#random palettes are so soothing. like. the colors look good no matter what and i dont even have to do anything i just get to scribble aroun
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day 85
ms paint my good friend ms paint
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dearestones · 1 year
Death Note Matchup: L Lawliet
Warnings: Fluff. 
Anonymous Request: Hi! I was wondering whether I could have a romantic match up with a male death note character? Thanks sm! (This is my first time requesting a match up so sorry if this sucks!)
Personality- To keep this concise, my best qualities are Im hardworking, careful with my decisions, helpful and rational. My worst traits are Im pessimistic, short tempered, very introverted/socially anxious, aloof and I’m very blunt.
Hobbies/likes- music (I play the guitar), baking, perfumes and makeup, fashion, coffee and tea, the rain and chemistry
Dislikes-loud noises, risky/dangerous activities, insects and overly emotional people
Random facts: I have really bad motor skills. As in in really clumsy and I suck at anything that requires precision with my hands.
I have a habit of sounding really unsure when I speak. Like I always say uhh before a sentence.
hope that wasn’t too long! Also please deathtake care and take your time!
After going through the information given, I believe that you best pair well with L or L Lawliet!
First of all, L thinks that your personality is quite similar to his. While off putting to most individuals, especially when pairing a short temper with pessimism, he finds it refreshing and new. In his line of work, he thinks that people should be more rational, to think through their decisions clearly. Furthermore, a blunt person is more likely to get on his good side because he doesn’t want to spend time on pleasantries or niceties when you could just get to the point. With this sort of personality, you instantly gain both his respect and his interest.
A hard working nature such as yours is also a boon in his favor as well. L didn’t get into his position just by chance. Sure, he had his superior intellect and drive for justice, but he had to work to become as prominent a figure in international law enforcement. Sometimes, if he finds himself in a slump at work, he’ll see your diligence and finds his confidence and vigor renewed. 
You bake? Oh my, prepare to aid Watari in purchasing ingredients to bake more pastries for him. If he finds that your baking is on par or surpassing the baking prowess of his closest confidant, then he will make you his personal baker and relegate Watari to other duties. If there’s one thing you’ll learn about L, it’s that he’s pragmatic (and that his stomach rules over his brain concerning certain matters). 
L doesn’t understand makeup and fashion, but when the two of you become closer, he finds himself tracking what sort of brands you like and what palettes best complement your skin. He won’t say anything, but he’ll place an order for whatever you want and before you know it, you’ll find that someone has delivered some of the best that makeup companies have to offer. 
The same goes for fashion. He normally doesn’t have a preference on what people look or dress like—unless of course he needs to profile suspects—but he can’t deny that certain fabrics, colors, and cuts bring out your beauty. If you find that he’s staring at you more often, don’t be afraid to ask him what he thinks! He’ll more than likely tell you the truth that he finds you attractive in certain outfits. (Hint: This is a cue for you to get as many outfits that follow a similar scheme to get him looking at you more often). 
L knows a lot about the sciences, but sometimes, to humor you and to bond with you more, he might ask you about chemical compounds (or anything chemistry related in general) to get your opinion on things. He’ll mainly ask when he’s in the middle of an investigation and needs someone to take his mind off things if he’s feeling particularly stressed. If you’re really excited about chemistry, he’ll cherish the look of excitement in your eyes and the tone of voice that you use. 
Drag him out into the rain. It’s calm and soothing: the feeling of droplets splashing against his skin is one of L’s favorite sensory experiences. He’s not a romantic—not in the truest sense of the word, anyway—but he might consent to dancing with you. 
L prefers to work in near silent conditions. Unless he’s working with a team of investigators, you won’t have to deal with overly loud noises! If you suffer from sensory issues, L can both relate and help ground you if it negatively affects you. He’s not too prone to physical touch, but he’ll make sure that you’re well taken care of. 
Furthermore, knowing that you don’t like dangerous or risky activities fills L’s heart with relief. He tells himself that you’ll be a liability in the long run, but really, it’s because he wants to make sure that you stay out of harm’s way. You can rest assured that he’ll do anything in his power to give you the most comfortable life untouched by his job. 
L finds your clumsiness and hesitance in speaking somewhat adorable. He doesn’t, at first, but over time, when he grows used to you, he associates it with your character. It truly fits you and makes you unique in his eyes.
Exploring a romantic relationship with L has both its ups and downs. You’ll have to forgo traditional aspects of romance (like hand holding, close physical contact, and loving words), but you know at the end of the day he has your best interests at heart. 
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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