#rav jio
Can I request the cultists (Jio, Daia, and Cornie) having their injuries being treated by the farmer who they're crushing on?
(Also I love your work thank you for giving this fandom all this fanfiction its so good!!)
Of course you can, dear anon! 😃 Enjoy some RSV headcanons. And thank you very much for your kind words! I'm glad enjoying reading my silly HC! 💖🫰
From the ninja hideout, there would be constant grumbling outrages from Jio along the lines of "I can handle myself!" and "My wounds are not so bad," and "Stop babysitting me!". So even a patient one can bark at a fidgety elf who's always spinning in place and scare Jio either by promise to immobilising him or hitting him with a boot so that he'll finally sit down quietly and let Farmer treat his fresh wounds. Luckily, Jio, though grumpy, was moderately wise, and he didn't argue with Farmer any further. In fact, he was glad they'd volunteered to treat his cuts from the monsters' claws - no one else would be as trustworthy as Farmer, the keeper of the peace of the entire Stardew Valley, to whom Jio had a soft spot in his heart. But he just... doesn't like to appear so helpless and weak in front of them. Though being capricious and showing pride isn't better at all.
"Oh, everything hurts so much! Can you look at my wound here? It's so, oh, it so hurts!" Something about all the moaning that Daia is letting out doesn't sound too much like painful moans from someone who is suffering from wounds. Although the wound is real, and quite nasty, it's as if the girl isn't paying much attention to it. But all her attention is directed to the face of the shy Farmer, whose cheeks are already flushed from all this flirting and Daia's ambiguous innuendos. Lady, you just almost got killed in Ridge Forest, can we take this a little more seriously? "Oops, that bandage slipped, can you wrap them tighter? Tighter~" She's hopeless. But Daia finally deigns to stop teasing Farmer and gives them a kiss on the cheek in thanks for saving her and giving her first aid. It's bad enough to think about, but Daia is ready to throw herself into a dangerous battle with the monster again if it means her object of affection will help her again.
"Oh, wow... This is embarrassing." Yep, so unfortunate to trip over a booth in Pika's restaurants, spill all the drinks, scratch her arm and left cheek, all right before her crush, who was watching everything. The waitress felt someone's strong hands take her and help her sit down on the nearest bench, then gently treat her hand with disinfectant. It was the Farmer, whose clothes now bore a huge stain from Corine's spilled drink. The girl felt even more guilty, but Farmer assured her that it was okay, that the most important thing now was Corine's wound. They're so caring, and they're so close to Corine that it's hard to hide the blush. Just then Paula came up on a call, but seeing Corine look at her with a "not now, everything is okay" look that the doctor just smiled and stayed out of the way. Things had worked out much nicer than Corine could have expected.
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rsv-sdv · 1 year
I think one of my favorite things about the RAV companion mod is that Jio is willing to be a sell sword. A soldier of fortune. A mercenary. I don't know why but I think that is very, very funny.
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