#ramnos or zenmora
ladyramora · 6 years
Zenos quite enjoyed the occasional excursion.
Though the requirement of a disguise was somewhat bothersome, Zenos could see the point in all of it.
Twouldn't do for all of Eorzea to be made aware of his survival. At least not if Zenos wanted to keep his head.
Still Zenos mused, the woman had taken a fiendish glee in dressing him for these outings. Often providing him with kugane styled clothing - perhaps if only to see the curl of Zenos's lips as he was forced to wear whatever she brought.
Yet it was not without some pleasurable moments. The clear admiration in the woman's gaze as he allowed her examine him was something Zenos found he quite liked.
So he allowed her this. To dress him so in the cloth of a Samurai. A hat tipped low over his face with hair carefully parted to cover his third eye.
Zenos pushes said hat up to scan the crowd, full lips pulling down as he cannot find her.
He spreads his senses out, searching for that certain feeling that only the woman gave off.
He turns his head, eyes narrowing.
Something was amiss.
He makes his way through the crowd that parts for him like so many skittering mice. Prey that intuitively sensed the presence of predator.
He finds her in a darkened corner. Her back to the wall, mismatched eyes wide and hands curled in on herself in a strange defensive posture over her throat that Zenos had never seen her make. A man loomed over her, made taller by the hunching of Ramora's shoulders, his body language conveying an easy confidence that set Zenos's teeth on edge.
The woman was unsettled by this man and that was something that Zenos could not allow.
He lengthens his stride, coming up swift behind.
Ramora spots him then, and the relief on her face is enough to spur Zenos into action.
He grasps the back of the man's kimono, tearing him away from crowding the woman, and raising him up high to shout and struggle as he addresses his confidant.
"You are unharmed?" Zenos drawls in a bored voice. As if he did not care what her answer may be. As if rage did not twist, ugly and hot in his gut. That murderous itch whispering to him: Kill, kill, kill! Rend, tear, destroy! How dare this fool think himself worthy enough to touch her?
"Zenos," The woman breathes his name like he was one of the Twelve himself.
Zenos cups her jaw, eyes narrowing into slits as his bare thumb brushes her lip. Her lipstick was smeared at the corners of her mouth. He had dared...
Zenos shakes the man in his hold, regarding him with a teeth baring sneer. "Who?" He demands in a guttural hiss.
Ramora's lips part, tongue flickering over them, "He's.."
"What the fuck are you!" The man struggling in Zenos's grasp yelps. "Some kind of monster?!"
The man laughs then, a strange unhinged sound that had Ramora tensing up further in a way Zenos did not miss.
"Of course you would shack up with a monster, wouldn't you? Monsters have to stick together, huh Ramora? The duskwight whore and her over-sized beast!" The man spits, his voice sneering her race like it was more of an insult than calling her a whore.
Brave words for a man that Zenos could easily rip in half. In fact...
Ramora's hand darts out, touching the one Zenos hand raised up in preparation to do just that.
Zenos glances at that elegantly taloned hand, looking then into her mismatched eyes with a quirk of his perfectly sculpted blond brow.
Ramora's eyes are different now. Calm. The animal instinct settling down enough for her rational mind to take hold. "Let him down, Zenos."
Zenos tightens his grip as the man dangling from his clutches cackles like a mad man. "Did you hear, monster?! Let me down!"
Zenos curls his lip. "Why."
Ramora cocks her head to the side, her usual wicked grin curling at her painted lips. "Come now, Zenos. You know better than I do that easy prey is simply no fun at all. The hunt is much better, wouldn't you agree?"
Zenos allows his own evil smile to curve his lips. "Oh?" So that was the way of it, hmm? Well, far be it from him to deny her the chase.
He drops the man, watching dispassionately as the elezen fell flat on his face.
"Mmphf!" The man groans into the ground. His hands flying out to scrabble against the earth as if to crawl away.
Zenos places a sandaled foot in the middle of the man's back, chuckling lowly as the smaller elezen man wheezes under the barest of pressure.
Too weak to be worth his while.
Zenos cups a hand over Ramora's jaw, eyes half lidded as he purrs approvingly, "Go on then, my beast. Shall we play cat and mouse?"
Ramora leans into his touch, eyelashes fluttering against her cheek.
Zenos hums, so very tempted to kiss those lips. To erase the traces of any other. So he does.
Ramora sighs as Zenos bends to kiss her, her clawed gloves combing through the golden hair spilling free from its place tucked under the scarf wrapped about Zenos's shoulder's and throat.
Zenos smiles into their kiss as the man gasps under the weight of Zenos's foot.
Ramora pulls away first, grinning hard as she always does when Zenos initiates any sort of contact. It is good to feel wanted, she has said to him more than once.  
A fool of those who do not want her; for even Zenos had eventually succumbed.
Zenos smiles smugly back at her with her lipstick no doubt smeared over his mouth just the same as she.
Ramora steps back, dropping down into a crouch to grasp the man's face with a clawed glove.
"Hello, darling." She murmurs, her way of address sounding sour from her usually sweet tongue. "It's been a long time. How have you been?"
Ramora smiles, grasping the choker at her throat and pulling it off to reveal a jagged scar curving her throat. Once, twice, three times. Crisscrossed over each other. Once hadn't been enough, had it?
"Remember how we left things? 'Twas rather ungentlemanly of you to try to kill me on our last night together. You gave me no chance of a fair fight, see. And to think I was ready to go with you, and leave my life behind!"
Ramora laughs now like the very idea is preposterous.
Zenos's eyes narrow, and he presses down even harder on the man's back.
The man gasps, "Bitch!"
Ramora tsks. "That's not very nice. Here I am greeting you politely when all you have for me are tired insults!"
Ramora tosses back her coat to expose her thighs, reaching into the confines of her shiny leather thigh high, and plucks an ornate dagger from a sheath hidden there.
She holds it up to the light for a moment, smiling serenely. "Do you remember this? A gift from madame Mirime, and the would-be murder weapon."
Ramora lowers the dagger to trace the man's face, smiling sweetly. The man flinches, slicing himself in the process, the blade drawing blood near the corner of his mouth.
Ramora hums, claw tipped thumb rubbing at the spot of crimson.
"To kill me with mine own dagger meant to protect me. How poetic. 'Tis a shame it didn't stick."  
She smears the blood over his lips. Red like the shade of her lipstick.
Zenos's eyes lower in a wash of pleasure. Would she slice this weakling's throat here? Where anyone could see? Mmm. Zenos did so love to see her thirst for blood.
The man bites at her fingers, snarling venomously. "Duskwight scum!"
Ramora frowns, pulling the blade away to wag in his face and tsk disapprovingly.  "Oh dear, how disappointing. I do hope you will have more to say when next we meet. Everything you wish to say, mind, as I intend to cut out that lying, repulsive tongue of yours."
Zenos chuckles at that. Raising his foot up and then kicking the man away. The man hits the wall behind him, wheezing coughs shuddering through him from the force of Zenos's kick. Really, he should be thankful Zenos had held back enough to not snap his spine. If he had one at all, that is.
The man seemed more a coward with every word Ramora spoke.
Ramora smiles at Zenos as he offers her a hand up. Taking his hand and rising to her feet.
She looks over her shoulder at the man where he was still having trouble finding his feet, shaking her head. "You took me by surprise for the last time. It won't happen again."
She waves dismissively. "Go, run. Grow stronger until next we meet."
The man stands shakily, a hand to his ribs. Bruised? Without a doubt. Broken? Highly likely. It was a surprise he could stand at all - Zenos must have held back practically all of his strength.
"What then?" The man growls, hunching in on himself with pained breath.
Ramora's eyes curve up with her incredulous laugh. Looking to Zenos like she could hardly believe such a question. 
"What then?" Ramora grins with too sharp teeth. "I'll kill you, of course!"
She turns to Zenos, dismissing the other man entirely by giving him her back, and tugging at his arm. "I found something that will look positively delicious on you! Come, come, I was in the midst of a purchase before I was rudely interrupted!"
Zenos snorts, allowing Ramora to lead the way with a roll of his eyes. "It better not be anything like the loincloth from last time."
Ramora makes a groaning whine. "Let me dress you!" And leaves him behind in her search for more clothing for him.
Zenos turns his head, committing the man's face to his memory.
He smirks. "Run now, little mouse. I wait eagerly for my beast to catch you in her claws. You will entertain her, will you not?"
The man spits on the ground. "Fuck you!"
Zenos walks away with a mocking laugh. "I do not bed weaklings."
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ladyramora · 6 years
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Height difference.
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ladyramora · 6 years
A complex plot for you, if you wish to try: an AU where once you meet your soul mate, you stop aging and can’t die due to natural causes. Zenos xRam, Ramora dies due to wounds. Zenos goes on without her for a long time, until far in the future, he meets a woman who happens to be just like her in every sense of the word. ❤️
He’s much too far away when he feels it. The pull. The sense of urgency. So sudden and with such force.
He can feel her. For once not shielding herself from him. He can feel her strain like it is his own. Taste her fear in the back of his throat. Knows that she can feel him, too. Hates that he knows. That she knows.
Still the lance of bright hot pain steals his breath. He can feel their tether fraying. He has to go. Now.
- - -
Zenos finds her far too late. On a battlefield surrounded by chaos. Surrounded by beautiful, bloody carnage.
Thinking he would never find her among so many dead - he hears her. Feels the fading pull of their bond.
She’s murmuring his name like a mantra. A prayer. She is surrounded by her fallen enemies. She had not gone down without a fight.
Zenos can hardly stand the sight of her. Torn open as if she were a mere mortal. Her eyes… Those defiant, laughing eyes.She had been blinded. He grinds his teeth and hisses through them with unbridled rage, dropping to his knees at her side.
She turns her head, likely hearing his movements with her sensitive ears. Mayhap heightened moreso now that she could not see. Gods be damned, her eyes…
“Zenos… Zenos?” She mumbles, shivering and weak as she tries to find him with her hands. It is clear she can hardly lift her arms.
Zenos grabs her hands as she reaches for him, bowing his head and closing his eyes. “I am here, woman.”
She sighs and he can hear the rattling of fluid in her lungs. “You came.”
Zenos tightens his grip. How could she think…
“Of course I came!” Zenos snarls, opening his eyes to glare down at her and squeezing her hands far too roughly.
Ramora is smiling.
Zenos feels his anger falter. What use is it now? To be angry with her doubt of him when she already lay dying. He had failed her after all.
How could she still smile at him? He did not deserve her kindness. It only made him angry again. As it did before in the very beginning, so did it now.
“I did not think… I’d get to see you..,” She shakes her head with a rasping, choking laugh as she amends, “To hear your voice.” Her lips are red with blood.
A pool of it spreading beneath her. Around his boots. Soaking into his trousers where he knelt beside her. Taunting him with the dark stain of his own mistakes.
“Don’t speak,” Zenos hisses.
Ramora does not listen. She never had. “I’m s… sorry. I thought I c.. could do it by mys.. self…” She’s pausing between words, swallowing the blood in her mouth, losing focus. Drifting. Her eyelashes fluttering as she tries to focus on his face.
Zenos hates it. He can feel the threads connecting them unraveling. She has but moments left.
He should say something. Words of comfort. Apologize. Tell her the things that he had mistakenly thought he would have several lifetimes to say. Anything… Anything!
Ramora is shuddering. Calling for him in his silence.
“Ze-.. nos..? Ze..?” She falls quiet on his name. A choked sigh slipping through her lips.
Zenos feels the snap of their broken bond. Ricochet slicing through him like a white hot whip. The pain is nothing in comparison to the feeling that follows behind it. The all consuming, hollow emptiness of her loss. Zenos feels gutted with it. The string of fate that had tied them together falling limp without her on the other side of it.
He was alone again.
- - -
He leaves her body where her Scions are sure to find it. She would want them to know, after all.
- - -
He spends half a lifetime on revenge. Hunting down every last one of the savages that had taken her from him. Them. Their families. Everyone they had ever known.
Half mad with rage. With regret.
Painting with the red of their blood until there is nothing left for him to destroy.
He does not rest until they are all dead.
And then? After?
He feels nothing.
- - -
The second half he uses to research. Everything he can find on Soulmates. Resurrection. Reincarnation. All of it.
Every lead he finds. Every spark of hope. It all comes back to the same answer. No, there is nothing he can do. Nothing for him to fill his time. All that he could possibly do is wait. Wait for her to be reborn again. For her to want to find him.
Zenos detests waiting.
- - -
He spends a second lifetime searching for her. Accosting many a duskwight who fleetingly resembled her. With bits of blue in dark colored hair. The same height. A similar build. The shade of her skin… They never have her eyes. The curve of her face. Her smile.
Wrong. They are all wrong.
- - -
A third lifetime.
A fourth.
Many a time he had imagined he felt her. Their broken bond reaching out. Desperate to be whole again.
He never finds her.
He questions why the Gods had given him the chance to know her. To punish him? He has begun to forget what she looked like. So many faces fill his memory now. Will he forget her entirely? Lose her memory to the passing of time?
No. He will allow himself to forget.
He learns to paint.
To remember the shape of her face. The curve of her smile. Mixing paints until he creates the perfect shades. Of her hair, her skin. But most of all, he does not want to forget the color of her eyes.
He does not know if this is love. He would not be able to recognize it even if it was. He does not think himself capable of such an emotion.
But obsession?
She could very well be just that.
- - -
By the fifth lifetime, he would become a well known painter. Well to do. His paintings fetching a substantial bit of coin.
A series of paintings titled ‘The Woman’ causing much frustration to his buyers when he refused to sell them.
Zenos would not part with them. He needed them to remember. To remember for him. He cannot call to mind her face without them. He has already lost the memory of what her voice sounded like.
Only vague, blurry memories of what she had been like.
He stands on the sidewalk, consumed with such thoughts and angry at himself for allowing this to happen when he hears it.
“Ramora! Ramora!”
Zenos’s attention is caught with it, his head snapping up to search the crowd moving around him. It couldn’t just be a coincidence…!
He doesn’t have much time to search when someone smacks right into him.
Zenos grunts with the impact, reaching out without thought as the person who had assaulted him reels with the force of their error and stumbles back as if to fall.
Zenos catches them without knowing why, his arm banding around their waist as they tip backwards. Dipping them over the strength of his arm as if they were dancing. He looks down into their face and loses his breath.
Familiar mismatched eyes blink up at him. Dark hair with blue streaks, a red lipped smile. The color of her skin, the shape of her face…
His fingers tightening at her waist as he drags his eyes over her. The same petchant for dressing provocatively.
“Thanks for the save, handsome,” The woman breathes at him.
Gods be damned, Zenos thinks as his heart seems to beat again. It was her.
And she didn’t recognize him.
“Ramorrraaa!” The same voice calls again, much closer than before, and the woman jolts in his arms and tears her eyes away from his.
“Oops, gotta go!” The woman says with a breathy laugh. Her hand sliding over his expensive suit as she looks into his face with a flirtatious smile, dark eyelashes fluttering, “Thanks again, gorgeous!” And steps up on her tiptoe to press a kiss to his jaw.
Zenos feels… He doesn’t know what he’s feeling as the woman slips from his hold. As he watches her leave him. Disappearing into the crowd like she hadn’t been there to begin with.
Naught left of her presence but a lipstick mark on his skin, and an all consuming ache of a bond that wished to be made whole again. Why did she not remember him?
“Ramora!” That voice calls, and Zenos snaps to attention. He waits until the voice calls again, “Ramora! Where did you go?” And makes his move.
His hand fisting in the coat of the person who had called for her. The person who had chased her from his grasp.
They jerk and whirl to face him with an angry sound, eyes widening at the sight of him. They knew his face.
“You!” The young man hisses.
Zenos narrows his eyes. It was all coming back to him now. The faded memories - fresh in his mind now that he’d made contact with the woman again. The boy remembered him from lifetimes before.
“You know me, boy? Ahh, that’s right. You were one of her Scions, were you not? What had she called you?” Zenos stares at the shorter man, eyes narrowing with a wicked smile, “Alphi.”
The younger looking man bristles, “It’s Alphinaud to you, you monster! I had hoped to never see your face again after what you did to her!”
Zenos stares the boy down. “What I did to her?”
Alphinaud steps close, a certain murderous quality to his eyes that Zenos could appreciate. “You let her die, Zenos! I… I found her body. You didn’t let us know, I had to find her body…!”
Was the boy about to cry here? Zenos detested such weakness.
He does not cry, though his eyes are wet. Instead he simply bares his teeth at Zenos, snarling lowly, “Stay away from her!” Tearing himself away from Zenos’s grasp to stumble away and disappear into the crowd just as the woman had.
Zenos stares into the crowd of passing strangers with a slow smile curling his lips. He brushes his hair behind his ear, laughing to himself.
“You dare to command me, boy? You cannot keep her from me. Now that I’ve found her, I’ll not let her go. Not again.”
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ladyramora · 6 years
Does Ram ever get distracted by boobs if she and Zenos are out on a walk?
Ram loves boobs. Loves the ladies. That will never change.
Zenos has pretty much given up on trying to keep her focus solely on him, but oh, how it makes him seethe with disgusting emotions like jealousy.
How dare she, that vulgar, shameless woman! How dare she make him feel these repulsive things. It was much better when he felt nothing but the thrill for the hunt. 
(It turns out Zenos is capable of lots of emotions. Oh, how he loathes them.)
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ladyramora · 2 years
okay, out of ALL the big NPC ships you have with Ramora, if she could only smash ONE of them (Zenos, Foulques, Ysayle, G'raha or Hermes) which one would she pick? (note: she can smash her pick as many times as she wants, but she can only pick ONE of them) And why?
Zenos because he matches Ram the best. He loves to fight, she loves to fight. He's bit unhinged, she's a bit unhinged. He's gorgeous, she's gorgeous. They're mutually obsessed with each other.
Power couple, yo.
She needs someone who can keep up with her stamina-wise. Who won't give into exhaustion or die from her ridiculous libido and battle horniness. She has too much stamina for the average person. 😔
They beat the crap outta each other, then tear their clothes off and go at it, idk
✧¯\_( ͡° ᴥ ͡°)_/¯✧
Ram probably has to seduce Zenos first to even get him interested in sex at all, but I think if anyone can spark his interest, it would be his obsession (the WoL).
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ladyramora · 3 years
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ladyramora · 5 years
Smash or pass Our murder boi zenos
I literally have ship tags for these two XD
#Ramnos #Zenmora
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ladyramora · 6 years
Hi! I'm kinda new to your blog (but I love it sm) so sorry if you've answered this before, but what is Ramora's attraction to Zenos? Purely physical or is there something more? And what were first impressions for them?
Oh, Ramora would love it if it were only purely physical. It would be so easy then. Instead she has all these feelings. There’s definitely something more, though Ramora wishes it wasn’t so.
On Ramora’s part it was mostly disinterest, if not outright distaste. Murder was all well and good if it was for a reason. Then he had taken his helmet off for the first time. Right there was that “Oh no, he’s hot” moment. Maybe a montage of everyone saying “oh no” because they know how thirsty Ram is lol. She likes his stupid rumbly sex voice. She doesn’t want to understand why she saved him. Probably because she saw what she could have been. What she still has the potential to be, really. If she were pushed to the breaking point again.
On Zenos’s part? Who knows. Was he capable of genuine attraction? Of feeling anything more than what he did in the midst of battle? Maybe a vague interest in her. Then the rush of a challenge. The hunt. And then he was pretty pissed that she saved him. You didn’t save my life, you ruined my death!
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