#re: ‘being dangerously obese is bad but florence didn’t seem to have any related health issues’;
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It's kinda bothersome to me how no one speaks about the slight fat-shaming the show had. Like I get being overweight to a point where you need medicine and you can't walk and all is bad, but Florence didn't seen to have any health issues due to her weight and rather, she had issues regarding how people see her and how they treat her because of her appearance, WHICH COULD'VE BEEN A GOOD MESSAGE about how you should respect people and their choice with their bodies and not judge them for it. I know we don't know much about the cancelled episodes, but the idea of Florence losing weight for putty to date her is so so unhealthy and weird. I would've liked it if Florence would try to lose weight for HERSELF rather than putty. Or even just not lose weight at all and gain confidence and respect for herself and not let others insults her. Also what reverend did to her was really shitty and idk why no ones speaking about it. Anyway the episode about her really bothered and saddened me and I wish we had more context and episodes about it.
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