#ragapon is cool though i really do like it !!
spitinsideme · 5 months
you NEED to watch the new take episode I COULDN'T STOP SHIPPING RAGATHA N POMNI
before i talk about it i know it jusr came out so some people havent watched ir yet so spoilrrs for ir !! warning i will be talking anout it and spoilers and stuff !!
i watxhed it and halfway through i realised wow ... i really do not lime thos ... this is boring to me ... but then ragatha started speaking and i moaned a bit and also i want to know more about her and only her so yeah i guess i will watch it .. shes so pretyy .. zhes so besutlful .. i love her .. also ragapon !! yay !! i CANNOT wait for ragapin artosrs to draw those two sharong those scenes together !!! they are so adorable actially i love rhem somuch i love how ragayna was taking care of pomni and pomni needs to steo the FUCK up actually !! pomni needs to grt her shit TOGETHER !!! she better fucking APOLOFISE for wht she did !!! she better have a LONG TALK with ragatha !! i think that scene whrre sjes talking to the dinosaur guy and shes all like " idonr want people to feel like bad or small" or whateve rher monologue was about is like .. foreshadowing that ragatha and pomni will have a talk .. and ir will be sooo heated and sooo emotional and ragatha will cry and brealdown and pomi will not know what to do so she will awakwadly stand there and it will be sofucking bad and their relarionshio wil be awkward for a bir and then pomni brings it up and ragathas all like noo im okay we are fine and pomni gwrs all pissed and is lime no !! stop pretending !!! and then they make oir sloppy style .. or sowmthinf like that .. pretyy good i guess 👍 lots of potential for ragapim shippera actuallu
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