#ratpat my beloved
the-kr8tor · 4 months
Hey remember that rat I told you I made on the beach? Yeah this was how big it was
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The two idiot friends that built it for scale (im the one in the dress)
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We used a shovel for most of it My legs hurt for the next 3 days 
Oh and we named it Ratpat because we had to pat it down so much, its species is Bigus Ratus
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Rat butt 
Ratpat!!! (I thought u named it after matpat lol) I love him already! Look at that flat fuck!! (Affectionate) He's a proper rat with that big ol rat butt! BIGUS RATUS 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
If I saw that in the distance I'd think it's a body buried in the sand lmaooo 🤣
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