#rant because i'm so annoyed by wannabe pacifists and defenders of human rights with a moral spine as strong as pudding
vita-min-ze · 11 months
I feel like you don’t actually need to know all the intricacies of the history and relationship between Ukraine and Russia to assess who is right and who is wrong when it comes to the current war (I certainly don’t). A basic set of principles that should apply to every country:
invading another country is evil
raping/torturing/executing people (including children!!!) is evil
deporting children to your own country is evil
considering other cultures inferior and trying to erase them is evil
threatening a country (and its entire continent) with nuclear attacks is evil
Russia is doing exactly that. And it shouldn’t matter whether you like Tchaikovsky and Russian ballet, have Russian friends or never even heard of Ukraine before the war, your morals should not depend on how much you know about a country or identify with its people.
You cannot claim to oppose imperialism and ignore Central Asians and Eastern Europeans when they talk about their experinces with Russian imperialism. You cannot claim to support indigenous people but ignore the suffering of the indigenous people of Russia. You cannot claim to support refugees and victims of occupation and/or civil war and ignore Syrians, Georgians, Sudanese, Malians and more. And let’s be real, it cannot be just anti-Russian propaganda if so many people keep complaining at the same time, not just now but for decades and even centuries!
Btw, here are things that cannot always be described as “good” but are absolutely justified as a matter of self defense:
using weapons to defend your people against your invaders (and yes, that often includes the killing of soldiers)
feeling frustration and hatred towards your invaders and imagining a world where they get a reckoning
complaining about your invaders’ war crimes
demanding justice (not bloody revenge)
Oh no, Ukrainians are so mean ;( How dare they not want to be friends with those that hurt them. Unbelievable. And seeking prosperity and security through EU and NATO membership is russophobic too. [Sarcasm obviously]
Ukraine must win and Russia must lose, it’s that simple.
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