#ragosa x reader
Drug Addled Confessions Michael Ragosa x OC
Rhia, a nurse at San Antonio is enlisted to keep her boss in check after he accidentally takes MDMA, advice is given and the start of something big is kindled. 
Rhia sighed as she reached the nurses’ station, joining in Kenny’s emergency huddle.
“So I promised, I’d keep this on the DL, But I think it might need some damage control.” Kenny nodded subtly over to the far wall, where Michael Ragosa was leaning. The dark-haired administrator’s shirt was untucked, the collar loose and tie barely hanging around his neck. He was staring intently at a pump of hand gel, pointing the bubbles out to anyone who was passing by; very loudly. “How long has he been doing that?” She asked furrowing her eyebrows. Michael Ragosa was always so straight laced. She couldn’t think of a time she’d seem him properly smile – like a cheek hurting, uncontrollable smile, and she’d been working the night shift for six months. They’d had a few run ins in the recent months, their last big one had ended with him hissing at her that this was her last chance, her paperwork was about five weeks behind and she’s forgotten to stock count the pharmacy three days before, but it was on her to do list. She’s tried apologising, had explained that she was only human after all, but he had reeled off that the board were unprepared to take the heat of a missed stock take and he didn’t have the time or money to deal with an incompetent nurse. She’d been angry, shouting at him that if they weren’t so low on staff she wouldn’t have had to run between three trauma emergencies at the same time, and did he expect her to pull extra hours of the day out of her ass? She’d finished off her tirade by throwing her iced coffee at him. The brown liquid coating his fine features and soaking through his expensive looking white shirt. Luckily she had walked away and bribed Mollie to put her finished paperwork on Ragosa’s desk for her by the end of the shift, so she could at least cling to the last vestiges of being able to save her job. That was a fortnight ago … and the last time she’d spoken to him.
They’d got on well until about three months ago. He’d made her feel comfortable and laugh during her interview. He’d been nice enough to take an hour out of his day on her first shift to introduce her to the night shift big wigs like TC and Topher, both of whom now treated her like a member of their family, and to show her around the place, buying her a welcome cup of coffee when they’d arrived at the food truck. In the early months he’s even made a point of stopping her for chat in the corridors, his eyes looking warm and caring as he checked how she was settling in and if she needed anything. But over the last couple of months he had been becoming steadily more and more cold. He was being a dick, sometimes with, but mostly without reason. The only person he’d talk to without an edge in his voice was Landry. It hurt Rhia a bit to think that those nice, kind eyes that once welcomed her, now looked at her as though they were hard as stone, with no feeling behind them except annoyance and anger.
“About ten minutes” Kenny said quietly, watching as their boss gently ran his fingers across the wall as if he was lovingly caressing someone’s cheek. “Mhmm you should have seen him earlier, gazing into the ceiling mirror in admissions for a good five minutes, like a child staring into a candy store window.” Mollie agreed, closing the chart she was looking at sharply. The unexpected noise made Ragosa jump, the soles of his leather shoes actually leaving the floor, but his eyes never left the bubbles. “Is he having a breakdown? Do I need to get a psych eval?” Rhia asked, feeling equally worried and perplexed. “I know the whole Jordan and the Christian Scientist thing is a big bundle of hell, but I’ve never seen him like that.”
Kenny chuckled and ducked his head, beckoning Rhia closer to him so he could whisper. “Na, he’s fine. He’s high as a kite.” Rhia’s eyebrows shot up into her hairline, surely she had misheard, “What?” “Yup, he took some aspirin from Landry’s desk, but they weren’t aspirin, they were MDMA, and now he’s totally spaced” Mollie laughed and sauntered away “And making an ass of himself”
Rhia sighed, she had a feeling she knew what the answer would be before it even left her mouth. “I’m not even going to ask why Landry has MDMA on her desk, but what are we going to do Kenny?” The male nurse grinned at her, his eyes sparkling with mischief. “We aren’t doing anything, I’m needed in trauma two.” He clapped a large hand over her shoulder, “You however are going to keep him out of trouble, Jordan is already having a hell of a night, we don’t need him drawing attention too.” Rhia shook her head and tried to back away, but Kenny caught her by the crook of her elbow, his fingers gently squeezing the joint. “Oh hell no, Ken, he hates me. I’m not doing that.” Kenny smirked. “Who? Ragosa? That man doesn’t hate you. He can’t keep his damned eyes off you.” “Oh really?” Rhia pulled herself away from Kenny’s grip and crossed her arms defiantly over her chest. “What was all that shit he spewed at me the other week? He was so angry.” “You’re still here though, right? Did he even give you a disciplinary for giving him a bath in coffee?” Kenny had a point, she’d not heard a peep out of Ragosa since the incident, no word of apology or reprimand. “No.” “Exactly, the man has a sweet spot for you. Why don’t you use it to help us out?” Kenny wrapped his arm around her in a one-sided hug. Rhia sighed, she didn’t believe Kenny’s reasoning – Ragosa was married, sure it may be a little rocky right now, but she doubted he would be looking at her like that. She did have to admit though, she wouldn’t mind if he did, really. Michael Ragosa was an attractive man, with the warmest brown eyes she’d ever seen. She knew she’d get no peace for the night if she didn’t agree to Kenny’s plan. “Ok, but you gotta keep my back covered if we get busy.” “Sure thing! Good Luck!” Kenny nodded, grabbed a stack of files and walked away from the nurses’ station with a final chuckle at Ragosa, leaving Rhia alone.
She took a couple of deep breaths, she could do this, it was only Michael, he couldn’t hurt a fly really. She made her way over to the far wall, and reached out to touch Ragosa’s shoulder. He flinched for a second, but then turned to look at her, his eyes taking a second to focus. “Rhia!” he whispered breathily, and he smiled, and actual smile. Rhia found herself smiling back, his grin was infectious. “Hey Michael” she opened her mouth to coax him to leave with her when he cut her off. “Your hair, its so pretty, it always looks soft. Like silk. Can I touch it?” he didn’t wait for her to answer before twining his fingers through some of her loose waves, closing his eyes to indulge in the feel of it on his skin. “Sure you can Michael. And thank you, it’s nice of you to say.” His eyes sprang open again, and he gazed at her intensely. “I’ve got many nice things to say to you.” “Is that right?” he nodded, and fiddled with the ends of a curl. “Well, how about we go grab some water, sit in your office, and you could tell me them?” “Water” he repeated again. He allowed Rhia to take his hand in hers and pull him in the direction of his office. After a couple if seconds, he threaded his warm fingers through hers, and Rhia had to stifle a smile as a warm feeling began to bubble in the bottom of her belly.
Rhia closed the door of Ragosa’s office softly behind them and lead him over to the sofa. Michael sat down like a dead weight, the furniture complaining with a loud creek. “’m not that heavy” he mumbled. Rhia chuckled lightly and went to fill two glasses with water from the jug on his bookcase.  She passed one to Michael, and took a mouthful of her own, stowing it safely on the floor before herself down next to him. She made herself comfortable, crossing her legs underneath her. Michael watched her movements intently, sipping from his glass. Rhia looked up and caught his gaze, she smiled softly, but didn’t say anything, he looked like he was thinking. A few moments of peaceful silence passed.
“I didn’t mean it you know.” His head was hung in shame and he was looking up at her through thick, dark eyelashes. “I don’t think you’re an incompetent nurse. You’re so good at what you do.” He started counting compliments off on his fingers, avoiding Rhia’s eyes. “You’re kind, you’re caring. You always have a smile, people need to see that smile, it’s too beautiful to be hidden away. All the staff and patients love you. This hospital needs you, and I …” he swallowed heavily “I need you too.”
Rhia stayed quiet, listening to his speech, but she took his hand in hers, squeezing his fingers lightly for comfort.
“I’m sorry for saying it all. I’ve not been handling myself well lately, I let things get on top of me. Lydia and I are getting a divorce. She’s been keeping my kids from me. They have to call me in secret. Do you know how painful that is?” his handsome face crumpled slightly and his eyes became red with brimming tears. He rubbed a finger gently over her knuckles. “Everyone treats me like I’m a dick. All the time. Here and at home. Here at least it’s part of the job. Landry says I need to meet people halfway.” He slouched forwards, shoulders pulling themselves together in an unconscious self-protection move. Rhea sighed, it looked like these thoughts had been taking chunks out of him for a while. “I think that’s a good idea, it shows people you care and offers them some respect. That works for both here and at home. I won’t pretend to know what’s going on at home for you Michael, or how painful it all must be, but it can’t let you turn away from being the good, caring person you are. You should be you, live your life your way, give everyone respect and treat people fairly, and unduly judge no one.” Michael laughed and smiled at her. Another proper smile. Showing his pearly white teeth and displaying slight dimples. “Is that your key advice?”
Rhia smiled back warmly. “It certainly is.” Michael nodded. He pulled his hands away and rubbed at his eyes. “Do you want to know a secret?” he leaned in, so their faces were only a foot apart. His warm breath brushed cross her cheeks and Rhea felt her tummy clench with anticipation. His beautiful dark eyes held hers. He smelled like expensive aftershave, mint and coffee. She swallowed thickly and nodded, her words leaving her at their proximity. “I always wanted to be a doctor, you know, spend my life doing something to make other peoples’ lives better. I wanted to be good, beautiful Rhia. I wanted to be good, just like you.” He lightly touched his finger to the nip of her nose and gave her another heart-breaking smile.
“Why didn’t you?” She breathed, her brain clouded. He shuffled closer to her and put his lips next to her ear, his hand resting on her forearm. “I can’t see well enough, my eyes are deteriorating, I went with the next best thing. I’ve been waiting for something to push me to get surgery, something worth me facing my fear. I think I found it.” He pulled away from her, and watched her with sparkling dark eyes. Rhia smiled and cupped his face in her hands. “I think you should be you. Do what you want to do.” Michael nodded, and slid the tip of his tongue across his bottom lip, his eyes flicking between her eyes and rosy lips. His brows furrowed for a second, before smoothing out again. Clearly dealing with a inner battle. “You know what I’d like to do, right now?” his voice held a bubbling excitement Rhia laughed, “What would you like to do right now?” Michael got to his feet and took both Rhia’s hands in his, pulling her off the sofa with surprisingly controlled strength for someone that was rolling heavily on ecstasy. “I want to dance. Come on. I know where we can dance.” Rhia smiled and laughed, she let him lead her out of the office and into the courtyard where half the night shift were taking their breaks. A rhythmic Latino beat poured out of the speakers and filled the night air.
Michael, not caring about all the eyes on him, started to dance, arms in the air and hips swaying to the music. Unable to control her laugh or her smile that was mirroring Michael’s Rhia accepted his outstretched hand when it was offered, and tried to forget her surroundings. Ragosa spun her around and expertly helped her with every twist and turn. She laughed with him, and breathed in the fresh many scent of his aftershave every time she came up flush against his body.
“Rhia!” Rhia vaguely caught someone saying her name, trying to pull her out of her and Michael’s personal moment. “Rhia!” The voice belonged to Topher, who stood watching the two with his eyebrows raised. Rhia nodded at her friend and placed her hands firmly on Ragosa’s chest. “Michael stop, stop.” She coaxed, and he stopped, perplexed, watching Topher over her shoulder. “Yes Topher, what can I do for you?” she asked trying to catch her breath. “Kenny says you’re needed for an emergency assistance in Trauma three … if that’s not disrupting your night?” he grinned at her. Rhia looked at Ragosa who looked like a kicked puppy, his dark eyes sad. She gave his hand a squeeze. “I’ll be back, duty calls. Keep yourself out of mischief Mikey.” Rhia smiled and nodded at Topher as she passed him, “Cheers Toph, have a good break, we’ll talk later.” “Oh yes we will, you’ve got some explaining to do!” the older man shouted back as he made his way to the food truck.
Rhia pushed through people to get to the hospital doors, but stopped as she pushed them open. She watched as Michael continued to dance on his own, without a care in the world. “Wooh! Topher!! This is my jam!!” he yelled to the doctor over the music. Topher looked over at Rhia who laughed and shrugged going inside.
Rhia hadn’t seen Ragosa since she left him out in the courtyard, she’d figured he’d called it a night and gone home early, so she slung her rucksack over her shoulder and made her way out of the locker room and headed towards the entry doors to the ER department. To her pleasant surprise she found Michael waiting for her, leaning against a gurney. He had cleaned himself up, back to his usual smart standard, and his eyes were once again bright and clear. He shot her one of his dazzling smiles and waited for her to approach. “Hey, you’re looking good, how are you feeling?” she asked, placed herself next to him on the gurney, they were so close their shoulders rubbed against each other. He looked at her through his dark lashes. “Much better, I feel some … clarity.” He looked down at his toes. “my divorce is coming through, I worked out with Lydia that I can see my kids. And I decided to get the surgery.” He took a deep breath a looked up at her, his brow furrow free and open. “Thank you so much for tonight and everything you did for me. Thank you for listening. For being there. For indulging me. It means a lot.” He reached his hand out and grabbed Rhia’s giving it a squeeze. “I’m starting again. It’s a new chapter.” Rhia smiled at him, her cheeks flushing. She squeezed his hand back. “It’s a pleasure Michael, I’m always here, if you ever need me.” He breathed out a little chuckle and cupped her cheek in his hand. “I feel I might always need you.” Her cheeks burned with a blush and Rhia bit her lip through a smile that threatened to split her cheeks. “Would you like to come and grab a cup of coffee with me? One that we can drink, and wont end with it ruining my favourite shirt?” Rhia laughed and squeezed his hand tightly in hers. “I’m really sorry about that. I should have apologised sooner.” Ragosa waved his hand nonchalantly with a grin. “Never mind about that. So … coffee?” Rhia gave a sigh and leaned in pressing a kiss against his soft cheek. She liked how his skin felt under hers. “Right now, I think you need some rest.” She gathered her things and headed to the door. She turned back to look at him. He looked dejected and forlorn. “But let me know when your divorce comes through, then I’ll hold you to that coffee.” His face brightened and she waved, blowing him a quick kiss, “Have a good morning, Mikey.”
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@reelovesbennycolon​ - it’s not Benny, but i thought you still might like.
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why-do-you-like-me · 5 years
*searches for Ragosa x reader*
*finds TC x reader fanfic instead*
*is pissed*
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playbucky · 7 years
Requested by Anon - For August Prompts: 12 and Ragosa Prompts - 12 - ‘Take my jacket, it’s cold outside.’ Word Count - 384 Characters - Reader x Ragosa
As you and Jocelyn were leaving the dressing room, you were gossiping, you had hardly seen each other today since it had been really busy. You and Jocelyn had been best friends since med school. As you were almost at the main door, you got side-tracked with Molly. You were all talking and then the doors opened and Molly was being whisked away. You and Jo walked out and you immediately wrap your arms around your torso. You could hear Jo snicker. ‘You never learn Y/N.’ She said, it was the truth you always forget a jacket, even in the winter. ‘What, I forgot my jacket.’ You simply said. ‘I know but you always forget it.’ She said truthfully, you couldn’t deny it now. ‘Maybe I’m hoping that a handsome man will come to my rescue and give me their jacket.’ You teased her, she shook her head, bumping into you. You had walked maybe five minutes, you had your arms wrapped around yourself, the wind hitting you hard. ‘Excuse me?’ You heard, you looked up and turned to see the new staff member, Ragosa, you believed it was from your conversations with Molly and Jordan. ‘Take my jacket, it’s cold outside.’ Ragosa said, you nodded placed it around your shoulders and ‘What about you?’ As you took a hold of the jacket. ‘I need to go back in anyway, you need it more than I do.’ He said, he was about to turn away when you spoke up. ‘How will I give it back to you?’ You asked him. he looked over you, smiling. ‘How about a date?’ He asked, you looked down a blush forming on your cheeks, you looked up, tucking loose hair behind your ears. You nodded. ‘Yeah.’ You replied, he smiled before nodding and walking away. You turned to see Jocelyn smirking at you, you shook your head, bringing the jacket tighter around you. ‘Your plan worked.’ Jo said as you both began walking away. ‘Shut it.’ You said, but couldn’t help but smile as you took in the scent of the jacket.
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Tags (still open) - @taliajromanoff @da1120 @littledizzyhurricane @fatass-mermaid
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reina-writes · 7 years
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“Welcome to San Antonio Memorial Hospital, (Y/N). Ready for the night shift?” Michael Ragosa shaked your hand quickly. He was the one who had interviewed you when you had applied for the doctor’s position in this hospital.  “I can’t wait to start working”, you smiled at him. Needless to say, you were excited and a bit nervous. In your previous work there had been some people talking behind you that you weren’t suitable to be a doctor. But you wanted to prove them wrong. Michael knew about all this, you had told it on interview. Interview itself had went well, you got along with him and thanks to your personality, skills and reputation, you had got the job.  “Good. The night shift isn’t anything like day shifts but I know you’ll be fine here.”
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reelovesbennycolon · 4 years
Ok i have this to say...
I never thought that i would be this sexually attracted to a very hot and good looking Spanish doctor. And ever since i had started to watch the night shift it's like a wild animal in me about to get unleashed everytime when i look at Michael ragosa...those beautiful eyes...that handsome voice... the way that he talks...
I know that in season 1 ragosa was a total asshole but in season 2 for some reason he just became this very hot doctor that it feels like i can pull him out from my PC screen and tear hes clothes off and to have wild ,steamy sex with him.i just hope that it will give all the wonderful fan fiction writers an awesome idea to write more romantic and erotic fan fiction stories about ragosa x reader. Oh my ragosa has got me all crazy inlove
@tinysangel @captainofthebrokentides @thesleepyproducer @freddyfanatics @niobechris
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reelovesbuckybarnes · 4 years
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Hi @tinysangel is there a cute and romantic fanfic that you can write about Michael ragosa x reader?
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playbucky · 7 years
Supplies - part 2
Word Count - 568 Characters - Reader x Ragosa
It had been a couple of weeks since the Ragosa incident, you and him had grown closer. He would bring you lunch if you were working later and he had been working harder to get better benefits and services for the nurses. Today you were involved in a meeting with him, you were sitting looking through the folder that included the notes. As you looked through the files and upcoming points ‘What does it matter what you say?’ A man, with greased back hair, and a sharp black suit on. ‘James, don’t.’ You heard someone say. ‘What does it matter? Maybe the fact that after this meeting, I am going into a 24-hour shift, between me and the other five nurses, we might get a day off between us. Maybe that, we are working these hours, to improve your hospitals.’ You said, fixing the files as you kept eye contact with James, who was trying to look anywhere but you. You broke eye contact and looked at everyone around the room. Some were shocked, obviously no one has talked to him like that before, then there were ones smiling proudly not hiding then there was Ragosa, who was chuckling to himself, his head tucked down into his chin. You leaned back in your seat as James cleared his throat. ‘Right, ehh, well you and Michael can leave, well call you back in ten minutes with an answer.’ James said, you smiled and nodded before standing up. Ragosa stood up and followed you out into the hallway and over to the vending machine. ‘You were great in there.’ Ragosa said, you looked up from your bag and smiled. ’Yeah, well you know I don’t hold back.’ You told him, he nodded as you put money in the machine, you punched in the numbers.
You and Ragosa left the building with giant smiles on your faces, you had won and you were getting more nurses and supplies to give the nurses the needing number of hours off. You and Ragosa had made it to his car. ‘I can’t believe you done that.’ Ragosa said in disbelief as he held the door open for you. ‘I don’t think it was all me.’ You said, as you waited for him to join you at your side. ‘It was mostly all you, James has never been stood up to.’ He said honestly, as he and you walked side beside. ‘I think I need to bring you to all my meetings.’ Ragosa said, you faced his with a disgusted look. ‘No thank you.’ You said smiling as he sighed, nodding in defeat. You and him got into his car, and he started the engine. As he drove away, it was silent until the end of the car pack. ‘How about to celebrate we go to dinner, just you and me?’ Ragosa asked as he looked at you, you bit your lip. ‘So like a date?’ You asked him back, as you turned your head to look at him. His eyes went slightly wide before he nodded. ‘Yeah, a date.’ He agreed, looking back at the road. ‘Okay.’ You agreed to the date. ‘Okay?’ he asked turning back to you quickly, you couldn’t help but smile wider. ‘Yeah, you work the shifts so you should know when I’m off.’ You said to him as you watched him nodded and then drive out the car park.
Tags (still open) - @taliajromanoff @da1120 @fatass-mermaid @littledizzyhurricane
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playbucky · 7 years
Requested by Anon – request: being ragosa’s little sister and crushing on TC tho he doesn’t love you back adnd doesn’t know youre ragosa’s sister (including the fight with Ragosa and tc had where they punched each other)??? Only if you want to tho : 3 ❤ Word Count – 507 Characters – TC x Reader
‘Hey, TC.’ You said as he entered the reception area. ‘Y/N.’ He said. ‘I was wondering if you’d like to go get breakfast after the shift.’ You asked him as you were going through the folders. ‘I’m sorry but I’m busy today, some other time maybe?’ He suggested and you nodded. You watched as he made his way to Drew.
You were at the front of the elevator when at the fourth floor, a large group of nurses and doctors got on. You smile at them when they got on and stepped to the back of the elevator. It stopped again at the third and two more people got on. It was silent, until the two at the front started talking. ‘So when do you think, Y/N will get the hint?’ It was TC and he was talking about you. Everyone stiffened slightly, but stayed quiet. ‘TC, your gonna have to tell her.’ Drew said. You felt your chest getting tight. ‘I mean come on, I don’t like her.’ ‘TC.’ Drew said as the elevator got to the bottom floor, he turned around and made eye contact with you. You shook your head at him. ‘She’s not my type, I mean come on. She just…’ Tc continued and you made you way to behind them. The people in the elevator moving to allow you to. Drew watched you as his eyes got wider. ‘She’s just what?’ You asked. TC turned around quickly and opened his mouth but the elevator doors opened, you pushed past them and went to Ragosa’s office. You opened the door and saw him sitting with a bag of ice on his face, a purple bruise forming around his cheekbone. ‘Michael what happened?’ You asked as you saw him, holding ice to his face. ‘Nothing.’ He said waving his hand. ‘Tell me.’ You demanded. ‘TC.’ He said and before he could stop you, you were out the room and looking for TC. You found him standing next to Drew. It was the last stop for him, punching Ragosa. ‘TC.’ You said and he turned around, you saw him roll his eyes, which annoyed you even more. You walked up so you were in front of him, you were smaller than him but you keep your eye contact. ‘What d-‘ He started but he got cut off when your fist came into contact with his left cheek, making him swivel into Drew. You wiggled your fingers afterwards, checking if they were broken. ‘What was that for?’ Drew asked with wide eyes. You looked between them. ‘I’m sure you know.’ You said harshly. You turned back to TC, rubbing his face which was now red. ‘You can say and do whatever you want to me but don’t think about punching my brother.’ You said and turned away. TC was trying to figure out who your bother was. Then it hit him. ‘Ragosa’s your brother.’ He said you looked over your shoulders and clapped your hands. ‘We have a winner.’ You said sarcastically as you walked away.
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playbucky · 7 years
Requested by Anon - for the requests, could you do something from the Night Shift where Ragosa had a really bad day because of the divorce (I'm still in Season 1) and he let it out on you, a new nurse and he later apologizes or something? <33 – J Word Count – 1009 Characters – Ragosa x Reader A/N – There going to be some swear words throughout this as I’ve been in a bad mood recently and I let a good bit out during the writing of this.
You were gathering supplies that supposedly the other nurses were meant to be collecting but they obviously couldn’t listen to orders. You had collected the required items and were locking up the supply room when you turned around and bumped into somebody. ‘Great.’ You said as you looked at the supplies which had been dropped. ‘Will you watch were you’re going.’ A voice said and you looked up to see it was Ragosa. He looked frustrated and annoyed. ‘I’m sorry sir.’ You said. ‘But if you hadn’t came around the corner without checking who was there then this wouldn’t have happened.’ You said as you picked up the supplies which had fallen to the ground. ‘Well maybe if there weren’t nurses walking around the hospital it would made improve the efficiency.’ Ragosa said and you heard some gasps from behind him. You stood up and made eye contact with him. ‘I’m so sorry sir, when did you become one who knows everything about this hospital, I believe you have just arrived and haven’t worked here all your career.’ You said to him. you knew there was a crow gathering around you. ‘I know enough about here that, it’s the nurse that are failing.’ He said and your brows creased. ‘The nurses? There is 6 of use, compared to all the doctors, we are spread far and wide enough as it is. We’re working longer than the doctors themselves, so you can have the correct paper work.’ ‘You blame us but yet, you sit in that office.’ You said pointing to his door. ‘And do nothing, nothing except try and make even more cut backs.’ ‘I don’t I try to improve this hospital.’ He said getting in your face, you scoffed. ‘Improvements? Last night I, me personally, had to phone the head to get new supplies, because the one person that’s meant to do it, doesn’t.’ You said, you looked behind and you saw the crowd gathering, you took a deep breath and calmed down. ‘But I am sorry, I have to go and help save lives.’ You said as you looked at the supplies in your hands. ‘Yeah whatever.’ He said. ‘Jerk.’ You muttered under your breath. You turned, shaking your head to walk away but Ragosa stopped you. ‘What did you say?’ He asked, his face showing anger, with your hands full you turned back to him. ‘I suggest whatever has climbed up your ass and is hibernating there, you wake up.’ You said to him. you looked behind him and saw TC and Drew watching on. You gave an irritated smile and turned before walking off. Ragosa stood watching as you strode off, he broke out his trance when he felt a rough hand on his shoulder. ‘Well you done it now dude, pissed of the head nurse.’ Drew said and Tc laughed behind him. He stood up and fixed his suit jacket before huffing and walking into his office.
‘Y/N?’ You heard Ragosa say as he approached your station. ‘Did you find the thin that crawled up your ass?’ You asked him as you wrote on the paperwork. He sighed. ‘I came to talk about that actually.’ He said. ‘If you’ve came to moan at me more you can move onto someone else, I get enough of it every day and having your added-on top doesn’t help the ‘efficiency’ of this hospital.’ You said to him quoting the word efficiency. You looked up and saw that he was staring at the ground, truly upset. ‘I suggest the next time your having a problem, not to take it out on me.’ You said as he made eye contact with you, you stood up with the files. ‘Where are you going?’ He asked, you raised the files. ‘To see the patients.’ You said calmly. You continued walking and didn’t expect the next thing that came from his mouth. ‘Can I come?’ He asked, you turned around and looked at him, after a few seconds you nodded your head. ‘Where are we going first?’ He asked as he caught up to you at the elevator, as you were pressing the button. ‘7th floor.’ You said, swallowing. ‘The children’s?’ He asked, you nodded. ‘Yeah, Ragosa the children’s.’ you said as the elevator opened and you both got in.
As you were going up the levels, something was annoying you. Why was he being so nice? When the doors opened and he tried to step out you reached a hand out and turned around to him. ‘Why were you such a bitch early?’ You asked bluntly. He looked past you and shock his head, he tried to get past but you stopped him. ‘You aren’t getting out until you tell what had climbed up your ass.’ You said the doors closed and he sighed. ‘My wife.’ He said and you cringed. ‘Wow, too much information.’ You said, raising your free hand. ‘No, not that way.’ He said with a slight smile. ‘We’re getting a divorce.’ He said and you watched as he slouched. That explained it, he had loved her deeply and now they were separating. ‘She’s trying to take my daughter as well.’ He said and your eyes widened. ‘Why, she can’t.’ You said, they should be able to have half and half. ‘Apparently, she can.’ He said as he leaned against the wall and flung his head back. ‘How?’ You asked as you watched a many with many problems on his shoulders, lip quiver. ‘I’m too committed to my work and she wouldn’t have enough parental supervision if she was with me.’ He said and a single tear fell from his left eye. Your heart broke at the sight of the man who was losing his wife and maybe his daughter as well. ‘You may have bit my head off and then sewed back on but I’m here if you need anything.’ You said as you placed a hand gently on his forearm. He only nodded his head and took a deep breath before standing and straightening his jacket.
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playbucky · 7 years
Requested by @taliajromanoff - Omg. I have to think of a Night Shift request quick. I need me some TC. Um, UM. CRIKEY. Y/n is a nurse and TC sometimes flirts with her but it makes her flustered. She asks Drew his opinion on it and he says TC likes her. She doesn’t believe it until something happens and TC kisses her ;D A/N – I didn’t know if you wanted something drastic to happen so, I just went small. You can always request more if these, since you seem to be the only one who watches it ❤ Word Count – 728 Characters – TC x Reader ‘What’s up beautiful?’ TC asked as you walked in the doors. ‘The sky TC.’ You said sarcastically. He chuckled and you couldn’t help the butterflies in your stomach. You continued walking towards the changing room. ‘Where you going?’ He asked as he placed a hand on your back heling you through doors. ‘Changed.’ You said quickly, due to how high your voice was going. You felt his hand leave your back and your frowned slightly at the loss of contact. ‘Well I’ll see you later beautiful.’ He said as he gave you a quick peck to the cheek and left. You turned to say something but no noise came out your mouth and you only looked up to see Drew standing, smirking at you. ‘What’s happening between you and TC?’ Drew asked as he met you in the corridor. ‘Nothing.’ You said chuckling. ‘Well somethings going on.’ He said looking up from his charts. ‘Well he’s flirting and stuff. But nothing else.’ You said raising your hands ‘He likes you Y/N.’ Drew said. ‘Drew…’ You said but he raised his hand. ‘He likes you, you should hear him when you’re not there.’ He said and you looked through the charts. You shook your head and turned to speak to him but Topher interrupted. ‘Incoming trauma, teenage male, fell from his dad’s ladders.’ He said and you nodded. ‘Yeah, whatever Drew but it’s never gonna happen, he’s TC still has a thing for Jordan. I can’t do anything.’ You said as you walked away and towards the trauma room. ���Y/N?’ You heard from behind you. ‘TC.’ You looked over your shoulder to see TC standing there. ‘Do you have a minute?’ He asked as he stood in the door way watching you. ‘Once I’m done with this lady, yeah.’ You said as you placed bandages on the woman’s wrist. You could still feel TC standing in the door way watching you. ‘TC, stop watching me.’ You said as you put the stiches neatly into the lady’s arm. ‘How could I stop watching such a masterpiece?’ He asked and you looked up at your patient and shook your head. ‘TC, I’m busy.’ You said as you finished with the bandages and took off you gloves. ‘You’re not now.’ He said. ‘I’ll be two seconds wait outside, please.’ You asked him and he nodded, closing the door behind him. ‘Boyfriend?’ She asked. You smiled but shook your head. ‘No actually.’ You said and she raised her eyebrow which caused you to shake your head. ‘It’s complicated, but take the bandage off in two days but keep up with the cream and anti-biotic tablets.’ You told her and she nodded. You walked out and turned to see TC standing in front of you. ‘Stop hovering.’ You said to him as you walked. He walked beside you, not speaking as you reached the elevator, you both walked in and stood separate sides. ‘What did you want to talk about?’ You asked him as you watched the levels go by. ‘Something.’ He said smirking. ‘What TC?’ You said getting slightly agitated. ‘Don’t get angry beautiful.’ He said and you turned to face him, he looked at you with wide eyes. ‘Give it up TC.’ You said getting slightly annoyed. ‘Give what up?’ He asked innocently. ‘Flirting with me.’ You said turning back to the levels going down. ‘Why? Do you not like it?’ He asked teasingly. ‘NO, it’s’ just- please stop it.’ You stuttered. ‘Tell me why and I’ll stop.’ He nudged for more. ‘You lead people different ways. You say you’re over a person but you aren’t. You flirt with me but then you go back to her, are you trying to make me jealous? Cause it’s working.’ You said as you faced the doors waiting for them to open. You heard him moving and reaching in front of you and pressing the stop button. ‘Tc –‘ You started to say but his lips were on yours, pushing you into the wall. His hands on your hips and pulling you closer as your hands made their way into his hair. You whined as he pulled away slightly so you could both breath and he rested his forehead against yours. ‘I like you, not Jordan.’ He said with a small smile, you returned it. ‘Good.’ You replied before placing your lips on his again.
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playbucky · 7 years
Touch and Go
Requested by Anon - Hey! Can I request a TC x reader where she's part of the night shoft and takes a patient back and he attacks here and no one knows where she is and Ragusa finds her, and it's touch and go but she makes it? Word Count – 795 Characters – TC x Reader
‘Right Mr. Brown. If you take these tablets twice a day, morning and night the pain should disappear within a week. If it doesn’t please come straight back.’ you said to the elderly man and he nodded smiling sweetly. You smiled back and took off your gloves as you opened the curtain for him to walk past. ‘In coming, car crash multiple injuries.’ Topher said. He directed you all to your jobs. You got a tall man who had a bad head injury, you took him into a room and closed the curtain. ‘So sir. I’m going to have to wash this. And put stitches in it.’ You said and he nodded but didn’t look as if he was in this planet. You stepped forward. ‘Sir, is it okay if I check your eyes with the light?’ You asked him. No wanting to do anything without his permission. He nodded. ‘Okay.’ You brung the light up and switched it on, you placed it up to his eyes. ‘Now please follow the light with you eye.’ His eyes followed fine, no dilation. Everything was good. ‘Well everything’s fine, you’ll just need these stitches.’ You said and he didn’t move at all. You turned around to get the stitches kit, when you turned back around he was standing with a scalpel pointing at her. ‘Where am I?’ He asked. His eyes wide and angry. ‘Sir calm down, you’re in the hospital. You were involved in a car accident.’ You said calmly stepping forward, with your arms raised. ‘Where am I!’ He shouted and stepped forward, swiping the scalpel. You managed to dodge it but his fist came up and connected with your left-hand side of your jaw, this caused you to stumble back slightly and it gave him a chance to slash your stomach with the scalpel, a deep cut by the amount of blood that was seeping through your shirt. You looked up at him and he dropped the scalpel and stepped forward, punching you again, which caused you to fall. Once you were on the ground you lay on your side before he kicked you and ran off. You heard the curtain open and then closed behind him. You tried to move but you had lost so much blood that you couldn’t move, you felt weak and you were slowly losing you sight and getting very cold. As Ragusa walked into the room he saw bloody footsteps, he followed them around from the opposite direction they were heading. As he turned around he saw a familiar hair colour. He rushed around and turned Y/N on to her back, her front was covered in blood and bruises were forming across her face. ‘Somebody, get me a gurney!’ he shouted and Tc and Drew ran in. ‘What happened?’ Drew asked. That was until they spotted Y/N, TC ran around to her other side. ‘Y/N?’ he asked, but he got no response from her. ‘She unconscious Tc and doesn’t look good, we need her to get to surgery.’ Ragusa said as they all worked together to lift her up. TC ran along the bed side until they got to double doors. Ragusa turned around and stopped him. ‘You can’t go any further TC.’ Ragusa said. ‘What?’ TC said angrily as they continued wheeling you in. ‘I have to go.’ He said as he watched your body disappear into the operating room. ‘Your too attached, you know everyone does there best and they’ll do better since she’s one of our own, but can’t come it. Stay here.’ Ragusa said and TC stood down slightly, his body tense as he watched Ragusa go in. He slouched down against the wall as tears threatened fall. Scott was working on Y/N. The room was silent except from the beeping of the machines and Scott asking for equipment now and then, everyone was watching and waiting. Y/N was beaten up pretty badly, the large knife wound on her stomach had penetrated her large intestine, he kidney had been badly bruised and so far with the bruising around her face, a broken nose and broken jaw. The room went completely silent as Y/N went into defib. Everyone looked up but then everyone went into action, placing the pads on her chest, setting the defibrillator and shocking her. As she lurched of the table and fell back down her heartbeat didn’t come back. ‘Charge again.’ Scott said. The sweat was running down his head. He placed the pads on again. ‘Clear.’ He said and everyone stepped back, holding their breath. Once again once she lurched up and landed her heart didn’t start. Her heartbeat was still flat, no response. Paul didn’t waste any time as he stepped forward starting CPR, pressing down on her chest.
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“I Quit!” Michael Ragosa x Reader
WARNING!! this drabble is really quite explicit! Sorry for all of you waiting on my next Benny installment, it is on it’s way, but i got this bug in my brain and had to write it. You have been warned though, this is EXPLICIT!
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“Mikey, you did what?” You looked at your boyfriend, astounded.
He was hastily packing the stuff from his desk into a box, he hardly had time to look up at you.
“I quit.” He laughed a high pitch laugh, and stopped his hasty movements, fingers gripping the side of the box until his knuckles turned white. “I quit. He was hounding me, kicking my ass about the ECMO, and budgets, and I knew. Right there, I knew.”
Michael looked at you with his dark eyes round and intense, a fire burning inside them you’d never seen before.
“I lost a piece of my brain Y/N, I could have lost who I am, I could have lost my kids … I could have lost you. I didn’t go through all that to push paper, and work somewhere where everyone hates me.”
You opened your mouth to correct him that not everyone on the night shift hated him. But he hushed you, coming around the desk and placing a finger against your lips. You could feel his warmth radiating from his proximity, and could almost feel his body thrum with the adrenaline.
“You don’t count here baby, you’re the exception.”
Reaching out, you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in closer to you, so your foreheads are touching and your fingers link behind his head, nestling in his perfect dark hair.
“You underestimate yourself. People don’t know the right side of you. This side.” You kiss his nose daintily, and he gives you a small smile, bringing his arms up to wrap around your hips.
“Actually” you purr, laying kisses along his jaw line, “I haven’t even seen this side of you. Proud, assertive … dominant.” He chuckled breathily, enjoying your kisses and pressing you flush against him.
“What is it they say? You only get one life, live it your way. I’m done with being the asshole. Done with missing out on important things because I need to be at my desk. I’m doing things my way.”
You bit your lip at the conviction in his voice. You’d always had a thing for anything forbidden or authoritarian, and the commanding tone in his voice was making your insides do a somersault.
“Mmm I like this side of you.”
Michael grinned, mischief glinting in his eyes. He looked like was up to something.
“You know what I want done my way, right now?” with gentle movements he backed you up, so the back of your knees collided with the seat of a chair.
You bit your lip, giving a great show of pretending not to think, while your fingernails scratched lightly at the hair at the nape of Michael’s neck, a spot you knew drove him crazy. “No, tell me?” your voice was husky and thick.
“You. Right now, right …” he lightly pushed you, so you sat back in the chair, he crouched and leaned over you, arms trapping you in between the chair and his body, and your faces so close together you could feel your breath mingling on your cheeks. “Here”
You had never seen Michael so reckless. He was a stickler for the rules on the shift. He was bubblier and lighter hearted outside of the hospital, but technical he was still on staff for another seven hours.
“Here?” you squeaked, breathless as he began to kiss the exposed skin of your neck, lightly tracing your pressure points and speeding up your pulse.
Michael chuckled huskily against your throat. “Right here. And now.”
You felt your skin flush and a heat starting to burn deliciously between your legs, as you pulled him up to kiss you. His soft lips were demanding, prying yours open so he could run his tongue against yours. He tasted like hazelnut coffee, his favourite.
He fumbled with your scrub top, sliding his fingers under it and delicately smoothing the skin of your torso. He found your bra and pushed the fabric up, revealing your breasts to the chill air. You gasped. Michael knelt between your legs and nuzzled at your bare skin. He took one nipple in his mouth, swirling the tip of his tongue over the raised bud and you sighed in pleasure, arching into him and knotting your fingers into his hair. He palmed the other breast with a strong hand.
“Michael” you moaned, your hands grasping as much of him as you could, desperate to get your body as close to him as you could. He growled against your skin in response. “Michael please …” you begged, moving his hand down to the waistband of your scrub bottoms.
“Behave Y/N. we’re doing this my way, remember.” He scolded, pulling away from your nipple and glancing up at you through his lashes, eyes dark and heavy with lust. His fingers teased at the fabric, skimming across your belly button.
He tugged gently at the trousers, telling you without words to lift up your backside so he could pull them down. You willingly obliged and lifted your hips, and he pulled both them and your underwear down in a swift precise movement. His fingers indented the soft flesh of your thighs as he bent and kissed the sensitive skin there. His breath ghosted over the red hot flesh of your sex that had become sensitive in his teasing, already damp and waiting for his attention.
“Do you know how long I’ve wanted to do this? Lock us in my office and make you cum til your knees are weak and you can’t concentrate for the rest of the night?” his voice was whisper against your thigh.
The darkly dirty words made you clench and long for his contact more.
“I couldn’t do it before. I can do what I want now.” He sat up straight and looked at you, flustered and red cheeked, your freed breasts heaving with every staggered breath. Slipping a hand into the juncture between your legs he ran a finger between your folds, deliberately slowly. You gasped at the contact and tipped your head back, and he gently flicked against your nub.
Pleased by your reaction, Michael smiled one of his trademark smiles displaying the dimples you loved so much. Leaning forward he captured your lips in an intense, passionate kiss, and expertly slid a finger inside you. You moaned against his lips and gripped his shoulders as sparks flew behind your eyes. He began to move his finger, pumping a steady rhythm into your body.
“Michael.” You gasped, pulling away from him for a second, he looked please with himself and the way your body responded and tightened around his finger. Biting your lip, you looked down at where your bodies connected.
“Look at me, Y/N.” he commanded softly, enjoying the little cry that erupted from your throat when he entered a second finger. You did look at him. You looked deep into those brown eyes that were so dark with lust they were almost black. You could feel the familiar heat and tension starting to form in the pit of your stomach. That white hot coil, that brought with it the promise of a release.
“I love you.” He murmured, looking deep into your eyes. He loved watching as your body succumbed to the pleasure he was doling out to you; he admired your wild look and the beads of sweat appearing on your skin, and consumed every little whimper you made as if it was his life force.
“I … Love… you too.” You managed to pant out as you bucked your hips to meet his hand movements, you could feel the coil spiralling as your walls tightened around his fingers.
You tried not to cry out too loud as your wave of orgasm hit you, hard, but it was difficult seeing the happy and triumphant look on Michael’s face. “Ohhh my god, Michael! Fuck!” you cursed as your weakened body collapsed back into the chair.
He chuckled a little and withdrew his hand, wrapping his arms around you and resting his head on your sweat slicked chest. He looked happy and contented, a wide, killer smile present on his cheeks.
You tried to calm your breath, and ran your fingers lovingly through his perfectly styled hair. The pair of you sat in silence for a moment, just enjoying being so close with each other.
“Michael Ragosa, I have never loved you so much as I do today. I’m so proud of you.” Your words were still a little shaky, but you meant every one on them, as you took his face in your hands and smoothed your thumbs over his jaw. He turned his face and lightly kissed your palm.
The two of you slowly made your way to your feet, and Michael helped you redress, placing little opportune kisses where he could on your body before covering it with the red fabric.
“You have no idea how good it feels to finally do what you want to do.” He murmured into your hair, pulling you in close and leaning his head against yours.
“The world is your oyster now Mikey,” you said breathing in the scent of his aftershave.
He nodded “A whole, new world.”
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@reelovesbennycolon​ hopefully this helps relieve your boredom
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