flagbridge · 1 month
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Raoul de Chagny uniform inspiration, and general Raoul Navy musings
élève-officier ("elof") at the Borda in Brest, 1880s.
British Sub-Lieutenant (equivalent of an Ensign in the US or French Navies), approximately 1860 (by Ann Mary Newton)
Graduating students and faculty of L'Ecole Navale on board the Boarda, 1891
As some of you know, I love writing Raoul. My next projects after All Vows ends are mostly Raoul-centered, and I'm pretty deep in my research. I’ve tumbled absolutely headlong into researching La Baille (nickname for the French naval academy), and it’s amusing how across time and distance, so much of initial military training is unchanged. Even though I cosplay Christine, Raoul actually ends up being the character who I give most of my own life experience because I am, in fact, a Sailor. When I'm writing Raoul POV about being at sea, I sometimes use my own journal entries from past deployments when I was underway on the USS NEVERSAIL somewhere in the middle of the Indian Ocean.
I get a lot of questions about Raoul's uniform, so I'm sharing some of the above (hello talented artists, could we PLEASE get more Raoul Navy Phanart, I am BEGGING YOU)
élève-officier ("elof") at the Borda in Brest, 1880s.
This is exactly what Raoul's midshipman uniform would have looked like. As you can see from the photo from 1891, the uniform from that time and even a decade later is the same. Naval uniforms, especially dress uniforms change very infrequently. My dress uniform that I wear in 2024 is the same one that was designed by Mainbocher in 1941!
The term "élève-officier" translates literally to "student-officer", although most translate it as "officer candidate", which isn't inaccurate. They were then classified by year, so a first year student would be an élève-officier fourth class. However, the British and American term for a naval cadet is a "midshipman" which is often abbreviated to "mid". So "elof" is basically directly translated to "mid". However, there was an additional naval trainee rank, called "Aspirant". This was assigned to the naval cadets when they embarked for their tour du monde on actual warships. It's a unique rank that's basically a desgination that the individual is a senior at the academy--like a "Midshipman First Class", the term to describe seniors at the US Naval Academy.
2. British Sub-Lieutenant (equivalent of an Ensign in the US or French Navies), approximately 1860 (by Ann Mary Newton)
I couldn't find a good picture of a young/junior officer from this era in the French Navy but FUN FACT! The French Navy underwent a uniform shift in 1883. The officer uniform was largely unchanged, however, that short coat and triangular hat that we often associate with the end of the age of sail was phased out as a dress uniform. So it's possible that Raoul had a dress uniform very much like this around the time of Phantom of the Opera, but it was on its way out. The rank is accurate though! So if Raoul went to the opera in uniform in about 1881? This is what he would have looked like.
3. Graduating students and faculty of L'Ecole Navale on board the Borda, 1891
The uniforms were the same when Raoul would have graduated, and that is the Borda that is mentioned in the book. In my head this is Raoul's senior class photo (even though it's 10 years later), complete with a few guys who have no idea what's going on and aren't looking at the camera.
PotOmer Day 15: HEADCANON/Raoul Navy Uniform Musings
Between April 23 and June 11, I am posting 49 days of POTO content to mark the Omer, except on Shabbat. Previous days below the cut line.
Day 14: GIFSET-Ethan Freeman bows to the monkey.
Day 12: FANFIC: All Vows Chapter 38: my longfic that will be concluding at the end of May.
Day 11: (no post, Shabbat)
Day 10: FANFIC: All Vows Chapter 10 (Catch Up)
Day 9: ADAPTATION: Ghost of Zariya Hollow
Day 8: HEADCANON: Christine's Swedish Accent
Day 7: COSPLAY Hannibal Slave Girl Bodice Construction
Day 6: GIFSET: Raouls who make choices appreciation post
Day 5: PHIC UPDATE: All Vows Chapter 37! (And a bonus gif of Lily and Jon)
Day 4: (No post, Shabbat)
Day 3: GIFSET: Cape Twirl Comparison, Current West End Phantoms ('23-'24)
Day 2: BRAINWORM: "Ne Me Touchez Pas"
Day 1: GIFSET Robyns/Kerhoas: The Kiss
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flagbridge · 2 months
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Just feeling very Raoulcore today as I wrap up All Vows and start working on my next project.
The picture is Edward Heron-Allen who is 25 years old in these pictures (taken in 1886). In the top picture, the man to the right of the one with the red sash (looking at the paper) is wearing the uniform Raoul would have worn as an Ensign after graduating from the école navale.
French Naval uniforms changed in about 1871 and didn’t change again until about 1910 (with one very minor phase out of one item in 1883). This is not uncommon. For comparison, most of the U.S. Navy’s officer dress uniforms have not substantively changed in 80 years.
For Raoul’s tour de Monde, he would have been either on a relatively new ironclad (which were about to be obsolete anyway), or a slightly older one from the late 1850s-1860s nearing the end of its life. Which would be more interesting to read about?
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