#razz berry overdrive
limbonica · 2 years
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My OC Razz Berry Overdrive
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sexy-sans-the-ass · 7 years
How would the ut, us, sf and fs sans react to there SO on a sugar high? and after a sugar high?
This is so cute, omg?
Classic (Ut Sans)
He could only sit on the couch and watch as you and his brother went berserk. Usually, Papy was the energetic one, but you had gotten into something that has you bouncing off the walls right behind him. You and Papy together were a force of nature. Unlike Papy, however, your energy was temporary, and Classic watched as you slowly- visibly- became more depleted. Then you just...dropped. Classic simply got up and scooped you off the floor, telling his brother you needed a nap, and took you upstairs to tuck you into his bed. You were gonna have the shakes something fierce tomorrow, but he would take care of you, no sweat.
Blueberry (Us Sans)MWEHEHEH! DATEMATE, LET’S RACE! “Yeah, okay! Stretch, count us off!” Stretch was a little overwhelmed. Both you AND Blue had gotten into way too much sugar, and not only was is already overexcited brother running on overdrive, but now YOU were off the wire too! He needed a smoke. ‘ready. set. go,’ he mumbled dutifully, and the two of you were off like a shot to only Asgore knew where. He supposed he would find out where your race led the two of you later. And he did, because Alphys called him and told him you and his bro had crashed into her house, argued about someone being a winner for a solid two minutes, and then promptly crashed out in the middle of her living room floor, dead to the world. Stretch could only apologize and assure the amused lizard lady that he would indeed come and get you two.
Blackberry (Sf Sans)
He and Mutt had gone out to do some shopping. You had stayed home because you were cleaning. But when they got home, they found you dancing aggressively to a fast paced song. You were playing Just Dance, and you were surrounded by the carnage of what HAD to be an actual metric ton of sugary drinks and snacks. They could do nothing but watch you in awe. The whole thing was a...beautifully terrifying sight. Eventually, you passed out cold, just dropped like a brick and lay sprawled among your wreckage, peacefully asleep. Blackberry shook himself from his stupor to take you upstairs and told Mutt to deal with the...aftermath. But since you had already cleaned the house, the only thing the taller skeleton needed to clean was your nest of junk food packaging. It was...almost a shame, to destroy such glorious chaos.
Razzberry (Fs Sans)
You were usually so calm and easygoing. It usually calmed this anxious berry to be around you. But one day, you got hella hopped up on sugar, and you were all over the place, bouncing off the walls and racing about no holds barred. Razz had to hide and wait it out because the second hand restlessness almost sent him into an anxiety attack. Once it was all over, and you were crashed out in your shared bed, Rus warned his brother about the post-hype low, and let him know that you wouldn’t function too well at first, but it wouldn’t be long before you were back to your usual self, which Razz was greatly relieved to hear.
Poor, timid, precious lil’ Razzbaby. Lmao, second hand restlessness. I went into a sugar high when I was younger (and home alone) and when my parents came home they found me crashed out on the roof and cuddling a giant stuffed fish. I can barely remember anything from before I was seven, so I dunno if it happened or not, but it honestly sounds like something I would do. I dunno. Anyways, enjoy~!
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