#ravishing female artist
gllloorymatheeew · 5 months
amazing lady
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julligeorgee · 4 months
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dashing woman
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lilllydaviiiid · 5 months
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woman dancing
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rachaelttthommmas · 4 months
gorgeous female
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paaaulippeeter · 4 months
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lovely lady
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monikkkasssiimon · 4 months
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sweet female
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richa23222davis · 1 day
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lllilyttthommmaaas · 4 months
sweet lady near the sea beach
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rrichanorbert · 4 months
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sweet girl
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ffloorageorge · 7 months
Meanwhile, the seas along the eastern and southern Asian coast were used by Arab and Chinese traders. He was buried in a tomb in the village necropolis. From 1918 to 1920, the Spanish flu pandemic became the most devastating influenza pandemic and one of the deadliest pandemics in history. To learn how to add open license text to Wikipedia articles, please see this how-to page. The trace from the heartbeat was projected onto a photographic plate that was itself fixed to a toy train. There are different levels of social inhibition, from mild to severe. The Moldovan authorities called these events a provocation aimed at destabilising the situation in the region. The organizer kept half the money and sent the rest to state or national officials. Less popular are black tie events, such as gala fundraisers, where men typically wear more traditional dinner suits and accessories as dictated by the dress code. Phenotypic convergence of the geometry of cephalopod and most vertebrate eyes creates the impression that the vertebrate eye evolved from an imaging cephalopod eye, but this is not the case, as the reversed roles of their respective ciliary and rhabdomeric opsin classes and different lens crystallins show. The pair mate every day or two, and every second or third day the female lays one of a clutch of five to fifteen very large, thick-shelled, green eggs. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. The similarity to contemporary sites such as Mkokotoni and Dar es Salaam indicate a unified group of communities that developed into the first centre of coastal maritime culture. Spurious legal charges and impunity in violence against journalists have remained the norm. A quantitative analysis of Liberian colonization from 1820 to 1843 with special reference to mortality. Prominent features of the area include the Javakheti Volcanic Plateau, lakes, including Tabatskuri and Paravani, as well as mineral water and hot springs. In Bulgarian, the Latin alphabet is used only in transliterations. In fact, the newly formed government was against having portraits of leaders on the currency, a practice compared to the policies of European monarchs. One of them is the so-called Maquila law by which companies can relocate to Paraguay, enjoying minimal tax rates. As of 2008, 89 resorts in the Maldives offered over 17,000 beds and hosted over 600,000 tourists annually. On 16 September 1989 the committee issued a peace plan which was accepted by all. There is a continuous circulation of water in the oceans. Like many other retirees at the time, her pension was not enough to afford adequate housing or healthcare. The 1994 election saw the return of the Greens and the demise of New Democracy. Barn owls are frequently found drowned in livestock drinking troughs, since they land to drink and bathe, but are unable to climb out. Croix speak a unique Spanglish-like combination of Puerto Rican Spanish and the local Crucian dialect of creole English. Blacksmith John Deere made his fortune when he became the first to make a plow that could reliably cut the prairie sod. He and two friends staked out the Cumberland exit of the Expressway and, in April, Rignall saw the Oldsmobile, which he and his friends followed to 8213 West Summerdale. The government regained control of the mosque after 10 days and those captured were executed.
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gllloorymatheeew · 5 months
crazy girl
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netherfeildren · 4 months
Do you know the artist Roberto Ferri?
The way they portray the female body and all the suppleness of the skin is ravishing
omg yes i love him so much!! the angel on the poster for chapter 2 of tcc is from a roberto ferri painting but there are so many others i love so much and the way he conveys touch in his painting, gorgeous gorgeous
these are some of my favorites
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