#rb liveblog: too happy for words
thebirdandhersong · 3 years
Apparently my new favourite pairing subcategory now involve an over-energetic and enthusiastic hotshot who is an absolute sweetheart and tries (but constantly fails) to hide his heart of gold (Kang-ho in Your Honour and Hae-kang in Racket Boys), and a quiet, reserved, extremely diligent girl with a lot of ambition and kindness, who you really don’t want to cross (So-eun in Your Honour and Se-yoon in Racket Boys)
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pangolin-404 · 3 years
the property of hate chapter 9 + 10 liveblog/thoughttime/somethingsomething I like the character design of this comic a lot
ALSO I’ve noticed a couple people rb-ing or replying to some earlier stuff so for uuuh this onward please don’t spoil anything, don’t explain anything at all even if you think it’s nothing, try not to tag characters whose names haven’t been revealed at that point (or wait a day before going back to it? so my notifs cycle through? idk if that’s too much to ask), and please keep memeing abt chars to a minimum, I like having no idea what’s going on lol (edit: I’ve finished reading wooo)
While this is a late thought, the time between readings made me start to wonder what ability Hero has to bring things to life. I’m assuming she brought Assok to life, based on how RGB worded it, and given his surprise, he’s surprised by her ability. I wonder what about Hero revived the tree.
I worry greatly for TOby; they’re way too close to the edge of that place for my liking. I also like the dead-eyed thousand yard stare they have 90% of the time
more rambling about designs here: The longer I look at Melody’s design the more it hurts my brain; the way she’s put together out of a million instruments, it’s taking me a while to get a visual on what’s analogous to a mouth, eyes, etc., it’s so cool. Also I realized RGB has never fully “shut” his “mouth” yet; there’s always at least some of the color bars showing. I wonder if he even can
I’m endeared by how, despite Hero’s conflicted feelings towards RGB, she still puts his hat back on. he keeps loosing his hat. do not separate them (both RGB and his hat and RGB and Hero)
I wonder how many people RGB’s gotten attached to who convinced him to try taking them home. I doubt anything good happened on those attempts.
I wish I knew what sheet music symbols meant so I can get a vibe on Melody’s tone on things. All I know is that f is Loud
melting over how RGB is knelt to speak at Hero’s level. ik it could be because the “ball and chain” brought him down but let me have this
going feral over this worldbuilding. the tree. the roots and flowers. the market??
Hero.., untying RGB because she’s worried,,,, AUAUAUAUAAAAA WAA
The force of the tone shift in this comic is so powerful. everything’s all happy and lighthearted and I Do Not Like how the waves or whatever swept Julienne and Melody away in pure silence
gonna set that weird little butterfly moth thing on fire. I don’t trust it. it can turn invisible apparently. Unsure if Hero knows it’s there or if it being close made her think about being wise and such. but while she doesn’t trust RGB (or fears Evil Twisted Twin RGB), she trusts everyone else. and she feels they trust him, even if RGB himself doesn’t believe that. her believing this ticks off the butterfly YEEAAAHH. brb catch me crying in the club
I just had a thought. I wonder if the butterfly moth thing is this “her” or an agent/familiar of hers. Hm.
Any critical thinking has gone out of the window RGB GLOWS RGB GLOWS RGB GLOWS UEAAUYAYEYEA YYAAAAEEAAAHH
love this logic where by making the area darker, she can see things in a new way. Hero can hear her own heartbeat so loudly. I don’t think RGB can do this same thing; he doesn’t glow like her (doesn’t even have ears!); and is one of the dullest things there. love her face in this scene. going :D at everything
the way RGB appears in this is so odd. In some panels it looks like there’s a whitish glow in his chest, and in others he seems scratchier, darker. He knows something about Assok; starting to think he didn’t just deduct that when figuring out the tree (or if I knew all that beforehand).
So: A burning light masks itself to protect the world. A voice reveals the world would hate and fear it without the mask. The light shatters its mask. Here, RGB says the sun broke - is the sun the mask? Whichever, 5 trees fell: one fell into a wasteland, one drowned, one sank into a mire, one turned to ice, and the fifth was lost forever.
Tied together by darkness, the forests lifted the sea up to extinguish the fire. The sea of Limen is still there, in case the sky ever catches blaze again, to provide shelter and safety.
Hero, upon hearing of what sounds a lot like a prophecy/start up to a hero’s journey: So we go free the other 4 trees, right? RGB: HA. YOU FOOLISH CHILD, WE ARE SO WEAK COMPARED TO THE TREES. WE COULD NEVER HOPE TO DO SUCH THING. In fact whatever powerful force trapped it in the first place freed it with intent to set us on fire! Hero: oh
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I’m going to lose my mind. staring at this image so hard. osmosing the raw power these characters give off they are all perfect in every way. that snake, that bird in the corner, that wiggle giraffe amargasaur thing, that boney bird-fear lookin thing back there, the thing with the snazzy tassels, I am losing it
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I will not lose my mind over another object head I will not loose my mind over another object head I will not lose my mind over another object head I will not lose my mind over another object head I will not lose me mind over another object h
all of these character designs are right up my alley.
amazing. incredible. I’ve been staring at these panels for 8 hours now
uuuh right ending thoughts time: that story is definitely going to return later; I think the other trees have a good chance of showing up, as is that creepy butterfly moth thing, uuuUUUuuh gonna stare at these panels some more goodbye
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thebirdandhersong · 3 years
I don’t have a favourite Racket Boys kid but at the same time Yoon-dam is my favourite Racket Boys kid
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thebirdandhersong · 3 years
“I want to hang out with them, eat meals with them, train together, and so on. You know better than anyone that I don’t have any friends” I'm adopting another child now, apparently
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thebirdandhersong · 3 years
s;lkfj ls;kdj there is an official instagram account for Racket Boys (same username as Yoon-dam’s account in the show, down to the heart and the profile picture and everything) and all the little videos and photos are all IN CHARACTER
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thebirdandhersong · 3 years
Racket Boys is all about expressing love (familial, romantic, and platonic) through:
1) asking if you've eaten
2) making food for you
3) sharing their food with you
4) inviting you over for meals
5) buying you a drink
6) pouring a drink for you
7) buying snacks for you
8) feeding you (as in: giving food, and also actually feeding you it)
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thebirdandhersong · 3 years
Ready to fight this man once again
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thebirdandhersong · 3 years
I’m SO bad at not spoiling things when I’m excited (flashback to when I was watching Shadow and Bone with a friend and accidentally referred to someone as the Darkling’s mother during episode two or something, wayyyy before the Reveal............ cone of shame) so I am trying not to say much about Racket Boys but boys howdy I am bursting to talk. SPECIFICALLY about certain moments in Racket Boys
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thebirdandhersong · 3 years
Yoon-dam is Such a showing love through acts of service boy and so is Hae-kang and I love them both. SO MUCH
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thebirdandhersong · 3 years
Yoon-dam being a good son, a good brother, AND a good friend is too much to handle tbh
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thebirdandhersong · 3 years
Oh now I HAVE to look up Tang Jun-sang's work
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thebirdandhersong · 3 years
The plot twists in Racket Boys continue to be Kindness
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thebirdandhersong · 3 years
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thebirdandhersong · 3 years
I love the way they approach the Question of the Episode through different characters and different situations. This episode's theme is What Is Love? and you have Hae-in asking everyone what it means, you have the teens (Hae-kang) having Minor Crises and hissy fits over romantic drama, you have the grown-up spouses, you have the granny cooking for the kids, you have the new neighbours consistently choosing Acts of Service over Just Driving Away........... What Is Love? The whole episode is a response to that question
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thebirdandhersong · 3 years
MAN the kids in this series are not subtle at ALL!!! (they're SO cute)
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thebirdandhersong · 3 years
;slkdfj dls;kjf kl;dsj their idea of the Best Restaurant is their neighbourhood granny's cooking
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