eladoobler · 2 years
parappa the rapparition
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shanxy180 · 4 years
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Alright so a while ago i made this AU of sorts Basically where The Last Resort has a rival hotel just a little bits away from it called The Umber Haunt. It’s a very large hotel, almost bigger than the last resort and here’s a list of it’s staff (prepare for the Dumbest Pun names ever):
Marshal, the Bellhop Ruth Cervince, the Head Maid Chase Coppersworth, the Security Guard Chef Fonduke, the Head Chef Phyntom Tchaikovsky, the Classical Instrument Player [Piano & Violin] Queen Abaghoul, the Local Queen Miss Rosalyn, the Gardener/Botanist Samuel Spielsboo, the Movie Director Robert Astro, the Astronomer Wren Spander, the Mechanic/Repairman/Plumber Attumb, the Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Preston and Terra, the Magicians Pepper the Ghost Octopus, she’s,,,,, a sailor Tessa Racket, the Tennis/Badminton Coach DJ Rapparition, the DJ Casherine Moolah or as she’s known on her floor, “BlackJackie”, the Casino Floor Owner
Haden Umber, and his pet Polterferret, the Hotel Owner/Manager
Those whose designs I have already made and are working on designs for are Bolded.
And basically if you couldn’t tell, it’s almost Exactly like The Last Resort, Haden and Hellen have had this Rivalry for a very long time, ever since they were both alive even, and both spent many of their hours trying to best the other, including creating the better and more successful hotel. In universe it’s basically never decided on who copied who, which floor ideas were pure coincidence, which ideas were original and which were stolen.
But what we do know is that both hotels (mostly both Hotel Owners) are lowkey competing over who is the Best
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78682homes · 5 years
Turquie: l'énigmatique réapparition de disparus 78682 homes
Turquie: l'énigmatique réapparition de disparus
Peu de femmes seraient ravies d’apprendre que leur mari est en détention. Pourtant, c’est bien la joie qui envahit Sümeyye Yilmaz lorsqu’elle reçoit un appel de la police lui annonçant la nouvelle.Cela faisait plus de huit mois que son mari, Mustafa Yilmaz, était porté disparu. Elle a d’abord eu du mal à croire les policiers. »Il y a beaucoup de Mustafa Yilmaz, je ne voulais pas être déçue », confie Mme Yilmaz à l’AFP. Mais dès le lendemain, c’est bel et bien son mari qu’elle serre dans ses bras.B…
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ghostcannibis-blog · 8 years
so dude you were in my dream last night 
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;33 hi! im nabila and welcome to catfur city!
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ghostcannibis-blog · 8 years
#im related to this
okay but you love me
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ghostcannibis-blog · 8 years
your nickname is salt and together we are salt and pepper  time to get out the themed halloween costumes
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ghostcannibis-blog · 8 years
spill it + do you know why your brother's so salty?
probably because of all these pent up emotions he had before he died so now as he haunts me in the afterlife he looks at me and we have yet to work out personal stuff because were both really stubborn and bitter
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ghostcannibis-blog · 8 years
so i was asking rose for food and telling her about the flowers
arcanastreatise: No little debbie cake for him then.
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ghostcannibis-blog · 8 years
@rapparition dude why are you picking off the flower pedals
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ghostcannibis-blog · 8 years
dude do you like want your own selfies or something so you dont have to use mine
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