#rambles: the lucathy ideas
starlit-dreaming · 23 days
[idea] the spiteful fake dating au
inspo from this post [click here]
obligatory tag (im an attention whore and therefore i summon thee): @lithi @hwang-lucas
tl;dr if you dont wanna click on the link:
"i know we could half-ass it, but i would never fake mistreat my fake husband, how dare you" which reads like athy to me
"my baby cousins are probably screwed when it comes to their chances of turning out normal, but I’d like them to have one healthy example in their life" which can pass as a caring uncle lucas
the setting and my Vision:
modern au, lucathy are probably mid-20s or early 30s im thinking??? maybe kinda like the ons/fwb au where athy's like. 28 and lucas is gonna be 30
so as the lines i've quoted state, lucas is gonna be a caring uncle whose brothers have shit show marriages. a train wreck and not gonna be healthy at all (oldest has a falling apart 15 year marriage and kids were their solution of slapping tape on the problems; youngest has a hateful wife and is a doormat probably; i need a reminder on whether or not lucas is the youngest but im gonna treat him as the middle bro atm cause its the Vibes).
and yeah, he wants Nothing^tm to do with his family, but his nieces and nephews deserve to see a healthy relationship to have as an example and damn does he hate his in-laws more than his actual family
so he asks athy to be his fake wife
(i feel like it'd be funny if they signed a marriage certificate just in case lucas deals with paranoid family (when really he's just paranoid and athy's an overthinker who HELPED him get paranoid at the thought), then they got drunk, and accidentally submitted the paperwork and just straight up forgot
"wdym you guys ACTUALLY filed the paperwork?????????" -- helena probs
"oh shit does that mean we got married fr???" -- athy, before the panic settles in
it becomes an inside joke among their friends after the panic of it wears off because now they're pretty much committed to the bit for the sake of lucas' nieces and nephews so now there are jokes about "where's your wife/husband" and "" etc etc)
athy's gonna constantly overthink it (and desperately trying to avoid ever mentioning it to her parents because her mom would be so disappointed that there wasnt a wedding and claude might kill lucas if he makes athy cry)
plus she's 100% gonna be ready to fite lucas's shitty relatives if they say something bad about him
side note: diana 100% thinks that lucas is athy's long-time bf so she's always joking with claude that lucas is finally gonna drop down on one knee any day now and claude, being a super big grump, is just "at least its not that alpheus kid"
little do they know that lucas became a legit in-law (although they still invite him for family dinners, and when its mentioned that athy's parents treat him as family, lucas's parents and grandparents take that as a CHALLENGE)
athy being petty by having a sickeningly sweet relationship and talking about how wonderful lucas is as a husband and partner because of how much she just straight up hates one of the sister in-laws
i'm self-indulgent, so i'm gonna have the classic "my sister in-law tried to sleep with my husband" stories
also idk if its just me but when it comes to fake dating aus (which i'm a SUCKER for) i think its a++++++++ when one of them casually goes "yknow if we were actually doing this for realsies, we'd probably be making out in a closet rn" and the other person sweating cause that sounds infinitely better than what they're doing rn
the casual "oh yeah athy's crazy about that kinda shit" or "lucas would absolutely hate that lmao" and just FLEXING on everyone about how good of a partner they are to the other
and lucas, who originally suggested that they don't have to do any lovey-dovey stuff and that they can just be the same as always, ends up getting a fuming athy who more or less goes "my REPUTATION would be at stake if people found out that we broke up just because i wasn't being a loving and caring partner, so hell no!!!!!"
aksulifdfhbjdkshf i'm running on like,,,,,,, 5 hours of sleep and havent slept in like,,,,, 17 hours now
so i'm just gonna leave this unedited all-over-the-place mess here
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starlit-dreaming · 3 years
Lucathy Ideas (10/?)
never thought i’d see the day where i’d be hitting double digits for my lucathy idea posts tbh
this is more of a note to self, but i’d like to go back over my idea posts, clean em up, make it tidier and more coherent, maybe add more content to make it longer. idk when i’ll be doing that. maybe i’ll include a word count at the end of each post to show that i went back to edit all of it?
or maybe i’d pick one of the au ideas that’s really fucking long and flesh it out in a separate post and title it “Lucathy Ideas: Extended Edition” or something 😂
edit: fuck im actually considering it
obligatory warning: its a long post turn back to save yourselves  
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accidental sugar daddy acquisition -- Sugar Daddy Lucas AU
• i’m finally talking about my sugar daddy lucas au that i mentioned in post 9 of my lucathy ideas series and im ngl im surprised i never mentioned it before now???
• @lithium-15 and @hwang-lucas because i feel that these two are specifically interested in this au (i have another sugar daddy lucas au thats more nsfwyn, but i think i’ll save the nsfwyn au ideas for a later lucathy ideas post)
• i don’t remember the original prompt word for word, since i saw this otp idea several years ago and i dont really feel like scrolling through my otp idea tag on my inspo side blog (thats like,,, its like. at Least 3-4 years worth of posts i think???)
• tl;dr -- rich dude ends up becoming a broke pal’s anonymous benefactor thats like a gang leader or something. i think the premise of it was that the broke dude was a college student??? and they would eventually get their degree and meet the person that’s provided them financial stability.
• yes, its another rich lucas x broke athy. cause im a slut for that otp dynamic ngl
• idk if i want this to also be a single mom athy au??? and a crime boss lucas au
• actually yknow what fuck it lets say that athy’s a single mom (i’ll think of a different idea for crime boss lucas, though; its implied for this au, but i dont feel like going with that)
• if we wanna make it spicy we could say that lucas and athy had a one night stand and didn’t recognize each other or something. or maybe lucas recognized athy??? regardless, im not sure rn. im kinda leaning towards the fact that they didnt recognize each other
• so yeah. athy is a single parent, probably got pregnant while she was in college and couldnt bring herself to abort because she didnt want to be alone or something (similar to my lawyer athy + ons au -- she realized that she wanted to have a family)
• she’s a waitress at a coffee shop, owned by lily maybe? that stays open pretty late at night. hannah and ces are her coworkers, although they work mornings and afternoons
• helena and cabel are regulars, and lucas is somewhat of a regular who stops by for coffee at night
• im thinking that lucas would be an influential family with some shady dealings on the downlow (maybe? i don’t remember if the prompt had the rich pal be a rich and generous mob boss or something), and that he ends up more or less becoming the family heir to his grandmother’s business
• so he ends up being a regular at the cafe in the evenings and ends up befriending athy (begrudingly)
• she’s comfortable enough with him to talk about her babies (as usual, its gonna be the twins -- ari and eli from my other ideas/wips) and he’s just dumbfounded because he never expected her to be a single mother
• eventually he decides to anonymously help her out
• by buying the appartment property that she lives on
• and getting someone to act as the “landlord” and tell her that someone already paid for her rent, and that it’s something that the landlord is offering to all the single parent tenants (which. lucas decides why the fuck not, it’ll be less hassle for him, plus he’s stupid fucking rich)
• ok now i’m gonna go over the basic timeline that i have in mind:
• i like the idea that lucas and athy end up meeting at the cafe when she’s still pregnant. and that lucas just decides “fuck it i can afford to run a few businesses why tf not” and bought lily’s cafe, allowing lily to still run the business as she likes, and giving the staff higher pay and more benefits (and lily more or less has a positive view of lucas)
• spoilers: he totally bought the business after hearing that athy might need a second job after she gives birth to her babies cause like. babies are fucking expensive
• guess who also paid her hospital bills?
• if you guessed lucas, then you’d be correct
• so her babies are born, she’s got a pretty good pay, so she’s able to pay a babysitter to take care of the babies whenever she works.
• throughout their friendship, lucas will more or less be stuck wondering why the fuck he’s doing so much for athy, and at first it’s simply because he thought it was annoying to see her suffering so much just to try and make ends meet, and eventually its because “oh fuck its because i consider her to be an important friend”
• because even though he is attracted to her, he does consider her to be an important friend and all
• the feelings end up coming in later
• at one point, athy comments that while she wants to continue college and finish up her degree, she finds that saving money for her babies is more important
• and lucas is just “you do realize that im rich with a ton of money that doesnt really get used for much, right”
• and naturally athy’s a very stubborn person who, despite finding the offer to be very beneficial, is Very reluctant to take on his offer
• he more or less tells her that if she feels bad for taking advantage of this offer -- which she shouldnt since he wants to help her -- then his one request would be that she gets at least a degree in business (so that he can just hand the cafe over to her as a gift in the future if she wants it)
• so yeah. she ends up going to college
• in terms of the twin’s age, year 1: lucas provides her financial stability in terms of handling the hospital bills, her rent, and giving her better pay /// year 2: athy gets a babysitter for the twins and goes back to finish up college /// year 3: she gets her degree in business
• like. she’s a high schooler. looking for a summer job maybe??? and lucas is just “i have a friend looking for a babysitter”
• his niece, after being introduced to athy via lucas, is 100% in the conspiracy mindset that lucas and athy are exes or something and that this is lowkey his way of introducing his kids to the family
• and i mean. if we’re going with the idea that lucathy had a ons in this au, then she’s Technically not wrong with that theory?
• anyways, when the babies are finally 3 y/o, i’m thinking that lucas more or less established a place in athy’s life as her benefactor and friend, enough that the twins know that he’s always around
• hell, he’d probably go out of his way to help her buy groceries at one point. maybe a while before she hires his niece as a babysitter???
• i want the babies to cling onto lucas and call him dad when they’re toddlers because they both just see him with black hair and red eyes and go “he looks like ari/eli!!!”
• note to self: ari and eli both have black hair, but ari is the only one with red eyes (could pass off as rose pink like diana’s tbh). its only in wmmap-verse that they both have blonde hair and blue eyes (unless they’re in disguise)
• note: lucas’s niece is 100% going to teach the lucathy kids a bunch of slang. deadass i Will have these twins shouting shit like “YEET” or something
• i think thats all i had in mind for this au???
where the hell would i be without you -- Soulmates AU
• im ngl ive been listening to dodie music again (specifically “Sick of Losing Soulmates” which Hurts)
• i have like. 7 Soulmate AUs. but for now i’m just gonna focus on 1 of the 7 ideas i have, which happens to be the one that im the most interested in
• name of your sworn enemy / name of your soulmate
• for lucas, it’s Aeternithas de Alger Obelia and Athanasia de Alger Obelia. and tbh? he’s pretty pissed off that he has 2 names from the goddamn obelia royal fam tbh
• aeternithas would 100% assume that lucas is his soulmate (he isnt). idk who would be his other name. honestly? who tf knows cause i sure dont
• i considered having the whole soulmarks thing fade by claude’s generation, hence why athy wouldnt have a name on her wrist anymore, but i decided against it
• so lucas would be her soulmate
• the problem is that idk who would be her sworn enemy
• at first, i considered it to be claude for her sworn enemy, which would later change after she almost died (so after lucas saves her, claude’s name ends up disappearing)
• which i decided against cause i mean. he doesn’t Actually hate her from what i could tell. he just hates the fact that diana died and is coping with it by pinning the blame onto athy
• maybe he would be the name on athy’s wrist until she turned 5 y/o, when she actually meets him and causes a divergence from the lp-verse
• like. in the lp novel, claude wasnt her sworn enemy. i’d say it was probably jennette? and that lp athy believed that she had the rare platonic soulmate. or maybe she had ezekiel’s name as her soulmate, but she firmly believed that he was her sworn enemy since he’s jennette’s fiance
• the main reason why athy would have different names, comparing lp with wmmap athy, is because wmmap athy has the knowledge of her previous life
• at least, thats how i justified it lmao
what remains to be seen -- Model AU
• kinda self-explanatory, really
• like c’mon. look at lucas and athy and tell me that they can’t be models in the modern world
• i kinda imagine that athy would be a movie actress and model. normally she ends up playing princess roles, since she ended up gaining a lot of fans after her role as Princess Athanasia in the Lovely Princess movie when she was a teenager, so much that people often refer to her as “princess” or “Athy” (mainly from the people that worked with her on the film)
• she’ll be Lee Ji Hye in this au, but i’m referring to her as Athy to make it less confusing for my normally sleep-deprived squirrel brain
• i will admit that at one point i was tempted to have this as another fake dating au, where lucas and athy have their picture taken together and ends up having a shit ton of shippers
• lucas and athy for sure meet at a photoshoot for the first time
swipe tap swipe tap -- Tinder + Modern AU
• this is basically that imagine your otp post where this girl’s at an airport, her flight was delayed, and she’s swiping through tinder, and there’s a guy that’s behind her who goes “ouch. hard no for that one?” and she turns around and sees the guy she just swiped no on
oh how my knees go weak to be the one -- Canon Compliant
• similarly to the 100 prompt challenge of mine, i’d like to do a prompt challenge but with kisses
• not gonna go too detailed into it, since this will probably end up becoming another nsfwyn idea of mine. cause while im thinking of innocent kisses like butterfly, cheek, or forehead kisses, there’s definitely suggestive prompts here waiting to be written, especially when you look at the list
• also it doesn’t really help that i deadass got the title of this au from The Hush Sound’s “The Boys Are Too Refined”, and in the lyrics, there’s a mention of “oh, how my knees go weak to be the one / she kicks and bucks” plus “and if the timing is right / to sneak off into the night / i’ll let myself be taken just for the thrill”
• i considered using a lyric from their other song molasses, but that song gives off more of a sad vibe while the boys are too refined is more suggestive
• so yeah. suffice to say this is gonna be my nsfwyn project
• i’ll have to compile a list of different types of kisses, but if anyone’s curious on it that i’ll gladly post the list of which kisses i definitely plan on writing (i’m aiming to write 20 different kisses)
working out the differences -- Gym / Workout AU
• based off on a gym/workout prompt list: “I don’t care what your personal trainer says, if you keep doing it like that, you’re going to fuck yourself up, here let me show you how it’s done.“
• one of the au ideas that i don’t feel like writing, but it’s one of the au’s that i like to imagine, especially since it sounds really in character for lucathy
• like deadass lucas just criticizing athy’s personal trainer for being an absolute dumbass, and he’s infuriatingly annoying but he’s also RIGHT and athy absolutely hates him
• but eventually she decides to hire him and it’s 100% not because of how hot he looks in his black workout shirt
a writer and a murderer walk into a bar together... -- Matchmaking AU
• i’ve been, admittedly, looking through my “imagine your otp” tag on my side blog, and one of the otp prompts is about a matchmaking service based on your search history, and the match up ends up being a writer and a serial killer
• if it wasn’t obvious based on my previous au ideas, i’m a huge fan of author athy
• here’s the post in question [click here]
• im not too interested in writing death and all that, even if it’s for a murder comedy??? which is kind of ironic considering that i 100% wrote a murder mystery once when i was still in high school and was about to write a story involving detailed injuries and violence back in my college days, so this is just one of those ideas that’s vaguely in the back of my mind
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this is one of my smaller posts, since i guess i’m mainly thinking about both the sugar daddy lucas + single mom athy au, the nsfwyn-type of au’s, and the whole “going back to flesh out some details for some AUs or have the ideas be ready to get posted on wattpad and ao3” 
ideas i’d like to go over
• have one of my lucathy ideas post be focused on nsfwyn content (and thats my tag for 18+ content for those who would like to block the tag and avoid seeing those types of posts, and i sincerely hope that if i have minors following my blog, that you do Not read it or that you don’t actively let me know that you’re reading it otherwise i’ll feel inclined to actually kickstart my nsfwyn blog again. liking/reblogging posts are fine, i just don’t wanna know anything #let me be ignorant so i don’t feel like i need to be a responsible adult who has to hide that shit)
• my soulmate au for the death timer (although it’s probably gonna end up being pretty short
• hanahaki au (idk if ive mentioned it before; double check the ideas first)
• abo au w/alpha athy and beta lucas (did i ever mention this au too? fuck if i know; might talk about in the nsfwyn-focused idea post)
• au where athy ends up never meeting ezekiel prior to the debutante
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starlit-dreaming · 3 years
[WMMAP] Lucathy Ideas (9/?)
me: i am not going to work on more lucathy ideas brain: I aM nOt GoInG tO wOrK oN mOrE lUcAtHy IdEaS
as you can see, my impulse control is brilliant
and by brilliant i mean nonexistent
also im ngl this idea post is filled with self-indulgent au’s of mine that i haven’t given much thought until now
obligatory warning: its a long post turn back to save yourselves
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we can’t wait to see what you do next -- Good Bro Anastasius + Athy gets a huge fam AU
• i blame @lithium-15 for making me think of this au (i dont even remember the post talking about it but i remembered it enough to know that it was lithium who made the post i guess lmao man past wyn sure does assume that i’m gonna remember to actually link the post istg)
• an au where athy gets aunts and uncles and anastasius didn’t decide to go batshit so athy has lots of family
• the divergence is that anastasius remains a good bro to claude
• penelope ends up falling for anastasius, and claude is understandably down in the dumps over it cause like. his older bro and his best friend, the girl he always thought he’d end up marrying, pretty much got together
• loo k. i want brother shenanigans between anastasius and claude. so im twisting things in order to get athy an even bigger family. and i also just love the idea of anastasius trying to shove paperwork onto claude
• since this is a good bro ana + athy gets a huge fam au, we’re gonna need a shit ton of aunts, uncles, and grandparents
• well
• let’s ignore the previous king and ana’s mom. the only grandparent that matters is claude’s mother who LIVES cause anastasius isnt a dirtbag in this au, therefore he doesn’t kill claude’s mom and she is a 100% doting mother and grandmother
• i guess we Will acknowledge the fact that the previous king was most likely a floozy so claude and ana would arguably have more brothers and sisters perhaps?
• because im a sucker for diana lives, she’ll get to live in this au!!! dont look at me im a simp!!!!!!!!!!
• athy doesnt get to grow up alone. she gets lots of cousins and older sibling figures, and a few younger sibling figures
• for funsies we could say that its wmmap athy, but she’s gonna be completely confused because this is Nothing like the novel that she read in her previous life
• anyways, rather than wanting to leave the palace, athy is more or less just incredibly curious and interested in learning about the world, so she occasionally ends up wandering around
• her meeting with lucas happens similarly, but if we want we could say that its lp lucas who recognized athy’s mana since he. well. y’know. took her mana in the lp universe maybe
• the overall conflict in this story would be the fact that, with athy’s intelligence, everyone’s placed into factions on their support for who gains the crown -- jennette, the daughter of the emperor, or the brilliant athanasia who was considered a born genius, among many cousins
• i’m ngl i’ve been rereading [I’ll Be The Matriarch In This Life] so when it comes to this au, that’s the kinda vibe im going for???
• hmm. tbh, now that’s giving me Another idea,,,,,,
I’ll Be The Patriarch In This Life -- Crossover AU
• a [I’ll Be The Matriarch In This Life] crossover with WMMAP
• i considered having lucas be the 2nd prince since athy and firentia share similarities, like how ambitious they both are, but i’m ngl, i just can’t really imagine it much? especially since i feel like lp athy would be better suited as the hated princess
• an au in which anastasius remains as the emperor; claude dies during a fight against anastasius, shortly after meeting diana, and so athy ends up being raised in the ruby palace. anastasius “graciously” adopted her as the 2nd princess, but pretty much leaves athy and diana abandoned in the ruby palace
• lowkey tempted to say it’ll also be a lucathy reincarnation au but i’ll have to sit and think on that for a while
• or maybe lp lucas and athy end up reincarnating into this crossover au? 🤔
• regardless, lily and felix are the only ones that take care of athy in the ruby palace when diana passes away
• lucas, being absolutely bored, decides that he’ll try his hand at becoming the next head of the hwang family and (eventually) succeeds
• his parents are still pretty shitty, but his brothers are. kinda ok, maybe? idk yet i literally came up with this idea 5 minutes after finishing the whole “Good Bro Ana + Athy has a Big Fam AU” idea
something i used to know -- Memory + Canon Divergence AU
• i thought of the word “familiar” when i was laying in bed trying to fall asleep at 2am, and my adhd took that and decided to bring back the whole steven universe song in my head and now i cant stop thinking of that song pls send help
• idk why but athy came to mind during the whole thing
• maybe it was because i was on tumblr when one of @lithium-15’s posts showed up on my dash literally one minute before my brain started to kickstart a mental musical (the post comparing younger claude and athy with “forgotten” being the only text and if future wyn remembers to find that post to like and maybe reblog then it’ll later be added with a “click here” link)
• so its a canon divergence from the tea party where the explosion affected athy which caused her to remember her first life, and so she becomes very hesitant being around claude before remembering that jennette never debuted as another princess. she might have blank moments in her memory
• she’s especially confused about lucas cause like. she does Not remember him in her memories from her first life
• lucas is extremely pissed that this happened while he was away and it turns out that only claude’s magic would be able to help her recovery the memories she lost (and maybe the curse thats sticking to her)
• although alternatively we could also just whack athy with the magic tree branch -- bam, she doesn’t feel like shes having an existential crisis, the curse on athy is dissolved, and yay happy ending
• except knowing me im gonna make all of y’all suffer (including myself)
• i dont actually know where i was gonna go with this au
cavalleresco -- Musician AU
• inspo from Your Lie In April, but i refused to let it be a sad ending hence why it’s simply just a musician au
• like crescendo, cavalleresco is a music terminology. cavalleresco means “chivalrous”
• i couldn’t reuse crescendo as a title no matter how much i love the term. i have too many fanfic docs with the title and i ultimately used it for bnha on ao3 shhhhhh i just Cant use it again
• athy would 100% be kaori while lucas would be kousei. but i didn’t really want to do the whole “faking a romantic interest to get close to her actual love interest” kind of thing, especially since i’ve ultimately decided on just making this a musician au instead of an actual Your Lie In April au
• so yeah. they’re all just friends
• the quartet will be helena, cabel, lucas, and athy, as per usual. plus, it works out because helena has a crush on lucas and cabel was infatuated with athy in canon, and we’re just crack shipping it up to get calena as an end result
• also, kaori was originally like lp athy -- a bit of a wallflower, probably considered to be gloomy, who would later get a personality change like wmmap athy: sociable, etc, etc
• i do want lucas to be under the impression that athy and kiel are developing feelings for each other (even though it’d be one-sided)
• diana lives because again i’m a simp for her, like claude is
funny how a memory turns into a bad dream -- To All The Boys I Loved AU
• recently started listening to “moral of the story” by ashe on repeat again, this time with niall too sometimes, and i just found out that the song’s in the sequel [To All The Boys: P.S. I Still Love You]
• i’m ngl i’m using this au as an incentive to get me to watch the other movies of the series, cause i only watched the first movie in the year that it came out
• some of my oc’s are gonna show up, with some minor info written here (x)
• now, there’s two ways that i could have this au be. one is where athy is lara jean and peter is lucas, or the alternative is that jennette is lara jean, josh is ezekiel, and helena’s younger brother ends up being peter
route 1: the lucathy focus
• as mentioned before, athy would be lara jean while lucas would be peter. which makes sense storywise, because lucas 100% would have a strained relationship with his family, while athy would panic left and right if all her letters ended up getting delivered to everyone by accident
• i’m employing athanase from my twin siblings au to be athy’s younger brother and the culprit behind sending the letters out (except it’ll be a genuine accident because he saw the letters in an envelope, with names and addresses written on it -- literally what else was he supposed to think? actually. now that i think about it. the movie was kinda unrealistic in this sense unless lara jean’s little sister knew the addresses for all the people lara jean wrote letters for)
• the main reason why im a bit hesitant about going with this au focus is because, well, the only person i can think of using to fit the role of the antagonist would be jennette
• although now that i’m thinking about it, this au would probably better fit athy and kiel better, probably??? but because i’m stubbornly lucathy all the way, so i would never want to write it (for the multishippers who love athy and kiel feel free to take the idea and run with it)
• back to the lucathy. so jennette would probably be placed in the role of the ex-girlfriend (she’s lp jennette, the one we dislike/hate)
• also, one of the letter’s recipients is going to be one of the girls i wrote about here that’s for [in the back of my mind] (click here). it won’t be the same pairing for that story, but feel free to theorize which of these girls i’m gonna be pairing up haha. the girl i’m choosing will still be pretty fucking gay
• i don’t remember what else i had for this route, because surprisingly it wasnt my main focus when i was thinking of this au
route 2: the crack ship route
• while calena is indeed my guilty ship, its jennette and helena’s younger brother who’s the main focus!!! for simplicity’s sake, i’m gonna refer to helena’s younger brother as “chrysanthos” until i have a better fill-in name for the guy
• so jennette would be lara jean
• and, ok, im ngl, i dont remember the ideas that i had for this idea. if i finished working on this post a week ago, then i would’ve remembered it, but unfortunately i don’t
the world doesn’t owe you a cent -- Heathers AU
• with lp athy being veronica, and lucas being jd
• it’s self-explanatory tbh
• i was listening to beautiful and candy store on repeat the other day ok,,,,, and i’ve been listening to “freeze your brain” here and there, if the title wasnt obvious
• i don’t plan on writing this au, since it’ll end up being a pretty angsty ending, but i don’t want to give it a happy ending otherwise it’ll start feeling like im rewriting another au ideas of mine that just happens to have a different beginning at this point
it’s not an accidental child acquisition, i swear -- Single Parent AU
• so @lithium-15 and @hwang-lucas has given me ideas after the revelation that lucas apparently has a niece from his younger brother (does she even have a name? i forgot to ask, and at this point, i’ll probably name her iris instead, and to avoid the whole “whoops i have an oc named iris in another wmmap au thats awkward” i’ll probably be renaming that oc)
• naturally im taking that fact and running it through the au ideas
• technically this is an uncle lucas au but he might as well be a single dad
• it’s a modern au, and lucas’s younger brother isn’t capable of taking care of his daughter
• possible reasons: his wife is dead and he’s filled with grief, there’s a messy divorce going on and neither parent want to take care of her, he’s a businessman who often works abroad and can’t offer his daughter stability, or he’s stationed overseas (and in the military) with a wife that’s out of the picture.
• regardless, he can’t take care of his daughter, and he couldn’t really think to ask anyone else (maybe their older brother is a businessman and lucas’s younger bro wants someone who will actually be able to Care for his daughter)
• so yeah. lucas ends up becoming his niece’s guardian for like. a year or two (if we’re going with a military route)
• since im a sucker for the childhood friends trope, lucas and athy are still childhood friends in this au
• i have a few ideas for athy, like maybe she’s a child of divorce and lived with her mother for a few years before meeting claude after diana passes. regardless, athy Understands what its like to have a parent who’s there but isn’t Always there, which is gonna be something that causes athy to really get along with lucas’s niece
• lucas is pretty wealthy, maybe a big name freelance developer??? and idk about athy, but i want her to work with numbers -- maybe be an accountant or auditor? the main reason is similar to lucas, in the fact that she’ll have a flexible schedule
• as i mentioned to ilyusha, i have too many roommates au’s. and as im typing this i now realize that i don’t have a lot of neighbours au’s, so i’m gonna remedy that by making this au one of them
• so lucas and athy both live in the same apartment complex, they literally live right next door to each other and they didn’t even find out until they several months after moving into the apartment complex. im thinking that they maybe lost contact with each other at some point during high school
• a lot of the time they might as well just be roommates since they hang out all the goddamn time, but the reason why they dont is because they both firmly believe that they’d be terrible roommates to each other (sometimes lucas has to stay up late, and sometimes when athy cooks she ends up making too much noise that it wakes lucas up, etc, etc)
• so i mentioned that if i made them roommates, i was going to have there be this huge misunderstanding from lucas’s niece, in the fact that she thought that lucas and athy are exes who decided to stay as just friends, and she’ll be all like “omg they still love each other though i have to help them get back together!!!!”
• side note: athy 100% makes a comment going “oh wow i didnt realize you had a kid, dude” when she first meets lucas’s niece and lucas needing to clarify that she’s his niece, not his daughter
• spoilers: he practically adopts her as his daughter
• i’m thinking his niece would be maybe 5 y/o, and that she ends up starting school after she moves in with lucas. i have a lot of fond memories from when i was a kindergartener and my grandpa would walk me home. he always carried my backpack and would carry me if my legs got tired
• so yeah i guess i’m calling lucas an old man if im drawing inspo on my childhood memories
• in this au, i feel like lucas and athy would co-sign on a car together, since they’re both pretty much recluses and only ever need it for grocery shopping. so after lucas gets the adoption papers-- i mean,,, guardianship over his niece,he’s pretty much taking the car to drive her to and from school
• and like i told ilyusha,,,,,, i just really want his niece to say “auntie athy”,,,,,,,,,,
• and cause ilyusha suggested it she’ll also call lucas “uncle lulu” although i also have the suggestion of her specifically saying “unkie lulu” based off on a cute kidfic that i reread a while back and idk i just thought that was really cute??????
• as a 5 y/o she 100% assumes that athy and lucas are together. on father’s day she gives lucas a card. same goes for athy on mother’s day
• in this au i like the idea of athy and lucas both becoming best friends in a high school cooking class, and they end up developing cooking habits from the class thats been carried with them over the years to the point where they both kinda have their own little agreements on what to do whenever they cook together -- who handles the meat (athy), who handles the seasoning (lucas), etc, etc
• they also wash the dishes together -- one washes, the other dries, or they’ll make an agreement that whoever cooks doesnt have to wash the dishes
• guys please imagine lucas wiping his niece’s mouth with a napkin after a messy meal,,,,,,,, and athy just watching them with a lil smile
• athy teaching her how to make microwavable cookie in a mug
• they have designated movie nights that takes place at athy’s apartment in the living room, and lucas’s niece gets to bring all the pillows and blankets over and they Cuddle
• uncle cabel and aunt helena pls,,,,,, in which cabel probably fueled most of the misunderstandings involving lucathy
• when the niece becomes a teen/teenager, lucas gives her a vague form of The Talk??? except it wasnt Actually a Birds and the Bees talk, it was actually a “be careful about boys, i don’t see any point in you wearing makeup but if you need any advice, talk to Athy, but don’t listen to her advice when it comes to romance blah blah blah” talk
• idk why but i just Really like the idea of his niece having her first period and her only response to the situation is to just. Cry. she’s mortified and embarrassed about it, and lucas doesnt know what to do so he immediately turns to athy for help
• and athy just going “omg dude chill she’s just going through her first period”
• cue lucas buying chocolates and a bunch of period comfort things for his niece that he used to buy for athy (the chocolates especially)
• i want her to say “but uncle and auntie are more like a mommy and daddy to me” and lucas who’s eavesdropping is just clutching his chest, feeling extremely touched that his niece sees him as a father figure
• grandma lily was mentioned in the convo and i gotta say,,,,,, i just really cant help but imagine lily getting huge nostalgia from when she babysat athy, and is just “you remind me so much of athanasia when she was your age”• and i want his niece to respond with “like mommy?” in any convo that talks about how similar she is to athy when athy was younger
• im dying from the cute imagery send help
• is it obvious yet that im a sucker for found family because if not then let it be known that i’m a sucker for found family, guys
• back to the teenager phase of the niece’s life -- i 100% want her to have a rebel phase. like an argument that ends with a “you’re not even my real dad!” and cue her running out of the room
• in this case, she would run to athy’s apartment, and lucas would probably just sit on the sofa with her words echoing in his head, and athy giving him a comforting pat on the back before checking on the niece
• maybe it was because lucas ended up being one of those Dads who didnt approve of the boys that shes hanging around with
• spoilers: shes probably gay and in the closet and eventually comes out when she’s in her late teenage years
• at one point lucas just flat out asks his bro if he could adopt his daughter, and his bro agreeing to it
• bonus points if its a lucathy slowburn. so slow that it physically HURTS. so slow that they dont actually end up getting together until the later years, maybe when the niece is around 17
• i feel like i’d find that both Hilarious but also Painful if it took lucathy nearly 2 decades to get together
sounds fake but okay -- Fake Marriage AU
• did i need another fake marriage au? no. am i considering on another one anyways? yes.
• best selling author athy x bartender lucas
• pls imagine lucas wearing a suit ty
• like almost every other au in this post, there’s 2 ways for this to go
• update; 3 days after making this draft: never mind make that 3 different ways this could turn out to be
route 1: rip diana
• some backstory -- claude and diana pretty much broke up while diana was pregnant with athy, and claude finds out after 5 y/o athy ends up running into him and bam. baby athy brought her parents back together, and the tl;dr is that diana regrets never talking things out with claude before athy was born
• diana, in this au, ends up dying when athy turns 20, but the problem is that diana added a condition for athy in order to receive an additional thing from diana’s will
• and that condition involves athy being married
• the reason why the condition involves athy being married is because diana didn’t want her to make the same mistake that she did regarding her relationship with claude
• and athanasia was dating ezekiel several months prior to diana’s death, where they were both pretty serious and were even discussing marriage
• keyword: was
• as in they had the misfortune to break up a week or two before diana dies
• so then several months pass and athy’s pretty much stuck with both writer’s block and desperately trying hard not to think about whatever diana left for her that’s waiting for the day until athy actually gets married
• she considered asking helena to marry her early (cause lots of benefits from being married lbr), but unfortunately cabel finally proposed
• so when athy gets her writer’s block, helena decides to invite her and the girls out for a drink at a bar
• meanwhile, lucas who lost a bet with his brothers now has to work at a bar for several months
• athy ends up getting drunk and starts ranting to lucas about diana’s will and how she and ezekiel broke up (speaking of which, the idea of the breakup is essentially a “we drifted apart” type of situation, in which everything starts feeling like a dull routine to the point where it feels like they were together for the sake of being together, and while she’s a little heartbroken over it, she’s also a little relieved)
• eventually lucas ends up taking her mind off of things by telling her work-related stories since bartenders end up becoming unwilling therapists. and athy starts sobering up a little and more or less starts taking notes cause story inspo
• while the situation involving diana’s will doesn’t get solved, her writer’s block gets kicked to the curve, and athy starts occasionally dropping by the bar, keeping lucas company on slow nights
• and then a series of convoluted events happen, they fall in love, and eventually end up getting married to each other
• the only thing that diana left for athy that required her being married was a letter to athy, and a letter to her future spouse. there’s multiple letters to athy that diana wrote to her over the years
• the letter to athy’s future spouse is meant to be something heartfelt, something that was essentially just “take care of each other” or something along those lines idk
• i realize now after writing all this out that route 1 doesn’t actually follow the fake marriage au idea but tbh im too lazy to move it
route 2: the hwang family inheritance dispute
• ngl some inspo came from [Daisy: How to Become the Duke’s Fiancée], but of course, it doesn’t follow the story of that manhwa
• what happens is that lucas has a bunch of asshole family members that’s after his grandmother’s inheritance, the only exception being his younger brother who wants to be a scholar
• his grandmother is essentially annoyed to hell and back, so she decides that she’ll make her decision when her grandchildren actually gets off their lazy bums and be happily married
• now, to everyone, this comment seems unimportant. like a “maybe after you do this and this, i’ll actually start to think about it” or a “you’re already an eligible bachelor/ette -- why aren’t you married yet?! i want grandchildren!” kinda vibes
• but to lucas, he knows that it’s an actual requirement if he wants to gain his grandmother’s inheritance
• thus he decides to talk to cabel, who decides to introduce a friend of his -- athanasia -- who needs money to help pay for her mother’s medicine or else she’ll end up dying
• cue them having a deal and doing the whole fake marriage (although is it really a fake marriage if they’re both agreeing to get married?)
it’s only a matter of time -- Time Travel AU
• the sequel to [#fic: a chance for change] which is “Characters Watching Their Series” concept where athanasi fucked up on a magic circle and ends up spoiling the future for everybody
• except this is the time travel au that @hwang-lucas was 👀ing at, with Attheia “second (unofficial crown) princess” de Alger Obelia being the protagonist who fucked up a spell incantation that was meant to turn back time on a tree
• remember the huge ass tree featured during one of athy’s get togethers with the girls or the one near the lake where athy almost drowned? thats the tree and that’s where she ends up popping up when she travels back in time
• there are two routes that i could go for this time travel au
route 1: the route that i’ll most likely be going with
• attheia is only 14 y/o and she meets both of her parents who are around 18 y/o and she’s kinda freaking out because her parents aren’t together yet, as she was led to believe that they were both in love at this point in life
• which is a misconception on attheia’s part, because athanasia only told her that she realized that she loved lucas when she was 18 -- she did Not say that they got together when they were 18
• cue attheia freaking out over this misunderstanding and thinking that her existence is going to cease to exist thanks to her showing up out of nowhere
• so attheia resolves to play matchmaker for her parents
• unfortunately
• ok, so right off the bat, claude is the first person she runs into. and claude is staring at this girl dumbfounded because “what the fuck why is there a younger athanasia with black, less wavy hair”
• when attheia introduces herself as athanasia’s daughter in 674984987 years in the future (idk i wasnt keeping track of athanasia’s age in comparison with her kids ok, all i remember is that she gave birth to the twins when she’s 21 shhhhh), claude more or less gets annoyed
• not at attheia, no, but at the fact that he knows who her father is
• cause like. attheia is insanely talented in magic. and on top of that, she has long, straight black hair. and even if she’s as polite as athanasia, she’s as “insolent” as a certain tower mage. so like. it doesn’t take a genius to figure it out
• anyways
• everyone knows that attheia is athy’s daughter, but they dont know who her father is. all they have is speculations and attheia is essentially just “yeah lmao i probably shouldnt say anything i like being born thank you very much”
• while internally screaming because again. her parents aren’t together-together. and she’s 99% sure that her being there is fucking up the future
• she ends up talking to her aunt jennette who’s curious about who athy ends up marrying and asks if she marries ezekiel
• cause like. yeah sure concubines are normal for the emperor/empress right so by logic it means that its possible for athy to have multiple lovers
• except athy and lucas dont have any other lovers besides each other (ignoring whatever happened in the past for lucas coughs a headcanon that @lithium-15 has me high key Considering coughs)
• so yeah, attheia confirms that it’s not ezekiel at the very least, and that he’s happily married to another noble lady. and attheia has to confirm that he didn’t marry jennette after further questioning, and that her “aunt jennette married into the iraine family”
• which causes jennette to recognize helena’s younger brother as a potential suitor (she thought of him as a good brother of one of her friends, but never thought of him much more than that)
• cue attheia matchmaking everyone
• everyone except her parents
• cue more panicking
• it also doesn’t help that athy’s hard for her to figure out, since whenever they talk about lucas, athanasia seems to look disinterested or red in the face with “anger and irritation”
• except athy is high key in love and adamantly refuses to do anything about it yet
• and attheia tries to figure out what’s going on with lucas, only to later have a one on one convo where lucas goes “yeah, i know i’m your dad -- you’re being really obvious about trying to get me and athanasia together” and is just “we’ll get together at our own pace”
• eventually attheia is successful in getting her parents to go on a date together (although it was pretty much the same as the first lucathy date where they basically held hands and nothing major happens, except this time lucas is more aware of his fondness for athy)
• by the time attheia returns to the future, there’s only 1 major change that she ended up causing
• the kids were born 2 years earlier
• (jk. her siblings found out about her time travelling and most of them decided to be little shits by making her think that they were all born 2 years earlier)
• ((or at least. maybe that’s what i Want you to think))
route 2:
• attheia is still 14 y/o, but in this route, she would end up time travelling to a month after the debutante and appears during athy’s picnic with the ladies. i dont remember much about what i had when it comes to ideas but the tl;dr is basically just this:
• she ends up staying at the palace as a “guest” and only claude, athy, felix, and lily knows that she’s actually athy’s future daughter due to the fact that she resembles athy and has the royal family’s blue eyes (and again, only claude is the one who immediately picks up on the fact that athy chose lucas as her future husband much to his irritation)
• attheia shows up shortly after lucas leaves, hence why he’s not included in that little list of people who know about her
• she more or less ends up accompanying athy for the most part. ends up going “man it feels really weird without my brothers and sisters here” and cue the homesick vibes
• shortly after athy gets jennette’s present, attheia more or less goes “oh did dad give you a present?” because, well, i imagine that the reason why lucas didn’t know what exactly caused the magic explosion was because anastasius/aeternithas, whose magic is confirmed to be the same as his (e.g. when lucas checked in on claude, it was his magic that made him unable to regain claude’s memories, right? therefore, attheia who’s incredibly familiar with her dad’s magic vibes would end up picking up on that)
• and attheia ends up clearing up the magic on the brooch after being suspicious about it when athy confirmed that it was from jennette and not her father (“whoever your father is”)
• thus causing a canon divergence -- where the magic explosion Doesnt happen at athy’s tea party
• for how this route would end, i’d imagine that lucas would come back from the world tree and just go “wtf? this isn’t your time. yeet” -- he’d flick her forehead and bam attheia would be back in her time
• you can tell that i put in a ton of work brainstorming for this route
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | [9] | 10 | 11
im ending it off on here because i had too many ideas this time around to think of so i’m deciding to make a note to ramble about them in the next idea post (if i remember ever making a note at the bottom of this post,,,,,)
• sugar daddy lucas au
• my soulmates au (i have like. 5 other different ideas but for now i’m focusing on the “name of your sworn enemy and your soulmate” and a “timer that counts down to their death” cause i have an idea on how it ALL fits into the wmmap-verse)
• single parent athy au
• model au???
side note: maybe combine the sugar daddy lucas with the single parent athy au
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starlit-dreaming · 3 years
[WMMAP] Lucathy Ideas (8/?)
hel p
why do i always start writing this post after 3am and decide to just Finish them at least before 1pm like what the fuck sleep deprived wyn???
warning: its a long post turn back to save yourselves
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | [8] | 9 | 10 | 11
Diary of Athanasia de Alger Obelia -- Canon Divergence AU
• i blame @lithium-15 for encouraging me to write some sad. out of all the au’s in this post, this one probably has the least amount of discussion for lucathy
• basically, claude ends up finding a few diaries belonging to a dead girl in the library and assumes that it must’ve belonged to a dead member of the royal family, considering that he finds the diary when he’s only a child and athanasia is a name bestowed upon a child of the royal family
• throughout growing up, he ends up finding comfort in the stories from the Unwanted Princess of the Ruby Palace, due to knowing what it’s like to be an unwanted prince himself. the first of the three books focus on the everyday life, discussing bits and pieces of what she knows about her father and how she’d like to meet him some day. the first of her diaries help him get through his childhood
• the second book of athanasia’s diaries begins with the first time she meets her father, the emperor. the entries go into details of her plans, where she believes that if she studied harder and did her best to be as educated as she possibly could, then her father would finally look at her. until the final entry ends with the fact that she has a sister who gets introduced in front of everyone
• the third book of athanasia’s diaries continues on with the remainder of her life, the fact that she was kind and welcomed jennette as a sister, the fact that jennette had earned her father’s love whereas she was disregarded coldly. the fact that her father told her that not once had he ever considered her to be his daughter, up until jennette had been poisoned and that she was blamed for the event, that lily had died and that athanasia was sentenced to death by her own father
• the second and third book more or less makes him want to be a better emperor, so claude ends up resolving to become a better father than the emperor thats mentioned in the diary entries
• until he finds a letter in the diary that slips out. a letter that says “dear your majesty, from athanasia de alger obelia”, in which the letter is a formal request to be removed from the royal family’s records. its emotional, its straightforward, its baffling
• because the emperor’s name was his. but claude had never seen the name mentioned anywhere in the royal family’s records
• when diana ends up pregnant, and he finds out that she’s going to die, and that she wants to name their unborn daughter Athanasia, everything ends up getting pieced together
• maybe he tries to desperately figure out a way to save diana and ends up meeting lucas, as its a wmmap divergence and manages to get a Diana Lives divergence for a happy everybody lives/nobody dies ending
• maybe diana ended up not surviving and when he meets wmmap athy when she’s 5 y/o, he decides to try and do as his teenager self had resolved to be -- a better father than lp claude
• if we do the Diana Lives ending, then lucas could return 5 years after saving diana from dying and notice that athy was different (as its wmmap athy) and decides to hang around because of how interesting she is
The Curious Case of Claude de Alger Obelia -- Modern Murder Mystery AU
• again, i blame @lithium-15 for encouraging me to write sad
• lucas is a detective that’s involved with the investigation of claude’s murder. athanasia is a rising star actress who ends up taking a brief break from work to handle the death of claude
• she’s considered a prime suspect behind his murder, mainly because everyone among the servants of the manor to her father’s business associates are aware of the fact that she had a major falling out with claude when she was a teenager
• of course, anastasius was the one who killed claude and more or less pinned the blame onto athy, but that feels like an “of course its anastasius ffs”
• felix, lily, and some of the servants argue for athy’s innocence, as they all knew that she hadnt appeared at the obelia estate in years
• in the end, lucas ends up solving the case, and athy ends up getting things wrapped up with the lawyer and claude’s will, only to end up finding out that claude had a chest of personal items hidden in his room thats filled with things that athy had gifted him since she was a child
• which causes athy to have an emotional breakdown because he never made any indication that he loved her when he was still alive. and here she was, finding out that claude had left her Everything in his will
• basically, sad times for athy
• and maybe lucas pats her back in a comforting manner, maybe a hug
• there’s a funeral, where claude is buried beside athanasia’s mother, and athanasia thanks lucas for showing up and for solving her father’s murder and for helping her realize that he never hated her as she stubbornly believed
• and idk if i actually wanna do this, but i was picturing that they’re both standing alone before claude and diana’s gravestone, and athy telling him “you were right”, and revealing the fact that they were childhood friends that ended up growing apart when they were teenagers (due the both of them drifting apart due to their own family dramas)
I Never Wanted To Be A Princess!!! -- Transmigration AU
• a transmigrated jennette au! can you guys tell that i fucking love transmigration au’s because boy do i fucking love them and now its a transmigrated jennette au instead
• it follows the story of wmmap, except jennette is only aware of the lp story, and is very adamant in keeping athanasia alive because she’s an athanasia stan
• she’s also not interested in becoming a princess because it sounds very troublesome to know this and that and be perfecct and poised and all
• the only divergence is that lucas tells athanasia, after their first time of seeing her, that jennette is the same as athy in the fact that she’s lived another life, which causes athy to be somewhat open to the idea of interacting with jennette in later years
• unlike most of my au ideas, this isn’t lucathy-focused. there’s definitely going to be lucathy in the fact that transmigrated jennette heavily ships them, but its actually going to be heavily focused on chrysanthos/jennette (chrysanthos is the name im gonna be using for helena’s younger brother, until i end up getting a different name to consider using)
• as in they end up meeting at the debutante and sharing a dance together
• the boi ends up falling for her and jennette’s just “aw he’s Adorable” and so jennette and helena become pretty good friends that they regularly visit each other’s family estate (helena inviting jennette and teasing her lil bro who has a very blatant crush on jennette, while jennette doesnt even consider him to be a potential suitor yet)
• jennette tries to support ezekiel, but. she ships lucathy and so jennette’s more or less thinking “i coULD TRY TO GET MY BFF HELENA AND MY BRO EZEKIEL TOGETHER!!! YES PERFECT” cue inviting kiel to join her and helena for tea and all that
• helena’s lil bro is trying his damnest to appeal to jennette as a potential suitor, even asking her if she’d like to take a walk through the gardens, and jennette accepting his offer to give helena and ezekiel a chance to be alone
• and like. helena is hopeful and thinks that jennette is finally beginning to reciprocate her lil bro’s feelings. while ezekiel is just “i’m pretty sure she’s trying to get US together” and they’re just two older siblings hoping that their lil siblings finally get together
• it’ll finally happen at athy’s 18th bday ball, when helena’s bro confesses to jennette at the palace gardens
• and jennette is just. floored. surprised. shocked.
• she invites athy for tea to talk about helena’s bro unexpectedly being in love with her while athy confesses that she thinks that she’s fallen in love with lucas and they’re both just talking about their respective loves
• jennette decides to accept the courtship to try and figure out if her feelings for helena’s younger bro is less then platonic or could become romantic, while athy decides that she’s gonna try and court lucas
The Disappearance of Athanasia de Alger Obelia -- Cursed + Canon Divergence AU
• this idea is based off on a geo.kata fic called Lost and Found written by RosamundRosemary on ao3, where katarina wakes up as her appearance from her previous life, leaves, and ends up going missing
• like the fic that this au is based off on, athy gets cursed to “reveal her true self”, resulting in athanasia appearing as the person she was in her previous life -- Lee Ji Hye (lmk if i got that spelled wrong cause i’m going off on memory here). long brown hair and dark brown eyes
• so she ends up leaving the palace grounds and essentially goes missing, due to the fact that she doesn’t want to be accused of doing something to the princess and get in trouble and all that
• i’m thinking that this should happen shortly after the debutante, when athy is still only 14. maybe one of the noble girls was insanely jealous for not being invited to one of athy’s tea parties and decided that there’s just no way she’s as perfect as everyone says that she is, so she manages to hire a mage to sneak into the palace grounds and do the whole curse thing
• it’ll happen before athy’s third tea party with the noble ladies, meaning that lucas won’t be around, the tea party won’t end up being a disaster due to athy wearing the hair accessory, and claude won’t lose his memories
• everyone is firmly under the impression that athy was kidnapped, and that she was forced to write a letter saying that she ran away
• until they end up finding her diary talking about her previous life and how she turned out to be living in the world of a novel that she once read
• cue the panic between lily and felix who are the only ones entrusted with this information. claude gets confirmation that jennette is the daughter of penelope and anastasius, lily is heartbroken cause athy had to have felt stressed out from being alone in this knowledge, and felix resolves to find and ensure that she’s better protected when she returns
• ezekiel and jennette also try to search for her in their own ways, by visiting towns nearby the alpheus villa or estate, while felix personally heads out on investigations by going from town to towns, and they’re just tirelessly trying to find athy
• because athy hasn’t absorbed the remainder of her magic from blackie, she’s more or less just a normal girl, and she pretends as if she had recently moved to the obelian empire from arlanta, maybe (considering that she’s capable of speaking fluent arlantan, it wouldnt be much of a stretch)
• athy gets a job at the library and works as a translator who spends her time transcribing texts and getting paid a decent amount, which she considers to be an infinite improvement from her previous life
• and maybe accidentally become a teacher for the kids living on the streets and all that, and accidentally ended up funding the creation of an orphanage near the forest supported by the villagers
• she ends up meeting jennette, who says that shes desperately trying to find her sister, which athanasia is immediately,,,, “o-oh ok i wish you lots of luck” cause she immediately knows that jennette is talking about her
• helena and a bunch of the noble girls from her tea parties are also out searching for her
• a festival happens in the town that athy’s living in, and while its not the main focus, helena’s little bro and jennette will be meeting each other and falling in love istg its gonna happen in thiS AU OK
• around this time, lucas just got back to the castle and is just
• confused
• cause where tf is athanasia??? he can’t sense her magic anywhere. so he decides to formally greet claude to inform of his return and to figure out what the situation is
• he’s rightfully pissed when he finds out that something happened to athy and he wasn’t there to stop it
• claude decides to trust lucas with info they found in what was probably athy’s diary (well, it wasn’t really a diary and was more like her game plan in a notebook but thats besides the point). lucas drops by her room to try and figure out some more things and ends up finding out that athy’s been cursed due to faint traces of black magic
• he reaches the conclusion that athy was cursed, and she left the castle due to the curse. he doesn’t know what curse was used due to the fact that it’s been months since it happened, but he more or less brings in the mage that cursed athy and the dude confessed to everything, including the name of the person that paid him to curse the princess
• while claude deals with that, lucas peaces out to go and find athy.
• it only takes lucas 3 days to find her
• well, it was 3 days too long if you asked him, but everyone else is just goddamn relieved that he found her
• he pretty much snaps his fingers and undoes the curse placed on her and bam she’s back to normal. the reason why he recognized her was because he already knew what she looked like from her previous life, and that now that his magic is fully recovered, he can already tell what happened in her previous lives
• she briefly changes back to tell everyone that she’s going to be moving back home, and thanks everyone that she befriended for being so kind to her (she only tells one or two of them that she’s actually the missing princess)
• i think thats all i had for this idea???
• as an epilogue idea, i like to consider that athy occasionally changes into the appearance of her previous life to sneak out of the castle with lucas and it’s all just cute impromptu dates, and just the overall concept that no matter what her appearance is, lucas will always be able to find her or something as cheesy as that hhhhh
Long Live The Queen -- Diana Lives + Adopted Lucas AU
• i just really really wanna write family fluff for athy and claudiana,,,
• also @lithium-15 and @d4ddylucas talk about felix wanting to adopt lucas and i have a feeling that lithium wants me to talk abOUT MY IDEAS ON THAT SOME MORE SO YOU FUCKING KNOW WHAT???? HERE YOU GO I’M GONNA BE RAMBLING ABOUT THAT TOO
• so in this au lucas is from a lowly noble family and was considered to be a cursed child by his family, so he decides to aim to become the youngest royal court mage so he can gtfo of there
• diana almost died and the reason why she survived was because anastasius absorbed most of athy’s magic instead of lucas’s (or was it aeternithas i cant remember im too sleep deprived rn), since lucas is more or less a “reincarnation” kinda situation in which he died but has memories of his past life perhaps? and more or less wants to regain magical power
• i want athy to still have magic guys,,, so i’m just gonna say that her magic was too powerful for it to get absorbed all at once, but its weak enough that its not gonna be kill diana and blackie is gonna end up showing up later in her life (maybe around 10 y/o?)
• so bam. diana survives childbirth and she and claude agree to NEVER deal with that ever again
• claude also decides to get rid of all of his concubines cause he loves diana and wants to marry her and make her his queen and basically allows the concubines to stay and live a lavish life until the end of days or they’re free to leave and return to their previous homes (in which athy gets a bunch of pretty aunties)
• also.
• felix is a knight, we all know this. he’s a member of the emperor’s royal guard and all that, and now he’s guard of 5 y/o princess athanasia
• diana and felix both agree that maybe they ought to try and find athy a playmate cause maybe she’s bored and lonely. except athy might or might not have high standards because like lucas she remembers her previous life. unlike lucas, she remembers her life from lp (vaguely, though)
• so yeah, the princess has high standards
• felix eventually gets pressured to either get married or adopt a kid because he’s an only child and the robane dukedom needs an heir. so he decides to just adopt a noble kid and ends up finding lucas, whose birth parents are all too happy to sell off their son
• congrats felix you’re a father now
• lucas makes it pretty clear that he wants to become a wizard even after he was adopted by the robane family, and the family’s more or less chill with that and are all just “yeah sure thats fine”
• they’re pretty laidback about it. besides the pressure was more from the fam elders rather than from duke robane
• due to being the son of a duke’s fam, especially one that’s on good terms with the emperor, lucas is allowed easy access to the palace’s library, which is how he ends up meeting athy
• they hate each other (for now)
• tl;dr, their parents end up deciding that lucas and athy should be playmates, since they’re around the same age. both of them arent very happy with this
• especially when there ends up being some rumours about athy getting engaged to lucas ends up circulating between the nobles who find out that duke robane’s grandson was chosen to be athy’s childhood playmate but alas, rumours are jjust rumours and claude does Not approve the idea of his daughter getting into an engagement
• also, athy doesn’t end up meeting ezekiel because of lucas, as the decision for her playmate was chosen between diana and felix before duke alpheus could suggest his own son
• fast forward time skip, lucathy actually end up being good friends instead of their initial “i hate them but i could probably tolerate them”
• lucas ends up escorting athy to the debutante, and i’m starting to feel like this is gonna tie in with Debutante Debut from Lucathy Ideas 1 and Letters from Lucathy Ideas 2 tbh
• despite the fact that athy is being escorted by lucas, she and claude end up sharing the first dance
• during the debutante, ezekiel probably does end up falling in love with athy and tries to ask her for a dance due to believing that he has a chance to be one of her suitors, as the “engagement with duke robane’s grandson” isnt confirmed
• anastasius and roger still have their schemes and all that, but its not as effective in comparison to canon, due to the fact that diana is in the picture and athanasia is recognized as the crown princess.
• lucas got permission to search for the world tree from felix under the one condition that he attended the debutante without complaint and that he returns in less than a year, which he did and will do, so he immediately sets off once its over
• since lucas ends up leaving for the world tree earlier than canon due to wanting to regain his magical power, this unfortunately means no incognito lucathy date. since ezekiel didnt see athy, he doesnt end up leaving jennette’s side while they’re out shopping for a present to athy
• he’s probably the one that notices the blue ribboned brooch and suggests that jennette uses it as a gift
• so yeah. lots of plans get foiled before they even began
• by the time lucas returns, athy is more or less getting into the process of burning letters that aren’t very subtle about their hope for a courtship and to have her consideration, nor is she thrilled about people hoping to matchmake her with someone that they believe to be a more suitable suitor than lucas who was only adopted into the robane dukedom
• so she pretty much gets fed up with it all, and by the time lucas comes back, she decides to talk to him about a fake dating plan to get all of these people to shut up, and asks him if he’s cool with going along with it
• he’s pretty much just “idfc” so she has tea with her parents and is pretty much “i’m sick of dealing with all these people so is it fine if i just lie and confirm that lucas and i are together?”
• and thats the story of how lucathy started their fake relationship that will eventually evolve into real feelings and athy will then proceed to vent or ramble to diana and trying to get advice on what she should do
• what happens with anastasius and roger? idfk dude i literally came up with this idea a few hours ago and i didn’t have much beyond a “diana lives” + “felix adopting lucas ftw”
• i did picture some kinda confrontation that happens wayyyy before lucathy officially gets together, in the fact that they’re in the throne room, with magic knight lucas and healer/support mage athy at his side, fighting against aeternithas/anastasius
The Dumb Roommate Escape Plan #FakeMarriedFTW -- College + Fake Relationship AU
• yes its meant to sound kinda serious but really this is gonna be some romcom level shit. if i ever get around to posting for it the tag is literally gonna be “#FateMarriedFTW”
• the original post that inspired this can be read here (x). after you read it, feel free to ignore my tags on that post since i’ll be going over them again anyways
• tl;dr in case nobody wanted to read that gorgeous post -- married couples are exempted from some rules for roommates when it comes to on-campus housing if both are students. so lucathy decides to get married just so they have a roommate they can tolerate
• now we’ll first address the backstory of this au
• if you’ve seen the little bit that i’ve written for [beep beep], then you’ll know that athy has a different name -- athanasia lebedeva. lebedev/a is a russian surname that means “swan” and i thought it’d be a cute surname for diana
• similar to [beep beep], she and claude are separated. however, in [fakemarriedftw], diana actually talks about claude to athanasia throughout her childhood, so athy grows up knowing who her father is. she doesn’t go out of her way to contact him, due to believing that he’s a deadbeat father who left diana while she was pregnant (which will eventually be a misunderstanding that gets cleared up)
• lucas and athy are childhood friends. as usual, their age gap is going to be 2 years. lucas would be 7, and athy would be 5. the reason why they met was because lucas’s older brother was a 21 y/o college student who was part of a youth development program where he would be watching over kids before and after school, helping students with homework, study, etc, etc
• because diana was athy’s only caretaker, the program was immensely helpful for her to drop athy off at school early and allowed her to be able to pick athy up an hour or two after school ended
• originally i had the idea of lucas’s older brother being athy’s tutor while athy was in middle school and lucas was in high school, but age-wise it wouldnt have made sense since lucas’s older brother is 14 years older
• athy also ends up skipping a grade, but this still means that lucas ends up being a university student 1 year before athy who’ll end up graduating from high school early as valedictorian
• Obelia University is basically a prestigious university where lots of rich kids end up enrolling into that has a dormitory system, meaning that lucas, who’s 1 year older, already knows what the dorms are like
• ezekiel was his first roommate for the first term. they hated each other. so much. they weren’t able to change roommates until the term ended
• cabel was his roommate for the 2nd term. they got along well enough, but cabel was a little too outgoing and lucas was more of a “i hate social interaction and i would probably stab a person if i’m irritated enough”
• suffice to say, he just really wants a roommate he’ll be able to tolerate and get along with. cabel’s a great friend, but he’s not a roommate that lucas wants to have
• which makes athanasia Perfect
• they know what its like to live together; she practically lives at his house ever since they were kids, with how close their families were (diana ended up befriending lucas’s mother and their families practically have dinner together everyday at this point -- they even have their own guest room at his family’s manor in case they end up staying late) and they’re basically really comfortable with each other to a domestic marriage life level
• and athanasia knows how to cook his favorite foods, while he knows her favourite chocolate brands (despite how she tries to refrain from indulging too much due to expenses), what cough drops that she prefers (the mint or lemon flavors while he prefers the ones that tastes like candy), etc
• if you haven’t guessed yet i’m going for rich lucas x broke athy with an eventual cinderella claudiana scenario
• anyways, the only way to get athy to be his roommate is by marriage
• so he’s the one that asks athy to marry him so he can have a roommate that he gets along with and can tolerate. and athy is the one who comments that it’s a really really stupid idea but was willing to go ahead and marry him
• mainly because of tax benefits, but also because she was more or less thinking along the lines of “hey if we’re not married by 30 will you be my tax benefits partner” so them getting married to be college roommates pretty much just sped up the process
• so athy ends up telling her mom that she was marrying lucas just to bypass the dumb roommates protocol at the dorms for obelia university and diana’s just happy mom because she wants to do the whole wedding planning thing and all
• guess who’s also happy and doesn’t care that it’s just a sham of a marriage? lucas’s family
• they’re all just “ok you can do the simple courthouse marriage before athy begins her classes in autumn, but we want to plan an actual wedding for you two that’ll happen next year”
• and lbr even if lucathy were romantically involved and getting married for love i feel like these two would be the type to plan for a really simple wedding while everyone around them wants to go all out with the planning. so yeah, they definitely let their parents take over
• as mentioned before, athy knows who her father is but has never met him. she knows that her dad is claude, the chancellor of obelia university (which is basically like a CEO but for universities if im understanding that correctly but idk guys im a college dropout ive never been to university nor am i ever interested in it) and tbh the only reason why she applied to obelia university was because she got in on a full-ride scholarship
• felix is probably claude’s secretary or the head of security -- i’ll probably flip the coin. maybe head of security, though???
• lily would be the housing manager, while hannah and ces are a part of the cleaning service
• roger could be a PTA member. i considered him being a professor too, but idk what subject he’d be teaching
• i just want roommate shenanigans and people going “wait. they’re MARRIED???” in response to lucathy, with some going “yeah i can see that” (helena) while others are just “what” as if you’re shattering their world view (cabel)
• i want this au to be just dumbass college students with a sprinkle of romcom gold with a touch of chaos (by that i mean pour a cup of chaos)
• maybe everyone just starts assuming that athy is claude’s daughter and claude who doesn’t know that athy is his daughter is just “she’s not my daughter”
• until it happens in front of athy which causes her to snort and go “thats what You think” and essentially causing claude to stare at her with that Beautifully dumbfounded look (similar to before athy successfully fed claude a piece of chocolate cake when he still had memory loss in the manhwa)
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i should Not be allowed to be online
so, i started working on this at like. 7 hours ago atm. i was only supposed to write about the university au, where i would then simply save this post as a draft, and come back to it later when i managed to get 2-3 more au ideas
instead, i got thrown into wmmap ideas and got like. 5 new au ideas as opposed to that initial 1 idea
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starlit-dreaming · 3 years
[WMMAP] Lucathy Ideas (7/?)
its amazing what my brain comes up with when im not in the mood to work on the next chapter of crescendo or to work on my other wmmap wips
i rambled a lot and i’m HAPPY to finally get this off my chest
also warning its a really long ramble
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Mother Pompidou – Adopted Lucas AU
• this may have been a crackpot idea born from a convo between me, @lithium-15, and @d4ddylucas, but i’m Very serious, regardless of whether or not i’m sleep deprived and hyped up on caffeine at the ass crack of dawn. but the tl;dr is that Lucas calls madame pompidou “mother” by accident and i’m turning it into a serious au cause i Said i Would and i will gladly take any excuse to Ramble
• it happens during one of athy’s dance lessons, after madame pompidou manages to place Fear into lucas that he’s actually willingly listening to her. and she probably scolds him for something really minor, and then asks “am i Clear?” in a scolding mother-like tone. and lucas goes “yes, mother” instead of “yes, madam/ma’am”
• now, it’s highly likely that madame pompidou is a noblewoman (especially considering that she Did make a comment about athy’s mother being a commoner in the manhwa). if i had to guess, maybe she’s a marchioness? or married into marquess family imo
• everything i’m thinking is at the top of my head, so there’s no real confirmation since i’m not looking too deep into it, but i don’t think she has children. married? probably. children? i just don’t think she would have one. regardless, i’d like to imagine that when lucas refers to her as “mother”, even if it’s by accident, she thinks “i don’t hate the sound of that”
• and by that, i mean she wouldn’t mind being considered a mother to lucas
• its not uncommon for nobles to adopt, even if Lucas would probably be considered an orphaned commoner (no known family, etc, etc), he has a lot of achievements under his belt that would outweigh that prejudice -- the boy who saved princess athanasia from death, the playmate of the empire’s only (known) princess, the youngest royal magician. so yeah. there’s a lot of pros for a noble to adopt him??? especially since he’s in the favor of the royal family (more so than the alpheus fam and it’s probably a Very obvious fact)
• so she discusses the idea of adopting lucas with her family and her husband (if she has any), and they all agree that yes this is a really good idea
• so then she mentions the idea of adoption to lucas, because she will happily adopt him if he agrees to it
• for some odd reason lucas agrees and now he’s madam pompidou’s adopted son. fuck.
• alternatively he says no at first, and over the years he starts opening up to the idea more, and then finally agrees to it
• when he goes to the world tree (which will probably occur earlier, since he’ll end up having more people that he would, undoubtedly, want to keep in his life for the next hundreds and thousands of years probably) the lie is more or less just that he’ll be studying abroad for a few months. athy would know that he’s actually just trying to find this ancient as hell tree
• regardless just the image of madam pompidou scolding lucas for being improper or reckless and him just begrudingly accepting it despite how troublesome it is while athy’s trying not to burst out into a laughing fit is giving me Life
• since madam pompidou’s a noble (assumption) that means that for athy’s débutante, lucas would probably be forced into attending because he’s now officially a noble (even if he’s adopted) and madam pompidou will Obviously scold him if he didn’t go to boring noble parties, and he’ll definitely end up dancing with athy and
• oh my fucking god is this what actually leads into Débutante Dance
• holy fucking shit did i end up making an au backstory for a prompt that i wrote solely because i wanted lucathy to dance at the débutante? what the hell why does this perfectly work
Into the Breach We Go -- Pacific Rim AU
• gonna be honest. i’ve never watched pacific rim and i don’t think i’d want to (unless it’s a sort of rabb.it movie night with friends) but i know the tl;dr of what happens and i’ve read an au or two for my ships in other fandoms and i’m interested in a pacific rim au for lucathy
• like maybe claude and diana were pacific rim partners, but she died while he survived. the event fucked him up and he chose to continue and became felix’s partner. claude essentially throws himself into the work, mostly due to wanting vengeance. which felix is pretty skeptical about agreeing with all of this because claude is still very much a father to athanasia
• athy is mainly a combo of lp and wmmap personality-wise. she’s not social/outgoing as she is in wmmap, but she’s not seemingly gloomy as she was in lp
• lucas is considered to be an up and coming genius, a prodigy that’s perfect for the task force. except the higher up’s requirement for him to finally go out into the field as a jaeger pilot is for him to have a drift partner
• and it turns out that athanasia de alger obelia is the only one compatiable with him
mischief in your eyes -- Robin Hood (minor role swap?) AU
• i’m ngl, i was listening to Robin Hood by Anson Seabra which is pretty much a breakup song, but i’m not about the sad endings. i may be a sadist as a writer, but i will Never write bad or sad endings, i’m a happy ever after (and if not, then the endings i write are at least ambiguously hopeful)
• so the premise of this au is that anastasius is alive and didn’t die during his fight with claude. he declares that claude committed treason (felix helps him escape), and places a bounty for his head. during the time on the run, claude ends up getting romantically involved with diana
• since i’m feeling in a more “let’s make it a lil happy” mood, i wanna say that this is another Diana Lives AU -- diana almost died, and that more or less cemented the fact that yeah they’re not gonna have more kids
• on one hand, claude’s really tempted to go back and kill anastasius as he originally planned on doing, but after meeting diana and having felix’s encouragement, he decides that he doesn’t need the throne to be happy (and there was a chance that he was going to leave diana to be a single parent in the event that he’d lose a 2nd time)
• the minor role swap comes into play because its a robin hood au, so i decided that lucas is the son of a noble family that highly supports anastasius. maybe lucas is a marriage candidate for jennette due to be one of the few noble boys close to her age
• thankfully for lucas, ezekiel was chosen to be jennette’s playmate. unfortunately for lucas, he was picked to be jennette’s fiancé. which. no, he’s very much NOT happy about it, no matter how much his father gleefully rubs the engagement in duke alpheus’s face
• when athy’s 5-6 and lucas is 7-9, they end up meeting for the first time when lucas was on a trip with his mother visiting siodonna where athy was raised. diana’s a famous dancer in siodonna, with athy learning how to play all kinds of instruments
• his mother ends up witnessing diana’s teaching people how to dance and the different styles of dancing, which causes her to request that diana comes with her to obelia to teach her sons dancing etiquette
• and diana’s. not sure how to feel about this. because the closer to obelia they are, the likelier shit’s gonna go down. so she talks to claude about it. and they essentially come to the agreement that if anastasius is a shitty ruler, they’ll come back to claude’s original plan after his escape
• yeah anastasius is considered a cruel emperor so diana and claude come up with a plan of attack -- essentially starting a movement of rebellion against emperor anastasius
• this is more of a side note, and normally i dont really consider ships outside of lucathy and calena (especially lucathy, since they’re my otp and for ships i consider to be an otp status are ships where if they get paired up with other people i will literally feel physical pained cause of how hyperfocused i can get), but i’m ngl. i’m open to the idea of cabel/jennette and ezekiel/helena??? mainly cabel/jennette. i think they’d be good together
• anyways. so lucas and athy essentially grow up together, but lucas sees diana more often since diana is his instructor, and athy only accompanies her when their dance lessons include a need for a dance partner
• and as athanasia grows up, she more or less learns more and more about her father’s background as a former noble. and she ends up thinking that anastasius needs to be dethroned, that princess jennette is too naive, and that the nobility hoard too much of their riches while the common people are suffering under the emperor’s rule
• so she decides that she wants to learn swordsmanship from felix and get magic lessons from her father. 3 words: mage knight athy
• mage. knight. athy.
• i think i decided that felix’s involvement with claude’s escape was left a secret, and that felix decided to resign from serving as a knight several months before claude was declared wanted for treason. his excuse was that he wanted to focus on his family (or maybe claude “dismissed” him from his duties)
• anyways back to athy
• so athy essentially becomes lucas’s playmate at one point, and so she gets free unrestricted access to the library to read to her heart’s content. which she gladly does
• meanwhile claude and felix are kickstarting their “find which nobles are abusing their powers and hoarding their riches and we’ll steal em” — and while claude finds it annoying to be a thief, it makes him smile to see the kids and common people being really happy about being able to feed themselves for the next several days
• at first he’s like “no athanasia you can’t join me on my robberies” and athy just goes “does mama know what you’re doing?”
• diana does, in fact, know what he’s doing. i just wanted to do a lowkey “i’m telling mom!!!!” joke ngl
• anyways i think i had diana be the one to Actually tell claude to at least teach athy more about distributing the stolen wealth to the commoners, before he can finally overthrow anastasius
• i dont remember the other details in between but at one point i do remember that i want athy to end up running into ezekiel while she’s robbing the alpheus estate. and that he actually helps her
• he still falls for her but thats only for a short while and not really a major plot point
• lucas already found out that athy is a member of the royal family when they were younger, but god damn was he surprised to find out that athy’s part of the group of thieves stealing from the rich and giving back to the poor
• anastasius decides to finally deal with the thieves after enough nobles complain about it, shit happens. lowkey wanna rewatch old robin hood movies for inspo
• eventually anastasius vs claude happens again but claude wins this time
• penelope decides to get tf outta there, and jennette’s rose tinted lens are crushed and she (probably) realizes what a piece of shit her dad was as a ruler (maybe)
• i think thats all i had for this idea idk im finishing up the rest of robin hood on mobile without my tabs of info/refs (everything else was type on my laptop)
• i’ll probably come back to this idea on later posts if i remember, but lucathy is gonna happen!!!! it just wasnt the main focus of this au
Cheat Code: OP -- Transmigration (+ Genshin Impact...?) AU
• a transmigration type of au where athanasia sees things like a video game, similar to [The Villainess Noble Girl Wants to Marry a Commoner]
• i didn’t actually have much more for that idea ngl. i just thought it’d be interesting to see how OP athy would end up becoming if she could easily just find info with the touch of her hands and level up her stats
• ,,,,,,it might also be a lowkey genshin impact au because guys i really like the idea of athy fighting as gracefully as lumine
• i’m ngl i’m also a sucker for twin au’s so if athy had a twin brother i’d be swooning for this au a whole lot more
The Emperor’s Treasured Daughter -- Canon Divergence AU
• i mentioned that i was a sucker for twin sibling au’s, and while its not Exactly twins its close enough (besides, there’s a lot of lovely twin sibling au’s out there)
• so. i know that the likely reason why claude doesn’t have other children with the other concubines is probably because of magic or because they had an abortion or actually had protection or whatever reason
• but what if athy has a bunch of half-brothers -- LP would be focusing on jennette and athanasia, they just have a ton of brothers around the same age but older than athy by a few months/weeks
• in the LP novel, the brothers would all more or less HATE each other and plot ways to try and kill each other (with Athy being considered nothing in terms of competition despite how intelligent and worthy she’d be) until jennette shows up and everyone’s charmed by her cuteness and have jennette become the future empress to prevent bloodshed between the brothers. something dumb like that
• i don’t remember if WMMAP ever mentioned the names of the other palaces (since Ruby = concubines/lovers and Emerald = princesses), so i’m gonna go ahead and say that the empress/emperor’s palace is the Sapphire Palace (cause jewelled blue eyes), while the princes have the Topaz Palace
• i’d imagine that claude keeps his interactions with his sons to a bare minimum (maybe once a month?), and athy’s older brothers more or less are starting to become pretty disdainful to each other when they grow up without much of his attention
• naturally this changes when athy accidentally meets claude for the first time. this also ends up opening the opportunity of athy meeting her brothers several years earlier and essentially impacting them to the point where they all more or less come to the agreement that they’re just not interested in the crown, since they gained their father’s attention earlier on before jennette ever gets introduced
• athy’s oldest brother #1 would more or less be aiming to become a knight due to his admiration of felix (and because felix is the only knight that stands at claude’s side, so his mindset from an early age is that if he became a knight like felix, he would be allowed to stand by his father’s side). after meeting athy, the goal shifts to being able to protect all of his younger siblings, even if they’re all around the same age
• athy’s older brother #2 is learning to become a mage -- his plan was to learn as much as he can about poisons to kill his brothers because his mother’s relatives want him to become the next emperor. this, of course, changes when athy comes into the picture, mainly because athy was highly interested in seeing the differences of herbs from her previous life to this current life. so yeah, he ends up becoming more of a mage with the skills of a healer, especially after athanasia remains unconscious for roughly two months because he doesn’t anything like that to happen again
• bro #2 is the best to help deal with political conversations. bro #1 sucks at that and can only fake smiles and essentially “fake it til you make it”
• athy’s older brother #3 is the scholar of the family who’s a huge social recluse, but changes over time after meeting athy because she motivates him to leave his room. in LP he almost never left his room until jennette appeared and started pestering him to join her, claude, and the brothers for tea. after meeting athy and being wow’d by her intelligence, he gains the motivation to want to study more and aspire to be like her -- social and brave and smart, so he studies abroad in arlanta and ended up befriending ezekiel
• which is awkward for bro #3 because he ends up figuring out that ezekiel is high key in love with his sweet baby sister and he’s Not about that life as one of athy’s overprotective bros
• athy’s older bro #4, who’s the closest in age to athy (maybe born 3-4 weeks earlier than athy, 2-3 months after older bro #3), and probably causes athy the most confusion because in the novel, athanasia didn’t have Any sisters except for jennette. it turns out, bro #4 was simply born as a girl but wanted to be a boy, so he started wearing trousers and shirts and binded his chest, and claimed that he wore skirts and dresses to be protected from assassination attempts (something along those lines). also bro #2 poisoned him in the novel and he originally didn’t live past 12-13
• because of the changes that athy causes, bro #4 simply just goes “i don’t want to be a girl” and it turns out that there’s a spell for that. anyways, so now athy has a 4th older brother, who’s very appreciative of athy for actively supporting him by saying “we should tell papa to get you trousers instead!”
• also, everyone probably assumes that they’re twins because of how close bro #4 is with athy, since they’re almost always together
• idk if i wanted to give athy a younger bro or sister. they’d be younger by several months (meaning that they’d probably be considered too young to attend the débutante, i’m guessing). probably another brother honestly
• also i just think the idea of athy dancing with all of her older siblings is cute. because they 100% would get in ezekiel’s way of asking athy for a dance
• like bro #1 stating “don’t hesitate to smack a man if he ever offends you”
• bro #2 going “if anything were to ever happen, don’t hesitate to let us and father know. we’ll ALWAYS be willing to help you out”
• bro #3 just internally crying from all of the attention everyone is giving him because he’s a royal. he’d also comment “don’t feel obligated to hang around ezekiel just because he’s my friend. your comfort is the most important”
• bro #4 saying “just say the word and i’ll gladly run my sword through anyone bothering you”
• i just really like the idea of athy having overprotective siblings ok,,,,,, and as much as i want them to be wayyy older than her (max being 5 years), it doesnt really make sense considering claude’s age. unless i want to say that claude suffered for several years after anastasius become the emperor and what made him finally snap was when he caught penelope in anastasius’s bed when claude is in his mid-20s
• actually fuck it yknow what lets go with that. its an au and i can do what i want within reason
• ok so anastasius became emperor, and for several years claude suffered under his reign longer than in canon. penelope managed to delay the engagement announcement far longer than expected, and claude coped by sleeping around. he finally snapped and killed anastasius several days after catching penelope in anastasius’s bed (because even though he was sleeping around like a floozy despite his “engagement” to penelope, they were still friends at the very least and weren’t marrying because of romantic love)
• this would change the ages to be: bro #1 is 21 y/o, #2 is 19 y/o, #3 is 17 y/o, #4 and athy are 14, and if athy had a younger sibling they’d be 13 (several months younger than athy)
• a common convo between lucathy athy: idk who i should ask to help me with this specific thing... (like who i’d have the first dance with at the débutante) lucas: lucas: you literally have a dad who would kill anyone for you and 4 brothers who gladly tear people to pieces for your sake lucas: lucas: ((and me))
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man. its been a long ass time since i’ve last rambled like this
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starlit-dreaming · 4 years
[WMMAP] Lucathy Ideas (1/?)
//tfw you realize that your ship actually has a fandom tag on ao3 and a ship tag on tumblr
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so i plan on making a bunch of lucathy fics based off on all of these ideas of mine, but idk when i’ll be finished with them and i just really want to ramble about lucathy ok ddfiuouyitfghiudk
Lucas Knows All -- Canon Divergence AU
• Basically, Athanasia talks to Lucas on if it was possible to travel through dimensions via magic after several months since they first met (thus, resulting in Athanasia admitting that she’s died once before and Lucas learning about <The Lovely Princess> story -- he cringes at the cheesy storyline and plot and thinks that it’s pretty stupid how LP Athy died and was selfless towards LP Jennette)
• Maybe with the knowledge that the trigger for Athanasia’s potential death begins with her debutante when Jennette is introduced to Claude, he might head off to the World Tree months before her birthday (and returns in time for her birthday)
Debutante Debut -- Fake Dating AU...?
• Really self-indulgent, but I really want Lucas to show up at the debutante ball and be the one to dance with Athanasia, which Claude allows him to attend because Claude thinks “ah, yes, another helper in repelling insects away from Athanasia”
• The way I see it, I imagine that in Claude’s eyes, Lucas is most likely the only guy who is worthy to stand by Athanasia’s side as a potential partner, especially because he saved her life. Claude will glare at Lucas, but Lucas would nudge his head towards Ezekiel’s direction, which more or less communicates the question of “who would you rather dance with Athy? Me or Him?”
• This doesn’t mean that Claude is happy with Lucas, but hey, maybe this will help repel guys from trying to make a move on his adorable daughter.
• When Athanasia hosts her first tea party with all the noble young ladies, she more or less admits that she’s surprised that Lucas showed up and mentions that he “promised her a dance” (in order to get her away from Ezekiel), it ends up fueling everyone’s imagination. Everyone thinks that Lucas and Athanasia are courting each other, and Lucas showing up in the middle of the tea party at one point doesn’t really help either. All the girls ship it.
• Claude talks to her about the rumors, to which she admits “no, there’s nothing between us” and “it’s just everyone’s imaginations running wild” and she more or less admits that she doesn’t mind letting the rumors continuing on because that means that she won’t have to deal with rejecting courtship offers/marriage proposals.
5 Attempts + 1 Successful Kidnapping -- 5+1 Prompt
• Okay so in canon we know that the only real danger Athanasia’s in is the whole “Claude might kill me”. But what if there were kidnapping attempts from outsiders who want leverage over Claude or for other nonsensical reasons? What if her life actually had more complications than her relation to Claude?
• Age 3, Athanasia’s a toddler, but her kidnappers are sloppy and they didn’t expect for toddler Athanasia to wholeheartedly charm all the maids in the ruby palace. They thought it’d be an easy kidnapping, but instead they get a toddler Athy screeching into their ears, alerting the maids of the kidnapper’s whereabouts, she gets dropped because of the screech, and she promptly punches their groin before zooming off. The maids knock the kidnappers out with the decorative displays.
• Age 5, where the kidnappers pose as foreign dignitaries from Arlanta and wanted to incite a war between Arlanta and Obelia. Athanasia never finds out about it until she’s older when she denies ever being in any real danger and someone comments that she was almost kidnapped to start a war. Felix handled it.
• Age 5-6? It happens during the two months where Athanasia was unconscious. They didn’t expect Claude to stay at her side for almost 24/7. She never found out about the attempted kidnapping.
• Age 9, Lucas caught and quickly subdued a magician who attempted to kidnap Athanasia because he went crazy from experimenting black magic on children, and got this idea stuck in his head that the failures was because they didn’t have enough magic potential, so the target was naturally Athanasia.
• Age 12, the fifth (third, to Athanasia’s knowledge) attempt was the worst out of them all. It was one of Athanasia’s tutors, a noblewoman who craved for Claude’s love and had her family send him various marriage offers to him on her behalf. When she realized that Athanasia was his precious daughter, she tried to get into her good graces. Claude thought hiring her as Athanasia’s tutor would stop the marriage requests (it didn’t), and Lucas didn’t like her, but he thought she harbored no ill intent (he was wrong). She decided to take drastic measures on a day when Claude and Felix were dealing with foreign dignitaries, thinking that if she used Athanasia, maybe Claude would finally accept her marriage proposal. She added sleeping powder to the tea to make Athanasia fall asleep (except she woke up during the kidnapping because the magic in her body more or less got the sleeping powder out of her system pretty quickly) . A magician teleported into the palace and brought her out, however Claude and Lucas immediately noticed the disappearance of Athanasia’s magic within the castle walls. Lucas located her and dealt with the situation while Claude handled her former tutor.
• Okay so technically this is more for fluff than angst. The next time she gets “kidnapped,” she’s 17 and its because Lucas thinks that she’s been cooped up in her studies all day and decides to take her out of the castle for a surprise date.
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that’s all the ideas i’ve got so far, but i already know i’m gonna come up with more in the future syudiruk
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starlit-dreaming · 4 years
[WMMAP] Lucathy Ideas (2/?)
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Letters -- Canon Compliant, probably
• So Athanasia probably gets a bunch of letters from guys who aren’t very subtle with their interest in courting her. Nor were the marriage proposals very subtle either. Let’s assume that she gets all of the letters addressed to her and that Claude doesn’t sift through her mail and gifts from everyone. • So she gets all of these letters from guys that she’s just not interested in. What do you normally do with unwanted letters? Burn them. She gets into this habit of reading through these confession letters and tossing them into the fireplace. Out of boredom, Lucas ends up helping her sort through all this mail and takes immense pleasure in burning Ezekiel’s romantic letters to Athanasia.
Mafia Princess -- Mafia AU
• Felix is their driver, Lillian is both Athanasia’s caretaker but she’s also tasked with patching up injuries and basically carries a medkit with her everywhere. Lucas is Felix’s ward who specializes in hacking.
• Athanasia was kidnapped twice in her life -- once as a child, in which Lucas was the one to find her location via hacking, which allowed Claude to accept Lucas as Athanasia’s playmate, and the second time when she’s older. When Athanasia was kidnapped when she was older, everyone was basically prepared to launch a rescue operation, but then they disregarded the plan by busting into the building after hearing a scream.
• It was not Athanasia screaming. Instead of finding a crying Athy getting tortured as they were expecting, they found their princess with bloodstains on her dress, a metal pipe and a gun in her hands, and her heel stomping down on someone’s groin. She was 100% fine. There were bodies all over the ground, and when she saw her dad and everyone else, she immediately runs over to give them a hug.
• Basically: “Princess! We came here to save... you?” bodies all over the floor “Er... are they all dead...?” and Athanasia cheerfully going “Nope! But they were very uncooperative.”
• Also, if you read [I Am A Child of This House/I Belong to House Castiello], then you’ll know what I mean when I say Athy would be kind of like Estelle -- cute, seemingly harmless, yet can appear to be quite deadly and powerful if you’re on her bad side. (Granted, Athanasia does nail down the Glare™ and can be powerful and deadly as it is, if she wanted to be, but Estelle has that Condescending “You’re Nothing But Dirt” Smile that I feel would be perfect with Mafia Princess Athy.)
The Obligatory Student Council AU -- High School + Modern AU
• I’m using the Korean education system to decide the whole grades system (grade 1-6 is Elementary, 7-9 is Junior High/Middle School, and 10-12 is High School), although I’ll probably keep it vague. Also, because I’m a sucker for that Childhood Friends Trope that Lucas and Athanasia have, that established friendship is staying for this AU.
• Claude is the owner of Obelia Enterprises, a multimillionaire company (lowkey thinking of Bruce Wayne and his company ngl, minus his constant child acquisitions and being charming. The charming one is all from Diana). As a note, Claude’s older bro thought that after taking over their father’s company, he could get away with murdering Claude’s mother, but Claude testified in court that his brother committed the crime, etc, etc. He essentially caused a huge scandal, provided security video feed of the murder, and landed his older brother in jail. The Alpheus Fam is still business partners, but they think that Claude’s a deadbeat for leaving his ex-fiancée because she ended up pregnant (they still didn’t know the truth until Claude’s bro gets out of jail whenever that happens idk).
• Did someone ask for a Diana Lives AU? No? Well I did. Because I can and will (maybe have a “there’s a chance you might die during childbirth” scare, but she manages to pull through). Athanasia has a little brother named Areum (which also invited the “you might die in childbirth″ scare v2, except this time it got pretty close to the point that Diana was hospitalized for several months -- ultimately, Diana had to agree on the “no more children” promise because Claude actually cried this time).
• As a backstory on how Lucathy first meet, they were both in elementary school -- Athy was a tomboy child and would always run off into the woods to freely run around and Lucas used to always run off to the forest because he has a strained relationship with his parents. Lucas often hangs out at Athanasia’s place once they become friends due to wanting to avoid his parents and finding it nice how Athanasia’s family have a pretty great relationship dynamic (his parents constantly argue, going back and forth on whether or not they’re going for a divorce or not, so from a very young age Lucas just straight up thinks that love is stupid). His parents end up staying together in the end and will divorce when Lucas graduates high school.
• Ezekiel & Lucas are both 3rd years; Athanasia skipped a grade and is a 2nd year; Jennette is a 1st year. Ezekiel is Student Council President, Lucas is Captain of the Taekwondo Team and on the Student Council Committee (involuntarily, at first, until he found out that Athy was a Student Council Member), Athanasia ended up becoming Treasurer, while Jennette got Historian. Athanasia was originally invited to just be on the committee, but she got roped into running in the elections -- the only reason why she didn’t get VP was because she’s only a 2nd year and Prez or VP are for the 3rd years. She ended up beating Jennette in the elections by a landslide.
• In case people want that side Cabel/Helena ship (La Memoria has convinced me to ship) then Cabel would be a 3rd year who won VP (no one else ran for VP) and Helena ran for Secretary and is a 2nd year.
• Cute Fact: Because Athy is basically a rich kid, she was almost kidnapped. Almost. Felix knocked out the kidnapper and Lucas, as a kid who almost witnessed his best friend getting kidnapped, went “I should learn how to fight so I can be the one to protect my best friend”.
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originally that student council au was just going to stay as a student council au, but after seeing that i had a modern au with the backstory of claude getting his bro in jail and taking over the company and all that, i thought “oh shit i can combine 2 au’s for the price of one”, and then as i kept going i thought “you know what i should do i should throw in a Diana Lives au because as much as i want angst i dont want dead mom angst in most of my au’s”
is it obvious that i like using the “kidnapping” prompt a lot because if not then im just saying that i really like to use it as a prompt
thank u for coming to my lucathy tedtalk i’m here everyday internally screeching over lucathy and waiting to burst kthxbye
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starlit-dreaming · 4 years
[WMMAP] Lucathy Ideas (6/?)
here i am again
with lucathy ideas instead of finishing ch8 of crescendo
also i think halfway through this post, i was sleep-deprived via all-nighter (i like to spite myself in times like these), so if some of the ideas feel like its been derailed, or that it doesn’t make sense, or that it needs more elaborating on, then that’s probably me being sleepy as fuck and typing whatever to my heart’s content cause a sleep-deprived wyn is a cheeky lil shit like that (full bromo though. which. kinda sounds weird. since i’m telling that to myself.)
and because im the type that just goes “no beta we die like lp athanasia” when it comes to my work, i decided not to proofread any of this. because i wrote a lot for this post over the course of several days because im nervously waiting until i finally plunge myself back into another fandom (or three) soon
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when left behind -- God/Goddess AU
• it’s not really a hades and persephone au, but it’s definitely inspired from it with the whole “omg hades kidnapped persephone we have to save them!!!” sort of concept
• there are some elements from lovely princess, but a majority is from wmmap
• claude is the god in charge, the god of law and order, probably??? diana is the goddess of dance and travels, so she doesn’t always stay in heaven and never stays in one place (she has a positive relationship with athy, but she isn’t always there for her and might even go years without seeing her -- which, of course, athy is bitter about that at times, but she doesn’t fault her since she’s the goddess of travels). because diana’s alive, he doesn’t hate athanasia, but he's more awkward and indifferent towards athy and refrains from interacting with her unless he’s really missing diana
• so yeah. parental neglect, much? but hey, on the bright side, at least claude isn’t a huge dick to athanasia because the reason why he is was eliminated, it’s just that the familial distance is caused by their duties as gods/goddesses. im thinking of claude’s relationship with athy after athy met lucas in wmmap, but before she almost died and moved into the emerald palace. meaning, he firmly believes that if athanasia disappeared he wouldn’t be affected by her Not being there, but really, he’s in denial about it. he just doesn’t get that realization until later on because he normally doesn’t see her every single day
• lucas is the god of death and magic, athanasia is the goddess of mercy (and maybe truth??? its tempting for me to say she represents honesty and mercy). jennette is the goddess of kindness and forgiveness, ezekiel is the god of justice and knowledge??? felix is the god of protection, lillian is the goddess of motherhood
• can you tell that i was really subtle with those match up pairs? cause im really not being subtle about the pairings. im a ride or die claudiana, lucathy, jennkiel, calena, and felix/lily shipper and all those are going to be recurring ships in all my wmmap au’s
• for that lovely inclusion of calena, helena’s the goddess of nature and cabel’s the god of archery and they’re married and helena adores playing matchmaker for people. her current goal is getting felix and lily together
• funny story of how lucas became the god of death, actually. so anastacius was the former god of death (who got yeeted out of heaven by claude), but lucas, being the god of magic for who knows how long, decides to just yeet him off the throne for the underworld who rejoiced at having a new death for a ruler, and thus, lucas ended up becoming the god of death because of his actions
• anyways. so sometimes shit gets boring (and i dont have any other ideas that comes to mind that would justify this happening), so its only natural that maybe a god/goddess or two, or three, decide to start drama involving people.
• it could be anyone who started it, honestly, but i’m gonna draw in an element from the LP-verse by saying it was jennette’s aunt, rosalia, who started shit
• and, surprise, surprise, it involves athanasia being the victim of this drama
• claude is the god of law and order, so he has to be logical, but he’s not very close to athanasia as he is in the WMMAP-verse. he doesn’t know what kind of person his daughter really is, and according to rosalia, the problem lies in the fact that she’s jealous of jennette and ezekiel’s relationship, that she’s jealous of how everyone loves jennette, etc, etc, and that’s why she’s trying to cause problems with jennette that inconveniences her
• and claude, is being fed lies, and rosalia essentially fabricates evidence to prove that athanasia’s the one causing jennette some problems. and as much as he doesn’t think athanasia would ever do it, he’s still the god of law and order and he has to be impartial even to his family
• so athanasia’s punishment is that she is to be kicked out of heaven for several decades. jennette and helena try to argue against the decree. rosalia didnt expect athanasia to get kicked out, but she and the others are not complaining because Drama, plus, most of the other gods/goddesses think that she’s pretty gloomy in comparison to diana, so they consider this to be a win-win -- entertaining and they won’t have to deal with athanasia
• and nobody hears from her for several decades
• until lucas, the god of death, decides to make an appearance in heaven and asks claude about mercy, and because lucas is a pretty handsome dude, chances are, people are gonna shit talk athanasia in hopes that they’ll earn death’s favor (especially for those who were jealous of athy)
• i want to use “you won’t find any mercy in heaven” as a line being said to lucas
• at one point, while jennette is spending time with athy in her regular visits to her sister-like friend, picking flowers and all that and talking about how much she wishes athy would come back because it wasnt her fault blahblahblah, and then she jumps to conclusions when lucas pops up out of nowhere, whisks athy off her feet, and heads off in a carriage to the underworld
• jennette assumes that athy’s been kidnapped by lucas and cries to claude and ezekiel about it
• now. death and mercy have a history together that not a lot of gods remember or have ever seen or considered. mercy killing is a Thing, and during war times? it definitely happens a lot. having mercy to spare someone from death has also happened before, and those were the only times jennette ever sees athy during war times -- kindness and compassion and showing mercy in sparing lives. which makes jennette naive to the reasons why death and mercy are a good pair
• this is also the reason why cabel, helena, lucas, and athy all have a history and are a close knit group -- they all have something to do with death. hunting/archery. poisonous/harmful plants. dying in general. mercy killing. while cabel, lucas, and athy take active parts during war times, helena holds a passive killing role (unless people are actively using plants to make poisons, but that’s besides the point). so overall, they all know each other better than anyone else
• and yes, lucas will consider fighting lily and helena both for the title of “i know athy the best”
• anyways, so jennette and ezekiel both travel to the underworld because they’re determined to rescue athanasia (because, well, ezekiel is also naive in the sense that he’s never seen athanasia mercy kill before, so he also thinks that mercy x death is a bad match)
• and thats where jennette realizes that lucas is athanasia’s precious “luke” that she talks about all the time and is instantly relieved that it really was just a misunderstanding on her part and now instead of being worried, shes absolutely delighted to hear the news about their betrothal
• this doesnt change the fact that heaven’s in an uproar about the lucathy’s betrothal because there’s a bunch of chaos -- “sweet athanasia’s been kidnapped by the cruel lucas, the horrible god of death!” or something like that
• something along those lines
• claude sends ezekiel back to the underworld to give them a message to release athanasia from the underworld within 7 days -- safe and sound
• lucas: and if i don’t want to? ezekiel: then there will be war...? athy: then there will be war //smiles
• thankfully, there will NOT be a war
• because diana returns to heaven (not the first time since athanasia was gone, but the excuse that was given to her was that “athanasia is busy and not in heaven atm” so diana didn’t realize she got yeeted out for a few decades) and this time she found out from lilian that athanasia’s going to get married, how it all ended up happening, and she tells claude that they’re both traveling to the underworld to congratulate their daughter on her betrothal and that he won’t be stopping their daughter from being happily married
• which. it was technically thanks to claude that lucas could easily sweep in and propose to athy. since he more or less kicked her out of heaven until she “apologizes for her actions”. there wasn’t proof that revealed that athy was framed, so the decree wasnt taken back until after all this happened
• this is an au that i'm hoping to write, because i’d love to write about lucas and athy during war times because godly warrior couple lucathy
child of mine -- modern au
• basically just full on kid fluff -- it’ll follow after the events of [it was only one night] that i mentioned in my Lucathy Ideas 3 (which will probably have to wait until after i’m finished with working on it rip)
• so this is spoilers for people who haven’t read my wip tidbits that i’ve posted for that story, [child of mine] follows a pair of twins Elias and Aria Hwang (aka, Aurelius and Ariadne Obelia-Hwang) from after they’re born. as in baby shenanigans
• i want elias to ask for a baby bro because he wants to be an older brother (aria is older by 7 minutes). instead of getting a baby bro, he gets a baby sister. emily, emma, elena, lucina, althea??? maybe. i’m still thinking about it. i like using thea as a nickname too, and as much as i love aletheia as a name, its not a name that i’m using for this au (i have a lot of different name possibilities in my head tbh, because then it’ll be a fun little project for future me to draw the lucathy kids across all of the au’s i’ve been thinking of)
• i want a lot of sibling shenanigans too and most of this is based on my convos/interactions with my little cousins because they’re so adorably chaotic and i live for it
• one time, my little cousin (age 3-4), would just keep giggling and ducking to hide behind the couch i was sitting on, and i’d peek over the sofa and she’d run off with a giggly squeal. and when i walked past her next hiding spot, she’d run off again that we ended up doing this random “chase” and hide (even though i could clearly see her and that i was only walking throughout the entire time)
• me and two of my cousins (i think they were both 13 & 14 at the time) had a discussion that our 7 year old cousin was possibly tarzan’s descendant or a demon banshee disguised as a child
• i have a very tiny 7 year old cousin. every time i see her i keep thinking that she’s 4 or 5, because every time she talks its hard for me to understand whether or not if she’s actually saying words, and she’s tiny. i want the 2nd lucathy daughter to be the tiny baby of the family
• quotes without context from my convos with ira whenever i talk to him about my cousins:
“my cousin Ri (17-18), whose on my friends list, will probably go wtf???”
“A (13-14) wanted to know if dinosaurs have tits.”
“Me: are you drunk off of pizza? J (12-13): //slowly nods J: off brand drug //takes a bite of pizza J: //closes door”
“tbh im not surprised that she zero'd in on the mention of boobs since this is the same funky lil lesbian cousin we’re talking about”
“i think my cousin’s a furry, tho”
• i realize now that it’s on the more shitposty side of things, but thats alright because it’ll keep this story interesting and amusing (for me, i mean)
• if you think that athy and lucas would only have 3 kids then you’re wrong because the child acquisition tag exists for a reason and they’re gonna adopt a shit ton of kids
in the rain -- coffee shop + university au
• so helena more or less sets athy up on a blind date at this nice coffee shop near the university campus. except the guy doesn’t show up after an hour of her waiting
• it starts raining, and she more or less thinks “fuck this” and decides to order some cake with the coffee she’s been drinking for a bit and stay at the cafe until the rain dies down or something. she pulls out her tablet from her purse and just starts working on her school assignments because the dude’s over an hour late, she’s not gonna waste more of her time when she could be finishing up her assignments.
• some of the university students start to fill the place up. all except for her table. and when lucas comes in to his favorite coffee shop, he asks her if he could sit at her table since there’s no other place in the shop to sit down at, and she tells him to go ahead, so he takes a seat across from her.
• and like. keep in mind. athanasia’s gorgeous and ridiculously pretty in a princess-like way. lucas is also gorgeous and ridiculously pretty in a ��tall, dark, mysterious’ way. so everyone’s more or less thinking “fuck of course they’re together” because. yknow. misunderstandings.
• at one point, athy gets a text from helena asking her how the date’s going, and helena immediately calls athy when she responds with “he never showed”
• and helena loudly asks her a bunch of questions on what happened, etc, etc, and lucas is literally sitting near her and it’s loud enough for him to actually hear helena’s questions
• and athy shrugs saying “idfk he just never showed up” and then throws in a “but hey, on the bright side this cafe’s pretty great, kinda crowded cause of the rain, but it’s pretty great”
• before anyone wonders, no, lucas was not athy’s blind date. we can talk about a lucathy blind date au later though. it was actually ezekiel
• and essentially helena curses ezekiel’s name and wonders if she and jennette “shouldve told him that it was a date with you” -- because he didn’t know, and he definitely wouldve regretted not showing up to the blind date. granted, he never made any promises to go on the blind date to begin with, which was an issue of communication on their part
• and athy is just in disbelief cause she had a crush on kiel when she was in high school, but she doesn’t feel the same now. regardless, helena then suggests “maybe i could set you up with another guy” to which athy just nervously laughs and goes “maybe” and sighing in relief when the call ends
• i dont remember what i was thinking of, but i think i had lucas making notes as he skims through a history textbook, then athy going “oh hey, i have that class too” and then the rest is history (eyyyy)
• the original concept for this au was described as a “romcom level cheesy romance”, similar to Friday’s “Good Morning” by Honeyworks tbh. its a rainy day and the romance starts because she gives the guy an umbrella
• hmm. maybe i should consider turning this into a honeyworks au, although sena and midori are more like calena than lucathy ngl, which i guess is something to consider about since its two shy dorks and oof now i’m not sure
but like srsly look at this image from the mv to know what i mean:
Tumblr media
what can i say? cute. dorks. in. love.
but this au will have to wait for another day since i havent thought of it before
((note to self: brainstorm for a honeyworks au at some point))
more than meets the eye -- blind date au
• i said i would talk more about a blind date au so here’s that blind date au i (probably) teased you about. i’d like to consider this the [my teacher and my sister’s best friend] divergence (that au idea can be found in my Lucathy Ideas 5), where lucas and athy met on a blind date, and just decided to give their relationship a tentative try (and that they actually worked things out instead of being stubborn and breaking things off //coughs)
• so. i’d like to imagine that athanasia is the type of person who would make sure she gets to places on time by aiming to arrive 5-10 minutes before any kind of meeting. while lucas is the type of dude to just be there on time without any issue for the most part. which is gonna annoy athanasia just a little because how the fuck does he manage to look that good with only a few minutes? magic. even though its a modern setting
• on their blind date, it’s really fucking awkward. they go to the same university campus, so they’re vaguely familiar to each other in a “i think i’ve seen you around the area before”
• that does not change the fact that its a very awkward date
• lucas is the type to internalize his thoughts -- he’s blunt about his opinions, but he can read the mood for the most part, its just that he sucks at understanding emotions. and he’s just internally thinking “she’s so pretty what the heck?”
• meanwhile athanasia is currently freaking out inside her mind because holy shit helena set her up with a gorgeous guy
• in the au helena hadn’t really met cabel until after cabel became a teacher at her brother’s school, and even then, she didn’t formally meet him until the parent-teacher conferences when her brother ended up in her guardianship. so what adds onto this divergence, helena and cabel actually end up meeting each other earlier due to lucas and athy trying to make the relationship work after their blind date (as well as not letting misunderstandings get in the way
mother, mother -- sixth sense??? i see dead people au
• a retelling of wmmap with an eventual divergence. why? because athanasia can see ghosts. more specifically, she can see diana’s ghost.
• thats,,,, thats it. thats all that was in my notes. it was literally a “WHAT IF ATHY HAS ALWAYS BEEN ABLE TO SEE GHOSTS SINCE SHE WAS BORN AND HAS ALWAYS BEEN ABLE TO SEE DIANA”
• so i guess this is the portion where i pull ideas outta my ass as i go along and y’know, i don’t actually know the reason why claude killed everyone in the ruby palace after diana died. maybe its mentioned in the novel and i just flat out havent read it yet since i rely on english translations, maybe its already posted in a chapter for someone’s english translations and i just haven’t dragged myself back to catching up on the updated chapters of said translation
• regardless, ive got ideas and speculations. like, ok, i get that diana undoubtedly died cause of athanasia’s magic causing too much strain on diana’s body and that maybe athy’s uncontrollable magic ended up killing the other concubines, which is something that i wholeheartedly believe to have happened. but before i realized that all of it would be the reason why diana died, i thought “well, claude obviously favors diana. but before diana, there were a ton of concubines, werent there? so maybe they were all jealous that diana became the favourite and tried to get diana to miscarry”
• regardless, this means that athanasia is never alone.
• i want a bunch of ghostly concubines talk to athy on a regular basis after they realize that she’s able to see them, and diana trying to shoo them away if they end up almost gearing towards the not-safe-for-wyn type of stories
• or advice (for when she gets older)
• so. she’s aware that athy knows a lot more than she should for a kid. and at first she was very much a proud mama for having such a smart daughter, but athy has plans for running away when she’s only five??? and normal kids are normally just happy to play and all that????????
• eventually, athy has to vaguely explain her situation to diana, and diana more or less accepts it because, well, athy has a ton of magic which is what killed her, and athy’s capable of seeing and interacting with ghosts
• and it essentially deals a little bit with athy’s guilt in the fact that she’s “not actually diana’s daughter” because diana reassures her that even if she has the mind of an orphaned stranger unrelated to her, she still sees her as athanasia, her daughter (“you’ll always be my daughter, regardless of whether or not you have the memories of someone else”)
• she still thinks that running away would be too extreme. although she also thinks that claude just needs to give athy a chance by actually being active in her life
• diana favours watching over athanasia and claude, and she gets immensely happy when athy accidentally runs into claude and when they all spend time together. it’s very sweet and sometimes amusing (for me) because athy has to resist answering back when diana says something. but also gets hella fucking sad because, yknow, dead mom
• can you imagine how diana would feel when athy tries drinking lippe tea for the first time and ends up reminding claude of diana and that he’s definitely still upset by the death as if it recently happened? yeah. thats gonna hurt.
• the divergence from the story happens after that tea party and the “what does mom look like” doesn’t happen in the same way because athy already knows what her mom looks like. so she just goes ahead and draws her mom, and at first lily thinks that she’s drawing a self-portrait
• until athy uses red-pink crayons for diana’s eyes. and thats when athy states “i’m drawing mom” and that’ll lead to an awkward vibes because felix and lily thinks that she really wants to see her mom, meanwhile athy and diana are just “oh god this is a mess,,,,” because athy hasn’t made it a secret that she can see diana
• i want athy to, at one point, say “it’s okay, mom’s always with me so i’m never alone” or something along those lines
• diana was definitely by her side when athy meets lucas, and lucas cant see diana, but he knows that there’s something clinging onto athy outside of the whole magic situation athy has
• she’ll forgive him after he saves athy’s life, but she’s definitely wary until several months into their friendship
• after lucas starts keeping athy company at night on her bdays, diana is always at claude’s side until morning arrives. she knows that lucas visits athy and she knows that athy isn’t too torn up about claude not seeing her on her bday, so she’s more or less trusting lucas with watching over athy
• those “dreams” claude has while he’s on his sofa seeing diana in front of him arent actually dreams (most of the time), its just that diana’s ghost is being affected by athy’s magic or something as cheesy as that
• when lucas returns from his trip to the world tree he’s definitely able to see diana more clearly. he just doesnt really bother to outright state that he can see her. but diana’s definitely aware that he sees her when he stares at her from time to time
• it makes athy very nervous, thinking “wait can he see her or???” because before his trip to the world tree, lucas would occasionally stare in diana’s direction but it was more of a “thought someone was staring at me” kind of thing (he could sense her, but he couldn’t really see her due to his low magic)
• i think thats all that i wanted to think of???
• actually wait. the Lucathy Kiss™
• so. they definitely weren’t alone. diana was definitely there when athy suggested a kiss, and athy definitely forgot that diana was there as she gave lucas a kiss
• i’d like to imagine that diana is the type of person who loves to tease people and she’ll definitely tease athy about her first (cheek) kiss (to someone other than claude)
• of course, athy confides in diana about knowing when someone has a crush on you because it’s very obvious that ezekiel likes her and that she’s not sure what to think of it. and diana’s used to having plenty of admirers and rejecting all of them with the exception of claude
• the ruby palace concubine ghosts definitely misunderstand, and they definitely offer athy ideas and advice on how to win lucas’s infatuation that she did not ask for nor did she ever want to know
• claude’s able to occasionally catch glimpses of diana after he gets whacked by the magic branch
• ok thats it. can you tell that this is another au of mine that i really want to come back and work on? because i really do want to come back and work on this
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out of curiosity -- if i were to ever make a new wattpad under the same name (starlit-dreaming), would you want me to create a story titled “Lucathy Misc Tidbits” and essentially have me go over the ideas that I’ve posted on tumblr, but with a more proper format, additional detail, and extra ideas/concepts for the au?
ngl, i’m already thinking about maybe posting a series of oneshots based on word prompts (feel free to suggest some words via asks or dm’s for that btw, although there’s no promise that i’ll use them, but i’ll at least consider them for ideas). ao3 is my main preference for posting fanfics and i’m willing to try posting stuff on wattpad, since i’ve never posted my stories on that site before (and because i’ve been reading some lucathy fics and am highkey blaming @ilyusha-hwang​ and @lithium-15​ and at this point, i might as well).
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starlit-dreaming · 4 years
[WMMAP] Lucathy Ideas (3/?)
i thought that “it was only one night” would end up taking over my life as a lucathy fan but surprisingly it didnt. maybe it took up a page’s worth of writing/notes since i wrote most of this before i started posting wip tidbits lmao
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Talk About OOC -- Actor AU
• Okay so. WMMAP started off as a heartwarming movie about a father and daughter learning to get along, and Claude learning to overcome him grief for losing his lover, which is also the movie Athanasia started her debut as a child actress. Diana and Claude are actually Athanasia’s parents and they’re happily together (and Diana’s still alive) -- they both ended up with the lead role in a movie and the rest of their relationship was history.
• WMMAP is announced to be part of a trilogy, which is where Jennette, Ezekiel, and Lucas actually get introduced in the second movie. Lucas is the son of a director, and Ezekiel is the son of an actor. Jennette is a huge fan of the WMMAP book/movie and auditioned to play the role of, well, Jennette. Might need to give the show characters different names to avoid confusion. It deals with the debutante ball and Claude getting amnesia, Lucas returns, and more or less showing the message that people can still be a family even without their memories.
• The third movie would be dealing with the future bullshit that Anastacius and Roger does, and Lucas whacking Claude with a stick I guess. Or stab. I don’t know Korean, so all I know what happens after season 2 of the webtoon is what’s been translated to English for the novel so far and the comments about it.
• Basically what I’m picturing is. Diana making her appearances (in flashbacks of the movie) with a pregnant belly and for weeks after the movie gets released, people are going crazy with theories -- is she pregnant? Yes, some will shout; No, others will scream; Maybe? people might question. Diana will cackle as she posts a selfie of her and Athy, with Claude holding a newborn baby boy onto twitter with the caption “baby Areum is finally here!”
• Also behind the scene shenanigans. Kiel and Athy accidentally started a twitter ship war, but it’s not in the way you would imagine a WMMAP ship war to be. Felix/Claude vs Diana/Lillian -- which is gayer. Lucas essentially went “but wouldn’t Athy/Jenn be gayer than Diana/Lillian?” and ended up fanning the ship war flames which pretty much dragged everyone else into the shipping side of fandom. Diana wouldn’t stop laughing about it for days, tbh.
• In the second movie everyone pretty much already knew that Lucathy was endgame, but Lucas and Athy were both, more or less “nah we’re not actually going to be together-together” but then the cheek kiss happens and Lucas does the Thing and kisses her hand??? Yeah. Athanasia was shot by an arrow from that one.
• Ngl this was not what I originally thought about for an Actor AU but it does make sense than it being a TV series tbh
Apparently I’m the Princess of Faes -- Fantasy / Magic AU
• For all of Athanasia’s years of life, she always thought that she was just a regular human incapable of using magic. She's a villager who lives on the outskirts of town, in the forest, and all she knows is her mother’s name and that her mother was a medical witch. And ever since she turned 14, she decided to follow in her mother’s footsteps with potion making and making medicine for a living. • One day, at age 18, she finds an injured wolf with black fur and red eyes in the woods, brings him home, and accidentally manages to heal him with magic. I like to imagine that it’s kind of like a Rapunzel from Tangled situation in the fact that Athanasia sings, her hair glows, and bam, healing magic, except her hair has always been blonde. It’s just that it glows when she uses her magic. • And Lucas, who is in his wolf form trying to find a long lost princess who might not even be alive, is basically “oh shit I found the princess of faes and she’s gorgeous what the fuck” but he more or less keeps that to himself in order to learn more about the situation (such as finding out that her mother’s a witch, meaning that Athanasia isn’t pure fae, meaning that it’s safer for her to live outside of the palace walls). • Athanasia finding out that she actually has magic? Believable -- she probably just needed to figure out how to use it after all. Finding out that her new wolf friend is actually the guy in charge of keeping a long lost princess of the fae kingdom company? Okay... a bit startling, but that definitely sounds possible. Learning that she’s the long lost princess? Well, fuck.
maybe Don’t catch ‘em all? -- Pokémon AU
• Athanasia is primary Fairy-type trainer who becomes a Fairy Gym Leader. Her six teammates are Primarina (picked popplio as a starter), Togekiss (togepi was her first pkmn from an egg), Sylveon, Hatterene, Klefki (a downright prankster), and Ninetales (gifted to her as a vulpix from Lucas). Because she only uses four in a gym battle, she tends to switch her team on a regular basis to be unpredictable. • Lucas is a primary Dragon-type trainer that became a Dragon Gym Leader around the same time as Athanasia. At his gym, he only uses four Pokémon in battles -- Dragalge, Hydreigon, Kommo-o, and Duraludon. He has Appletun (given to him by Athy as an applin) and Garchomp as his remaining team, but he doesn’t use them often in battle. • Originally, it was intended to Athanasia and Jennette to be rivals in their family (as Claude and Anastacius seemed to have a blatant neverending rivalry), but Jennette was interested in pokemon contests due to her admiration for Diana. Athanasia found the competition of battling to be enjoyable and felt that it established a common ground between her and Claude. • Athanasia occasionally participates in contests from time to time, but it stopped being fun when she was constantly compared to Diana.
it was only one night -- ONS + Unplanned Pregnancy AU
(x) the overall rating is E. I’ve posted a bunch of wip’s for this au that you can start reading from here or you can wait for when i post it on ao3 on my NotSafeForWyn account //winkwonks (it’ll definitely happen, i just don’t know when)
• Diana doesn’t die at childbirth, and instead dies when Athanasia is only 4 years old. After Diana dies, Claude’s relationship with Athanasia sours for a bit with Claude deliberately distancing himself from her by focusing on his business [Obelia Enterprises] and Athanasia works hard to be the best heiress she could be so that Claude would actually look at her.
• If you read my idea for the Student Council AU (in my lucathy ideas 2) and thought “huh, this kinda feels a lot like a LP version of your Student Council AU, Wyn, except Diana died and (blahblahblah)” then yes you would be absolutely correct. Also, Lucas’s parents did divorce instead of staying together, which is one of the reasons that causes the both of them to grow up without the other.
• Also, when Jennette’s aunt dies, she’s 14 and she ends up in Claude’s custody, not the Alpheus Fam. Similar to LP, Claude pays more attention to Jennette and ends up declaring her to be the heiress of the company instead of Athanasia. The reason for this isn’t because he loves Jennette, though, and Athanasia doesn’t end up getting kicked out or anything, she just chose to leave home and never went back for several years because she couldn’t stand how bitter she feels about Claude and Jennette.
• Basically follows similarities to the Anastacius/Penelope/Claude/Diana dynamic (which is 100% intentional and was Not something decided an hour after posting one of the wip tidbits). Athanasia and Ezekiel dated for a few years until Ezekiel slept with Jennette, and while the difference is that Athy forgives him because she believed in him and genuinely wanted to believe that he wouldn’t cheat on her, Jennette claims that she’s pregnant, they breakup, and Jennkiel announce their engagement (spoilers, Jennette had a “miscarriage” after the announcement). They eventually got married, but they don’t have children.
• After Athanasia graduates from law school, she starts working at <The Lovely Success> which is a famous and international law firm (and yes, the law firm was intentionally named that as a nod to The Lovely Princess and it amuses me immensely because it sounds like it could be a title of a cheesy romcom), she meets Lucas who she ends up befriending. Everyone at the law firm thinks they’re dating, but they don’t bother clearing up those rumours because they’re both married to their jobs. It’s a strong commitment, really.
• Lucas and Athanasia both get tipsy from champagne and they end up sleeping together (they weren’t necessarily drunk-drunk, but they both agreed to blame it on the alcohol). And although she took the Plan B pill, she still ends up pregnant. Thankfully for her, she’s not going to handle this alone.
• If you ever listened to the Waitress soundtrack, it’s basically “The Negative” except combined with “Bad Idea” minus the whole cheating situation cause they’re both single in the beginning. Plus, I had to have gotten that “it was only one night” title name from somewhere (The Negative, for those who were curious, which is basically a song about taking a pregnancy test).
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i told myself only 3 lucathy ideas per ideas post. did i listen? no.
thanks for coming to my lucathy tedtalk again im here everyday crying for lucathy
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starlit-dreaming · 4 years
[WMMAP] Lucathy Ideas (4/?)
this is basically going into my list of lucathy au’s that i’m probably not gonna write tbh but god damn did i have a ton of avatar ideas
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Going Up -- Stuck in an Elevator AU
• Okay so there were like. three possibilities for this AU that i had in mind: secret dating + office au, post-couples fight + major UST, or the standard strangers are stuck together and one of them has claustrophobia???
• For the Standard Strangers + Claustrophobia one, I was more or less thinking along the lines of Lucas and Athy sharing the same apartment complex, except they’re not strangers-strangers, cause they have mutual friends, but they’ve never had a conversation with each other until they got stuck in an elevator.
• Next is the Post-Couples Fight w/Major UST scenario, it’s, well, exactly what it sounds like. Lucas and Athy are both dating, they’re roommates, but they got into an argument and ended up getting stuck in an elevator together.
• Lastly, there’s the Office AU w/Secret Dating. Which, yeah. There’s gonna be a make out session bound to happen. What happens next is all up to a pal’s imagination.
In Sickness And In Health -- Hospital AU
• I don’t know if I want to go with a Modern AU or with a Modern Fantasy AU. I’m inclined to lean towards Modern Fantasy cause then I could say that Athy is sick via an obscure curse caused by her uncle.
• So it’s up to your imagination if Diana’s still alive or not -- I’d like to say that she is (and that Athanasia has a little brother who always wants to visit Athy at the hospital).
• And yeah if it’s not obvious yet, Athy is in the hospital because of an unknown illness that makes her cough up blood on random occasions. So it’s a possible combination of an unknown illness (and curse, for the fantasy route). The only person asides from family who visited Athanasia in the hospital was a boy who got lost, which is going to be obviously Lucas but she won’t remember his name years later so we’ll pretend to be surprised when that fact is revealed in the present day.
• Anyways, so Lucas decides to become a (magic) doctor after his meeting with bedridden Athy because he wants to help cure her and all (and maybe he’s the adopted son of the hospital director cause lmao *coincidences*) and he eventually succeeds and honestly that’s all I really thought about.
Where The Wind Blows -- ATLA AU
• Okay so Anastacius is the former Fire Lord who lost to Claude in Agni Kai for the throne. The main reason for Claude fighting for the throne was because Anastacius was gearing up to start a war against the other nations. Penelope fled to her relatives in the Earth Kingdom and Claude became the first Fire Lord with a commoner mother (his mother being an Earth Nation citizen).
• Athanasia’s mother is a dancer that incorporates fire bending into her movements (elegant like a water bender and all that). But because Anastacius is still alive, Athanasia’s appearance was kept a secret, for the most part, because they’re worried about him returning and that he’ll attempt to murder everyone in revenge.
• For the first few years, it’s assumed that Athanasia will be either a fire bender or an earth bender, but as time went on, it was assumed that she was actually a non-bender, so she ended up getting chi blocking classes with Lucas, who's three years older. At one point in her life she meets Earth Kingdom Ezekiel (more of a noble of the court, but everyone thinks of him as a prince) and everyone seems to be under the belief that they’re gonna get married one day.
• She ends up finding out that she’s the avatar when she accidentally fire bends and earth bends. And it’s a “holy shit we found the avatar” moment except Lily thinks that it’d be safer to keep it between them and her parent(s) because, well, Athanasia’s the princess of the fire nation so extra security.
• Originally I was thinking “Earth King Claude x Fire Nation Dancer Diana” but I wasn’t sure how well that could work out with the overall story I’ve got going since Anastacius seemed better suited to the Fire Nation imo? But, if we’re going the “Athy is the Earth Kingdom Princess” route, then Penelope fled to the Fire Nation. Just switch Fire and Earth around, honestly (although it’s for sure that Athy starts off learning Chi Blocking, to discovering that she’s a Fire Bender, to finding out she’s the Avatar).
• Alternatively, Anastacius could be Fire Lord, while Claude inherits the Earth Kingdom (different mothers, different bending). Which means that when Athanasia is born, it’s during a war time and she gets the training to be a warrior princess. The fact that she’s an avatar is kept on the downlow because Claude doesn’t want to expose his daughter to a war while he’s still alive. Until Athanasia demands to help fight in the war.
• Regardless of how the story goes, something ends up happening which causes Athanasia and Lucas to go off on a journey across the nations to both help expand her skills in bending.
• Another alternative take on an ATLA AU would be that Princess Athanasia gets engaged to Prince Ezekiel, but she doesn’t wanna marry him so she runs away to avoid the engagement.
• And lastly, another take I have in mind is that it basically is ATLA, in which Jennette, Kiel, and Lucas are travelling together to find help. And that Jennette is technically both Zuko and Aang in the fact that she’s the Avatar and she has to fight her father, Anastacius (who’s disappointed in her fire bending skills; she never told him that she’s the avatar). And Jennette more or less finds out that her uncle Claude was to be executed for treason, but he managed to escape which happened a long time ago before she was born.
• So she basically thinks “if I can find him, I might be able to end this war and my father’s tyranny!” and grabs Kiel, her childhood best friend and the Earth Kingdom royal who is tired of listening to his father about staying on Fire Lord Anastacius’s good side, decides “fuck it”. Lucas is a traveler and informant for Athanasia, and he offers to travel with them until he reaches Kyoshi Island because he thinks “this ought to be interesting”
• Athanasia is a Kyoshi Warrior and her mom was a Fire Nation Dancer who managed to rescue her father, an earth bender. For a while, they settled down on Kyoshi Island, and after years passed, Claude and Diana both decided to travel and figure out a way to overthrow Anastacius. Athanasia decides to stay to be a Kyoshi Warrior and plans on joining them when she’s older (which is where Lucas comes in, as he helps Athanasia and her parents stay in contact and by providing them with information). She’s a fire bender, and Jennette more or less pleads for her to teach her fire bending when they end up traveling together.
• Anyways, what I mainly wanted to focus on??? Is the possible parallels between Lucas and Athy with Sokka and Suki -- like. Badass girlfriend? Check. Strong strategist? Check. Relationship that develops over time? Hell yeah. The only difference is that Lucas and Athy have known each other for years and all that.
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i had another au idea as i was writing this. but this is becoming a long post so i’ll end it here. especially cause that avatar au pretty much melted my brain with ALL the possibilities istg
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starlit-dreaming · 4 years
[WMMAP] Lucathy Ideas (5/?)
me, earlier: i’m not gonna be posting lucathy ideas for a while until i managed to finish ch8 for crescendo!!! me, now: i have a visceral Need for lucas with piercings and no one can stop me, not even when my future self, who will inevitably curse me for continuously putting off on my current wips ;;;;;;;
because every post is starting to feel like it’s just gonna get longer and longer, i’m now gonna be using the read more so i don’t have to cry every time i see an essay length of ideas udyiflhgfdyik
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Lucathy -- (kind of) Horimiya AU
• i couldn’t think of a better name for the au ngl but i think it’s good enough especially since it’s a ship name too so
• If you don’t know, Horimiya is a manga (from a webcomic called Hori-san to Miyamura-kun) which is basically about a popular girl that essentially has a side of herself that she doesn’t want people to know, and it just so happens that this dude in her class finds out about it. The guy in question appearing to be a completely different person than what he displays himself to be at school.
• Okay, based off on that mini summary, I was more or less “holy shit Athy would be the popular girl while Lucas will be her classmate yes this is perfect”. Because I was sleep-deprived when I made these notes, I didn’t really consider the whole “but Lucas would be a fantastic delinquent-looking character //shakes fist” because, well. sleep-deprived.
• Claude is a businessman who constantly travels overseas and tends to notify the family that he’s back. Diana is a full-time dance instructor at a university. Felix is Claude’s secretary and sometimes has to travel with him, too, which more or less caused Diana and Lily to spend time together.
• Athy has a younger brother (Areum is my default name cause the spelling tends to make me think of using Ares as a nickname for him). Because her family is wealthy but prefer a simple lifestyle, Athy more or less handles the chores and takes care of her little bro (who’s, idk, 5 years old?)
• Felix and Lily are married and Lily’s family runs a flower shop instead of a bakery. Lucas is their adopted son -- he was adopted in his first year of middle school except Lucas was pretty much goes full-on delinquent look by getting piercings and all that. He grew out his hair to avoid the hassle of teachers constantly reprimanding him over it by the time he’s a high schooler.
• Cabel and Helena are both Lucas’s friends from another school (shindou and his gf), while Ezekiel and Jennette are Athy’s friends
• all i had for the rest of my notes was “former delinquent lucas wiTH PIERCINGS FORMER DELINQUENT LUCAS WITH PIERCINGS”
• that one scene between miyamura and souta about him taking his sister away and fiudrsljtukhd
• oh god i just realized that it could be changed around a bit so that helena and cabel would be the main pairing (especially since helena has a little brother and. there’s too many possibilities that i’d have to consider if i ever come back to this au dyiukiljdhg)
• ok but no like seriously helena would be hori -- popular girl at school, but housewife-like and caretaker of her younger bro at home while cabel is almost like miyamura
• actually never mind i can’t imagine cabel appearing to be the gloomy classmate type who rocks the Punk Aesthetic™
• lucas is definitely the popular guy at school with a bad boy image though so that’s why it at least works for lucathy instead of calena
• anD ANOTHER THING, AS I’M REREADING THIS MANGA. that one kiss scene in horimiya. it’s smooth as fuck??? yes or yes
the person i used to be -- Canon Divergence + Memory Loss AU
• instead of Claude getting amnesia after the whole magic burst, it’s Athanasia who loses her memories and i really want to explore the possibilities
• She doesn’t remember everything -- all she has are bits and pieces of her memories, and she is, more or less, similar to LP Athanasia in the fact that she’s quieter, but definitely more socially inclined. She remembers some moments between her and Claude, and if it wasn’t for the fact that she feels safe being around her dad, she most likely would’ve thought she was in danger because she remembers how she drowned one time, as well as the time that Claude stated that Athy would be treated as a princess and the fear that she felt over the acknowledgement, etc, etc.
• Claude doesn’t approve of anyone outside of the palace visiting Athanasia when she doesn’t remember much of anything. It’s hard for Claude to tell if she’s happy, and he’s definitely blaming himself for not getting to her sooner.
• She vaguely remembers Lucas, but it’s to the point where she ends up concluding that Lucas might be her lover depending on those memories -- i.e. dancing together in her dance classes, him visiting her at her balcony at night, etc. Because magic is so cool??? Plus he’s her childhood playmate, according to Felix and Lillian. It’s practically a love story, after all -- a princess, a magician who saved her from dying, and they’re childhood friends???
• When Lucas gets back, he immediately picks up on the fact that Athanasia was affected by something magic related, which affected her memories, and that it’s not something he could really mess with.
• She also thinks that Felix and Lillian are together, but is absolutely taken aback when she realizes that they aren’t.
• The black magic affecting Claude is also back, but since he has his memories, it should go away easily with the more time he spends with Athy.
• The Lucathy Kiss™ ends up happening, but it happens when Athy thanks Lucas for helping her get away from Ezekiel and her saying something about how obvious Ezekiel is. And because she thinks that she’s dating Lucas, she’s very willing to kiss him
• At one point, someone tries to tell her that she and Lucas weren’t romantically involved before her memory loss, but she ends up stumping everyone when she responds with “then how am I able to remember Lucas?” (Granted, Lucas does confirm that they weren’t dating, but it’s pretty obvious to her that they both have feelings for each other, especially because he makes her heart skip a beat a lot of the time???)
• They both agree to take things slowly, because Athy doesn’t want to cause someone’s death if Claude and Lucas get into a magic fight, and Lucas wants to be absolutely certain that Athy actually likes him and not because of her memory loss.
• She does regain her memory because of the magic tree branch (which sounds really shady to me for some reason. like. “take a hit of that magic tree branch and everything will be A-OK”)
list of videos -- (kind of) YouTuber AU
• in this au, i’m thinking that Athy was abandoned at an orphanage and eventually became a professional dance instructor at a university, probably. idk if i want to go into the complexities of claude and athanasia’s relationship, because if he does get introduced then it ends up becoming a “hey. so you’re the kid i abandoned” type of discussion that i’m really not interested in considering
• when she was in high school, people kept bothering her about makeup tips, so she would privately post videos on youtube and just send them to her friends because it was easier that way since most of them would ask the same thing, and not everyone were in the same group chats as her.
• she just didn’t consider the fact that she’s gorgeous and popular among her classmates. so the video link got shared around a lot and she ended up amassing a large following.
• she starts posting her dance choreography after she enters university in order to improve, mainly because she thinks that she keeps messing up, but also cause helena is bummed out for never being able to watch athy dance (helena is like. athy’s #1 fan and she might or might not fite anyone who tries to take that title from her //coughJENNETTEcough)
• lucas ends up in the same dance class with athy, partly because of a dare with cabel, partly because alcohol was involved, and he’s not sure if he ends up regretting it in the end or not, because he gets paired up with athy and that more or less becomes part of the norm in their class -- they’re dance partners
• lucas is more of a tech wizard who messes around with music in his free time to the point that he accidentally ends up being cabel’s music producer and recording engineer (and helena’s, too, cause those two became a package deal at some point after they started collabing) he posts the music on his youtube channel cause money. and the money aspect of being a youtuber is what makes athy consider making all her vids public
• cabel’s a gamer and is a bit of a prankster. he mainly focuses on video games now, and occasionally sings covers. helena is more of a singer, though, because her youtube is primarily comprised of covers
• please listen to songs by us the duo (i recommend “no matter where you are” (their live wedding performance) or “like i did with you” or “never gonna leave you” and iudfksiukh a lot of their music is about loving each other and honestly i just love them so please just pick one of their songs and listen??? i can easily see calena being the musician couple and that lucas sometimes gets stuck with third wheeling cause he’s their music producer)
• anyways, athanasia is an accidental youtuber. because she ends up posting a dance choreography featuring her and lucas, where lucas was helping her rehearse for one of her classes and it just ends up becoming a popular video in the dance community. like. she’s still getting a teaching degree and is gonna be a dancer instructor, but she ends up being a famous one that the university she went to immediately offered her a teaching position that would be available once she finishes her teaching degree
• i think that’s all the ideas that i had? well. i’d also like to imagine that lucas and athy are probably married and have kids
my teacher and my sister’s best friend -- Modern AU
• so this au is more focused on the pov of helena’s brother (fiore or chrys are the names i’m thinking of; chrys being short chrysanthos, and mainly cause it means ‘golden flower’ which works perfectly for the popular ‘beautiful flower’ lol). his name is still up for debate
• in this au, helena and athanasia are roommates, and helena ends up being the sole guardian of her younger brother (idk maybe helena’s parents got into a car accident, leaving her with the family business or something). helena’s younger brother is only in middle school. mainly cause lucas would seem like the type of teacher that’s just really fucking Done with everyone and internally curses himself for ever deciding to settle on being a science teacher
• and yeah, middle school science teacher lucas is also the worse teacher to have for some of the students. cause while he’s convinced that students aren’t studying, the students just flat out don’t understand the lessons. except for a couple of them like helena’s younger brother. at one point he just flat out ends up being the computer lab guy and test administrator rather than being a science teacher-teacher and the administrative side of being on the staff suits him better than being an actual teacher
• the only reason why he ended up becoming a teacher was because cabel suggested “why not become a science teacher” when they were in high school and lucas 100% regrets ever listening to him. cabel’s probably a teacher too
• so helena is pretty much busy running her family’s business, and because she doesn’t have family, athanasia naturally helps her out. when helena’s younger brother moves in with them (after the possible death of his parents), athanasia becomes one of his emergency contacts and ends up being his ride to school and home.
• lucas with glasses pls and thank you
• Athy’s a proofreader, so her schedule is more flexible in comparison to Helena, and in those instances, she more or less fills in. everyone assumes that she’s his older sister, too, since they’re both blondes and they don’t really bother saying otherwise because it’s a bit of a hassle to deal with that.
• in his first year of middle school, athy and lucas do NOT get along at all. they’re very passive aggressive when they meet each other for a parent-teacher conference (maybe they met once on a blind date back in college)
• by a series of unfortunate and convenient events, lucas ends up bumping into athanasia outside of parent-teacher conferences or in school events. korean bbq (helena, her bro, and athy went out and ends up meeting lucas and cabel with his bros and sister). the mall (she dropped helena’s bro off so he can hang out with his friends and decided to do some minor shopping for herself. and ended up tossing a guy over her shoulder after he touched her butt, probably??? and lucas just happened to be there. or maybe, we go the normal route by athy bumping into lucas, and she ends up being his ride home after cabel bailed on him to go help his sister with something, since cabel’s his roommate that owns a car and all)
• regardless. shit happens. their relationship improves. and helena ends up spilling the deets in the fact that lucathy are exes who ended up breaking up on not so great terms because of a series of misunderstandings that they were too stubborn to work through. and they’re now finally talking things out because they don’t want to get everyone caught up in the crossfire of potential arguments (mainly for helena’s brother’s sake) and realizing “oh, well now i feel dumb for ever thinking of that to begin with”. one of the misunderstandings being that athy was interested in ezekiel despite dating lucas and that he was her rebound, while athy thought that he was only dating her so that he won’t have to deal with girls constantly confessing to him. so lack of communication on lucas’s part and too much insecurity on athy’s side.
• i kinda want a moment of jealous lucas. where his coworker is flirting with athy type of jealousy and lucas just stepping in, calling her athy, and helping her get away from the guy???
• idk
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(note: future wyn here. im definitely cursing my past self rn. this thing is practically 3 pages??? and yet i’m nowhere closer to reaching 11k for the ons au or finishing ch8 of crescendo)
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starlit-dreaming · 3 years
[WMMAP] The Slow Burn AU
oh boy guess who’s (a teeny bit) sleep-deprived and back on their bullshit with [concept ideas that they swear to never write]? this pal right here
fun fact, this post is roughly 3400 words :’D
@lithium-15​ @d4ddylucas​ i hope this update brings you joy because i’ve finally convinced myself to open yet another google docs tab for a fic that will cause suffering for us all around, whether it be waiting for, reading, or writing it
i’ll be titling it as “beep beep (answer the phone already you asshole)” just so i can just shorten it to [beep beep] when i tag it on here
the potential titles it could’ve been called in case you didn’t see one of my misc posts about it:
• it was an opportunity missed • call me if you want to reach me • voicemails • this aching heart of mine • may i take your order • it really doesn’t seem like there’s anyone for me • beep beep (answer the phone already you asshole) • a series of bad advice (note to self: don’t listen to helena) • i lost my number; can i have yours?
also im ngl. lowkey got the idea while i was writing this of a pjo au where diana is aphrodite or claude is zeus (which is funny considering that ive been having athy getting nicknamed with “athena” and lucas being nicknamed “luke” for the longest time and only NOW thought of a pjo au)
vague, non-spoiler-y ideas:
• i definitely want lucas and athy to go “lmao they may be attractive but i would Never date them” and then later go “fuck maybe i do want to date them”
• in their pre-irl reveal, they go by athena and luke as nicknames when they text each other
• even though athy seems to be very sociable, i definitely want lucas to call her boring tbh??? also, she Definitely plays otome games in her free time.
• athy definitely has blackie. but i’m not sure if i want to make them be a cute lil pug or a chow chow. case in point:
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• fucking adorable, isn’t it? meanwhile, a chow chow is a cute monster of floof and at this point im just being self-indulgent:
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• if i wanted to be manhwa-accurate, blackie looks more like a wolfdog or maybe a doberman whatever (i’d have to look more into different types of dog breeds if i really wanted to narrow it all down except i Know i’ll probably start weeping over cute dogs cause i fucking love animals and will coo over it so no, i’m not gonna do that), but because i’m very much a “it’s an au i can do as i please” so i’ll most likely have blackie be a chow chow fluff ball
• athy getting her wisdom tooth removed at one point and texting like an inebriated drunkard that is only coherent thanks to autocorrect
• in the beginning, helena is established to have a romantic interest in lucas, while cabel has a romantic interest in athy. misunderstandings ensue
• i’m deadass rereading last game for this au because of all the pining this fic is gonna have. so there will probably be a few scenes here and there that i got the inspo from the manga. might draw some inspo from other manga/manhwa (i.e. yanagi’s proposal to kujou is a Maybe???)
• college club life even though ive literally never joined any clubs before i dropped out and know nothing. im basing the clubs off of what’s at the community college i went to. taekwondo lucas and tennis player athy?
• cabel being part of the astronomy club, along with helena. tempted to make her be a paralegal but that’s diving a little too close into [it was only one night] ngl
• so lucas canonically has 2 brothers, 1 younger, 1 older. meaning that since lucas is 24 y/o, his younger brother is roughly 14 y/o and his older brother would be maybe 27 y/o. his older bro’s gonna get married in this fic
• lucas has a matchmaking grandma constantly on his case, even more so now that his older brother will be getting married
• “be my matchmaker repellent” lucas @ athy
• lucas is gonna have familial drama in the fact that he’s got brothers and has to Deal with them. meanwhile, athy’s familial drama is that she was raised in a single parent household and has never known her father and ended up meeting him at someone’s goddamn wedding
i’ll essentially be rehashing and expanding on details down below, laying out an outline for the info i mentioned before, but in a more organized manner for my future self’s sanity. it’ll technically be spoilers, even if i might not follow the outline perfectly, since i’m still working through my thought process on how i’d like for this fic to go
• AUs: coffee shop + college + wrong number + modern setting + social media??? + strangers to friends to lovers + minor fake dating
• rated: M (no E, no smut, no violence, the only thing that’s E for this fic is Emotional Suffering)
• slice of life vibe, basically
• Ships: lucathy, calena, felily, mentioned claudiana, probably jennkiel, onesided athykiel
• general word count goal: 5k min to 10k max (per chapter)
• total chapter goal: 100 (200 based on the goddamn outline Help)
note: there’s more if you want to read the entire fic outline and get possible in-story spoilers
• essentially going over a regular day in lucas and athy’s life
• establishing a worker-customer acquaintanceship (meaning that there’s next to no direct interactions)
• the wrong number trope ends up happening -- luke and athena being their nicknames.
• chapter goal from beginning to end: 1 to 5
PART ONE: the getting-to-know-you (mostly via texts)
• essentially thinking that the other person is cute irl but believing that they have such a shitty personality that they would never want to date the other person (after seeing their interactions with their friends -- lucas being blunt and dropping the customer service smile around cabel, athy ranting to helena about what would sound like dumb shit to him)
• helena catches feelings for lucas. cabel also catches feelings for athy. athy helping helena get a date with lucas. lucas decides to try and get cabel a date. it goes exactly as one would expect -- not well.
• there’s a huge misunderstanding, and eventually cabel and helena end up accidentally going on a date together. they realize that they’ve got a lot in common and decide to give it a try
• tl;dr, the “attempted wingman” arc
• athy probably gets her wisdom tooth removal at the beginning of this arc
• the “haha me liking him/her? that’s dumb” portion
• chapter goal: 6 to 15
PART TWO: the friendship portion!!!
• as in. lucas and athy end up becoming proper friends irl instead of the impersonal acquaintanceship.
• i want lucas to have some major family drama going on. like a “i need someone to be my plus 1 for my older brother’s wedding and my grandma’s been constantly trying to matchmake me with every eligible girl my age -- basically, be my matchmaker repellent” type of drama not drama-drama being in something sob-worthy
• note: he does not ask athanasia, he complains to her about it through their text convos by mentioning that his brother’s getting married and his grandma wanting to pair him off with a family friend’s daughter, but he doesn’t ask her to help him whether irl or through the screen and its only mentioned as a minor thing (foreshadowing, basically)
• another note: the wedding would not happen asap, rather his brother’s engagement and marriage is essentially going to be setup in this part of the story. its more of a matter of lucas needing to repel his grandma’s matchmaking attempts. it’ll be a “in the next couple of months” and will most likely be happening in part 4 of this outline
• lucas and athy end up catching feelings for each other. as in their minor attraction from part 1 returns to slap them in the face. they agonize over this with their “wrong number buddy” (who just so happen to be the crush in question)
• the “i kinda wanna hold their hand” to “fuck fuck fuck fuck i wanna hold their hand fuck”
• chapter goal: 16 to 29
PART THREE: the pining
• suffer with me
• there’s essentially the mIb love square as lithium called out. at one point they’ll be talking about maybe doing a phone call one of these days (since one of them called by accident) and just nervous realization of “oh no i like this person AND my texting buddy”
• lucas asking athy if she’d be willing to be his plus one at his brother’s wedding -- his matchmaker repellent. we can turn it into a valentines thing, too so that it’ll be all the more ridiculous, because athy would think he’s about to ask her to be his girlfriend, so she just keeps nodding until she hears the question of her being his plus one so that he’d have a friend that could help him put an end to all the matchmaking attempts. plus, he can’t ask cabel to help him out because then that would invite granny hwang’s attempt to push eligible bachelors at him instead
• athy was 100% not amused to hear that she wasn’t even his first, second, or third choice. but she’s pining and begrudgingly agrees to help him out
• little did she know that she WAS his first choice, it’s just that he didn’t Ask her until everyone else was a definite no. she’s also his last choice because if lucas was desperate enough he would’ve deadass asked his texting buddy
• helena will Probably try to set athy up on a blind date, but since it takes place at the coffee shop/cafe lucas works at, he essentially helps athy out when they realize that helena unintentionally agreed to set her up with her EX???? idk yet except that they’re not really Friends, but regardless lucas manages to help her. it’s kiel who’s the blind date btw
• the one-sided athykiel -- essentially ezekiel establishing that he likes athy. athy mentions him to lucas in their text convos by mentioning that she’s pretty sure he likes her but she’s just Not into him like that
• the “it’s fine we’re friends and friends hold hands and they hug all the time so it wouldn’t be strange right” reassurances
• chapter goal: 30 to 56
PART FOUR: the panicking
• they have their first phone call :’)
• lucathy simping for the other person’s voice and lowkey thinking “wow they sound so familiar haha” and more or less going “you have a really nice voice if you did audiobooks i’d buy them just to hear your voice”
• idk what the fuck’s gonna happen by chapter 100, but its going to be when they FINALLY get a clue that they might have mutual feelings and hold hands and it’s very obvious (to everyone) that they’re into each other
• there’s gonna be the wedding for lucas’s older brother with athy as lucas’s plus one. lucas is from a prominent and rich family, so a lot of his family’s business associates are invited to the wedding. cabel’s family shows up, cause cabel’s older brother is a businessman; cabel is lucas’s childhood friend btw
• so after the family drama that lucas has with his family prior to part four dies down, it’s athy’s turn of familial drama :)
• in the fact that claude shows up to the part and he’s just. “diana???” and athy, having grown up in a single parent household that consists of her and her mom, is surprise pikachu face like “you know my mom?”
• so athy’s familial drama is essentially a “holy shit my dad’s a multibillionaire bachelor and my mom never told me until AFTER i met him”. cue the whole awkward “fuck,,, guys my dad wants to marry my mom after finally finding her thanks to me and my mom still loves him and im so fucking confused because this whole time i thought mom left him cause he was a piece of shit but it turns out that it was because my mom thought he deserved someone better than a part-time dance instructor and now everything i thought i knew is Shattered”
• yeah i didn’t want anything too angsty with athy’s family drama. so i decided to give it a cinderella kinda vibe. like the prince at the ball (claude attending the wedding) and finding cinderella’s shoe (athy being the shoe) that leads him to cinderella (finding diana). i was gonna make a joke about it being like cinderella but then i ended up making That connection tbh
• also, at the wedding lucas planned on telling her that he realized that she’s been his texting buddy, but then claude interrupted them because he was pretty sure that athy is his daughter
• it’s the “what does this mean does that mean they like me back or???” (mostly panic on athy’s side) of the story, but it’s also the “fuck man i’ve got shit going on with my family that i don’t know if i can even Think about romance”
• chapter goal: 57 to 100
PART FIVE: the adjustment period
• athy essentially dealing with the fact that her entire life she thought her dad was a dirtbag but it turns out that it was all a misunderstanding so she’s trying to learn how to get along with the guy
• meeting her cousin jennette who’s all “!!!!!!! i have a cousin that’s almost a year younger than me!!!” and wants to get along with athy. she’s trying to see if jennette’s being genuine or not (spoilers: she is)
• also lucas manages to FINALLY tell athy that he thinks that she’s his texting buddy. and it’s that awkward relief that the person they like is the same person. although now lucas thinks that athy has a crush on a coworker of his or something while athy thinks that lucas is interested in a customer of his
• despite both of them being genuises. helena has the shared brain cell and she’s crying at the level of misunderstandings that’s going on when athy tells her about her crush on lucas and her adamant belief that he’s crushing on a customer
• cabel not so subtly trying to figure out who lucas likes -- it’s obvious to helena who highkey thinks lucathy is definitely gonna happen and will Definitely win the lucathy betting pool against lucas’s older brother, but cabel’s like “idk though athy doesn’t seem like his type”
• claude and diana deciding to get married; felix being claude’s best man, lillian being diana’s maid of honor, with athy taking part in the overall wedding planning
• during the wedding planning process for claudiana, athy is just looking at all these pictures and thinking “getting married,,,,, actually sounds kinda nice” and that comment more or less ends up slipping out while she’s sitting on the sofa at lucas’s apartment while looking through wedding pictures. and lucas just. freezes, staring at athy as she’s staring at her screen.
• lucas making a bet with her courtesy of Last Game (not gonna be the same words as yanagi since athy is Very much aware of social cues unlike kujou, but lucas WILL say “then i’ll be putting a ring on your finger” or something along the lines)
• chapter goal: 100 to 150
• i don’t know i really don’t know i just want them to finally get together by part six because if i keep delaying it in this outline i really might go insane the more slow burn i add to it
• wedding #2 except this time its claudiana getting married. they wanted to get married asap, but claude and athy both agreed that it would be worth it to see diana in a wedding dress because they both simp for her
• athy’s plus one is lucas since they both agreed to be each other’s emergency plus one after his brother’s wedding since. they’re both from prominent families so they want to avoid shit
• everyone’s asking lucathy if they have plans on getting married (a lot of claude’s wedding guests assume that athy’s dating lucas and lowkey wants to know if their sons or daughters have a chance)
• this is where the fake dating Really kickstarts which makes athy feel immensely guilty cause she’s lying to her mom tbh but lucas just swoops in and smoothly answers that it’s only natural that he intends on one day marrying athy and they’re pretty much #relationship goals despite not actually dating
• which is probably when she realizes that he Did mention something about marriage during their bet since his win meant that he’d be putting a ring on her finger
• only reason why claude hasn’t tried to lowkey murder lucas is cause it’s athy’s decision on who she dates and loves, but he Will murder lucas if he ever breaks her heart -- which, luckily for everyone, he hasn’t and won’t be
• especially cause lucas and athy Do start actually dating after claudiana’s wedding (because they end up talking because athy really stopped to think “holy shit am i the person that you like???” and cue lucas going “thanks for stating the obvious -- btw i won the bet” so guess who’s boyfriend/girlfriend but are Also technically fiance/es via bet)
• i am going to cry when lucathy are finally dating
• chapter goal: 151 to 178
CONCLUSION: lovey-dovey fluff
• it’s. as the title indicates. fluff. lovey-dovey pure fluff
• athy moving into lucas’s apartment. athy wearing his sweaters and clothes. matching scarves. athy “accidentally” leaving a lipstick mark on his cheek or lips idk yet but it’ll happen
• ring pop proposal ft. drunk athy. lucas ends up snickering and will ruthlessly tease athy over it, especially since cabel drunkenly got it all on camera and bawled over how “beautiful” it was. lucas said yes btw, and then a drunken helena started crying over it too repeating “he said Yes!!!!”
• then a proper lucathy proposal (although technically athy already gave lucas a ring and lucas already said he’d put a ring on her finger if he won the bet). it’s annoyingly casual for athy’s tastes, and if anyone ever asks how the proposal had gone, there will ALWAYS be a completely different story (“she proposed to me with a ring pop while she was drunk” or “he proposed via a bet before we were even dating” or “he proposed to me when we were having dinner and i choked on my cake” or “she thought i was joking about buying her a ring, but then i actually knelt down on one knee and proposed to her at the cafe when i was still on the clock” “i proposed to him after he made me dinner because of how good his cooking is”). all of it is true and valid, but Nobody knows and everyone thinks that they’re just joking around until the lucathy wedding invitation arrives in the mail a few months later
• maybe a lucathy wedding will be written cause i hate myself and want to make the chapter goal a nice round 200 and you know what they say -- 3rd time’s the charm
• do i want claude and diana to give athy a younger brother that would, undoubtedly, be like almost 21-22 years of an age difference between athy and the lil bro. i did the calculations guys, since in this au diana was 18 (claude was 17-18) when she gave birth to athy, and since athy is 21-22 in the present day, that means diana is 39 years old. it’s still very much a possibility for her to get pregnant and have another kid
• chapter goal: 179 to 200
i planned on posting this earlier, but i guess its an early valentines day post now LMAO
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starlit-dreaming · 3 years
i definitely do Not want to write a slowburn lucathy fanfic that consists of over 50k words in which it will physically pain the reader in the fact that they’re Still not together at like. 30 chapters in. and i dont want it to be a wrong number au and consider all the ways it could go wrong and all the potential Drama that could happen
and it totally wouldnt be anything similar to Last Game in how the main couple decide to have a sort of bet that implies marriage because lucas would Definitely be the type of male lead that would say “and if i win, i get to put a ring on your finger” or something romantically cheesy like that and i Definitely have Not read too much romance novels/manga/stories (blame high schooler wyn for that; they did a lot of ship fic reading in high school)
it Definitely wouldnt be a college au on top of that. athy who just left home because of Family Drama. athy would be 21, lucas would be 24 perhaps. they both attend the same university but have wildly different schedules. i’m a college dropout my dudes so i probably would indeed be self-projecting my experience onto lucas here by saying he dropped out of college at 20 y/o but decided to come back at 23 or whatever idk
and. maybe minor coffee shop au. maybe???????????
like. imagining their fingertips touching as lucas hands athy her coffee, but they just brush off the feeling as like “haha me liking him/her? that’s dumb” and gradually as the fic progresses the lingering touches keep happening but now it’s “i kinda wanna hold their hand” by chapter 15 or 20, and evolving into “fuck fuck fuck fuck i wanna hold their hand fuck” by chapter 30 to gradually “it’s fine we’re friends and friends hold hands and they hug all the time so it wouldn’t be strange right” reassurances at chapter 50, and eventually reaching “what does this mean does that mean they like me back or???”
and finally at like. chapter 100. they actually hold hands. and Not freak out.
.........this was definitely not inspired by the previous post i reblogged about slow burn fics and me desperately loving them while loathing them with every fiber of my Existence
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starlit-dreaming · 4 years
[design ref] it was only one doodle
made this so that way i dont constantly google wedding images tbh. but if i posted instead of keeping it as a draft, then it prob means ive already drawn smth and just decided to throw the images onto google doc instead
which i did draw smth. but its just a doodle since i havent drawn in over half a year (i think; i haven’t posted anything art-related on discord) hiulokfgkilj
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it was only one night related links:
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• Athy would have a white wedding dress with red accents (a shade similar to Lucas’s eye colour) with a rose hairpiece with a gradient of red to pink
• Lucas would have a black suit, maybe a dark red vest??? but he’d have a light blue tie (a shade similar to Athy’s eye colour) with a rose boutonniere that’s essentially the same to match Athy
• because I’m a sucker for couples wearing their partner’s colours
• although rather than a red to pink boutonniere, we could go with a purple -- lavender purple? Because red + blue = purple and all that. Lucas could wear a purple tie instead to tie that all in, and the same for Athy’s hairpiece
• this is a more personal preference, but I’m not a fan of sleeveless dresses, so I’d have to include some kind of lace neckline.
• i’m concerned about clashing their colours though, so red will, more or less, be the main focus when it comes to their colours design-wise
• although for athy, i might need to consider another dress for the wedding reception
Concepts For Athy
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For Lucas
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For Both
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starlit-dreaming · 3 years
masterpost (and stuff)
i will cry the more time i neglect to make this post as its honestly more for my benefit than it is for my followers
☆ || PERSONAL TAGS || ☆ #wynter writes -- writing tag. used for poems, fics, and original content #wip tidbit -- wip writing tag. essentially the same as #wynter writes, but its all unfinished works #artsywyn -- art tag. used for fanart, usually (if i ever post my art, anyways) #starlit rambles -- rant/ramble tag. usually used if i feel like im in a rambly mood #ideas for the wyn -- ideas tag. not necessarily ideas that i’ll write (few are), but it’s more of a “food for thought” type of thing #liveblogftwyn -- liveblog tag. kinda self-explanatory? in case people are curious about me screeching about what im reading or watching. i usually make a post and continuously reblog it to add more commentary to it, so i highly recommend you block this tag if you don’t want to see any of it #u asked for it -- ask tag. i use this if i get any asks #wyn’s ask box -- ask meme related things. i think. i’ll probably only use this if im responding to asks relating to ask memes, at least #that feeling wyn you're tagged -- self-explanatory imo
i think thats all the personal tags i had
☆ || FANDOM/FIC-RELATED THINGS || ☆ BNHA #fic: crescendo (wip; on hold) -- Quirkless Izuku; posted on ao3 MLB #fic: élémentaire (wip; slow going) -- HBIC Marinette, eventual Felinette + Chlogami 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 OUR LIFE (1 & 2) #fic: when honestly you can't recall (wip; slow going) -- Baxter Ward/MC, single parent MC 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 WMMAP #fic: a chance for change (wip; on hold; maybe rewrite) -- a Characters Reacting to their Series au ft. Lucathy kids 0 | 1 #fic: a fleeting one hundred (wip; on hold) -- 100 one-word prompts, 3 paragraph writing challenge 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | x | 8 | 9 Prompt List Masterpost #fic: in the back of my mind (wip; rewrite) -- Twin Sibling AU, eventual Lucathy, OCxOC Arc 1 || 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 Arc 2 || 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 Side Story 1 (Athanasios/Verena) || 1 | 2 Extras/Rewrite Announcement #fic: in the back of my mind (rewrite) > RE: ITBOMM -- Masterpost -- itbomm rewrite Prologue || 0 Act 1 || 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 Act 2 || x Act 3 || x Act 4 || x #fic: it was only one night (wip; on hold) -- ONS, Modern, Lawyer, Pregnancy 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 -- WIP Tidbits 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | x | 9 | 10 #fic: lucathy alphabet challenge (wip; on hold) -- self-explanatory; I’m basically writing 26 prompts A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z #fic: lucathy misc tidbits (wip; shrugs) -- misc writing for wmmap and lucathy. i think i’ve only used it for everything i cross-posted onto ao3 and wattpad under the same name 1 | 2 | 3 #rambles: the lucathy ideas (wip; shrugs) -- a series of idea rambles that i may or may not write 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11
i don’t think there’s anything else worth mentioning? i mainly post fics for wmmap despite how many wip projects i have for other fandoms that im either working on or never finished
maybe i’ll post them, but i usually just don’t feel like doing that?
POST-UPDATE LOG (under keep reading)
• ((Jan 2nd, 2021)) drafted • ((Mar 22nd, 2021)) finally posted and pinned • ((March 30th, 2021)) updated links + added [in the back of my mind] tag • ((April 1st, 2021)) added link 1 & 2 for [in the back of my mind] • ((April 5th, 2021)) added link 3 for [in the back of my mind] • ((April 6th, 2021)) added link 8 and tag for the Lucathy Ideas • ((April 9th, 2021)) added link 6 for [a fleeting one hundred] and added [a chance for change] tag • ((April 19th, 2021)) added link 7 and an additional link for [a fleeting one hundred] • ((April 24th, 2021)) added link 4 for [in the back of my mind] • ((April 28th, 2021)) added link 9 for the Lucathy Ideas and link 5 for [in the back of my mind] • ((July 11th, 2021)) added link 6 & 7 for [in the back of my mind] • ((July 18th, 2021)) added link 8 for [in the back of my mind] • ((Aug 31st, 2021)) updated WMMAP links • ((Jan 7th, 2022)) updated all tag links and added additional chapter links for [in the back of my mind] • ((July 29th, 2022)) updated fic status + added/updated links • ((Aug 18th, 2022)) updated [it was only one night]. congrats, it’s officially a fic! • ((Feb 24th, 2023)) updated [a fleeting one hundred]. congrats, i’m kickstarting it back up! • ((Oct 26th, 2023)) added [when honestly you can't recall], added/updated links • ((Apr 25th, 2024)) updated [re:itbomm]!
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