thesadboy · 10 months
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Woona's bebbehs! In my headcanon, Luna is poly and has had multiple lovers in the past, but it's only recently that she openly took other creatures not just as lovers but as consorts. She had officially declared that as a way of further establishing peace and friendship between ponies and other creatures, she would take on multiple royal consorts.
The results of the forming of Luna's harem this multiple-in-one marriage arrangements are, from left to right: (Top) Ganymede (sired by my Griffon OC, Glover), Waxer (sired by Gaius the Dragon Lord from Smolder's story), Waner (sired by Rain Shine the kirin leader), Gibbous or "Gibby" (sired by the zebra Prince Abraxas from the comics), (Bottom) Elytra or "Ely" (sired by Pharynx), Oberon (sired by the deer King Aspen from the comics), Triton (sired by Queen Novo), Io (sired by Prince Rutherford), and Deimos (sired by Prince Scorpan)
Some more info below👇
A collective nickname for them, affectionately given to them by Luna's own night guards, is "Moonlings." Ganymede, Elytra, Oberon and Io absolutely adore this nickname. Waxer, Waner, and Gibbous are embarrassed by this nickname. Annnd Triton and Deimos have fairly neutral feelings on it.
Gibby is a true romantic at heart and wishes to find "the one" He does have a lot of ponies interested in courting him, most being nobility, but he's often let down by how they're merely attracted to his status as royalty and the fact he's a zony hybrid (the latter makes him deeply uncomfortable).
Waner is rather grumpy and standoffish and has a bit of a strained relationship with his family, especially his mothers, except for Waxer and Elytra. The former for not making fun of him despite their differing personalities, and the latter for taking the time to understand him. Both of them also respect his wishes.
Ganymede wants to do better than her ancestor King Grover and show that not all Griffons are greedy and selfish, but she tends to overcompensate to the point of self-sacrificial behavior. Her mother and aunt often try to remind her that it's not selfish for someone to love and care for themself.
Waxer and Elytra have rather interesting wing compositions, ones that are very different from the rest of their siblings. Waxer's are both feathered and scaled while Elytra's are mostly transparent like Changeling wings, but a part of it is feathered like an alicorn/pegasus'. What makes this especially interesting is that both cases stand out even in the type of hybrids there are. Waxer isn't the first dracony to be born, there being a few records of such pairings from a very distant past. But in cases where those hybrids had wings, they were always scaled. For Elytra, she's the first ever recorded/known instance of a changeling-pony hybrid, but it was expected that her wings would be completely like a changeling's or alicorn/pegasus', not a combination of both like her brother's.
Waner is sometimes mistaken to be a bat-pony/alicorn hybrid on account of his wings being leathery like a bat pony’s. He’s rather annoyed that others keep assuming such without even asking him.
Out of technicality, Waxer and Deimos are the oldest of the brood. Both of them were born from eggs that had been petrified for centuries, but it was only recently, that their eggs were able to hatch. Waxer’s egg was hatched thanks to the combined efforts of Spike, Sapphire, and Sulfur in heating his egg with their dragonfire. Meanwhile, Deimos’ egg hatched thanks to Scorpan’s lose and tender care, even if it took a long time.
Oberon can talk to animals and regularly converses with them, something that the nobility find strange, but his siblings always defend him.
Triton and Oberon tend to come to each other for advice on dealing with their half-siblings from their other parent, Skystar and Bramble respectively, even if their relationships with each of these half-siblings are rather different. Skystar adores Triton because she was happy that her mother was able to truly find love after the death of her father, and Triton’s existence helped bring Luna and Novo closer together. Bramble, however, dislikes Oberon since he stll held onto his distrust of ponies even after his father had remarried to Luna.
Deimos tends to unintentionally scare ponies because of his imposing appearance, but he’s a very gentle soul at heart. It’s this gentleness that won him over the foals of Canterlot, who love hearing his stories and playing tag or hide and seek with him, with some of them even hanging over his wings or riding on his back.
Io generally has a better grasp of Ponish than her father, but she still refers to herself in third person.
Ganymede is the closest with their cousin, Eclipse, and the two often talk about their woes together. Because of this closeness, she’s the one who’s most patient with his political matchmaking attempts.
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