#re trevor rabin era: those albums are neat but I think the songs I like on those albums and the songs my dad likes from them
doedipus · 8 months
roundabout being the yes pick for best 70s song feels whack. like I know it's because of jojo but I'm still kind of surprised it's not something off the yes album
like okay, my dad's favorite yes album from the era is fragile (I believe his absolute faves are the ones in the trevor rabin era), so from a sample size of two it's understandable to pull from there. it's a good, solid album.
but personally I think the folksier angle a lot of the yes album goes for is probably more accessible and probably a better pull for a "best 70s song" kind of poll. like if you reach for a 70s yes song everyone can agree on you get like, starship trooper or yours is no disgrace
well, and then on the other hand, I really like relayer, man. the gates of delirium is probably like my single favorite yes song, and sound chaser is a close second. but no fuckin way are either of those songs good in the way a "best 70s song" contender would have to be.
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