#raw egg nationalist
dichromaticdyke · 4 months
if i never look at the infowars website again it will be too soon
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
Things aren't looking good for Tim Walz...
Raw Egg Nationalist
Aug 12, 2024
Tim Walz is cooked.
When you make being a military man and everything that implies—honour, discipline, bravery, self-sacrifice, love of country—a central part of who you are and your case for leadership at the highest levels of national life, you can’t really survive having your former battalion commander say you’re a sneaky self-serving little coward—not really. Chain of command takes precedence, and all that. And certainly in America, where the military, despite years of ill-meaning political assaults, remains a hugely respected institution and object of national pride.
Here’s what Tim Walz’s battalion commander, retired Lt. Col. John Kolb, had to say about the Minnesota Governor.
“I do not regret that Tim Walz retired early from the Minnesota Army National Guard, did not complete the Sergeants Major Academy, broke his enlistment contract or did not successfully complete any assignment as a Sergeant Major. Unwittingly, he got out of the way for better leadership”
But it gets worse.
“Thomas Behrends [Walz’s replacement] was the right leader at the right time. He sacrificed to answer the call, leaving his family, business and farming-partner brother to train, lead and care for soldiers. He earned the privilege of being called Command Sergeant Major. Like a great leader he ran toward and not away from the guns.”
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gothicprep · 10 months
serious question: does anybody know where that thing in trad circles that’s like, “birth control is responsible for all the wrongs in the world” comes from? it’s past two years recent in terms of it being a somewhat mainstream talking point, but these things don’t just appear out of the ether. there’s usually some kind of precedent.
my instinct is telling me that this is a natural extension of the carnivore diet/raw egg nationalist subculture stuff, years of discourse about antidepressants (& psychiatric medication more broadly), and probably the fact that most of the people saying this are cisgender men who don’t know anything about BC outside of what they project on it. and feigned concern about ~falling birth rates~ (can never tell if that one is poorly veiled racism or being very, very bad at math) is probably another.
but I don’t think that’s the full story either..? like, i can kind of see why people mischaracterize antidepressants, because they help with functionality but not necessarily mood. “so and so is on antidepressants, but he still seems sad and out of it most of the time. i will wrongly conclude that this is all the medication’s fault and has nothing to do with my misunderstanding of what this medicine actually does”. but birth control is SO variant from person to person, and copper IUDs aren’t hormonal birth control at all!
it’s very much dumb and weird. but that’s the what. i wanna know the why.
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pregnantseinfeld · 11 months
Please tune in to my twitch debate tonight with raw egg nationalist on the question "Have sjw's made Lola Bunny unsexy?"
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deltamusings · 11 months
For example, between 1997 and 2010, under the New Labour governments of Tony Blair and then Gordon Brown, the annual figure for net migration to Britain quadrupled from 48,000 migrants a year to 198,000. Net migration across the entire period totalled over 2.2 million, more than twice the population of Britain’s second city, Birmingham.
Why did this happen? Let’s ask the architects, themselves. In 2010, Andrew Neather, a former advisor to the Labour government, went on record to say that mass immigration had been encouraged, first and foremost, “to change the make-up of Britain.” The policy was specifically designed, he said, “to rub the right’s nose in diversity”, ensuring that the UK became “truly multicultural” and making it much harder for a genuinely conservative government ever to be elected again.
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trunk--slamchest · 1 year
There will be a day where the avant garde hypervegans and the raw milk and egg nationalists are going to converge together and collapse their entire identities like two galaxies undergoing spaghettification.
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warriormale · 2 years
Check this out.....
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maddyaddy · 2 months
The owner of Twitter replies approvingly to accounts named Raw Egg Nationalist whilst you get banned for saying 'cis', in case you were wondering about the hellsite.
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deblala · 10 months
View On WordPress
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masendi-mhlongo · 1 year
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fastdiet · 1 year
🥚🇺🇸 Raw egg consumption has been a popular diet among nationalists in recent years. Advocates of this diet claim that it boosts physical strength, mental clarity, and overall health. However, health experts warn that consuming raw eggs can be dangerous and lead to foodborne illnesses. 🍳🤔 The raw egg diet for nationalists gained popularity after it was revealed that former President Donald Trump consumed raw eggs as part of his daily diet. Some supporters of the diet believe that it is a symbol of patriotism and a rejection of the mainstream food industry. However, nutritionists emphasize that a balanced diet is essential for optimal health. 🥚🚫 Despite the potential benefits of consuming raw eggs, health experts advise against it due to the risk of salmonella and other foodborne illnesses. Cooking eggs thoroughly can kill harmful bacteria and reduce the risk of illness. It is important to consult a healthcare professional before starting any new diet, especially one that involves consuming raw or undercooked foods.1. Introduction to the Raw Egg Diet for NationalistsThe Raw Egg Diet for Nationalists is a controversial diet that involves consuming raw eggs. It gained popularity among nationalists due to its association with masculinity and strength. However, it poses health risks such as salmonella and biotin deficiency. Consult a doctor before trying. 🥚 The diet involves consuming raw eggs with salt, pepper, and vinegar. It's believed to boost testosterone levels and improve muscle growth. However, there's no scientific evidence to support these claims. It's important to note that consuming raw eggs can lead to food poisoning. 🍳 The Raw Egg Diet for Nationalists is not a sustainable long-term diet. It lacks essential nutrients and can lead to malnutrition. It's important to consume a balanced diet that includes protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Consult a registered dietitian for personalized nutrition advice. 🥗 If you're considering the Raw Egg Diet for Nationalists, it's important to be aware of the risks and benefits. It's not recommended for pregnant women, children, or individuals with weakened immune systems. Always wash your hands and eggs before consuming. 🧼 In conclusion, the Raw Egg Diet for Nationalists is a controversial diet that poses health risks. It's important to consume a balanced diet and consult a doctor before trying. Remember, there's no quick fix to achieving optimal health and fitness. 💪2. The Nutritional Value of Raw Eggs for NationalistsRaw eggs are a great source of protein, vitamins, and minerals. They are rich in vitamin B12, which is essential for brain function and energy production. Eggs are also a good source of vitamin D, which is important for bone health and immune function. Raw eggs contain choline, which is essential for brain and nervous system function. Egg yolks are rich in antioxidants that protect against cell damage and inflammation. For nationalists, raw eggs are a great way to support local farmers and promote self-sufficiency. They can be consumed raw or cooked in a variety of dishes. Raw eggs can be added to smoothies or consumed as a pre-workout snack. Egg yolks can be used to make homemade mayonnaise or salad dressings. Raw eggs can be used in traditional dishes like steak tartare or Caesar salad dressing. It's important to note that consuming raw eggs carries a risk of salmonella contamination. To minimize this risk, it's recommended to purchase eggs from reputable sources and to store them properly. 🥚🍳🥗🥤 3. How to Safely Incorporate Raw Eggs into Your Nationalist DietRaw eggs are a great source of protein and nutrients for nationalists. Here are some tips for safely incorporating them into your diet: Choose fresh, high-quality eggs from a trusted source. Wash the eggs thoroughly before cracking them open. Crack the eggs into a separate bowl to check for any abnormalities. Store the eggs in the refrigerator until ready to use. Consider pasteurizing the eggs before consuming them raw. Raw eggs can be added to smoothies, dressings, and sauces. Here are some recipe ideas: Avocado and egg smoothie 🥑🥚 Caesar salad dressing with raw egg 🥗🥚 Homemade mayo with raw egg 🍴🥚 Steak tartare with raw egg yolk 🍽️🥚 Raw egg shots for a protein boost 🍹🥚 Be aware of the risks associated with consuming raw eggs, such as salmonella. If you have a compromised immune system or are pregnant, it's best to avoid raw eggs altogether.4. The Benefits of a Raw Egg Diet for NationalistsRaw egg diets provide nationalists with numerous benefits: High protein content for muscle growth and repair Rich in vitamins and minerals for overall health Low calorie count for weight loss Cost-effective and easy to prepare Raw eggs also contain choline, which improves brain function and memory. Consuming raw eggs may reduce inflammation and lower the risk of heart disease. Raw egg diets can be dangerous if not handled properly, so always use fresh, clean eggs. Consult a healthcare professional before starting any new diet, especially if you have a pre-existing condition. 🍳🥚🏋️‍♂️💪🧠💓5. Raw Egg Recipes for Nationalists to Try at HomeRaw egg recipes are not for everyone, but for those who love to try something new, here are five recipes to try at home: Raw egg smoothie: Blend one raw egg, a banana, and a cup of milk. Add honey for sweetness. 🍌🥛🍯 Raw egg salad: Mix chopped hard-boiled eggs with one raw egg, mayonnaise, and mustard. Serve on lettuce. 🥚🥗🍴 Raw egg yolk pasta: Mix one raw egg yolk with hot pasta, olive oil, and grated parmesan cheese. 🍝🧀🥚 Raw egg breakfast: Crack a raw egg into a hot skillet and cook until the whites are set. Serve with toast. 🍳🍞 Raw egg cocktail: Mix one raw egg, vodka, tomato juice, Worcestershire sauce, and hot sauce. Serve over ice. 🍹🍅🥚 Raw eggs can be risky, so make sure to use fresh, high-quality eggs and handle them properly. Enjoy these recipes at your own risk!6. Common Myths and Misconceptions about the Raw Egg Diet for NationalistsThere are several myths and misconceptions surrounding the raw egg diet for nationalists. Let's debunk them: Myth: Raw eggs are dangerous to consume. Fact: Raw eggs are safe to eat if they come from healthy chickens and are properly handled and stored. Myth: The raw egg diet is a quick fix for weight loss. Fact: The raw egg diet is not a sustainable or healthy way to lose weight and can lead to nutrient deficiencies. Myth: Raw eggs are a good source of protein. Fact: While raw eggs do contain protein, cooking them actually increases the bioavailability of the protein. Myth: The raw egg diet is a cure-all for health problems. Fact: There is no scientific evidence to support the idea that the raw egg diet can cure or prevent any health problems. Myth: Raw eggs are better for you than cooked eggs. Fact: Cooking eggs can actually increase the absorption of certain nutrients, such as lutein and zeaxanthin. Don't believe the myths. Consult a healthcare professional before starting any new diet.7. Conclusion: Is the Raw Egg Diet a Viable Option for Nationalists?After researching the Raw Egg Diet, it is not a viable option for nationalists. While it may have some health benefits, it is not a sustainable or balanced diet. Raw eggs can contain harmful bacteria. It lacks essential nutrients like fiber and carbohydrates. It can lead to nutrient deficiencies and health problems. Furthermore, there is no evidence to support the claim that it boosts testosterone levels. Overall, a well-rounded, nutritious diet is the best option for nationalists. 🍳🚫💪 In conclusion, the raw egg diet for nationalists is a controversial and potentially dangerous practice. While some claim it boosts physical and mental performance, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims. Furthermore, consuming raw eggs increases the risk of salmonella infection. It is important to prioritize health and safety over extreme dietary practices. A balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrient-dense foods is essential for optimal physical and mental well-being. Consult a healthcare professional before making any drastic changes to your diet. 🥚🚫🦠👨‍⚕️💪 #healthfirst #balanceddiet #consultaprofessional https://fastdiet.net/raw-egg-diet-for-nationalists/?_unique_id=6486f60b59be3
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darkmaga-retard · 5 days
Sunday's assassination attempt raises many questions, but only one really matters right now
Raw Egg Nationalist
Sep 18, 2024
After the events of Sunday afternoon, there’s just one question that matters now: How can we prevent Donald Trump’s enemies from killing him?
That they’re determined to kill him is now beyond doubt. There have been two attempts on Donald Trump’s life in the space of two months. This is totally unheralded in American history. Nothing like this has ever happened before.
That Trump’s enemies have been preparing for years to end his life, if necessary, is also beyond doubt. This is not a new development, but the logical endpoint of a series of escalating containment measures that have each failed, in turn: from reputation-destruction and smears, via political witch-hunts and collusion with foreign governments and intelligence services, to regime-sanctioned murder.
Here we are, as if we didn’t know it already.
The writing was on the wall from the moment Trump was elected. For eight years, we’ve been told that he’s a dictator-in-the-making, an Orange Hitler, but it’s only more recently, as it became obvious that all other forms of persecution had failed and would fail, that murder became a real option.
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lookwhatilost · 2 years
since apparently i’m the dril nasa tweet but with fad internet diets today, how about we move on to ray peat and raw egg nationalism? i feel like those two are very Right Now, Of This Moment.
ray peat seems to have been toiling since the 60s. his early supporters seemed to be people who were very into holistic medicine, but not as new age fruitarians tend to be. i think he got popular mainly because the dissident right was penetrating the mainstream at around the same time – bap mentions him in bronze age mindset. i really regret not digging more into the archives of dr internet sources to see what the history of this is. he’s been kind of reappropriated by so many hippie trends that used to be associated with left wingers.
what’s interesting with him too is that while a lot of the things i’ve been talking about in this series of posts are codified diets (proana need not apply obviously), peatism isn’t. on the forums, people create meal plans, but there’s no clear “what to eat, what not to eat”. it’s closer to a worldview, almost. which i guess is why he doesn’t like it when people call it the ray peat diet. he was just promoting eating for hormonal, metabolic thyroid health, not necessarily weight loss – more concerned with having energy, so it’s not anti-sugar. some of the meme peatist food items are orange juice, ice cream, that carrot salad that’s all over tiktok. he’s also really against seed oils and polysaturated fatty acids and pufas, whatever those are. there’s the thing about cooking with coconut oil or ghee instead of vegetable oil, but there’s no set in stone diet because of how against scientific determinism he was.
as for raw egg nationalism, drinking raw eggs has been a thing in the fitness community for a while, but raw egg nationalist took this and made it a persona. this article has a pretty good summary of the ethos:
The premise is simple really, we are nationalists of a variety that emphasize the health and vitality of the nation-state and all who live in it. The corrupted toxic food supply is an outgrowth of the large-scale low-quality mindset of globalism that has no concern other than the bottom line. No loyalty to the health and vitality of the country or anyone in it. 
correct me if i’m wrong, but it feels more like a political movement? it’s not actually suggesting that you only slonk eggs, that’s more symbolic? slonking eggs has been demonized, salmonella has been overstated, cholesterol has been overstated, reclaim the egg.
a lot of people think raw egg nationalist is a grifter. i don’t think he is – if you’re a writer, it’s sort of a necessity to be selling something. and he’s consistent. i listened to an interview with him, and he seems genuine. it does seem like a weird rebellion, though. like it’s a “fuck you” on top of a health thing.
The egg is symbolically balanced between the Apollonian solar (yolk) and the Artemisian lunar (white). The masculine virilizing nutrients are found almost entirely in the yolk. Those who are in the cult of Apollo will recognize this importance. The symbolism of the raw is a middle finger to the establishment which has long propagandized that raw eggs are dangerous. That a spoonful of raw cookie dough will almost certainly result in a painful death-by-Salmonella. 
sure, dude
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arcticdementor · 2 years
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deltamusings · 1 year
In four separate experiments, researchers from the University of Queensland, Australia showed nearly 5,000 adults in the US and UK a series of hypothetical scenarios designed to gauge their empathy for political allies and enemies. And to their shock, it turned out that conservative could actually be pretty nice. Too nice.
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ryanccoleman · 4 years
"Summerland”: Review
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“There is a place for escapism with an ethical backbone. More than ever, we need to be able to relax under the spell of fantasists we can trust not to poison us with irony or distort history to suit their ideology.“
Summerland is British dramatist and theater director Jessica Swale’s film directorial debut. It tells the story of Alice Lamb (Gemma Arterton), a misanthropic young folklorist who is forced to care for a child evacuated from London in advance of the Nazi blitz. The film opens and closes on the great Dame Penelope Wilton as older Alice in the 1970s, and flashes of the character’s memories of being an Oxford girl in the ‘20s run through the middle, but Summerland is primarily a sort of wartime conversion narrative. Alice’s nature, scarred over by love lost and gone bitter, is gradually healed by the slow emergence of maternal love for the bright-eyed and innocent child, Frank, played with preternatural nuance by newcomer Lucas Bond.
When Frank is dropped at the doorstep of Alice’s romantically isolated cliffside cottage on the outskirts of a town in East Sussex, he finds her in a bitter and recalcitrant state. For their first dinner she hands him an uncooked potato, raw ham, and a whole egg. “You don’t expect me to cook it for you? There’s the stove,” she points, and walks back to her life’s great pursuit—her writing. She spends her days laced into a rigid routine of researching and composing “academic theses, not stories,” as she corrects a prying town elder (Tom Courtenay), that use science to debunk narrative folkloric explanations for strange natural phenomena.
Her life is solitary, studious, and mercilessly subjected to the strictest self-imposed routine. The war’s sudden imposition, via Frank, on that routine brings with it other, more upbraiding interruptions. His inadvertent puncturing of the hermetic seal on her life stirs up vivid flashbacks of a time when she was, like him, looking toward the future with innocent hope. In that time, her twenties in the ‘20s, she met Gugu Mbatha-Raw’s Vera at a spring concert at Oxford. The spark was immediate, the chemistry undeniable. So began the hushed and rapturous affair whose sudden break has cast a long, withering shadow over Alice’s life. It is out from under this burden that Frank’s childlike curiosity and unquestioning faith in the goodness of other people begins to pull Alice.
Alice’s emotional flowering begins to dovetail with the subject of her latest inquiry—the Summerland myth. In the film, what Alice calls Summerland is actually Fata Morgana, or centuries-old mariner’s yarns of floating islands materializing inexplicably on the horizon, thought of as conjurings of the wicked sorceress of Arthurian lore, Morgan Le Fay. In reality, Summerland is a term created by theosophists in the 19th century to refer to a concept similar to heaven in ancient pagan cosmologies. Swale has simply nested the one within the visual of the other. Called variously The Otherworld, The Shining Land, and the Land of the Young by Celts, Summerland is “a land of eternal summer, with grassy fields and sweet flowing rivers,” like “Earth before the advent of humans,” writes popular witchsplainer Scott Cunningham. He could well be describing the pastoral, soft and sunlit setting of Swale’s film—the southeast English coast, shot gloriously on location.
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If it’s possible to resist Summerland’s principal hook, namely, Swale’s ability to tell an intricately plotted, politically engaged, at times bleak story in a way that feels as sublime, escapist, and low stakes as the folklore its heroine is investigating, then the locations which provide backdrop for it all prove irresistible. It’s simply impossible to look at Gemma Arterton with no makeup on, hair free and flowing down her back, clad in a warm wardrobe of rustic, earth-toned skirts and cardigans, scrawling something about wildflowers in her leatherbound notebook, emblazoned against the operatic white chalk cliffs being continually washed by the sparkling sapphire sea and not feel instantly soothed, regardless of what else is going on, in her life or yours.
Landscape is then not just backdrop, it is central to the film’s most potent attribute—its palliative effect on the weary and discontented viewer’s soul. Cunningham’s evocation of Summerland, as an oasis suspended in time, above and parallel to the conflicted world, where all pain is temporarily abolished, extends beyond how the film looks to how it feels, landing at this particular moment.
Like the floating islands that give it its name, Summerland hovers above real life without ever quite touching down. In the moments the film’s dramatic conflicts threaten to break through the amniotic stasis of its sun-drenched cinematography, romantic thematic pursuits, and effervescent dialogue, Swale vanishes the stakes. Only one line is spoken about what would have been the multiply illicit nature of Arterton and Mbatha-Raw’s relationship, for instance. “They think we should burn in hell,” Alice has to explain to Frank, who in all his totemic, childlike innocence, has managed somehow to avoid homophobic social inculcation. Never mind the fact that their relationship, in addition to being same sex, was cross racial. What would it have been like for Vera, as a woman-loving Black woman, to navigate a white ethno-nationalist empire during a time when homosexuality (though lesbianism was never targeted explicitly in the laws) was punishable by exile, hard labor, and even imprisonment? We can only imagine, because that’s not Summerland’s game.
Summerland isn’t a dirge-like, finger-wagging history lesson like The Imitation Game. Nor is it bright, confectionary, period-set escapism like Autumn de Wilde’s recent adaptation of Emma. It’s somewhere in between, more akin to Jonathan Levine’s Long Shot, which embraces contemporary cultural politics without really getting into them. The result is a kind of guilt-free indulgence in classical Hollywood narrative constructs, made possible not by inverting or deconstructing them, but by simply updating who gets to negotiate their terms. This sounds like criticism but I for one am fully on board. Long Shot was one of my favorite movies of last year, and Summerland is one of my favorite movies this year so far. There is a place for escapism with an ethical backbone. More than ever, we need to be able to relax under the spell of fantasists we can trust not to poison us with irony or distort history to suit their ideology. Spoiler alert, but Summerland has a happy ending. Would you expect that from a period film with an interracial lesbian couple at its center? You wouldn’t, but wouldn’t you like to?
copyright © 2020 Ryan Christopher Coleman
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