#random gruvia
stella-so-sly93 · 3 months
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Classic Juvia. Pfft.
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moeruhoshi · 1 year
Gray bit the inside of his cheek, trying not to make it obvious as he glared across the classroom. His eyes focused on Juvia, who sat way in the front...right next to Natsu.
How the teacher didn't see either of them passing notes back and forth, he had no idea. His lip twitched every time he watched their fingers brush against the other, the pen in his hand surely about to crack in half.
That idiot never liked to pay attention in class, worse now that Lucy was stuck in a different class. Last year all that slanty-eyed idiot did was flash a dopey smile at her, distracting them both from their lectures.
While the rest of their friends were across the hall, he was stuck watching his worst nightmare unfold. Juvia shouldn't give that idiot the time of day.
"Quit bothering Juvia."
"Who said I was bothering her?" Natsu threw a sideways glance as he bit into his yakisoba sandwich. Gajeel scooted back in his seat, keeping himself out of the path of Gray's glare.
"You're distracting her in class; I'd say that's bothering her." He huffed, clicking his tongue under his breath.
"She's the one who passed me a note first," The pink-haired student rolled his eyes. "If you're so bent, just tell her you like her already. I'm allowed to talk to my friend if I feel like it."
Gray squished a riceball in his fist, fuming as Natsu went on to enjoy his lunch without worry. Of course trying to talk sense into an idiot wouldn't work.
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stopbeingrude · 2 years
My Gruvia family headcanons part 1 :
-Greige is a total mama's boy who, unlike Gray, isn't afraid of physical contact and doesn't give a damn about other people's opinions.
"Yes, I'm 15 and I still hug my mom in public, do you have a f*cking problem with that?,,
-Greige rarely gets into arguments with Juvia because he hates making her sad.
-He and Gray argue on daily basis, tho neighter of them takes it seriously. They just like to tease each other every now and then.
-Gray can be as paranoid as Juvia, when it comes to ther son's safety. He often even paids Yajeh ( Gajevy son) to keep and eye on him whenever Greige goes on a mission.
-Like his mother Greige is very often lost in his own thoughts. He loves to theorize and ponder about many different things. It is for this reason that Gray jokingly calls him "Little Philosopher".
-Gray is the one who is forced to listen to Greige's various thoughts at 3 AM on the morning.
,,Dad... How's that possible..?"
,,BEES Dad. BEES. How the hell they're able to fly!? That doesn't make ANY sense!
,,...There's Happy you know? He flys with Natsu all the time, despite the fact that Flamebrain is much heavier than him and his wings."
"...Dad..? Why nothing in this world makes sense?.."
"Go to sleep Child"
"Now I wont be able to, because of you"
-Greige is pretty good at sewing
-Although at first glance Greige may appear as a cold, distant guy, he actually very outgoing, nice person
-Greige and Lyon get along greatly, which infuriates Gray immensely.
-Gajeel is his favorite uncle tho
-Despite the guild's initial assumptions, he gets along with Natsu quite well, although Greige feels like Uncle Natsu is to ,,lively'' for him.
-Greige is the type of guy who listens to symphonical metal while peeling potatos
- Juvia is very supportive in terms of his relationships or at least she tries.
-Gray on the other hand is openly suspicious of any girl that his son's mention, not wanting him to end up heartbroken.
-Whenever Greige wants to get Grays attentions, he tell him that someone, much younger and much more attractive than him flirts with Juvia.
-It always works. Other way around too.
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ship-ambrosia · 2 years
Tbh no matter what I will probably always be a fairy tail bitch
Are there things about it I wish I could change yes
Do I still get all giggly when I see nalu or gruvia or just… natsu and gray and Juvia and Cana in general also yes
I was like “yeah I’m probably over fairy tail” a few months ago but also… I’m craving a rewatch LMAO
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gruviyasharuto · 1 year
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chanel9bootiez · 8 months
we as a fandom are STARVING. we as shippers are STARVING. i need mashima to start rolling those cameras and dropping some episodes. because there’s so little people on here anymore. our hashtags are filled with random anti’s and THATS IT! we have occasional art posters (love you guys so so much you are CARRYING) but really the ft fandom as a whole is just like that episode of spongebob where the krusty krab is empty with cobwebs and dust everywhere. i just miss when business was booming ya know? i’m waiting for the 100 year quest to drop because i just KNOW! we are gonna be so back. until then i’m gonna continue reposting what i can find but i’ve ran out of material 💔. anyways stan gruvia for clear skin. gray and juvia >>> your favs. i’ll be back with more hopefully soon!
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gymjunkie412 · 9 months
🟣Chaos Dragon Slayer AU🟣 Part 17
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Oh **** this is the longest series I've committed so far, like damn. Although there is like BARELY any lore or deep story that I made. I love to draw little interactions like random stuff, here and there, little shenanigans. It's just my thing. I don't know if I will ever put a lore to this au in my perspective soon, but who knows. Maybe I'll be motivated in the future.
Okay, the Gruvia part is like a very random thing I place. Maybe what I'm trying to convey is that Gray is a little more open with Juvia in this AU.
I haven't drawn the Strauss siblings and Gajeel in a looooooon time. I think it turned out okay
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peanutpotpot · 1 month
Rich BF x Broke GF trope
Gruvia Version (All in Juvia's POV)
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BRAIN ROT!!! Sorry not sorry for the OOC-ness. This is so random hahaha and I'm just trying to find ways to sleep. Wrote this around 1 am so sorry if there's a lot of typo or errors. Will post them here so I won't delete them in my gallery when I wake up the next morning 💀
Anyway, hi! How are you? What romance trope do you like? 🤔
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fulloxar · 9 months
Random Gruvia moment #5
Random guy: hey Gray, are you and Juvia together?
Gray: no
Random guy: cool! Then I can ask her out!
Gray: ... if you want me to hang you upside down in the ceiling you can try.
Random guy: but you said you aren't together?
Gray: so you are supposed to just take her or something?
Random guy: ummm yes???
Gray: okay then I guess you'd rather see the world upside down and die slowly..
Random guy: 💀💀 I'm sorry
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renjihoe · 9 months
Gruvia/Fullbuster Family Headcanons YAAY!!
1. They’re daughter’s name is Juvina because Gray’s conversation with Juvina was the first time he admitted his feelings for Juvia out loud. The name is their repayment, plus Greige’s name starts with a G like Gray’s, it would only make sense for their daughter’s name to start with a J like Juvia.
2. Greige is a mama’s boy. Similar to Juvia, Greige is afraid of being left alone so he will often grab on to the bottom of Juvia’s dress when he’s feeling lonely.
3. Juvina (their daughter) is a Tsundere like Gray and prefers to be independent from her siblings and parents. Gray tries to baby her around but she doesn’t let him.
4. The kids have a habit of being overdressed and often gets creeped out by their parents stripping habits.
5. Greige is a water demon slayer (the fandom talks about this one a lot) and Juvina is a regular ice wizard who wants to learn arc of time thanks to Aunt Ultear, but Gray warns her not to dig to deep into it because of the consequences.
Those are my random Gruvia/Fullbuster family headcanons!
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vaelynez · 2 months
Hey random question but you as frustrated as I am that Lamia has not had a single appearance in 100 year quest? Even Kagura had a single panel with speech but the Lamia Crew (other than an image with Toby on the toilet) has none!
Thank you for the ask! 💕
Let me preface what I’m about to say because this fandom can be a little bit up in arms about this; I have no ill will in saying this towards anyone, this is simply my opinion. I’m fine with discussions on this topic, but I will not tolerate unnecessary hate if it comes.
Moving on…confession time. I haven’t read the 100 YQ. I’ve been avoiding it because Gruvia makes me really uncomfortable for reasons I’m not going to get into in this post, and to my understanding it’s filled with it now that it’s canon. Yes, when a ship is canon it’ll get page time, but I can’t stomach this ship at all. Again, it makes me viscerally uncomfortable.
On the topic of Lamia Scale, I’m always down for more content with them. I love the entire crew so so much. But knowing Hiro Mashima, the appearance would be centered around Lyon and Juvia. While Luvia doesn’t make me uncomfortable like Gruvia does, I don’t like it—I personally feel like the entire thing completely destroyed everything established about Lyon’s character, and I might make a full analysis about it one day, but this fandom scares me and I’m not in the mood to get into internet fights over ships. I have a job and stories to write and summer classes to focus on.
In an ideal world I’d love more content with them. There’s so much to explore with the Lamia Scale crew as a team and individual characters, Gray and Lyon’s relationship has so much nuance and I love to analyze the scenes they have together.
But personally, with the direction the series has taken in regard to these characters (Sherry please come home we miss you. Yuka and Toby deserve so so much more. Like just a smidge of backstory I’m begging you. Jura as a mentor figure PLEASE. Lyon’s growth as a character is so compelling and yet you focus on this stupid jealousy plot that completely undermines his past and current goals—), I don’t think I’d actually like the scenes written.
This is all my personal opinion! Again, I’m not trying to shame anyone who likes/read 100 YQ. I want to read it, I do, but again…Gruvia…
Respectfully, if any Gruvia shippers see this and feel the need to argue with me, I am entitled to my opinion even if you disagree with it. Nothing you say will make me support this ship for a plethora of reasons that would make this post way, way too long. Lets save both of our energy. The Gruvia tag is waiting for you to consume all the content to your hearts content.
Again, thank you for the ask! Have a good day peeps. 💕
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redsbrainrot · 6 months
Fairytail in a GOT au - part 2
There’s the original post :) if you haven’t read that I suggest you do so you can get a gist of this one.
Arranged marriage
I think BonnieQ pretty much nailed what their relationship would be like already in her GOT au fic but I’m gonna continue anyways
Juvia and Gray would both be very stoic with each other for the first week, Juvia opens up way before he does though
Girl’s horny 24/7
Occasionally they’d make a trip to the Riverlands cause she gets a little homesick, but she loves the North just as much
Juvia shocked that she has a man that actually treats her with respect and doesn’t cross boundaries
Gray found her a bit odd at first but once he got to know her that boy was in looooove
When there’s a war they don’t leave each other behind they go together (despite how much Gray protests she stays home)
Lyon constantly making moves on a married woman, Gray would threaten to send him to the Wall
Like Bran in episode 1 I imagine Juvia finding a load of direwolf puppies and begging for Gray to let her keep them
He’s like “yeah whatever” but secretly he was also about to beg her to take them home
They’re pretty quick to have children (horny bastards)
Natsu grew up in King’s Landing and one day the “Lannisters” (Lucy’s family) visited and Natsu pissed her the fuck off but they were actually pretty close by the end of it
Lucy was promised to someone else
Natsu is a knight
See where I’m going here
Forbidden looooove
Yeah they secretly shagging
They’d be like frenemies to lovers
They’d pull a Lyanna and Rhaegar and secretly elope
This is game of thrones people wouldn’t like that once they found out
Do I hear a war? Yeah there was totally a war because of it
Random bullshit
Natsu would be a knight to the Targaryens I think (so Mira’s family n that)
Targaryens would beg the Stark’s (Gray and co) to fight in the war against the Lannisters (angry Lucy family) and Gray would get in a little spat with Natsu about how he basically started a war for pussy
I feel like Lucy’s mother would’ve been a Tyrell
Natsu would have Targaryen blood fr but I feel like he’d be a bastard
Makarov runs a brothel in King’s landing lmao
Juvia would have Pyke blood too yk sea and that
Jellal and Erza are literally just Brienne and Jaime
Erza and Natsu still besties and she’d be in the King’s guard as well
Natsu would definitely have a dragon
Juvia is full on Catalyn when it comes to her kids (in a good way) she’ll do anything for them
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mono-blogs-art · 1 year
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everybody look away. i'm posting nostalgia for my 14 year old self.
a random post instantly propelled me back to my fairy tail days, and i heard it's the 10 year anniversary of Gruvia week so 🥺 one day i'll do a full ft rewatch ...
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stopbeingrude · 10 months
Damn, so apparently Gruvia shippers around the world cannot celebrate Gruvia day (and Gruvia week too) cause in Gra///lus opinions we'd be out of our minds😓😓😓. How unfortunete.
...It's not like fandom has been doing that for past 10 years or so...
No, but seriously, excuse my language, but who the fuck those internet randoms are, to dictate us, what I and yall can or cannot like or celebrate?? XDDD
I could cover my car with bunch of Gruvia NSFW pics, and they still wouldn't have right to do shit'bout it.
At this point, it's genually funny how they think an arguments ,,Only dummies like Gruvia" will actually work out 👁️👄👁️
Anyway, can't wait for Gruvia day/Greige day🥰. All those wonderfull fanarts nad fanfics, to flood my socialmedia. Ahhh n
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ship-ambrosia · 1 year
My fellow shippers, I had an epiphany coming home from class tonight
If I had a nickel for every time a ship took over my fucking life with ice/snow and water/sea themes I’d have two nickels
Which is not a lot
But it’s definitely weird it’s happened twice
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moxiepoxart · 13 days
I’m sorry, but after that Ichiyanna chapter, I have no reason to believe Earthland Nasha is a NaLu baby! Like, between the three Heartfilia women we know of, they all look fundamentally the same, and even have Aya Hirano/Cherami Leigh voicing every single one of them to boot And if Mashima’s telling me the Heartfilia line has dodged THOSE genetics for 400 years, I struggle to believe that Natsu’s DNA will be what finally overpowers that lineage, especially given that the two Dragneel men we know of look nothing alike!
Nasha's design is from a random Q&A where a fan asked the creator for a nalu and gruvia kid so in the manga its a cute nod/ easter egg. I also think another blonde Lucy clone would be cute but the pink hair leaves no question to the father and after surviving the Naruto fandom I'm happy we are all now avoiding that discourse.
I don't think much thought went into the Ichiyanna chapter at all but that's sadly just how Fairy Tail is written at times. I've kind of given up on the story trying to do anything meaningful/thoughtful with the characters so I'm buckled in and just hoping for Lucy content because the writing on Natsu has been so disappointing I don't really get excited by new NaLu moments
I've also been loving Gray and his journey in valuing himself more.
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