randomfaeriedragon · 1 year
Recently been very obsessed with @weepinglilvessel's Rainworld Eclipse AU, so motivation struck and I drew fanart of Lunar Moon!
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Sorry if the images are kind of fuzzy! Decal script by @ikayblythe again, its really pretty :D
Variations w/o the shadows under the cut!
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And for my peace of mind, ones with purely the Red Overlay Layer Removed:
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Fanarting is fun and this AU is absolutely amazing, please go check the creator out!
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randomfaeriedragon · 1 year
I was scrolling tumblr and saw something mention rainworld brainrot
And so this idea came to me
And I drew it
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randomfaeriedragon · 1 year
Hey, guess what I did this week?
Thats right, draw 3/5 OC Iterators that began growing in my brain on a photoediting program with my computer's touchpad!
This is the first time I've ever really drawn something digitally other than my profile pic & rw brainrot, and it's definitely the first time I've designed iterators, so yeah! Enjoy the art and subsequent Lore dumps under the cut :)
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Iterator 35, Gen. 2: Shaded Pewter Lights / SPL
Built at the base of a dry, desert-like mountain, SPL preferred to occupy their time with huge, complex mechanical experiments rather than genealogical or Acension-based research. They despise thinking about the Great Problem, as no one can experiment if they're all dead, though they don't dislike iterators who attempt to solve it (for that reason alone). Their city used to harbor and attract skilled mechanics and engineers for miles around, as a particularly prodigous university was located on their can. Though they rarely interacted with their citizens, they often miss the requests they sent them, especially those sent by the less experienced artificers of their city; however, they feel little love for the Ancients beyond appreciation for their skill in mechanics (the skill required to build the iterators).
In the past, SPL has repeatedly set up projects within their can that could only be described as titanic Rube Goldberg Machines. SPL often sought to improve the functionality of their can with these experiments (plus having fun), keen to observe and record as much data as possible from the cycles-long whirring of cogs and water wheels before setting everything up again to repeat. Their main goals included lowering their needed water intake, gaining a form of low-power mode for bad weather, and utilizing lightning as a secondary power source. Though many saw these modifications as taboo, SPL couldn't care less, blocking almost all communication during their experimentation era: however, they often shared their knowledge with APS to assit in the creation of the wildlife santuary on his can, and many of the conduits used to water plants there are of their design.
Due to an integral flaw in the rerouted void fluid piping of their Easternmost Leg, SPL's can collapsed in the middle of a heated arguement with their local group, with their Westernmost Leg piercing through their can. With rust and sand permeating their structure, their many mechanisms fell silent for the first time since the Ascension. Although SPL is still connected to their can, overseers, and local communications arrays, they can no longer induldge themselves in experiments; they barely have enough power function as is. They now spend most of their time chatting with other iterators in their local group, sending overseers to APS's sanctuary, and attempting to prevent further discoloration and rust on their puppet. They're not usually bitter, but particularly vulgar arguements with EN can send them into a spiral.
SPL still feels they did the right thing in modifying their can. Though the other iterators refuse to admit it, the main reason they still function is due to the modification of their can.
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Iterator 77, Gen. 3: Rain from Clear Skies / RCS
Although he often jokes around, RCS is the most calm and collected of his local group. He often finds himself mediating fights between his local group (read: SPL and EN) for this reason, as has the astonishing ability (within his local group at least) to sit back, consider something fully, and make mostly objective decisions. He also uses this ability to point out details many other iterators overlook, so is often called for help with malfunctioning software and to explain why some experiments went wrong. His citizens instilled him with a love for quiet and time to contemplate, and they had a moderately positive relationship, so often misses them. But when he isn't meditating or recording data from around his can, he's talking with EN. They have soft spots for each other.
His name comes from the already heavy rainfall in the region where his can was built, which his construction didn't help; very little non-semi-aquatic wildlife remains around his can. However, he often moderates the remaining flora and flauna to insure it's continued survival, and has sent more than a few wounded animals to APS so she can assit in their recovery. When he's not researching, RCS also acts as the jokester of his local group, and often codes pranks and malware intended to cause harmless irritation into sent messages. He's gotten quite good at it, to his local group's endless infuriation (and delight). He doesn't send these to SPL, though, as their systems likely wouldn't be able to handle the repairs.
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Iterator 16, Gen. 1: Even Nightfall / EN
As one of the earliest iterators built, EN's city was particularly religious and pious, priding themselves on their virtue and detachment from the material world. This did not bode well for EN, who had an almost abusive relationship with their citizens; they treated EN as something to deal with their problems and nothing more. After they Ascended, EN felt both a weight off their shoulders and, for a reason he can't pin down, a profound sense of betrayal that their creators abandoned them. Though a few in their local group see them as nothing more than cruel and callous, EN is very emotinally reserved (but also very, very smug) and astoundingly protective and kind towards those they care for. This includes RCS, their genticially modified slugcat Arps, and to some extent APS.
APS acted as a sort of mentor to EN when they were built, helping them manage their city's requests and sneak in a few personal projects on the side. While their city didn't approve of the projects they found, and reprimanded EN, the number EN kept secret far outnumbered those discovered by the Ancients. With their creators gone, EN found a hobby genetically modifying the pre-existing wildlife around their structure, and has improved their already impressive skills; this lead many genticially modified organisms to spread out and inhabit EN's can, and is also where Arps came from.
Named after APS, Arps acts as a mix between a therapy animal and pet for both EN and RCS. Arps frequently travels between EN and RCS's cans, and EN gave them the ability to glide to ease this passage; however, they (and RCS) also always send an overseer along with Arps to ensure their safety. Even when Arps is simply gliding between trees in the Rainworld Equivalent of a Sparse Pine Forest surrounding EN's can, he always sends an overseer to make sure they're OK. They're almost overbearing!
EN and RCS are perhaps the closest out of any of the iterators within their local group, and frequently chat or play 7-dimensional chess for entire cycles before they have to check up on an experiment so it doesn't explode. Though they couldn't talk much and weren't nearly as close pre-Mass Acension, RCS was one of the few iterators who spent the time to work around EN's colony's communication restrictions and talk to them. He was a great comfort, and one of the only reasons EN didn't crack under their city's pressure.
Not Featured Here: (bios will get out eventually)
Iterator 4, Gen. 1: A Profound Serenity / APS (Any Pronouns)
Iterator 84, Gen. 3: Tide Rolling In / TRI (She/Her)
Arps (They/It)
Probably One or Two More Iterators
CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE: I used an Ancient script by @ikayblythe for the displays by my iteratoes, took heavy inspiration from iterator designs by @altitudeofalcatraz, and took the idea of Iterator Number Deisgnations from Daszombes' Iterator Logs on Youtube.
Anyways, I'm going to go drop off the face of the planet for a week. Thanks for reading this much this far, goodbye!
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randomfaeriedragon · 4 months
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I have no clue if you have an art tag or not. anyways. It's your pfp! I drew it
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Yknow what I might make an art tag. For this. Maybe ill go back and tag my old / existing art (eventually)
this is so nice legitimately you've made my month. thank you so much :DDDDDDDD
edit: my art tag is now #randomfaerieart
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randomfaeriedragon · 1 year
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Hey my cat can explode on command wanna see
This Arti art was brought to you by one really good doodle I enjoyed and colored :D
Transparent vers. under the cut!
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*slaps room of Artifcer* this scug can fit so many explosives in it
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randomfaeriedragon · 5 months
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Look at my fat cat, boy (electric boogaloo)
sketch post
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randomfaeriedragon · 1 year
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"Imagine sending a cat to your neighbor and they come back with their literal heart in their hand" -Opsiian
I was doodling and one drawing came out super well, and I decided it was gonna be Spearmaster.
As I colored it I added new things, and now I have this design for them that I quite like!
Doodle & alt. background below the cut!
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Ourple :)
(Also happy 300th post to me! Glad it was original)
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randomfaeriedragon · 2 months
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Full version of my new banner because it turns out it was too big for mobile tumblr
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randomfaeriedragon · 2 months
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drew myself a new profile picture!
wingless variant under the cut! I also really enjoy the background, so this way I get to show it off some more :)
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randomfaeriedragon · 4 months
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decided to try arting my pfp. everybody meet The Flicker
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