#rare pair indeed orz
herrxazure · 8 years
the amount of hidaki/akihida content suddenly increasing which honestly makes me scream in joy (゚∀゚)ノglad to see you guys sailing the ship
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oumaheroes · 3 years
sorry if this is burning you out on the uk bros but your headcanons of them are so good! since the previous anon ask about wales and England's relationship, do you have any on ireland and england? I'd love to hear your view on their rocky relationship. I hope your doing well!
Other brit bro headcannons can be found here:
The whole gang (Relationships & History)
Scotland (Appearance)
Wales (Relationship)
Ireland (Appearance)
England and Ireland are an interesting pair
Overall, I’d say they’re the least close out of the UK siblings. Their personalities clash but without a redeeming quality that helps them make up for it: England and Scotland both have hot tempers but they cool easily which allows them to move on from things. Wales goes silent and moody but is hard to rile or annoy in the first place and has a lot of patience, so England’s fiery temper doesn’t affect him so much.
Ireland, however, also has a short temper and is quick to change moods. He blows up just as easily as England does but not as explosively, so whereas England will assume something is not a big deal because Ireland hasn’t screamed obscenities at him, actually it is a Very Big Deal indeed. Ireland can go very silky polite when truly angry and England, with his stubborn pride and need to have things over and done with as quickly as possible, will wrongly interpret these behaviours as ‘oh he’s trying to brush it aside, he’s seen my way of things.’ Actually, Ireland is more opposed than ever before and now has given up on whatever it was they were arguing about- he cannot be bothered to try to change England’s mind or resolve things and so he walks away stewing and angry, whereas England walks away calm again but confused.
 England also doesn’t deal with passive aggression well; it’s not how he operates and prefers to be very overt in both his opinions and actions. This blunt force way of handling things is very intense for Ireland, who simmers on his feelings and enjoys a healthy argument where both parties pick fault and go around and around in circles but without intending offense. England, whose main way of communicating disapproval is through arguments, does not gel well with this- he takes Ireland picking fault as a personal attack against him, rather than Ireland just making a point and this then leads to the inevitable real explosion.
 Ireland and Scotland still work despite Scotland’s hot temper because Scotland is a lot more laid back and confident in himself. He doesn’t read into behaviours or words for a sly attack and his pride doesn’t warp his perception of himself. You can criticise Scotland all you want, he’ll either agree that you have a point, or disagree and call you a twat but he doesn’t take it personally. England does and this is why he and Ireland experience the most friction- England can’t let things go and Ireland hides his hurt in silences so they both end up driving each other batty.
 The two are also very different people hobby-wise. On paper they should get along: Ireland loves poetry and debating, as does England, and they’re both very skilled in both. However, their preferred types of each are different and rather than happily discussing the differences, they end up fighting about ‘who is right’ instead.
 I’m not going to go into the history history of England and Ireland and how this shaped their view of each other. As I said in my Wales and England headcanon, I don’t believe nations in Hetalia can influence their government, nor can they control them. They exist as a cultural representative of their people, to guide them, help them, and remember them. England and Ireland had no role in the actions their governments had upon each other, but that doesn’t mean that they weren’t influenced by them and the English in Ireland haven’t been much of a positive influence. English Kings saw Ireland as an opportunity to gain and expand English influence and power so, although England himself didn’t do any of these actions or want them necessarily, he was still caught and tied up in it. Maybe he was shipped across the Irish sea to fight with him men, or maybe he wanted to go to be with them for support. Maybe England didn’t fight his rulers as much as he could have done in the cruel decisions they made, or maybe he let his own pride and need for recognition in Europe to help persuade him that what his leaders were doing was doing was justified.
I don’t feel comfortable digging that intimately into it, but I do believe that England defiantly didn’t do enough to stop what his government was doing and was very weak willed and shitty in how he conducted himself around these points in time. Ireland cannot blame England personally for the things his government did, but he can blame Arthur for how he personally acted, and Arthur did not act well, with his giant ego and need to be right at all times. The lingering bad blood and mistrust is very much deserved and England is aware that he Fucked Up.
For a long time, he didn’t want to accept this. He would blame others, blame Ireland, or try to minimise both how badly he’d behaved and how devastating his government’s actions were (‘he’s just sensitive! Look at the good side of things!’). It took him many, many years to accept his role in things and recognise that they were bad, and then even more years to admit this to Ireland himself. As England grew and matured and suffered his own losses, this understanding increased and eventually he was forced to accept things from Ireland’s side and admit that his actions weren’t the positive picture he liked to paint for himself. This pushed him to try and apologise, something he very rarely does.
These days, the two of them are better with each other. They’re trying, both of them. Sometimes England will say an ill-worded, offhand comment and Ireland will give him the benefit of the doubt and not jump down his throat. Sometimes Ireland will call him out, but England won’t brush the comment aside like he would have done a few decades previously, or instantly go on the defensive. They’re both working on listening and talking more, but things can still get strained at times, such as around easter, around North, around the EU, etc.
Nonny, I’m so sorry for how late this is orz. I hope that you see this, thanks so much for the ask! (These sort sof things never burn me out, don’t you worry about that)
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namikala · 2 years
Yay! There was finally a Tonbokiri & Kuwana-kun duet~!!! Father-son duet get~!! They sang 'Timeline' during the afternoon performance in Chiba on 16 June 2022.
My friend showed it to me today, though she ended up having to buy all three Chiba streams to find the one with the Tonbo-Kuwa duet... orz
We saw people on Twitter talking about the duet but they didn't say during which performance, so we assumed it would be in all the Chiba performances like how Tonbo's 'Blackout' solo was in all the Osaka performances but... turns out 'Timeline' was sung by different pairings in all three Chiba performances! orz
Tonbo and Kuwa's 'Timeline' is love though~! I love the way Kuwa looks up at the Tonbokiri-sama he so admires in the beginning. He also sounded a little nervous at the start which could be IC! XD (Though his actor was probably just nervous to be singing with Spi, who is basically recognized by his peers as one of the best singers~ :3) The lyrics are kind of sad though... about two people who just miss each other due to being in different timelines.
I saw someone mention that Tonbo and Kuwa weren't actually in the Honda household at the same time. (Though also seen others mention that they were.) I guess there's a possibility that they weren't as Tonbo was supposed to have been passed down to Tadakatsu's second son (who was supposedly the favourite but unfortunately died young on the battlefield), while Kuwa belonged to Tadakatsu's eldest son and heir, Tadamasa. Tadamasa is said to have found Kuwa on a farm shrine while out falconing one day. Kuwa was an unknown sword that Tadamasa suspected might be a lost Gou since Gou no Yoshihiro's signature was on its tang, but there were also a lot of fake Gou swords going around. So, he had the sword authenticated by a highly respected sword authenticator who confirmed that the sword he'd found was indeed a real Gou! Tadamasa then named the Gou he'd found Kuwana after the domain he'd inherited from Tadakatsu and signed his name in gold on the other side of Kuwana's tang.
Real Gou swords are supposed to be extremely rare since their smith died young, and this led to the saying 'you can never see a ghost or a Gou'.
Anyway, if we go with Tonbo and Kuwa not being in the Honda household at the same time, 'Timeline' makes a lot of sense~! And their timelines now finally overlap in Honmaru thanks to the Saniwa~!!
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Title: No Scrubs
Pairing: Jean x Mikasa
Genre: Fluff, Comedy
Warnings: Language
AU: Modern
Summary: A scrub is a guy that thinks he’s fly, and he is also known as a buster.
A/N: No one asked for this, I just wanted to write this while waiting for the requests to fill up orz My favorite song from when I was 3 years old inspired me to write this :)
“Cheers, girls!”
Four cocktail glasses lightly clinked together, and the contents were immediately consumed by their respective owners.
This was one of the rare times that Mikasa could take some time off from work and unwind. Though she enjoyed working as a private banker– a job she was passionate and dead serious about– there were times wherein she wished she could freeze everything and have more time for her social and personal life.
“Thinking about work again, Mikasa?” Sasha shouted over the club’s loud music as she grinned cheekily, snapping Mikasa out of her trance and making the rest of the girls giggle.
“Oh, no. Not at all.” she replied with a soft smile, moving her closer to the group. “I was actually thinking about how I could have more time to relax like this… I miss you girls.” she added, grinning wider.
“No need to flatter us.” Annie chimed, stoic as ever. Though the pair rarely got along, Mikasa knew that she meant well this time and shot the girl a soft smile.
“Enough chit-chat, yeah? This is a girls’ night out!” no one really knows when Christa left, but she returned from the bar with four tequila shots, urging the group to down it before they made a run for the dance floor.
“Hey, Jean, check it out. The one with the black hair was staring at your ass.”
While Jean would trust his best mate, Connie, with his life, he had to be careful when it came to letting the latter meddle with his romantic life. It seemed like every date he let Connie organize came from hell.
“I’m done with your games, Connie, so fuck you.” taking a swig of his beer, he flipped the bird at the shorter man, who was trying to suppress his laughter– obviously, he was fibbing. He didn’t even bother to look at the girl he was talking about.
“Um, she did glance at your ass, like, once, or twice.” Marco chimed in, secretly high-fiving Connie under the table. Though he loved his dear friend Jean, there were times wherein he just wanted to fuck with his head, knowing that he had full control over the other’s trust.
“Really now?” he replied, falling for it. Taking one glance at the raven-haired beauty they were referring to, he felt his heart skip a beat upon meeting eyes with her– she was his dream girl come to life. “S-should I go for it?” though his voice was starting to falter, he tried his best to ask Marco, knowing that he was the only man he could trust in this situation– Connie, Reiner, and mostly especially Bertholdt were definitely out of the question.
On a normal day, he would walk up to any girl with confidence and ask her out, be it at the park or at a club. However, she was not just any girl– she was intimidating, powerful, and beautiful. He loved it.
“I mean, why not? Like we said, she just checked you out.” Marco replied, patting his friend’s shoulder for assurance. With his free hand, he opened up his hand that was hiding under the table to receive the money Connie now owed him.
“I say smash all of them then just pick the best pussy the morning after. Or rank it.” Reiner slurred out, his dirty choice of words making the table of tipsy young men howl in laughter, save for Jean, who felt irked that he would disrespect women like that. More so that one of them was his new-found crush.
“P-pardon his French! It’s just the beer talking… o-or he’s a natural pig.” Bertholdt stuttered out as he confiscated Reiner’s drink. “I guess… I guess what he was trying to say was that you should get her number.” he added, gesturing to the ladies who were now seated at the bar, taking a break from dancing. Smirking, Jean smoothed out his shirt and fixed his hair, making his way to the beauty seated at the bar.
Now’s his chance.
He wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol or if it was his natural cockiness that persuaded him to get up and walk over to the bar, his head held high as he swaggered over to the group of ladies.
“How are you doing, ladies?” he asked upon approaching them.
“Busy.” was the only reply he got from the bored-looking blonde woman, eliciting giggles from the rest of the group. Wow, she looks and acts like a bitch, he mentally noted.
He moved away from her and closer to the black-haired girl he’s been eyeing. Once he cleared his throat, the ladies’ conversation was cut and the attention was on him.
“May I help you?” she turned to him and asked, obviously disinterested and just entertaining him for the sake of it.
“Uh, h-hey.” he stuttered, stunned by her beauty up-close. “See those guys over there? Yeah, they’re my friends. They said you were checking out my ass.”
While the other girls started giggling, teasing, and nudging her towards him, she started blushing madly as her eyes went wide in shock upon hearing what he had to say. The nerve of this man to assume that! She had never even seen this man in her life!
“Yeah, so anyway, can I get your number?” he blurted out once the laughter died down before they could turn their backs and return to their chit-chat. At this point, the beer was getting full control of his words, and there wasn’t anything he could do about it.
“No.” she replied flatly. It was starting to get more awkward by the minute, and she was hoping she could scare him off so she could return to bonding with her college friends.
“Um, can I take you out on a date?” he asked desperately, but her answer was still a firm “no”. He asked her a couple more questions, such as “can I buy you a drink” and “can I get your name?”, only to get a “no” in return.
Glancing over his shoulder, he spotted his friends laughing their guts out at him, except for Bertholdt who looked like he deeply sympathized with him. Furrowing his eyebrows, he decided to be more persistent and save himself from the humiliation.
“A fake number would be fine.” at this point, it seemed like he was begging and he probably looked like a dumbass, but he would rather save himself from his friends’ relentless teasing and the regret of not seeing the lovely lady again.
“Condom, some change, ID, coupons, pocket lint… can you even afford a date with her? Do you even own a phone?” he wasn’t sure how or when, but the brown-haired girl got a hold of his wallet and was going through its contents. He opened his mouth to protest and tried to get his wallet back back, only to have her pass it on to the shorter blonde girl.
“Mr… Jean… Kirstein, is it?” she asked softly as she read his driver’s license. “I didn’t think that you’d have a car.”
“I don’t. My friend, Marco, always lets me hitch a ride with him.” he wasn’t quite sure why he said what he said, but it only added to his embarrassment and the girls’ entertainment. 
I should stop talking and leave. The poor boy was turning redder and redder from the nitpicking and the look his crush was giving him. Pathetic, it screamed, yet he couldn’t leave even if she was staring at him in disgust and disdain. He wasn’t sure if it was his innate determination, or the alcohol that was rooting him to his spot. Either way, he wasn’t leaving without her number or name.
“No money, no car… Scrub.” the blonde bitchy woman spoke once more in that stoic tone of hers, making the girls, including his crush, explode in laughter, while Jean hung his head, defeated.
Snatching his wallet back, he turned on his heel to return to his friends. Though he knew he was going to be the butt of the joke for the rest of the night, he wasn’t sure if he was prepared for that. Once he took one step away, he felt a soft hand wrap around his wrist.
“Hey.” a soft voice called out. Turning around, he came face to face with the gorgeous lady he failed to impress. Their closeness made him break out in a cold sweat while his heart started pounding wildly. “I’m Mikasa. Here’s a fake number. Have a nice night.” she stuffed a used napkin into his palm, smiling meekly before urging him to go.
“Jean Kirstein!”
Proud smiles were painted upon his friends’ faces as they chanted his name once he reached their table. After a seemingly intense quest for a phone number, their dear friend was able to finally get what he came for.
Flashing the napkin with her number on it, he bowed cockily and grinned, while his friends applauded and patted his shoulders.
“Next round’s on me!” Connie exclaimed, standing up and making his way to the bar while his friends’ cheers got louder.
Upon closing the door behind him, he sighed heavily and removed his jacket. It was nice to finally get some fresh air and silence after spending hours at the stuffy and noisy club. Though he doesn’t remember much of it due to the countless shots and drinks they’ve had, he remembers that it ended up with him and Reiner carrying their mates out of the club and escorting them home.
He haphazardly threw his jacket on the coat rack, making the contents of his pockets fall out. Cussing, he bent down to pick up the contents– keys, coins, toothpicks… and a used napkin.
“Why the hell would I bring home a used napkin?” he muttered as he unfurled it. Seeing that there was a phone number and the name “Mikasa” scribbled on it, a lightbulb went off in his head and he recalled his long, embarrassing quest for the beautiful woman’s number. Though she emphasized that it was a fake number, he still found himself entering the digits into his phone and pressing “call”. Perhaps he had too much to drink.
After a few rings, he was starting to believe that it was indeed a fake number, making him heave a heavy sigh. Just when he was about to hang up, his call was entertained and he heard the most beautiful voice in the world greet him with a shy giggle.
“I thought you’d never call, scrub.”
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