#rainys hypnovember
rainydrops · 8 months
put trancy words in my asks and ill use them as prompts for hypnovember !!!
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mronsdagen · 7 months
Hypnovember file
Something I put together for hypnovember. With the holidays approaching and rainy weather upon us, please enjoy something to help you destress, relax, and if you're prepping for finals, focus.
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rainydrops · 2 years
Day Two: Blink
She blinked.
“Just waaaatch the crystal. 5 minutes, no looking away, no cheating, and I’ll pay for dinner. Scout’s honor.”
She would roll her eyes, but that would probably count as cheating. So she just stared. This was sort of a stupid bit, now that she had the peace and quiet to think about it. Some moronic stageplay ‘hypnosis’ act. She could put up with the cornier bits, so she didn’t mind. She just couldn’t wrap her mind around how anyone thought this would actually work on someone.
Sure, it was easy on the eyes. It was nice to look at, had a pretty glow to it and about a million sides for her gaze to shift to. The facets all glittered in the sun, shining pretty light everywhere. She could admit it was nice to admire while she breezed through her time.
She blinked.
“There you go. Just watch and relax…”
She resisted the urge to tell them to shut up, but their voice only came to her in a muddied mumble. She was focused on the crystal dangling in front of her now. Had it gotten bigger since she refocused her attention? Or had she just…needed to stare longer..?
No, it seemed bigger since she blinked for sure. Or just closer. It didn’t matter—though her eyes lidded a little to counteract it. She didn’t know how much time had passed. She was pretty relaxed, to be honest.
She blinked. Slower, this time.
The crystal had most definitely dropped lower to her face. It twisted and shone in the pretty light, shining all its pretty colors across the walls, and it…it looked, um…
“…pretty…” she heard herself mumble, jaw slack, as her eyes fluttered slowly. No one else was doing any of the work—“hypnosis” or otherwise. As far as she was concerned, she was doing the heavy lifting. Her eyes, that was. They felt so heavy…and the crystal was drawing even closer, filling up her entire field of vision. It was so much to try and focus on all the glittering sides at once—too much. It was too…much…
Her eyes rolled back.
“…man. Only lasted 2 and a half this time. New record!”
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rainydrops · 7 months
Day I - "Dazed".
"Are you alright, sweetheart?"
The question came at an inopportune moment, when your mind had been stuck in the interim between two distinct thoughts. God, it had been a long day, and you had found a little solace in the small moment you took to zone out.
"Zone out,"
They said again, mirroring your thoughts. Had you said that out loud? You shook your head a little, eyes still trained on the vacant spot in the room you had decided you were going to focus on when you started to space out. Eventually you would rip yourself ungracefully from your reverie and direct your attention to whatever it was the world needed from you. Until then, though, you would take whatever fleeting moment you could to relax. "Relax." You actually didn't really mind this state, you thought. The in-between of full awareness and total vacancy. You liked being able to take a break, you thought. You liked the warm, fuzzy feeling it gave you. You liked being like this for as long as you needed to. Never needing to worry about what you were saying.
"Never needing to think at all."
Hands settled on your shoulders, gently massaging the build-up tension in your muscles as you stared ahead of you. It felt better not to worry about the details, and just admire how nice it felt. How good it felt for the tension to melt away. How nice it felt to let them touch you when you were like this. So gentle. So relaxed.
"So relaxed."
Their hands drifted down from your shoulders, down and under your arms until they explored the rest of your body. It felt so warm and nice to just let them touch you like this. It felt so much better not to worry about it. It felt so much better not to think. It felt so much better to just keep staring, zoning out forevermore into the blank wall in front of you while the world kept moving around you. You didn't need to worry about any of that. You just needed to relax. Yes, that felt so much nicer.
"It feels good to let me touch you."
It felt good to let them touch you. It felt even better the quieter the voice got. The softer--the sweeter. It felt so much better to have a voice guiding you like this while you zoned out, peacefully drifting between irrelevant thoughts. It felt good to have someone touch you while you spaced out.
For a moment, their touch left you, and something blocked your view of the blank wall.
But when you heard the sound of a belt clinking, and fabric dropping to the floor,
and you had something else to focus on for a while.
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rainydrops · 7 months
Day II - "Brain-Drained".
"She was such an independent woman. Of course, it didn't really matter in the end. I mean, look where it got her."
You had barely glanced at the notification popping up in the corner of your monitor before you did a double-take and actually read it. A message from your supervisor to meet in her office when you could spare the time. It was odd--you couldn't really wrap your head around why she would want to see you in particular. You hadn't done anything of note, good or bad, especially around her. And that sort of mediocrity demanded a passive-aggressive group email, at worst. You had just been going through the motions, that was all. Recently, you had been finding it more and more difficult to stay tuned in to your surroundings while you worked--just mindlessly chugging away at your to-do list while totally plugged in to the screen in front of you.
But, you tore yourself away to lift yourself up out of your chair and across the office to the dark oak door which read your supervisor's name. You took a deep, apprehensive breath, and opened the door, poking your head inside.
"Hi, there, honey! Glad you could come by," she chirped. When you had first started working here, you had been a little put-off by her sweetness, her pet names. But after a little while, you had just chalked it up to her slightly older age and the effect of living in the south. At the very least, you guessed that must have been the case from the mild twang that accented every cooing word.
You nodded, quiet, and stepped into the office, closing the door behind you. "...was there something you wanted to talk to me about?"
"Y'know, as a matter of fact," she stood up from behind her heavy wooden desk and crossed the small room in confident strides until you were less than an arm's length apart. She raised a hand, nails always done to perfection and adorned with golden jewelry, and touched her fingertip to your forehead with a light tap. "there is."
It was as though with one instantaneous touch, she had sent a shockwave through your system. Your train of thought screeched to a halt, and you felt yourself slump down a little bit before correcting yourself and shaking your head. You opened your mouth to respond, brow furrowed with confusion and the difficulty that now came with trying to form the words,
and you were met with another tap. This time, your shoulders slumped loosely forward. your head lolling for a moment. It was as though she was reaching directly inside your head, massaging your brain in the perfect way to shut it down in an instant. And the soft smile on her face seemed to indicate she knew it.
"There's just some things I wanna straighten out with you. Make sure you really understand. Oh, you're not in trouble, honey,"
She tapped your forehead again, and your eyes fluttered so intensely against your will that you could no longer make out the world around you. In fleeting moments, it all faded to a hazy black. An inky dimness where no thoughts existed. All noise and light seemed to fade, becoming meaningless background noise to the sound and the touch of the women in front of you.
"So don't you worry your pretty little head about it. That's it," she cooed in that saccharine tone, as you felt yourself sway forward. You sunk limply down into her arms, eyes rolling back as your eyes threatened to slide completely shut. It was as though your body and mind completely shuttered and collapsed under her power. With every gentle touch, more of your mind was blotted out and replaced with her soft, sweet tone.
"Do you think you can do that, sweetheart?" she asked, guiding you quietly across the room before sitting you down in her chair. It was too comfortable for you to do anything but slink down further, head nodding forward and eyes slipping shut. The room itself was too comfortable, too warm and too cozy, for you to do anything but nod and submit to whatever it was she wanted so badly to tell you.
"Good," she murmured, guiding your head into a more emphatic nod. Her hands trailed from your face, down your neck and chest, down your torso. Her touch explored your body while she spoke to you about everything you needed to know. You just nodded and whimpered and submitted, mind completely caving under her ministrations.
"This is exactly what you need, honey. When we're done, you'll be so much happier."
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rainydrops · 2 years
.....hypnovember's coming up.
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rainydrops · 3 years
Day XIX: Hacked
“Ugh, shit—“ the screen in front of you froze and glitched as your cursor turned into a spinning wheel of death again. You tapped the screen in frustration. “Stupid fuckin-“
You blinked, interrupted in your anger, and searched for the source of the sound. You found your way to the files, scrolling down. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary…
Until you hit the bottom. A folder, highlighted, called “Good_Girls.exe”. You cocked an eyebrow. “I am not about to open porn on this thing…” and you right clicked to delete. But the button wasn’t there—you couldn’t delete it. You frowned, and sighed before opening the folder and looking around inside.
…there was only a text file. It didn’t seem to be too big judging by the number next to it, and it was unlikely it was a bomb, right..? You sighed and hesitantly opened it up.
This looks bad, I know.
But I promise nothing bad’s going to happen.
(“Yeah, right,” you thought.)
Everything’s alright now. You just need to keep reading, and it’ll all make sense.
If the screen feels like its glowing, don’t look away from these words.
If you hear a nice, warm buzzing, don’t look away from these words.
Good girls keep reading, and you’re a very good girl.
(“…” the letter was skeevy, sure, but something about it…interested you, yeah. It was just sort of intriguing. And even if it was a virus, it made your monitor glow pretty colors in the otherwise dark room. So you kept reading.)
Such a good girl, reading these words and following nice words and orders. You can just relax back into your chair and let everything relax.
Your day of hard work is over.
This is to help you relax, like a good girl. You’ve worked so hard, been so, so tense…a good girl like you deserves a bit of relaxation.
Don’t you agree?
(…you absently nodded into the softly glowing screen and the nice words. For some reason, it felt nice to agree. It felt nice to relax. You felt your body sink bonelessly back into your chair, a sigh escaping you. A warm feeling pooled in the pit of your stomach. You felt yourself smile. You couldn’t stop reading. Every “good girl” only made the warmth grow, pulsing through your entire body.)
Such a good girl, letting go of all those silly thoughts and stresses, sinking back, deep into relaxation and pleasure. You crave it, like a very good girl does. No one’s watching, good girl. You can just relax and pleasure yourself, like a very, very good girl.
And very good girls like you can put on the headphones that might be beside you and listen closely.
(…through muzzy, sticky thoughts, you wondered happily how the nice good words knew you had headphones. But you were being a good girl, so you didn’t need to worry about it. You took the headphones and slid them on, sighing once more as a hand slipped down your shorts, rubbing between your legs and sighing happily, leaning back more in your chair.)
Once on, the headphones buzzed out any remaining thoughts with throbbing white noise, voices overlayed chanting “Good girl! Good girl~!” over and over with soft, loving voices.
You don’t need to think. You need to relax and pleasure yourself and be a good girl.
Rub those silly thoughts away like you know you need to, so you can make room for being a very good girl.
The good girls in your mind are making you a good girl just like them.
Good girls make more good girls.
Good girls rub themselves silly.
Good girls rub their minds to sleep.
Good girls obey pretty colors and pretty words. And aren’t you a very, very good girl?
(“I’mm…a g-ggood girrll…” you drawled with a smile, eyes rolling up as you approached orgasm.
…with the headphones on, you didn’t hear the door unlock behind you.)
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rainydrops · 3 years
Day VIII: Pheromone
"Easy, darling, eaaasy...there we go..." cooed the fae, stepping quietly and gently back and back, leading the dazed little human back further into the brush with every moment. The world around the two was lush and green.
Normal to the fae, perhaps. Home. Average. Unnoteworthy.
But to the human, the scenery glittered and blossomed with light, glistening in the dappled soft sun and lighting their skin with absolutely indisputable euphoria. This was more than home. It was heaven.
They stared at the magical being before them and followed with heavy, ungraceful steps, eyes locked to theirs, lidded and heavy. Every breath they took drew them closer and closer to the fae, stumbling and nearly falling more than once on the way.
But they always backed up, just out of reach, teasing the thrall closer and closer with a smile. "You're so easy like this...who knew my scent was so powerful on cute humans like you~?" they giggled softly to themselves, and the human trying to follow sleepily giggled along.
"Oh, you're just sooo cute, aren't you, angel~?" cooed the fae, "sooo drowsy and dizzy for me...you don't even know which way is up, do you, sweetheart, do you?" their voice only pushed down harder on all the silly human's thoughts, drowning them out with saccharine syrup.
"I'm--umm..." they sighed, smiling tiredly up at them. "nn--nuh-uhh..." their jaw hung slack as the fae finally took their hands, pulling them close to their chest and leaning in closer, tantalizing close.
"Shhh, shh, angel, you're alright~! I know thinking's so hard when your head's all full of my words...my control. But you just need to follow a little while longer, and we'll get you somewhere you can rest your pretty head, alright?" they were so close. It was everything the dizzy human could do to keep their head up straight and look up at the faerie. They nodded and nodded, sighing and babbling their love for the creature coaxing them through the bushes into a lush meadowy garden.
"Just rest, pretty, close those pretty eyes and let your new master do all the talking...I promise it'll make so much more sense that way. No more nasty thoughts, just my pretty words, my lovely thrall. Only me."
"...Only...oh--ohhhh..." they moaned softly as they were wrapped in the fae arms and lied down in a soft bed of flower petals, pink and flashing soft lights, puffing mist up all around them. More of the fae's scent, drugging them deeper into helpless submission. They writhed and squirmed, giggling and murmuring their mind away to no one in particular.
The fae only chirped happily, sitting beside their newest toy and playing with what was now rightfully theirs.
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rainydrops · 3 years
Day I : Relax
“…are you sure this is for real? It seems kinda…hokey, I guess. No offense.” I held up my hands defensively for a moment, unfocusing from the swinging pendant to refocus on the person behind it.
“Hm…” they lowered the crystal necklace and sighed quietly.
“Ah—sorry, I didn’t mean to-like—“
“No, no, you’re alright, relax, relax,” they eased, looking back at me after a moment of thought. “Here, think of it this way: if you don’t feel hypnotized at all, I’ll buy dinner. Butttt…if you dooooo…”
I sighed, looking away for a moment. Embarrassing. “Yes, I got it, I know—then you can have your little magic spell on me and I’ll buy. Fine, sure.” I exhaled slowly.
“You seem on edge—are you sure this is alright? You’re all okay?” they frowned a little, pulling my attention towards them, into their eyes. It always…took me a second longer than the time before to focus on what they were saying.
“You seem so tense—just try and relax…can you do that?” their voice lowered, taking on that sweet tone it did whenever they were…worried. Yeah, worried.
“…yeah. I’m okay…” I blinked a little, but it didn’t help the staring. I could feel my face reddening, but…
“Yes, you are.” they murmured. I watched a smile curl onto their lips in my periphery as they slowly shifted closer. “I think maybe you were right—the whole crystal thing miiight be a little passé. This is more relaxing, isn’t it?” their hand slid up to cup my cheek, sliding under my chin, shifting it up just so. “I don’t want this to get too heavy. You can lean on me if you’re a bit too relaxed, a little too weak, too warm…”
Too quickly—they had moved so close so quick and they were so warm and nice and my head felt too full of nothing and it was all so, so relaxing…
“…uh-huh…” was about all that came to mind. I couldn’t think of anything to say, anything to do but agree, to nod and keep staring…or, at least, it felt like I was nodding.
“There we are…you just needed a little extra help, didn’t you…” they cooed to no one in particular. “That’s alright. You can go ahead and relax for me now.”
They dropped the hand from my chin and pulled me close as I felt my entire body loll against them, slumping down with no will or energy to lift myself back up, in body or in mind.
I was just so relaxed…
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rainydrops · 3 years
Day V: Visor
"Oooh...thanks-!" they seemed too happy about the gift for me to be anything but equally enthusiastic, even though this was...not what I had been expecting.
A clunky headset with a wraparound eyepiece. Holding it, it seemed high-end...an odd thing to blow a lot of money on for something I never really asked for. I wasn't much of a gamer, but new tech was always cool, I reasoned.
"Wanna try it on, see if it fits okay?" they gingerly took the headset out of my hands as I blinked.
"Are you in a rush or something?" I joked.
"I just wanna make sure every part is in working order, don't tease~!" they huffed. I raised my hands, backing down.
"Fine, fine, sure. But shouldn't we--"
and without another word they were shifting the set down over my head. It fit snugly like a glove, comforting pressure from all sides like someone was rubbing my temples. "Shouldn't--shouldn't we--?" I trailed off as they strapped it on from behind with a casual hum.
"There, that feel alright?" they asked as though they didn't already know my response.
"Yeah, it's...it's good..." I murmured, bringing my hands up to feel the cool smoothness of the exterior before they quickly fell back limply at my sides.
"Now, here, this is the part I really wanted to show you..." they clicked a button on the side of the headset, and a brilliant glow of pulsing colors bloomed forth on the screen in front of my eyes.
"Woah--flash warning," I half-joked, although the tone wasn't quite there. I was distracted by the lightshow, and by the warm feeling encasing my head, and their hand in mine, leading me down the hall.
"You don't mind, do you? It's pretty to watch."
"...it's pretty to watch." I agreed, legs moving without my knowledge.
We walked until I couldn't feel myself moving anymore, except to lower to my knees. My head felt heavy. Warm. So warm...
"The pretty colors are nice, aren't they~?"
"The pretty colors are nice."
"It feels better to kneel. To obey. To smile."
"To kneel...to obey...to smile."
And I was so happy. In retrospect, one of their better purchases.
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rainydrops · 3 years
Day XVIII: Monster
"...Oh, so you're a monster hunter, are you?" coaxed the fae as they looked down at the feeble little hunter. The two stood on opposite ends of a magnificent gate, gilded in gold and jewels, diametrically opposed. From the gateway flows trickle and wisp of pinkish-lilac fog.
It surrounds both of them, and only the fae seems entirely unaffected.
"--something like that," the hunter grumbled, unsheathing a blade that glittered in the eversetting sun's light. "I was sent after a wave of missing person's reports all tied to this grove. I imagined there might be something more sinister tied to the place."
"Sinister?" they cooed, taking a few steps forward. The monster hunter backed away into the large trunk of an oak tree, looking up for a moment. The sunset's orange fluttered down through the leaves until it hit their skin. It was a nice color, one they focused on for a few long moments...it was more difficult to keep their thoughts all in order with that damned mist blowing all around them.
Unfortunately, when they looked back down, the faerie stood over them with a kind smile. "I'm nothing like that, darling. I only help wayward souls find their true way home." they laughed softly, a lilting melody that made the hunter's knees tremble just slightly; just for a moment. But it's enough.
"Bullshit!" cried the monster hunter, pulling out their sword fully now and pointing it menacingly in the direction of the fae. "You're twisting these innocent people's minds to your will! Making them believe this is their home, making them believe--"
But before they could continue, the fae took another step forward. And another, gently pushing down the point of the blade as they stared the hunter down. The monster's eyes were iridescent, swirling with every color imaginable and more. Yet another color the hunter struggled to look away from with every passing moment.
"I don't make my thralls believe a thing, little knight. I only help them be free of the pressures that weigh down on them, forcing them into a mold. I only allow them to relax into their natural forms...as subservient, and vulnerable." they murmured, drawing closer. It felt as though as they took each step towards the hunter, the fae's voice echoed in their mind, bouncing around and sticking evermore.
"The judgemental, cruel authorities that send you gallivanting all across the land, asking that you expect nothing in return. Putting you in danger every day without a care in the world..." they easily took the sword from the hunter's hands by the hilt and let it clatter without care to the grassy knoll beneath their feet. Their eyes seemed to glow even more as the vibrant sun was disappearing behind the hills in the distance. They were only able to stare, shaking their head.
"N..No, that's not it, it's my duty-..."
"Is it?" they tilted their head just so, lips pursed in an inquisitive expression. "Is this really what you want to do? Work yourself to the bone forever, work until you drop?" they moved behind the hunter and laid their hands on their shoulders with an iron grip that felt more calming, more gentle, more loving than the poor knight had felt in longer than they could recall. "As my thrall, you wouldn't need to waste allll that energy...you could just relax and let yourself finally rest. Wouldn't you like that~?"
"I...would...well, I...uhm..."
"Shh, shh, you don't need to think too hard about it," cooed the fae, wrapping their lithe arms around the hunter's body and unbuckling piece after piece of heavy armor, letting them thud to the ground as they watched the hunter's knees lock and tremble. They stared thoughtlessly into the gates before them, into the mist, into the shadows of bodies wrapped together, giggling and moaning and cooing without a worry in the world... "You just need to give in, and I can take all of those silly worries away. You'll be safe here...I'll take very, very good care of your mind, my darling. But you can rest, and relax, and obey."
On their word, the faerie pulled their newest thrall close, hands sweeping over their feverish skin, and pushed their lolling head down to their chest. "There we are, darling. Wasn't that so easy?"
"...yes..." came the thoughtless murmur from the hunter.
The fae giggled as they guided their pet by the shoulders back into the gates, letting them swing shut forever behind them. "Things will only ever be that easy from now on, pet."
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rainydrops · 3 years
Day III: Stage
...you blinked and were immediately blinded by a bright light in your eyes, blotting out the rest of the world until they adjusted to the scene presented.
Somehow, you'd been sleeping standing up, you thought--or...something had happened, standing up. You felt your head spin, confused and oddly--oddly empty, now that you thought--tried to think, about it. And then a voice broke the reverie around you, echoing and soft and almost so very familiar.
"Aren't they lovely?" cooed the voice from a view feet away, as though they were addressing someone else.
You blinked, and took a closer look out into the darkness before you, and found dozens of fascinated eyes staring back at you, watching you like a living art installation on display for all to see. You felt your cheeks darken...and despite your better judgment, your cheeks hurt from fighting back a smile. The voice may have been watching--for it laughed, coming closer before a warm hand moved under your jaw and brought it up. Only then did you realize how heavy everything felt. Your head, your limbs, your feet, and when you looked up into their eyes...
"Aren't you lovely~?" their voice lowered, sultry and saccharine.
Your eyes felt so heavy...
You smiled then, and as though instinct finally overtook you, you blurted, "Yes--Yes, Master..."
They laughed, lips shifting into a thin, knowing smile before they looked out into the voyeurs in the audience. "Such a feisty young thing, reduced to a puddle, just for me..." and they started to crouch, still holding your chin.
You found yourself sinking quickly with them. They eased you to the ground, rubbing your cheek with a kind thumb, and you couldn't help but smile and stare on thoughtlessly. Nothing felt better than this--nothing felt better than staring, and absolutely nothing felt better than obeying. The dull murmur of the crowd was muddled in your ears before they brought a finger to their lips, and there was silence once more.
"And with just a tap of my finger, darling..." they brought the finger away and held it in front of your forehead, waggling it for a moment and giggling at the way your eyes danced hungrily before it as it swayed side to side...back and forth...back...and forth...
They tapped it to your forehead gently, and your eyes slipped shut and you slumped forward into their arms.
And there was roaring applause.
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rainydrops · 3 years
Day IV: Psychic
It really was just one of those silly pop ups at the fair. I thought so, anyway.
But the glass ball was pretty, and so was the person wrapped up in veils and robes sitting behind it, already watching me before I approached their table. Like they were daring me with their eyes to come up and say hello. Not one to back down from a challenge, I approached.
"Hi," I murmured--was that a good thing to say? Should I have been more respectful? Was there some kind of hidden etiquette I wasn't aware of when it came to cheap fortune-tellers?
"Good evening," cooed the voice from the stall, calming and level. "I thought you might turn up sometime." their smile curled up into one of active amusement instead of that plain pleasant glow of when they met my eyes.
"Did you now?" I laughed a little and found myself sat in the chair on the other side of that crystal ball. It kept glinting distractingly in the light of the setting sun. "Isn't that what you're supposed to say?"
They laughed along softly, sweetly, and I immediately felt myself exhale a little. My line of sight wouldn't quit being drawn to the glass (maybe it really was crystal, upon closer inspection) in between us, and it wasn't long before the psychic noticed.
"Isn't it pretty? The way it glitters and sparkles..." I blinked a few times, shaking my head free of the momentary fog that had consumed it and looking back up at them, still smiling. I nodded, even though the question had only half-passed through my mind.
"Sorry, uh...distracted."
"That's quite alright."
"How do these readings work anyway?"
They unfolded their hands and slid them across the sides of the table to take mine gently, holding them on the table on either side of the crystal ball--and effectively cutting off any avenue through which I could ignore either the glint of the ball, or of their eyes. But...both were nice to look at, I supposed. And their hands were warm. And the chair was comfortable. And the glass sphere was pretty...
"Oh, it's very simple. I only need you to gaze into the crystal ball we have right here--which...you seem to already be quite good at, aren't you?" they lowered their voice a little. I hadn't even realized I had looked back to the ball. But even after they spoke, I couldn't seem to look away.
It sparkled and glimmered again, and I blinked. The psychic was speaking in that same low, soft, warm tone, and part of me felt bad for not listening, but...
"And it just feels so much better to nod and agree for me now, doesn't it, darling?"
I nodded. It felt better to nod and agree with them. My head felt heavy, but they shifted a hand from mine to help me, gently pushing my head down to the warm table where I could keep staring at the pretty light. They kept a hand in my hair, leaning in to keep saying pretty, nice things...and helping me.
"I think our future together is quite clear to you now, don't you?"
I couldn't agree more.
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rainydrops · 3 years
Day X: Gentle
The moments between wakefulness and sleep are muddied. The line between your opened and closed eyes is as blurred as your vision. But slowly, carefully, you come to.
The first thing you see is a beautifully spinning light fixture on the ceiling, spinning and twinkling and immediately capturing your attention. The flashes of light are bright and colorful, but not so harsh that they hurt you--rather, they almost lull you right back down into sleep.
Your eyes flutter back partially open, enough to continue inspecting the room, but before your gaze can focus on anything else, your focus is all but drained to touches you feel at your hips. Soft, warm, gentle hands, grabbing and massaging and rubbing against you sweetly, up your stomach to your chest...and then back down to your hips, the insides of your things. Your entire body buzzes with warmth and pleasure and you feel your body start to stir, writhing and squirming as your eyes flutter and threaten to roll, torn between the fluttering of your own eyelids and the dizzying lightshow directly in front of your field of view.
Before your eyes can close, though, something new invades your gaze--a pair of eyes, as dizzyingly beautiful and warm as the lights behind them.
"Hi, pretty toy~!" they chirp, drawing a hand up your cheek and through your hair. Any attempt at speech turns into incoherent babble, torn between muddled thoughts and whining, moaning. They only laughed softly, watching as your eyes no longer fight to stay open, blissfully staring, feeling your jaw go slack as their hand creeps back down through your hair, both hands moving to hold your face.
"Oh, you're being veeery good for me, aren't you, angel? My precious, helpless little toy...that's what you are, aren't you? Hm? Aren't you~?" they coo with the same condescending sweetness with which an owner talks to their puppy. You can only muster up a giggle, a dizzy smile. A rush of happiness floods through you. You're cared for. You're safe. You feel good. This nice person is making you feel good. You love them. They know what's good for you if they're making you feel this silly and happy...
Their hand drifts down again to keep rubbing your thoughts away, and their eyes disappear only for long enough for you to blink between a beautiful, sparkling pendant is in their place, dangling just in front of your eyes. Your jaw drops completely, eyes glazed and consumed with the pretty pendant as it swings back and forth...and back, and forth...
"and back...and forth...just watch the pretty sparkles, toy. Good job...back and forth, now...isn't that so nice?"
You nod with a soft whine, smiling as you watch the pretty pendant. The crystal, the lights shining through it, their eyes, their touch, the soft, plush bed beneath your body...it's all so pretty and nice. The air is with a soft pink mist, one you breathe in as they ask, rewarding you with more time staring into their perfect eyes, more touches along your thighs, more time rubbing your temples and cooing into your ear how best to be a good toy for them, more time chanting.
"Back and forth...back and forth...good toy, good, gooood toy...~" you giggle and smile, eyes starting to flutter again as they praise and coddle and control you. It all just feels so good--it feels so good to be good.
"Now, toy, even when those pretty eyes closed, you can still see all these nice lights, helping you not to think. You can still see the pendant in your fluffy, dizzy mind, swinging baaack and fooorth, baaaack and foooorth. You can still stare into my eyes when they flutter and roll back into that sweet, silly head. You can still hear my voice, programming you into submission deeper, and deeper. And deeper."
Your eyes have already shut, though, haven't they? Good toy.
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rainydrops · 3 years
Day XV: Serve
"Thisss...is suspicious," they mumbled quietly, inspecting the oblong box in their hands. It was nicely decorated and plain on the inside, sure, and the small bronze bell within it seemed pretty tame--unassuming. But they knew better than to judge based on appearances alone. The eyes they met when they glanced up, eyebrow quirked, betrayed nothing to the contrary.
"Whaaat? Don't you trust me? I just wanted to give you something for once...I saw it in an antique shop, and it looked cute--like something you'd like. So I snagged it. Do you not like it?" they pouted a little, making direct eye contact. --puppy dog eyes. Irresistible. And so they relented.
"No, no, it's fine, it's sweet...thank you." they smiled softly and gingerly took the bell from its encasing. "But...well, what's it for? It has an engraving, but..." it was too blotted by time and general wear to make out what it said.
"Just ring it, maybe. I didn't even test to see if it still worked."
And so they did, dangling it gently between their fingers. Sure enough, a soft chime rang out from the bell. It was a sweet sound, one they immediately replicated. It brought out...a nostalgia, maybe. Something warm from inside them, something comforting and soft and nice. Their smile softened as they rang it again.
"You like it?" their voice softened as they leaned closer, eyes sparkling.
"Ah--..." they trailed off for a moment, blinking to collect their thoughts. "--yeah-! Yeah, I really like it. Thank you..." they nodded with that same soft, muzzy smile as they rang the bell again next to their ear, the chime filling them with that same soft, warm relaxation. Their thoughts went out of focus for a moment as they listened, but they didn't seem to mind at all, nor did the giver of the gift, watching with a hint of a smile.
"Good, good...why don't you go take a nap? You seem exhausted..." they drew out the word softly, filling in the spaces where the bell did not and gently pushing them in the direction of the bedroom. "I'll come check up on you for dinner soon, okay~?"
They nodded lazily and stumbled towards the room, smiling at the residual chime of the bell as they stepped inside and the door shut behind them.
It was only later that evening when they checked into the bedroom again that they found their prize for the purchase--a soft, mindless plaything sprawled out on the bed, drool tricking from their smiling lips as the bell swung from the slowly drifting ceiling fan above, always ringing the same soft melody and completely enchanting their mind deeper and deeper into helpless, euphoric submission.
"Serrrvvveeee..." they murmured over and over through fuzzy, half-working lips. "display, submmmit, obey...serve, displayyyy, submit, obey...serve, display, submittt, obeyy..."
They giggled sweetly every few moments, as though the pure unfiltered pleasure of the bell's ring was enough to make them laugh somewhere in their deeply sleeping mind, and the giver of the bell could only laugh in return. The latter strode across the room and sat at the edge of the bed, watching the doll drool and drop and lose themselves deeper and deeper into the bell's song, before gently scooping them up into their arms and taking their plaything to another room.
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rainydrops · 3 years
Day XII: Plants
Gardens are typically flush with flora—and although this garden in particular was very special in its own right, its wide array of plants was no different.
…well, it was a little different. But they were plants nonetheless, to be observed and adored by everyone who passed by them. Some of them had…a bit more personality to them—that’s all.
There are the vines in the southwest wing, all warm and coated in these sweet little fuzzy furs to spread that relaxing feeling aaaaall through your body. They’re very good for massages, mhm. Or general, ah…stress relief. They’re slow, they are, worming their way up their toys’ bodies and wrapping them up nice and safe. Doesn’t that sound nice..? To be wrapped up and rocked and touched to your heart’s content..?
Oh, there’s also the tulips in the very front that lure you right in when you enter the main garden. They spit out this lovely sweet-smell they have to them, puff it right up into your lungs. It’s just a smidge addictive, but, well… It’s not as though you’d ever mind it. Once you breathed it in, you’d never ever want to smell anything else than that warm, fluffy mist filling your mind…
In the back, there’s a cluster of beautiful dahlias that all swirl and shimmer as soon as you approach, swaying back and forth, and back and forth, and back and forth…and shine many different colors, some you’d never be able to name once you looked away. But you wouldn’t want to look away, would you? Not when it’s so pretty, so easy on the eyes. Not when it’s so much easier to stare…and relax. Not when its so, so easy to
…very good. Now, would you like a more personal tour of all the garden’s facilities?
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