#rdd2 rp
prpfs · 2 months
🤠🐎 Howdy, partner. I've slipped back into the Arthur Morgan Muse hard, and am looking for some rps in the Red Dead Redemption 2 universe! I'm a 21+ F who writes on discord. My activity varies from once a week to once a day, and I write anywhere from 3-8 paragraphs per reply, or more depending on the scene. I'm mainly looking to write this troubled cowboy against some OCs, so bring me any you have!! No need to double, and m/f/nb/trans characters all welcome :) if you don't want to write an oc, a couple ships I have with him are Arthur x John, Arthur x Kieran, Arthur x Charles, and Arthur x Abigail-- though I can be swayed to writing him against some of the other female characters around camp!! I really just want to write a little romance with him in this complicated setting. Looking for someone patient and willing to be friends ooc! Please like this and I'll message you!
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tragedienes-archive · 4 years
character: mary ester open: m/f/nb plot: 1889. mary ester is a farm girl from kansas, she ran away from the farm to get away from her religious family and the staunch gender roles enforced on the range, eventually making her way into an outlaw gang for the thrill of it all. since she’s so new to the whole being an outlaw lifestyle, she doesn’t even know how to fire a gun.
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her arm nearly buckles underneath the weight. it shouldn’t have, the chores on the mctavish farm gave mary ester muscles that other girls of her age sorely lacked, but the mctavish farm was hundreds of miles away and felt like hundreds of years ago. an outlaw gang is no place for a girl, but neither is the range; everything she does is under the pretense that a girl like her, a beautiful girl, cannot do it. she cannot do this, shoot a gun, mary ester mctavish is no annie oakley, but she meets every challenge with enthusiasm. as long as she remains bright and cheery, there’s nothing that will stand in her way. gripping the rifle in her hands uncomfortably, her stance is awkward and wrong, but she refuses the help of the outlaw watching her. “i can do it!” mary ester protests, readjusting her hold. it feels more comfortable, more correct, so she squeezes her finger on the straining trigger. she feels the gun go off before she hears it, nearly knocking her back onto her skirts. the outlaw’s hands steady her shoulders and mary ester turns to look at them when she’s upright again, smile as bright as the moon. “told ya’ i could do it!”
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prpfs · 6 months
🌵I have FINALLY started playing Red Dead Redemption 2 and am already in love with one grumpy and kind Arthur Morgan. I’m 21+ F and am looking for a 21+ partner over discord to play this lovely gunslinger against a male or female OC of mine. I do not double. Keep in mind that I haven't finished the game yet, so something loosely based on the plot would be preferably. I love adventure, romance, high stakes, and enjoy my dark and gritty plots, too. I’m also down for nsfw elements if you’d like.
Like this post and I’ll reach out!
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prpfs · 3 months
👢Hey there! 25 F looking for an rp partner that's okay with fandom crossovers. I've been between playing Red Dead Redemption 2 and Final Fantasy VII compilation and am looking to do a crossover with the two. The gist is a meteor made of mako crystal carrying Sephiroth crashes onto earth near the Van Der Linde camp. Takes place somewhere in chapter 2 of Red Dead. Keep in mind this Sephiroth will be a post-Nibelheim incident Sephiroth with pre-Nibelheim incident memories. He will not be able to recall his death or some of the events leading to his death.
Long story short I'm looking for someone who's willing to be some of the Van Der Linde gang members. Will contain some heavy or 18+ topics. If you're interested send a quick message to my discord here at moonmars4125 and we'll talk there!
discord: moonmars4125
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prpfs · 6 months
hey! i’m a 20 year old female ( she/her ) that is currently looking for a red dead redemption 2 / rdr2 roleplay! you must be over the age of 18 to roleplay with me and i do prefer to have some nsfw, though i do not like it being the whole roleplay. i’m okay with dead dove themes and have no triggers. please be able to write a 100 words at minimum, im a semi-lit roleplayer and anything less than 100 words tends to bore me. i’m looking for oc x cc doubles, so i play your love interest and you play mine. i’m willing to portray anyone, my love interests tend to vary. if you’re interested, please interact with this post and i will get back to you! 💋🕊️
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