who idolized Allen Iverson.” You sighed wistfully.  
“So yeah, I know how to braid hair.” 
You reached up, “Can I?” 
Daveed whispered his assent. “Yeah.”
You fingered his hair, as if you hadn’t memorized how it felt when he was between your legs last night. 
“Your curls are like Dell’s were.”  You looked him in the eyes. “Straighbacks?”
“That would be...Dope.”
“Cool. Be right back.”  Daveed watched you retreat into your room.
Five minutes later, Daveed was sitting on the floor in front of the couch in the living room, watching everyone else out on deck while A Love Supreme played on the sound system.  D had cued it up while he waited.
Between your legs felt like home, the roar of the ocean coupled with Coltrain relaxed him so much that he was nodding off before he knew what was happening.  When his head hit your thigh, he jolted awake and said, “Sorry.
You chuckled and responded.  “It’s okay Diggs,” I know you’re exhausted.  You were up all night.”
You grinned. He could tell.  
“Go ahead and use me as a pillow.  No biggie.”
Daveed grinned out toward the waves. He loved the smile in your voice. Then he turned and started lightly punching your thigh. But not enough to hurt. 
“The fuck are you doing!!!???” You popped him on the shoulder with the comb.
“Ow!” He rubbed his shoulder. You’re going to get enough of hitting me little girl.” 
The tone of his voice gave you a thrill, but you were cool.  
“You said to treat you like my pillow.”
“You’re taking my hospitality too far.  I meant if you needed to lay your head on my leg it was okay.”
“Alright I’ll chill.”
He took out his phone and opened notes.  You knew that he knew you could see it. 
“Oh my God. You really still have that list?”
8. Into spanking.  Me.  
You started rolling laughing.
“I’m done.”
Daveed laughed along and enjoyed the playful banter between you.  
Yeah. This could be great relationship he thought.
“Ok, Ok.  I’m done..”
You started to part his hair again and then stopped and rubbed your leg, just a little heated.  
“You’re gonna leave marks… I mean, more marks.”
Daveed sat up a little straighter thinking about that.  He’d love to keep you marked up good. Let everyone in the world know…. 
When he cleared his throat, you realized what you’d said and sneaked a peek at him. His eyes were closed, tongue running across his bottom lip.
Then he cleared his throat again and looked up at you.  Those huge eyes truly apologetic. 
The timbre of his voice and the nearness of him was almost too much.  
“You want to stop?”
You tried not to gulp. Don’t ever stop, you thought.  
But you said, “Boy, your hair is halfway braided.”
“What? You saying I can’t rock it?” The smile.
You sucked your teeth and firmly turned his head back around toward the glass doors. He could rock anything, even a paper bag.
“I’m not going to let you go out like that.  I’M not going out like that. This is my handiwork.”
You shared a laugh and fell back into silence.  Each in your own thoughts which were probably very similar.
“Man, the surf sounds dope.  I need to work this sound into a track…”  
Daveed leaned his head over, to hear the roar better.  He appreciated the hum of approval from your throat.
Before he knew it, you were done.
“There you go! All done.”
Daveed did not move to get up quickly.  Instead he sat there and said, “Thank you Linden.” 
He looked over to see the goosebumps on your thigh.  You were just as affected by him as he was of you.  Suddenly he was rock hard and ready to finally have your taste on his lips again.
“You’re welcome, D.” 
Your voice was soft and husky.  He knew what you needed. Daveed turned his head to the left and kissed your kneecap. 
He could see it shake a little bit, as he raised his right arm to capture your left leg and kissed it again as he shifted around to turn to face you.  He was on his knees before you, watching you watch him as he licked a stripe up your thigh with his tongue, bringing him closer to your center.
You shivered your legs closer, then softly moaned as he held eye contact with you and then released them open.  He could feel the humid warmth from between your legs as he sucked hickeys into the sensitive skin near your crotch.
Daveed looked up at you and as you nodded, he pulled your shorts to the side revealing the prettiest lips he remembered seeing, dewey and glistening with your excitement. 
He whimpered a little bit, and dove in for the prize, wanting nothing more than to hear you come undone by his tongue. You tasted like…. Air?
Someone was shaking his shoulder. 
“Daveed. Daveed! We’re done.” You were laughing at him. What the fuck?
“Wake up Diggs. I’m done with your hair.” 
Your giggly voice was making him alert.  
I can’t believe I was about to have a wet dream. Am I 14 or 41,  Daveed thought.  He could not move and let you see his condition.
“Move Daveeed. I need to stand up.”
He pretended to be more asleep than he actually was. 
“Hand me that pillow there, I’m going to stretch out. And that throw.”
“On the floor?” You asked, as he nodded and stretched out, facing away from you. 
“Why not?”  he, asked.
“I don’t know. But if you like it, I love it.”  
You threw the throw and one of the decorator pillows that were on the couch to him.  As you went to the deck doors and stretched, looking out at the coast. Then you took your sweats off, revealing a glorious thong bottom to your bikini. 
“I’m going to get some sun.
“Thank you for doing my hair Linden.”
You turned and dazzled him with a smile.
“No problem, Daveed. Get some rest.” 
He watched as you closed the door and went outside. 
It was just Saturday. Your birthday was Sunday and you weren’t leaving until Monday.  
He would get no rest while you were on this island with him.
The crew played pool and different games throughout the night. And drinking from the various bottles they bought in town. You were having a ball. 
You and Daveed were circling each other, not wanting to break the vibe of fun with their friends.
“It’s late.” It was 2 am and you were tired. From the tension.
"One last game.  Let's play Truth or Dare.”  Everybody groaned. 
“How old are we Rafael?”  
Ant stood up and swayed on his feet, hands clenched in front of him as if he was going to fight. He was lit.
“You, Sir, are apparently 13 years old.” 
Rafa looked around, challenging you.  
“What?  Grown folks can’t handle it?”
"Okay, okay," said Daveed. “But let’s take a break, and get some water and food to sober up a bit. 10 minutes.” 
Everyone agreed. You went to your room to pee and came out to see Daveed, Rafa, and Jasmine huddled up in the kitchen as you grabbed something to drink. You didn’t think anything of it.
“House rules. Players must perform the dare they are given, or truthfully answer the question asked. You can’t change your minds about choosing ‘truth’ or ‘dare.’ The spare bedroom is in play. Rafa pointed to the door closest to the living room.
“Okay, Anthony, as the youngest, you are the questioner.  Choose someone for truth or dare.”
Anthony looked around at everyone’s face.  
"Alright.  The first person I'm going to ask is… you, Rafa. Verdad o reto?”
Rafa shook his head and said, "Verdad."
Anthony bent his head to his fingers, trying to think of a good one.
“Ooooh! I got it!  Have you ever been involved in a threesome or orgy?”
Jasmine pushed Anthony’s  head.
“The fuck is wrong with you,” but she turned to Rafa with her eyebrow raised.
Rafa blanched, and then looked up and to the left.
“Whatttttt?” Jasmine’s mouth was open and you were wide eyed.  
Anthony was rolling laughing and when Linden looked over at Daveed, who was sipping his drink and looking away.
“Yes. Okay, next question.” Rafael tried to hurry the game along.
“WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT!!!” Jasmine jumped up with her arms out, yelling.
Ant was right there with her.  “When, where, how… and WHO????”
“He told his truth, let’s move on.”  
Daveed was trying to change the subject. Now Lindy was staring at him and he was avoiding his eyes.  Oh, she would find out.
“OH. HELL!”  Anthony was jumping up and down on the couch.  “You GOTTA tell me later Bro…”
Rafa’s poker face was king.  “Everybody calm down. We ready?”
“Ok, Jasmine. Truth or Dare.”
Jazzy looked around. She knew the deal with this crew.
“Seven minutes in heaven…”
Anthony didn’t even let him finish.
"That's easy.  C'mere baby." 
Anthony extended his hand to Jasmine. Who laughed, stood up and took his hand and went into the guest bedroom with him.
“That’s just lazy, Rafa.”
Cash shrugged.  “Jas may or may not have bribed me.”  He took a joint out of his pocket.
Daveed chuckled and leaned over to you.  
"So, what are you thinking?  Truth? or Dare?"
You didn’t answer, just stared at the door to the guest bedroom.
The door opened and Jasmine came out followed by Anthony with his curls messed up and silly grin on his face.  He gave Rafael dap.  
“Thanks, bro. Jasmine remained standing and winked at Anthony.  She blew him a kiss.  
He sat up.  Jasmine asked, ”Truth or Dare?”
Daveed looked at you, and so did everyone else.
Suddenly, you knew this was a set up. And that whatever he chose would involve you. 
So what would it be? Truth? Or Dare?
So which do you think Lindy wants Daveed to choose? Truth or Dare?  Let me know by commenting, liking, reblogging.  Also let me know if you want to be on the tag list.
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 Tag List: @braidedchallah @theatrenerd86 @sebastianabucknettastan @imatyoursurrvicesurr @riiyy @lonelydance @jbrizzywrites @delaber @honeysucklechocolatedrippin @janthonystan @anh1020 @einfachniemand @sillyteecup  @ohsoverykeri @theselilwonders  @biafbunny @summerofsnowflakes @honeysucklechocolatedrippin @wreakhavoconmacroissantdiggs @elocinnicole 
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ramp-it-up · 4 years
Fresh Squeeze Ch. 8
Pairing: Daveed Diggs x OFC Linden Marshall (You)
Set in 2023, post-pandemic
Warnings: Cursing, AAANGST yet SMUT. Mention of Death, Anthony Ramos, Coached masturbation, heavy petting, sunscreen. Fluff. Plot. Mature themes and situations.18+.
Word Count: 4.6 K
Plot: Linden is trying to run from her feelings for Daveed after a lot of trauma and a shitty ex. Daveed assumes and hits a nerve and Linden just wants to hit that. It’s her birthday weekend y’all!
Read the Previous Chapter
“Let this be a thing…”
You smiled at the possibilities of the situation.
“Let’s let this flow.  It’s my birthday weekend.  I want to have fun.”  You turned around and faced Daveed. “With you.” 
You reached up and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips. They were so succulent, but you didn’t allow yourself to get sucked in, literally or figuratively.  You had to get some control back.
You looked up at him and he was hopeless. He struggled to continue to hold himself back. 
Daveed thought about how tight you were around his fingers. He would have you screaming in this fitting room again, this time with you impaled on his dick.
“That’s all that matters right now. I like this vibe.”
D nodded at you.  “You’re right.”  Daveed cleared his throat as you two gazed at each other.  “I guess we gotta find a way to get out of here.”
You chuckled. “Yeah.  The walk of shame.”  
You straightened your clothes and gathered the garments you were going to try on escaping the fitting room with only a passing smirk from the attendant. 
You giggled at his lowkey “Get it,” and Daveed rolled his eyes as you passed by.
You decided to get all of the clothes you’d wanted to try on, but got distracted from trying on because of your shenanigans.  You piled everything on the register.
Daveed was so unsure. About what just happened; about what could happen. He didn’t want to fumble this beautiful bag. 
Before you could speak, he stepped up to the register. 
“We’ll take them all.”
You gave Daveed a side eye. You smiled at the woman at the counter.
“Yes, I will.”  
You opened your purse to get your credit card out, trying to remain calm and collected. 
“Linden, let me.”  
Daveed really thought he was about to pay for all of your clothes up in here. This was not it. He was assuming too much.
“No, Daveed. I got it.  Thank you though.” 
There was no mistaking the acidity under your sweet tone. You didn’t know what Daveed thought this was….
“But, this is a lot. And it’s your birthday.”
Your smile widened even though your rage grew, “All the more reason it should be my prerogative.”
You stared at each other down for a hot minute and then finally Daveed just closed his mouth and watched as you pulled a black amex card out of your wallet and signed for the total, which was over $2200. 
You didn’t blink an eye.
The fun you shared in the fitting room was long gone.  Things had gotten real tense real fast.
“Can I at least help you carry them?”
You ignored Daveed as you struggled with the bags, then put them down on the corner of the street outside the store.
You got your phone out to order a ride.
“What the fuck was that Daveed?”
He took you in, your little angry body turning him on.
“I was trying to be nice.”  Daveed couldn’t hide his irritation with you.  Was this even worth it?
“Why do you think that paying for my stuff would be ‘nice?’”  
Daveed was confused. 
“Well, I know you’re not with Mark anymore and you were in school and everything and Columbia is expensive. I just didn’t want you to have to go into more debt on your birthday weekend.” 
“Why would I be going into debt?”  Your eyes were full of murder.  “Shit Daveed, you just don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.”
You looked up at him as if you were going to fight him. Daveed wondered how many times he needed to make you cum before you would calm down. He was going to find out.
“Obviously I don’t, because I don’t know why the fuck you’re mad at me because I wanted to do something nice...I-”
A car pulled up beside you.
“That’s just the fuck WHY Daveed.  You don’t know anything about me.”
And then you grabbed your bags, flung them in the back of the car and got in, leaving Daveed on the corner of a street in Isabella, Puerto Rico, wondering what the fuck had just happened.
You were actually vibrating with rage all the way back to the beach house. You texted Jas for the combination to the front door and let her know where you were.  
She made a remark about giving you and Daveed time alone and you didn’t correct her, you just  needed some space.
You got your bags into your room and then went back out to the kitchen for a bottle of water.  
Daveed came in as you sat and drank, looking out of the great room windows.
You sat up straight on the stool and tried to ignore him.
Daveed had ordered a car as soon as yours drove away, vowing to find out what that scene was all about.  
He had not had to chase anyone in a long time and he felt like he was way too old for it.  But he couldn’t help himself.
Now, he was standing here approaching you like a wild animal.
“Do you want to tell me what just happened?”
You just tried to will this intrusion into your life and your emotions away.  Maybe if you ignored him he would disappear. 
You just could not take anymore pain and Daveed was dangerous. 
He could hurt you. Bad.
Daveed came around beside you and watched your profile as you closed your eyes and tried to shut him out.
Damn.  You swallowed and opened your mouth to speak.  You almost couldn’t say the words. You continued to look at the ocean.
“Dell takes care of me.” 
Daveed looked at you carefully. You continued to stare straight ahead. 
“The accident. The driver of the truck that hit us was drunk AND high. The company knew of his history and didn’t take him from behind the wheel.”
You took a deep breath and continued.
“We had good lawyers. I not only list my twin, but my left ovary and the ability to have children without a very involved medical procedure.”
Daveed really didn’t want to hear anymore. He felt terrible.
“There was a 30 million dollar settlement, 5 million to my mom with 25 million in trust until I turned 25 years old.” 
You didn’t know why you were telling him all this.
“So when I say I got it, Daveed. I got it.” 
You looked at him, something in your eyes that spoke of strength and brokenness.
Daveed wanted to throw himself off a cliff as he watched the tears roll down your cheek. Got damnit he was such an idiot.
“I’m sorry, Linden….”
“Don't be sorry Daveed. I just can’t do this. I can’t let you hurt me like Mark, like every other person who thinks they know me.  I can not…..”  
You just shook your head and walked toward your room.  Daveed’s long legs got ahead of you and he just stood in your way as you walked.
“Linden. I’m not going to let you run away.” 
You two played a slow game of human foosball.  After a minute, you just stopped.
“Move Daveed.  Let me go.”
He put his arms up, but he didn’t move.  
“I’m not holding you.  But I’m here Lindy, and I’m not going to leave you alone.  I’m sorry that I made such a boneheaded assumption, and I’m sorry I made you bring up something so painful.  But I’m not like everyone else.  I think I…”
All of a sudden, you wanted him to stop talking. You grabbed him around his waist and gave him a hug, sobbing into his chest.  
Daveed brought his arms down around you and held you while you cried, just as he did that first night. He still felt good.
This time, however, was different. Daveed bent down and picked you up, taking you into your bedroom bridal style.
He kicked the bags out of the way and lay down with you on the bed.
“Daveed, I…”
“I just want to hold you Lindy.  Relax.”
You stopped protesting and went with the flow. You let him hold you and did as he instructed, you relaxed, your head on his chest, listening to the slow, steady beat of his heart under one ear and the ocean out of your other. 
You felt the soothing thrill of him playing on your scalp and with your curls with his left hand as his right caressed your left leg, which was thrown across his thighs.
Before he knew it, you were softly snoring in his arms, and Daveed knew that his fate was sealed. The road to your heart was full of landmines, but he had to try to get there.  
You woke up to the sounds of giggling.  
Jasmine and Craig were standing over you and Daveed on the bed.  You were a little confused, but you and D woke up to an audience.
“Whyyyyy are you still fully clothed?” 
You grimaced at Craig and threw a pillow at them as Daveed sat up and grinned.
“Get the fuck outta my room Craig.” He dodged it successfully.
“We ain’t got time for you to waste all weekend NOT fucking around.  Chop chop.” Craig walked out of your room as you stuck your tongue out as his back. 
Jasmine laughed at you and followed him. 
“We’re going to have dinner out by the pool if you wanna join. Swimsuits required. The chef will be here in a few and Craig and I want to get some sun before the show tonight.” She looked at you over your shoulder as she left. 
“Or if you two want to stay in, that would probably be dope too…”
You shook your head at her back as she closed the door.
You sat up on the edge of the bed, feeling a bit awkward.  You put your head in your hands and let your curls hide your face. What the fuck were you on? It was like you had experienced the rollercoaster of a relationship, all in 18 hours.
Daveed sat up against the headboard, eyeing you warily.
“I want you Linden. I’m sorry for assuming earlier, but you gotta let me in so I know how not to.  I need you to be absolutely clear about what you want.”  
“I… I want you too, Daveed. I’m just really scared about being hurt again.”  
He closed his eyes when he heard your admission. Slowly but surely.
You raised your head and looked over at him.  You’d exhausted him already.
“I don’t want to hurt you Lindy.  But we’re both human. And too grown for the games.”
“I don’t want to play any games with you Daveed.  I mean… well….”
He opened his eyes and stared at you. He heard the invitation in your tone. This was a dangerous situation. He looked at his watch.  It was about 4 pm.  
The show started at 10 and although he wanted to start something and finish with you all afternoon and night… it might have to wait.  He leaned his head back and fantasized.
“What are you thinking about?”
Daveed opened one eye. He was attractive as fuck. He opened the other one and then closed them again.
“You don’t wanna know.”
You were intrigued.  You turned toward him and put your leg up on the bed, half indian style.
“Yes I do!  I must know all the things.” Your voice raised at the end of the sentence, making D smile.
Daveed wished he had the time to tame your control freak ways.
“You really don’t.”
Daveed opened his eyes at your tone and you immediately calmed it down a bit, while your heart beat faster.
“You tryna stay in this room or you want to go out on the deck with everyone else?”
You looked down at the bed and bit your lip. You saw his huge hand on the bed, the veins prominent and the fingers impossibly long.  You looked back up at him and swallowed.
“W-we should probably join Craig an ‘nem….”
That stutter.  Oh, the control Daveed was utilizing at the moment.
“Then you definitely don’t want to know what I was thinking.”
Fuck. Now you definitely did want to know.
You pulled your other leg on the bed and then sat on your knees.  
“Pleeaseeee Daveeed.”
You. Begging.  This was heaven or hell, Daveed couldn’t figure out which. But he didn’t move from his position, just clasped his hands in his lap.  Because reasons.
“Actually, you on your knees made up a lot of my thoughts.”
You smiled a little.”So, you want me to suck your dick?”  You’d decided to try it.  
Daveed grunted and then looked to your face.
“That sounds nice.  Those pretty lips wrapped around my dick.  I wonder if you could take it all? Gag reflex?”
Instant waterfall. You moaned a little, and were so mesmerized you couldn't answer. Daveed sped on.
“But don’t be so unimaginative.  You on your knees can involve lots of things.”
Daveed moved, not too fast, and came around the bed behind you.  You shivered as he put his hand on your neck and then trailed it down your spine.
“Up. Let me see that arch.”
You obeyed of course, on your hands and knees on the bed, the arch in your back perfect for fucking. Daveed was looking at your ass and you hoped he couldn’t see your wetness beginning to trickle down your thigh.
“You could be on your knees with me behind you, eating you out from behind.” 
Daveed kneeled behind you, face to face with your barely cloth covered crotch. You moaned as you felt him get nearer to your core. Daveed stopped.
“You good?”  You nodded frantically, and Daveed continued closer.
“We’re gonna need a safeword.”
“Holy fuck!”
“Nah, that wouldn’t be a good one, because I have a feeling you might be saying that a lot.”
Daveed placed three kisses at your core, one on either inner thigh, and one on the strip of his jeans covering your clit. You started clenching as he pulled himself away, licking his lips. He’d captured some of your moisture on his mouth. You tasted better than he imagined.
“Or you could be on your knees riding my face, letting me drink from your pretty little fountain.”
Daveed sat on the floor and placed his head between your legs on the bed, looking up at your pussy in his jeans.  He just looked, not daring to touch you or himself. You reached down and caressed his curls.
“Daveed, please..”  
“No, no. You wanted to know what I was thinking.”  He slid out from under you like a mechanic.
He stood up behind you, put his hand on your ass and smoothed all the way down to the back of your neck, pushing your head down to the bed.
“How about me behind you on your knees, face in the bed with you keeping that ass up, while I pound that shit from behind? I wanna see that ass shake as I give you these back shots.”
And Daveed started the motion, pushing his hard, jeans covered dick into your ass, rubbing at first and giving you some friction, but driving you insane. 
You turned your head to the side to moan as Daveed pulled his hips back and snapped them forward, then sped up and gave you a pounding through your clothes.
Daveed hooked his fingers into your shorts, about to pull them down, when he stopped. He shook his head, trying to clear the sex high from his brain.  He stepped back.
You lay panting on the bed, lost in the moment.  You took a deep ragged breath to calm down and then turned over on your back.  You watched him watching you, knowing that he was holding back from fucking the shit out of you.
“What are you thinking Daveed?”
His voice was so damn deep. “That I want you to be ensconced around my dick. That I want all kinds of orgasms to happen, that you need to be cumming right now, Linden.”
He then cleared his throat.  “But that we probably have an audience right outside that door right now.”
“Hmmmm. I agree that I need to be cumming right now.”  You smiled at him and stretched.  ”But what about you Daveed?”
“Not quite yet. That HDD will be on point for the show tonight.”
You  got up on your knees, facing away from him and moved your hand to the waistband of your shorts. He watched in fascination as you touched yourself, your slick more than lubricating your fingers.
“What about me riding you on my knees. I LOVE Reverse Cowgirl.”
Daveed’s eyes began to water as he saw the vision. He saw your arm moving and your hips undulating. He moved behind you and pulled you to lean back onto him, your shoulders against his chest as he looked down to watch you finger yourself under the shorts.
So fucking sexy.
“What are you doing?” His velvet voice in your ear was everything.
As if he didn’t know. As if he couldn’t see. As if he wasn’t just doing the same thing less than two hours ago.  The view from over your shoulder was the shit.  Damn shame there were clothes involved, but the fact that they were his clothes made it pretty hot.
“MM.mmm...mmm…” You were gasping, his voice and proximity getting you there quickly.
“No, that won’t do.  If you wanna be a Good Girl for me, you gotta use those words.”
“Fuck.. I mean… Yes. Sir…” 
You heard his chest vibrate with a whimper when you said that.
“What Are you doing Linden?”
Your eyes rolled back in your head and it lolled against Daveed’s chest as he brought his hands up to your hips to help keep you steady.
“I- I’m trying to cum, Sir…”
“Where is your hand?” Daveed was intently using his imagination to visualize.
“Nnnnh nnh, circling my c-c-clit…”
Daveed huffed.  “Good Girl.”  He gripped your hips harder as they shook.
“Are you wet like you were earlier?  That shit feels like, like, liquid satin.  Man, I can’t wait to be deep in that…”  
He dipped his lips to your neck, eyes glued to your arm emerging from your pants.  He bit at your pulse point.
“Ah!”  You were sooo close.
“I just hope you can take it all. S’pretty big.”
You whimpered at the thought of the pleasure, and at the yearning to be filled up right now.
“Ohhhhhh.” So very close.
“Need time to prepare you. It might hurt a bit at first.”
You bit your lip at the spring was about to snap.
“But I think I know that you like it to hurt a lil bit... I don’t give a fuck if you get mad, I might have to buy you some nipple clamps…”
His hands moved smoothly up your sides under the t-shirt and cupped your breasts, ghosting over your rock hard nipples.  Suddenly, he took each between his thumb and forefingers and twisted roughly.
Your body rocked at your orgasm and you took your hand away from your core, too sensitive to continue. Daveed grabbed it and took it to his mouth, sucking your juices off, causing aftershocks to jerk your hips.
He moaned with your fingers in his mouth and then released them, kissing your neck again.  He chuckled.
“You wouldn't get off that easy if I had the time.  I’d make you take all of everything.  Including your orgasms. Better be ready.”
You turned around and stepped off the bed into his arms. Daveed held you, not daring to go down to the bed again.
Your head was on his chest.  Even after all that, you were too shy to look up in his eyes.
“How do you make me cum doing the bare minimum? You hardly touched me.”
Daveed smiled.  He felt the same way.  He was about to nut in his pants like a teenage boy a few minutes ago.
“You sure you want this?”
You finally looked at him.  Those eyes.  
“You sure you want all this crazy?”
“Mos def.” Daveed kissed your forehead and smiled down at you, eyes crinkling adorably.
It was time for your hands to roam.  You palmed him through his jeans.
“Let me take care of you D….”  You moved to unbutton him and he pulled out of your reach as you pouted.
Daveed smoothed his thumb over your lips.
“Like I said, I’d like nothing more.”  Then he cocked his head and looked up.  “Well, I’d like few things more… but If my dick comes out in this room right now, we would not leave for the rest of the weekend.”
He leaned down to kiss you with a sweet and filthy promise.
“Patience, Lindy.” He took a deep breath and backed toward the door.
“See you at dinner.”
You just stared at him, daring him to stay.
“Ok. Leave then. But Daveed. If I hear you turn my doorknob, I’ll be faceup on the bed butt-ass naked, waiting for you if you come back in.”  You started unbuttoning and unzipping your shorts.
Daveed stopped with his eyes wide, the angel and devil in his head wrestling with each other. He finally cleared his throat as he turned around and left.
“See you at dinner Lindy.”
The vision of you bending over toward him taking down your shorts with an evil smile was burned into his brain as he closed your door.  He stood there looking at the floor and contemplating going back in.  When he looked up, there were four pairs of eyes looking at him.
He straightened up and went to his room as his friends watched him like a hawk, then rolled with laughter.
Daveed hopped in the shower, and quickly got himself off to calm down.  He slipped on some blue swim trunks and his white sunglasses, ran out and cannon balled into the pool, causing Jasmine to cuss him out as he splashed her hair.
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He’d been chilling on a pool float a good twenty minutes when he saw his favorite animal out of the corner of his eye. Damn. 
“Look at that genius ass.”
Rafa commented and looked over from the float beside him and laughed at Daveed who was crossing himself.
“Dude! You’re jewish.”
Daveed cocked his eyebrow at his best friend. 
“I’m gonna need all the help I can get.”
You’d spent 30 minutes picking out your most modest swimsuit, then grabbed a quick shower. You were shy by the time you walked out onto the pool deck, but no one was paying that much attention to you.  No one, except for Daveed.
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His chill disappeared as he climbed out of the pool, over to your lounge chair.  Your sunglasses only partially hid you clocking him as he emerged, dripping wet.  Damn, that body you thought. 
He walked over to the chair next to yours and picked up a towel and started to dry off.
“Hey. You good?”
You smiled at him. 
“Hey. I’m great.” You smiled wider. 
You appraised him, as the delicious smell of something cooking wafted from the house. The sun was still bright, even though it was afternoon.
“You need a hand with some sunscreen? You’ll want to make sure that it is on evenly.”  
You stood up and bent at the waist to get the sunscreen out of the bag you’d brought out. Daveed licked his lips and you were all too ready to get your hands on Daveed again.
He looked at you and bit his lip.  “Sure, why not?”  
He cocked his head and eyebrow at you.  Then, he raised his hands to the side of his body..
Your mouth started watering.  You went around to his back and resisted the urge to put your arms around him and rest your head on him. 
Instead, you evenly distributed some cream on his well-sculpted shoulders and back.  You let your fingers dip a little bit into his swim trunks, feeling the top of the muscles contained within.
“Turn around.”  Your voice was everything at that moment to Daveed.  He did as you commanded.
“You don’t think I can take it from here?”  He questioned you as you squeezed some more cream into your hand.
“I have a technique. I can make sure it’s on evenly.  Its already out of the tube.”  You looked him dead in the eye as you rubbed your hands together, listing the reasons why you should keep your hands on him.
Diggs chuckled, then let you have your way.  
“I’m all yours."
His eyes held a look like he meant it when he said that. Your heart did a funny dance.
You held his gaze as you spread the cream on his shoulders and out to his arms.  Then, you got some more cream and started on his pecs.  You spread it on, rubbing your palms against his nipples.  
Daveed’s eyes closed in ecstacy.  Then, your hands went down.  You traced his eight pack as you continued to stare him in his eyes which opened as you started going south.
You licked your lips as your hands went where his happy trail would have been if he hadn’t shaved.  At that moment, his cock jumped and you were so close you could feel it. 
Your eyes widened when you remembered that you were not alone….
You and Daveed both turned your heads and saw your friends watching the show as you were about to go for the gold in Daveed’s swim trunks.
The deck erupted into screams, whistles and applause as everyone laughed at your lust.
You both blushed and moved apart. 
“Okay pervs, the show is over.”  Daveed said as you moved to sit on the beach chairs.
D returned the favor for you;  his hands on your body having the same effect on you as earlier, but the difference was you were self conscious now.
Dinner was chill, and you two enjoyed your surroundings and your friends, both of you sitting as far apart as possible.  
The dance you did was delicate, but everyone noticed the new intimacy despite the high sexual tension. You drank some wine, but not too much, and Daveed had about two Johnny Walker Blacks. 
Rafa led the discussion of music, politics and culture and the weekend was vibing.  You were very content in the moment. By 7:30, Daveed, Rafa, and Ant had to start to get ready to leave for the show.  
You walked him inside and you shared a few kisses.  You felt like a kid as he held you.
“Daveed, tonight I want….” you looked into his eyes, which were meeting yours boldly.
“What do you want Lindy?”
“I want you to be with me tonight, Daveed. Spend the night in my room.” Daveed was on top of the world.
“Done.  But I want you to decide after the show what we're going to do in your room tonight Lindy.  We can just go to sleep.” His smile was mischievous.
You didn’t understand. “You playing hard to get?” 
That heat, that anger in you. That was that shit he liked.
“Oh. I’m not hard to get. Get me hard Lindy.” Knowing full well he was a second away form just that.  
“Meet me backstage after the show.”
He pulled away and went into his room, leaving Linden hot, bothered, and soaking wet.
Next Chapter
Ahhhhh! I feel so rusty! Let me know if it’s any good. I missed this!
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@theatrenerd86 @sebastianabucknettastan @imatyoursurrvicesurr @riiyy @ivycomet @lonelydance @jbrizzywrites @sillyteecup @ohsoverykeri  @theselilwonders @curtainremote @biafbunny @summerofsnowflakes @honeysucklechocolatedrippin @peaches-and-mangoes​​
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ramp-it-up · 3 years
Hi DJ, congrats on 2k! I was so excited for these options! You're making this season a whole lot more enjoyable. I don't remember if Rafa × Holly did mistletoe, but I would love Rafa × Daveed× reader mistletoe with the quote "You call this decorated?" from the prompt list. Smutty please :)
Would you write any one of Daveed or Rafa's characters? If not, got some ideas! A few should be posted over the course of the week.
☺☺☺ stay merry
Thank you my Lovely! ❤️💚 I did Rafa and Holly under the "mistletoe" in a drabble last year for 10 Days of Christmas here.
Here is your request. I think this is what you meant, but if not, sorry, not sorry, lol. 😜
I'm open to suggestions, Love!
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Pairing: Bay Boys (Rafael Casal + Daveed Diggs) x OC Quinn Holland
Word count: 1.2K
Warnings: This is smutty and messy, yall! Drinking, smoking, dancing, public sex act, threesome, spit roasting, oral, (m/f receiving,) tattoos, praise kink, manual sex, bukkake, cum play, raw sex with multiple partners (don't do that y'all, wrap it up when you have sex with multiple partners).
A/N: This is the third in The Greatest of All Time series with OC Quinn. I love her. It’s also for #Djs2KHolidayVisit. Hope you like it! 😘
Notice: I no longer operate a taglist. Follow @rampitupandread to be notified when I post. DO NOT COPY, REPOST, OR TRANSLATE MY WORK.
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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The party was live in your apartment. It seemed like the entire complex was there, hot and sweaty and grinding to the music. It was the last real celebration until most people went home to their families and the pressure. You and Daveed and Rafa were making a ‘pretty, pretty sandwich, as’ Chloe observed.
You three were friends. With some very special benefits. You’d given them both a couple of tastes of being with you at the same time and they kept trying to come back for more.
You didn’t want them to get too attached, so you pumped the brakes a little. So, it was two days before Christmas and you were backing it up in the living room on whomever had a front. You felt a familiar bulge in your ass and straightened up against Daveed. You were loose and smiling when you said hello.
“‘Lo Quinn. Happy Holidays.”
“Happy Holidays, D.”
You smiled and got even closer, shuddering as his hands went to your hips and gripped them like a man who knew his way around your body. And he did. You turned your face and smelled the whiskey and smoke on his breath.
Things got warmer when Rafael came up in front of you and placed his hands around your waist, watching you grind on Daveed and leaning in for a filthy kiss.
“Y’know. I share a lot of things with D, but you’re my favorite.”
Rafael whispered into your ear as you slipped your arms around his neck and pressed your tits into him.
You three barely danced and no one noticed or seemed to care. Everyone was caught up in their own debauchery. The spiked wassail punch had you loose and you wanted some self indulgences for Christmas.
“Where’s the mistletoe, Quinn?”
Rafa’s lips were close to yours as Daveed ground his huge hard cock into your ass. His fingertips slipped into your waistband and were ghosting your clit. Oh, you were ready to go.
“I’ll show you where it is, but first, give me another kiss, just b-because, Rafa. Pleasseeee?”
You were watching his lips and squirming between the two best friends.
Daveed’s insanely long fingers were all up in your wet folds, now, using your wetness to lubricate and circle your clit expertly. Your lids were half-closed and your eyes dilated with desire, and Rafa couldn’t help himself but taste your lips right now as his friend made you cum on his fingers.
“MMMhhhhmmmmmm! Fuck!”
You moaned and whimpered into Rafael’s mouth as Daveed made you cum, you clutching the blonde’s shoulders as both men trapped you and made you take it.
“Good girl Quinn. Now where’s the mistletoe. I need to kiss you.”
“Hnnnnnnnhhh. Let’s go to my room, I’ll show you.”
They let you go and you went down the short hallway to your room, where tons of jackets lay on the bed. Daveed was licking his fingers and Rafael was looking up at the ceiling.
“Don’t see a mistletoe. Where are you hiding it, Q?”
Rafa looked at you with those eyes, which seemed evergreen tonight.
You pushed the jackets on the floor and then pulled your pants down, laying on the bed and running your hand down your stomach to your now shaved mound.
Both men stood there, looked and said, “Dammmnnnnnn!” in unison, as they cocked their heads and looked at your new tattoo.
“Holy shit Quinn. Only you.”
You bit your finger and giggled. “People seem to obey the silliest of traditions and signifiers, so, I thought I’d signify what I want. If you get to see this mistletoe,” you pointed to the pretty green and red tattoo on your pubis mound. “You need to kiss me, right under it.”
The points on the mistletoe leaves pointed to your clit, and Rafa wanted to clap at your genius.
“That’s why I love you Quinn. You’re a real one.” He watched as Daveed went to his knees in front of you. D went for it and tenderly kissed your clit, then stuck out his long, wide tongue and licked it like it was an ice cream cone.
“Fuck, D. That looks good.” Rafa moaned and rubbed his cock through his jeans, then he looked at you, rubbing your tits through your sweater. “I mean I love you as a friend, Quinn. We cool and… all…that. Fuck!”
“Ok, friend, then c’mon up here. You know what I like.”
“I do, friend. I do.”
Rafael pulled up your shirt to reveal your tits, and then, pulled down his jeans and stepped out of them, revealing his hard cock, weeping red slit pulsing precum already.
You took it in your hand and started pumping, in time with swipes of Daveed’s tongue through your cunt. Then you turned your head and stuck Rafa’s dick in your mouth, humming on it as if you played the flute.
“I’m so glad that that mistletoe is there.”
Daveed intoned, his lower register hitting you as he leaned down and gave you another good, long french kiss, his tongue working it’s magic.
Your mouth was full, so you just hummed.
“Fuck, that feels good,” Rafa crooned, reaching down to stroke your throat, in which he could see the outline of his cock. You were deep throating him like a champion.
You had a hold of Daveed’s hair as he went to town on you, tongue swiping up and down and around your folds, he was making out with your cunt like a pro. He’d already pulled one orgasm out of you, now he wanted another.
Rafa pulled out to let you breathe. He watched the way you gasped and shuddered as he stroked his cock.
“You’re doing so good for us, beautiful. You good?”
‘F-f-fuckkkk yesss!”
You gasped again as D took that as his cue to slip that big dick inside your slippery, hot pussy, bottoming out as you arched your back. Rafa was stroking your breasts and pulling at your nipples, causing them to draw up into hard mountain peaks, he tuned them to the frequency that you three shared.
“Fuck, this pussy feels so damn good. Combats whiskey dick every time. M fucking close.”
“And you know how good this mouth do.”
Rafael moaned and you could feel some cum pulse down your throat.
Daveed watched you writhing and used his thumb to push you over the edge again. You came, both cocks still inside your mouth and your cunt.
“Like the mistletoe, Quinn, but you call this decorated?”
Daveed’s hips stuttered as you moaned around Rafa’s dick and he groaned in response.
“We’ll help you out a little.”
Daveed pulled out just in time to start spurting on the mistletoe, and then started jacking his pearlescent cum all over your lower half, while Rafael pulled out of your mouth with a pop and came all over your face, neck, and tits.
You smiled, moaned, and played in it, drawing your fingers through it and licking it off, causing Rafa and Daveed to give you more to play with.
“Fuck, Quinn. Thats’ a girl.”
“Face so pretty decorated with us like that.”
“It’s the most beautiful time of the year.”
“Shit, Santa’s cuming tonight!”
You smiled as the boys showered you with praise. And cum.
When they were finally spent, they stripped off their clothes and climbed in bed with you, exhausted. You three formed a pretty, sticky sandwich.
You, Daveed, and Rafa were oblivious as people came in to get their coats.
You just accepted thier ’Merry Christmases’ with contented snores.
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ramp-it-up · 3 years
DJs 2K Holiday Visit 2021 Masterlist
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#DJs2KHolidayVisit Rules.
Here is a list of the fics and drabbles included in this 2000 follower holiday celebration! (Ongoing thru January 2nd)
12/18: The Trouble with Love Is— Andy Barber x Reader
12/18: Holly Jolly Christmas- Chris Evans x Reader (How I Met Your Mother au)
12/19: Marshmallow World— Ransom Drysdale x Reader (Coercion au)
12/19: I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus-Chris Evans x Reader (How I Met Your Mother au)
12/21: Point of Contention (Officially Yours)— Chris Evans x Reader (A Starting Point au)
12/22: Let it Snow— Rafael Casal x Reader
12/23: Mistletoe - Bay Boys x OC Quinn Holland
Notice: 18+ ONLY. Minors DNI. I no longer operate a taglist. Follow @rampitupandread to be notified when I post. DO NOT COPY, REPOST, OR TRANSLATE MY WORK.
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