#raz bloodmane
“What will it become of me?”
So… Azir will have to abdicate.
This is the harsh decision I’d been previously talking about in the Soothsayer section
This isn’t just me pulling even more so from TBSkyen’s playbook – check out his What’s The Deal With Azir if you haven’t – but doing what’s objectively the best thing for everyone, and agreeing is necessary.
The night before he does it he summons all his retainers and friends in a private meeting and tells them that what awaits them will be something that’s never been done before. And like he was told, it will sting like removing a thorn: necessary pain.
From that day forward, his crown will forever be replaced by Taliyah’s handmade coronet.
First, he’s welcomed fine. Well, even. People applaud him and cheer for him and tell him he did the best thing. He’s not even, like, giving up on absolute power to live a soft cottage life on his own (especially since I loathe that trope). He’ll still live in the palace and wield power, just a power that’s shared and earned instead of owed and given.
But once he leaves the dais and goes to his rooms to freshen up… suddenly he’s in tears.
No, why? Why? What’s happening. I did the right thing. I did everything right. Why am I crying? What’s wrong with me stop stop stop I don’t want to cry why am I feeling so bad why…
But deep down he knows why. He threw away everything he ever was – everything he worked for – in exchange for a fairer, yet uncertain future. No more "no god but Azir". No more celebrations. No more tributes and worship. Just an ugly ruined bird body and a mighty enemy who hates him.
And he knows Xerath is probably laughing at him, from wherever he is. So he was right, he's not an Emperor anymore.
Even if for a good cause – he lost everything now.
"My lord? We're about to begin the toasts. Are you..."
Nasus finds him as he sits on his own bedchambers, repurposed and cleaned for a fair rest. He races to him, looking about at his body and around the room. But he knows, more than ever, that most of Azir's tears come from a pain he cannot see.
He put his halberd aside and sits by his side, embracing him in the now familiar motion.
"Oh, baby bird..."
"What will become of me?"
"I..." Nasus cannot speak. He can't leave Azir hanging, but at the same time there's not joy in that truth. And his child has suffered quite enough.
So he just sits there and hugs him.
After a while, with Azir still shedding tears, Sivir finds them too. She sits behind Azir this time and pulls him close. Then Taliyah follows, curling up between his arms and Nasus' and allowing him to hold her as he weeps.
Somehow it's reassuring to see him so distraught. That means the sacrifice was there, the choice was indeed hard, and they can count on him as a guardian even if he's not a god on earth.
But after growing to like him, after knowing what he went through up to that point, those tears sting them too.
After his tears have expired, Azir stands up, wipes his face and kisses each one's forehead.
"I don't know what happened, I just... I couldn't hold back"
"Is your choice done?", Nasus asks. Azir gives him a distant nod. "Like removing a thorn, is it not? Heh..."
"Have a drink," Sivir says. "Relax for the night. Just celebrate like all of us. I've learned that if you worry too much you end up empty-handed. And we don't want that, don't we Azir?"
"She's right. You deserve a night of fun. Maybe it'll help you find your way as it did me".
Taliyah holds him by the hand and gently leads him back to the hall where everybody is celebrating on the newly risen People's Republic of Shurima. Mercenaries and merchants, commoners and bourgeoisie, naasaj and Nazumah, old loyalists and new friends, some old and most young. Even Renekton, in the isolated temple where he's been put to rehabilitate, was brought some of the foods and a small drink. Just one day ago he allowed Azir to touch his face. Your hand is so soft, he said.
Was it not unsafe, he almost wishes Xerath could see it. Another loss for him, and a win for them all.
He watches as specialties from all around the land are brought in, different wines are mixed together; as Taliyah's young friends show off their sails to K'Sante's ex beloved Tope, General Adanna twirls in her beautiful dress as Samira and Akshan clap, and the same Soothsayer who foretold this same event laughs as Raz Bloodmane fills his mouth with grapes until it bursts. She probably saw that too.
So let us dance, let us applaud, let us be one. Tomorrow we'll think of the future – plans for battle, shelter, music and art, and Azir's own new masterpiece: a state home for orphans called House of Imani.
I was wrong. I did not lose everything after all.
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ravenkult · 4 years
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Raz bloodmane - Legends of Runeterra by JiHun Lee https://www.artstation.com/artwork/ELQP5A
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Raz Bloodmane
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