#raise ur standards and dont take shit from someone who wont even help with the goddamn chores
sasssydaddy123 · 9 months
I honestly think that some of your guy's standards need to be raised. I have had wayyyy too many people tell me that I am "the perfect girlfriend" for literally doing the bare minimum. Like idk, it's just the smallest things that I do without even thinking because its just something you do for someone you love.
Like hanging up the painting she made me above my TV or doing the dishes before she gets home so she doesn't have to do them after working all day or making breakfast for both of us because I get up first. I have an extra day off and she doesn't so I clean the kitchen, vacuum the living room, and start the laundry.
Like idk I just feel like all these little things should be innate because you do stuff like that for people you love. Either a lot of people have been burned by a very selfish lover or they're the ones who wouldn't even think to do it. I'm not sure which one it is
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